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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tissages de la voix : culture et mémoire de la "Renaissance" par la voix des dentellières de Paraíba, Brésil / Tessituras of voice : "Renaissance" culture and memory in lacemaker voices from Paraíba, Brazil / Tessituras da voz : cultura e memoria da "Renascença" na voz das rendeiras da Paraiba, Brasil

Farias Fechine Oliveira, Ingrid 15 October 2010 (has links)
La thèse développe une étude de la dentelle Renaissance en tant qu’ écriture construite sur la performance des dentellières de Monteiro (Paraíba-Brésil) à partir des objectifs suivants : relever des informations sur des aspects historiques, sociaux, artistiques et commerciaux de l’activité dentellière en Europe, tout en prenant en compte dans cette trajectoire la présence de la dentelle Renaissance dans l’État de Paraíba. En nous basant sur les concepts de déterritorialisation (Deleuze, Guattari), de nomadisme (Maffesoli) ; de voix et de performance (Zumthor), nous avons analysé la production et la recréation de la dentelle par les dentellières de l’Association des Artisans de Monteiro – ASSOAM, dans le savoir-faire de la dentelle, et cela à partir de trois générations de dentellières de deux familles. Nous avons mis en avant des aspects qui touchent la culture (Geertz), l’identité (Castells) et la mémoire collective (Halbwachs) dans la fabrication de la dentelle et dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de cet art, en approfondissant l’étude développée dans une recherche antérieure sur la dentelle Renaissance à Monteiro. Nous avons observé sa permanence au long des générations, avec des points considérés traditionnels et un processus de (re)création de nouveaux points, comparés aux images de points de la dentelle Renaissance produite en France au début du XXème siècle. Nous avons reconstitué l’histoire de la dentelle Renaissance en y incluant sa trajectoire dans le Cariri de l’État de Paraíba. Prenant pour base les présupposés théoriques cités plus haut et la recherche de terrain orientée par l’Histoire Orale (Thompson) et par l’ethnographie (Levi-Strauss), nous avons enregistré (ou filmé) des témoignages et des conversations résultant d’entretiens semi-structurés avec les dentellières de la dentelle Renaissance du Cariri de l’État de Paraíba et des dentellières françaises, italiennes et belges. Les points ont été fixés au moyen de photos. Les résultats de l’analyse des données théoriques et pratiques ont montré que la dentelle se déterritorialise à travers des actions comme l’exode, les immigrations et des formes de commercialisation. Les voix des dentellières qui s’instaurent dans les formes de leurs points et leurs dessins révèlent la culture, la mémoire et l’identité de la femme dentellière. La dentelle se fait langage artistique, englobant des savoirs dont participent la voix en performance, dans une actio qui rend possible l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de la dentelle et la création (et recréation) des points. Ceux-ci interagissent, communiquent et apportent dans leurs formes, des textes oraux qui parlent de l’être dentellière, révèlent des lectures sur la création, le tisser, la survivance et l’amour des dentellières pour leur art. À chaque point tissé et/ou recréé, la dentellière réécrit l’histoire de sa vie et son empreinte dans les fils tissés. Ainsi, la dentelle Renaissance exprime, dans une image qui complète le texte oral des dentellières, sa construction comme écriture. / This thesis develops a study of Renaissance lace as a built writing inlacemakers performance from Monteiro (Paraíba-Brasil) by the followingobjectives: gather information about historical, social, artistic and commercialaspects of the lace activity in Europe, consindering in this path Renaissancelace presence in Paraíba. Based on the concept of deterritorialization (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1995), nomadism (MAFFESOLI, 2001), and voice and performance (ZUMTHOR, 1993). It was analyzed the lace production and recreation by lacemakers of Monteiro handicraft workers association – ASSOM, at the lacemaking know-how, also about three generations of a lacemaker family. Cultural emphasis (GEERTZ, 1989), identity (CASTELLS, 2000) and collective memory aspects (HALBWACHS, 2004) are given at lacemaking and teaching learning of this art, also deepening this work on a previously initiated research about Renaissance lace in Monteiro. It was observed its maintenance through generations, with stitches considered traditional and the process of (re)creation of new ones compared to images of Renaissance lace stitches produced in France in the beginning of the 20th century. The history of Renaissance lace including its trajectory in Paraíba Cariri is rebuilt. Based on the theories mentioned above and on a field research guided by Oral History (THOMPSON, 1998) and by the ethnography (LÉVI-STRAUSS, 1996), testimonials and conversations were recorded (and/or filmed) with Renaissance lacemakers from Cariri in Paraíba, and included French, Italian and Belgian ones. The stitches were registered on photographies. The analysis results of the theorical and practical information shows lace deterritorialization in actions such as exodus, immigration, and in ways of commercialization. The lacemaker voices that are placed in the shapes of stitches and drawings reveal culture, memory and identity of the lacemaker woman. Lace became artistic language, which involves knowledge sharing by the voice in performance in an action that makes possible lace teaching and learning, and also creating (and recreating) the stitches. They get into interaction, communication and bring in their shapes oral texts that talks about what being a lacemaker is. They show off a reading about creation, the weave, the surviving and the love for their art. At each created or recreated stitch, a lacemaker rewrites her life history and her mark on the cloth tread. Thus, Renaissance lace express in an image that complete the lacemakers oral text their construction as a writing.

