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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of the relationship between the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in South Africa and its recipients : 2006-2011

Msibi, Nancy Matjie 29 May 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Public Management and Governance) / The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), a German political foundation, opened its office in South Africa in 1982. Political foundations assist in strengthening democracy and the promotion of good governance through funding democracy promotion activities in developing countries. The relationship between donors and recipients of funding is a complex one. Recipients depend on donors for funding and thus in most instances it seems that they take orders from donors and that they may compromise their own ideas/projects and implement what the donor prefers. Donors are also frequently blamed for tying aid to conditionality, thus putting recipients in the difficult position of trying to please the donor even though they have a better knowledge of what their countries or people need. Despite also experiencing some of the abovementioned issues, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung refers to the relationship with its recipients as a partnership. KAS refers to the recipients of funding as partners because KAS works together with its partners to ensure that the projects succeed. In very exceptional cases, where KAS head office has partnership contracts with recipients, funds for such organizations are disbursed at the start of the project, upon receipt of a budget. Even in such cases, KAS still has continuous engagement to see that funds are used as stipulated in the contract and budget. However, with the majority of recipients the funding model operates in two ways: recipients may send invoices to KAS and the latter pays the service providers directly, or the recipients may pay the service providers and submit invoices and proof of payment to KAS for reimbursement when financial reporting is completed at the end of the project. KAS does not dictate terms to recipients. Instead they both work together to ensure that the project succeeds. The research investigated the relationship between KAS and its recipients. The sample in this study comprises selected recipients of KAS funding in South Africa during the period 2006-2011. KAS does not fund all projects of the selected recipients; they have other donors as well. The primary issue with which all of them are dissatisfied is the lack of institutional funding from KAS specifically, but also from donors in general. The issue of funding being made available for projects only is creating difficulties for recipients because they have to source funds for other costs e.g. salaries.

The Network Governance Approach And The Activities Of The Konrad Adenauer Foundation In Turkey

Kurt, Omur 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the activities of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, one of the German political foundations in Turkey, within the context of the network governance approach. Several tools within this approach are used as heuristic devices to elaborate the relationships of the KAS in the Turkish political terrain. Among these tools, the concept of informality provides a crucial insight to explore the activities of the KAS. This thesis argues that the weight of informal, non-governmental mechanisms in policy-making processes is on the rise in Turkey and the KAS plays an important role in the establishment of such mechanisms. However, though the rise of these mechanisms has the potential to open up opportunies for participation in policy-making processes, in practice, partnerships established by the KAS hinder equal and broad-based participation since they are based on ideological commonality and thus, closed to outside.

Was soll Gegenstand von Musik in der Schule sein? / What should be the subject of music education?

Wallbaum, Christopher 19 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag nimmt seinen Ausgangspunkt bei der Analyse eines Papiers der Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung, das einen Werkekanon für den Musikunterricht vorschlägt. Er führt zu dem Schluss, dass Musik eine besondere Art der ästhetischen Praxis ist, die kulturabhängige Wahrnehmungsinteressen, Vollzugsweisen und dementsprechend gestaltete Musikstücke umfasst. Am Beispiel einer Profiloberstufe wird gezeigt, warum in musikalisch bildender Praxis nicht ethische oder historische, sondern ästhetische Praxis bestimmend sein sollte. / What should be the subject of music education? The article takes its starting point at analysing a paper of the Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung, that suggests an opus- canon. The proposal of the article is, that music is a special kind of aesthetic practice including different ways of perception, which depends on cultural experiences. The example of a general school points out, why aesthical and not ethical or historical practice should dominate the practice of music education.

Was soll Gegenstand von Musik in der Schule sein?

Wallbaum, Christopher 19 April 2010 (has links)
Der Beitrag nimmt seinen Ausgangspunkt bei der Analyse eines Papiers der Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung, das einen Werkekanon für den Musikunterricht vorschlägt. Er führt zu dem Schluss, dass Musik eine besondere Art der ästhetischen Praxis ist, die kulturabhängige Wahrnehmungsinteressen, Vollzugsweisen und dementsprechend gestaltete Musikstücke umfasst. Am Beispiel einer Profiloberstufe wird gezeigt, warum in musikalisch bildender Praxis nicht ethische oder historische, sondern ästhetische Praxis bestimmend sein sollte. / What should be the subject of music education? The article takes its starting point at analysing a paper of the Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung, that suggests an opus- canon. The proposal of the article is, that music is a special kind of aesthetic practice including different ways of perception, which depends on cultural experiences. The example of a general school points out, why aesthical and not ethical or historical practice should dominate the practice of music education.

