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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser : En fallstudie om effektivisering hos eftermarknadsavdelningen på ett tillverkande företag / Developing Administrative Handling of Warranty Claims

Enerbäck, Hanna, Jägsell, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att öka kunskapen om effektiva administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser. För att uppfylla syftet kunde det brytas ned i två frågeställningar: 1. Vilka faktorer påverkar effektivitet i administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser? 2. Hur bör administrativa reklamationer av defekta produkter hanteras? För att möjliggöra besvarande av studiens frågeställningar och därmed uppfylla studiens syfte genomfördes en fallstudie, som bestod av observationer och intervjuer. Vid observationerna var observatörerna deltagande och renodlade. Intervjuerna hade en låg grad av strukturering och låg grad av standardisering. Insamlad empiri granskades för att sedan jämföras med redan befintlig teori. Genom studien kunde slutaster kring effektiv reklamationshantering dras. Det identifierades tre områden där förbättringsmöjligheter fanns. Dessa innefattade utnyttjande av systemstöd som stöder verksamheten, effektivt arbete med returns management för att minska antalet inkomna reklamationer samt arbetet med ständiga förbättringar för att fortsatt vara konkurrenskraftiga. Studien bidrog inte till nya teorier, men genom analys stärktes uttalanden och teorier från tidigare forskning. Genom studien har medvetenheten om administrativa reklamationshanteringsprocesser ökat, och genom detta underbyggt redan befintlig forskning. Studiens empiriska bidrag var identifiering av faktorer som påverkar effektivitet inom dessa processer. Genom identifierade åtgärder kunde sedan reklamationshanteringsprocesser gynnsamt utformas.

Optimalizace logistického toku v podniku / OPTIMALIZATION OF LOGISTIC FLOWS IN THE ENTERPRISE

Dvořáček, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned about, according to author still “live” problem of optimization of logistic flow, with scope to company environment. The aim is to find correct methodology for defined problem and to apply it to particular case study. Theoretical part begins with description and analysis of actual state of problematic of logistic flow optimization and listing the methods which are able to be applied to these problems. The three main groups – exact methods, heuristic methods and combined methods take part in. The analysis continues further with searching the methods, useful for application in production company environment. Vast focus is on layout design task, because once layout is created, except some minor changes, it lasts usually for some years and therefore it is necessary to consider it properly. Moreover, there is also difference between other characteristics of production, as production planning and machines / technologies upgrade and layout; the former are in a certain manner changeable and not stable, but the layout cannot be changed on for ex. weekly basis. Contribution to research is located at the end of theoretical part, which is newly modified methodology to be more suitable for practical application. Practical part begins with the description of particular case study, e.g. actual status of logistic system in enterprise. The processes described include purchasing management, production management and mainly layout design of production space. The application of suitable methods consists of group technology methods – already known method, plus newly modified method and their mutual comparison. In addition is included already known value stream mapping method. The result is recommendation for change in layout design, developed by integration of results, brought by group technology methods and value stream mapping method.

Návrh modelu integrace nástrojů štíhlé výroby se systémem environmentálního managementu / The suggestion of the model of integration of lean manufacturing tools with environmental management system

Marcolová Klímková, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focused on increase of the efficiency of production processes in Czech companies, whose main work focus is electric motor production with usage of the lean manufacturing tools with the environmental management system. The main reason for choosing this topic were results of prime study of the target group of companies which has proved that companies do have trouble not just with integration but especially with implementation of the lean manufacturing methods. This is the reason why concrete conditions and basic principles need to be defined to show how to proceed. The objective of this dissertation thesis is to suggest the model of integration of lean manufacturing tools with optional environmental management tool and as the lean manufacturing tools were chosen methods of lean management in production and as an optional environmental tool was chosen system of environmental management based on norm ISO 14 001. For this area of interest the primary and secondary research was used. Based on knowledge from detailed research of Czech and foreign literary sources a survey and guided interview was started with companies, which are focused on electric motor production. The thesis contains a detailed evaluation of empirical research with testing of stated hypothesis, based on which the verbal model of the integration of the lean manufacturing tools with the environmental management system is assembled. The implantation based on the suggested verbal model of the integration in the company should lead not just to the relationship improvement between the company and the environment but also to better understanding of the relationship of two independent kinds of company management leading to saving money, working environment improvement, productivity increase or ecological onus decrease. The benefits can be seen in theoretical, practical and also pedagogical level.

