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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Sickness Insurance Policies on Labor Market Outcomes

Högfeldt, Carl January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Essays on the social inclusion of young people : family and labor market pathways / Essais sur l’inclusion sociale des jeunes : trajectoires familiales et professionnelles

Minea, Andreea 03 April 2018 (has links)
Le 1er chapitre examine le rôle de la culture d’origine sur la manière dont les jeunes hommes et femmes diffèrent dans leurs choix de retarder le départ du foyer parental. Je montre que dans les cultures caractérisées par des valeurs traditionnelles portant sur les rôles de genre, les jeunes hommes ont plus d’incitations que les jeunes femmes à rester chez leurs parents. Lorsque les femmes de ces cultures vont vivre dans une société plus libérale par rapport aux rôles de genre, elles quittent plus vite le foyer parental et cherchent à trouver un mari d’une culture différente de la leur. Dans le 2e chapitre, nous montrons, à partir d’un testing sur CV, que les jeunes peu qualifiés sont moins rappelés par les employeurs du secteur privé lorsqu’ils sont Maghrébins plutôt que Français. L’origine des candidats n’a pourtant pas d’effet sur le taux de rappel dans le secteur public, même si les recruteurs des deux secteurs ont des préférences discriminatoires similaires. Notre modèle montre que l'absence de discrimination à l’invitation pour un entretien dans le secteur public est compatible, dans ce contexte, avec une discrimination plus forte à l'embauche. Le 3e chapitre s’appuie aussi sur un testing sur CV pour étudier les effets de l’expérience professionnelle des jeunes décrocheurs du secondaire quatre ans après avoir quitté les études. À défaut de formation certifiante, le taux de rappel n’est pas plus élevé pour ceux ayant eu une expérience professionnelle, subventionnée ou non, dans le secteur marchand ou non-marchand par rapport à ceux restés au chômage. De plus, une formation certifiante améliore les taux de rappel uniquement lorsque le taux de chômage local est faible. / The first chapter examines the role of individuals’ culture of origin in explaining the gender gap in youth’s decision to delay moving out from the parental household. I show that in societies with traditional values about gender roles, young have more incentives than young women to live longer with their parents. When women from these cultures live in a more liberal society regarding gender roles, they move out faster from the parental household and also seek to find a husband from a different culture than their own. In the 2nd chapter, we show, based on a correspondence study that low-skilled youth are less likely to be called back by private sector employers when they are North-African rather than French. By contrast, the origin of the fictitious applicants does not impact their callback rate in the public sector, despite the similar negative discriminatory beliefs of recruiters in both sectors. Our model shows that the absence of discrimination at the invitation for an interview stage in the public sector is compatible, in this context, with stronger discrimination in hiring. The third chapter is also based on a correspondence study and investigates the effects of the labor market experience of high school dropouts four years after leaving school. Compared to those who have stayed unemployed since leaving school, the callback rate is not raised for those with employment experience, whether it is subsidized or non-subsidized, in the market or non-market sector, if there is no training accompanied by skill certification. Moreover, training accompanied by skill certification improves callback rates only when the local unemployment rate is low.