A transmissão do saber-fazer como intencionalidade incorporada : etnografia em uma fábrica de doces em Pelotas, RS

Figueiredo, Marina Dantas de January 2013 (has links)
Desde a virada para a prática nos Estudos Organizacionais, as diferentes vertentes das teorias da prática têm dado importante contribuição no sentido de desconstruir o predomínio da visão funcionalista sobre o fenômeno organizacional. Apesar disso, o tema de como a reprodução das práticas contribui para a produção da ordem social tem sido negligenciado pelos estudos baseados na prática nesse campo. Tal postura tem impedido a consecução de pesquisas que busquem compreender como as práticas são socialmente sustentadas, que interesses as orientam, quem se beneficia de sua permanência ou de sua interrupção, e assim por diante. Desse modo, reforça-se, em certa medida, a dificuldade de entendimento dos processos de permanência e mudança organizacional para além da razão instrumental e capitula-se diante do imperativo funcionalista que continua a privilegiar, tanto na teoria quanto na prática administrativa, a lógica do proveito material governado pela eficiência produtiva como o motivo primordial da existência e da permanência das organizações. Com base em tal percepção, proponho como objetivo desta tese repensar a questão da intencionalidade dos agentes organizacionais a partir de uma perspectiva prática e histórica, cultural e incorporada. Para realizá-lo, parto de um estudo etnográfico feito durante o ano de 2011, em uma fábrica de doces na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Neste campo, foi possível vivenciar as dinâmicas de permanência e mudança da prática de uma doceria que é reconhecida localmente como “tradicional” pelo tempo de enraizamento na cultura. A observação participante aconteceu de modo direcionado para a compreensão dos processos de transmissão do saber-fazer doceiro, através da minha própria experiência de incorporação desse conhecimento prático, do contato instrutivo com a mestre doceira que comandava as atividades da fábrica e com as funcionárias e funcionários que lá trabalhavam na época da pesquisa. Assim, considero ter sido possível compreender de que maneira os referidos processos obedecem a uma lógica incorporada, alheia à lógica racional, e como os movimentos de mudança e permanência, endógenos ou exteriores a essas práticas, exercem impacto sobre a organização que se estrutura ao seu redor. / Since the practice turn in Organizational Studies, different strands of theories of practice have made important contributions in order to deconstruct the dominance of the functionalist view of the organizational phenomenon. Nevertheless, the issue of how the reproduction of practices contributes to the production of social order has been neglected by practice-based studies in this field. This attitude has prevented the acomplishment of researches that attempt to understand how the practices are socially sustained, what interests guide them, who benefits from their maintenance or from their interruption, and so forth. Thus, it reinforces in a certain extent, the difficulty on understanding the processes of organizational change and permanence beyond instrumental reason, and it gives in afterward the functionalist imperative that continues to privilege, both in management theory and practice, the logic of material gain governed by the productive efficiency as the primary reason of existence and continuity of organizations. Based on this perception, I propose as the objective of this thesis to rethink the intentionality of the organizational agents from a practical and historical, cultural and embodied perspective. Based on an ethnographic study made during 2011 in a candy factory in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, it was possible to experience the dynamics of permanence and change of the practice of a kind of confectionery which is recognized locally as "traditional" odd to the time of rooting in culture. The participant observation was directed to understanding the processes of transmission of the confectioner know-how, through my own experience of incorporating this knowledge, through instructional contact with the master confectioner who commanded the activities of the factory and through the contact with the employees who worked there at the time of the research. Thus, I found how these processes follow an embodied logic, oblivious to rational logic, and how the movements of change and permanence, endogenous or external to these practices, impact the organization that its structures around them.