La quête de la souveraineté Ouest-allemande et de l’intégration à l’Ouest (1948-1955). Le rôle du juriste et diplomate Wilhelm Grewe / In Quest of West German Sovereignty and Integration into the West (1948-1955). Wilhelm Grewe’s Role as a German Diplomat and Professor of International Law / Auf dem Weg zu Souveränität und Westintegration (1948-1955). Der Beitrag des Völkerrechtlers und Diplomaten Wilhelm Grewe

Lambertz, Ruth 11 September 2012 (has links)
Les années 1948-55 sont décisives pour le regain de la souveraineté ouest-allemande et l’intégration de la République fédérale à l’Ouest. Au cours de cette période, on observe la transformation des trois zones placées sous l’autorité suprême des alliés occidentaux en un Etat (quasi) souverain, membre de l’OTAN. Wilhelm Grewe, professeur de droit international, s’engage dès la première heure en faveur d’une base juridique pour les relations avec les Alliés sous forme d’un statut d’occupation (en rédigeant notamment Ein Besatzungsstatut für Deutschland en 1948).En 1951, Konrad Adenauer lui confie la direction de la délégation chargée de négocier le Traité Général sur l’Allemagne (« Deutschlandvertrag »). Wilhelm Grewe use d’astuces juridiques et de pragmatisme politique afin de réaliser les objectifs du chancelier. Les discussions portent essentiellement sur les questions de la souveraineté allemande, de l’autorité suprême, des droits réservés des Alliés, ainsi que sur une garantie de sécurité pour la République fédérale. Le traité, intrinsèquement lié à celui de la CED, est signé en mai 1952.La ratification des deux traités mène à des débats houleux au « Bundestag », notamment sur les questions de la nation allemande et du réarmement. Wilhelm Grewe est alors chargé de la défense juridique des traités devant le parlement et la Cour constitutionnelle. Il joue de nouveau un rôle important lors de la renégociation du Traité Général à la suite de l’échec de la CED. En mai 1955, un « Deutschlandvertrag » remodelé entre en vigueur, le statut d’occupation est aboli, et la République Fédérale rejoint les rangs de l’OTAN et de l’UEO. / The period from 1948 to 1955 was crucial for West Germany's attempts to regain her sovereignty and to achieve her integration into the West. During that time the three zones placed under the Supreme Authority of the Western Allies gradually progressed to becoming a (quasi) sovereign state and a full member of NATO.Wilhelm Grewe, a German professor of international law, was one of those who at a very early stage pleaded for a Statute of Occupation (in 1948, he published Ein Besatzungsstatut für Deutschland) in order to create a legal framework for the relations between the Allies and Germany.In 1951 Konrad Adenauer appointed him Head of delegation for the negotiation of the General Treaty on Germany (“Deutschlandvertrag”). With his legal expertise and his political pragmatism Wilhelm Grewe tried to fulfill the Chancellor’s objectives. The negotiations focused on German sovereignty, supreme authority, the reserved rights of the Allies and a security guarantee for the Federal Republic. This treaty, which was coupled with the EDC, was signed in May 1952.The ratification of both treaties gave rise to stormy debates in the “Bundestag”, concentrating especially on the questions of German reunification and rearmament. Grewe was then entrusted with the legal defence of the treaties vis-à-vis Parliament and the Constitutional Court.He was again called to play an important role when the General Treaty had to be renegotiated after the EDC had failed. In May 1955 a revised “Deutschlandvertrag” entered into force, the Statute of Occupation was abolished and the Federal Republic of Germany became a member of NATO and of the WEU.

