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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus d'apprentissage, savoirs complexes et traitement de l'information : un modèle théorique à l'usage des praticiens, entre sciences cognitives, didactique et philosophie des sciences. / Learning processes, complex knowledge and information processing : a theoretical model for practitioners, between cognitive science, didactics and philosophy of science

Eastes, Richard-Emmanuel 11 June 2013 (has links)
Cherchant à établir un pont théorique et pratique entre les sciences de l'éducation, les sciences cognitives et la philosophie des sciences, la thèse développe un modèle didactique à l'interface entre ces disciplines : le modèle allostérique de l'apprendre initié et développé par Giordan (1988) et al. (1992), qui s'inscrit dans le paradigme des théories du changement conceptuel. Nourri par les travaux récents des psychologues cognitifs sur les processus d'apprentissage tels que les théories du recyclage neuronal (Dehaene, 2007) ou de l'inhibition cérébrale (Houdé & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2003), ainsi que sur diverses théories relatives à l'élaboration de la pensée telles que l'économie comportementale (Tversky & Kahnernan, 1982) ou le modèle-cadre SRK (Rasmussen, 1990), ce modèle développe et précise le concept d’allostérie à travers la description et la formalisation des processus de déconstruction-reconstruction des conceptions, qui ont lieu lors des apprentissages complexes. De la phase de théorisation du modèle, effectuée par un recours aux formalismes de la réactivité chimique en accord avec la métaphore initiale de l'allostérie, il est possible de déduire divers environnements didactiques opératoires et féconds pour le praticien de l'enseignement et de la médiation scientifiques. Ces prévisions théoriques sont alors mises à l'épreuve de l'expérimentation didactique à travers une recherche de terrain centrée sur la notion d'expérience contre-intuitive (Eastes & Pellaud, 2004) menée auprès de différents types de publics. / Aiming at bridging education sciences, cognitive sciences and philosophy of science both theoretically and practically, this thesis develops a didactical model at the interface between these fields: the allosteric learning model developed by Giordan (1988) et al. (1992), understood in the context conceptual change theories paradigm. Fueled by the recent works of cognitive psychologists on learning processes such as neuronal recycling (Dehaene, 2007) or cerebral inhibition (Houdé & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2003), as well as on various theories related to the thought processes such as behavioral economies (Tversky & Kahneman, 1982) or the Skills-Rules-Knowledge framework model (Rasmussen, 1990), this model develops and refines the concept of allostery through the description and formalization of specific processes that take place in complex learning situations : the deconstruction-reconstruction of conceptions. Based on the theorization of the model, done through the use chemical reactivity formalisms in line with the initial metaphor of allostery, it is possible to deduce various operational and fruitful didactical environments for teaching practitioners or science communication professionals. These theoretical projections are then put to the test through didactic experimentation taking the shape of field research on the notion of counter-intuitive experiment (Eastes & Pellaud, 2004) conducted with different types of target groups.

“Ni ska alla komma överens om ett svar...” : En kvalitativ studie om hur en kooperativ lärandesituation i samband med problemlösningsuppgifter påverkar elevens individuella prestation och lärande inom matematikämnet / "You should all agree on an answer..." : A qualitative study on how a cooperative learning situation in connection with problem solving tasks affects the pupil's individual performance and learning within the mathematical subject

