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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oral health status, oral health-related quality of life and associated factors among Nepalese schoolchildren

Karki, S. (Saujanya) 08 October 2019 (has links)
Abstract This national cross-sectional study aimed to measure the oral health status, and oral health related-quality of life (OHRQoL) among Nepalese schoolchildren. Another aim was to investigate the association of dental caries and its consequences with OHRQoL, sociodemographic factors, oral health-related behaviours, anthropometrics, and school attendance and performance. The study was conducted in 18 out of total 75 randomly selected districts of Nepal representing 5 developmental, and concurrently 3 simultaneously ecological regions. Altogether 1137 of the invited 1157 schoolchildren from 27 conveniently selected schools participated both in the survey and clinical examination. Information on sociodemographic factors and oral health-related behaviours was collected using a structured questionnaire. Validated Nepali Child-OIDP was used for assessing children’s OHRQoL. Clinical oral examinations were conducted as per the WHO guidelines and assessed dental caries, its consequences (pufa/PUFA) and periodontal status. BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist-to-height ratio were computed from anthropometric measurements. School-related information included data on school absenteeism was collected from school registry and school performance (percentage of the sum of scores in three core subjects). Gingival bleeding was highly prevalent among all participants. The youngest ones had most often need for dental caries treatment; 79% vs. 64% among the oldest ones. Dental caries and its consequences were most prevalent among those living in the Kathmandu Valley or in the rural areas or in mountain or hilly ecological regions, as well as those consuming sweets or candy, or tea with sugar, and brushing teeth infrequently. Most of the participants had problem with eating, cleaning the mouth, and sleeping. Dental caries and its consequences were associated with poor OHRQoL. They were also associated with both high and low BMI and central obesity (high waist-to-hip and waist-to-height ratios) as well as high school absenteeism (>13% of total schooldays missed) and poor school performance. Both low and high BMI, and poor OHRQoL, as well as high school absenteeism were all inversely associated with school performance. In conclusion, dental caries and gingival bleeding are common among Nepalese schoolchildren. Dental caries and its consequences are associated with poor OHRQoL. These conditions are also associated with sociodemographic factors, poor oral health-related behaviours, and anthropometrics (BMI and central obesity) as well as high school absenteeism and poor school performance. / Tiivistelmä Tämän poikkileikkaustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia nepalilaisten koululaisten suunterveyttä ja siihen liittyvää elämänlaatua (OHRQoL). Toiseksi tavoitteena oli tutkia karieksen ja sen seurausten mm. oireet ja tulehdus, yhteyttä suunterveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun, sosiodemografisiin ja antropometrisiin tekijöihin, suunterveyskäyttäytymiseen, koulupoissaoloihin sekä -menestykseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin 18/75 satunnaisesti valitussa Nepalin piirikunnassa, jotka edustivat sekä viittä kehitysaluetta että kolmea ekologista aluetta. Mukaan kutsutuista 1157 koululaisesta (27 koulua, mukavuusotos), 1137 osallistui sekä kysely- että kliiniseen tutkimukseen. Sosiodemografiset taustatiedot sekä tiedot suunterveyskäyttäytymisestä kerättiin strukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella. Suunterveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua arvioitiin käyttäen validoitua nepalin kielistä Child-OIDP –lomaketta. Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kariestilanne, sen kliiniset seuraukset (pufa/PUFA) sekä kiinnityskudosten tila WHOn ohjeiden mukaan. BMI, vyötärön ja lantion ympärysmitan suhde sekä vyötärön ympärysmitan ja pituuden suhde laskettiin mittaustulosten perusteella. Kouluista saatiin tiedot poissaoloista viimeisen kouluvuoden aikana sekä koulumenestys kolmessa keskeisimmässä oppiaineessa viimeisimmässä todistuksessa. Lähes kaikilla todettiin ienverenvuotoa. Nuorimmassa ikäryhmässä oli muita useammin korjaavan karieshoidon tarvetta (79% vs. 64%). Kariesta sekä sen seurauksia esiintyi eniten niiden keskuudessa, jotka asuivat Kathmandun laaksossa tai vuoristossa. Karieksen esiintyvyys oli myös yhteydessä mm. sokerin, makeisten ja sokeriteen kulutukseen sekä epäsäännölliseen hampaiden harjaukseen. Karies seurauksineen oli yhteydessä huonoon suunterveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun (OHRQoL), erityisesti syömiseen, suun puhdistamiseen sekä nukkumiseen. Sillä oli myös yhteys sekä matalaan että korkeaan BMIhin, lisääntyneisiin koulupoissaoloihin sekä huonoon koulumenestykseen. Matala ja korkea BMI, huono suunterveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu sekä poissaolot olivat käänteisesti yhteydessä koulumenestykseen. Karies ja ienverenvuoto ovat yleisiä nepalilaisten koululaisten keskuudessa. Karies seurauksineen on yhteydessä huonoon suunterveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun (OHRQoL), haitalliseen suunterveyskäyttäytymiseen, sosiodemografisiin ja antropometrisiin tekijöihin (BMI, keskivartalolihavuus) sekä lisääntyneisiin koulupoissaoloihin ja huonoon koulumenestykseen.