Lean-användning i Sverige : En kvantitativ studie av svenska tillverkningsföretag / Lean in Swedish manufacturing companies : A quantitative study of Swedish manufacturing companies use of Lean manufacturing and management

Weber, Oscar, Haxhiu, Agonis January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Lean är en välkänd ideologi som företag implementerar för att bidra till bättre kvalitet, kortare ledtid, högre produktivitet, lägre tillverkningskostnad, större leveransprecision, högre lönsamhet, mer flexibilitet och högre engagemang hos medarbetare. Detta för att hänga med i marknadsförändringar samt att bli, och fortsätta vara, framgångsrika. Det finns många studier som undersöker samband mellan Lean och operationella samt finansiella prestationer bland olika stora tillverkande företag, dock finns det ingen sådan studie utförd just i Sverige. Där av är det intressant att se hur svenska företag upplever Lean och identifiera samband mellan Lean-verktyg och prestationsmått för att studera likheter och skillnader jämfört med studier utförda i andra länder. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till en ökad förståelse kring användningen av Lean i Sverige bland företag i tillverkningsbranschen samt förklara samband mellan användning av Lean-verktyg och prestationsmått (lönsamhet, kvalitet, tillverkningskostnader, leveransprecision, lagernivåer, ledtid, medarbetarnöjdhet och flexibilitet). Metod: En kvantitativ studie är utförd på svenska tillverkande företag i olika storlekar. Svar har samlats in från 95 respondenter i olika företag genom en webbaserad enkätstudie. Studien har anammat en deduktiv forskningsmetod med ett deskriptivt och förklarande forskningsändamål. Slutsats: Genom användandet av Lean-verktyg kan svenska tillverkningsföretag uppnå förbättrade operationella och finansiella prestationer. Företagets storlek, ålder eller lönsamhet påverkar inte förhållandet mellan Lean och prestationer, däremot kan explicit användning av Lean samt att engagera medarbetarna stärka de positiva effekterna av Lean. / Background and problematization: Lean is a well-known ideology that companies implement to contribute to better quality, shorter lead times, higher productivity, lower manufacturing costs, greater delivery precision, higher profitability, more flexibility and increased employee engagement. This is to keep up with the volatile market and to become and be successful. There are many studies that study the relationship between Lean and operational and financial performance among different sized manufacturing companies. However, there is no such study conducted in Sweden. Therefore, it is of interest to see how Swedish companies experience Lean and to identify correlations between Lean tools and performance measures to study similarities and differences compared to studies performed in other countries. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to an increased understanding of the use of Lean in Sweden among companies in the manufacturing industry and explain the relationship between the use of Lean-tools and performance measures (profitability, quality, manufacturing costs, delivery precision, inventory levels, lead time, employee engagement and flexibility). Method: A quantitative study has been carried out for Swedish manufacturing companies in different sizes. Answers have been collected from 95 respondents in different companies through a web-based survey. The study has adopted a deductive research method with a descriptive and explanatory research purpose. Conclusion: By using Lean-practices, Swedish companies can achieve improvements in both operational and financial performance. Company size, age or profitability does not affect this relationship between Lean and increased performance, although implementing Lean explicitly and engaging workers may further increase the positive effects of Lean.