As práxis, os saberes e a pessoa do docente refletido no saber-fazer pedagógico / The praxis, knowledge and the person of the teacher reflected in the pedagogical knowledge and actions

Maria Berenice Koetz Prade 08 August 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar a teia de fatores que interferem na permanência dos estudantes em uma escola estadual de Porto Alegre. Para tanto, analisa os processo que se estabelecem entre os sujeitos, as ações e os bastidores das práticas docentes desenvolvidas na escola que é reconhecida como o espaço democrático para assegurar a socialização do conhecimento universal às novas gerações. Neste contexto investiga as situações que contribuem para o desinteresse dos estudantes pelas atividades pedagógicas e lança um olhar para as ações dos professores durante a organização de sua vida profissional, seu relacionamento pessoal com os estudantes e o saberfazer pedagógico. Os saberes plurais, que compõem a práxis docente e que interagem com o sucesso escolar dos estudantes, foram alvo de reflexão, considerando que o mundo pós-moderno apresenta inovações constantes em todas as áreas do desenvolvimento humano, instigando os professores a fazerem uso de práticas educativas contextualizadas, lúdicas e interdisciplinares. Neste sentido, os espaços e a gestão escolar estão pontuados com o objetivo de destacar os pontos frágeis da escola e sinalizar os desafios para transformá-la em pólo de conhecimento, crescimento profissional dos docentes e inserção dos estudantes nas tecnologias e desafios do mundo do trabalho. / This research aims at identifying the web of factors interfering with students' adherence to a state school of Porto Alegre, Brazil. To do so, it focuses on understanding the process established between the subjects, actions and backstage of teaching practices, recognizing the school as a democratic space that aims to ascertaining the socialization of universal knowledge to new generations. In this context, it investigates the situations contributing for the students lack of interest for pedagogical activities. In this sense, it casts a look on the teachers actions during the organization of their professional life, their personal relationship with students and their pedagogical know-how. The plural knowledge that is part of teaching praxis and that interact with the students schooling success has been considered. Taking into consideration that the postmodern world has constant innovations in all areas of human development, which challenges educational practices, knowledge and application of processes to make teaching more pleasant, playful and contextualized are crucial. In this sense, it analyzes the school spaces and management, as an attempt to stress the schools weak points and signal the challenges to transform it into a pool of knowledge, professional growth for teachers and students insertion into new technologies and challenges of the working world.

A transmissão do saber-fazer como intencionalidade incorporada : etnografia em uma fábrica de doces em Pelotas, RS

Figueiredo, Marina Dantas de January 2013 (has links)
Desde a virada para a prática nos Estudos Organizacionais, as diferentes vertentes das teorias da prática têm dado importante contribuição no sentido de desconstruir o predomínio da visão funcionalista sobre o fenômeno organizacional. Apesar disso, o tema de como a reprodução das práticas contribui para a produção da ordem social tem sido negligenciado pelos estudos baseados na prática nesse campo. Tal postura tem impedido a consecução de pesquisas que busquem compreender como as práticas são socialmente sustentadas, que interesses as orientam, quem se beneficia de sua permanência ou de sua interrupção, e assim por diante. Desse modo, reforça-se, em certa medida, a dificuldade de entendimento dos processos de permanência e mudança organizacional para além da razão instrumental e capitula-se diante do imperativo funcionalista que continua a privilegiar, tanto na teoria quanto na prática administrativa, a lógica do proveito material governado pela eficiência produtiva como o motivo primordial da existência e da permanência das organizações. Com base em tal percepção, proponho como objetivo desta tese repensar a questão da intencionalidade dos agentes organizacionais a partir de uma perspectiva prática e histórica, cultural e incorporada. Para realizá-lo, parto de um estudo etnográfico feito durante o ano de 2011, em uma fábrica de doces na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Neste campo, foi possível vivenciar as dinâmicas de permanência e mudança da prática de uma doceria que é reconhecida localmente como “tradicional” pelo tempo de enraizamento na cultura. A observação participante aconteceu de modo direcionado para a compreensão dos processos de transmissão do saber-fazer doceiro, através da minha própria experiência de incorporação desse conhecimento prático, do contato instrutivo com a mestre doceira que comandava as atividades da fábrica e com as funcionárias e funcionários que lá trabalhavam na época da pesquisa. Assim, considero ter sido possível compreender de que maneira os referidos processos obedecem a uma lógica incorporada, alheia à lógica racional, e como os movimentos de mudança e permanência, endógenos ou exteriores a essas práticas, exercem impacto sobre a organização que se estrutura ao seu redor. / Since the practice turn in Organizational Studies, different strands of theories of practice have made important contributions in order to deconstruct the dominance of the functionalist view of the organizational phenomenon. Nevertheless, the issue of how the reproduction of practices contributes to the production of social order has been neglected by practice-based studies in this field. This attitude has prevented the acomplishment of researches that attempt to understand how the practices are socially sustained, what interests guide them, who benefits from their maintenance or from their interruption, and so forth. Thus, it reinforces in a certain extent, the difficulty on understanding the processes of organizational change and permanence beyond instrumental reason, and it gives in afterward the functionalist imperative that continues to privilege, both in management theory and practice, the logic of material gain governed by the productive efficiency as the primary reason of existence and continuity of organizations. Based on this perception, I propose as the objective of this thesis to rethink the intentionality of the organizational agents from a practical and historical, cultural and embodied perspective. Based on an ethnographic study made during 2011 in a candy factory in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, it was possible to experience the dynamics of permanence and change of the practice of a kind of confectionery which is recognized locally as "traditional" odd to the time of rooting in culture. The participant observation was directed to understanding the processes of transmission of the confectioner know-how, through my own experience of incorporating this knowledge, through instructional contact with the master confectioner who commanded the activities of the factory and through the contact with the employees who worked there at the time of the research. Thus, I found how these processes follow an embodied logic, oblivious to rational logic, and how the movements of change and permanence, endogenous or external to these practices, impact the organization that its structures around them.

