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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Приступи развоју базe података Општег информационог модела за електроенергетске мреже / Pristupi razvoju baze podataka Opšteg informacionog modela za elektroenergetske mreže / Approaches for Developing a Database for Common Information Model of Power Grids

Dević Saša 01 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Општи информациони модел (CIM) користи се за опис електроенергетске мреже и за размену података између оператера преносних електроенергетских система. Како је модел постајао све заступљенији, појавила се потреба за његовим складиштењем. У раду је развијен методолошки приступ за развој базе података која би подржала релативно једноставно складиштење и рад са инстанцама CIM модела, које описују тренутно, активно стање у систему. Такође, омогућено је и праћење претходних, историјских стања CIM инстанци, као и њихова рестаурација у жељено стање. Очекује се да предложени приступ олакша увођење CIM модела у различита, наменска програмска решења.</p> / <p>Opšti informacioni model (CIM) koristi se za opis elektroenergetske mreže i za razmenu podataka između operatera prenosnih elektroenergetskih sistema. Kako je model postajao sve zastupljeniji, pojavila se potreba za njegovim skladištenjem. U radu je razvijen metodološki pristup za razvoj baze podataka koja bi podržala relativno jednostavno skladištenje i rad sa instancama CIM modela, koje opisuju trenutno, aktivno stanje u sistemu. Takođe, omogućeno je i praćenje prethodnih, istorijskih stanja CIM instanci, kao i njihova restauracija u željeno stanje. Očekuje se da predloženi pristup olakša uvođenje CIM modela u različita, namenska programska rešenja.</p> / <p>Common Information Model (CIM) is used for describing power grid networks<br />and data exchange among transmission system operators (TSO). As the<br />model became widely used, there was a need to store such model. In this<br />thesis we present a methodological approach to development of a database<br />that supports relatively easy storing and managing CIM instances, which<br />describe current, active state of the system. Also, tracking changes and<br />restoring CIM instances to its previous states are supported. We expect that<br />such methodological approach would ease the implementation of CIM model<br />in various, domain specific software solutions.</p>

Ledarskapandet i korstrycket : Mellancheferna inom sektionen för barn och unga och deras ledarskapsprocess

Öberg, Tanja, Alkner-Timner, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Mellanchefer inom socialtjänstens sektion för barn och unga arbetar i en motstridig organisation. Mellancheferna blir länken som fogar samman politiskt fattade beslut med förvaltningens krav och förväntningar, personalgruppens behov och klienternas rätt till hjälp och stöd. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur mellanchefernas ledarskap skapas utifrån de förutsättningar som ges och den komplexitet som rollen innebär. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer med mellanchefer inom sektionen för barn och unga i fem mellanstora kommuner har genomförts. Genom att undersöka hur mellancheferna navigerar mellan domänerna politik, förvaltning och profession och med hjälp av begreppet parallellprocesser kan mekanismer som utgör viktiga faktorer för ledarskapandet synliggöras. Tydligt är att socionomernas starka professionsidentitet präglar ledarskapet i alla led och att prioriteringar och val många gånger motiveras mot bakgrund av den starka professionstillhörigheten. Resultatet visar också att mellancheferna i studien främst ser sig som socionomer och identifierar sig mer med sin profession än med sin funktion som chef. Professionsidentifikationen utgör många gånger en legitimerande grund för hur ledarskapet bedrivs i sin operativa form. / Middle-managers leaders in the social services´ department for children and young people work in a conflicting organisation. These middle-managers become the link which joins together political decisions with requirements and expectations from the management, the needs of personnel and the clients´ right to aid and support. The aim of this study has been to investigate how middle-management leadership is created within given conditions and the complexity that their role entails. Six qualitative interviews with middle- managers in the department for children and young people in five intermediate municipalities have been realized. By investigating how these middle-managers navigate between the political, management and professional domains and, with the aid of the concept of parallel processes, mechanisms, which can constitute important factors for leadership, have been made visible. It is clear that the professions identity of social workers influence their leadership at all levels and that priorities and choices are often motivated because of this strong professions identity. The result also shows that the middle-managers in this study regard themselves as social workers and identify themselves more with their profession than with their function as managers. Professions identification often constitutes a legitimizing basis for how leadership is conducted in its operative form.