Operational performance driven production system design process

Islam, Md Hasibul January 2022 (has links)
The design process of a production system referred to as the production system design process (PSDP) impacts on the operational performancethroughout the lifecycle of the production system, especially on the rampupand operation phases. Despite the impact of activities of PSDP on the operational performance, how to manage the PSDP is still a challenge for manufacturing companies. Earlier research urged to develop a systematic PSDP concerning its impact on the operational performance. This thesis aims to contribute with knowledge of how manufacturingcompanies can manage the PSDP by investigating 1) the enablers in thePSDP that impact on operational performance in ramp-up and operation phases, and 2) how the lean production concept could be adopted tomanage the activities during the PSDP. A case study was conducted in aprocess type manufacturing company, where empirical data were collectedfrom three new production line launching projects by qualitative means. This thesis identifies a set of enablers in the PSDP that potentiallyimpact the operational performance after launching the productionsystem. Empirical findings demonstrate that ensuring proper actions onthe identified enablers in the PSDP could lead to higher operationalperformance of the designed production system. These enablers rangefrom the company´s internal boundary to external vendors, requiring asystematic way to manage these diverse aspects. Adopting the lean production concept in the PSDP context, this thesis proposes a model of Lean Production System Design Process, containing 13 principles andrelevant practices. The proposed model of lean PSDP could be used as a systematic processto manage the activities in the PSDP that would ensure proper actions related to the identified enablers. Empirical findings indicate that adoptionof lean in the PSDP could result in reducing lead time of launching a new production system, and achieving fast ramp-up and desired operational performance considering sustainability aspects. Finally, this thesis demonstrates how the lean PSDP could be a means to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage based on the resource based view theoretical perspective. / Utformningsprocessen av ett produktionssystem, i denna avhandlingkallad produktionssystemets utformningsprocess (PSUP), påverkar denoperativa prestandan under hela produktionssystemets livscykel, särskilt iupprampnings- och driftsfasen. Traditionellt sett ligger fokus underutformningsprocessen på att lansera det nya produktionssystemet vidplanerad tidpunkt och enligt budget. Trots att de aktiviteter somgenomförs i utformningsprocessen påverkar den operativa prestandan idriftsfasen, ägnas ofta mindre uppmärksamhet åt designfasen än vad somvore önskvärt. Tidigare forskning har argumenterat för att utveckla ensystematisk designprocess för framtagning av produktionssystem medsyfte att nå en positiv påverkan på den operativa prestandan. Forskningen i denna avhandling bidrar till att öka kunskapen om hurPSUP kan hanteras och förbättras genom att identifiera: 1) möjliggörare i PSUP som påverkar den operativa prestandan i upprampnings- ochdriftfasen, och 2) hur lean konceptet skulle kunna användas för att hanteraaktiviteterna under PSUP. Resultatet är identifieringen av ett antal faktorer/möjliggörare iproduktionssystemets utformningsprocess (PSUP) som potentiellt kanpåverka den operativa prestandan efter lansering av produktionssystemetoch produktionsstart. Dessa möjliggörare handlar om alltifrån frånföretagets interna gränser till externa leverantörer och kräver ensystematisk procedur för att dra nytta av faktorernas potential. Genom attanvända lean även i PSUP-sammanhanget, föreslås här konceptet Lean PSUP (produktionssystemsutformningsprocess), som innehåller 13 principer och relevanta praxis. Den föreslagna modellen för lean PSUP skulle kunna användas och gestruktur till hanteringen av aktiviteterna i utformningsprocessen.Forskningen indikerar att lean inte bara kan användas i driftsfasen utanäven i utformningen av ett produktionssystem, vilket skulle kunnaresultera i bättre integration mellan olika funktioner, minska ledtiden förutformning och lansering av ett nytt produktionssystem, och uppnå snabbupprampning och önskad operativ prestanda, både avseende produktionoch hållbarhet. Slutligen visar denna avhandling hur lean PSUP kan varaett sätt att uppnå konkurrensfördelar ur ett resursbaserat teoretiskt perspektiv.

