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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Повышение конкурентоспособности предприятия сферы услуг общественного питания на основе Бережливых технологий : магистерская диссертация / The competitiveness improving of catering enterprise based on Lean technologies

Патракова, Д. И., Patrakova, D. I. January 2019 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена проблеме повышения конкурентоспособности компании путем использования новых управленческих технологий. Речь идет, в первую очередь, о внедрении в деятельность предприятия, работающего в сфере услуг, концепции бережливого производства. Данная концепция представляет собой набор конкретных методов и технологий, направленных на повышение конкурентоспособности предприятия за счет сокращения различного рода потерь как в системе производства, так и в системе потребления. Для повышения конкурентоспособности предлагается использовать неценовые методы конкуренции, а именно: повышение потребительской ценности в процессе обслуживания клиентов. Таким образом, завоевание конкурентного преимущества будет достигаться путем сервисной дифференциации. Для оптимизации деятельности предприятия были определены основные процессы, происходящие при обслуживании, и выбраны наиболее значимые с точки зрения конкурентных позиций, которые необходимо оптимизировать в первую очередь. Для каждого процесса был сформирован поток создания ценности, определены потери и их виды, а также разработаны мероприятия по снижению или исключению этих потерь. / The thesis is devoted to the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the company by using new management technologies. It is, first of all, the introduction of the concept of lean production in the activities of the enterprise operating in the service sector. This concept is a set of specific methods and technologies aimed at increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise by reducing various kinds of losses, both in the production system and in the consumption system. To increase competitiveness, it is proposed to use non-price methods of competition, namely, increase of consumer value in the process of customer service. Thus, the achievement of a competitive advantage will be achieved through service differentiation. To optimize the activities of the company, the main processes that took place during maintenance were identified, and the most significant ones were selected from the point of view of competitive positions, which should be optimized in the first place. For each process, a value stream was generated, losses and their types were identified, and measures were developed to reduce or eliminate these losses.

Styrning av lagernivåer och förbättring av omsättningshastighet : En fallstudie på ett industriföretag / Managing inventory levels and improving turnover rate : A case study of an industrial company

Nordborg, Stefan, Månsson, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Många företag har problem med höga lagernivåer. Det innebär att hanteringskostnader ökar och att material lagras i långa perioder. Företag eftersträvar att sänka sina lagernivåer, utan att riskera att lagret blir tomt eller att material saknas. I denna studie kommer ett fallföretag att analyseras, där orsaken till höga lagernivåer och dyra hanteringskostnader identifieras. Det teoretiska ramverket är baserat på vetenskapliga artiklar, som är peer-review granskade. Teorin som används i studien är Lean, Just-in-Time (JiT), First-in-First-out (FIFO), leverantörsstyrda lager och leverantörsrelationer. Det empiriska materialet är framställt av information som framkommit under semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teorin har tillsammans med det empiriska materialet analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod. En av orsakerna till att lagernivåerna är höga är på grund av att komponenterna beställs efter prognoser som är bristfälliga. En annan orsak är att företaget inte arbetar efter en tydlig strategi. Det resulterar i att materialet ankommer långt innan behovet och behöver lagras i flera månader. Resultatet visar att företaget kunnat använda JiT, eftersom det skulle innebära att materialet ankommer när ett behov finns. Det skulle resultera i att komponenterna inte behöver lagras under långa perioder, vilket även reducerar hanteringskostnaderna. En risk med JiT är att det kan bli materialbrist vid leveransstörningar, något som kan undvikas med hjälp av säkerhetslager. Fallföretaget har långa ledtider på vissa komponenter, något som gör att de beställer större kvantiteter och lagrar. Detta kan undvikas med leverantörsstyrda lager, då leverantörerna har ett färdigvarulager för att reducera ledtiderna. FIFO är ett bra lagringsalternativ för att reducera lagringstiden, men det kräver bra förutsättningar för att det ska fungera bra. För att undvika slöseri så hade Lean kunnat implementeras. / Numerous companies have problems with high inventory levels. Which in many cases lead to increasing handling costs, and materials being stored for a long period of time. Companies strive to reduce their inventory levels, without risking the warehouse going empty or lacking material. In this study a case company will be analysed in order to identify the cause of high inventory levels and expensive handling costs. The theoretical framework is based on peer- reviewed scientific articles. Focusing mainly on the theories of Lean, Just-in-Time (JiT), First- in-First-out (FIFO), Vender management inventory and Supplier Relationship. The empirical material is collected through semi-structured interviews. Together with the empirical material, the theory has been analysed using a thematic analysis method. One of the reasons why inventory levels are high, is because the components are ordered based on forecasts that are insufficient. Another reason is that the company does not work according to any strategy. Which is causing the material to arrive before the demand appears, requiring it to be stored for several months in advance. The result shows that the company should consider using JiT and have the material arrive once there is an actual material demand. The risks with JiT are that there could be material shortages, which could be avoided with safety stocks. The case company has long lead times on certain components, meaning that they order larger quantities and stock. This can be avoided with vender management inventory, as the suppliers have a stock of finished goods to reduce lead times. FIFO is a good storage method, but it requires good conditions to work well. To avoid waste, Lean could have been implemented.

