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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A morphosyntactic description of Xamtanga : an Agaw (Central Cushitic) language of the northern Ethiopian highlands / Une description de la morphosyntaxe du xamtanga : une langue agaw (couchitique central) des hauts plateaux du nord de l’Éthiopie

Darmon, Chloé 26 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une description de la morphologie et de la syntaxe du xamtanga, une langue membre de la famille agaw, c’est à dire la branche centrale du couchitique (afro-asiatique). Le xamtanga est parlé par environ 200 000 locuteurs sur les hauts plateaux du nord de l’Ethiopie, dans la zone Wag Xɨmrä de la région Amhara. Cette étude est basée sur des données (textes et élicitations) issues des dialectes d’Abɨrgälle et de Saqʷät’ä collectées durant cinq séjours de terrain entre 2008 et 2013. Prenant appui sur les précédents travaux de David Appleyard (1987) et de Leo Reinisch (1884), elle a pour objectif d’offrir une description du xamtanga axée sur l’analyse de certains phénomènes intéressants d’un point de vue typologique et/ou aréal. Une attention particulière est par exemple accordée au système de marquage casuel en partie gouverné par la hiérarchie +/- animé/défini, à l’existence de causatifs multiples, à l’expression de l’applicatif via différents types de périphrases construites avec les opérateurs verbaux ‘donner’, ‘dire’ ou ‘laisser’, aux catégories relevant du Temps-Aspect-Mode qui mettent en jeu des formes identiques à des subordonnées de but, et aux diverses subordonnées relatives. / This dissertation intends to provide a description of the morphology and syntax of Xamtanga, a language which belongs to the Agaw family, i.e. the Central branch of Cushitic (Afro-Asiatic). Xamtanga is spoken by approximately 200 000 speakers on the northern Ethiopian highlands, in the Wag Xɨmrä zone of the Amhara region. Based on data (texts and elicitations) from the Abɨrgälle and Saqʷät’ä dialects collected during five fieldtrips between 2008 and 2013 and building on the previous studies of David Appleyard (1987) and Leo Reinisch (1884), the thesis aims at offering a description of Xamtanga that focuses on the analysis of some particularly interesting features from a typological and/or areal perspective. Special attention is for instance given to the system of case marking partly driven by the animacy/definiteness hierarchy, the existence of multiple causatives, the expression of the applicative through different types of periphrastic constructions built with the verbal operators ‘give’, ‘say’ or ‘leave’, the Tense-Aspect-Mood categories which involve forms identical to purpose subordinate clauses, as well as the various uses of relative clauses.

Topodinâmica da variação do português gaúcho em áreas de contato intervarietal no Mato Grosso

