Spelling suggestions: "subject:"leanproduction"" "subject:"meaningproduction""
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Přínosy optimalizace výroby produktu / Benefits of Product Manufacturing OptimalizationVémola, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the optimalization of production of the thermostat bulb K22 in Invensys Appliance Šternberk Ltd. company. It analyzes the manufacturing process and proposes its optimal solutions. This thesis also describes other possible solutions that contribute to efficient management of the lean enterprise. The main benefit of this thesis is in the reduction of required labor time for the manufacture of the thermostat and in the introduction of lean management of selected tools.
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Analýza výkonnosti procesu / Process performance analysisVintrlík, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Presented thesis entitled “Process performance analysis” deals with problems in identification of the causes of the increasing cost and declining quality of the products, their minimization or complete removal. Further analysis will address the cost of low quality, serving as a basis for possible recovery of the fleet. All material presented in this thesis were collected in the company of NEVOGA, s r.o. engaged in manufacturing parts for the construction industry.
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Aplikace Lean Production / Lean Production ApplicationNepraš, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with analysis and follow-up suggestion of efficiency improvement on the production line in RACIO s.r.o. First part of thesis is dealing with theoretical preparation and understanding lean production. Second part is dealing with analyzing production process and application of methods lean production. According to the production process analysis at the given production line a new solution of the production process has been suggested to increase production efficiency. This solution has been implemented and compared to the production process before, as well as to the production process after increasing the efficiency.
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Zjednodušení procesů firmy KSK Kuřim / Simplifying processes of company KSK KurimSekerová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with business process simplification. Basic terms like business or process are defined in the theoretical part of the thesis as well as selected methods of business management such as TPS, KAIZEN, 5S, Six Sigma, etc. The principal concept for this work is described in the second chapter. It’s very important to simplify things and work, which means to identify the essential parts and eliminate the rest (waste). The practical part describes company Kuličkové šrouby Kuřim, a.s. (KSK) and the study of individual processes and impacts upon them. Further on, several process simplifications from various parts of the company are presented. Each individual case is described and analysed.
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Reducering av ledtider i en kundorderstyrd produktion : En fallstudie utförd på ********** / Reduction of lead time when all production is against orderTottmar Virsand, Rebecka, Sjöstedt, Therése January 2020 (has links)
As a result of the globalization around the world, customer demands are increasing and competitors are growing, not least in the production industry. Due to this, companies are constantly forced to improve and develop their business in forms of both production and working environment. ********** is one of the worlds largest manufacturing companies, in the field of ventilation systems. The company has today identified problems with delivery times with their product ReCooler, which is a component in their ventilation system eQ Prime. The purpose of this report has been to examine the production flow for the ReCooler and identify the potential reasons to why the lead time is so long. Once the problem areas have been identified, improvement proposals have been developed with the goal of implementing these in the production. Further, in the future being able to reduce lead times and increase delivery precision towards customers. Many literature studies were reviewed, and the method of value stream mapping was considered appropriate for the purpose of the study. The value stream mapping generated one mapping of the current flow in the production and one of the desirable future flows. Thenceforth, a gap in between was found in which the improvement potential could be seen. By examining the gap and areas of improvement, various improvement proposals were developed. The main focus in the proposals was changing one part of the production flow, and manufacture rotors towards a warehouse instead of producing them on demand. The conclusion was to implement a supermarket, a production line and Kanban-cards. These improvement proposals would be resulting in shorter delivery lead times, production lead times and better delivery precision. Keywords: Lean production, Kaizen, Value Stream Mapping, Production Flow.