Gravida kvinnors kunskap om kostvanor, munvård och karies hos barn under 3 år / Pregnant women´s knowledge of diet habits, oral care and caries in children under 3 years

Gullberg, Louise, Mohammed, Shilan January 2015 (has links)
För en god uppväxt är barnets hälsa av stor betydelse och den orala hälsan är en del av den allmänna hälsan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka gravida kvinnors kunskap om kostvanor, munvård och karies hos barn under tre år. Metoden var kvantitativ och har genomförts med en enkät. Undersökningsgruppen var gravida kvinnor och enkäten har distribuerats till dessa via barnmorskor. Resultatet har analyserats deskriptivt och baseras på 243 besvarade enkäter. Data visar att 10 % av de gravida kvinnorna svarade att färskpressad fruktjuice lämpligast bör ges mellan måltiderna. Av respondenterna svarade 93 % att tänderna bör borstas två gånger dagligen. På frågan ifall en mjölktand är känsligare än en vuxentand för karies svarade sammanlagt 60 % felaktigt nej eller vet inte. Slutsatsen tyder på att gravida kvinnor har hög kunskap kring munvård för barn under tre år, men kunskapen om kostvanor och karies är lägre. / General health is crucial in upbringing a child. Good oral health is an essential part of good general health. The aim of this study was to evaluate pregnant women's knowledge about nutrition, oral hygiene and caries in children under three years. A quantitative method was used with questionnaire. The study was carried on pregnant women and the questionnaires were distributed by midwives. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed based on 243 responses. The result indicates that 10 % of the pregnant women replied that freshly squeezed juice should preferably be given between meals. Of the respondents, 93 % responded that the teeth should be brushed twice a day. When asked if a baby tooth is more susceptible to caries than an adult tooth for caries 60% responded incorrectly no, or do not know. The conclusion suggests that pregnant women’s knowledge of oral care in children under three years is good, but knowledge with regard to diet and caries is lower.

Dental Caries in Rats Associated with Candida albicans

Klinke, Thomas, Guggenheim, Bernhard, Klimm, Wolfgang, Thurnheer, Thomas 11 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In addition to occasional opportunistic colonization of the oral mucosa, Candida albicans is frequently found in carious dentin. The yeast’s potential to induce dental caries as a consequence of its pronounced ability to produce and tolerate acids was investigated. Eighty caries-active Osborne-Mendel rats were raised on an ampicillin-supplemented diet and exposed to C. albicans and/or Streptococcus mutans, except for controls. Throughout the 28-day test period, the animals were offered the modified cariogenic diet 2000a, containing 40% various sugars. Subsequently, maxillary molars were scored for plaque extent. After dissection, the mandibular molars were evaluated for smooth surface and fissure caries. Test animals exposed to C. albicans displayed considerably more advanced fissure lesions (p < 0.001) than non-exposed controls. While S. mutans yielded similar results, a combined association of C. albicans and S. mutans had no effect on occlusal caries incidence. Substituting dietary sucrose by glucose did not modify caries induction by C. albicans. However, animals fed a diet containing 20% of both sugars showed no differences to non-infected controls. Smooth surface caries was not generated by the yeast. This study provides experimental evidence that C. albicans is capable of causing occlusal caries in rats at a high rate. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Dental and otologic problems in cleft lip and palate patients from Northern Finland:cleft associated problems