Figueiredo, Carla Regina de Souza January 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, como no resto do mundo, o estudo de variedades diatópicas da língua tradicionalmente se pautou em pesquisas topostáticas, em que se privilegiou a fala de indivíduos nascidos e criados na localidade, portanto falantes de uma variedade mais conservadora e reveladora de um estágio “anterior, original” da língua. A combinação de critérios como o processo de povoamento, a antiguidade e o grau de isolamento de um lugar em relação a outros mais dinâmicos para determinar os pontos de observação de estudos desta natureza, tornou-se assim uma prática dominante. Contrariamente, o estudo de comunidades “jovens”, de formação recente, moldadas pelo fluxo migratório da população e, deste modo, locus de contatos linguísticos variados (entre línguas distintas e/ou entre variedades de uma mesma língua), parecem ter sido ignoradas pela pesquisa, durante muito tempo. O norte do Mato Grosso, onde se desenvolve esta tese, é um exemplo dessa tendência da pesquisa, daí a escolha do tema, a Topodinâmica da variação do português gaúcho em áreas de contato intervarietal no Mato Grosso, buscar preencher essa lacuna. São objetivos deste estudo 1) descrever o comportamento linguístico de migrantes gaúchos e de seus descendentes em contato com outras variedades regionais da língua portuguesa, a fim de 2) averiguar em que medida as relações sócio-econômico-culturais implicaram a manutenção, variação ou mudança de marcas linguísticas da variedade do português rio-grandense desses migrantes. Para tanto, correlacionaram-se diferentes dimensões de análise, em especial as dimensões diatópica, diageracional, diastrática, diassexual, diafásica, diarreferencial e contatual. O estudo desenvolveu-se em três localidades de pesquisa caracterizadas fundamentalmente pela topodinâmica da língua e dos falantes: Porto dos Gaúchos (MT01), Sinop (MT02) e Sorriso (MT03). Estes pontos configuram-se em uma extensão do processo histórico de ocupação do Oeste de Santa Catarina e Sudoeste do Paraná, como atestam Schaefer (1985) e Souza (2008). Criados entre as décadas de 1950 e 1980, esses lugares foram colonizados a partir da implementação de Empresas Privadas responsáveis por estabelecer núcleos urbanos com condições básicas que assegurassem tanto o desenvolvimento econômico do “Novo Eldorado” quanto a acolhida dos migrantes provenientes, sobretudo, da região Sul do Brasil. Em certo sentido, o perfil sócio-cultural dos colonos migrantes dessa área coincidiu com o dos informantes do Atlas Linguístico-Etnográfico da Região Sul do Brasil (ALERS). Pode-se, por isso, hipotetizar que a fala registrada pelo ALERS se aproxima da fala dos migrantes sulistas pioneiros estabelecidos nesses pontos. Sendo assim, os dados do ALERS constituem uma base de comparação importante da topodinâmica do português falado na matriz de origem e na área de chegada, no norte do Mato Grosso. Na elaboração do questionário aplicado na pesquisa de campo desta tese foram utilizadas, em grande parte, perguntas feitas pelo ALERS. A seleção de informantes considerou as dimensões diassexual (masculino vs. feminino), diastrática (Ca - alfabetizados com até o ensino médio completo vs. Cb - com nível superior) e diageracional (GI - jovens de 18 a 36 anos vs. GII - idosos acima de 50 anos). Já a constituição do corpus, um conjunto de variáveis linguísticas em diferentes níveis (fonético-fonológicos, semântico-lexicais e morfossintáticos) correlacionadas com dimensões extralinguísticas (dados sociológicos referentes aos informantes e às localidades) e a análise se pautou em princípios teórico-metodológicos da geolinguística pluridimensional e contatual e de outras disciplinas afins, como a sociologia da linguagem. A apreciação dos dados aponta diferentes fatores para a manutenção da variedade linguística inventariada no Sul do Brasil, tais como: o papel socioeconômico dos sulistas na região norte mato-grossense, a transmissão entre gerações dessa variedade, os recursos midiáticos e a gênese da criação histórica de cada localidade pesquisada. A covariação entre as formas [+RS] e as [-RS] são mais evidentes no nível lexical, enquanto os