Empirical essays on job search behavior, active labor market policies, and propensity score balancing methods

Schmidl, Ricarda January 2014 (has links)
In Chapter 1 of the dissertation, the role of social networks is analyzed as an important determinant in the search behavior of the unemployed. Based on the hypothesis that the unemployed generate information on vacancies through their social network, search theory predicts that individuals with large social networks should experience an increased productivity of informal search, and reduce their search in formal channels. Due to the higher productivity of search, unemployed with a larger network are also expected to have a higher reservation wage than unemployed with a small network. The model-theoretic predictions are tested and confirmed empirically. It is found that the search behavior of unemployed is significantly affected by the presence of social contacts, with larger networks implying a stronger substitution away from formal search channels towards informal channels. The substitution is particularly pronounced for passive formal search methods, i.e., search methods that generate rather non-specific types of job offer information at low relative cost. We also find small but significant positive effects of an increase of the network size on the reservation wage. These results have important implications on the analysis of the job search monitoring or counseling measures that are usually targeted at formal search only. Chapter 2 of the dissertation addresses the labor market effects of vacancy information during the early stages of unemployment. The outcomes considered are the speed of exit from unemployment, the effects on the quality of employment and the short-and medium-term effects on active labor market program (ALMP) participation. It is found that vacancy information significantly increases the speed of entry into employment; at the same time the probability to participate in ALMP is significantly reduced. Whereas the long-term reduction in the ALMP arises in consequence of the earlier exit from unemployment, we also observe a short-run decrease for some labor market groups which suggest that caseworker use high and low intensity activation measures interchangeably which is clearly questionable from an efficiency point of view. For unemployed who find a job through vacancy information we observe a small negative effect on the weekly number of hours worked. In Chapter 3, the long-term effects of participation in ALMP are assessed for unemployed youth under 25 years of age. Complementary to the analysis in Chapter 2, the effects of participation in time- and cost-intensive measures of active labor market policies are examined. In particular we study the effects of job creation schemes, wage subsidies, short-and long-term training measures and measures to promote the participation in vocational training. The outcome variables of interest are the probability to be in regular employment, and participation in further education during the 60 months following program entry. The analysis shows that all programs, except job creation schemes have positive and long-term effects on the employment probability of youth. In the short-run only short-term training measures generate positive effects, as long-term training programs and wage subsidies exhibit significant locking-in'' effects. Measures to promote vocational training are found to increase the probability of attending education and training significantly, whereas all other programs have either no or a negative effect on training participation. Effect heterogeneity with respect to the pre-treatment level education shows that young people with higher pre-treatment educational levels benefit more from participation most programs. However, for longer-term wage subsidies we also find strong positive effects for young people with low initial education levels. The relative benefit of training measures is higher in West than in East Germany. In the evaluation studies of Chapters 2 and 3 semi-parametric balancing methods of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) are used to eliminate the effects of counfounding factors that influence both the treatment participation as well as the outcome variable of interest, and to establish a causal relation between program participation and outcome differences. While PSM and IPW are intuitive and methodologically attractive as they do not require parametric assumptions, the practical implementation may become quite challenging due to their sensitivity to various data features. Given the importance of these methods in the evaluation literature, and the vast number of recent methodological contributions in this field, Chapter 4 aims to reduce the knowledge gap between the methodological and applied literature by summarizing new findings of the empirical and statistical literature and practical guidelines for future applied research. In contrast to previous publications this study does not only focus on the estimation of causal effects, but stresses that the balancing challenge can and should be discussed independent of question of causal identification of treatment effects on most empirical applications. Following a brief outline of the practical implementation steps required for PSM and IPW, these steps are presented in detail chronologically, outlining practical advice for each step. Subsequently, the topics of effect estimation, inference, sensitivity analysis and the combination with parametric estimation methods are discussed. Finally, new extensions of the methodology and avenues for future research are presented. / In Kapitel 