Návrh systému komunikace ve firmě / Proposal of Communication System in Company

Černá, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
Master´s thesis analyses modern methods of communication in company management. The objective is to discover out the crucial defects of this issue and to outline possible solutions which would improve the weaknesses – of internal communication. The master´s thesis consists of three parts: The theoretical part is concerned about communicational instruments which have been used by the operational company ČEPRO, a.s. The analytical part describes implementation of communicational instruments in the company. (external communication, internal communication, crisis communication and communication during the new product implementation) The proposal part recommends appropriate elements for efficient communication within the current communication system in the company.

Exploring DeepSEA CNN and DNABERT for Regulatory Feature Prediction of Non-coding DNA

Stachowicz, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Prediction and understanding of the regulatory effects of non-coding DNA is an extensive research area in genomics. Convolutional neural networks have been used with success in the past to predict regulatory features, making chromatin feature predictions based solely on non-coding DNA sequences. Non-coding DNA shares various similarities with the human spoken language. This makes Language models such as the transformer attractive candidates for deciphering the non-coding DNA language. This thesis investigates how well the transformer model, usually used for NLP problems, predicts chromatin features based on genome sequences compared to convolutional neural networks. More specifically, the CNN DeepSEA, which is used for regulatory feature prediction based on noncoding DNA, is compared with the transformer DNABert. Further, this study explores the impact different parameters and training strategies have on performance. Furthermore, other models (DeeperDeepSEA and DanQ) are also compared on the same tasks to give a broader comparison value. Lastly, the same experiments are conducted on modified versions of the dataset where the labels cover different amounts of the DNA sequence. This could prove beneficial to the transformer model, which can understand and capture longrange dependencies in natural language problems. The replication of DeepSEA was successful and gave similar results to the original model. Experiments used for DeepSEA were also conducted on DNABert, DeeperDeepSEA, and DanQ. All the models were trained on different datasets, and their results were compared. Lastly, a Prediction voting mechanism was implemented, which gave better results than the models individually. The results showed that DeepSEA performed slightly better than DNABert, regarding AUC ROC. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test showed that, even if the two models got similar AUC ROC scores, there is statistical significance between the distribution of predictions. This means that the models look at the dataset differently and might be why combining their prediction presents good results. Due to time restrictions of training the computationally heavy DNABert, the best hyper-parameters and training strategies for the model were not found, only improved. The Datasets used in this thesis were gravely unbalanced and is something that needs to be worked on in future projects. This project works as a good continuation for the paper Whole-genome deep-learning analysis identifies contribution of non-coding mutations to autism risk, Which uses the DeepSEA model to learn more about how specific mutations correlate with Autism Spectrum Disorder. / Arbetet kring hur icke-kodande DNA påverkar genreglering är ett betydande forskningsområde inom genomik. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) har tidigare framgångsrikt använts för att förutsäga reglerings-element baserade endast på icke-kodande DNA-sekvenser. Icke-kod DNA har ett flertal likheter med det mänskliga språket. Detta gör språkmodeller, som Transformers, till attraktiva kandidater för att dechiffrera det icke-kodande DNA-språket. Denna avhandling undersöker hur väl transformermodellen kan förutspå kromatin-funktioner baserat på gensekvenser jämfört med CNN. Mer specifikt jämförs CNN-modellen DeepSEA, som används för att förutsäga reglerande funktioner baserat på icke-kodande DNA, med transformern DNABert. Vidare undersöker denna studie vilken inverkan olika parametrar och träningsstrategier har på prestanda. Dessutom jämförs andra modeller (DeeperDeepSEA och DanQ) med samma experiment för att ge ett bredare jämförelsevärde. Slutligen utförs samma experiment på modifierade versioner av datamängden där etiketterna täcker olika mängder av DNA-sekvensen. Detta kan visa sig vara fördelaktigt för transformer modellen, som kan förstå beroenden med lång räckvidd i naturliga språkproblem. Replikeringen av DeepSEA experimenten var lyckad och gav liknande resultat som i den ursprungliga modellen. Experiment som användes för DeepSEA utfördes också på DNABert, DeeperDeepSEA och DanQ. Alla modeller tränades på olika datamängder, och resultat på samma datamängd jämfördes. Slutligen implementerades en algoritm som kombinerade utdatan av DeepDEA och DNABERT, vilket gav bättre resultat än modellerna individuellt. Resultaten visade att DeepSEA presterade något bättre än DNABert, med avseende på AUC ROC. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test visade att, även om de två modellerna fick liknande AUC ROC-poäng, så finns det en statistisk signifikans mellan fördelningen av deras förutsägelser. Det innebär att modellerna hanterar samma information på olika sätt och kan vara anledningen till att kombinationen av deras förutsägelser ger bra resultat. På grund av tidsbegränsningar för träning av det beräkningsmässigt tunga DNABert hittades inte de bästa hyper-parametrarna och träningsstrategierna för modellen, utan förbättrades bara. De datamängder som användes i denna avhandling var väldigt obalanserade, vilket måste hanteras i framtida projekt. Detta projekt fungerar som en bra fortsättning för projektet Whole-genome deep-learning analysis identifies contribution of non-coding mutations to autism risk, som använder DeepSEA-modellen för att lära sig mer om hur specifika DNA-mutationer korrelerar med autismspektrumstörning.