Effektivisering av fönstermontering hos ett trähustillverkande företag : En fallstudie på LB-Hus / Improving efficiency on window installation at a wooden house manufacturing company : Case study at LB-Hus

Molin, Felix, Olofsson, Stina January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att skapa en förståelse kring hur effektiviteten i ett producerande företag kan öka genom förändringar i förtillverkningen. Studien har utförts på fallföretaget LB-Hus i Bromölla som tillverkar prefabricerade trähus. Genom att använda förtillverkning, där komponenter byggs utanför den huvudsakliga produktionen, kan monteringsprocessen påskyndas, minska avfall och omarbetning samt öka kvalitetskontrollen. Förtillverkning kan således resultera i mer avancerade och specialiserade produkter av högre kvalitet samtidigt som risken för felaktiga monteringar eller fel i produktionsprocessen minskar. Studien fokuserar på montering av fönstermoduler och jämför två olika infästningssystem: Adjufix och Click-In. I tidigare studier har det visat sig att det nya infästningssystemet, Click- In, har fördelar när det gäller att direkt installera fönster i monteringslinan, och därför är det också värt att undersöka hur en jämförelse mellan dessa infästningssystem vid förtillverkning av fönstermoduler skulle falla ut. I denna studie har observationer och mätningar gjorts som visade att det nya infästningssystemet är fördelaktigt gentemot det nuvarande med hänsyn till tid och antal arbetsmoment. I en jämförelse med de båda metoderna konstaterades att det nya infästningssystemet minskar monteringstiden med i genomsnitt 2 minuter och 47 sekunder samt att det kräver sju färre arbetsmoment än det gamla infästningssystemet. Implementeringen av det nya systemet skulle därmed minska cykeltiden i förtillverkningen av fönstermoduler. Genom att använda den nya metoden och dra nytta av dess fördelar kan företag öka sin produktions- och monteringseffektivitet, öka kvalitén, minska arbetsmoment, slöseri och risken för felaktiga monteringar. Ändringarna leder då till minskade produktionskostnader och ökad konkurrenskraft på marknaden. / The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how the efficiency of a manufacturing company can increase through changes in pre-production. The study was carried out at the case company LB-Hus in Bromölla, which manufactures prefabricated wooden houses. Using pre-fabrication, where components are built outside of main production, can speed up the assembly process, reduce waste and rework, and increase quality control. This can result in more advanced and specialized products of a higher quality while reducing the risk of incorrect assemblies or errors in the production process. The study focuses on the installation of window modules and compares two different fastening systems: Adjufix and Click-In. In previous studies, it has been shown that the new fastening system, Click-In, has advantages when it comes to directly installing windows in the assembly line, and therefore it is also worth investigating how a comparison between these fastening systems in the pre-production of window modules would turn out. In this study, observations and measurements have been made which showed that the new attachment system is advantageous compared to the current one with regard to time and number of work steps. In a comparison of the two methods, it is found that the new fastening system reduces the assembly time by an average of 2 minutes and 47 seconds and that it requires seven fewer work steps compared to the old fastening system. The implementation of the new system would thus reduce the cycle time in the pre-production of window modules. By using the new method and taking advantage of its advantages, companies can increase their production and assembly efficiency, increase quality, reduce work steps, waste and the risk of incorrect assemblies. This, in turn, can lead to reduced production costs and increased competitiveness in the market.