1 der Dissertation wird die Rolle von sozialen Netzwerken als Determinante im Suchverhalten von Arbeitslosen analysiert. Basierend auf der Hypothese, dass Arbeitslose durch ihr soziales Netzwerk Informationen über Stellenangebote generieren, sollten Personen mit großen sozialen Netzwerken eine erhöhte Produktivität ihrer informellen Suche erfahren, und ihre Suche in formellen Kanälen reduzieren. Durch die höhere Produktivität der Suche sollte für diese Personen zudem der Reservationslohn steigen. Die modelltheoretischen Vorhersagen werden empirisch getestet, wobei die Netzwerkinformationen durch die Anzahl guter Freunde, sowie Kontakthäufigkeit zu früheren Kollegen approximiert wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Suchverhalten der Arbeitslosen durch das Vorhandensein sozialer Kontakte signifikant beeinflusst wird. Insbesondere sinkt mit der Netzwerkgröße formelle Arbeitssuche - die Substitution ist besonders ausgeprägt für passive formelle Suchmethoden, d.h. Informationsquellen die eher unspezifische Arten von Jobangeboten bei niedrigen relativen Kosten erzeugen. Im Einklang mit den Vorhersagen des theoretischen Modells finden sich auch deutlich positive Auswirkungen einer Erhöhung der Netzwerkgröße auf den Reservationslohn. Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit den Arbeitsmarkteffekten von Vermittlungsangeboten (VI) in der frühzeitigen Aktivierungsphase von Arbeitslosen. Die Nutzung von VI könnte dabei eine „doppelte Dividende“ versprechen. Zum einen reduziert die frühe Aktivierung die Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit, und somit auch die Notwendigkeit späterer Teilnahme in Arbeitsmarktprogrammen (ALMP). Zum anderen ist die Aktivierung durch Information mit geringeren locking-in‘‘ Effekten verbunden als die Teilnahme in ALMP. Ziel der Analyse ist es, die Effekte von frühen VI auf die Eingliederungsgeschwindigkeit, sowie die Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeit in ALMP zu messen. Zudem werden mögliche Effekte auf die Qualität der Beschäftigung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass VI die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit signifikant erhöhen, und dass gleichzeitig die Wahrscheinlichkeit in ALMP teilzunehmen signifikant reduziert wird. Für die meisten betrachteten Subgruppen ergibt sich die langfristige Reduktion der ALMP Teilnahme als Konsequenz der schnelleren Eingliederung. Für einzelne Arbeitsmarktgruppen ergibt sich zudem eine frühe und temporare Reduktion, was darauf hinweist, dass Maßnahmen mit hohen und geringen „locking-in“ Effekten aus Sicht der Sachbearbeiter austauschbar sind, was aus Effizienzgesichtspunkten fragwürdig ist. Es wird ein geringer negativer Effekt auf die wöchentliche Stundenanzahl in der ersten abhängigen Beschäftigung nach Arbeitslosigkeit beobachtet. In Kapitel 3 werden die Langzeiteffekte von ALMP für arbeitslose Jugendliche unter 25 Jahren ermittelt. Die untersuchten ALMP sind ABM-Maßnahmen, Lohnsubventionen, kurz-und langfristige Maßnahmen der beruflichen Bildung sowie Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Teilnahme an Berufsausbildung. Ab Eintritt in die Maßnahme werden Teilnehmer und Nicht-Teilnehmer für einen Zeitraum von sechs Jahren beobachtet. Als Zielvariable wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit regulärer Beschäftigung, sowie die Teilnahme in Ausbildung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass alle Programme, bis auf ABM, positive und langfristige Effekte auf die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit von Jugendlichen haben. Kurzfristig finden wir jedoch nur für kurze Trainingsmaßnahmen positive Effekte, da lange Trainingsmaßnahmen und Lohnzuschüsse mit signifikanten locking-in‘‘ Effekten verbunden sind. Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Berufsausbildung erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Teilnahme an einer Ausbildung, während alle anderen Programme keinen oder einen negativen Effekt auf die Ausbildungsteilnahme haben. Jugendliche mit höherem Ausbildungsniveau profitieren stärker von der Programmteilnahme. Jedoch zeigen sich für längerfristige Lohnsubventionen ebenfalls starke positive Effekte für Jugendliche mit geringer Vorbildung. Der relative Nutzen von Trainingsmaßnahmen ist höher in West- als in Ostdeutschland. In den Evaluationsstudien der Kapitel 2 und 3 werden die semi-parametrischen Gewichtungsverfahren Propensity Score Matching (PSM) und Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) verwendet, um den Einfluss verzerrender Faktoren, die sowohl die Maßnahmenteilnahme als auch die Zielvariablen beeinflussen zu beseitigen, und kausale Effekte der Programmteilahme zu ermitteln. Während PSM and IPW intuitiv und methodisch sehr attraktiv sind, stellt die Implementierung der Methoden in der Praxis jedoch oft eine große Herausforderung dar. Das Ziel von Kapitel 4 ist es daher, praktische Hinweise zur Implementierung dieser Methoden zu geben. Zu diesem Zweck werden neue Erkenntnisse der empirischen und statistischen Literatur zusammengefasst und praxisbezogene Richtlinien für die angewandte Forschung abgeleitet. Basierend auf einer theoretischen Motivation und einer Skizzierung der praktischen Implementierungsschritte von PSM und IPW werden diese Schritte chronologisch dargestellt, wobei auch auf praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse aus der methodischen Forschung eingegangen wird. Im Anschluss werden die Themen Effektschätzung, Inferenz, Sensitivitätsanalyse und die Kombination von IPW und PSM mit anderen statistischen Methoden diskutiert. Abschließend werden neue Erweiterungen der Methodik aufgeführt.