O saber-ser ético-profissional da enfermagem: um olhar sobre a formação de nível técnico / The ethical-professional know-how-to-be of nursing professionals: an overview on the technical formation

Marta Pazos Peralba Coelho 01 June 2009 (has links)
Visando a garantia da oferta de atenção integral e de qualidade à saúde da população brasileira, a enfermagem tem se articulado em ações coletivas para construir novas práticas de saúde e de formação de profissionais. Busca-se uma formação calcada em competências crítico-emancipatórias, assegurando que os princípios e as estratégias do SUS sejam norteadores fundamentais dessa construção. A realidade da formação tem sido a ênfase no saber-saber e no saber-fazer em detrimento, muitas vezes, do saber-ser. Este estudo partiu do pressuposto de que o desenvolvimento da dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional na formação contribui para uma prática profissional vinculada a valores ético-políticos e de justiça social. Assim, buscou-se investigar como a formação da dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional do técnico em enfermagem é desenvolvida na escola. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem etnográfica, na perspectiva teórica do materialismo histórico e dialético que reconhece os processos educacionais como parte integrante de formações sociais historicamente determinadas. Os dados foram coletados a partir da observação direta do cotidiano de uma escola técnica de saúde, dos seus documentos e de entrevistas com o corpo técnico. Os resultados explicitaram as concepções que as docentes têm sobre o saber-ser ético-profissional e como elas foram aplicadas na construção dos processos formativos, tanto no que se refere ao currículo como na prática docente. O principal dado é de que não há um processo educativo sistematizado sobre a dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional, tampouco o currículo explicita os conteúdos em valores e atitudes. Concluiu-se que a dimensão do saber-ser ético-profissional, apesar de sempre presente na prática profissional, nem sempre é abordada nos processos de formação tradicionalmente baseados na racionalidade científica. Isto se dá tanto pela herança de uma formação tradicional, como pela falta de clareza do que significa e como deve ser feita a formação dessa dimensão / In order to guarantee integral attention and quality to the health care of the Brazilian population, nursing professionals have been working on collective actions with a view to implementing new health care practices and formation of new professionals in this area. The objective is the achievement of a formation which is based on critical-emancipating competencies and make it sure that its construction is essentially oriented and based upon SUS principles and strategies. The reality of the formation of professionals in the field of nursing has always been focused on the know-how-to-know and the know-how-to-do to the detriment of the know-how-to-be. This study is based on the presupposition that the development of a ethical-professional know-how-to-be dimension of the nursing formation contributes to a professional practice that leads to ethical-political and social justice values. Therefore, investigation was focused on how the ethical-professional know-how-to-be dimension is developed in the nursing technical course. This is an ethnographic-approach-based research which theoretical perspective tends to the dialectic and historic materialism, in which educational processes are understood as integrating parts of social historically determined formations. Data were collected based on direct observation of a technical health care school daily routine, as well as from the school documents and by interviewing the school technical body. Results have shown how the school teaching body sees the ethical-professional know-how-to-be and how it was applied in the implementation of the formative processes, either to the school curriculum and to the school teaching body practice. The main data is that there is no educational systematized process on the dimension of the ethical-professional know-how-to-be in the school, and also the curriculum does not detail its content as to values and attitudes. It is then concluded that this dimension, despite being often present in the professional practice, is not always approached in the processes of formation which are traditionally based on the scientific rationality. This happens either on account of a traditional formation heritage, as well as on account of a lack of a clear understanding of this dimension and how the formation of such dimension should be brought about

A transmissão do saber-fazer como intencionalidade incorporada : etnografia em uma fábrica de doces em Pelotas, RS