Управление модернизацией производственной системы предприятия в концепции бережливого производства : магистерская диссертация / Management of modernization of the production system of enterprises in the concept of the cooking production

Рудаков, М. А., Rudakov, M. A. January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to develop an integration approach based on benchmarking and the Lean Manufacturing concept for the modernization of the production system of the defense industry enterprise, as well as a method for reducing risks when introducing the BP concept at Russian enterprises. This work contains 8 goals that were achieved in the performance of the work. This work contains 3 positions of scientific novelty. Approbation of scientific novelty is contained in 6 sub-clauses of the work. With the help of the lean manufacturing project, the company will be able to reach the target figures that have been planned. / Целью диссертации заключалась в разработке интеграционный подход, основанный на бенчмаркинге и концепции Бережливого производства для модернизации производственной системы предприятия ОПК, так же был разработан метод снижения рисков при внедрения концепции БП на предприятиях РФ. Данная работа содержит 8 целей, которые были достигнуты при выполнении работы. Данная работа содержит 3 позиции научной новизны. Апробация научной новизны содержится в 6 подпунктах работы. С помощью проекта по внедрению Бережливого производства, предприятие сможет выйти на целевые показатели, которые были запланированы.

Экономический механизм обеспечения надежности функционирования предприятия в условиях «бережливого производства» : магистерская диссертация / The economic mechanism for ensuring the reliability of the enterprise in the conditions of "lean production"

Земзюлина, В. Ю., Zemzyulina, V. Y. January 2020 (has links)
The relevance of the research topic is determined, on the one hand, by the need for the enterprise to maintain the proper level of reliability in order to respond to changes in the environment in a timely manner, always be ready to meet its obligations, in all situations to satisfy demand and secure a strong position in the market, on the other hand, the desire organizations to reduce costs and continuously improve the efficiency of their activities, which is ensured, inter alia, by the use of lean-technologies. The aim of the master's thesis is to develop an economic mechanism to ensure the reliability of the enterprise when introducing the concept of lean manufacturing. The paper considers the concept of “reliability” in relation to organizations, analyzes the experience of implementing lean manufacturing, and also puts forward a hypothesis about the relationship of these phenomena, which is confirmed using a structured-logical model of the relationship between the consequences of the use of lean-technologies and the reliability of the enterprise, and empirically. As a theoretical and methodological base, the works of the founders and subsequent researchers of the concept of lean manufacturing, Russian and foreign authors, who studied the problem of ensuring the reliability of systems of various nature, including economic ones, were used. The empirical basis for the work was our own empirical research, the results of departmental research, as well as the reporting of the enterprise where the developed methods were tested. Based on the results of the study, the author’s definition of the concept of “reliability of the enterprise’s functioning” is formulated, a classification of factors and aspects of the manifestation of the property under consideration is developed, a methodology for assessing the reliability of the functioning of the enterprise is developed, the basis of which is a system of indicators formed in accordance with the author’s classification of factors and aspects of the manifestation of reliability, and elements are also developed the economic mechanism to achieve a compromise between the consequences of introducing the concept of lean manufacturing and the reliability of the enterprise, which will create the conditions for the effective use of the tools of the concept and ensuring the reliability of the enterprise in the conditions of "lean manufacturing". / Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена, с одной стороны, необходимостью предприятия поддерживать должный уровень надежности, чтобы своевременно реагировать на изменения внешней среды, всегда быть готовым ответить по своим обязательствам, в любых ситуациях удовлетворять спрос и обеспечивать себе сильные позиции на рынке, с другой стороны – стремлением организации сокращать издержки и непрерывно повышать эффективность своей деятельности, что обеспечивается, в том числе, применением lean-технологий. Целью магистерской диссертации является разработка экономического механизма обеспечения надежности функционирования предприятия при внедрении концепции бережливого производства. В работе рассматривается понятие «надежность» применительно к организациям, анализируется опыт внедрения бережливого производства, а также выдвигается гипотеза о взаимосвязи данных явлений, которая подтверждается как с помощью составленной структурно-логической модели взаимосвязей между последствиями применения lean-технологий и надежностью функционирования предприятия, так и эмпирическим путем. В качестве теоретико-методологической базы использованы труды основоположников и последующих исследователей концепции бережливого производства, российских и зарубежных авторов, занимавшихся изучением проблемы обеспечения надежности систем различной природы, включая экономические. Эмпирической базой для работы послужили собственные эмпирические исследования, результаты ведомственных исследований, а также отчетность предприятия, на котором была проведена апробация разработанных методик. По результатам исследования сформулировано авторское определение понятия «надежность функционирования предприятия», сформирована классификация факторов и аспектов проявления рассматриваемого свойства, разработана методика оценки надежности функционирования предприятия, основу которой составляет сформированная в соответствии с авторской классификацией факторов и аспектов проявления надежности система показателей, а также разработаны элементы экономического механизма достижения компромисса между последствиями внедрения концепции бережливого производства и надежностью функционирования предприятия, который позволит создать условия для эффективного использования инструментов концепции и обеспечения надежности функционирования предприятия в условиях «бережливого производства».