Políticas públicas e trabalho precário : a retórica da “autonomia empreendedora” e a permanência do desemprego

Oliveira, Vanessa Dias de 13 March 2017 (has links)
In the face of the disastrous picture of unemployment, an ideology is spreading in today's social policies: that of "autonomous" work as a viable means of insertion to guarantee employability. This comes just after the unfolding of the structural crisis in Brazil in the 1980s and 1990s, when the productive restructuring and all its flexible package merged the depletion of the industrialization pattern with the Neoliberal project, dismantling the fragile status of social policies that, Had been implemented after the 1988 Constitution. The financialisation of capital by imposing administrative reform of the state, cuts in social spending, trade liberalization, privatization, appropriation of the public fund and, above all, the deregulation of labor relations, seeks to capture the most inexpensive and unprotected labor in the most strategic territories. The barbarization of the "social issue" is manifested by chronic unemployment, outsourcing, intensification of informal relations, worsening job quality and increased poverty, especially in urban spaces. In order to face it, a public employment system was implemented in 1990, consisting of income transfer policies (salary bonus, unemployment insurance), workforce intermediation, stimulation of professional qualification in addition to credit granting through Employment and Income Generation Program (PROGER). In view of this, the thesis aimed to unveil the role of public policies of labor and income "employment", through the largest program to combat unemployment in Latin America PROGER (Program for the Generation of Employment and Urban Income) in the retreat or favoring the growth of relative overpopulation. The marxian/marxist theoretical foundation, combined with research and information in the Worker Support Fund, Ipea, Dieese, IBGE, from interviews with municipal managers and workers excluded from PROGER-Urban in Aracaju / SE, allow us to affirm that the policy of granting credit operates on two lines and does not reach the most vulnerable subjects, being innocuous in the minimum fight against unemployment. The management principles of Proger-Urban depend on the bureaucracy of financial institutions (Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Nordeste, etc.), and the working conditions of the brazilian labor market, whose precariousness and informality are traits essential, are related to predatory financial accumulation, preventing the generation of work and income along the lines proposed by the program. In the context of Aracaju, the "non-employable", who survive in the margins of labor market policies, enter into the uncertainty of informal occupations, linked to the "third sector" through "voluntary and solidarity" work, in the case of the Recycling Agents Cooperative (CARE). The other workers who remain unemployed seek the intermediation of labor to compete for jobs in the labor market; end up being channeled to the training of technical qualification courses offered by SINE / FAT at the Municipal Labor Foundation, or remain unemployed, increasing the functional contingent to capital. The real subsumption, camouflaged by counter-propensity, takes on such a reified character that it obscures the function of the State and capital in the control of labor, allowing the extraction of absolute and relative surplus value in new formats, favored by the increase of "Non-employable". / Ante el desastroso escenario de paro una ideología se difunde em las políticas sociales hodiernas: la del trabajo “autónomo” como camino por la inserción viable para garantizar el empleo. Eso se establece ciertamente tras los desdoblamientos de la crisis estructural en Brasil en las décadas de 1980/90, cuando la reestructuración productiva y todo su paquete flexible hundió el