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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La littérature sapientielle sous Sanche IV (XIIIe - XIVe siècles, Castille) : écriture et enjeux / The wisdom literature under Sancho IV (Castile, 13th-14th century) : Writing and Stakes

Robert, Sylvie 05 July 2016 (has links)
En accord avec mes intérêts scientifiques, j’ai décidé, dans le cadre de ce travail doctoral, d’étudier un corpus correspondant règne de Sanche IV, roi de Castille et du León de 1284 à 1295, et constitué des quatre œuvres suivantes qui, à l'instar du Sendebar ou du Calila e Dimna antérieurs, exploitent toutes les ressources de l'exemplum afin d'enseigner certes mais aussi de captiver le lecteur : El Libro del Tesoro, El Lucidario, El libro del consejo e de los consejeros et Los Castigos de Sancho IV. Bien que chacun de ces livres ait été l’objet d’études ponctuelles intéressantes, ce groupement de textes n’avait, jusqu’à présent, bénéficié d’aucune grande étude monographique et appelait donc une analyse approfondie. Ces quatre ouvrages, d’origine spatiale et temporelle différente, se sont construits selon les mentalités et les pratiques de l’époque, c’est-à-dire en réutilisant, en retravaillant la matière des sources par des ajouts, des corrections, des suppressions en fonction des visées de l’auteur ou du promoteur de l’œuvre. Cette réappropriation des sources et des modèles correspond à une finalité plus ou moins évidente ou avouée, notamment si l’on en juge à l’aune du « molinisme », pensée politique du début du XIVe siècle. Les œuvres de cette période sont, en effet, soit écrites soit commanditées par le roi ou la régente, Marie de Molina. En outre, on connaît suffisamment le rôle joué par l’Archevêque de Tolède et l’importance de la pensée religieuse dans la constitution et la consolidation du « molinisme », pour parier sur l’existence d’un discours renvoyant à l’éthique chrétienne, à la morale ou à la philosophie. J’ai donc analysé la nature du projet moral, religieux et politique qui sous-tend cette littérature sapientielle. L’analyse des textes du corpus prend en compte, dans un premier temps, la structure des ouvrages et du cadre narratif, afin de définir la voix auctoriale, c’est-à-dire celle qui choisit sources et modèles et se les réapproprie : il s’agit de mettre en lumière un mode de pensée spécifique et des intentions particulières. Dans un deuxième temps, j’ai confronté ces textes aux contextes, notamment historique, si prégnant pendant le règne de Sanche IV et la régence, pour en extraire le sens politique et idéologique, moral, religieux ou philosophique. Enfin, une des finalités de ce travail de thèse est de comprendre comment, à partir de la réécriture des sources, traités, écrits religieux, auteurs classiques, exempla… s’est réalisé ce que l’on doit considérer comme un renouvellement de la production sapientielle. La thèse permet, grâce à une confrontation croisée entre histoire et littérature, de dégager l’évolution de la littérature sapientielle médiévale en castillan, et, parallèlement, de mettre en lumière la vision culturelle et morale, politique et sociétale promue par le roi Sanche IV et soutenue ensuite par Marie de Molina. / In line with my centres of scientific interest, I have decided to examine a corpus corresponding to the reign of Sancho IV, namely El Libro del Tesoro, El Lucidario, El libro del consejo e de los consejeros and Los Castigos of Sancho IV. Although interesting individual studies have been produced on each of these books, the collation of the four texts has not hitherto benefited from any in-depth monographic study. These four works, all of different origin in time and space, were put together according to the mind-sets and practices of the time, by revisiting the source material by means of additions, corrections and deletions according to the author’s intentions. Such reworking of the sources and models corresponds to a more or less self-evident or openly admitted purpose, given that these works were either written or commissioned by the king. It is therefore essential to question the nature of the political project underlying this sapential literature. The initial analysis of the texts takes account of their structure and narrative framework in order to define the voice of the author, that is to say who chooses and takes on the relevant sources and models. Secondly, these texts need to be set against their context, especially their historical context, in order to highlight their political, ideological, moral, religious or philosophical meaning. Finally, one of the aims of this thesis is to understand how, as from the-re-writing of the sources, treatises, scriptures, classic authors and other exempla, what can be considered as a renewal of sapiential or wisdom literature actually came about. Thanks to such a cross-matching of history and literature, the thesis should evidence the evolution of sapential literature and throw light upon the cultural, moral, political and social vision promulgated by king Sancho IV and upheld by Maria de Molina.