Aronsson, Fredrica, Henningsson, Carl, Holgersson, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker hur kooperativa lärandesituationer påverkar elevers individuella matematiska utveckling genom användning av problemlösningsuppgifter. Studiens bakgrund belyser det innehåll som berör kooperativt lärande, kooperativa lärprocesser, kommunikation, problemlösning samt de matematiska förmågorna. Empirin till studien har samlats in utifrån 18 elever, i årskurs 3, som under tre moment genomfört tre olika problemlösningsuppgifter. Första och tredje momentet genomfördes individuellt av eleverna medan moment två genomfördes under en kooperativ lärandesituation. Vid moment två observerades elevernas samspel med hjälp av observationsscheman. Moment ett och tre jämfördes sedan utifrån den kooperativa lärandesituationen för att se dess påverkan på elevernas individuella matematiska utveckling. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar användes det sociokulturella perspektivet i samband med en kvalitativ analys. Resultatet visade en variation av påverkan på elevernas individuella matematiska utveckling. Det som framgick som betydelsefullt för elevers matematiska utveckling var gruppkonstellationen, elevers matematiska kunskapsutveckling samt elevens roll under den kooperativa lärandesituationen. Avslutningsvis förs en diskussion kring studiens metodik och resultat.

Guld och gröna skogar? : miljöanpassningen av Rönnskärsverken 1960-2000

Bergquist, Ann-Kristin January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to reach further understanding of the development of environmental adaptation in Swedish heavy industry by studying the case of the Rönnskär Smelter 1960-2000. More specifically, the aim of the thesis is to investigate the interplay between firm level environmental adaptation and national environmental politics and economic development. To fulfil this aim, the following questions are asked: How have company activities such as production processes, organisation and company strategies been developed and adopted in order to meet environmental demands with maintained competitiveness? How have company activities been framed by environmental policies and the specific environmental regulations, relevant for this case? What other factors, beside environmental regulations, have driven and framed the environmental adaptation process of the firm? The study concludes that a long-range competitive environmental adaptation was reached by a combination of investments in environmental technology with an overall rationalisation and modernisation of the enterprise. The study suggests that the environmental adaptation process of the Rönnskär Smelter became part of an overall process of industrial modernisation during the period, which reflects a wider context than the environmental issue itself. It mirrors technological development on other fields than the environment, and an increasing competition on a global scale that called for lower unit costs of production. This led to a modernisation for pollution reduction strategy that enabled the firm to increase production but still cutting its pollution levels considerably over time. The result is partly consistent with the Porter hypothesis that suggests that strict environmental regulation can strengthen firms’ and nations’ competitiveness. Time series data shows that emissions from the Rönnskär factory have radically declined since the 1960s. For these changes, process technology has proven to be most important. Technological adjustments came about through a step-by-step adaptation. It is clear that internal solutions, developed by the companies’ own engineers were more important at an early stage, when the supply of external solutions was limited. The study also concludes that environmental regulation has strongly influenced the environmental adaptation at the Rönnskär Smelter. Of most importance is the Environmental Protection Act (EPA: Miljöskyddslagen) implemented in 1969. In the economic historian Nathan Rosenberg’s terminology, this study suggests that the EPA model of individual testing promoted long-term innovative and cost-effective technical solutions, because it was consistent with decentralised experimental activity and the specific conditions that characterise the dynamics of technological development. However, not much can be said before comparative studies within the Swedish system have been conducted, or perhaps most fruitful, between various national systems of environmental protection. This study also concludes that the environmental issue became of strategic dignity at the very beginning of the 1970s, mainly as a consequence of the implementation of the EPA. Even though environmental issues did not become important for market strategies until the 1990s, the environmental issue called already in the 1970s for adjustments that required financial and personnel resources that demanded priorities and strategic decisions at the highest level of the organisation. The study also concludes that even though the technological dimension has played the most decisive role for lowering emissions, the significance of organisation has increased over time. While the 1960s, and especially the 1970s, brought about substantial pollution reductions through new technology, organisational aspects became relatively more important when the costs of abatement were rising in the 1980s. Organisational co-ordination, division of local responsibilities and education of personnel became a supplement to technology to obtain further pollution reductions. The technician as the “environmental hero” of the firm was successively replaced by the organisational co-ordinator.