Les catholiques allemands et la République de Weimar<br />Les Katholikentage, 1919-1932

Reytier, Marie-Emmanuelle 07 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Fondés en 1848 à Mayence par un ecclésiastique, Mgr Adam Franz Lennig, afin de défendre les libertés religieuses, les Katholikentage – littéralement « Congrès des Catholiques » ou « Journées des Catholiques » – rassemblaient à l'origine les représentants des principales associations catholiques et des personnalités en vue. Au cours des quelque vingt années suivantes, ils jouèrent un rôle majeur dans la mobilisation politique des laïcs. Le Kulturkampf prussien (1872-1878) resserra les liens entre le Zentrum, créé en 1870, et les Katholikentage qui firent progressivement office de congrès annuel du parti. Vers 1900, ils devinrent des assemblées de masse groupant plusieurs dizaines de milliers de participants dans le but de démontrer la solidarité des populations à la fois avec la hiérarchie ecclésiastique et avec les dirigeants du Zentrum. Après une interruption de huit ans, Francfort-sur-le-Main accueillit en 1921 le premier Katholikentag national d'après-guerre et inaugura la reprise des Congrès, organisés ensuite annuellement jusqu'en 1933, à l'exception du Katholikentag prévu en 1923 à Cologne et interdit par les forces d'occupation. Sous la République de Weimar, les Congrès furent les plus grandes assemblées de masse ayant lieu régulièrement : 250.000 personnes assistèrent à la messe dominicale de celui d'Essen, en 1932. Leur influence dépassa largement le nombre de participants, grâce au soutien du clergé au niveau local et national, ainsi qu'à celui du réseau d'associations catholiques et à la presse. <br /><br />Alors que le Zentrum a fait l'objet de nombreuses monographies, les Katholikentage ont été jusqu'à présent négligés par les historiens. Les quelques articles consacrés à la question ne retiennent souvent que la période antérieure à 1914 ou celle postérieure à la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ils mettent en avant le caractère démocratique des Congrès considérés comme les précurseurs de la Démocratie chrétienne incarnée par Konrad Adenauer après 1945. L'un des objectifs de cette thèse est de montrer les ambiguïtés liées à la dépolitisation officielle des Katholikentage sous la République de Weimar, période qui a été jusque-là soigneusement ignorée. Elle cherche à vérifier entre autre l'interprétation selon laquelle la séduction exercée par les régimes autoritaires sur les élites et les populations notamment européennes pendant la période de l'entre-deux-guerres n'aurait pas influencé les catholiques allemands avant le 30 janvier 1933. <br /><br />Les comptes rendus publiés des Katholikentage sont des sources officielles qui ont constitué la première étape de mon travail. Celui-ci a ensuite été complété par les archives privées des principaux dirigeants des Congrès et des associations catholiques. Comme le Comité central ne possède aucun fonds pour la période antérieure à 1952, j'ai dû rassembler des sources réparties dans les archives ecclésiastiques et civiles de chacune des villes où un Congrès a été organisé entre 1921 et 1933. Au total, 42 fonds d'archives différents ont été consultés.<br /><br />La thèse est divisée en trois parties. La première a pour objet d'analyser la reprise des Congrès au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale, leur organisation, leur financement et la nature de leur cérémonial. La seconde partie étudie le contenu et l'esprit des discours tenus aux Katholikentage de Francfort-sur-le-Main en 1921, de Munich en 1922 et de Hanovre en 1924. La troisième partie est consacrée aux messages délivrés par les conférenciers à partir du Katholikentag de Stuttgart en 1925 jusqu'au Katholikentag d'Essen en 1932. <br /><br />Pendant les années vingt, aux Katholikentage, l'épiscopat et le prince Alois zu Löwenstein, à la tête du Comité central chargé de l'organisation des Congrès, contribuèrent contre leur gré à la consolidation du système républicain car ils cherchèrent avant tout à préserver et à étendre les acquis obtenus par la minorité catholique grâce à la Constitution de Weimar. Certes, les propos tenus par de nombreux conférenciers contre la politique économique, sociale et culturelle du gouvernement étaient des critiques à peine voilées du Zentrum. De plus, la symbolique utilisée accordait une place centrale à la transcendance en politique. Elle proposait un système global d'interprétation du monde tendant vers l'absolu, en rupture avec le pluralisme républicain : l'unité était à réaliser en Christ et non sur le terrain du consensus. Cependant, cette opposition ne s'incarna pas dans la pratique car les Congrès s'efforcèrent de préserver l'image de l'unité comme ils l'avaient fait avant la Première Guerre mondiale. <br />Pour préserver cette unité, la plupart des intervenants aux Katholikentage adoptèrent une attitude de repli, arc-boutés sur la défense des valeurs chrétiennes. En un sens, cette attitude les protégea au début des années trente de la séduction exercée sur beaucoup par les nationaux-socialistes. Toutefois, elle les empêcha de s'allier durablement à d'autres forces politiques, en particulier aux socialistes, pour lutter efficacement contre les nationaux-socialistes.

