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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of occlusal enamel alterations utilizing depolarization imaging based on PS-OCT

Golde, Jonas, Tetschke, Florian, Vosahlo, Robin, Walther, Julia, Hannig, Christian, Koch, Edmund, Kirsten, Lars 14 November 2019 (has links)
While dental caries represents the major chronic disease of humans, visual and tactile inspection are the methods of choice in daily dental practice. Several optical technologies have been developed in recent years for the purpose of dental examination, including near-infrared light transillumination as a promising tool for the supplementation and partial replacement of radiography. In case of occlusal alterations, the incidence of surface discolorations impedes the visual assessment, whereas tactile inspection appears to yield little diagnostic information or might be detrimental. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) facilitates depth-resolved imaging with μm resolution, utilizing near-infrared light, and has already shown its potential for various dental applications. We have recently demonstrated that depolarization imaging utilizing the degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) extends those abilities by the detection of early carious lesions, as it provides an unambiguous demineralization contrast. Here, we show that this approach also enables the assessment of occlusal enamel lesions in the presence of stains, and compare PS-OCT cross sections with polarized light microscopy (PLM) images of thin sections. For tooth samples with discoloration or demineralization, respectively, PS-OCT and PLM results are in good agreement.

Dental Caries in Rats Associated with Candida albicans

Klinke, Thomas, Guggenheim, Bernhard, Klimm, Wolfgang, Thurnheer, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
In addition to occasional opportunistic colonization of the oral mucosa, Candida albicans is frequently found in carious dentin. The yeast’s potential to induce dental caries as a consequence of its pronounced ability to produce and tolerate acids was investigated. Eighty caries-active Osborne-Mendel rats were raised on an ampicillin-supplemented diet and exposed to C. albicans and/or Streptococcus mutans, except for controls. Throughout the 28-day test period, the animals were offered the modified cariogenic diet 2000a, containing 40% various sugars. Subsequently, maxillary molars were scored for plaque extent. After dissection, the mandibular molars were evaluated for smooth surface and fissure caries. Test animals exposed to C. albicans displayed considerably more advanced fissure lesions (p < 0.001) than non-exposed controls. While S. mutans yielded similar results, a combined association of C. albicans and S. mutans had no effect on occlusal caries incidence. Substituting dietary sucrose by glucose did not modify caries induction by C. albicans. However, animals fed a diet containing 20% of both sugars showed no differences to non-infected controls. Smooth surface caries was not generated by the yeast. This study provides experimental evidence that C. albicans is capable of causing occlusal caries in rats at a high rate. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Zahngesundheit bei übergewichtigen und adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen / Dental health in overweight and obese children and adolescents

Simon, Alexandra Rebecca 15 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Förebyggande tandvård för att främja oral hälsa hos äldre : - En registerstudie bland individer 65 till 70 år i Värmland / Preventive dental care to promote oral health in elderly : - A register-based study among individuals 65 to 70 year, in the Region of Värmland