Drama och teater i gymnasieskolan? : En litteraturstudie där syften med drama/teater utforskas, analyseras och diskuteras

Svensson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Den här studien är en litteraturöversikt som analyserar forskningsbaserade texter och lyfter fram syften med drama/teater i gymnasieskolan, utifrån den analyserade litteraturen. Studien redogör både för syften med drama/teater som enskilt ämne och integrerat med andra ämnen. Studien visar att drama/teater är användbart både som ett medel där målet är att lära sig andra ämnen, och där målet är kunskaper i drama/teater. Den ger exempel på att eleverna, med hjälp av drama/teater, kan få stöd i att uppnå flera av målen i gymnasieskolans senaste läroplan från 2011. Exempel på hur drama/teater kan vara till nytta i andra ämnen är att det kan användas för att förbättra elevers läsning och textförståelse oavsett ämne. Drama/teater har också ett egenvärde som bland annat består i att eleverna lär sig att använda sina erfarenheter för att förstå omvärlden, att de lär sig att uttrycka sig på sitt individuella sätt och att de tränar på att våga ta ställning. Dessa kunskaper kan vara användbara både i ett yrkesliv inom teatern, men även inom andra yrken. Drama/teater är både bildande och utbildande, enligt den tolkning av litteraturen som gjorts i denna studie. Nyckelord:Drama, Teater, Gymnasieskolan, Ämnesintegrering, Utbildning, Bildning, Estetiska ämnen, Estetisk verksamhet, Estetiska läroprocesser. / Abstract This study is a literature review which analyzes different texts, linked to research, and explores the purpose of drama/theatre in upper secondary school, based on the analyzed literature. It incorporates drama/theatre as an individual subject as well as integrated with other subjects. The review in this study shows that drama and theatre can be used as means of learning other subjects. For example drama and theatre can help improve students' reading and reading comprehension no matter the subject. The subject drama/theatre is also shown to have a value in itself in that it taught the students in this study to use their experiences as means to understand the world surrounding them. Education in drama and theatre gives students the opportunity to express themselves in their own individual way and allows them to practice taking a stand. This knowledge can be useful both within the profession of the theatre as well as in other professions. The study also shows that students can be supported with the help of drama/theatre, which enable them to reach several goals of the Swedish curriculum from 2011. This study found that the subject drama/theatre not only helps to educate but cultivate students. Keywords: Subject integration, Drama, Theatre, Upper Secondary School, Education, Cultivation, Artistic subjects, Artistic activities, Aesthetic Learning Processes.

The evaluation of the knowledge management process in the ferro-metallurgical industry in South Africa / Peter Lupton.

Lupton, Peter January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to conduct a thorough theoretical study on the relevant aspects involved in knowledge management and organizational learning, and thence assess the level of organisational learning within the ferrometallurgical industry. From the outcomes of the assessment, recommendations to improve the state of affairs were to be made. Knowledge can be defined as actionable information. The creation, acquisition, sharing and leveraging of knowledge in today's industries are critical. Knowledge is now termed the fourth productive resource, and some authors claim, with some justification, that the widespread knowledge within a company is the only source of sustainable competitive advantage. With this in mind, it is obvious that companies need to nurture knowledge creation and effective utilisation thereof in order to meet organisational goals. Knowledge can be codified if it is explicit, but needs to be transferred using personalisation if it is tacit. Implicitness of tacit knowledge further confounds the issue. Knowledge management practices underpin the process of organisational learning. The level of organisational learning within the ferrometallurgical industry in South Africa was assessed, using a survey questionnaire obtained from the Harvard Business School. The results show that the industry lags behind the medians in the ten constructs measured, and much work will be required to significantly improve the situation. Key areas of concern are in the areas of psychological safety, time for reflection, education and training, and collection of information. As a consequence, a practical strategy for improving the state of knowledge management and organisational learning in the ferrometallurgical industry was developed. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

The evaluation of the knowledge management process in the ferro-metallurgical industry in South Africa / Peter Lupton.