casos de mudança se manifestam, sobretudo, na fala dos informantes jovens no nível fonético. / In Brazil, as in the rest of the world, the study of diatopics varieties of language traditionally was based on topostatics research, which have privileged the speech of people born and raised in some locallity, so speakers of a more conservative and revealing variety of a stage "previous, original " of language. The combination of criteria as the settlement process, the age and the degree of isolation of a place in relation to others more dynamic to determine the points of observational studies of this nature, become a dominant practice. In contrast, the study of "young" communities, recently formed, shaped by migration of the population and thus locus of varied linguistic contact (between different languages and / or between varieties of the same language) seem to have been ignored by search for a long time. The northern Mato Grosso, where it develops this thesis, one example of this trend research, hence the choice of subject, the Topodinamics of gaúcho Portuguese on intervarietal contact areas at Mato Grosso), seek to fill this gap. The objectives of this study are 1) to describe the linguistic behavior of gauchos migrants and their descendants in contact with other regional varieties of the Portuguese language in order to 2) determine how much the social, economic and cultural relations involved in the maintenance, variation or change of language marks of the variety of Portuguese Rio-Grandense's migrants. Therefore, correlated analysis in different dimensions, especially the diatopic, diagenerational, diastratic, diasexual, diaphasic, diareferential and contactual. The study was developed in three research locations fundamentally characterized by topodinamics from language and speakers: Porto dos Gauchos (MT01), Sinop (MT02) and Sorriso (MT03). These points were configured as extension of the historical process of occupation of the West of Santa Catarina and Paraná Southwest, as evidenced by Schaefer (1985) and Souza (2008). Created between the 1950s and 1980s, these places were colonized from the implementation of Private Companies responsible for establishing urban centers with basic conditions that would ensure both the economic development of the "New Eldorado" as the reception of migrants coming mainly from the region southern of Brazil. In some sense, the socio-cultural profile of migrant settlers of this area coincided with the informants og Language-Ethnographic Atlas of Southern Brazil (ALERS). We can therefore hypothesize that speech recorded by ALERS approaches the speech of southern migrants pioneers set out in those points. Thus, the ALERS data are an important basis of comparison of topodinamics of spoken Portugueses in the source array and arrival area in northern Mato Grosso. In preparing the questionnaire applied in the field research of this thesis, were used largely, questions asked by ALERS. The choice of informants has considered the diassexual dimensions (male vs. female), diastratic (Ca - literate up to complete high school vs. Cb - with higher education) and diagenerational (GI – young people from 18-36 years vs. GII - elderly above 50 years). The corpus formation has considered a set of linguistic variables at different levels (phonetic-phonological, lexical-semantic and morphosyntactic) correlated to extra-linguistic dimensions (sociological data related to informants and locations) and was analyzed from the theoretical and methodological principles of pluridimensional geolinguistics and contactual and other related disciplines such as sociology of language. The data assessment points out different factors for the linguistic diversity maintenance inventoried in southern region of Brazil, such as the socioeconomic role of southerners in the north of Mato Grosso, the intergenerational transmission of this variety, the media resources and the genesis of historical creation of each studied area. The covariance between the "gaucho" and "non-gaucho" forms are more evident on the lexical degree, while cases of change are manifested primarily in the speech of young informants in phonetic and morphosyntactic degrees.