Lehtonen, V. (Ville) 23 August 2016 (has links)
Abstract Patients with orofacial clefts must overcome problems associated with their deformity including multiple surgeries, facial scarring, speech difficulties, dental problems and hearing loss. This study considered dental and hearing problems faced by cleft lip and palate patients in Northern Finland. The research aimed to determine prevalence of dental anomalies in cleft children, assess restorative treatment need and examine dental treatment necessary under general anesthesia. Other aims were to identify middle ear problems, need for ventilation tubes (VTs) among cleft children and examine the relationship between cleft severity, palatoplasty technique and hearing outcomes in cleft children aged between 3 and 9-years. The material comprised 214 cleft patients treated at Oulu University Hospital. In the dental study 26.6% had at least one dental anomaly while 17.9% had 2 or 3, most commonly missing or supernumerary teeth. In the general anesthesia study 11.5% had a syndrome and 52.4% of those with a syndrome aged 6-years-old needed restorative treatment. General anesthesia was required for dental treatment in 17.5% of cleft patients, mostly in those with a syndrome. In the middle ear study 79% had secretions in the middle ear during the study period. On average 3 VTs were placed in each patient. The prevalence of tympanic perforation was 35.9% and cholesteatoma occurred in 3.3%. In the hearing study pure tone average did not significantly differ between right and left ears and was unrelated to cleft severity or palatoplasty technique. Based on the dental study the severity of clefting increased with the prevalence of dental anomalies. The general anesthesia study found that need for restorations increased with cleft severity. The presence of a syndrome increased the need for dental treatment under general anesthesia. The middle ear study found that patients with cleft lip and palate and isolated cleft palate had more extensive clefts affecting Eustachian tube function with more frequent middle ear problems requiring more VTs than isolated cleft lip patients. Continuous presence of VTs increased the prevalence of tympanic perforation and cholesteatoma. The hearing study concluded that most of the 3 to 9 year-old cleft patients had normal hearing thresholds unaffected by cleft severity or palatoplasty technique. / Tiivistelmä Huuli- ja suulakihalkioihin liittyy monia haasteita kuten useita leikkauksia, näkyviä arpia, puheongelmia, hampaiston ongelmia ja kuulonalenemaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdyttiin halkiolasten hampaiden ja kuulon ongelmiin Pohjois-Suomessa. Tutkimus selvitti halkiopotilaiden hampaiden anomalioiden esiintyvyyttä, hampaiden korjaavan hoidon tarvetta sekä hampaiden hoidon tarvetta yleisanestesiassa. Lisäksi selvitettiin välikorvaongelmia, ilmastointiputkien tarvetta sekä kuulontutkimustulosten yhteyttä halkion vakavuuden ja suulaen leikkaustekniikan välillä 3-9-vuotiailla halkiolapsilla. Aineisto koostui 214 halkiopotilaasta jotka hoidettiin Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Potilaista 26,6%:lla oli vähintään yksi ja 17,9%:lla kaksi tai kolme hammasanomaliaa. Yleisin anomalia oli puuttuvat tai ylilukuiset hampaat. Yleisanestesiassa hoidetuista potilaista 11,5%:lla oli syndrooma eli oireyhtymä, kaikkiaan yleisanestesiaa tarvitsi 17,5%. 6-vuotiaista syndroomapotilaista 52,4% tarvitsi hampaiden korjaavaa hoitoa. Korvien tutkimuksessa 79%:lla potilaista oli eritettä välikorvissa tutkimusjakson aikana. Jokaiselle potilaalle laitettiin ilmastointiputket keskimäärin 3 kertaa. Tärykalvon perforaatio havaittiin 35,9%:lla ja kolesteatooma todettiin 3,3%:lla. Oikean ja vasemman korvan välillä ei ollut merkittävää eroa kuulontutkimustuloksissa eikä niillä havaittu yhteyttä halkion vakavuuden tai suulaen leikkaustekniikan kanssa. Halkion vakavuus lisäsi hammasanomalioiden esiintyvyyttä sekä korjaavan hoidon tarvetta yleisanestesiassa. Syndrooma lisäsi myös korjaavan hoidon tarvetta yleisanestesiassa. Huuli- ja suulakihalkiopotilailla sekä suulakihalkiopotilailla laaja halkio vaikutti voimakkaasti korvatorven toimintaan ja näin ollen se lisäsi putkituksia vaativia korvaongelmia toisin kuin huulihalkiopotilailla joilla suulaki oli ehjä. Jatkuva ilmastointiputkien läsnäolo lisäsi tärykalvon perforaatioita ja kolesteatoomia. Kuitenkin enemmistöllä 3-9-vuotiaista halkiopotilaista kuulotutkimustulokset olivat normaalit.