Die literêre biografie - 'n terreinverkenning (Afrikaans)

Pelser, Abraham Christoffel 27 August 2002 (has links)
This study endeavours to research the field of literary historiography in general and specifically biographic historiography. In South Africa this genre has a limited tradition. Apart from a few diffused contributions by specialists in technical and other publications, and the essays by Hennie Aucamp in Beeltenis verbode and J.C. Kannemeyer in Getuigskrifte and Ontsyferde stene, very little research has been done in South Africa in this field. Chapter one expounds the research methodology. It briefly states the definition of the problem, as well as the goal orientation and the delimitation of the field of study, actuality, hypotheses and structural development. Chapter two affords the theoretical foundation of literary and more specifically biographic historiography. The concept "biography" is defined. The modern biography and its characteristics and structure are scrutinized in terms of different theoretical criteria. Finally this chapter contem-plates some problems experienced by contemporary biographers. Chapter three is an overview which sets out the history of biographic historiography from the most ancient times, during the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the 16th to the 20th century. Biographic historiography in the USA is closely researched. Major achievements and the most important texts which influenced the genre are emphasized. The contributions of notable bio-graphers such as James Boswell and Lytton Strachey are highlighted. Chapter four is the core of this dissertation. Initially it contemplates biographic historiography in South Africa in general. Thereafter it researches literary biographies in depth. The earliest comprehensive literary biography in Afrikaans, Ds. S.J. du Toit in weg en werk by Totius, is discussed. Attention is drawn to Leon Rousseau's biography of Eugène N. Marais, which, in 1974, ushered in the true beginning of this tradition in Afrikaans. Subsequently the biographies of V.E. d'Assonville on Totius and S.J. du Toit are discussed. The major part of this chapter is devoted to the oeuvre of J.C. Kannemeyer, who probably made the most important contribution in this field with his comprehensive biographies on D.J. Opperman, C.J. Langenhoven, and C. Louis Leipoldt. Finally J.C. Steyn's monumental description of the life of N.P. van Wyk Louw, in two volumes, is discussed. The discussion and evaluation of these texts are set out narratively and comparatively. The said biographies are evaluated according to different biographic theories. Chapter five, a concise chapter, evaluates the hypotheses set out at the beginning of this research. Furthermore it is indicated that the field of biographic historiography in South Africa is still not properly exploited. Suggestions for further research are given. South Africa is a multi-ethnic country and contradictory political, cultural, socio-economic and language interests are not uncommon. Biographies could contribute to mutual understanding of these diversities, as manifested in J.C. Steyn's Van Wyk Louw: 'n Lewensverhaal. Perhaps at present research in this field is crucial. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

<i>La Methode graphique</i>: Dance, Notation, and Media, 1852-1912

Benn, Sophie Luhman 30 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Revisionismo histórico en El hombre que amaba a los perros de Leonardo Padura