Bilinguismo e bilingualidade: análise de redes sociais em uma comunidade japonesa na cidade do Rio de Janeiro

Carlos Neto, Marcionilo Euro 25 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-04-20T19:26:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação corrigida após defesa UFF 2016 publicada.pdf: 6458521 bytes, checksum: 30a2800491839b79a4959afb4f7c334a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-25T14:45:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação corrigida após defesa UFF 2016 publicada.pdf: 6458521 bytes, checksum: 30a2800491839b79a4959afb4f7c334a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T14:45:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertação corrigida após defesa UFF 2016 publicada.pdf: 6458521 bytes, checksum: 30a2800491839b79a4959afb4f7c334a (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho investiga uma comunidade japonesa situada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro dentro da perspectiva de línguas em contato num contexto de imigração bilíngue/multilíngue. Como proposta de investigação, levamos em conta o dinamismo das situações de bilinguismo, destacando a importância de estudá-las num contexto social que apresenta-se eminentemente mutável. Propomo-nos a pesquisar 15 nikkeis pertencentes à 3 redes sociais identificadas na Associação Nikkei do Rio de Janeiro, pormenorizando os estágios de bilingualidade desses sujeitos no momento atual de suas vidas. Com essa finalidade, lançamos mão dos conceitos de bilinguismo e bilingualidade nos termos de Savedra (1994-2009) que define aquele como a situação em que há o uso compartilhado de mais de uma língua num determinado domínio comunicativo e, esse, como os diferentes estágios de bilinguismo que os indivíduos bilíngues transpassam em sua vida. Para analisarmos os estágios de bilingualidade dos participantes de nossa investigação, identificamos o contexto de aquisição de línguas, bem como o uso funcional variado por ambientes comunicativos (familiar, social, profissional, específico de uso na Associação Nikkei e escolar) de todos os 15 informantes. Nossa pesquisa é descritiva, de caráter qualitativo na qual utilizamos o método de identificação de redes sociais, aplicação de questionário sociolinguístico e, também, anotações em diário de campo para destacarmos, através das observações realizadas na Associação supracitada, as informações relevantes ao nosso estudo. Como resultado, podemos salientar a fluidez tangível da maioria das situações de uso das línguas investigadas, levando-nos a solidificar as conclusões de Savedra (op. cit.) em suas investigações que atesta, de maneira evidente, o caráter relativo que define o fenômeno do bilinguismo, como também confirma que a condição bilíngue é instável, sendo modificada pelo contexto de aquisição de línguas e pelos domínios de uso linguístico em diferentes ambientes comunicativos. Em nossa pesquisa, o domínio de uso funcional linguístico por ambientes comunicativos mostrou-se mais determinador da fluidez de uso das línguas em questão (português e japonês) nos indivíduos investigados. Contudo, não podemos descartar o contexto de aquisição das línguas como um fator relevante para a determinação da dominância de utilização de uma língua em relação à outra no momento atual de uso na vida dos falantes investigados / This study investigates a Japanese community located in Rio de Janeiro city within the language contact perspective in a bilingual / multilingual immigration context. As research aim, we take into account the dynamics of bilingualism situations, highlighting the importance of studying them in a social context that presents itself eminently changeable. We propose to search 15 Nikkei who belong to three social networks identified in the Nikkei Association of Rio de Janeiro (Rio Nikkei), detailing these subjects’ bilinguality stages at the present moment of their lives. For this purpose, we used the bilingualism and bilinguality concepts in Savedra’s terms (1994-2009) who defines the first one as the situation in which there is a shared use of more than one language in a certain communicative domain, and the second one, as the different stages of bilingualism in which bilingual individuals trespass in their life. In order to analyze the participants’ bilinguality stages, we have identified the context of language acquisition as well as the varied functional use by communicative environments (familiar, social, professional, Nikkei Association specific use and scholar) of each one of the studied informants. Our research is descriptive, characteristically qualitative in which we use the social networks identification method, sociolinguistic survey application and daily notes to stand out, through the observations made in the aforementioned Association, the relevant information to our study. As a result, we can point out the tangible fluidity of the majority of use cases in the investigated languages. The results lead us to solidify the Savedra’s findings (op. Cit.) which proves the relative character that defines the bilingualism phenomenon. Besides, the results also confirms the fact that bilingual condition is unstable and it modifies itself by the context of language acquisition and by the language use domains in different communicative environments. In our research, the linguistic functional use domain by communicative environments was more significant to determine the languages use fluidity (Portuguese and Japanese) in the investigated individuals. However, we cannot rule out the context of language acquisition as a relevant factor in determining one language use dominance over the other one in the investigated speakers’ current life