Metodframtagning för effektivare störningsanalys / Method development for more efficient analysis of downtime

Alakrami, Muhammad Raed, Haj Ali, Mohammad January 2022 (has links)
På avdelningen DM (dieselmotor) på Scania bearbetas de olika typer av motorblock som Scania använder i sina lastbilar. De använder sig av ett störningsdatasystem med syfte att kunna ha störningsfria produktionslinor utav de inrapporterade störningarna. Trots den stora mängden av data som finns i systemet utnyttjas inte de på ett effektivt sätt i störningsanalysen. Uppgiften i examensarbetet är att kartlägga nuvarande metoder för störningsanalys som används på Scania motorbearbetning. Syftet med detta är att hjälpa DM-avdelningen att kunna använda sig av störningsdata på ett bättre sätt. Projektets resultat pekar mot tre slutsatser. Rapporteringssystemet är krånglig och svår för operatörerna att göra vilket är på grund av de olika rapporteringsnivåerna vid rapportering av en störning. Rapporteringen tar onödig tid med tanken på att operatören har många andra arbetsuppgifter. Visa störnings data kategorier tas bort från analysen för att man inte visste hur de kan utnyttjas. Förbättrings förslag till tidigare nämnda situationer blev att utveckla rapporteringssystemet med en sökfunktion. Operatörerna ska kunna rapportera störningar med arbetes mobiltelefoner därmed ska varje maskin ha sin egen QR-code. Störningsdata under kategorien “Fullt Fram” ska analyseras för långa perioder vilket kan hjälpa med utvecklingen av produktionslinan. / The DM (diesel engine) department at Scania processes the different types of engines blocks that Scania uses in its trucks. They use a fault-free computer system with the aim of being able to have disturbance-free production lines of reported disturbances. Despite the large amount of data contained in the system, it is not well utilized in the disturbance analysis. The task in the thesis is to map current methods for disturbance analysis used at Scania engine processing. The purpose of this is to help the DM department to be able to use the disturbance data in a better way. The results of the project point to three conclusions. The reporting system is complicated and difficult for operators to do, which is due to the different reporting levels when reporting a disturbance. Reporting takes unnecessary time with the idea that the operator has many other tasks. Some disturbance data categories are removed from the analysis because you did not know how to exploit them. The improvement of the situations was to develop the reporting system with a search function. The operators should be able to report disturbances with work mobile phones, so each machine should have its own QR-code. The disturbance data below the category “Full Forward” should be analyzed for long periods, which can help with the development of the production line.

Lean i klassrummet / Lean in the Classroom

Brink, Mikael, Catagay, Mario January 2016 (has links)
I denna rapport kommer vi att beskriva hur vi skapat och utvecklat ett skolprogram på Vetenskapens Hus (VH) i samarbete med Scania. Skolprogrammen på VH består av en teoretisk del och en laboration som riktas till elever i grundskolan och på gymnasiet. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka möjligheter att öka teknikintresset hos högstadieelever genom att skapa ett skolprogram på VH med koppling till den teknik som finns på Scania. Utgångspunkten är de teorier som Knud Illeris använder och hans dimensioner, Harlens teorier om undersökningsbaserad vetenskap samt Peter Senges discipliner. Efter ett besök på Scania, där vi fick se delar av deras produktionslina bestämde vi oss för att skolprogrammet skulle handla om Lean produktion. Detta beslutades eftersom idén gillades av handledaren från Scania samt att det vår något genomförbart på VH och att den inte liknade något av de befintliga skolprogrammen. Datainsamlingen skedde först och främst genom observationer gjorda på elever som går i högstadiet. De tre första grupperna är praoelever som praktiserar på VH och sedan ytterligare tre grupper som kommer från klasser runt omkring Stockholm som vi bjudit in. Det kommer även finnas datainsamling genom enkäter som delas ut till eleverna efter besöket på VH samt intervjuer med respektive lärare. Utifrån dessa data kommer vi fram till att eleverna förlorar fokus då de saknar stimulering i undervisningen och därmed behöver läraren ständigt arbeta med produktiva frågor för att leda eleverna och stimulera dem i deras arbete. / This article will describe how we have created and evolved a school program in Vetenskapens Hus (VH) in collaboration with Scania. The purpose is to create a school program about Lean production because this represents many industries way of working. Our starting point is the theories written by Knud Illeris’ and his descriptions about dimensions, Harlen’s theories about inquiry in science education aswell as Peter Senges’ theories. The mission was to create a school program in the subject technical science which reflects Scania’s worksite, where Scania is the main sponsor for VH. We got inspired to make a school program about Lean production after a visit at one of Scania’s production sites since VH did not have any other school programs were the goal was Lean. The collection of data was made by observations on high schoolers, year 13-16. The first three groups will be students who do a work experience program in VH and then three more groups that come from classes in the city Stockholm. There will be more data collection through surveys given to the students after the visit at VH as well as interviews with their respectively teacher. The data collected gives us the insight that these students lose their focus when they are not stimulated. This means that the teacher needs work by asking productive questions to lead the students and stimulate them in their work.