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Effektivisering av värdeflödet på ett producerande SME-företag / Streamlining the value stream of a manufacturing SMENyström, Albin, Randahl, William January 2022 (has links)
Producerande företag har utvecklats enormt de senaste decennierna. Det har gåttfrån att vara ett lokalt sågverk till att använda högteknologiska robotar.Globaliseringen har gjort att konkurrenssituationen blivit allt mer komplex ochsträng. Stora producerande företag kan verka konkurrenskraftigt globalt och dettaleder till att ännu större krav ställs på de lite mindre företagen, för att de ska hanågon chans att träda in på marknaden. Eftersom produktiviteten för producerandeföretag hela tiden ökar. För lönsamhet krävs därför ett ännu större fokus påeffektivitet och eliminering av slöserier. Därför valdes undersökningsfrågan:Hur kan produktionsprocesserna och värdeflödet ef ektiviseras på ett producerandeSME-företag?Syftet med fallstudien är att öka förståelsen för hur producerande företag kaneffektiviseras genom att bland annat kartlägga nuläget och utföra envärdeflödesanalys. Som hjälpmedel kommer olika lean-production verktyg kommatill användning för att öka effektiviteten och eliminera slöserier.För att kunna ge ett omfattande svar på undersökningsfrågan har en analysmodelllegat som grund för studien. Analysmodellen har gjort planeringen av fallstudienmer konkret. Analysmodellen består av fyra faser och den första fasen är att samlain data i olika former. Den andra fasen är att beskriva den nuvarande situationenproduktionsprocesserna har, med hjälp av den insamlade datan för att senare kunnautforma en värdeflödesanalys. Den tredje fasen är att identifiera olika typer avslöserier genom att kartlägga nuläget. Fas fyra är förbättringsförslag på hur man kaneliminera dessa slöserier och ge en mer effektiv framtida produktion. Den förstafasen har genomförts genom att samla in befintlig teori för att ha något att utgå ifrånoch jämföra med. Kartläggningen av nuläget som är väsentlig för fallstudienutformades genom observationer, tidsmätningar och intervjuer för varje enskildprocess. Den empiriska informationen jämfördes med den teoretiska insamladeteorin och olikheter dokumenterades. Detta ledde till att slöserier kunde identifierastill stor del med hjälp av olika lean verktyg. En värdeflödesanalys utfördes för attdela in den tillgängliga tiden i värdeskapande tid och icke värdeskapande tid för attkunna rangordna vilken process som är i mest behov av förbättring.Resultatet som analysmodellen har presenterat är att fallföretaget bör implementeraSMED, 5S, underhållsarbete och mer dokumentering för att ständigt kunnaförbättras. Efter att fallföretaget har implementerat dessa lean verktyg och detfungerar bra i praktiken finns det utrymme för ytterligare förbättringsmöjligheter.Bland annat genom att använda sig av ett dragande system istället för ett tryckandeoch på så sätt göra sig av med flertalet lager. Alla dessa metoder skulle leda till attfallföretaget blir mer konkurrenskraftiga.
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Lean project management. Assessment of project risk management processesAlcaraz Bosca, Neus January 2012 (has links)
Traditional methods of project management are not appropriate for complex projects anymore. Since projects are becoming increasingly complex and uncertain, interaction between activities and resources is growing in ways not considered by these methods. Nowadays, managers need more agile project management methods that are able to recognize and deal with uncertainty and to produce the expected results. Lean project management, the most recent approach of lean methodology, appears as an alternative approach capable of dealing with complexity and uncertainty. The latest investigations in the field show that traditional methods are still adequate for simple projects, while lean methods are more appropriate for complex projects. This thesis aims to investigate the nature of lean project management and to examine project risk management processes so that managers can assess the complexity of projects before their beginning and decide which method to apply in order to manage them.
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Lean Six Sigma Fleet Management Model for the Optimization of Ore Transportation in Mechanized Underground Mines in PeruHuaira-Perez, Jorge, Llerena-Vargas, Orlando, Pehóvaz-Alvarez, Humberto, Solis-Sarmiento, Hugo, Aramburu-Rojas, Vidal, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Mining activities around the world are undergoing constant change and modernization owing to technological and scientific advancements. Consequently, there are frequent proposals to streamline and enhance processes in mining operations. This study deals with ore transportation in mechanized mining units and aims to optimize fleet management using the Lean Six Sigma methodology to obtain a model in this specific process. The proposed method was implemented using a Lean Six Sigma instrument known as DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control). The case study was applied to an underground mine located in the Huancavelica region, Peru. The simulation showed that 24% of the time in the ore transport cycle is un-productive time and the improvement potential time represents 53% of the transportation process time.