agotamiento del patrón de industrialización con el proyecto Neoliberal, echando por tierra el frágil estatuto de políticas sociales, que tan pronto había sido insertado tras la Constitución de 1988. Lo financiero del capital al imponer la reforma administrativa del Estado, los cortes em los gastos sociales, la apertura comercial, las privatizaciones, la apropiación del fondo público y sobre todo el desreglamentación de las reglas de trabajo, busca capturar en los territorios más estratégicos el trabajo más barato y desprotegido. La barbarie de la “cuestión social” se manifiesta por el paro crónico, terceirización, intensificación de las relaciones informales, empeora en la cualidad de los puestos de trabajo y aumento de la pobreza, especialmente en los espacios urbanos. Para enfrentarla se implantó en el país un sistema público de empleo a partir de 1990 formado por políticas de transferencia de renta (abono salarial, subsidio al paro), intermediación de la fuerza de trabajo, estímulo a la cualificación profesional además de la concesión de crédito vía Programa de Generación de Empleo y Renta (PROGER). Ante eso, la tesis doctoral objetivó desvelar el papel de las políticas públicas de “empleo” trabajo y renta, a través del mayor Programa de combate al paro de América Latina el PROGER (Programa de Generación de Empleo y Renta – Urbano) en la retirada o favorecimiento al crecimiento de la superpoblación relativa. El fundamento teórico marxiano/marxista aliado a las investigaciones e informaciones en el Fondo de Amparo al Trabajador, IPEA, DIEESE, IBGE, de las entrevistas con gestores municipales y de los trabajadores excluidos del PROGER-Urbano en Aracaju/SE, permiten afirmar que la política de concesión de crédito opera en dos líneas y no afectan los sujetos más vulnerables, siendo inocua en el combate mínimo al paro. Los principios de gestión del Proger-Urbano tiene dependencia de la burocracia de las instituciones financieras (Banco do Brasil, Caja Económica Federal, Banco do Nordeste, etc.), y las propias condiciones de funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo brasileño, cuya precariedad e informalidad son rasgos esenciales, se afinan a la acumulación financiera predatoria, impidiendo la generación de trabajo y renta en los moldes propuestos por el programa. En la realidad aracajuana los “sin empleo”, que sobreviven al borde de las políticas de mercado de trabajo, ingresan en la incertidumbre de ocupaciones informales, vinculadas l “tercero sector” por medio del trabajo “voluntario y solidario”, caso de la Cooperativa dos Agentes de Reciclaje (CARE).Los demás trabajadores que permanecen sin ocupación buscan la intermediación de “mano de obra para disputar las plazas en el mercado de trabajo; acaban siendo canalizados para la formación de cursos técnicos de cualificación ofrecidos por el SINE/FAT en la Fundación Municipal do Trabajo, o permanecen en paro, aumentando el excedente funcional al capital. La subordinación real, camuflada por el contra propismo, toma un aspecto de modo reificado, que oscurece la función del Estado y del capital en el control del trabajo, permitiendo la extracción de la másvalía absoluta y relativa en nuevos formatos, favorecida por el aumento de los “sin empleo”. / Diante o desastroso quadro do desemprego uma ideologia se difunde nas políticas sociais hodiernas: a do trabalho “autônomo” como meio de inserção viável para garantir a empregabilidade. Isso se estabelece justamente após os desdobramentos da crise estrutural no Brasil nas décadas de 1980/90, quando a reestruturação produtiva e todo seu pacote flexível fundiu o esgotamento do padrão de industrialização com o projeto Neoliberal, desmontando o frágil estatuto de políticas sociais, que mal havia sido implantado após a Constituição de 1988. A financeirização do capital ao impor a reforma administrativa do Estado, os cortes nos gastos sociais, a abertura comercial, as