Etnicidade Linguística em Movimento: Os processos de transculturalidade revelados nos Brasileirítalos do eixo Rio de Janeiro-Juiz De Fora

Gaio, Mario Luis Monachesi 19 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-05-11T19:05:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) 2017-04-03 tese mario gaio - versao final.pdf: 5555815 bytes, checksum: b682610037667eef97dcbb8edbfb0342 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-19T14:30:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) 2017-04-03 tese mario gaio - versao final.pdf: 5555815 bytes, checksum: b682610037667eef97dcbb8edbfb0342 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-19T14:30:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) 2017-04-03 tese mario gaio - versao final.pdf: 5555815 bytes, checksum: b682610037667eef97dcbb8edbfb0342 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese discute língua, cultura e sociedade e se insere no âmbito da sociolinguística. Interessa também a outros campos do saber dentro das ciências sociais e humanas, como a Sociologia e a Antropologia. O objeto da investigação é um processo complexo que parte do fenômeno do Contato de Línguas, perpassa os seus efeitos tais como language shift, convergência e empréstimos, prossegue até o efeito mais drástico, a perda total de falantes, e deixa um legado (trans)cultural através dos processos de etnicidade que estão em movimento. A composição multiétnica da população brasileira é profundamente marcada por traços culturais de diversos povos, entre os quais se incluem os italianos. A despeito do imaginário coletivo que associa imigração italiana aos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro também foram receptores de imigrantes provenientes da multifacetada Itália. A cidade mineira de Juiz de Fora foi o mais importante centro de triagem de imigrantes aportados no Rio de Janeiro com destino ao estado de Minas Gerais. Esses carregavam suas próprias identidades linguísticas e culturais, com implicações nas suas sensações de pertencimento que ultrapassaram as gerações. Os imigrantes, dialetófonos em sua maioria, mantiveram por alguns anos Comunidades de Fala difusas e complexas (COUTO, 2016b), mas preteriram suas línguas em favor da língua dominante, o português brasileiro. Contudo, seus ecossistemas culturais penetraram nos ecossistemas culturais locais e por eles foram penetrados, tornando seus descendentes sujeitos transculturais. Nesta perspectiva, o termo brasileirítalo é proposto para definir uma ressignificação dos termos ‘italiano’ (condição herdada) e ítalo-brasileiro (categoria hifenizada), ambos já preconizados nos estudos da área (LESSER, 2014). Imigrantes sempre se apoiaram em Redes Sociais (MILROY & MILROY, 1985; MILROY, 2007; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2011) para estabelecerem-se e estas se desfaziam ao longo do tempo pela natureza urbana do contexto de imigração estudado neste trabalho. Vez por outra surgiam Comunidades de Prática (WENGER, 2006 [1998]) motivadas pela italianidade, que agregavam cidadãos e descendentes num escopo comum. A identidade e a sensação de pertencimento (belonging) são aqui tratadas com aporte teórico em Brubaker & Cooper (2000); Bauman (2004); Jungbluth (2007; 2015); Pfaff-Czarnecka (2011); Anthias (2013); Dervin & Risager (2015). O Contato de Línguas e seus efeitos são analisados com base nos estudos de Weinreich (1968 [1953]); Mufwene (2008); Couto (2009); Savedra & Gaio & Carlos Neto (2015); Thomason (2001); Winford (2003). A transculturalidade é abordada a partir do conceito seminal de Ortiz (1999 [1940]) até chegar às definições de Welsch (1999), sobre as quais se apoia nosso trabalho. A perspectiva ecolinguística (COUTO, 2007, 2009, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c; MUFWENE, 2004, 2008, 2016; TRAMPE, 2016) encerra nosso arcabouço teórico e através dela investigamos uma específica Comunidade de Fala não mais existente que fora constituída por imigrantes. Esta pesquisa tem cunho qualitativo e teve suporte metodológico em Dodsworth (2014), Hoffman (2014) e Puskás (2009). A metodologia utilizada constituiu-se de aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas a descendentes de italianos. Como material de apoio foram aplicados questionários a líderes de associações ligadas à italianidade / This thesis discusses language, culture, society, and it inserts itself in the realm of sociolinguistics. It is also connected to other fields of knowledge within the human and social sciences, such as Sociology and Anthropology. The object of investigation is a complex process which starts from the phenomenon of Language Contact, goes through its effects such as language shift, convergence and borrowings, continuing until its most drastic effect, the total loss of speakers, leaving a (trans)cultural legacy through the processes of ethnicity which are in motion. The multiethnic composition of the Brazilian population is profoundly marked by cultural traces of numerous peoples, among which is found the Italians. Despite the collective imaginary, which associates the Italian immigration with the states of Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro were also recipients of immigrants from multifaceted Italy. The city of Juiz de Fora, in the State of Minas Gerais, was the most important screening center for immigrants docked in Rio de Janeiro en route to Minas Gerais. They carried their own cultural and linguistic identities, with implications to their sense of belonging that surpassed generations. The immigrants, dialectophones in their majority, kept for some years complex and scattered Speech Communities (COUTO, 2016b), but abandoned their languages in favor of the dominant language, Brazilian Portuguese. However, their cultural ecosystems penetrated the local ones and were by them also penetrated, making their descendants transcultural individuals. In this perspective, the term Brasileirítalo (or Brazilianitalic, in its English suggested version, a portmanteau of the words Brazilian and Italic, in reference to Italy) is proposed to define a resignification of the terms Italian (as an inherited condition) and Italian-Brazilian (hyphenated category), both recommended in the studies of the area (LESSER, 2014). Immigrants have always relied on Social Networks (MILROY & MILROY, 1985; MILROY, 2007; BORTONI-RICARDO, 2011) to establish themselves and which disappeared over time due to the urban nature of the context of immigration studied in this work. Eventually there were Communities of Practice (WENGER, 2006 [1998]) motivated by the Italianity, which joined citizens and descendants in one common scope. Identity and belonging are here treated as theoretical contributions in Brubaker & Cooper (2000); Bauman (2004); Jungbluth (2007; 2015); Pfaff-Czarnecka (2011); Anthias (2013); Dervin & Risager (2015). Language contact and its effects are analyzed based on studies by Weinreich (1968 [1953]); Mufwene (2008); Couto (2009); Savedra & Gaio & Carlos Neto (2015); Thomason (2001); Winford (2003). Transculturality is approached from the seminal concept of Ortiz (1999 [1940]) until we reach the definitions of Welsch (1999), on which this study is based. The ecolinguistic perspective (COUTO, 2007, 2009, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c; MUFWENE, 2004, 2008, 2016; TRAMPE, 2016) closes our theoretical framework and through it we investigate a specific and non-longer existent Speech Community that was constituted by immigrants. This research has a qualitative nature and borrows its methodological support from Dodsworth (2014), Hoffman (2014) and Puskás (2009). The methodology used is made up of the application of semi-structured interviews of Italian descendants. As support material, questionnaires were given to leaders of associations connected with Italianity

