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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O direito do trabalho e a proteção do trabalho da mulher

Dias, Edgar Santos Tavares 16 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edgar Santos Tavares Dias.pdf: 2494081 bytes, checksum: b1fd4b6245636ce258ab742c065273b4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-16 / The present study intends to approach the protection of women's work, beginning with a historical perspective the development of labor law and its social role. After this digression, will be the approach of labor law as part of the list of fundamental rights, analyzed the characteristics relevant to them, before checking the national and international legal standards on protection of women's work. Finally, study will be the Brazilian federal constitutional level or infraconstitutional, and the rules of the International Labour Organization applicable to the subject. The purpose of this study is to identify what plateau is the legal protection of women's work in Brazil, identifying central points for upgrading the system and to propose ways to efficacy of this fundamental right / O presente estudo pretende analisar a proteção ao trabalho da mulher, iniciando-se por uma abordagem histórica do seu papel social e da evolução do direito do trabalho. Após esta digressão, será feita a abordagem do direito do trabalho como integrante do rol de direitos fundamentais, analisadas as características pertinentes a estes, para em seguida verificar as normas jurídicas nacionais e internacionais sobre proteção ao trabalho da mulher. Por fim, estudar-se-á a legislação federal brasileira no patamar constitucional e infraconstitucional, e as normas da Organização Internacional do Trabalho aplicáveis ao tema. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar em que patamar normativo encontra-se a proteção ao trabalho da mulher no Brasil, identificando pontos centrais para aperfeiçoamento do sistema e propor caminhos para eficácia deste direito fundamental

O capitalismo humanista e sua expressão constitucional: incorporação no direito do trabalho por meio do direito econômico

Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano 16 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tulio Augusto Tayano Afonso.pdf: 1618672 bytes, checksum: f386ee32d723bd3c1d2b4fd421125bab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-16 / In a time of instability and uncertainty in the national and international economic market, Capitalism Humanist, humanistic doctrine of Economic Law, shown as the best way out before the negative externalities of the market, that haunt people less wealthy. The most affected by these ailments are the workers who end up being forced to submit to certain situations due to the need of employment. These situations that often labor law and can not prevent or cure. From the verification of constitutional humanistic capitalism and its measurement in the international arena in terms of Human Rights ruled by Law of Universal Brotherhood, we will see how it applies in Labor Law operated by the Economic Law. Thus, we extend the framework of protection away from people and the abuse of economic power that seeks to profit by profit, without caring about the human cost that might occur by chance / Em uma época de instabilidade e incertezas no mercado econômico nacional e internacional, o Capitalismo Humanista, doutrina humanística de Direito Econômico, se mostra como a melhor saída ante as externalidades negativas do mercado, que assombram as pessoas menos abastadas. Os principais atingidos por essas mazelas são os trabalhadores, que acabam sendo obrigados a se submeter a certas situações por conta da necessidade do emprego. Situações essas que muitas vezes o Direito do Trabalho não consegue impedir ou remediar. A partir da verificação constitucional do capitalismo humanista e de sua aferição no cenário internacional no plano dos Direitos Humanos pautado pela Lei Universal da Fraternidade, veremos como se aplica no Direito do Trabalho operado pelo Direito Econômico. Dessa maneira, conseguimos ampliar o arcabouço de proteção e afastar das pessoas o abuso do poder econômico que visa o lucro pelo lucro, sem contudo se importar com o custo humano que porventura possa estar ocorrendo

Acúmulo de função do empregado: fundamentos para uma proposição de alteração legislativa / Accumulation of employee function: rationale for proposing legislative change