privatizações, a apropriação do fundo público e sobretudo a desregulamentação das relações de trabalho, busca capturar nos territórios mais estratégicos o trabalho mais barato e desprotegido. A barbarização da “questão social” manifesta-se pelo desemprego crônico, terceirização, intensificação das relações informais, piora na qualidade dos postos de trabalho e aumento da pobreza, especialmente nos espaços urbanos. Para enfrentá-la implantou-se no país um sistema público de emprego a partir de 1990 formado por políticas de transferência de renda (abono salarial, seguro-desemprego), intermediação da força de trabalho, estímulo a qualificação profissional além da concessão de crédito via Programa de Geração de Emprego e Renda (PROGER). À vista disso, a tese objetivou desvelar o papel das políticas públicas de “emprego” trabalho e renda, através do maior Programa de combate ao desemprego da América Latina o PROGER (Programa de Geração de Emprego e Renda – Urbano) no recuo ou favorecimento do crescimento da superpopulação relativa. O fundamento teórico marxiano/marxista aliado as pesquisas e informações no Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador, Ipea, Dieese, IBGE, das entrevistas com gestores municipais e dos trabalhadores excluídos do PROGER-Urbano em Aracaju/SE, permite afirmar que a política de concessão de crédito opera em duas linhas e não atingem os sujeitos mais vulneráveis, sendo inócua no combate mínimo ao desemprego. Os princípios de gestão do Proger-Urbano tem dependência da burocracia das instituições financeiras (Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Nordeste, etc.), e as próprias condições de funcionamento do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, cuja precariedade e informalidade são traços essenciais, afinam-se à acumulação financeira predatória, impedindo a geração de trabalho e renda nos moldes propostos pelo programa. Na realidade aracajuana os “inempregáveis”, que sobrevivem à margem das políticas de mercado de trabalho, ingressam na incerteza de ocupações informais, vinculadas ao “terceiro setor” por meio do trabalho “voluntário e solidário”, caso da Cooperativa dos Agentes de Reciclagem (CARE). Os demais trabalhadores que permanecem sem ocupação buscam a intermediação de “mão-de-obra” para disputar as vagas no mercado de trabalho; acabam sendo canalizados para a formação de cursos técnicos de qualificação oferecidos pelo SINE/FAT na Fundação Municipal do Trabalho, ou permanecem desempregados, avolumando o contingente funcional ao capital. A subsunção real, camuflada pelo contra-proprismo, assume uma feição de tal modo reificada, que obscurece a função do Estado e do capital no controle do trabalho, permitindo a extração da mais-valia absoluta e relativa em novos formatos, favorecida pelo aumento dos “inempregáveis”. / São Cristóvão, SE

Personlig Utvecklings Tjänst : Invandrares upplevelser av inkludering i arbetsmarknaden

Ibishi, Antigona January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsenutgör en utvärdering av en kommunal arbetsmarknadspolitisk åtgärd/insatsbenämnt Personlig Utvecklings Tjänst (PUT- tjänst, PUT) som riktas tilllångtidsarbetslösa och socialbidragsberoende invandrare i Uddevalla kommun.Åtgärden/insatsen innebär att ett visst antal individer erhållervisstidsanställning inom kommunens verksamheter i syfte att bland annat fåarbetslivserfarenhet i Sverige och referenser. Syftet med studien är attfördjupa förståelsen för hur några av de som haft PUT- anställning upplevdeden. Deras upplevelser av insatsens/anställningens påverkan på livssituationenavseende ekonomi, sociala nätverk och aktiviteter samt upplevelsen avbemötandet på PUT- arbetsplatserna ställs i centrum. Sålunda fokuseras deintervjuades resonemang kring sin livssituation beträffande övergången frånsocialbidragstagande och långtidsarbetslöshet till visstidsanställning ochegenförsörjning genom insatsen PUT. Studien undersöker också