Atitudes linguísticas de universitários tikuna: uma análise da situação do contato português/tikuna

Carvalho, Ana Letícia Ferreira de 06 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-05-15T18:48:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) VERSÃO FINAL DISSERTAÇÃO PDF.pdf: 2508915 bytes, checksum: e1bf302634b7d13063991673780632d8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-06-06T17:38:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) VERSÃO FINAL DISSERTAÇÃO PDF.pdf: 2508915 bytes, checksum: e1bf302634b7d13063991673780632d8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T17:38:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) VERSÃO FINAL DISSERTAÇÃO PDF.pdf: 2508915 bytes, checksum: e1bf302634b7d13063991673780632d8 (MD5) / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Centro de Estudos Superiores de Tabatinga, Tabatinga, AM / Nesta pesquisa tratamos do contato entre a língua Portuguesa e a língua Tikuna, uma língua autóctone, que é falada por uma grande população que vive na Região Amazônica e se distribui por três países fronteiriços: Brasil, Colômbia e Peru. Nessa região encontra-se localizada a cidade de Tabatinga, a qual através da política de interiorização das universidades, recebeu um polo da Universidade do Estado do Amazonas-UEA, denominado Centro de Estudos Superiores de Tabatinga-CESTB. Com as cotas para as etnias indígenas oferecidas pela UEA e, com a presença das Universidades Estadual (em Tabatinga-AM) e Federal (no município vizinho Benjamin Constant-AM), o acesso ao ensino superior é viabilizado aos estudantes indígenas que têm o Português como segunda língua (L2). O objetivo dessa pesquisa é discutir as atitudes linguísticas de universitários Tikuna, na situação de contato Português/Tikuna. Pretende-se verificar se tais atitudes, comportamentos e usos linguísticos, nos diversos domínios/âmbitos que os Tikuna interagem, apontam elementos favorecedores para a manutenção/substituição da sua língua indígena. Para nortear o estudo, foram utilizados princípios teórico-metodológicos da Sociolinguística, da Psicologia Social, da Etnografia da Comunicação e da Sociologia da Linguagem, partindo do pressuposto de que língua e identidade estão intimamente relacionadas e que, consequentemente, atitudes em relação a uma língua refletem atitudes em relação ao grupo que a fala. Foram encontrados casos de monolinguismo em Português e, também, uma mudança no comportamento linguístico dos Tikuna. Em relação aos filhos, fatores objetivos como a necessidade econômica de ascensão social e fatores subjetivos, como o medo de que eles passem pelas mesmas dificuldades por não apresentarem certa competência na língua, têm levado os pais cada vez mais a usarem o Português como L2, no ambiente da casa. No entanto, os usos e a transmissão intergeracional aliados às atitudes manifestadas pelos participantes, de maneira geral favorecem a manutenção da língua Tikuna, uma vez que eles a têm como marca de sua identidade étnica e acreditam que, por isso, deve ser preservada / In this research, we deal with the contact between the Portuguese language and the Tikuna language, an indigenous language that is spoken by a large population that lives in the Amazon Region and it is distributed by three border countries: Brazil, Colombia and Peru. In this region the city of Tabatinga is located, which through the internationalization policy of the universities, received a polo from the State University of Amazonas-UEA, called the Center for Higher Studies of Tabatinga-CESTB. With the quotas for the indigenous ethnic groups offered by the UEA and with the presence of the State (in Tabatinga-AM) and Federal Universities (in the neighboring municipality Benjamin Constant-AM), the access to higher education is possible to the indigenous students who have Portuguese as a second language (L2). The purpose of this research is to discuss the linguistic attitudes of university students (the Tikuna), in the Portuguese/Tikuna contact situation. It is intended to verify if such attitudes, behaviors and linguistic uses in the various domains/areas that the Tikunas interacts, point out favorable elements for the maintenance/replacement of their indigenous language. To guide the study, theoretical and methodological principles of Sociolinguistics, Social Psychology, Ethnography of Communication and Sociology of Language were used, based on the assumption that language and identity are closely related and that, consequently, attitudes towards a language reflect attitudes toward the group that speaks it. Cases of monolingualism were found in Portuguese and, also, a change in the language behavior of the Tikuna in relation to their children. Objective factors, such as the economic need for social ascension, and subjective factors, such as the fear that they will experience the same difficulties because they do not have a certain competence in the Language, have increasinly led more parents to use Portuguese as L2 in home environments. However, the uses and the intergenerational transmission, allied to the attitudes manifested by the participants, in general, favor the maintenance of the Tikunas language, since they have it as a mark of their ethnic identity and believe that for this reason it must be preserved

Miten muuttuu runokylien kieli:reaaliaikatutkimus jälkitavujen <em>A</em>-loppuisten vokaalijonojen variaatiosta vienalaismurteissa