Különböző típusú szövegek kreatív olvasásának fejlesztése az anyanyelv tanításában (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) / The Development of Creative Reading of Texts with a Different Type in Native Language Teaching

Terteli Telek Marta 07 July 2016 (has links)
<p>K&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző t&iacute;pus&uacute; sz&ouml;vegek kreat&iacute;v olvas&aacute;s&aacute;nak fejleszt&eacute;se az anyanyelv tan&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban (Razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja različitih tipova tekstova u nastavi maternjeg jezika) tretira metode i procese kojima se razvija čitanje sa razumevanjem (čitalačka pismenost). Ukazuje na to da su preduslov za razumevanje teksta razvijena tehnika čitanja, leksički fond, razumevanje sintagme i rečenice, izvođenje zaključaka, razuđenost teksta, prepoznavanje strukture teksta, unutra&scaron;nja slika (mentalna mapa) tipa teksta, u pisanom tekstu poznavanje vizuelnog upravljanja (forma teksta) i jezičkog upravljanja, retorike, uvažavanje vizuelnog konteksta (slike i ilustracije, tumačenje uzajamno komplementarnih tekstova i slika), prepoznavanje stila (stilskog registra), veći kapacitet radne memorije, monitoring okvirnog znanja (poznavanje sveta), procesa razumevanja itd. U radu se prikazuju oblici ispoljavanja deficita pri razumevanju teksta, a obja&scaron;njavaju se i uzroci.<br />Autorka analizira strategije razvijanja čitalačke pismenosti sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova počev od beletristike (bajki i poezije), preko naučno-popularne literature (udžbenika) do adekvatnog tumačenja multimedijalnih, pa i digitalnih tekstova. Usput spominje kreativno-produktivne vežbe, ilustruje njihovu ulogu, značaj u stvaranju značenja, prikazuje mehanizam za postizanje efekata kod vežbi kreativnog pisanja i bavi se metodikom vaspitavanja čitalaca.<br />U doktorskoj disertaciji, nakon razmatranja teoretsko-metodolo&scaron;ke osnove čitanja sa razumevanjem različitih tipova tekstova, sledi prezentacija rezultata empirijskog istraživanja, kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza sa matematičko-statističkom obradom podataka. U istraživanju je kori&scaron;ćen test za razumevanje teksta koji nije formalan (standardni), odnosno upitnik o čitalačkim navikama. Uzorak obuhvata 800 učenika: iz naselja u kojima Mađari žive u homogenim sredinama, u rasejanju, odnosno u izolovanim manjim zajednicama.<br />Tokom istraživanja autorka je ispitivala u kojoj meri jezička sredina učenika (Mađari u homogenim naseljima, u rasejanju ili izolovanim zajednicama) utiče na nivo razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, kao i da li postoji statistički značajna povezanost (pozitivna korelacija) između socijalno-kulturne sredine učenika i nivoa razvoja njihove sposobnosti razumevanja teksta. Istraživanje obuhvata i aspekat postojanja statistički značajne razlike među polovima &scaron;to se tiče sposobnosti kreativnog čitanja i da li ima razlike u procentima re&scaron;enih zadataka vezanih za razne tipove tekstova, odnosno u kojoj meri učinak u razumevanju teksta zavisi od tipa teksta. Tokom kvalitativne analize dobija se odgovor i na to, kako su mediji promenili tradicionalnu strukturu kori&scaron;ćenja slobodnog vremena, odnosno kako se menja profil čitanja po žanrovima i struktura traženog &scaron;tiva.<br />Koristeći metode deskriptivne, istorijske, statističke i teorijske analize doktorska disertacija daje uvid u nivo razvoja učenika 4. razreda osnovne &scaron;kole ‒ na teritorijama gde Mađari žive homogeno, u rasejanju ili u izolovanim zajednicama ‒ &scaron;to se tiče sposobnosti razumevanja teksta, odnosno čitalačkih navika. Disertacija može poslužiti kao osnova za dalja istraživanja, dajući podlogu za komparativne analize.