Vertiz Nunez, Marietta 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur le révisionnisme historique réalisé par Leonardo Padura dans son roman El hombre que amaba a los perros, publié en 2009. Cet écrivain, l’un des auteurs actuels les plus publiés et les plus récompensés du monde hispanique, utilise les figures historiques de León Trotsky et de son assassin, Ramón Mercader, pour raconter l’histoire inédite de Cuba à partir de l’arrivée au pouvoir de Fidel Castro, en janvier 1959. L’auteur se sert de la figure de Trotsky pour traiter certaines questions qui laissent entrevoir la décomposition du système révolutionnaire cubain. D’une part, Trotsky était un écrivain qui subissait de la censure, comme bon nombre d’écrivains et d’intellectuels cubains. D’autre part, c’était un soldat qui, après avoir participé à divers conflits, comme la révolution d’Octobre, fut rayé de l’histoire de son pays, condamné à l’exil, et finalement assassiné. Dans le présent travail, nous étudierons la manière dont la reconstruction et la déconstruction de l’histoire convergent en nous penchant sur les mouvements centrifuges et centripètes qu’elles comportent. Ainsi, nous verrons comment le texte littéraire, à travers la figure et les expériences d’un personnage non historique, reconstruit l’histoire de Cuba dans les années 70 et 80 en mettant en lumière la stalinisation du régime castriste et le désenchantement de ceux qui l’avaient initialement soutenu, entre autres de nombreux intellectuels et écrivains. / This dissertation focuses on Leonardo Padura’s historical revisionism in his 2009 novel El hombre que amaba a los perros. Padura, one of today’s most published and award-winning authors in the Hispanic world, has used the historical figures of Leon Trotsky and his assassin, Ramón Mercader, to present the untold story of Cuba from the time Fidel Castro gained power in January 1959. Padura uses Trotsky’s character to address a number of issues that point to the decomposition of the Cuban revolutionary system. On the one hand, Trotsky was a writer who suffered censorship, as did many Cuban writers and intellectuals. On the other hand, he was a soldier who, after being involved in various conflicts, such as the October Revolution, was erased from the history of his country, forced into exile, and ultimately assassinated. In this dissertation, we will examine how the reconstruction and deconstruction of history converge, focusing on the centrifugal and centripetal movements they comprise. We will see how the history of Cuba during the 1970s and 1980s is reconstructed in Padura’s literary work through a nonhistorical figure and his experiences, revealing the Stalinization of the Castro regime and the disenchantment of those who initially supported it, including many intellectuals and writers. / Este trabajo trata sobre la revisión histórica realizada por Leonardo Padura en la novela El hombre que amaba los perros publicada en el año 2009. Este escritor, uno de los autores actuales más publicados y premiados del mundo hispano, se ha ocupado de la figura histórica de León Trotsky y su asesino Ramón Mercader, para desde su historia proyectar la historia no contada de Cuba, luego de la llegada al poder de Fidel Castro en enero de 1959. La figura de Trotsky le sirve al autor para tratar un número de temas que apuntan a la descomposición del sistema revolucionario cubano. Por un lado, Trotsky fue un escritor que sufrió la censura, como tantos escritores e intelectuales cubanos. Por otro lado, también fue un militar que, luego de participar en diversos conflictos, como la Revolución de Octubre, fue borrado de la historia de su país, condenado al exilio y, finalmente, asesinado. El presente trabajo se centrará en el modo en que convergen la reconstrucción y la deconstrucción de la historia, atendiendo a los movimientos centrífugos y centrípetos que contienen. Así veremos cómo el texto literario, a través de la figura y de las experiencias de un personaje no histórico, va reconstruyendo la historia de Cuba durante los años 70 y 80, apuntando a la estalinización del régimen castrista y al desencanto de quienes lo habían apoyado inicialmente, entre ellos muchos intelectuales y escritores.

Present Perfect: (Post)Humanism and the Search for the New Man in Soviet and Post-Soviet Fantastika