Lupton, Peter January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to conduct a thorough theoretical study on the relevant aspects involved in knowledge management and organizational learning, and thence assess the level of organisational learning within the ferrometallurgical industry. From the outcomes of the assessment, recommendations to improve the state of affairs were to be made. Knowledge can be defined as actionable information. The creation, acquisition, sharing and leveraging of knowledge in today's industries are critical. Knowledge is now termed the fourth productive resource, and some authors claim, with some justification, that the widespread knowledge within a company is the only source of sustainable competitive advantage. With this in mind, it is obvious that companies need to nurture knowledge creation and effective utilisation thereof in order to meet organisational goals. Knowledge can be codified if it is explicit, but needs to be transferred using personalisation if it is tacit. Implicitness of tacit knowledge further confounds the issue. Knowledge management practices underpin the process of organisational learning. The level of organisational learning within the ferrometallurgical industry in South Africa was assessed, using a survey questionnaire obtained from the Harvard Business School. The results show that the industry lags behind the medians in the ten constructs measured, and much work will be required to significantly improve the situation. Key areas of concern are in the areas of psychological safety, time for reflection, education and training, and collection of information. As a consequence, a practical strategy for improving the state of knowledge management and organisational learning in the ferrometallurgical industry was developed. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

O uso da tecnologia de informação para a educação a distância no ensino superior

Maia, Marta de Campos 27 October 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:48:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 74603.pdf.jpg: 10050 bytes, checksum: 2b425869145c2ae28c4fd8986625a8bd (MD5) 74603.pdf: 3055508 bytes, checksum: 6acfdeb67e358411c84c3ddb8b43ab25 (MD5) 74603.pdf.txt: 454267 bytes, checksum: ffa6e46aa4e2de2404f4b2e61ce54348 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-10-27T00:00:00Z / O estudo dos diversos modelos pedagógicos dos cursos a distância utilizados nas principais Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras pode estimular a análise dos profissionais envolvidos com a Educação a Distância (EAD) e, que estejam enfrentado um processo de escolha de uma metodologia para melhor servir aos estudantes que não podem ou optam por não vir para o campus da IES. Um dos principais desafios para as universidades que estão se lançando na EAD é buscar uma linguagem pedagógica apropriada à aprendizagem mediada pelas diversas mídias disponíveis. A ação da tutoria é um elemento essencial, sendo uma das determinantes do sucesso do curso. Neste novo modelo de educação os tutores desempenham mais o papel de facilitadores do que de especialistas, pois os cursos são menos estruturados e mais personalizados, cabendo aos próprios alunos cuidar de sua instrução. O controle sobre o andamento do curso, assim como o acompanhamento permanente do trabalho de professores, dos tutores, dos estagiários de atendimento e da secretaria, são igualmente cruciais, pois a interação com o aluno pode se dar de inúmeras formas e todas elas são essenciais ao sucesso da aprendizagem. A estruturação de uma equipe especializada, composta de pessoas que entendam de tecnologia e de pedagogia e, que trabalhem de forma coesa, podem garantir uma melhor performance da aprendizagem do aluno. O principal objetivo desta tese é criar um modelo conceitual de análise para identificar como as tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) estão sendo utilizadas nos processos educacionais nos cursos a distância nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) no Brasil. Com base nos dados obtidos através de pesquisa, efetuar uma análise comparativa a fim de identificar grupos que possuam características similares tanto relacionados aos projetos pedagógicos de seus cursos, quanto aos materiais utilizados, a estruturação dos cursos, formas de interação aluno/professor, suporte ao aluno, público-alvo, tecnologias utilizadas e sistemas de avaliação adotados. / The analysis of the different methodologies of education adopted by the leading universities in their distance education courses may instigate the interest of the professors involved with distance education, in the process of choosing the methodology that better assists the students who cannot or prefer not coming to campus. For the universities that are introducing courses in the distance education one of the main challenges is to seek for the appropriate pedagogical language of learning carried on by multiple media available. The tutorship action is essential, being conclusive to the courses success. In this new model of education, the tutors act as a facilitator of the course rather than an specialized professor, because these courses are structurally less organized but focused on personalization, considering that the students are the responsible ones for taking care of its education. The permanent control and attendance held by the general coordination of the course on its professors, tutors, trainees and secretary office are likely crucial, since the integration with each student may take place in several ways, all of them being essential for the learning success. The organization of a specialized group of persons engaged in the joint work, consisting of people specialized in technology and pedagogy that can perform their work harmoniously, may guarantee the better learning performance by the students as well. The main goal of this thesis is to create a conceptual model of analysis to identify how the information technologies and communication is being used in the distance education courses offered by high education institutions in Brazil (hereinafter called “IES”). With the data gotten through research the objective is to present a comparative analysis capable to identify the interaction ways and support given to alike students among the universities, in other words, groups that have similar characteristics with respect to the pedagogical projects of its courses, its materials, courses structure, ways of interaction between professor and student, students attendance, public, adopted technologies and valuation systems as well.