</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation entitled K&uuml;l&ouml;nb&ouml;ző t&iacute;pus&uacute; sz&ouml;vegek kreat&iacute;v olvas&aacute;s&aacute;nak fejleszt&eacute;se az anyanyelv tan&iacute;t&aacute;s&aacute;ban (English translation: The development of creative reading of texts with a different type in native language teaching) examines the methods, procedures enhancing text comprehending reading. It sheds light on the fact that the condition of text comprehending is the developed reading technique, the vocabulary, syntagm- and sentence understanding, drawing the conclusions, the articulateness of the text, the recognition of text structure, the inner picture of the text type (its mental map), the visual control (the text form) and the lingual control in the written text, the knowledge of the rhetoric, taking into consideration (the interpretation of a text and figure being complementary with each other) the visual context (figures and illustrations), identification of the style (the style register), bigger work memory capacity, the knowledge framework (world knowledge), monitoring the understanding process, etc. Furthermore, it presents the forms of manifestation of the text comprehending deficits, and brings the reasons to light.<br />By analysing the development strategies of comprehending reading of texts with a different type, the author starts from the literary texts (from the tale and the poem), through the educational (course book) texts gets to the adequate interpretation of the multimedia and digital texts. Meanwhile flashes the creative-productive practices by illustrating their role, significance in meaning creation, presents the mode of action of the creative writing practices, and touches upon the methodology of educating for reading.<br />In the doctoral dissertation, the theoretical-methodological establishment of the comprehending reading of different type of texts is followed by the presentation of the results of the empirical research, respectively the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the statistical data. The research was not carried out with the examination of a random sample, it is not a formal (not standard) text comprehending test, and it is based on the questionnaire surveying the reading habits. 800 students belong to the sample: the students living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), students living in a diaspora environment, and students from scattered areas.<br />In the course of her research the author examines whether the students&#39; lingual environment (living on areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population, in a diaspora environment, and on scattered areas) influences the development level of text comprehending ability, furthermore whether statistically there exists considerable connection (positive correlation) between the students&#39; sociocultural background and the development level of text comprehending ability. The research also extends to whether, as regard the genders, there can be observed statistically considerable difference regarding the level of creative reading ability, and whether the resolution proportions of the tasks being attached to different type of texts show a difference, namely to what extend does text comprehending performance depend on the text type. In the course of the qualitative analysis we have also got an answer of how did the media modify the traditional structure of free time spending, and how did the aspect of reading change regarding the read genres, the reading structure.<br />By the descriptive, historical, statistical and theoretical analysis, the doctoral dissertation draws a picture ‒ on the areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Hungarian population (compact areas), the diaspora environment, and on scattered areas ‒ with regard to the primary school fourth grade students, on the development level of text comprehending ability, and maps the reading habits as well. The dissertation may serve as the basis of additional researches, providing the basis for comparative analyses.</p>

Doing Good While Being Good : A study of the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Swedish Companies Act