Kunnas, N. (Niina) 08 June 2007 (has links)
Abstract In my research I look at sound structure variation and change in the Viena dialect of two Karelian villages Jyskyjärvi and Kalevala. I explore how the final syllable A-ending vowel combinations (iA, eA, UA and OA) and long vowels aa and ää are represented in modern Viena dialects and how vowel clusters have changed in pronunciation over a period of thirty years. I study the change in language in real-time: I compare recorded interviews made between 1967–1971 and 2001. Methodologically my research stems from the sociolinguistic research tradition as well as language contact research. The central question is how the closely related Finnish language has perhaps begun to affect the Viena Karelian language. Looking at linguistic changes, one aim is to test morphological and lexical diffusion theories and strive to advance said theories. As regards idiolectic variation, I explore how the language attitudes of the informants affect their language variation and how a social network and its structure can explain the differences in idiolectic variation. The results show that there is a significant amount of variation in Viena Karelian's final syllable A-ending vowel clusters. This may have been affected by the minority position and endangered status of the Karelian language as well as the great changes in the society. Variation and linguistic change is affected by, among other things, morphological factors, frequency of lexemes, and the attempt at symmetry of the vowel clusters. In certain vowel clusters the typical variant of Viena dialects has become more common. However, in certain vowel clusters, a contact-initiated variant has increased in popularity. The data also show changes, which seem to have been affected by reasons external to the language (language contact) and reasons internal to the language (emergent systemic change). In this study, the testing of the diffusion theories shows that contact-initiated variants are becoming more common often in the order of an inverted morphotactic hierarchy and more easily taking hold of broad-frequency form groups. Contrary to my expectations, changes spreading from below have not in my data always progressed in the order of morphotactic hierarchy. The progression of language change may be mixed up by the transformation in the nature of the language change. The changes in the lexicon, on the other hand, have primarily progressed according to the hypothesis that changes spreading from below first affect the most frequently used vocabulary and changes spreading from above first affect the less used part of the vocabulary. The results of individual differences in variation show that the wide spread use of certain variants can be explained by the structure of the social network and the network members' influence on each other. However, social networks alone cannot be used to explain language change. Instead, the results of the study show that attitudes towards language and a person's ethnic loyalty affect the language choices made. Contact-induced shifts are generally more frequent in those informants' language to whom Finnish is a more enticing prestige language than Karelian. / Tiivistelmä Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani kahdessa karjalaiskylässä, Jyskyjärvellä ja Kalevalassa, puhuttavan vienalaismurteen äännerakenteen variaatiota ja muuttumista. Selvitän, miten jälkitavujen A-loppuiset vokaaliyhtymät (iA, eA, UA ja OA) sekä kaksoisvokaalit aa ja ää edustuvat nykyvienalaismurteissa ja miten vokaalijonojen edustus on muuttunut 30 vuodessa. Kielen muuttumista tutkin reaaliajassa: vertailen toisiinsa 1970-luvun taitteessa ja 2000-luvun taitteessa tallennettujen haastattelujen kieltä. Lähtökohdiltaan työni liittyy sekä sosiolingvistiseen tutkimusperinteeseen että kielikontaktitutkimukseen. Keskeinen kysymys on, miten vienankarjalan läheinen sukukieli, suomi, vaikuttaa nykyvienankarjalaan. Kielenmuutosten seuraamisessa yksi tavoite on myös testata morfologisen ja leksikaalisen diffuusion teorioita sekä pyrkiä kehittämään mainittuja teorioita eteenpäin. Variaation idiolekteittaisen tarkastelun kohdalla selvitän, miten informanttien kieliasenteet vaikuttavat heidän kielelliseen variaatioonsa ja pystyvätkö sosiaalinen verkko ja sen rakenne selittämään variaation idiolekteittaisia eroja. Tulokset osoittavat, että variaatio vienankarjalan jälkitavujen A-loppuisissa vokaalijonoissa on erittäin runsasta. Tähän lienevät vaikuttaneet karjalan kielen vähemmistöasema ja uhanalaisuus sekä suuret yhteiskunnalliset muutokset. Variaatiota ja kielenmuutoksia ovat säädelleet muun muassa morfologiset tekijät, lekseemien taajuus sekä jälkitavujen vokaalijonojen pyrkimys symmetriaan. Eräissä vokaalijonoissa vienalaismurteiden tyypillisin variantti on alkanut yleistyä, ja eräissä vokaalijonoissa taas kontaktilähtöinen variantti on lisännyt suosiotaan. Aineistossani on havaittavissa myös muutoksia, joihin lienevät vaikuttaneet sekä kielenulkoiset syyt (kielikontakti) että kielensisäiset syyt (orastava systeeminmuutos). Tässä työssä diffuusioteorioiden testaaminen on osoittanut, että kontaktilähtöiset variantit yleistyvät kielessä usein käänteisessä morfotaktisen hierarkian mukaisessa järjestyksessä ja tarttuvat herkemmin suurtaajuisiin muotoryhmiin. Sitä vastoin alhaalta leviävät muutokset eivät ole aineistossani aina edenneet morfotaktisen hierarkian mukaisessa järjestyksessä, kuten olen olettanut. Muutoksen muotoryhmittäistä etenemistä saattaakin "sekoittaa" muutoksen luonteen muuttuminen. Lekseemeittäin muutokset ovat edenneet pääosin hypoteesini mukaisesti: alhaalta leviävät muutokset ovat tarttuneet ensin sanaston suurtaajuiseen osaan ja ylhäältä leviävät muutokset ensin sanaston pientaajuiseen osaan. Tulokset variaation yksilöllisistä eroista osoittavat, että eräiden varianttien taaja käyttö selittyy sosiaalisen verkon rakenteesta ja verkon jäsenten vaikutuksesta mutta sosiaaliset verkot yksinään eivät pysty kielen vaihtelua selittämään. Sen sijaan tulokset viittaavat siihen, että kieliasenteet ja ihmisen etninen lojaalisuus vaikuttavat siihen, millaisia kielellisiä valintoja hän tekee. Kontaktilähtöiset innovaatiot ovat monin kohdin yleisempiä sellaisten informanttien kielessä, joille suomi on karjalaa vetovoimaisempi prestiisikieli.