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Effektivisering av en produktionsprocess med hjälp av värdeflödeanalys och innovativa verktyg som AIAli, Amir, Ali, Aweys, Mårtensson, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
In line with today's emergence of new technology, there is high competition within the manufacturing industry, which places higher demands on today's industries to develop new strategies to withstand the fierce competition. For this reason, today's industry needs to be more efficient and is becoming increasingly digitized, which is the core of the new industrial revolution called "industry 4.0". The aim of this study is to investigate, with the help of value flow analysis, new innovative tools, and principles within lean production, whether the manufacturing process can be more efficient. The study was carried out at a manufacturing company that produces dehumidifiers and has ambitions to streamline it’s manufacturing process. Through the literature review, site observations, interviews and data analysis, a comparison was made with the theory to find solutions to the problems that emerged. The results of this study show that it is theoretically possible to make a manufacturing process more efficient using these methods. It can be pointed out that one important study will be to test these solutions to see what results can be achieved. / I linje med dagens framväxt av ny teknik råder det hög konkurrens inom tillverkningsindustrin, vilket ställer högre krav på dagens industrier att utveckla nya strategier för att stå emot den hårda konkurrensen. Av den anledningen måste dagens industri bli mer effektiv och digitaliseras alltmer, vilket är kärnan i den nya industriella revolutionen som kallas "industri 4.0". Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys, nya innovativa verktyg och principer inom lean production undersöka om tillverkningsprocessen kan bli mer effektiv. Studien genomfördes på ett tillverkningsföretag som producerar avfuktare och som har ambitioner att effektivisera sin tillverkningsprocess. Genom litteraturgenomgång, platsobservationer, intervjuer och dataanalys gjordes en jämförelse med teorin för att hitta lösningar på de problem som uppstod. Resultaten av denna studie visar att det är teoretiskt möjligt att effektivisera en tillverkningsprocess med hjälp av dessa metoder. Det kan påpekas att en viktig studie kommer att vara att testa dessa lösningar för att se vilka resultat som kan uppnås.
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Propuesta de mejora en el proceso de extracción de carbon mineralCisneros Melgar, Luis Miguel 17 July 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis resalta la importancia de contar con procesos estandarizados que permitan a las empresas ser más competitivos realizando el uso racional de los recursos. Este proyecto de investigación aplicada, se llevó acabo en una empresa del rubro de la pequeña minería, especializado en explotación de minerales no metálicos bajo formato de minería subterránea. El problema que afrontaba la empresa fue la no conformidad del diez por ciento de los despachos, esto debido al alto nivel de ceniza. Por lo tanto, en el presente proyecto se implementó herramientas de producción esbelta, tales como, estandarización, VSM, PDCA, estudio de tiempos y métodos. El software utilizado para la evaluación económica fue Crystal Ball. Finalmente, el proyecto de mejora dio como resultado una reducción del 88% de despachos fuera de especificación y tras la evaluación económica se demostró la viabilidad del mismo, obteniéndose, con un nivel de certeza del 90% un TIR en el intervalo de 42% y 55% y un VAN de S/57,551 a 75,031 soles. Al finalizar el proyecto se concluyó que, mediante la implementación de herramientas de producción esbelta, aplicado a la minería, el proceso de explotación de carbón mineral mejora su eficiencia y redujo los niveles de ceniza. / This thesis highlights the importance of having standardized processes that allow companies to be more competitive by making the rational use of resources. This applied research project was carried out in a small mining company, specialized in the exploitation of non-metallic minerals under the underground mining format. The problem faced by the company was the non-compliance of ten percent of the shipments, this due to the high level of ash. Therefore, in this project, lean production tools were implemented, such as standardization, VSM, PDCA, time study and methods. The software used for the economic evaluation was Crystal Ball. Finally, the improvement project resulted in an 88% reduction in out-of-specification dispatches and, after the economic evaluation, its viability was demonstrated, obtaining, with a level of certainty of 90%, an IRR in the range of 42% and 55% and a NPV of S / 57,551 to 75,031 soles. At the end of the project, it was concluded that, through the implementation of lean production tools, applied to mining, the mineral coal exploitation process improves its efficiency and reduced ash levels. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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