Technology, Participatory Management Practices (PMP), and Dignity at Work: Negotiating the Use of Technology in a Plastics Packaging Firm

Camacho Carvajal, Luis Felipe 17 July 2020 (has links)
Since the introduction of Toyota's Production System, the deployment of lean production systems (or lean manufacturing), and more advanced technological developments, Participatory Management Practices (PMP) have been viewed as lying at the heart of successful manufacturing workplaces. Studies on technology and PMP have concluded that the state of technology in a company unequivocally shapes PMP and can open spaces to enhance the wellbeing of workers regardless of the PMP dynamics. However, these claims are contested by studies that question the positive effects from PMP. These studies argue that workplaces are organized in such a way that workers are viewed as mere resources to be deployed in the production process, without paying attention to their human morale and agency. This research presents a case study of a food plastics packaging firm that contextualizes, describes, and analyzes: 1) PMP from a Socio-technical Systems Theory (SST) perspective to further our understanding of the role of participative dynamics in the wellbeing of workers; and 2) the dynamics of control-resistance in the workplace as a measure of dignity at work in the context of power relations. This research provides a rich exploration of a workplace that is facing and managing the challenge of automation and technological development. Using an extended case study research method (Burawoy, 2009), data are collected by observing workers' daily interactions with a combination of technologies. These observations reveal the importance of team dynamics in the production process. The observed PMP dynamics show conflictive, competitive, and cooperative behaviors that are negotiated through continuous human-machine, machine-machine, and human-human interactions in the production process. However, management is found to be indifferent to the impact that a combination of technologies and lean production approaches have on participation dynamics. This indifference inhibits managers from embracing and appreciating the value of PMP. All the identified expressions of what technology and PMP mean to workers, and their dynamics, show an ongoing negotiating process. This process comes from all types of participation in which a worker struggles for dignity. The organizational structure of the firm expects workers to display specific types of participation in team efforts, but workers are also provided with opportunities to negotiate their interests or struggle for dignity by changing their type of participation in team activities. The work processes and findings described in this dissertation generally support the theory of Hodson (2001). Further, this research develops the concept of "combination of technologies," which can be used to help observe workers' understanding of technology and participative dynamics. The research also identifies various types of participation based on the interactions of workers in the technology process and how workers manage or safeguard their dignity based on their engagement with different types of participation in team-based situations or events. Finally, this research identified how participative engagement by workers can be used as a power mechanism to retain their dignity. / Doctor of Philosophy / Modern manufacturing production is based on the increasing use of technology and workers' participation in problem solving when it comes to the production system. These types of production systems are called Lean Production Systems. These systems stem from the philosophy of doing more with less and are viewed as lying at the heart of successful manufacturing workplaces. However, studies on technology and teams have concluded that not only does technology shape the dynamics of teams, but the practices and dynamics of workers in teams can open spaces to enhance human wellbeing. Even so, some studies question the positive effects of worker participation in teams based on Participatory Management Practices (PMP). These studies argue that workplaces are organized in such a way that workers are viewed as mere resources to be deployed in the production process, without paying attention to human morale and agency. This research is a case study of a rigid food plastics packaging firm that contextualizes, describes, and analyzes: (1) the participation of workers in PMP from the perspective that workers and technology have a social relationship with deep contextual meaning; and (2) a measure of human dignity in the context of power relations and how control and resistance are met in these spaces. This research provides a rich exploration of a workplace that is facing and managing the challenge of automation and technological development. Using an extended case study research method (Bloomfield, 1994 as cited in Burawoy, 2009, p. 154), data are collected from workers' daily interactions with a combination of technologies. The importance of how people participate in teams during the production process, was observed and acknowledged to enhance workers wellbeing. A range of dynamics were observed and defined as conflictive, competitive, or cooperative behavior that are negotiated through the continuous human-machine, machine-machine, and human-human interactions that occur during the production process. However, management is indifferent to and disregards the impact that technology has on worker participation in teams and is unconcerned with contrasting meanings of technology from workers, which means they are not paying attention to how these factors impact the use of technology and participation dynamics. All expressions of what technology and worker participation means show an ongoing negotiating process in which workers struggle for dignity. This research follows Hodson (2001) categories of struggle for dignity as a measure of self-worth. This research develops concepts that can be used to help observe workers' understanding of technology and participative dynamics, as well as identifies different types of participation by observing the interactions of workers in the technology process. This research identified how workers manage or safeguard their dignity based on their engagement with different types of participation observed during team-based situations or events. Finally, the research identified how workers' ability to change their interactions in teams is used as a power mechanism to retain their dignity.