Fusion, exponence, and flexivity in Hindukush languages : An areal-typological study

Rönnqvist, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Surrounding the Hindukush mountain chain is a stretch of land where as many as 50 distinct languages varieties of several language meet, in the present study referred to as “The Greater Hindukush” (GHK). In this area a large number of languages of at least six genera are spoken in a multi-linguistic setting. As the region is in part characterised by both contact between languages as well as isolation, it constitutes an interesting field of study of similarities and diversity, contact phenomena and possible genealogical connections. The present study takes in the region as a whole and attempts to characterise the morphology of the many languages spoken in it, by studying three parameters: phonological fusion, exponence, and flexivity in view of grammatical markers for Tense-Mood-Aspect, person marking, case marking, and plural marking on verbs and nouns. The study was performed with the perspective of areal typology, employed grammatical descriptions, and was in part inspired by three studies presented in the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS). It was found that the region is one of high linguistic diversity, even if there are common traits, especially between languages of closer contact, such as the Iranian and the Indo-Aryan languages along the Pakistani-Afghan border where purely concatenative formatives are more common. Polyexponential formatives seem more common in the western parts of the GHK as compared to the eastern. High flexivity is a trait common to the more central languages in the area. As the results show larger variation than the WALS studies, the question was raised of whether large-scale typological studies can be performed on a sample as limited as single grammatical markers. The importance of the region as a melting-pot between several linguistic families was also put forward. / Språkkontakt och språksläktskap i Hindukushregionen, Vetenskapsrådet, Projektnummer: 421-2014-631

Mycenae, Troy and Anatolia: Mycenaean names in Hittite documents, and Anatolian names in the Homeric Iliad / Mycenae, Troy and Anatolia: Mycenaean names in Hittite documents, and Anatolian names in the Homeric Iliad

Gális, Martin January 2017 (has links)
(in English): The aim of the present work is to offer an up-to-date synopsis based on historical data and textual evidence that would give a coherent description of the long-discussed question of the mutual relations between the Hittite (or Anatolian) and the Greek world in the period of the Late Bronze Age. In order to do so, various data from different scientific fields were put together. After a brief introduction to onomastics and the history of the Greco-Anatolian studies follows the main part of the work which deals with probably mutually borrowed anthropo- and toponyms in these languages from both a diachronic and synchronic point of view.

Vývoj a konkurence vybraných typů předložkových vazeb v současné češtině / The development and variation of selected prepositional phrases in contemporary Czech

Prokšová, Hana January 2018 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation is concerned with the dynamic processes that are at play in the development of the system of prepositions in contemporary Czech. In the first part, I review different treatments of prepositions as a word class in the Czech linguistic tradition. I use available descriptive accounts to discuss the features of two main subtypes of this category, i.e. primary and secondary prepositions, focusing in particular on the process of 'prepositionalization' of secondary prepositions, i.e. the grammaticalization path that leads to their emergence. The primary focus of the first part of the dissertation is the role of meaning and the semantic features of prepositions as function words, as well as the meaning which prepositions contribute to more complex linguistic items, i.e. the interrelation of prepositions and case marking and valency patterns derived from verbs. I also draw attention to prefixed words which are, in the majority of cases, derived from primary prepositions. I approach meaning mainly from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, employing also the view of construction grammar which treats prepositions both as constructions in their own right and as parts of higher order constructions. Chapter three is concerned with the processes of language change with regards to...

Vzájemné ovlivňování romštiny, španělštiny a dalších jazyků Pyrenejského poloostrova / The mutual influence of Romani, Spanish and the other languages of the Iberian Peninsula.

Krinková, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The language contact of the inflectional Romani and Spanish, Catalan and other languages of the Iberian Peninsula began in the first half of the 15th century. A long- term and immediate contact between Romani and a language of the majority in several places of Europe resulted in emergence of so called Para-Romani varieties, mixed languages which predominantly make use of the grammar of the surrounding language, whereas the Romani-derived vocabulary is at least partly retained. In the Iberian Peninsula several Para-Romani varieties emerged. The process of their phonological, morphological and lexical evolution from the inflectional Iberian Romani is described in the first part of this thesis. The original form of the Iberian Romani of the 15th century was - according to our opinion - similar to so called early Romani of the Byzantine period that is supposed to end by the 14th century when the Romani language started to disperse throughout Europe. The influence of Spanish (and other languages of the Iberian Peninsula) is evident not only in the morphology and syntax, but also in phonology and semantics of the Iberian Para-Romani varieties. On the other hand, the Romani elements conserved in these varieties show archaic features as well as specific innovations and many of them can hardly be assigned...

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