Seleskog, Birgitta January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kariessjukdomen hör till en av världens vanligaste sjukdomar med flertalet kända orsaks- och riskfaktorer. För att bevara en god oral hälsa utgör förebyggande tandvård en betydelsefull del bland äldre och kan ha en stor inverkan på en individs livskvalitet. Karies kan förebyggas och behandlas med stöd av patientutbildning och förebyggande tandvård, en hälsoinsats som främjar framförallt individen men även samhället med minskade resurs- och vårdkostnader. Syfte: Övergripande syftet med studien var att kartlägga förekomst och fördelning av registrerade förebyggande åtgärder i relation till karies bland individer 65 till 70 år, bofasta i Värmland 2017. Metod: Studiens design var en tvärsnittsstudie av individdata (n=2738) från 65- till 70-åriga individer bosatta i Värmland och undersökta i tandvården, Region Värmland 2017. Data baseras på Svenskt Kvalitetsregister för Karies och Parodontit (SKaPa) åren 2017 och 2018. Resultat: Närmare trefjärdedelar av individerna hade ingen tillståndskod för karies registrerad (72,1%). Det var ungefär dubbelt så vanligt med tillståndskoder för sekundärkaries jämfört med primärkaries, 684 respektive 291 registreringar. Totalt registrerades 742 sjukdomsförebyggande åtgärder (200-serien) och 3495 sjukdomsbehandlande åtgärder (300-serie). ”Icke-operativ behandling” var den åtgärd som starkast associerades till individer med kariestillstånd (OR 3,83; CI 3,04–4,83). ”Information vid risk för sjukdom” var starkast associerad till individer utan kariestillstånd.  Antalet erhållna förebyggande åtgärder var snedfördelad och kunde variera från en upp till nio behandlingar per individ. Konklusion: Resultatet i denna studie talar för betydelsen av ytterligare studier inom förebyggande tandvård som hälsofrämjande insats för att främja oral hälsa bland äldre individer med kariessjukdom. Beteendemedicinsk prevention är en underutnyttjad åtgärd som behöver övervägas inom den förebyggande tandvården. / Introduction: Dental caries is one of the most common diseases worldwide with well-known risk factors. In order to maintain a good oral health, preventive dental care is an important part for elderly people and impacts on an individual´s quality of life. Dental caries can be prevented and treated with patient support, education and preventive dental care. Health promotion activities within dental care contributes to the individual’s well-being and reduces costs for the society.   Aim: The overall aim was to identify the occurrence and distribution of registered preventive dental care in relation to caries, among individuals aged 65 to 70 years resident in the county of Värmland in 2017.  Method: A cross-sectional register-based study of individual data (n= 2738) from 65 to 70-year-old individuals resident and dental examined, in the county of Värmland in 2017. Data was obtained from The Swedish Quality Registry for Caries and Periodontal Diseases (SKaPa) from years 2017 and 2018.  Results: Nearly three-quarters of the individuals had no caries conditions registered (72,1%). Secondary caries-conditions were about twice as common compared to primary caries, 684 and 291 registrations, respectively.  A total of 742 preventive-treatments and 3495 preventive disease-treatments were registered. “Non-invasive treatment” had the strongest association to individuals with caries conditions (OR 3,83; CI 3,04-4,83). The treatment “information when risk for disease” had the strongest association to individuals without caries conditions. The number of obtained preventive treatments were skewed and could vary from one up to nine treatments per individual. Conclusion; The results of this study indicate the importance of further studies of preventive dental care as a health promotion achievement to promote oral health among older individuals with dental caries disease. Behavioral medical prevention is underused and needs to be considered in preventive dental care in the future.

Karies i Kosovo Relaterad till Sociala Bestämningsfaktorerer / Dental Caries in Kosovo Related to Social Determinants

Begu, Besa January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att via intervjuer av nyckelpersoner, varav tre inom vårdsektorn och en antropolog, identifiera en del av de faktorer som påverkar arbetet med att förbättra den orala hälsan och i synnerhet införandet av ett förebyggande tandvårdssystem i Kosovo. Kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra nyckelpersoner genomfördes och analyserades enligt Graneheim och Lundmans kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Resultat av intervjumaterialet mynnade ut i följande kategorier: Förebyggande tandvård saknas, Socioekonomiska hinder, Brist på strategi och fakta och God vilja. Kategorierna visar på följande faktorer som påverkar situationen för den orala hälsan i Kosovo. Det finns en hälsoplan där man bland annat planerar att minska kariesförekomst med 10 procent fram till år 2014, men den verkställs inte. Detta får till följd att kariesprevalensen fortfarande är hög och akuttandvården dominerande. Resultat från intervjuerna visar även att sociala bestämningsfaktorer påverkar oral hälsa och tillgången till tandvård, patienter med låg socioekonomisk status undviker tandvården och söker vård endast vid akut värk. Respondenterna uppgav att epidemiologiskt underlag och forskning skulle underlätta utveckling av olika preventiva aktivitetsprogram. Brist på ett sjukförsäkringssystem och korruption anses förhindra utvecklingen av en fungerande förebyggande tandvård. I intervjumaterialet har faktorer identifierats som på sikt gynnar införandet av den förebyggande tandvården. Man har nyligen startat en kurs i förebyggande tandvård vid odontologiska fakulteten i Pristina. Studien visar att avsaknad av ett förebyggande tandvårdssystem försvårar situationen för den orala hälsan i Kosovo. De sociala bestämningsfaktorerna påverkar idag tillgången till tandvården och även utveckling av hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet. / The aim of the study was that through interviews with key persons, including three in health sector and an anthropologist, identify some of the factors affecting the work to improve the oral health and especially the introduction of a preventive dental care system in Kosovo. Qualitative interviews with four key persons was conducted and analyzed, according to Graneheim and Lundmans qualitative content analysis. Results of the interviews fall into the following categories: Preventive dental care is lacking, Socio-economic barriers, Lack of strategy and facts and Good will. The categories show the following factors affecting the situation of the oral health in Kosovo. There is a health plan that includes plans to reduce tooth decay by 10 percent until 2014, but it is not being executed. This has the effect of caries prevalence is still high, and emergency dental care is dominant. Results from the interviews also show that the social determinants affect oral health and access to dental care, patients with low socioeconomic status avoids dental care and seek treatment only for acute pain. Respondents stated that the epidemiological data and research would facilitate the development of preventive activity program. Lack of a health insurance scheme and corruption are considered being barriers for the development of a workable preventive dental care. The interviews also identified factors which ultimately favor the introduction of preventive dental care. Recently the faculty in Pristina started a course in preventive dentistry. The present study shows that the lack of a preventive dental care system complicates the situation for the oral health of Kosovo. The social determinants are affecting the access to dental care and also development of the health care system.