Erosive tooth wear and associated factors in Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

Alaraudanjoki, V. (Viivi) 09 January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the status of erosive tooth wear (ETW) in Finnish middle-aged adults and its association with dental caries and sociodemographic and intrinsic factors. In addition, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify whether genetic polymorphism (single nucleotide polymorphism) could explain some of the individual variance in the ETW status. Another aim of the study was to validate the use of the erosion index, the Basic Erosive Wear Examination (BEWE), on 3D models. Of the total Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC1966), a convenience sample of 3,181 people was invited for an oral health examination in 2012–2013, of whom 1,962 participated, thus comprising the study group for the present study. ETW was assessed by sextants using the BEWE index. The clinical data was supplemented by information collected by means of postal questionnaires in 1997–1998 and 2012–2013, blood samples, and 3D models of the dentition. Of those clinically examined, 586 participants were randomly selected for the validation study of the BEWE index on 3D models. ETW was a common finding among the Finnish adult population, and almost half of the population needed at least preventive measures against the condition, and almost one in ten had severe ETW. Male gender and restorative treatment need due to dental caries were associated with ETW, unlike sociodemographic factors. Of the intrinsic factors, daily reflux symptoms and hyposalivation were the most significantly associated with severe ETW. According to the results from the GWAS, susceptibility to ETW could be partly explained by genetic polymorphism. The BEWE index was found reliable for recording ETW clinically and on 3D models, and 3D models were especially sensitive in detecting initial ETW. In conclusion, ETW seems to be common among Finnish adults, especially among males. In addition to risk factors, individual susceptibility should be kept in mind when assessing the risk for the condition. Early diagnosis of ETW is important in maintaining good oral health, and the BEWE seems to be a reliable index for that purpose both clinically and on 3D models. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää hampaiden erosiivisen kulumisen yleisyyttä ja vakavuutta suomalaisilla keski-ikäisillä aikuisilla, sekä erosiivisen kulumisen yhteyttä hampaiden reikiintymiseen sekä sosiodemografisiin ja sisäisiin tekijöihin. Lisäksi selvitettiin koko genomin kartoitusta hyödyntäen, voidaanko geneettisellä polymorfismilla (yksittäisillä emäsparin vaihdoksilla) selittää yksilön alttiutta erosiiviselle kulumiselle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös validoida erosiivista kulumista arvioiva indeksi (The Basic Erosive Wear Examination, BEWE) 3D-malleilla. Koko Pohjois-Suomen vuoden 1966 syntymäkohortista kutsuttiin 3 181 henkilöä suun terveystarkastukseen vuosina 2012–2013. Kutsutuista 1 962 osallistui tutkimukseen muodostaen lopullisen tutkimusjoukon. Erosiivista kulumista arvioitiin käyttäen BEWE-indeksiä. Kliinistä tutkimusta täydensivät vuosina 1997–1998 ja 2012–2013 tehdyt postikyselyt, verinäytteet ja hampaiston 3D-mallit. Kliinisesti tutkituista osallistujista yhteensä 586 henkilöä valittiin satunnaisesti BEWE-indeksin validointitutkimukseen 3D-malleilla. Erosiivinen kuluminen oli yleistä suomalaisilla aikuisilla, ja lähes puolella oli erosiivista kulumista, joka vaatisi vähintään ennaltaehkäiseviä toimia. Vakavaa erosiivista kulumista on lähes joka kymmenennellä. Miessukupuoli ja korjaavan hoidon tarve hampaiden karioitumisen vuoksi olivat yhteydessä erosiiviseen kulumiseen, toisin kuin sosiodemografiset tekijät. Sisäisistä tekijöistä päivittäiset reflux-oireet ja vähäinen syljeneritys olivat vahvimmin yhteydessä vakavaan erosiiviseen kulumiseen. Koko genomikartoituksen perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että alttius erosiiviselle kulumiselle saattaa selittyä osittain geneettisellä polymorfismilla. BEWE-indeksi näyttää olevan luotettava menetelmä niin kliinisessä arvioinnissa kuin arvioitaessa erosiivista kulumista 3D-malleilla. Alkava erosiivinen kuluminen oli helpommin havaittavissa 3D-malleilta kliiniseen arviointiin verrattuna. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että erosiivinen kuluminen on yleistä suomalaisilla aikuisilla, etenkin miehillä. Jo tiedettyjen riskitekijöiden lisäksi yksilöllinen alttius erosiiviselle kulumiselle tulisi pitää mielessä riskikartoitusta tehdessä. Erosiivisen kulumisen aikainen diagnosointi on tärkeää hyvän suun terveyden ylläpitämiseksi, ja BEWE-indeksi vaikuttaa soveltuvan diagnosointiin niin kliinisesti kuin 3D malleillakin.