Hantering av information och kunskap inom tjänsteproducerande företag : Applicering av Lean Information Management mot förbättrad kundförståelse

Granat, William, Hedlund, Tomas January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur tjänsteproducerande företag kan utveckla processer för informationshantering mot interna kunder baserat på lean principer. Studien avser att fylla i det gapet som finns gällande forskningen om användandet av lean principer i hanteringen av information för tjänsteproducerande organisationer. Genom att tillämpa lean principer för informationshanteringsprocesser kan organisationer finna vilka slöserier som finns samt minimera dess uppkomst. I analysen av relevant teori samt den empiriska insamlingen framkommer det förbättringsmöjligheter för fallföretaget. Avgörande för SJ Stockholmståg är att följa konsekventa riktlinjer på alla avdelningar och att få en bättre förståelse för interna kunder för att på ett effektivt sätt möta deras olika behov. Utifrån den tematiska analysen kunde författarna utröna fyra fokusområden för vilket lean principer kan appliceras med syfte att förbättra informationshanteringen samt öka kvaliteten för mottagaren. Utformning av tydliga informationsprocesser där de interna kundernas behov är centrala, tankesättet om kunden i centrum är en av grundpelarna i lean principer. I linje med lean behöver organisationen öka sin förståelse för dess interna kunder, genomgående under intervjuerna framgick det en utvecklingspotential i detta område. Avdelningsöverskridande arbete kan hjälpa i detta och medföra en större känsla av sammanhang till SJ Stockholmståg för dess medarbetare. Sammanfattningsvis skulle en tillämpning av lean principer och främjande av en kultur uppbyggd på ständiga förbättringar. Genom att effektivisera informationshanteringen, eliminera slöserier och i slutändan förbättra konkurrenskraften och kundnöjdheten inom sin tjänsteproduktion. Rapportens förhoppning är att bidra till tjänsteproducerande organisationer där informationsdelning mellan avdelningar är en väsentlig del av verksamheten. / This study aims to investigate how service producing companies can develop processes for information management towards internal customers based on lean practices. The study also intends to fill the gap that exists regarding the research on the use of lean practices in the management of information for service producing organizations. By applying lean practices to information management processes, organizations can find what waste exists and minimize its occurrence. In the analysis of relevant theory and the empirical collection, improvement opportunities for the case company emerge. It is crucial for SJ Stockholmståg to follow consistent guidelines in all departments and to gain a better understanding of internal customers in order to effectively meet their various needs. Based on the thematic analysis, the authors were able to ascertain four focus areas for which lean practices can be applied with the aim of improving information management and increasing quality for the recipient. Designing clear information processes where the needs of the internal customers are central, the mindset of the customer at the center is one of the pillars of lean practice. In line with lean, the organization needs to increase its understanding of its internal customers, consistently during the interviews there was a development potential in this area. Cross-departmental work can help in this and bring a greater sense of context to SJ Stockholmståg for its employees. In conclusion, an application of lean practices and the promotion of a culture built on continuous improvement. By streamlining information management, minimizing waste and ultimately improving competitiveness and customer satisfaction within their service production. The report's aim is to contribute to service-producing organizations where information sharing between departments is an essential part of the business.