Public university education : an analysis of capability expansion among students in Uganda

Bigabwenkya, Sebastian 06 1900 (has links)
University education is ideally expected to significantly expand higher education capabilities among students. Yet, if left unchecked, university education processes can under-equip students in terms of higher education capabilities. In the last one and a half decades, public university education in Uganda has been rapidly growing in terms of student enrolment and course completion. However, the higher education capability levels among students and consequently new graduates (2001-2010) have apparently been declining, especially in terms of practical reason, sociality and participation, learning dispositions, and science and technology. The current study analyses why the new graduates of public universities in Uganda are seemingly deficient in higher education capabilities. Data for analysis were mainly collected from 221 stakeholders of two public universities, namely Makerere University and Mbarara University. The analysis focused on respondents’ perceptions of the three sub-variables of university education, namely curriculum content, teaching processes, and learning processes. Through regression analysis, it was established that these sub-variables jointly predict higher education capability expansion among students in Uganda by 81.2%. Meanwhile, results from qualitative analyses suggest that the curriculum content of public university education is at an acceptable standard and, therefore, a minor cause of higher education capability deficiency among students. However, the teaching processes are perceived as ineffective since lecturers mainly use non-participatory approaches, teach fewer sessions than timetabled, and engage ‘liberal’ quality assurance measures that are open to abuse. Moreover, the learning approaches of some students seem to be surface in nature and the students’ levels of research learning and practice are low. Hence, the study conclusions suggest that low levels of higher education capabilities among students or new graduates in Uganda are largely due to ineffective teaching and learning processes at the two public universities studied. Consequently, the study recommends that, in a bid to enhance higher education capability expansion among students, public universities should focus on improving teaching processes and learning processes, particularly on staff pedagogical skills, commitment, quality controls, and reducing the number of students enrolled in most university courses. / Development Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Development Studies)

Challenges of and opportunities for implementing the school improvement programme in the public secondary schools of Iluababor Administrative Zone in Ethiopia