Coutinho Filho, Gabriel Lopes 11 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:22:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gabriel Lopes Coutinho Filho.pdf: 11931211 bytes, checksum: 35f4108d1416dbbe44ec2b062a23e15c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-11 / The objective of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of accumulation of function to those originally contracted employee, according to current Brazilian legal system . The intensity of work in the contemporary world is a subject of great tension between employers and workers. The phenomenon examined , which has several facets , has great interest because it is a content change of object clause of the employment contract . The contemporary production methods require that workers have polyvalent skills. In Brazil, the sole paragraph of art.456 of the Labor Code (CLT) allows the employer to use your "jus variandi" changing the object clause of the employment contract. The central issue is that the Brazilian labor law allows employers freely change the object of the employment contract without any limitation not exceeding the personal conditions of the employees and provided that an express contract, or some proof of contracted function does not 'exist. The law, however, provides an unfavorable presumption the employee:: i'1 practice, it is common the absence of express employment contract and the employee is hardly proof of the contractual object, limiting its "resistentia jus". The assumption behind this work is the perception of injury to the worker due to the law, which contradicts many principles of labor law. Five constitutional violations are identified in law and is made a proposal for legislative change to examination. The completion of background work is that no legally able to prevent the phenomenon of "accurl1ulation of function", except through collective bargaining agreements. However, it is necessary to have legal mechanisms that protect the worker, giving him a proper wage compensation in the face of natural increased complexity of the work it performs / O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar o fenômeno dê acúmulo de função do empregado àquelas originalmente contratadas, segundo o sistema legal brasileiro atual. A intensidade do trabalho no mundo contemporâneo é tema de grande tensão entre empregadores e trabalhadores. O fenômeno examinado, que possui várias facetas, possui grande interesse, pois representa uma alteração da cláusula de objeto do contrato de trabalho. Os métodos produtivos contemporâneos determinam que os trabalhadores possuam habilidades polivalentes. No Brasil, o parágrafo único do art.456, da CLT (CLT), permite que o empregador utilize seu "jus variandi" para alterar a cláusula de objeto do contrato de trabalho. A questão central é que a lei trabalhista brasileira possibilita que o empregador altere livremente o objeto do contrato de trabalho sem qualquer limitação que não ultrapassem as condições pessoais do empregadose e desde que não exista um contrato expresso, ou alguma prova da função contratada. A lei, portanto, traz uma presunção desfavorável ao : empregado: na prática, é comum a ausência de contrato de trabalho expresso e . dificilmente o trabalhador faz prova do objeto contratado, limitando seu "jus resistentia". O pressuposto deste trabalho é a percepção de prejuízo ao trabalhador em decorrência da lei, fato que contraria muitos princípios do direito do trabalho. São identificadas cinco infrações constitucionais na lei e é feita uma proposta de alteração legislativa para exame. A conclusão de fundo do trabalho é que não há condições de impedir legalmente o fenômeno do "acúmulo de função", exceto por meio de contratos coletivos de trabalho. Todavia, é necessário haver mecanismos legais que protejam o trabalhador, concedendo-lhe uma compensação salarial adequada em face da natural maior complexidade do trabalho que executa

Tutela inibitória como instrumento de prevenção contra o assédio moral: a efetividade da jurisdição trabalhista na proteção a direitos de natureza extrapatrimonial / Inhibitory injunction as a tool of moral harassment prevention: the effectiveness of jurisdiction in extrapatrimonial labor rights protection.