Haxhi, Tomi January 2023 (has links)
Present Perfect is part intellectual history of the discourse of humanism in twentieth- and early-twenty-first-century Russian culture, and part cultural history of the New Man in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia, looking primarily at works of Soviet and post-Soviet fantastika (science fiction and fantasy). The study employs a critical posthumanist methodology drawn from the work of Jean-François Lyotard, and his concept of “rewriting” modernity (here transformed into “rewriting humanism”), and the posthumanist theorization of scholars like Rosi Braidotti and Stefan Hebrechter. The first chapter covers the pre- and post-revolutionary periods, the second chapter the post-Stalinist period, and the third the post-Soviet. The first chapter looks at critiques of humanism in the non-fictional works of religious philosophers and writers (Fedorov, Berdiaev, Ivanov, Merezhkovsky), Soviet ideologues and writers (Lunacharsky, Trotsky, Bukharin, Gorky), and some writers who fall between the two poles (Blok, Mandelshtam, Lezhnev), and covers texts published between 1906 and 1934. The second chapter deals with the works of the Strugatsky brothers’ Noon Universe series (1961-86) and the figure of the “Progressor” as the New Man. The third chapter looks at novels by three authors: Petrushevskaya’s Nomer Odin (2004), Pelevin’s S.N.U.F.F. (2011), and Sorokin’s Ice trilogy (2002-05). These works attest to the inextricable interpenetration of the posthuman with the human, of posthumanism with humanism, of the post-Soviet with the Soviet. The study demonstrates how humanism and posthumanism function dialectically: in the best-case scenario, they negate one another to come to a more whole understanding of the human; in the worst-case scenario, this dialectic creates an increasingly more exclusive humanism that reserves the title of ideal subject for fewer and fewer. Moreover, Present Perfect argues that the New Man (that “ideal subject”) in Soviet and post-Soviet fiction is best conceptualized as a field of competing discourses, which fall along three lines of development: the animal-man, the machine-man, and the god-man, each with their own critical orientation toward humanism. In both the Soviet and post-Soviet context, writers like the Strugatsky brothers, Petrushevskaya, Pelevin, and Sorokin employ a critical posthumanism to demonstrate, on the one hand, how the New Man is used as a tool for discursive domination that denies otherness, and on the other, how the New Man can be reconceptualized as a tool for a liberatory ethics that affirms it.

"Strange Times:" The Language of Illness and Malaise in Interwar France

Finnen, Patrick Joseph 30 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Leon Bibb: A Pioneer in Ohio Broadcast Journalism

Savoca, Brianna L. 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Communicative strategies used by witnesses of the Leon and Phumaphi Commissions of Enquiry in Lesotho