設備廠商-經營策略、精實生產與企業價值管理之研究-以A公司為例 / Research for Equipment Manufacture 's Business Strategy ; Lean-Production and Enterprise Value Management

高焜亮, Kao, Kun Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以A公司做為研究對象,探討PCB曝光設備廠商的經營策略、精實生產、企業價值管理等相關性議題。 A公司成立初期,研發半自動CCD對位UV燈泡型曝光機,以價格約歐日曝光機的1/3,曝光品質又不低於歐日產品,成功滲透台灣PCB產業,贏得大中廠客戶的好評與信心。17年期間,累計裝機台數已經超出3000台,產品遍佈於台灣、中國、泰國的主要PCB生產廠商,台、中、泰裝機比重約15%、70%、15%。 綜觀3C產品、物聯網設備、穿戴式電子產品、虛擬實境(virtual reality,VR)、無人機、汽車自動駕駛等電子產品,對PCB印刷電路板有三項重要發展趨勢,其一為Any-Layer HDI需求增加;其二為PCB板的線/線距愈趨微細小化,其程度已由50um提升至35um甚至到25um以下。其三為「水俁汞限制公約」於2020年開始實施,將全面禁用含汞之設施。 因此,對於PCB曝光設備廠商A公司而言,也面臨以下三大挑戰。其一為創新研發技術,開發高精密、高產出的DI直接成像曝光設備,並於IC產業贏得市佔率。其二為開發 UV LED 燈源型傳統曝光機,以因應2020年「水俁汞防制公約」的實施及綠能化產品之趨勢。其三為2017年如何調整經營策略突破困境,持續成長,獲取超額利潤,提升企業價值。 本研究擬透過個案研究方法,進行研究訪談,收集初級及次級資料,透過TOWS分析、五力分析、BMC九宮格圖、精實生產、企業價值管理等分析,最後總結經營策略、精實生產、企業價值三者間的相關性,彙整PCB曝光設備產業的關鍵成功因素、中長期的策略方針,做為本研究之結論與建議,提供台灣PCB曝光設備廠商的未來發展之參考。 / This research mainly take Company A as the research object to discuss the business strategy, lean production, enterprise value management and other related issues of PCB Exposure Equipment Manufacturers.At first, Company A was setup for Semi-automatic CCD alignment UV lamp-type exposure machine research and development. With the same or higher quality compared to the European and Japanese products but about 1/3 of the retail price, company A successfully penetrate Taiwan's PCB industry, winning praise and confidence from lots of customers. During the 17-year period, the cumulative total number installed has surpassed 3,000 units. Its products are located in major PCB manufacturers in Taiwan, China and Thailand. The proportion between Taiwan, China and Thailand is 15%, 70% and 15% respectively. Comprehensively looking into the evolution of the electronics industry, there are three important trends for PCB printed circuit boards of electronics products, including 3C products, IoT devices, wearable electronics, virtual reality, drones and autopilot. One is the increasing demand of Any-Layer HDI, the other is the PCB board line / line spacing requirements becoming increasingly smaller and smaller, and has to be improved from 50um to 35um or even less than 25um . Third, the launch of Minamata Convention on Mercury in 2020 will completely ban the use of mercury-containing cosmetics, coal-fired power generation and lighting fixtures. AsFor factors mentioned above, company A faces the following three challenges. One is to reserch and develop innovative technologies to produce high-precision DI direct imaging exposure equipment and gain market share in the IC industry. The other is the development of a full range of traditional UV LED exposure machines to meet the 2020 "Mercury Control Convention" implementation. Third, how to adjust business strategy in 2017 to breakthrough difficulties, sustained growth, excess profit, and enterprise value to defeat the slowdown or decline of the performance growth rate over the past five years. This study intends to conduct research interviews and collect primary and secondary materials from company A, using "Case Study Method", with the analysis of “TOWS”, "Five Forces Analysis", "Business Model Canvas", "Lean Production" and "Enterprise Value Management".Finally, "key success factors" and "medium and long-term strategic directions" were compiled for this research and providing a reference for the future development of Taiwan PCB exposure equipment manufacturers.