Figueiredo, Marina Dantas de January 2013 (has links)
Desde a virada para a prática nos Estudos Organizacionais, as diferentes vertentes das teorias da prática têm dado importante contribuição no sentido de desconstruir o predomínio da visão funcionalista sobre o fenômeno organizacional. Apesar disso, o tema de como a reprodução das práticas contribui para a produção da ordem social tem sido negligenciado pelos estudos baseados na prática nesse campo. Tal postura tem impedido a consecução de pesquisas que busquem compreender como as práticas são socialmente sustentadas, que interesses as orientam, quem se beneficia de sua permanência ou de sua interrupção, e assim por diante. Desse modo, reforça-se, em certa medida, a dificuldade de entendimento dos processos de permanência e mudança organizacional para além da razão instrumental e capitula-se diante do imperativo funcionalista que continua a privilegiar, tanto na teoria quanto na prática administrativa, a lógica do proveito material governado pela eficiência produtiva como o motivo primordial da existência e da permanência das organizações. Com base em tal percepção, proponho como objetivo desta tese repensar a questão da intencionalidade dos agentes organizacionais a partir de uma perspectiva prática e histórica, cultural e incorporada. Para realizá-lo, parto de um estudo etnográfico feito durante o ano de 2011, em uma fábrica de doces na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Neste campo, foi possível vivenciar as dinâmicas de permanência e mudança da prática de uma doceria que é reconhecida localmente como “tradicional” pelo tempo de enraizamento na cultura. A observação participante aconteceu de modo direcionado para a compreensão dos processos de transmissão do saber-fazer doceiro, através da minha própria experiência de incorporação desse conhecimento prático, do contato instrutivo com a mestre doceira que comandava as atividades da fábrica e com as funcionárias e funcionários que lá trabalhavam na época da pesquisa. Assim, considero ter sido possível compreender de que maneira os referidos processos obedecem a uma lógica incorporada, alheia à lógica racional, e como os movimentos de mudança e permanência, endógenos ou exteriores a essas práticas, exercem impacto sobre a organização que se estrutura ao seu redor. / Since the practice turn in Organizational Studies, different strands of theories of practice have made important contributions in order to deconstruct the dominance of the functionalist view of the organizational phenomenon. Nevertheless, the issue of how the reproduction of practices contributes to the production of social order has been neglected by practice-based studies in this field. This attitude has prevented the acomplishment of researches that attempt to understand how the practices are socially sustained, what interests guide them, who benefits from their maintenance or from their interruption, and so forth. Thus, it reinforces in a certain extent, the difficulty on understanding the processes of organizational change and permanence beyond instrumental reason, and it gives in afterward the functionalist imperative that continues to privilege, both in management theory and practice, the logic of material gain governed by the productive efficiency as the primary reason of existence and continuity of organizations. Based on this perception, I propose as the objective of this thesis to rethink the intentionality of the organizational agents from a practical and historical, cultural and embodied perspective. Based on an ethnographic study made during 2011 in a candy factory in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, it was possible to experience the dynamics of permanence and change of the practice of a kind of confectionery which is recognized locally as "traditional" odd to the time of rooting in culture. The participant observation was directed to understanding the processes of transmission of the confectioner know-how, through my own experience of incorporating this knowledge, through instructional contact with the master confectioner who commanded the activities of the factory and through the contact with the employees who worked there at the time of the research. Thus, I found how these processes follow an embodied logic, oblivious to rational logic, and how the movements of change and permanence, endogenous or external to these practices, impact the organization that its structures around them.