Pires, Eduardo Rockenbach 11 June 2014 (has links)
O trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a tutela inibitória no processo do trabalho, especialmente no sentido da prevenção do assédio moral no ambiente de trabalho. A abordagem parte da perspectiva da proteção dos direitos fundamentais dos trabalhadores, principalmente em face do poder diretivo do empregador. Analisa a vinculação dos particulares às normas de direitos fundamentais e ressalta a importância da vinculação direta ou imediata do empregador às normas de direitos fundamentais, no âmbito da relação de emprego. Põe em relevo a função do processo do trabalho na perspectiva da tutela dos direitos fundamentais. Analisa as características do assédio moral praticado no ambiente de trabalho, sua classificação e suas consequências. Trata das modificações sociais que impuseram novas necessidades ao direito processual, especialmente ao direito processual do trabalho. Aborda a natureza e as características da tutela inibitória, como tutela judicial preventiva da conduta ilícita. Trata dos meios concretos de operar a tutela inibitória no processo do trabalho, com o objetivo de prevenir o assédio moral. Cuida de aspectos controversos da legitimidade para a ação inibitória, bem como de peculiaridades da causa de pedir e da prova. Analisa os requisitos da sentença e da coisa julgada na ação inibitória. Conclama à assunção da lógica da prevenção no direito processual. Realça a necessidade de uma atuação mais criativa e livre dos juízes trabalhistas. / The work aims to study the inhibitory injunction in the labor process, especially towards the prevention of bullying in the workplace. The approach starts from the perspective of protecting the fundamental rights of workers, particularly against the directive power of the employer. Analyzes linking the particular standards of fundamental rights and emphasizes the importance of direct or immediate employer to binding rules relating to fundamental rights within the employment relationship. It highlights the role of the procedural labor law from the perspective of the protection of fundamental rights. It analyzes the characteristics of bullying practiced in the workplace, their classification and environmental consequences. It analyzes the social changes that have imposed new requirements of procedural law, especially procedural labor law. It approaches the nature and characteristics of inhibitory injunction, like a judicial protection as a preventive of unlawful conduct. It analyzes the specific means to operate the inhibitory injunction in the labor process, with the goal of preventing bullying. It takes care of controversial aspects of legitimacy to the inhibitory action, as well as peculiarities of the cause of action and proofs. It analyzes the requirements of the sentence and the inhibitory action on res judicata. It urges the assumption of prevention logic in procedural law. It stresses the need for a more creative and free activity of labor judges.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

Bennarsten, Julia January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another. Therefore, it becomes difficult to know where to draw the line, it is not defined in law and it is a subjective assessment. There are some behaviors that clearly are sexual harassment, but when it's not as clear, a notice is needed to the person performing the harassments. If the behavior continues after the warning it counts as sexual harassments.It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment doesn’t take place in the workplace and to investigate the incidents when it occurs. Only the employer can be held accountable in court for not fulfilling its investigation duty. A worker can’t be sentenced for sexual harassment if it doesn’t involve serious crimes which are regulated in the Penal Code.Sexual harassment is usually carried out by men against women and is therefore an important gender issue. Sexual harassment must be understood from a gender power perspective and it’s a way to maintain gender power relations between the sexes, where men have the power and are superior to women. The creation of gender power relations are both conscious and unconscious and maintained from both men and women, where sexual harassment is only a small part of a larger societal problem. / Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur det rättsliga skyddet mot sexuella trakasserier ser ut i arbetslivet idag samt var gränsen går. Studien är avgränsad till att endast fokusera på de sexuella trakasserier som riktar sig till kvinnor från män, då detta förekommer i störst utsträckning även om få anmäler. Resultatet diskuteras sedan ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv då detta är ett sätt att förklara företeelsen sexuella trakasserier mellan män och kvinnor.Sexuella trakasserier skyddas idag genom diskrimineringslagen och genom EU-rättens lika-behandlingsprincip. För att ett beteende ska räknas som sexuella trakasserier ska det vara oönskat från den mottagande parten och den som utför trakasserierna ska ha insikt i att beteendet uppfattas som kränkande. Handlingarna ska vara av sexuell natur och bidra till ett missgynnande för den drabbade i form av en kränkning.Det är den utsatta som avgör om handlingarna uppfattas som sexuella trakasserier eller inte, det som en person uppfattar som ett vänskapligt beteende kan uppfattas som kränkande av en annan. Därför blir det svårt att veta var gränsen går, det definieras inte i lagtexten och det är en subjektiv bedömning. Det finns handlingar som uppenbart är sexuella trakasserier, men när det inte är lika enkelt behövs en tillsägelse till den som utför trakasserierna, fortsätter beteendet även efter anmärkningen är det att räkna som sexuella trakasserier.Det är arbetsgivarens ansvar att se till att sexuella trakasserier inte förekommer på arbets-platsen och att utreda händelserna när de ändå uppkommer. Endast arbetsgivaren kan ställas till svars inför domstol för att inte fullgjort sin utredningsplikt, en arbetstagare kan inte dömas för sexuella trakasserier om det inte rör sig om grövre fall som är reglerade i brottsbalken.Sexuella trakasserier sker oftast från män mot kvinnor och är därför en viktig jämställdhets-fråga. Sexuella trakasserier måste förstås ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv och ett sätt att behålla könsmaktsordningen mellan könen, där männen har makten och är överordnade kvinnorna. Skapandet och behållandet av könsmaktsordningen sker både medvetet och omedvetet från båda könen, där sexuella trakasserier bara är en liten del i ett större samhällsproblem.