Måluppfyllelse med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM

Abraha Tekle, Alex, Gharibzadeh, Vahid January 2024 (has links)
It is a crucial factor to be able to design a strategy aimed at increasing and strengthening the efficiency of manufacturing industries. By establishing a goal based on strategic factors, it helps identify plans that are appropriate to achieve goal fulfillment. It is important to involve employees at an early stage, for instance in the planning phase of goal setting to ensure that the goal is met. The reason for this is to make employees feel engaged and motivated in their work. A case study has been conducted at a company that manufactures windows. The company had problems achieving their set production target. Both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used in the form of interviews and observations to get an overall understanding of the company. The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem of goal fulfillment in manufacturingcompanies using value stream mapping and SOC (Sense of Coherence). The theoretical framework includes theories on how companies can approach goal setting,including the concept that goals should be SMART. Emphasis on lean work and continuousimprovement should not only be placed on managers and management, but employees also need to understand and be able to apply these principles in their daily work. The theory of SOC (Sense of Coherence) and respect for people is also an important factor to consider and plays a crucial role. It helps workers feel engaged and thus more involved and motivated in their work. With the help of a value stream mapping, a detailed analysis can be conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Based on interviews and observations, the results of this study show that there areunmotivated employees and a bottleneck that prevents the company from achieving its set production goals. The bottleneck must be utilized to maximum capacity and run continuously. To get employees more motivated and engaged, work needs to be done based on SOC (Sense of Coherence), that is, employees should find meaningfulness, manageableness, and a better understanding of their workplace. Involving employees in change initiatives and various decision-making processes is beneficial for companies in terms of achieving goals. / Det är en avgörande faktor att kunna utforma en strategi med syfte till att öka och stärka effektiviteten för tillverkningsindustrier. Genom att fastslå ett mål utifrån strategiska faktorer underlättar det till att kunna identifiera planer som är lämpliga för att förverkliga måluppfyllelsen. Det är viktigt att involvera medarbetarna i ett tidigt skede som i planeringsfasen av måluppsättningen för att säkerställa att målet som sätts, uppfylls. Anledningen till detta är för att medarbetarna ska känna sig engagerade och motiverade ideras arbete. En fallstudie har genomförts på ett företag som tillverkar fönster där de har haft problem medatt uppnå det uppsatta produktionsmålet. Det har använts både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i form av intervjuer samt observationer för att få en helhetsbild av företaget. Syftet med studien är att undersöka problematiken kring måluppfyllelse inom tillverkandeföretag med hjälp av värdeflödesanalys och KASAM. I den teoretiska referensramen tas teori upp om hur företag kan tänka kring när mål ska sättas, bland annat att målen ska vara SMARTA. Betoning kring lean arbete och ständiga förbättringar ska inte enbart vara kring chefer och ledning, utan medarbetare behöver även förstå och kunna tillämpa dessa faktorer i deras arbete. Teori om KASAM (känsla av sammanhang) och respekt för människor är en även en viktig faktor att ta hänsyn till och är en avgörande roll som lyfts. Det bidrar till att arbetarna känner sig engagerade och på så sätt mer delaktiga och motiverade i deras arbete. Med hjälp av en värdeflödsanalys kan en kartläggning göras på det som skall undersökas för att hitta förbättringsmöjligheter. Studiens resultat visar utifrån intervjuer och observationer att det finns omotiverade medarbetare och en flaskhals som hindrar företaget från att uppnå deras uppsatta produktionsmål. Flaskhalsen finns där och den måste utnyttjas till maxkapacitet och köras hela tiden. För att få medarbetare mer motiverade och engagerade behöver det arbetas utifrån KASAM, det vill säga att medarbetarna ska känna meningsfullhet, hanterbarhet samt begriplighet med deras arbete. Involvering av medarbetarna i förändringsarbete och kring olika beslut som tas är fördelaktigt för företag beträffande måluppfyllelse.