Descomplicando a tectônica: Três arquitetos e uma abordagem

CANTALICE, Aristóteles de Siqueira Campos 18 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-10-18T18:45:02Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Descomplicando a tectônica - Aristóteles Cantalice COMPRIMIDA.pdf: 9635620 bytes, checksum: efc8d5fed720101df407526f8ec72a53 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-18T18:45:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Descomplicando a tectônica - Aristóteles Cantalice COMPRIMIDA.pdf: 9635620 bytes, checksum: efc8d5fed720101df407526f8ec72a53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-18 / CNPQ / Existem diversas maneiras de se entender a arquitetura, e uma delas é através da chamada teoria da tectônica. A tectônica surgiu na Alemanha em meados do século XIX por meio dos escritos de Karl Otfried Müller, Karl Bötticher e Gottfried Semper e foi resgatada na década de 1990 por autores como Kenneth Frampton, Gevork Hartoonian, Edward Ford e Andrea Deplazes. A intenção da teoria da tectônica é de estreitar as relações entre a cultura de construção e o discurso arquitetônico, pois ela considera a mão de obra como um meio de resgate à técnica, ao artesanal e ao táctil, numa clara referência poética à tradição de construir como meio de expressão. Essa tese tem a finalidade de utilizar a teoria da tectônica para entender o processo de concepção dos arquitetos modernos brasileiros enfocando-se no período do pós-guerra até fins da década de 1980. O trabalho pretende, primeiramente, se aprofundar nas diversas facetas da teoria, entendendo seus conceitos básicos, para num segundo momento elaborar um método de análise tectônico, aqui denominado 'abordagem tectônica' que, com base na teoria, poderá ser utilizado num terceiro momento para analisar alguns estudos de caso. Com base nos conceitos empregados pelos teóricos da tectônica, essa 'abordagem tectônica' está subdividida num tripé que questões que contempla: a concepção, que lida com assuntos subjetivos relacionados à composição, seja abstrata ou de herança; a materialidade, que lida com os materiais, sua aplicação e seu diálogo para com a composição; e a técnica, que lida com a maneira com que as edificações são erigidas. Atrelados ao tripé estão os principais conceitos utilizados pelos teóricos da tectônica desde o século XIX até a contemporaneidade, e graças a ele será possível sistematizar a teoria para aplicá-la na contemporaneidade. A partir da 'abordagem tectônica' será feita uma análise da tectônica na produção internacional, para num segundo momento aprofundar-se na realidade nacional, e, por fim, analisar três estudos de caso (arquitetos) para uma amostragem mais profunda. Tais arquitetos foram selecionados por se formarem na FNA - Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura no mesmo intervalo de tempo e trabalhar com temas bastante distintos que podem ampliar o processo de compreensão da tectônica do período, são eles: Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-2009), que trabalhou o detalhe como amálgama do processo criativo; Severiano Porto (1930+), que lançou mão de técnicas ímpares de marcenaria conforme as necessidades da floresta; e João Filgueiras Lima, o Lelé (1932-2014), que explorou os pré-moldados como elemento de forte valor compositivo. Por fim, o estudo desses três arquitetos a partir da teoria procura demonstrar como a tectônica pode ser aplicada encontrando aspectos majoritários na obra de cada um. Esses aspectos podem ser vistos como domínios que podem auxiliar no entendimento mais macro de uma tectônica brasileira. Essa análise estimulará um novo entendimento sobre o processo de concepção arquitetônico enfocando a teoria da tectônica, que ainda é tão pouco estudada no cenário nacional. Sendo assim, essa tese poderá nos prover um novo olhar sobre a expressão arquitetônica ainda inédita no cenário atual. / There are many ways to understand architecture, and one of them is trough the tectonic theory. The tectonic theory arises in Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century through the writings of Karl Otfried Müller, Karl Bötticher and Gottfried Semper, and has been redeemed in the 1990s by Kenneth Frampton, Gevork Hartoonian, Edward Ford, Andrea Deplazes. The intention of tectonic is to approximate the relations between the culture of construction and architectural discourse, because the theory considers labor as a mean to rescue the technique, the craft and the tactile, in a reference to the poetic tradition of construction as a mean of expression. This thesis aims to apply the tectonic theory to understand the design process of modern Brazilian architects, focusing on the period between the late 1950s and the early 1980s. The work aims, first, to dive into the various facets of the theory, understanding its basic concepts, and second, to elaborate a method of tectonic analysis, here called 'tectonic approach', which may be used in a third moment to analyze several case studies. Based on the theoretical concepts, this 'tectonic approach' can be divided in an issues tripod relating to: conception, dealing with subjective matters related to composition, whether abstract or inheritance; materiality, which handles the materials, their application and to dialogue with the composition; and technical, which deals with the way the buildings are erected. The concepts used by the theorists are linked to the tripod, and thanks to it, it will be possible to systematize this theory to apply it nowadays. With the 'tectonic approach' we will made a tectonic analysis of the international production, and in a second moment we will apply it to the national reality, and finally, we will analyze three case studies (of architects) for a deeper analysis. These architects were selected because they graduate from FNA - National School of Architecture, in the same period, and worked with different themes that can enhance the understanding of the tectonic process, they are: Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-2009), who worked with the architectural detail as an amalgam of the creative process; Severiano Porto (1930+), who made use of unique techniques of woodwork thought the needs of the Amazon region; and João Filgueiras Lima, the Lelé (1932-2014), which explored solutions of precast as strong compositional value elements. Finally, the study of these three architects in the scope of the theory seeks to demonstrate how the tectonic can be applied to the main aspects of the work of each. These aspects can be seen as dominions that can help the understanding of the brazilian tectonic in a macro way. This analysis will stimulate a new understanding of the architectural design process, focusing on the tectonic theory, which still so unexplored on the national scene. Thus, this thesis can provide us a brand new way to look at the architectural expression.