huruvida deintervjuade utökat sitt sociala nätverk till att inkludera fler personer med svenskbakgrund medelst PUT- anställningen. Även de intervjuades upplevelser av PUToch dess betydelse i vägen mot integration i arbetsmarknaden lyfts fram. Kvalitativaintervjuer genomfördes med 10 personer som haft PUT- tjänst med ambitionen att kunnauppnå syftet med studien. I intervjuerna framkom att informanterna upplevdetidsperioden de hade PUT som positiv med särskild betoning på att derasekonomiska situation förbättrades avsevärt. I syfte att bibehålla eller utökaolika former av kapital, använder informanterna olika strategier och de framförupplevelser av stigmatisering och distinktioner av varierande slag. I analysenav resultatet, förenas Bourdieu (1999), Goffman (1972) och Elias och Scotson (1999).Flera konstateranden görs i diskussionsavsnittet och slutsatsen att behov attgenomföra vissa förändringar av insatsen dras, varför det i uppsatsen ocksålämnas förslag på hur PUT skulle kunna förändras i syfte att få ännu kraftigareoch bättre slagkraft på arbetslösheten bland socialbidragstagande ochlångtidsarbetslösa invandrare. I detta sammanhang refereras också till dentidigare forskning som presenteras i uppsatsen, vilken behandlar problemområdetinvandrare och deras inkludering/exkludering från arbetsmarknaden på grund avderas grupptillhörighet. / The essay is an evaluation of a local government actionto promote employment / operation called Personlig UtvecklingsTjänst/PUT-tjänst, PUT (Personal Development Employment / PUT- employment)directed to long-term unemployed and welfare dependent immigrants in UddevallaMunicipality. The action / operation means that a certain number of individualsreceive fixed temporary employment inside the municipality's operations/activitiesin order to, inter alia, get work experience in Sweden and references. Thepurpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of how some of those whohave had PUT employment experienced it. Their experiences of the localgovernment action / employment and its impacts on living conditions, ineconomic, social networks and activities, and experience of the encounter onthe PUT workplaces is targeted. The focus is on the interviewees discussionsabout their lives about the transition from welfare dependency and long-termunemployment to fixed-term and self-sufficiency through the action PUT. Thestudy also examines whether the respondents expanded their social networks toinclude more people with Swedish background through the PUT employment. Alsothe interviewees' experiences of the PUT and its importance in the road tointegration into the labor market are highlighted. Qualitative interviews wereconducted with 10 people who had PUT employment with the ambition to achievethe aim of the study. The interviews revealed that respondents felt the timeperiod they had PUT- employment to be positive with special emphasis on theireconomic situation improved considerably. In order to maintain or expandvarious forms of capital, the respondents use different strategies and they expressexperiences of stigma and distinctions of various kinds. The analysis ofresults, combined Bourdieu (1999), Goffman (1972) and Elias and Scotson (1999).Several conclusions were made in the discussion section and settled that theneed to implement certain changes in operation is necessary. Therefore, thepaper also contains proposals on how the PUT could be changed in order to geteven stronger and better clout in unemployment among welfare dependency andlong-term unemployed migrants. In this context is also referred to the previousresearch presented in the paper, which deals with the problem area immigrantsand their inclusion / exclusion from the labor market because of their groupaffiliation.

Design and Delivery of Effective Activation Measures : what Works and for Whom? / Conception et mise en oeuvre des mesures d'activation : quelle efficacité et pour qui ?