Djäken, Johan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the current interrelationship between the provisions contained in the Swedish Company Act (2005:551) and activities related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pursued by companies listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. The focal point of this thesis could be argued to be of particular relevance in this day and age, as companies listed at Nasdaq Stockholm continue to perform at the top of the league in global sustainability performance measurements, and Swedish and European legislators have intensified their efforts to encourage businesses to operate in a way that does not incur unacceptable social costs to society. Thus, most companies, particularly those with a vested interest in the private consumer market, seem to recognise the importance of fostering long-term relationships with a wide sphere of stakeholders. The purpose of the thesis has been to contribute to the steadily increasing body of legal research that discusses to what extent Swedish companies, without breaching corporate law, could involve themselves in CSR investments. Since I, initially, conclude that Swedish publicly listed companies seem to increasingly invest in activities related to CSR, the thesis also discusses whether the relevant provisions of the SCA need to change to better adapt to companies’ involvement in CSR activities. In brief, I argue, that current business research on CSR coupled with the aforementioned relevant provisions of the SCA allow boards and managing directors to pursue practically any CSR investments, and that shareholders are mostly restricted to rely on relatively blunt ex post actions against a board and/or managing director that has pursued an ill-considered CSR investment, including the obvious choices of voting to replace the board or selling their shares. And since current business research has not consistently proven the positive impact of CSR policies on the financial performance of businesses there are reasons to suspect that the law practically, due to the shielding force of the business judgment rationale and the legislator’s wish to protect most transactions, cannot be effectively applied to stop CSR investments, even if these are nothing but costs for the business. On the other hand, the findings of the thesis also suggest that the occurrence of such unwise CSR investments is not necessarily a proliferating problem, since many companies listed at Nasdaq Stockholm nowadays have powerful and short-sighted institutional owners. The situation might therefore very well be the opposite and that executives struggle to manage for the long-term, as the logic of the market tell them to do otherwise. / Den här examensuppsatsen utforskar förhållandet mellan några av aktiebolagslagens regler och det engagemang som bolag noterade på Nasdaq Stockholm uppvisar i frågor rörande Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Ämnet kan sägas vara särskilt relevant då såväl det samtida näringslivet som lagstiftaren tycks präglas av en ökad medvetenhet kring CSR-frågor. Den ökade medvetenheten i näringslivet förefaller alltmer inverka på affärsbeslut, ett faktum som inte minst avspeglas i de svenska bolagens topplaceringar i globala index som mäter bolags arbete med hållbarhetsfrågor. Samtidigt speglas lagstiftarens ökade medvetenhet av allt fler svenska som europeiska regulatoriska initiativ på området och vars yttersta syfte är att uppmuntra och stimulera hållbara företag som inte pådyvlar samhället oacceptabla sociala kostnader. Det är således inte särskilt anmärkningsvärt att bolagen, i synnerhet de med intressen anknutna till konsumentmarknaderna, tycks erkänna vikten av att bygga och underhålla långsiktiga relationer med en vidare krets av intressenter än deras aktieägare. Det är min förhoppning att den här uppsatsen kommer att bidra till den ständigt växande del av den aktiebolagsrättsliga diskursen som diskuterar till vilken grad bolag, utan att handla i strid med ABL:s bestämmelser, kan företa åtgärder kopplade till CSR. Eftersom jag inledningsvis anför att bolagen på Nasdaq Stockholm tycks ägna sig allt mer åt CSR diskuterar också uppsatsen om några av ABL:s bestämmelser bör förändras för att bättre hantera dessa företags allt större engagemang i CSR-frågor. Sammanfattningsvis argumenterar jag för att nuvarande företagsekonomisk forskning kring CSR tillsammans med de aktuella bestämmelsernas juridiska innebörd innebär att såväl bolagsstyrelser som verkställande direktörer kan företa i princip vilken investering relaterad till CSR som helst. Aktieägare är i praktiken hänvisade till att söka åstadkomma långsiktigt lönsamma satsningar på hållbarhet genom sanktioner ex post, exempelvis genom att sälja sina aktier eller rösta bort styrelsen. Detta innebär å ena sidan i praktiken, med tanke på att nuvarande företagsekonomisk forskning kring CSR:s inverkan på bolags vinster är tvetydig, att de relevanta bestämmelserna i ABL såsom de nu är utformade utgör en trygg hamn även för många av de transaktioner relaterade till CSR som är direkt värdeförstörande. Å andra sidan argumenterar jag i uppsatsen för att problemet med överinvesteringar i CSR inte nödvändigtvis behöver vara särskilt utbrett då bolagen och deras bolagsstyrning allt mer kommit att präglas av kortsiktiga investeringsperspektiv.

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