Eriksson, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
The construction sector in Sweden released 21% of the country’s CO2-e emissions in. With aggressive climate and pollution goals these emissions cannot be allowed to increase. There is therefore a need for more efficient construction methods and techniques in the Swedish construction sector. The construction sector is today split up between industrial construction and traditional construction. Industrial construction handles the construction process with a strong emphasis on the process and allocates all its efforts toward streamlining the process and removing wasteful steps and elements. Traditional construction places more focus on the individual project. It has one major advantage, which is its exceptional ability to adapt the specific project according to the wishes and demands of the customer and the project’s other unique circumstances.   The IHB-model is the theory of industrial construction used in this study. This study seeks to find out which parts or mindsets from the IHB-model that can be applied to a traditional construction company, OF Bygg in Umeå, to increase its efficiency. This is done by studying the current use of industrial methods by OF Bygg, their views of industrial construction and comparing this to the IHB-model and looking at what parts can be applied to OF Bygg without fundamental shakeups in the company’s structure. The study of OF Bygg is mainly done through interviews with respondents from the company.    During the interviews, a sense of general positivity towards industrial construction was given off by the respondents. It also became apparent that OF Bygg was partially industrialised in some areas, but that there remains big possibilities for improvement.   Off-site manufacturing is used today in the shape of “field factories” and supply deals with industrial suppliers. Both of these are great industrialised methods and should be expanded upon whenever possible. Developed technical systems are used in most projects during certain stages. Efforts should be put into using these more extensively. ICT-tools are also used in most of OF Bygg’s areas but vertically integrating these tools further should be explored. Long term relations between OF Bygg and other market participants are rare since they’re considered detrimental to the health of the local market. Supply chain management is being handled through deals with logistics companies. OF Bygg could become their own logistics company with a centralised material warehouse to ease the logistics and enable use of JIT. Planning and control of the process is mostly handled through general project schedules. The Last Planner system alongside stricter routines is suggested. Customer focus is currently unnecessary for OF Bygg to bother with due to restrictions in the local market. Performance measurement and re-use of experience often get under prioritized often due to lack of time. The transfer of responsibility from the project or site management to a role specified to handle performance measurement and re-use of experience is encouraged.

Lean implementering hos svenska industrier : En empirisk studie av implementering för interna Lean dimensioner