Changes in Candida spp., Mutans Streptococci and Lactobacilli following Treatment of Early Childhood Caries: A 1-Year Follow-Up

Klinke, T., Urban, M., Lück, C., Hannig, C., Kuhn, M., Krämer, N. 19 May 2020 (has links)
Early childhood caries (ECC) is closely related to high numbers of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and Candida albicans . Oral colonization of these microorganisms was monitored in a prospective clinical study in order to investigate the effect of comprehensive treatment under general anesthesia and the sustainability of microbial changes. Saliva samples were collected from 50 healthy infants with ECC before and in regular intervals up to 12 months after treatment. Microorganisms were detected by cultivation on selective agars (CRT ® bacteria and Sabouraud/CandiSelect TM ) and scored. Additionally, plaque on upper front teeth and the dmft were recorded. Parents were repeatedly interviewed regarding the children’s diet and oral hygiene, accompanied by corresponding advice. Plaque frequency and the numbers of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and yeasts were significantly reduced as a result of treatment (p < 0.0001, Wilcoxon test). Nevertheless, this effect was not permanent. An ordinal regression model on the follow-up period revealed that the odds for bacteria and yeasts to reach a higher score increased linearly over time (p < 0.01) with an odds ratio of 2.244 per year. One third (34%) of the children developed new dentinal lesions within 1 year postoperatively. High scores of lactobacilli before treatment predicted caries relapse (p < 0.05). Nutritional and oral hygiene habits changed only slightly despite advising. Elimination and restoration of ECC lesions under general anesthesia proved to be an effective procedure in reducing cariogenic bacteria and yeasts. A satisfactory and sustainable success, however, could be achieved neither regarding microbiologic parameters nor with respect to the relapse rate. More suitable strategies are needed.

Assessment of occlusal enamel alterations utilizing depolarization imaging based on PS-OCT

Golde, Jonas, Tetschke, Florian, Vosahlo, Robin, Walther, Julia, Hannig, Christian, Koch, Edmund, Kirsten, Lars 14 November 2019 (has links)
While dental caries represents the major chronic disease of humans, visual and tactile inspection are the methods of choice in daily dental practice. Several optical technologies have been developed in recent years for the purpose of dental examination, including near-infrared light transillumination as a promising tool for the supplementation and partial replacement of radiography. In case of occlusal alterations, the incidence of surface discolorations impedes the visual assessment, whereas tactile inspection appears to yield little diagnostic information or might be detrimental. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) facilitates depth-resolved imaging with μm resolution, utilizing near-infrared light, and has already shown its potential for various dental applications. We have recently demonstrated that depolarization imaging utilizing the degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) extends those abilities by the detection of early carious lesions, as it provides an unambiguous demineralization contrast. Here, we show that this approach also enables the assessment of occlusal enamel lesions in the presence of stains, and compare PS-OCT cross sections with polarized light microscopy (PLM) images of thin sections. For tooth samples with discoloration or demineralization, respectively, PS-OCT and PLM results are in good agreement.

Dental Caries in Rats Associated with Candida albicans

Klinke, Thomas, Guggenheim, Bernhard, Klimm, Wolfgang, Thurnheer, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
In addition to occasional opportunistic colonization of the oral mucosa, Candida albicans is frequently found in carious dentin. The yeast’s potential to induce dental caries as a consequence of its pronounced ability to produce and tolerate acids was investigated. Eighty caries-active Osborne-Mendel rats were raised on an ampicillin-supplemented diet and exposed to C. albicans and/or Streptococcus mutans, except for controls. Throughout the 28-day test period, the animals were offered the modified cariogenic diet 2000a, containing 40% various sugars. Subsequently, maxillary molars were scored for plaque extent. After dissection, the mandibular molars were evaluated for smooth surface and fissure caries. Test animals exposed to C. albicans displayed considerably more advanced fissure lesions (p < 0.001) than non-exposed controls. While S. mutans yielded similar results, a combined association of C. albicans and S. mutans had no effect on occlusal caries incidence. Substituting dietary sucrose by glucose did not modify caries induction by C. albicans. However, animals fed a diet containing 20% of both sugars showed no differences to non-infected controls. Smooth surface caries was not generated by the yeast. This study provides experimental evidence that C. albicans is capable of causing occlusal caries in rats at a high rate. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Zahngesundheit bei übergewichtigen und adipösen Kindern und Jugendlichen / Dental health in overweight and obese children and adolescents