Organisaation innovaatiokyvyn johtamismalli:innovaatiokyvyn kehittäminen osana johtamisjärjestelmää

Yliherva, J. (Jukka) 28 April 2004 (has links)
Abstract Over the past few years it has been discussed and written about in Finnish society how the foundation of Finland's future welfare and economic growth is based on an organisation's renewal and innovation capabilities. Decreasing the barriers of trade with its "China syndrome", international competition for taxes, growth and stabilisation treaties of the European Union, high-age structure, and so forth, create a national sense of necessity to excel in the field of international innovation development. Researching these demands have led to developing a "governance of organisational innovation capabilitis" based on existing theories and management doctrines, and empiria. The design embodies fields of know-how which can improve the organisation's innovation capabilities. These fields of knowledge consist of companionship and collaboration, knowledge of network skills, mastery of innovation acquiring processes and knowledge of using innovation stimuli. By cultivating these skills, the organisation will have an even better chance of achieving positive development in productivity and, under the circumstances, benefiting intangible capital. With the support of this design, the organisation will evolve and control its innovation capabilities according to the philosophy of continuous improvement. The governance consists of measuring methods and indicators developed in research and connected to existing management and reporting systems of the organisations. The organisation can also compare its own innovation capabilities in relation to other organisations for directing and building motivation configurations. The developed model was tested and evaluated in the Finnish infra-industry operational environment in six different ways. The model passed the tests, and by guesstimates can be applied in all organisations such as public utilities and business corporations. Equally, the model is suitable for different states of distribution channels. The model is being introduced extensively and is available for organisations on the internet. Most of the theoretical contribution was probably achieved through the functionality of the management system. Theoretical contribution also arose, because developing the intangible capital in organisations has been considered problematic, especially due to the lack of indicators and measuring methods. The model consists mainly of those indicators and methods created for this purpose. Also significant, on behalf of the theoretical contribution, was that by obtaining services, these organisations could develop their own innovation capabilities at the same time by combining challenging innovation combinations. Extensive material related to the acquisition affairs helps in any case to understand the relations between methods and outcome. The result of the study was able to reflect several links with the existing theory. One point of reflection was that with the help of the model, organisations could reduce the uncertainties detected in the organisational- and economic theories, which are connected to the selecting of partners and acquisition affairs. / Tiivistelmä Suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa on viime vuosien aikana puhuttu ja kirjoitettu paljon siitä, että Suomen taloudellisen hyvinvoinnin ja talouskasvun perustana on tulevaisuudessa organisaatioiden uudistumis- ja innovaatiokyky. Kaupan esteiden vähentyminen "Kiina-ilmiöineen", kansainvälinen verokilpailu, EU:n kasvu- ja vakauttamissopimukset, korkea ikärakenne ja monet muut tekijät aiheuttavat kansallisen paineen olla kansainvälisen innovaatiokehityksen kärjessä. Kansainvälisessä kilpailussa korkean palkkatason kansantalous ja sen organisaatiot voivat menestyä markkinoilla vain innovoimalla - kehittämällä jatkuvasti entistä parempia tuotteita, menettelytapoja ja palvelua. Näistä tarpeista lähtien tutkimuksessa kehitettiin olemassa olevan teorian ja liikkeenjohdon oppien sekä empirian avulla "organisaation innovaatiokyvyn johtamismalli". Malli sisältää osaamisalueita, joihin panostamalla organisaatio voi parantaa innovaatiokykyään. Osaamisalueet ovat kumppanuus- ja sopimusyhteistyöosaaminen, verkostotaitojen osaaminen, innovatiivisen hankintaprosessin osaaminen ja innovaatiokannusteiden käytön osaaminen. Näitä kehittämällä organisaatiolla on entistä paremmat mahdollisuudet saavuttaa positiivista tuottavuuskehitystä ja hyötyä näin ollen aineettoman varallisuutensa kehittymisestä. Mallin avulla organisaatio pystyy kehittämään ja hallitsemaan innovaatiokykyään jatkuvan parantamisen filosofian mukaisesti. Johtamismalli sisältää mittausmenettelyt ja tutkimuksessa kehitetyt mittarit sekä näiden kytkennät organisaatioiden olemassa oleviin johtamisjärjestelmiin. Organisaatio voi myös verrata omaa innovaatiokykyään suhteessa muihin organisaatioihin ja hyödyntää tietoa oman organisaation johtamisessa ja motivaatioasetelmien rakentamisessa. Kehitettyä mallia testattiin ja arvioitiin suomalaisessa infra-alan toimintaympäristössä kuudella eri tavalla. Malli läpäisi suoritetut testit, ja arvioiden mukaan sitä voidaan hyödyntää kaikissa organisaatioissa niin julkisella alalla kuin yrityksissäkin. Yhtä lailla malli sopii käytettäväksi arvoketjun eri vaiheissa. Mallia ollaan ottamassa laajasti käyttöön ja kehitetty malli on organisaatioiden saatavilla Internetin kautta osoitteessa: http://www.innovaatiomittaus.fi. Teoreettista kontribuutiota saavutettiin ehkä eniten johtamismallin toimivuuden ansiosta. Teoreettista kontribuutiota syntyi myös siitä, että aineettoman varallisuuden kehittämistä organisaatioissa on pidetty ongelmallisena nimenomaan mittareiden ja mittausmenetelmien puuttumisen vuoksi. Malli sisältää monia tätä tarkoitusta palvelevia mittareita ja mittausmenetelmän. Merkittävää teoreettisen kontribuution osalta oli myös se, että organisaatiot hankkiessaan palveluita voivat samalla kehittää omaa innovaatiokykyään yhdistämällä hankintoihinsa haasteellisia innovaatioasetelmia. Laaja hankintatoimeen liittyvä aineisto auttaa muutenkin ymmärtämään keinon ja lopputuloksen suhteita. Tutkimuksen tuloksia pystyttiin reflektoimaan myös olemassa olevaan teoriaan usean kiinnekohdan kautta. Yhtenä reflektointikohtana oli se, että mallin avulla organisaatiot pystyvät vähentämään organisaatio- ja talousteorioissa havaittuja epävarmuuksia, jotka liittyvät kumppaneiden valintaan ja organisaation hankintatoimeen.