Mabena, Mamponi Irene 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries in English, South Sotho and Xhosa / Bibliography: leaves 196-215 / This study explored the communicative strategies which were used by participants who were called in as witnesses before the Leon Commission and the Phumaphi Commission of Enquiry in Lesotho in 1998 and 2015 respectively. The study specifically looked into the types of communicative strategies employed, their linguistic realisations and their conversational effectiveness in providing required information to the commissions. It further compared the use of strategies by participants in both commissions. Data for this study was obtained from twenty-six audio recordings of twenty-six witnesses. The study established that participants used twelve types of communicative strategies which are classified under the following groups based on their functional characteristics: conversational category which includes strategies such as code-switching, fillers, vague language and circumlocution; a grammatical category that comprises personal pronouns, direct speech, passive voice and questioning; a sociocultural category that covers strategies such as figurative language, indirect communication, direct refusal and indirect criticism. The study established that communicative strategies such as code-switching, fillers, personal pronouns, and direct quoting were conversationally effective as participants strategically employed them to succinctly express themselves. However, strategies with concealing attributes such as those found under a sociocultural category and those under the grammatical category (passive voice and questioning) were considered conversationally ineffective as they withheld required information from the commissioners. The study further established that participants of the latter commission were even more unwilling to reveal information than those of the former, which suggests a growing unwillingness to share information to commissions of enquiry. / Phuputso ena e hlahlobile maano a puisano a neng a sebediswa ke dipaki ka pela Komishene ya Leon le Komishene ya Phumaphi ya dipatlisiso naheng ya Lesotho ka 1998 le 2015. Phuputso e nyebekollotse ka kotloloho mefuta ya maano a puisano a sebedisitsweng, tshebediso ya ona kahara puo le katleho kapa tshetiso ya ona ho fana ka tlhaiso-leseding e neng e hlokwa ke di Komishene. E boetse e bapisitse hore na dipaki dikomisheneng ka bobeli di sebedisitse maano ana jwang. Ditaba tsa boithuto bona di fumanwe ho tswa direkotong tse mashome a mabedi a metso e tsheletseng (26) tsa dipaki. Phuputso e netefaditse hore dipaki di sebedisitse mefuta e leshome le metso e mmedi (12) ya maano a puisano a arotsweng tlasa dihlopha tse latelang ho ipapisitswe le ditshobotsi tsa ona: sehlopha sa puisano se kenyelletsang maano a joalo ka tshebediso ya dipuo tse fetang bonngwe, ho kgitlela, puo e sa hlakang, le ho potoloha. Sehlopha se seng ke sa tlhophiso ya puo mme sona se na le maano a kang seemedi, puo e qotsitsweng, sehlwai-potoloho. Sehlopha sa setso sona se kenyeletsa maano a joalo ka mekgabo-puo, puo e potetseng, ho hana ka kotloloho, le nyefolo e kubutileng hlooho. Phuputso e netefaditse hore maano a puisano a joalo ka tshebediso ya dipuo tse fetang bonngwe, ho kgitlela, seemedi, le puo e qotsitsweng, di sebedisitswe hantle ka ha di atlehile ho thusa dipaki ho itlhalosa ka nepo le ho fana ka lesedi le hlakileng ditabeng tsa bona. Leha ho le joalo, maano a sa bueng puo-phara a kang a fumanwang tlasa sehlopha sa setso le a mang a sehlopha sa tlhophiso ya puo (a kang sehlwai-potoloho le dipotso), boithuto bona bo sibollotse hore a sebedisitswe ho sitisa tlhahiso-leseding e hlokwang ke bakomishenara. Phuputso e boetse e netefaditse hore dipaki tsa komishene ya morao-rao di ne di sa ikemisetsa ho fana ka tlhahiso leseding papisong le dipaki tsa komishene ya pele. Boithuto bona bo utullotse hore maikemisetso a ho fana ka tlhaiso-leseding ho dikomishene tsa dipatlisiso a qepha. / Esi sifundo sijonge ubuchule beendlela zonxebelelwano ezohlukileyo phakathi kwabantu ababemenyiwe ukuba bathathe inxaxheba njengamangqina kwiKhomishoni yoPhando KaLeon eyenzeka ngo1998 kunye neKhomishoni kaPhumaphi eyenzeka ngonyaka ka2015. Olu phando luye lwaqalasela ezindlela zokuqhakamishelana ezisetyenziswe apha, ukusetyenziswa kolwimi kunye nobuchule bokuthetha kula mangqina ngethuba enikeza ubungqina kwezi khomishoni. Olu phando luphinde lwathelekisa indlela amangqina asebenzise ngazo ezindlela zoqhakamishelwano kwezi khomishoni zombini. Ingqokelela-lwazi yolu phando ithathwe kumangqina angamashumi amabini anesithandathu apho kushicilelwe izimvo zawo kwezi khomishoni. Olu phando lufumanise ukuba la mangqina asebenzise ubuchule beendlela zonxebelelwano ezingamashumi amabini. Obu buchule beendlela zonxebebelwano ziqukwa ngokokusebenza kwazo ekuthetheni ngolu hlobo lulandelayo: ukuncokola okuquka ukuthetha iilwimi ezohlukeneyo ngexesha elinye, amazwi amafutshane angenantsingiselo asetyenziswa kwizimo ezinje ngokukhuza, ulwimi olungacacanga kunye nokusetyenziswa kolwimi ngendlela yokuba umntu athethe into inde apho ngeyethethe ngamagama ambalwa ukucacisa into afuna ukuyicacisa ngendlela engcono. Eyesibini yimo yokusetyensizwa kolwimi ngokuthetha nqo, ngokungathethi nqo kunye nokubanemibuzo. Eyesithathu kukujonga ulwimi nenkcubeko ngokuba kubukwe indlela abantu abasebenzisa ulwimi ngokweenkcubeko zabo apho bathetha besebenzisa iinkcazelo ezisuka kwiinckubeko zabo, ukungathethi nqo ngenxa yemo yabo yentlalo nokuthetha, ukungafuni ukuthetha ngenxa yezizimo zentlalo nenkcubeko kunye nokugxeka ngendlea ekwekwayo ngenxa yezizimo zentlalo nenkcubeko. Olu phando lubonise ukuba obu buchule beendlela zokuthetha lusetyenziswe ngamangqina ezi khomishoni luquke imo apho amangqina ebethetha iilwimi ezohlukeneyo ngexesha elinye, amangqina ayakwasebenzise amagama amafutshane angenantsingiselo asetyenziswa kwimo ezifana nokukhuza, aphinda acaphula. Ngowekenza ngolu hlobo, amanqina abanokalisile ukuba ezi ndlela zobuchule bokuthetha zincedisene nomsebenzi wezi khomishoni ngoba amangqina akwazile ukubangamaciko ekuchazeni izimvo zawo. Nangona kunjalo, ezinye iindlela zobuchule zoqhakamishelwano ezifana nezo zichaphazela inkcubeko nentlalo yabantu kunye nezokungathethi nqo, ziwachapahezele kakubi amangqina kuba zenze ukuba amangqina angakhululeki ekunikezeleni ubungqina apho kubonakale ukuba abakwazanga ukunikeza iinkcukaca ezibalulekileyo kwezi khomishoni ngenxa yoku. Olu phando luphinde lwabonakalisa ukuba amangqina weKhomishoni loPhando kaPhumaphi aye awodlula amangiqna weKhomishoni kaLeon ngokungafuni ukunikeza ngobungqina obuthile. Le nto ibirhanelisa ukuba bekukho umoya apha kwamangqina wokungafuni ncam ukunikeza ngobungqina kwezi khomishoni. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)