Tekalign Minalu Tirfe 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to assess Challenges of and Opportunities for Implementing the School improvement Programme in the Public secondary Schools of Iluababor administrative zone in Ethiopia. In the study a mixed research methodology was employed, specifically the sequential explanatory designs with a high priority on the quantitative and the sequential exploratory design and with less priority on the qualitative data. Out of 24 secondary schools, 12 secondary schools were selected by random sampling from six geographically clustered secondary schools. In the study (out of a total of 540 sample populations, 287 research participants were selected by random sampling/lottery method, 220 male and 67 female) were participated to fill the questionnaires. For interviews from six clusters (12 school principals, 12 district education experts, six secondary supervisors and four zone education experts) were selected by purposeful sampling to participate in the interviews sessions. Whereas, for focus group discussions ( 21 parent teachers‟ association (PTA) members; and 21 members of student councils) were as well selected by the purposeful sampling technique from three clustered geographical locations of the schools respectively. The collected data was analysed using statistical programme for social science software (SPSS) version 21. To analyse the data from questionnaires, descriptive statistical analysis like frequencies, percentile, mean values, and standard deviation were used. While, qualitative data generated from interviews, focus group discussions and document analysis were transcribed, coded and interpreted thematically. The findings indicated that with regards to the quantitative data analysis, the performances of the school improvement programme aggregate of the four domains summary of the mean values and standard deviations 287 (Mean = 2.82; SD = 0.74) showed that the indicators of practices among the school improvement programme domains were low in performance. The qualitative results as well confirmed the quantitative results. In this case, the mean value was above average and the standard deviation value was more tightly clustered around the mean. This means that the results were concurrent of each other and thus reliable. The findings revealed that, even though secondary schools put a lot of effort towards averting the challenges in school improvement, it could hardly bear fruit due to insufficient supplies of inputs and processes. This resulted in the school improvement programme performances lagging behind the set goals and targets. Additionally, the findings indicated that the major challenges in the implementation of the school improvement programme in secondary schools (9-10) were: weak collaboration among stakeholders, lack of capacity building, inefficient administrative services, limited commitment of school leadership and school governing bodies, poor school leadership and management, passive and inactive involvement of parents and local community, and, in the academic affairs, students were not successful in terms of attendance and the achievement of learners. Based on the findings, it is recommended that school principals, teachers, administrative staff, students, parents and local school communities be well equipped with basic knowledge and skills on the school improvement programme. This could help in fostering critical thinking and the problem solving capacity of the learners. In addition, school principals and the school governing bodies have to apply the recommended strategies in the study so as to alleviate the challenges in (grades 9-10) secondary schools. Above and beyond, the study suggested that in order to get better learners achievement, a strong team spirit should be established among school principals, secondary school supervisors, teachers, students, parents and local communities, and by expanding capacity building networks within the coming five years. Consequently, the schools management teams and other stakeholders of secondary schools (9-10) have to plan for continuous training and orientation on the nature, practice and significance of school improvement programme implementation. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Métodos ágeis, dilema e rerroupagem no desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais em sala de aula / Agile methods, dilemmas, and re-guise concepts for educational games development in classroom

Ferraz Junior, Wilton Moreira 29 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:07:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FERRAZ_JUNIOR_Wilton_2015.pdf: 16420702 bytes, checksum: 618d7c194c6a9fff0f67ef9767ad5f99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-29 / This work aims to develop a novel method to design educational games, following Extreme Programming and Scrum Agile Methods and screenplays under the dilemmas and mechanical game re-guise concepts, which are already widely accepted in the literature. Workshops using the proposed method were conducted in order to identify the demands of educators and students from elementary and middle school and also the viability in the implementation of the method as a support tool to the teaching process. The validation results and the method acceptance were evaluated by statistical tests, which are also widely explored in the literature for similar samples. The final remarks show the successful methods evolution and their validation results under the considered classrooms context. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um novo método para a produção de jogos educativos, baseado nos métodos ágeis Scrum e Extreme Programming, além de utilizar conceitos de produção de roteiros baseados em dilemas e utilização de técnicas de rerroupagem de mecânicas de jogos já existentes e amplamente aceitas pela literatura. Foram realizadas oficinas, que utilizaram versões do método proposto, para identificar as demandas de professores e alunos do ensino médio e fundamental, e verificar qual delas apresentavam viabilidade de implantação como ferramenta de apoio ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Os resultados obtidos, tanto em relação à aceitação do método e como em relação à melhora dos indicadores de aprendizagem dos conceitos apresentados durante as oficinas, foram analisados utilizando testes estatísticos específicos, amplamente explorados na literatura. Os resultados dos testes permitiram o aprimoramento e a validação do método proposto dentro do contexto de sala de aula.

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