A integração como fenômeno jurídico-político: uma leitura sobre a construção histórica da CECA / Integration as a legal-political phenomenon: a reading of the historical construction of the ECSC

Giannattasio, Arthur Roberto Capella 27 September 2013 (has links)
Pretendendo evidenciar uma leitura jurídico-política sobre o começo da integração europeia - iniciada por meio da fundação jurídica da CECA, esta Tese visa a responder à pergunta: quando, como e por meio de quais instituições, países europeus tradicionalmente opostos em termos militares estabeleceram entre si, após o término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, de maneira inédita e inaudita em sua História, um novo modo de relações responsável por tornar impossível e impensável a deflagração de nova Guerra regional? Para responder a essa pergunta, o presente trabalho assume a perspectiva de uma Pesquisa interdisciplinar em Direito, recorrendo não apenas ao Direito Positivo, mas também a outras áreas do conhecimento, tais como a Filosofia Política Antiga e Contemporânea e a História Contemporânea da Europa. O objetivo consiste em formular um aparato discursivo racional conceitual a partir de matriz de leitura fornecida pela Filosofia Política Antiga e Contemporânea para, em seguida, aplicá-lo sobre elementos da experiência histórica e jurídico-normativa positiva da CECA. A chave de leitura conceitual formada a partir de contribuições da Filosofia Política tem sua origem principalmente na aproximação das reflexões de POLÍBIO e de Claude LEFORT. O trabalho evidencia a importância de normas jurídicas institucionalmente previstas para lidar com oposições escalares na construção e na manutenção de um sistema de relações jurídico-Politicamente organizado, de maneira a que tensões entre distintas dimensões existenciais - institucionalmente absorvidas e encaminhadas - não possam significar a ruptura violenta desse sistema. Este aparato racional conceitual pode ser aplicado sobre os elementos da experiência histórica e normativa originária (Tratado de Paris de 1951) da CECA, o que permite diferenciar histórica e institucionalmente esta iniciativa em particular dos demais Projetos de Europa Unida do imediato pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial. Para os fundadores da CECA (Konrad ADENAUER, Jean MONNET e Robert SCHUMAN), um regime juridicamente regulado de simples cooperação política (Unionismo Europeu) não era considerado como suficiente para instaurar um novo modo de relações na Europa. Ao mesmo tempo, eles não visavam à construção jurídica de uma Unificação Política da Europa em torno de um Estado Federal Europeu (Federalismo Europeu). Nesse sentido, a CECA pode ser entendida como exemplo histórico singular de organização jurídico-Política de países europeus. Foram criados pelo Tratado da CECA órgãos comunitários supranacionais e intergovernamentais voltados a compartilhar com os Estados-Membros e com os respectivos povos europeus a formação do sentido normativo que deveria ser impresso sobre questões concretas sensíveis tornadas comuns. A nenhum deles foi atribuída uma posição central na nomogênese comunitária. A leitura jurídico-política da integração europeia iniciada com a CECA se mostra possível assim a partir da constatação de que a arquitetura das instituições do Tratado desta Organização Internacional mesmo das instituições que se referiam a normas jurídico-econômicas - foi responsável pela afirmação e pela conservação de um novo modo de relações entre os países europeus. Buscava-se, não um Estado Europeu, nem uma singela cooperação intergovernamental institucionalizada, mas um meio termo de organização jurídico-Política: um sistema de relações estruturado por um engenhoso mecanismo institucional orientado para promover, por meio de freios e contrapesos, de forma ininterrupta, oposições entre os participantes da vida comunitária. / Aiming to unveil a legal-political reading of the beginning of European integration - initiated by the legal foundation of the ECSC, this Thesis intends to answer the question: when, how and through which institutions, European countries traditionally opposed militarily established between themselves, after the end of the Second World War - unprecedentedly and unparalleled in their history, a new kind of relationship, which was responsible for making impossible and unthinkable the outbreak of new regional war? In order to answer this question, this study follows the path of an interdisciplinary Research in Law, resorting not only to Positive Law, but also to other fields of knowledge, such as Ancient and Contemporary Political Philosophy and Contemporary History of Europe. The objective is to read experience elements given by ECSCs History and positive legal rules through lens framed according to a rational conceptual apparatus grounded on Ancient and Contemporary Political Philosophy. The hermeneutical key framed according to Political Philosophy has its main origins in the conjoint discussion of POLYBIUS thought and Claude LEFORTs contributions. This work highlights the importance of legal institutions dealing with dimensional oppositions within the construction and maintenance of a legal-Politically organized relationships system, by which tensions institutionally absorbed and addressed - between different existential dimensions do not disrupte violently this system. This conceptual apparatus can be applied to understand ECSCs historical and and normative (Treaty of Paris, 1951) experience and helps differentiating from both a historical and institutional perspective this peculiar initiative from alternative European Union Projects immeadiately proposed after the Second World War. For ECSC founding fathers (Konrad ADENAUER, Jean MONNET and Robert SCHUMAN), a mere legal regime of political cooperation (European Unionism) was not regarded as sufficiently capable of creating a new kind of relationship in Europe. At the same time, they did not pursue a legal Political Unification of Europe within a European Federal State (European Federalism). In this sense, the ECSC can be seen as an unique historic example of a legal-Political organization of European countries. Supranational and intergovernmental community bodies were created by ECSCs Treaty in order to share with its own member-States and their respective peoples the construction of the normative sense which would conduct issues concerning sensitive common problems. To none of them was assigned a central position in Communitys normative process. A legal-political reading of European integration - started with the ECSC - seems possible because the institutional framework whithin its Treaty - even when referred to legal and economic rules - was responsible for the affirmation and preservation of a new kind of relationship between European countries. It was envisaged, neither a European State, nor an institutionalized intergovernmental cooperation, but a middle-way legal-Political organization: a relationship system erecte by an ingenious institutional mechanism conceived to promote - through checks and balances - nonstop oppositions between participants of Communitys life.