A concepção de educação matemática de Henri Lebesgue

Palaro, Luzia Aparecida 22 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_luzia_aparecida_palaro.pdf: 27255885 bytes, checksum: d2ee8521118c71c7bfe212a84a1dfc70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The main aim of this study was to consider the aspects which characterises Henri Lebesgue s conception of Mathematics Education. Lebesgue (1875-1941), as well as being one of the most eminent mathematicians of the twentieth century and revolutionising Mathematical Analysis with the creation of a new theory of measure and hence a new definition of the integral, was also a extremely dedicated teacher. Concerned about teacher education, he contributed much to debates on didactical, historical and philosophical issues related to Mathematics. The methodology adopted for this study was based on research with a bibliographic character, with a historic-descriptive approach employed, beginning with a brief presentation of the life and works of Lebesgue. Following this, a historicphilosophical contextualisation of Mathematics of his epoch is presented, along with a description of the philosophy of Mathematics he defended. To highlight the originality of Lebesgue s mathematical practices, a study of the historical development of Calculus from the seventeenth century until his time is presented, with the theory of functions serving as the leading thread of this development. Using as a basis this historical development, a study is made of how some Calculus and Analysis textbooks define Integration and how they approach the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Finally, a study of the work About the Measure of Magnitude is presented, which identifies aspects of the process that Lebesgue proposed for the teaching of mathematics. The study concludes that Lebesgue, given his constructivist stance: was not keen in the axiomatic tendency that characterised the practice of Mathematics during his time; that he placed emphasis on activity considering Mathematics as a tool without its own objects: that he defended a philosophy of Mathematics as simple and utilitarian, which would be a mere report on the practices of mathematician: and that he believed that teaching like the practice of Mathematicians, should begin with an activity which could be used as the basis from which to abstract concepts and make generalization, leaving the axiomatic definitions until the end / O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi levantar os aspectos caracterizadores da concepção de Educação Matemática de Henri Lebesgue (1875-1941), que além de ter sido um dos mais eminentes matemáticos do século XX pois revolucionou a Análise Matemática com a criação de uma nova teoria da medida e, fundamentado nesta, uma nova definição de integral , foi também um professor extremamente dedicado e que se preocupava com a formação de professores e, muito contribuiu para os assuntos didáticos, históricos e filosóficos da Matemática. A metodologia do estudo baseou-se em uma pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico, sob a abordagem histórico-descritiva; iniciando-se com uma breve apresentação da vida e das obras de Lebesgue. Em seguida, foram apresentadas uma contextualização histórico-filosófica da Matemática de sua época e a filosofia da Matemática que propagava. Buscando realçar a originalidade de Lebesgue, pela sua forma de fazer Matemática, foi apresentado um estudo do desenvolvimento histórico do Cálculo, do século XVII até Lebesgue, sendo a teoria das funções o fio condutor desse desenvolvimento. Tendo como base este desenvolvimento histórico, é apresentado um estudo de como alguns livros didáticos de Cálculo e Análise definem a integração e como abordam o Teorema Fundamental do Cálculo, identificando assim, a perspectiva adotada. Por fim, é apresentado um estudo da obra Sobre a Medida das Grandezas de autoria de Lebesgue, buscando identificar aspectos do processo que Lebesgue considerava para o ensino da Matemática. O estudo concluiu que Lebesgue, construtivista que era, não gostava da tendência axiomática de fazer Matemática de sua época; dava ênfase a atividade e considerava a Matemática um instrumento que não tem objetos próprios; propagava uma filosofia da Matemática simples e utilitária, que seria apenas um relato das práticas desenvolvidas pelos matemáticos; considerava que, no ensino assim como na prática de fazer matemática, se deveria iniciar com uma atividade, a partir da qual poderiam ser abstraídos conceitos, fazer generalizações, deixando as definições axiomáticas por último