Simon, Alexandra Rebecca 15 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Förebyggande tandvård för att främja oral hälsa hos äldre : - En registerstudie bland individer 65 till 70 år i Värmland / Preventive dental care to promote oral health in elderly : - A register-based study among individuals 65 to 70 year, in the Region of Värmland

Seleskog, Birgitta January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kariessjukdomen hör till en av världens vanligaste sjukdomar med flertalet kända orsaks- och riskfaktorer. För att bevara en god oral hälsa utgör förebyggande tandvård en betydelsefull del bland äldre och kan ha en stor inverkan på en individs livskvalitet. Karies kan förebyggas och behandlas med stöd av patientutbildning och förebyggande tandvård, en hälsoinsats som främjar framförallt individen men även samhället med minskade resurs- och vårdkostnader. Syfte: Övergripande syftet med studien var att kartlägga förekomst och fördelning av registrerade förebyggande åtgärder i relation till karies bland individer 65 till 70 år, bofasta i Värmland 2017. Metod: Studiens design var en tvärsnittsstudie av individdata (n=2738) från 65- till 70-åriga individer bosatta i Värmland och undersökta i tandvården, Region Värmland 2017. Data baseras på Svenskt Kvalitetsregister för Karies och Parodontit (SKaPa) åren 2017 och 2018. Resultat: Närmare trefjärdedelar av individerna hade ingen tillståndskod för karies registrerad (72,1%). Det var ungefär dubbelt så vanligt med tillståndskoder för sekundärkaries jämfört med primärkaries, 684 respektive 291 registreringar. Totalt registrerades 742 sjukdomsförebyggande åtgärder (200-serien) och 3495 sjukdomsbehandlande åtgärder (300-serie). ”Icke-operativ behandling” var den åtgärd som starkast associerades till individer med kariestillstånd (OR 3,83; CI 3,04–4,83). ”Information vid risk för sjukdom” var starkast associerad till individer utan kariestillstånd.  Antalet erhållna förebyggande åtgärder var snedfördelad och kunde variera från en upp till nio behandlingar per individ. Konklusion: Resultatet i denna studie talar för betydelsen av ytterligare studier inom förebyggande tandvård som hälsofrämjande insats för att främja oral hälsa bland äldre individer med kariessjukdom. Beteendemedicinsk prevention är en underutnyttjad åtgärd som behöver övervägas inom den förebyggande tandvården. / Introduction: Dental caries is one of the most common diseases worldwide with well-known risk factors. In order to maintain a good oral health, preventive dental care is an important part for elderly people and impacts on an individual´s quality of life. Dental caries can be prevented and treated with patient support, education and preventive dental care. Health promotion activities within dental care contributes to the individual’s well-being and reduces costs for the society.   Aim: The overall aim was to identify the occurrence and distribution of registered preventive dental care in relation to caries, among individuals aged 65 to 70 years resident in the county of Värmland in 2017.  Method: A cross-sectional register-based study of individual data (n= 2738) from 65 to 70-year-old individuals resident and dental examined, in the county of Värmland in 2017. Data was obtained from The Swedish Quality Registry for Caries and Periodontal Diseases (SKaPa) from years 2017 and 2018.  Results: Nearly three-quarters of the individuals had no caries conditions registered (72,1%). Secondary caries-conditions were about twice as common compared to primary caries, 684 and 291 registrations, respectively.  A total of 742 preventive-treatments and 3495 preventive disease-treatments were registered. “Non-invasive treatment” had the strongest association to individuals with caries conditions (OR 3,83; CI 3,04-4,83). The treatment “information when risk for disease” had the strongest association to individuals without caries conditions. The number of obtained preventive treatments were skewed and could vary from one up to nine treatments per individual. Conclusion; The results of this study indicate the importance of further studies of preventive dental care as a health promotion achievement to promote oral health among older individuals with dental caries disease. Behavioral medical prevention is underused and needs to be considered in preventive dental care in the future.

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