A integração como fenômeno jurídico-político: uma leitura sobre a construção histórica da CECA / Integration as a legal-political phenomenon: a reading of the historical construction of the ECSC

Arthur Roberto Capella Giannattasio 27 September 2013 (has links)
Pretendendo evidenciar uma leitura jurídico-política sobre o começo da integração europeia - iniciada por meio da fundação jurídica da CECA, esta Tese visa a responder à pergunta: quando, como e por meio de quais instituições, países europeus tradicionalmente opostos em termos militares estabeleceram entre si, após o término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, de maneira inédita e inaudita em sua História, um novo modo de relações responsável por tornar impossível e impensável a deflagração de nova Guerra regional? Para responder a essa pergunta, o presente trabalho assume a perspectiva de uma Pesquisa interdisciplinar em Direito, recorrendo não apenas ao Direito Positivo, mas também a outras áreas do conhecimento, tais como a Filosofia Política Antiga e Contemporânea e a História Contemporânea da Europa. O objetivo consiste em formular um aparato discursivo racional conceitual a partir de matriz de leitura fornecida pela Filosofia Política Antiga e Contemporânea para, em seguida, aplicá-lo sobre elementos da experiência histórica e jurídico-normativa positiva da CECA. A chave de leitura conceitual formada a partir de contribuições da Filosofia Política tem sua origem principalmente na aproximação das reflexões de POLÍBIO e de Claude LEFORT. O trabalho evidencia a importância de normas jurídicas institucionalmente previstas para lidar com oposições escalares na construção e na manutenção de um sistema de relações jurídico-Politicamente organizado, de maneira a que tensões entre distintas dimensões existenciais - institucionalmente absorvidas e encaminhadas - não possam significar a ruptura violenta desse sistema. Este aparato racional conceitual pode ser aplicado sobre os elementos da experiência histórica e normativa originária (Tratado de Paris de 1951) da CECA, o que permite diferenciar histórica e institucionalmente esta iniciativa em particular dos demais Projetos de Europa Unida do imediato pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial. Para os fundadores da CECA (Konrad ADENAUER, Jean MONNET e Robert SCHUMAN), um regime juridicamente regulado de simples cooperação política (Unionismo Europeu) não era considerado como suficiente para instaurar um novo modo de relações na Europa. Ao mesmo tempo, eles não visavam à construção jurídica de uma Unificação Política da Europa em torno de um Estado Federal Europeu (Federalismo Europeu). Nesse sentido, a CECA pode ser entendida como exemplo histórico singular de organização jurídico-Política de países europeus. Foram criados pelo Tratado da CECA órgãos comunitários supranacionais e intergovernamentais voltados a compartilhar com os Estados-Membros e com os respectivos povos europeus a formação do sentido normativo que deveria ser impresso sobre questões concretas sensíveis tornadas comuns. A nenhum deles foi atribuída uma posição central na nomogênese comunitária. A leitura jurídico-política da integração europeia iniciada com a CECA se mostra possível assim a partir da constatação de que a arquitetura das instituições do Tratado desta Organização Internacional mesmo das instituições que se referiam a normas jurídico-econômicas - foi responsável pela afirmação e pela conservação de um novo modo de relações entre os países europeus. Buscava-se, não um Estado Europeu, nem uma singela cooperação intergovernamental institucionalizada, mas um meio termo de organização jurídico-Política: um sistema de relações estruturado por um engenhoso mecanismo institucional orientado para promover, por meio de freios e contrapesos, de forma ininterrupta, oposições entre os participantes da vida comunitária. / Aiming to unveil a legal-political reading of the beginning of European integration - initiated by the legal foundation of the ECSC, this Thesis intends to answer the question: when, how and through which institutions, European countries traditionally opposed militarily established between themselves, after the end of the Second World War - unprecedentedly and unparalleled in their history, a new kind of relationship, which