Escudero Vasconez, Maria Veronica 16 November 2018 (has links)
Les politiques actives du marché du travail (PAMT) sont considérées de plus en plus comme nécessaires pour renforcer le lien entre protection sociale et création de sources de revenu plus durables dans l’objectif d’améliorer la qualité de l’emploi mais aussi, de façon plus générale, les conditions de vie. En conséquence, ces mesures jouent un rôle essentiel aujourd’hui dans les programmes de politique publique de la plupart des économies avancées et voient leur importance augmenter fortement dans les pays émergents et dans les pays en développement, où elles ne sont pas encore aussi bien établies. Il reste toutefois encore beaucoup à apprendre sur l’impact de ces mesures, en particulier sur le rôle des caractéristiques de leur mise en œuvre. Cette thèse entend contribuer à ce débat en étudiant l’efficacité des PAMT et le rôle des systèmes de mise en œuvre pour ce qui est de leur impact à la fois dans les pays développés et dans les pays émergents et en développement.Le premier chapitre examine sous un angle macroéconomique l’efficacité des PAMT à améliorer les résultats sur le marché du travail au sein des pays de l’OCDE, en particulier pour les travailleurs peu qualifiés. Il est capital de saisir de façon empirique l’effet net global des PAMT sur l’ensemble du marché du travail, car ces politiques entraînent souvent des phénomènes de substitution, de déplacement et d’autres conséquences indirectes. Les deux chapitres suivants cherchent à déterminer si les PAMT doivent être encore étendues dans les pays émergents et en développement. Pour ce faire, les effets au niveau individuel de deux types de PAMT en Amérique latine sont étudiés, en s’appuyant sur la présence de règles d’attribution intéressantes et de données de qualité au niveau individuel. Ainsi, le deuxième chapitre s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux conséquences à moyen et long terme d’un programme de workfare péruvien, l’une des mesures d’activation les moins étudiées, bien que fréquemment mise en œuvre dans la région, afin d’évaluer la durabilité de ses effets. Le troisième chapitre s’intéresse à l’introduction d’un ensemble complet de PAMT en Argentine, dans le but d’aider les bénéficiaires éligibles d’un programme de transfert de fonds sous conditions à trouver des sources de revenus plus stables. Dans les deux cas, l’accent est mis sur les effets sur la qualité de l’emploi et sur la manière dont la mise en œuvre des mesures conditionne leur impact.Ces travaux montrent que les PAMT sont utiles mais à condition qu’elles s’accompagnent d’une conception et d’une mise en œuvre appropriées. Les résultats confirment l’importance de ces facteurs pour ce qui est de l’efficacité des mesures tant dans les pays de l’OCDE que dans ceux d’Amérique latine étudiés. L’ampleur des effets dépend du type de mesure étudiée et de la catégorie de bénéficiaires visée. / Today, active labor market policies (ALMPs) are increasingly seen as a necessary tool to strengthen the link between social protection and the creation of more sustainable sources of income with a view to increasing work quality but also improving living conditions more broadly. As a result, the role of ALMPs in policy agendas remains high in most advanced economies and has increased dramatically in emerging and developing countries, where ALMPs are still less established. Despite this, there is still a lot to be learned regarding the impact of these policies, particularly with regards to the role of implementation characteristics. My dissertation aims to contribute to this debate by looking at the effectiveness of ALMPs and the role of delivery systems in shaping their impact in both, developed and emerging and developing countries.It starts by examining the effectiveness of ALMPs in OECD countries in improving labor market outcomes, especially for low-skilled individuals, from a macroeconomic perspective (Chapter 1). Capturing empirically the overall net effect of ALMPs on the wide labor market is of upmost importance, since the role of ALMPs frequently involves substitution, displacement and other indirect effects. Then, the following two chapters aim to assess whether ALMPs should be leveraged further in emerging and developing countries, by investigating the individual-level effects of two different types of ALMPs in Latin America, exploiting the availability of interesting assignment rules and good-quality individual-level data. Chapter 2 focuses on the medium- to long-term effects of a Peruvian workfare program, one of the least studied ALMPs in the region albeit commonly implemented, to assess the sustainability of these type of programs’ effects. Chapter 3 then looks at the provision of a comprehensive package of ALMPs in Argentina, implemented to support eligible beneficiaries of a conditional cash transfer program in finding more stable income opportunities. In both cases, the focus is placed on the effects on work quality and on the role of design and implementation in shaping the effects.My research suggests that ALMPs are relevant but mostly through appropriate design and implementation aspects. The results confirm the importance of these factors in ensuring effectiveness both in OECD and the Latin American countries assessed. The size of effects depends on the type of policy assessed and on the beneficiary group.

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