精實生產系統於中小企業之營造業適用性探討–以A公司為例 / Exploring the applicability of lean production on SMEs in Taiwanese construction industry: a case study

盧冠達, Lu, Kuan-Ta Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業為台灣企業的主體,並為台灣帶來穩定的就業機會和經濟貢獻;然而這些中小企業在累積了十年以上的深厚技術根柢和豐富的成功經驗後,往往因為生產管理技術無法與時俱進以及顧客消費習慣改變而難以繼續成長。 上述之中小企業的經營瓶頸以營造業最為顯著和迫切。營造業泛指從事土木、建築工程及其相關業務之營繕工程的廠商,以及提供周邊服務,如建材生產和營造租賃等廠商;而以中小企業為主體、素有帶動經濟發展之「火車頭工業」美譽的營造業受限於營繕工程以層層分包和低價者得標的交易方式,使得工程承包商只能以價格競爭來搶奪有限的建案,導致公司的營運受到影響;而觀察台灣整體營造業營業支出,可發現主要的成本發生在建築材料的採購上,因此,藉由降低建築材料生產成本以降低售價將可有效降低承包商的採購成本,進而提升利潤空間。 精實生產系統以及時生產系統為核心,藉由及時生產系統於流程管理、員工管理,以及品質管理上的實務作為將產品生產過程中的各項作業整合來發展精實生產系統在與供應商、中心廠商,以及顧客有關的十大精實要素,進而消除生產系統因原料供給、生產作業,以及顧客需求的不確定性而產生的浪費,以達到用最少的庫存和作業活動來降低生產作業的成本進而建立競爭優勢。 因此為降低建材的生產成本,可藉由價值溪流圖的協助在生產建材的中心廠商導入精實生產系統進而達到降低生產成本和提高生產效率的目的;然而受限於營造業專案導向產業特性和獨一無二的營繕專案,以及目前精實生產系統之主要探討個案多為製造業,造成目前學界對於中小企業的營造業和精實生產系統兩者之適用性探討和研究較為緩慢;因此若能確定其適用性和建立個案討論,將有助於未來提升台灣中小企業的營造業之競爭力,並提供中小企業管理者在進行生產作業改善時的參考。 本研究利用個案研究法分析專營建材加工生產的中小企業A公司,藉由與公司創辦人面對面訪談、生產線實地觀察,以及蒐集生產數據等方式探討A公司的生產作業流程,並以A公司生產具代表性顧客產品的兩條生產線為例,藉由繪製價值溪流圖來找出潛在的浪費,並制定具體的精實生產系統導入方案以及預期的精實改善結果。 本研究以實務驗證精實生產系統於台灣營造業的中小企業的適用性,研究發現在價值溪流圖的協助下,與中心廠商有關的精實生產要素可適用於營造業的中小企業,並且能夠有效的降低生產成本和提升生產效率;而與供應商和顧客相關的精實生產要素雖然可能受限於中小企業的規模和資源而難以發展,但是在善用自身的能力下,仍可有限度的達到部分的精實生產目標。 / The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the majority of Taiwanese enterprise and has been providing stable job opportunity and contribution to Taiwanese economy; However, after having been successful for a decade, the Taiwanese SMEs are having stagnant growth because of their inability to keep up with the up-to-date production management techniques and ever-changing consumer preferences. Among all of the Taiwanese SMEs, the SMEs in construction industry are suffering the most significant challenge from stagnant growth. The Taiwanese construction industry includes contractors and provider of services such as building material manufacturers, and is mostly consisted of SMEs and is well-known for its economic impact on other related industries and thus also known as “Development Driver of All Industries”. Although having significant impact on economy, the SMEs in construction industry are facing fierce price competition that would greatly contract their profit margin and thus seriously affect their survival. The cause of such price competition is that most of the major construction projects are divided into several minor contracts and assigned to the sub-contractors with the lowest tender bids. Therefore, in order to compete for limited construction projects without affecting the profit margin, the contractors need to minimize their tender price by conserving the total construction cost for each minor contracts. According to the government statistics, the major expenditure in construction industry lies in the cost of building materials. Therefore, if the manufacturers are able to decrease the cost of production for building materials and reflect the conserved cost to the selling price, the contractors would have more profit margin. In order to effectively reduce such manufacturing cost, the manufacturer can implement lean production into their current production system. With the assistance of Value Stream Mapping (VSM), an effective lean production implementation tool, the manufacturers would be able to develop lean production’s 10 elements within the supply chain by facilitating the Just-in-Time production system to eliminate wastes caused by unstable production system and therefore integrating the operation activities among the supply chain, and eventually achieve the goal of reducing the cost of manufacturing building materials. However, the applicability of lean production on SMEs in construction industry has not yet been fully discussed. The project-oriented characteristic, one-of-a-kind construction projects, and lack of international competition have made construction industry slow in developing lean production, in spite of the potential advantage it may bring to the industry. Therefore, it would be a great assistance if we can confirm lean production is applicable in Taiwanese SMEs in construction industry. This research takes a Taiwanese SME building material factory as case study. By interviewing with the factory founder, inspecting production line, and collecting production statistics, we can explore the applicability of lean production on SMEs in Taiwanese construction industry, and by using VSM, we are able to identify the hidden waste and subsequently develop an improvement plan that would facilitate the key elements of lean production as well as the estimated implementation result. According to the research results, the lean production elements within the factory are applicable and are able to effectively decrease the cost of production and increase the efficiency of the production system. In addition to this, although limited by size and resources, the SMEs can still facilitate their inward ability to compensate the inability to develop the lean elements within supplier and customer, and thus achieve the goal of lean production.