O Imperio do Quinto Afonso de Portugal (1448-1481) = : La quete d'Empire d'Alphonse V, Roi du Portugal (1448-1481) / The quest of Empire of D. Afonso V, King of Portugal (1448-1481)

Sales, Mariana Osue Ide 09 February 2009 (has links)
Orientadores: Paulo Miceli, Denis Menjot / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T15:01:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sales_MarianaOsueIde_D.pdf: 4559872 bytes, checksum: 19d2813975bc52adfd072cfba3b9a2de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A tese analisa das referências imperiais na política de D. Afonso V, rei do Portugal, entre 1448 e 1481. Na primeira parte, Mutação do lmperium foi estudada a dilatação jurídica de ímperium sobre os territórios marítimos adânticos e sobre domínios que os portugueses conquistaram no Norte da África. Na segunda parte, Construção do Império, analisamos como o cronista do rei, Gomes Eanes de Zurara, estabeleceu relações entre a história de Portugal e os Impérios históricos (Romano e Visigodo) e como referências bíblicas, entre elas destacamos a noção de Reino Eleito, de forte apelo universalista, constituiu referências fundamentais à política expansionista. Na terceira parte da tese, A. Restauração do Império, apresentamos a análise das pretensões imperiais do rei D. Afonso V, através da análise de dois aspectos da política externa. O casamento de sua irmã, Leonor de Portugal, com o Imperador Frederico III, Habsburgo e sua elevação ao título de imperatriz. O siêncio sobre a união nos permitiu de compreender porque o ideal imperial, cultivado pelo rei, distancia-se da referência imperial romano-germânica. Finalmente, o estudo sobre a guerra peninsular de D. Afonso contra Isabel de Castela e Fernando I de Aragão, durante o período de 1475 a 1479, explicita sua intenção de unificar a península Ibérica, reconstituindo a unidade mítica. Neste breve período, o rei reuniu todos os meios a seu alcance e tentou assumir o governo de Coroa de Castela através do casamento de Joana. Paralelamente, uma aliança feita com Luís XI, rei de França, também alimentou os planos de divisão dos territórios de Aragão, entre Portugal e França. / Abstract: This study analyses de imperial aspects of the politics of D. Afonso V, king of Portugal (1448-1481). The first part of the work is composed by the study of the dilatation of the juridical notion of imperium, concerning the atlantics and africans Portuguese possessions The second part studies how the historian of the king, Zurara, presented Portugal as an heir of the Roman and Visigoth empires and how the notion of elected kingdom, that carries a strong sense of universal monarchy, made part of the fundamental political ideals that sustained the expansion in Africa and at the Atlantic islands. At the last part, we present the imperial intents of the king through the study of his external politic with the Holy Empire and the Crown of Castile. The marriage of the sister's king, Leonor, with the emperor Frederick III, Habsburg, is the first aspect analysed. The silence about this union gave us means to understand why the ideal of Empire of the Portuguese king was very different of the roman germanic reference. Finally, we study the war between Portugal and Castile, against Isabel, the future Catholic queen, during the period 1475 and 1479. The king of Portugal tried to assume the government of the Crown, by marrying Jane, princess and heir of the Castile. Also, the plains signed between Louis XI, king of France and Afonso V, in 1475, shows that the portuguese king and French king intended to prepare a war agains Crown of Aragon and share their territories. The politic of Afonso inside Iberia explicated his aim of "re-unify" the peninsula under his control. / Doutorado / Historia / Doutor em História

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