Allas rätt att vara sig själv : -trakasserier och mobbning i svensk arbetsrätt / Everybody´s right to be themselves : -harassment and bullying in Sewdish labor law

Cederlöf, Erika January 2009 (has links)
This essay will focus on the psychosocial work environment, harassment and bullying at the workplace. As the essay is written as a part of the human resources program, the topics are discussed from a human resource management perspective. Harassment and bullying are highlighted on the basis of a labor law perspective where the focus is on the prevention work. The essay is based on analysis of law, the preparatory work for new laws and regulations, rules and regulations from the Swedish work environment authority, case law and doctrine, and is supplemented by interviews.   Harassed and bullied can in everyday speech sometimes be used as synonyms for one another. From a labor law perspective, the concepts, however, are not at all equivalent. Harassment and bullying are treated in different ways in the Swedish labor law. The essay examines how the cases of harassment are distributed on the different grounds of discrimination and why the Swedish legislator by law has chosen to provide an additional protection for groups with certain attributes and characteristics. The essay examines the question of why the Swedish legislators have chosen to regulate harassment and bullying in different laws as the psychological and social consequences for the individual as well as the working group are often the same.   The study also examines how the employer's obligations differ in situations of harassment and bullying. Methods and a checklist for preventing harassment and bullying in the workplace are presented. The essay shows that employer' obligations for preventing, investigating and attending to cases of harassment and bullying are equivalent but when these obligations are not met, the implications will be different. The consequence for the individual will be that he or she in some cases of bullying won’t have any option but to rely on the employer's goodwill and interest of having a workplace free from bullying.

Allas rätt att vara sig själv : -trakasserier och mobbning i svensk arbetsrätt / Everybody´s right to be themselves : -harassment and bullying in Sewdish labor law

Cederlöf, Erika January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay will focus on the psychosocial work environment, harassment and bullying at the workplace. As the essay is written as a part of the human resources program, the topics are discussed from a human resource management perspective. Harassment and bullying are highlighted on the basis of a labor law perspective where the focus is on the prevention work. The essay is based on analysis of law, the preparatory work for new laws and regulations, rules and regulations from the Swedish work environment authority, case law and doctrine, and is supplemented by interviews.</p><p> </p><p>Harassed and bullied can in everyday speech sometimes be used as synonyms for one another. From a labor law perspective, the concepts, however, are not at all equivalent. Harassment and bullying are treated in different ways in the Swedish labor law. The essay examines how the cases of harassment are distributed on the different grounds of discrimination and why the Swedish legislator by law has chosen to provide an additional protection for groups with certain attributes and characteristics. The essay examines the question of why the Swedish legislators have chosen to regulate harassment and bullying in different laws as the psychological and social consequences for the individual as well as the working group are often the same.</p><p> </p><p>The study also examines how the employer's obligations differ in situations of harassment and bullying. Methods and a checklist for preventing harassment and bullying in the workplace are presented. The essay shows that employer' obligations for preventing, investigating and attending to cases of harassment and bullying are equivalent but when these obligations are not met, the implications will be different. The consequence for the individual will be that he or she in some cases of bullying won’t have any option but to rely on the employer's goodwill and interest of having a workplace free from bullying.</p>

Le pouvoir d’organisation : au croisement du droit du travail et du droit des sociétés / The power of organization : at the junction of labor law and corporate law