Vegetarisk kost och dess påverkan på den orala hälsan

Dahl, Therese, Håkansson, Terese January 2014 (has links)
Många faktorer påverkar den orala hälsan, däribland kosten. Idag finns många olika kosttyper samt livsstilar, och något som ökar i Sverige är den vegetariska kosthållningen. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är därför att kartlägga vilken inverkan vegetarisk kost har på den orala hälsan. Artiklarna som användes i denna litteraturstudie hämtades från databasen PubMed, och studiernas referenslistor granskades kritiskt. Det upptäcktes också artiklar genom referenslistgranskningen. Totalt användes 11 artiklar i denna studie och dessa visade på vissa skillnader mellan vegetarianers och icke-vegetarianers orala hälsa. Två studier påträffade en ökning av salivsekretionen hos vegetarianer. En olikhet gällande män och kvinnors kariesförekomst observerades. En del av studierna som berörde ämnet karies, visade på en högre förekomst hos vegetarianerna. En annan del visade det motsatta. Det har förekommit en ökad eller ingen ökad frekvens av tanderosion och abrasion hos vegetarianer. Gällande det parodontala fanns motsägande resultat om vegetarianerna hade bättre parodontal hälsa eller inte. En ökad konsumtion av grönsaker samt en minskad konsumtion av alkohol och sötsaker har observerats hos vegetarianer. Slutsatsen av denna litteraturstudie är att det finns motstridiga resultat kring hur den orala hälsan påverkas vid vegetarisk kost. Det krävs därför mer forskning. / Many factors affect oral health, including diet. Today there are many different types of diet and lifestyles, and particular the vegetarian diet is increasing in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of vegetarian diet on oral health. The articles used in this study were taken from the database PubMed, and reference lists of the studies were examined critically. Further articles were also discovered by reviewing the reference list of the original articles. There were a total of 11 articles in this study and these showed some differences between vegetarians and non-vegetarians oral health. Two studies find an increase in saliva secretion in those on a vegetarian diet. A difference regarding men's and women's caries prevalence was observed. Some of the studies involving substance caries, showed a higher incidence in vegetarians. Another part showed the opposite. There has been an increase or no increase in tooth erosion and abrasion of vegetarians. Regarding the periodontal there were contradicting results about the vegetarians had better periodontal health or not. An increased consumption of vegetables and a reduced consumption of alcohol and sweets have been observed in those on a vegetarian diet. The conclusion of this study is that there are conflicting results regarding how oral health is affected by vegetarian diet. Therefore is more research needed.

Effekt av fruktos på utveckling av karies och diabetes mellitus typ 2 : The effect of fructose in the development of dental caries and diabetes mellitus type 2