Jonsson, Amanda, Lindquist, Pawitchaya January 2020 (has links)
Lean production originates from the Toyota production system (TPS) and is commonly known as today's Lean. Lean Production consists of a multitude of concepts, values, principles and methods with the main purpose to continuously improve operations and productions. These concepts are known to improve long-term profitability.   The purpose was to investigate Swedish industries and their relation to internal Lean strategies and how well implemented these are in different types of industries. These are categorised as Other, Process- Manufacturing and engineering industry. In this study, the main focus is on analyzing dimensions of internal Lean production in industrial types. These dimensions are Pull System (PULL), Continuous Flow (FLOW), Time Reduction (SETUP), Statistical Process Control (SPC), Employee Involvement (EMP.INVOLV) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). These internal Lean dimensions derive from an empirical study by Shah & Ward (2007), with the aim to produce a deeper knowledge of the definition of Internal Lean production.   The study is based on empirical evidence and the data analysis is established from a previous data collection of the European manufacturing Survey (EMS) for Sweden in 2019, previously developed by Von Haartman, Niss & Bengtsson (2020). The used data is descriptive statistics and is limited to Swedish industries. In this study, the analysis will focus on 24 Lean questions and 6 internal Lean dimensions have been investigated and analyzed.    It is concluded, based on results and analysis, that two Lean perspectives are the basis for businesses to achieve Lean in production. In order to succeed in implementing Lean production, it is important that these perspectives interact with each other. By implementing practical methods, tools and at the same time allowing employees to be involved in the work, quality and efficiency are increased. This contributes to businesses creating improvements in production-related functions in production.   To a large extent the Swedish industries have a Low or Medium use of internal Lean dimensions. TPM is found to be the most commonly implemented dimension for most individual industry types while the dimensions SPC and EMP.INVOLV has the lowest implementation. For individual industry types, there is no major variance in how they answered the implementation of dimensions. All dimensions have a correlation without significant differences for all types of industries. It is found, implementation of dimension PULL differ from each type of industry and Engineering industry have implemented internal Lean dimensions to a higher extent. / Lean produktion härstammar från Toyota production system (TPS) och är grunden till det dem flesta känner till idag som Lean. Lean Produktion omfattar många begrepp som innebär värderingar, principer och metoder där huvudsyftet är att ständigt förbättra produktionen i verksamheten för att bidra till långsiktig lönsamhet.    Syftet var att undersöka hur svenska industrier förhåller sig till interna Lean strategier och hur välanvänt det är inom olika industrityper. Dessa är fördelade som Övrigt, Process-, Tillverkning och Verkstadsindustri. Denna studie fokuserar på att analysera dimensioner av intern Lean produktion hos industrityper. Dessa dimensioner är dragande system (PULL), kontinuerligt flöde (FLOW), Ställtidsreduktion (SETUP), Statistisk processtyrning (SPC), Medarbetarnas involvering (EMP.INVOLV) och Totalt produktivt underhåll (TPM). Dessa interna Lean dimensioner härstammar från en empiriska studie av Shah & Ward (2007), med syftet att skapa en djupare förståelse för definitionen av intern Lean produktion.   Studien baseras på empiriska belägg och grundas utifrån en tidigare datainsamling från European manufacturing Survey (EMS) för Sverige år 2019, tidigare framtagen av Von Haartman, Niss & Bengtsson (2020). Datan som används är deskriptiv statistik och avgränsas till Svenska industrier. I denna studie kommer endast 24 frågor och 6 interna Lean dimensioner att undersökas och analyseras.    Slutsatsen är att det finns två Lean perspektiv som är grunden till att verksamheten uppnår Lean i produktion. För att lyckas med implementering av Lean produktion är det viktigt att dessa perspektiv samspelar med varandra. Genom att implementera praktiska metoder, verktyg och samtidigt tillåta medarbetarna involveras i arbetet ökar kvaliteten och effektiviteten. Detta bidrar till att verksamheter skapar förbättring av tillverknings relaterade funktioner i produktionen.   Samtliga industrier i undersökningen har i utsträckning en Låg eller Medelhög användning av interna Lean dimensioner. TPM är den mest använda dimensionen hos de flesta enskilda industrityperna medan dimensionerna SPC och EMP.INVOLV har lägst användning. För enskilda industrityper finns det ingen större varians i hur de har besvarat användningen för dimensioner. Alla dimensioner har ett samband i korrelationer utan signifikanta skillnader för samtliga industrityper. Det konstateras, att implementering av dimension PULL skiljer sig från varje typ av industri och Verkstadsindustri har implementerat interna Lean dimensioner i högre utsträckning.

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