Vernac, Stéphane 12 December 2012 (has links)
L’organisation de la direction des personnes morales de droit privé, et en particulier des sociétés, est le siège d’un pouvoir distinct du pouvoir de direction de l’employeur : le pouvoir d’organisation. Proposé pour l’analyse du droit positif, ce pouvoir désigne le pouvoir d’organiser la direction des personnes morales telles que les sociétés. Cette catégorie d’analyse permet de rendre compte de certaines transformations affectant les règles du droit du travail, en particulier lorsque celles-ci sont au contact des règles du droit des sociétés. L’on pourrait penser que les règles du droit du travail ne visent pas la direction des sociétés. Pourtant, l’exploration s’avère fructueuse. Considéré par le droit du travail, le pouvoir d’organisation participe de la recomposition de la figure de l’employeur et du redécoupage de l’organisation. S’il permet de rendre compte de certaines évolutions du droit positif, le pouvoir d’organisation permet aussi d’ordonner un régime, composé des règles qui l’instituent. Ainsi, les prérogatives, constitutives du pouvoir d’organisation résultent d’une part des règles qui définissent la "constitution" de la personne morale employeur et d’autre part des règles qui permettent de recomposer les liens tissés entre les personnes morales. La quête du régime du pouvoir d’organisation permet de mettre en lumière l’existence d’un droit de l’organisation de la direction des sociétés. La découverte du pouvoir d’organisation invite aussi à renouveler l’analyse des mécanismes d’imputation des responsabilités, traditionnellement rabattus sur le seul employeur. / The management organization of private law legal entities, and in particular companies, is the fundament of a distinct power of the employer’s management power: the power of organization. Proposed for the analysis of positive law, this power is to organize the management of legal persons such as corporations. This category of analysis can account for certain changes affecting the rules of labor law, especially when these encounter the rules of corporate law. One might think that the rules of labor law do not apply to corporate management. However, the exploration is successful. Considered by labor law, the power of organization participates in the reconstruction of the employer and the redistribution of the organization. The power of organization enables to account some changes in positive law. It allows to plan a system consisting of its own set of rules. Thereby, the prerogatives of the power of organization result, on one hand from rules that set the "constitution" of the corporation employer and on the other hand rules that allow to rebuild the links between the entities. The quest for the organization power system enables to enlighten the existence of a group of rules, a set of rules to organize the management of the companies that configures in the same time labor and corporate relations. Coming back to the lost organization power between labor law and corporate law cannot only create a system. The discovery of the power of organization also calls for new analysis of the mechanisms for the imputation of responsibilities traditionally held by the employer.

The Low Representativeness of Unions in Latin America: A Wrong Interpretation / La Baja Representatividad Sindical en América Latina: Una Errónea Interpretación

Canessa Montejo, Miguel Francisco 10 April 2018 (has links)
The level of membership of trade Unions in Latin America is low. This affects the level of representation of workers by the unions. However, this statement would leave aside the fact that the national legislation formally prevents a substantive number of workers to establish a union in the enterprise or in the industry. The present investigate clarifies this issue based on an analysis or the normative framework and based on official statistical data. / La sindicalización en América Latina es baja. Lo que pone en tela de juicio la representación  de los trabajadores por medio de los sindicatos. Sin embargo, esta afirmación dejaría de lado que la propia normativa nacional impide formalmente que un significativo número de trabajadores puedan constituir un sindicato en la empresa o en la industria. El presente estudio aborda esta problemática integrando en su análisis tanto la interpretación normativa como los datos estadísticos oficiales para dilucidar esta interrogante.

Pracovní smlouva a vznik pracovního poměru / Employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship

Sekalová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
1 Employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship Abstract This diploma thesis deals with an employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship. The aim is to provide a comprehensive outlook on the issue of employment contract and the establishment of an employment relationship, analyze the current legislative framework including the case law and point out some challenges regarding the application in practice. The thesis is divided into four main chapters that are further segmented. The first chapter provides a basic overview of the labor law, its function, and position within the legal framework. Next, it analyzes the relationship between the labor law and the civil law post recodification, labor law relationships, and their basic principles and the dependent work as a subject matter of the individual employment relationship. The second chapter is devoted to an employment contract. It first analyzes the process before the employment relationship is established. Next, it deals with the establishment of the employment relationship itself, appointment and the issue of the so-called factual employment relationship. The third chapter is devoted to the employment contract in general. It provides the characteristics of the employment contract, which is one of the basic...

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