Úprava systému řízení znalostí u pracovníků zaměřených na vývoj SW / Modification of a system for managing knowledge of workers focused on SW development

Šimková, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Knowledge management is one of frequently discussed disciplines. Knowledge in business area became the main competitive advantage in the last years and therefore it is necessary to manage knowledge effectively. This paper is focused on analysis of a system for managing knowledge used in a big software company and on suggestion of possible modifications of chosen parts of this system, which is the overall goal of this paper. Concrete goals are defined within the analytical part of this paper.

Temporaires en permanence : Une ethnologie du travail intérimaire "non-qualifié" / Continually temp's : Ethnology of temporary workers

Rosini, Philippe 17 March 2014 (has links)
L'intérim est un mode d'utilisation de la force de travail qui offre aux entreprises des facilités d'embauche et de révocation de la main d'oeuvre. Cette thèse rend compte de la condition sociale des intérimaires « non-qualifiés ». La réflexion se situe dans le champ de l'ethnologie du travail et des techniques. L'enquête s'est déroulée sur plusieurs années à partir d'une immersion au sein de différentes entreprises du Sud-est de la France (Grasse, 06). Une attention particulière est portée aux techniques, aux savoir-faire et à leur transmission, ainsi qu'aux outils et aux connaissances plus ou moins lacunaires mis à disposition des intérimaires par les entreprises utilisatrices. Les parcours que ces salariés empruntent au sein des unités de production, de leur mise à l'écart jusqu'à leur inclusion dans les collectifs de travail, sont examinés. Toutes ces dimensions sont traversées et orientées par le caractère temporaire du régime d'embauche. Chaque fois qu'une mission s'achève et qu'une autre débute, les intérimaires doivent nouer d'autres relations, se forger d'autres habitudes et mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles techniques, toutes aussi temporaires et incertaines, perdant ainsi l'esquisse des automatismes à peine intégrés. Il apparaît également que la mobilisation productive et subjective des intérimaires dépend de la durée potentielle de leurs contrats. Cette vulnérabilité contractuelle a divers effets en fonction des aspirations de chaque salarié et des usages que chacun fait de l'intérim. Lorsque la maîtrise de l'emploi du temps comme celle de l'avenir font défaut, c'est l'insertion sociale tout entière qui s'en trouve affectée. / Temporary work is a way of using the workforce which allows companies to hire and repeal the labour with ease. This thesis reports the social condition of the "unskilled" temporary workers. The ethnological investigation took place over several years through a participative observation, as a temporary worker, within various companies. The reflection belongs to the field of the ethnology of work. The analysis is based on the examination of the working conditions, by paying a particular attention on techniques, by questioning the know-how and their transmission, as well as by observing tools and the more or less incomplete knowledge given to temporary workers by the user companies. This thesis also describes the paths they can follow in the production units; from their sidelining to their inclusion in the work collectives. All these dimensions are crossed and directed by the temporary nature of this type of hiring. Every time a mission ends and every time another one begins, temporary employees have to build other relationships, find other habits and operate new techniques, just as temporary and uncertain, thus losing recent barely integrated automatisms. The specific know-how and the practical adaptations which they develop in front of this situation of indecision are examined in this thesis. It also seems that the productive and subjective mobilization of the temporary workers depends on the potential duration of their missions. This contractual vulnerability has diverse effects depending on the aspirations of each employee and their use of temporary work. Without control over one's timetable and one's future it is the whole social integration process which is affected.

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