Pour une prescription capacitante, ergonomie et débats des règles du travail : le cas d'une entreprise déployant la lean production. / Designing an enabling prescription, ergonomics and work rules debates : the case of a company deploying lean production.

Perez Toralla, Maria Sol 20 December 2013 (has links)
L'objectif initial de l'ergonomie d'adapter le travail à l'homme a progressivement évolué avec la conception d’une santé construite qui souligne la possibilité pour les travailleurs de faire pleinement usage de leurs compétences. Dans ce cadre, notre principal objectif de recherche était de mieux comprendre les possibilités de développement conjoint des personnes et de l'organisation dans une entreprise automobile de type lean production. Trois axes de recherches ont ainsi été poursuivis. Le premier visait à identifier et analyser le modèle sous-jacent du travail dans la théorie de la lean production. Le deuxième s’est intéressé à la manière dont l'activité de travail est appréhendée dans les approches participatives d’amélioration continue. Enfin, le troisième axe visait à comprendre le rôle de l’ergonomie et de l’ergonome dans la transformation des situations de travail guidée par les objectifs d’optimisation de la lean production. Au cours des chantiers, les opérateurs formulent des possibilités de transformations non prévues qui permettraient une réelle amélioration de la production en agissant sur les déterminants de la qualité de leur travail. L’action de l’ergonome orientée vers une « meilleure » participation des opérateurs par la mise en débat des règles du travail semble alors insuffisante. Une intervention au niveau stratégique de l’entreprise serait indispensable pour prendre en compte les véritables enjeux émanant au cours de ces chantiers d’amélioration continue. / The goal of ergonomic of adapting work to Man has gradually broadened in scope, notably with the evolution of the concept of health towards integrating the possibility for workers to make full use of their skills. Following this view, the main goal of our research was to better understand the possibilities of joint development of people and organization within a “lean production” industry. Three perspectives of analysis were fallowed. The first perspective related to the underlying model of work in lean production. The second perspective focused on mobilizing work activity as part of continual improvement approaches. The third perspective focused on the forms and goals of the transformation of work, in order to identify the role of ergonomics and evolutions in the practice of ergonomics in order to act in a context of deployment of a lean production system. Our results suggested that ergonomic action focused on identifying the conditions of improved participation is not enough. One must also provide feedback at the strategic level of management, so as to broaden the goals of projects aiming for continual improvement, by including the goals that had not been previously anticipated, and that had been formulated by operators.

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