Camay, Fides Mercy, Hosseini, Taraneh January 2023 (has links)
Introduction/Background: Fructose is a monosaccharide that can also be extracted from sugar beet and sugar cane. There are several foods with high fructose content and affect people’s healthy lifestyle. Dental caries is defined as a dental disease caused by bacteria and the presence of fermentable sugars. Diabetes mellitus type 2 previously known as adult-onset diabetes and referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  It is the most common type of diabetes, accounting for approximately 90-95% of all diabetes cases. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate fructose's influence and its effect on dental caries and in diabetes mellitus type 2 by answering questions: Does fructose have influence and effect on dental caries? Does fructose have an influence and effect on the plasma glucose in diabetes type 2? Method: The study was a literature review of articles from PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus. The selection process followed three steps and underwent quality reviews. There were 18 articles that were included in the study. Results: The result shows that fructose has some impacts and effects on caries and on plasma glucose. Fructose contributes to the growth of Streptococcus mutans. High intake of fructose increases the risk for diabetes mellitus type 2 and the development of dental caries.  Conclusion: When fructose is consumed in large quantities, the caries-causing microorganisms produce acid to such an extent that demineralization of tooth substance can occur. High intake of fructose can also raise the level of plasma glucose and induce fatty liver in diabetes mellitus type 2.

Vad tänder? : Tandhälsa hos medeltida individer i S:t Hans, Visby / What's the tooth? : Dental health in medieval individuals from St. Hans, Visby

Mandahl, Tyra January 2024 (has links)
Uppsatsen har analyserat tandhälsan hos 20 vuxna individer med tandsten från medeltida S:t Hans, Visby, med fokus på: tandsten, karies, abscesser, parodontit, emaljhypoplasi och ante mortem tandförlust. I syfte att dra slutsatser om populationens tandhälsa och huruvida tandsten korrelerar med övrig tandhälsa. Resultatet påvisade en population med bristande tandhälsa, där 75 % av individerna hade minst ett kariesangrepp och 19 av 20 hade parodontit. Tandhälsan lär ha resulterat i tandvärk och komplikationer av allmänhälsan för S:t Hans populationen. Varken en negativ eller positiv korrelation mellan karies och tandsten kunde bevisas i materialet. Dock konstaterades att män hade en högre tandstensgrad, medan kvinnor påvisade grövre karies. Det leder till en tolkning om könsskillnader i diet i S:t Hans. Emaljhypoplasier är funna främst hos män. Det underbygger diettolkningen, samt tolkas som en indikation på könsbunden barndoms-mortalitet. Jämförelser med samtida befolkningar utfördes för att ge en vidare inblick i materialet; S:t Hans hade statistiskt fler individer med karies samt mer parodontit. Det kan innebära olika diet på fastlandet och Visby, eller indikera att tandsten leder till försämrad tand-hälsa då samtliga analyserade individer har tandsten. / The thesis focuses on the dental health of 20 adult individuals with dental calculus from medieval St. Hans, Visby. The dental health assessments were done with a focus on dental calculus, caries, dental abscesses, periodontitis, enamel hypoplasia and ante mortem tooth loss. The result of the thesis showed a lacking dental health due to a great amount of caries, 75 % of analysed individuals had at least one instance of caries, as well as periodontitis which was found in 19 out of 20 individuals. No clear negative nor positive correlation between dental calculus and caries could be seen in the material. However, men had a higher degree of dental calculus whilst women had more severe cases of caries. This leads to a possible conclusion of differing diets between the sexes. Enamel hypoplasia is found mainly in men, which supports the theory regarding diet and is posed as an indication of sex-bound childhood mortality. St. Hans popu-lation had a greater statistic of individuals with caries than contemporary Swedish populations as well as more periodontitis. This could indicate a bad dental hygiene and dental health amongst the individuals from St. Hans or it could indicate that dental calculus leads to worsened dental health since only individuals with dental calculus were analysed.

Den orala hälsan hos flyktingbarn : En allmän litteraturstudie / The oral health of refugee children