was responsible for making impossible and unthinkable the outbreak of new regional war? In order to answer this question, this study follows the path of an interdisciplinary Research in Law, resorting not only to Positive Law, but also to other fields of knowledge, such as Ancient and Contemporary Political Philosophy and Contemporary History of Europe. The objective is to read experience elements given by ECSCs History and positive legal rules through lens framed according to a rational conceptual apparatus grounded on Ancient and Contemporary Political Philosophy. The hermeneutical key framed according to Political Philosophy has its main origins in the conjoint discussion of POLYBIUS thought and Claude LEFORTs contributions. This work highlights the importance of legal institutions dealing with dimensional oppositions within the construction and maintenance of a legal-Politically organized relationships system, by which tensions institutionally absorbed and addressed - between different existential dimensions do not disrupte violently this system. This conceptual apparatus can be applied to understand ECSCs historical and and normative (Treaty of Paris, 1951) experience and helps differentiating from both a historical and institutional perspective this peculiar initiative from alternative European Union Projects immeadiately proposed after the Second World War. For ECSC founding fathers (Konrad ADENAUER, Jean MONNET and Robert SCHUMAN), a mere legal regime of political cooperation (European Unionism) was not regarded as sufficiently capable of creating a new kind of relationship in Europe. At the same time, they did not pursue a legal Political Unification of Europe within a European Federal State (European Federalism). In this sense, the ECSC can be seen as an unique historic example of a legal-Political organization of European countries. Supranational and intergovernmental community bodies were created by ECSCs Treaty in order to share with its own member-States and their respective peoples the construction of the normative sense which would conduct issues concerning sensitive common problems. To none of them was assigned a central position in Communitys normative process. A legal-political reading of European integration - started with the ECSC - seems possible because the institutional framework whithin its Treaty - even when referred to legal and economic rules - was responsible for the affirmation and preservation of a new kind of relationship between European countries. It was envisaged, neither a European State, nor an institutionalized intergovernmental cooperation, but a middle-way legal-Political organization: a relationship system erecte by an ingenious institutional mechanism conceived to promote - through checks and balances - nonstop oppositions between participants of Communitys life.

Diplomaté průmyslu. Zahraniční obchod a německá "Ostpolitik" v 50. a 60. letech 20. stol. / Diplomats of Industry. Foreign Trade in the German "Ostpolitik" in the 1950s and 1960s.

Rezková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis entitled "Transformation through Trade. The pioneers of the New Eastern Policy in the 50s and 60s." examines the efforts of the German entrerpreneurs during the Cold War to revive trade relations with the Sowjetunion and to the states within its sphere of power. Because Europe was divided politically into two antagonistic systems, and due to the embargo imposed on West Germany by the Allied Powers, the entrepreneurs encountered extreme difficulties in their attemps to renew trade. The determined efforts of the economic diplomats, which were fundamental in creating conditions for the new eastern policy, reached their peak in 1970 when the Gas Pipeline Deal was concluded. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

TU-Spektrum 2/2007, Magazin der Technischen Universität Chemnitz

Steinebach, Mario, Thehos, Katharina, Häckel-Riffler, Christine, Brabandt, Antje, Mahler, Janine, Chlebusch, Michael, Doriath, Thomas, Leithold, Nicole, Linne, Carina 14 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
zweimal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift über aktuelle Themen der TU Chemnitz, ergänzt von Sonderheft(en)

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