Hussein Ali, Shida, Norouzi, Sadaf January 2024 (has links)
Tusentals människor tvingas fly sina hemländer på grund av bland annat krig, förföljelse och våld. Under 2015 migrerade 60 miljoner vuxna och barn och ungdomar under 18 år. Syfte: Att beskriva den orala hälsan hos flyktingbarn. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Litteratursökningen utfördes i tre databaser: CINAHL, DOSS och MEDLINE. Totalt valdes 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som var publicerade mellan åren 2014–2023. Resultat: Resultatet visar att de mest förekommande orala sjukdomarna bland flyktingbarn är karies och gingivit. Riskfaktorer för den orala hälsan identifieras som tillgång till tandvård och munhygienartiklar, socioekonomisk status och kost. Barn på flykt under en längre tid anses vara mer benägna att ha högre antal kariesskador jämfört med de motsvarande barnen på flykt under en kortare tid. Slutsats: Karies och gingivit är de mest förekommande orala sjukdomarna hos flyktingbarn. Riskfaktorerna som svårigheter med tillgång till tandvård och munhygiensartiklar, kost och socioekonomisk status är vanligt förekommande vilket påverkar förekomsten av karies och gingivit. / Thousands of people are forced to flee their home countries because of war, persecution and violence. In 2015, 60 million adults, children and adolescents under the age of 18 emigrated. Aim: To describe the oral health of refugee children. Method: Literature review. The literature search was performed in three databases. 16 scientific articles were selected that were published between 2014-2023. Results: The results show that the most prevalent oral diseases among refugee children are caries and gingivitis. Risk factors for oral health are identified as access to dental care and oral hygiene items, socioeconomic status and diet. Children on the move for a longer period of time are considered to be more likely to have higher rates of dental caries compared to their counterparts on the move for a shorter period of time. Conclusion: Dental caries and gingivitis are the most common oral diseases in refugee children. Risk factors such as difficulties in accessing dental care and oral hygiene products, diet and socioeconomic status are common and influence the prevalence of caries and gingivitis.


Westbacke, Kerstin January 2006 (has links)
Currently, many developing countries are experiencing rising prevalences of caries associated with changes in lifestyle and living conditions. Objectives: To describe the hygiene, eating habits, and oral health status of Nepalese children. Materials and Methods: A stratifiedsample of 231 children 5–7, 11–13, and 15–16 years of age (53% boys, 47% girls) who attended public high schools in the rural area of the Lalitpur District, Nepal was selected. The study was a field study combining a clinical examination (plaque, gingivitis, calculus, and caries) and a questionnaire. The questions concerned sanitary conditions, health support, personal hygiene, tooth cleaning, and eating habits. Results: During the school day, half of the children ate nothing at all. General personal hygiene was associated with tooth-cleaning frequency.Four out of five children in the entire sample cleaned their teeth once/day or more, using their own toothbrush. The use of fluoride toothpaste was rare.More frequent tooth cleaning and lower plaque indices were seen among girls and older children. More plaque was found on the occlusal surfaces of erupting permanent molars than on fully occluded permanent molars. Most children had a low prevalence of manifest caries in the primary and the permanent dentitions. However, every fifth 5–7-yr-old had manifest caries in three or more primary teeth. The occlusal surfaces of molars accounted for almost all registered caries in both dentitions. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of manifest caries was low, the low level of preventive activities may cause an increase in the prevalence of caries, as in other developing countries. The presumed risk scenario needs to be met by comprehensive and systematic health promotion and preventive measures. / Sammanfattning: I många utvecklingsländer sker förändringar av livsstil och levnadsförhållanden med samtidig ökad förekomst av karies. Mål: Att beskriva hygien, matvanor och munhälsa hos nepalesiska barn. Material och Metod: Ett stratifierat urval av 231 barn, som i åldrarna 5-7, 11-13 och 15-16 år (53% pojkar, 47% flickor), elever i statliga grundskolor på landsbygden, Lalitpur distriktet Nepal, användes. Studien utformades som en fältstudie med klinisk undersökning (plack, gingivit, tandsten och karies) kombinerad med en enkätstudie. Frågorna rörde sanitära förhållanden, hälsostöd från hemmet, personlig hygien, tandrengörings- och matvanor. Resultat: Under skoldagen åt hälften av barnen ingenting alls. Allmän personlig hygien var associerad med tandrengörings frekvens. Av alla barn, som användande sin egen tandborste, borstade fyra av fem, en gång om dagen eller mer. Äldre barn och flickor rengjorde tänderna oftare och hade ett lägre plackindex. Mer plack fanns på erupterande molarers occlusalytor jämfört med molarer i full ocklusion. De flesta barnen hade en låg frekvens manifest karies i primära och permanenta bettet. Dock hade en femtedel av 5-7 åringarna tre eller fler manifesta kariesangrepp i primära bettet. Ocklusal karies på molarerna utgjorde nästan all registrerad karies i båda dentitionerna. Slutsats: Låg frekvens av manifest karies, men en låg grad av förebyggande aktiviteter, kan medföra en ökad kariesfrekvens liknande den i andra utvecklingsländer. Den förmodande risken måste bemötas med behovsinriktade och systematiska hälsobefrämjande och preventiva åtgärder. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-151-2</p>

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