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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning Preferences of Commercial Fishermen

Miller, Robert W. 09 February 2015 (has links)
This study surveyed 435 commercial fishermen across eight coastal regions of the United States where commercial fishing takes place. The regions of the study included: Northeast Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Great Lakes, Southern Pacific, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska. Participants were asked to complete the Commercial Fishing Worker Survey (CFWS), which is a survey instrument consisting of an approved, adapted version of the Index of Learning Styles instrument (ILS) combined with a demographic section which included questions designed to obtain data regarding the four variables of the study: age, education level, captain's license status, and method of fishing. The instrument was designed to provide data sufficient to answer the three research questions of the study. 1. What are the learning preferences of commercial fishermen? 2. Are there differences in the learning preferences of commercial fishermen across the eight geographical regions of the study? 3. Are there differences in the learning preferences of commercial fishermen based on the demographical variables? The commercial fishermen showed obvious inclinations toward specific learning preference dimensions. The fishermen indicated that they preferred the active (rather than the reflective) dimension, the sensing (rather than the intuitive) dimension, the visual (rather than the verbal) dimension, and the sequential (rather than the global) dimension. The participant's responses were similar across the eight regions. Where differences existed, they were related to the sensing/intuitive and sequential/global learning preferences dimensions. Region 8 Alaska appeared to have stronger sensing and sequential learning preferences than the other regions. Age did not appear to influence the learning preferences of the fishermen. The majority of the respondents indicated they were high school graduates. However, education did not appear to affect the learning preferences of the fishermen. Captain's license status had no influence on the learning preferences of the commercial fishermen, since the majority of the respondents did not possess a captain's license. Respondents indicated that the largest percentage of commercial fishing used net fishing methods as their primary means of fishing. For the majority of the commercial fishermen, method of fishing did not appear to influence the learning preferences of commercial fishermen. However, net and trap fishermen exhibited significant differences related to the sensing/intuitive and sequential/global learning preference dimensions and reported more preference for the sequential/global learning preference dimensions then fishermen using other methods of fishing. Implications and recommendations for further study are enumerated in the last chapter.

Barns olika sätt att lära sig skriftspråket : -en studie av några lärares uppfattningar och pedagogiska arbete, i Sverige och Costa Rica

Oskarsson, Charlotta, Andersson, Jasmine, Tilly, Christina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Det pedagogiska intresset för ”lärstilar” har under senaste åren ökat och barns individualitet i skriftspråkstillägnandet uttrycks även i andra sammanhang. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa och diskutera hur man kan se på och arbeta med barns olika sätt att lära i läs- och skrivundervisningen. Vidare är studien inriktad mot att belysa studieområdet ur en vidare kontext då den empiriska undersökningen genomförts både i Sverige och i Costa Rica med en kombination av intervjuer och observationer. Utifrån en kulturell och utbildningspolitisk kontext belyses variationer och likheter i lärarnas möjligheter och förutsättningar att beakta barns olika sätt att lära sig skriftspråket. Av resultatet framkommer att lärarna påvisar en viss form av beaktande av barns olika sätt att lära skriftspråket främst i form av en inriktning mot individualisering utifrån varje individs nivå och arbetstakt. De uppvisar en ambition att individanpassa undervisningen både i Sverige och i Costa Rica men undervisningen förefaller trots detta vara inriktad mot gemensamma moment. Genom att variera den gemensamma undervisningen, bland annat genom att blanda analytiska och syntetiska läs- och skrivmetoder, försöker lärarna tillgodose barns olika sätt att lära. De intervjuade lärarna framhåller dessutom motivationen hos eleverna som en avgörande faktor för ett framgångsrikt skriftspråkstillägnande och poängterar underhållande arbetssätt och skapandet av intresse hos eleverna som betydelsefulla inslag i undervisningen. Vidare tyder studiens resultat på att till skillnad mot i Sverige framhålls i Costa Rica verbala förmågor då observationer och styrdokument visar på en fokusering av muntliga undervisningsformer. Studiens resultat antyder dessutom att förutsättningar och möjligheter att beakta barns olika sätt att tillägna sig skriftspråket skiljer sig åt mellan de olika kontexterna, främst i form av att de ekonomiska resurserna i Costa Rica inte möjliggör förverkligande av lärarnas pedagogiska ambitioner.</p>

Om individanpassad matematikundervisning i praktiken : en intervjustudie med tre pedagoger i grundskolans tidigare år

Andersson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p>Studies show that the performance of Swedish students in the subject of mathematics is to be considered somewhat average. The government has therefore decided to assist with extended project funding to schools on a local level in order to improve these results.</p><p>Schools will, unlike before, practice teaching suited for the individual needs of students based on their previous experiences, knowledge level, language comprehension and their environment. This is also clearly stated in the Swedish school curriculum.</p><p>My survey shows how three teachers in primary school actually work towards individualized teaching of mathematics and what methods they prefer. This survey also answered what these teachers considered to be the obstacles and opportunities with individualized teaching methods. The difference in approach of how to practice this has also been documented.</p><p>The survey, based on interviews and class observations, have been analyzed and compared to previous research and theories in the field of teaching practices. The conclusion of the survey is that all teachers have a different opinion and approach on how to practice individualized teaching methods. The difference in interpretation of the concept is clear. The biggest obstacle is said to be lack of resources in the terms of work material and staff.</p>

Som man frågar får man svar : En studie av skriftliga prov på ett yrkesprogram / The answer depends on how you ask : An analytical study of written exams in a vocational programme

Olsson, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
<p>Utifrån att elever verkar ha en förmåga till att endast söka svar på uppgifterna de får och inte vilja intressera sig för att förstå området, så uppkom iden om detta arbete. Syftet med arbetet är att studera vilken kunskap som mäts i skolan. Begreppet kunskap beskrivs utifrån olika synsätt. Området lärstil beskrivs i arbetet med en tyngd på att beskriva ytinlärning och djupinlärning. Vidare beskrivs området kunskapsbedömning där olika frågetyper beskrivs. En studie med kvalitativ karaktär har genomförts genom intervjuer med lärare, samt kvantitativ granskning utav skriftliga kunskapsprov. Resultaten påvisar att det ligger mycket på lärarna vilka prov de använder, beroende på hur de skriftliga proven är uppbyggda samt att motivera eleverna. Den kunskap som mäts med de skriftliga proven är främst ytinriktad och det stämmer inte överens med vad kursmål och betygskriterier efterfrågar då de mest efterfrågar djupinriktad kunskap.</p>

Orkestermusiker - hur övar de? : Hur professionella orkestermusiker övar och reflekterar kring sitt eget lärande / Orchestral musicians - how do they practice? : How professional orchestral musicians practice and reflect about their own learning

Austern, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats behandlar jag orkestermusikers syn på sitt eget lärande. Hur de studerar in verk och om de har liknande strukturer och lärstilar i sin övning. Undersökningen utfördes med hjälp av att intervjua fem altviolinister ur Stavangers symfoniorkester.Jag har i undersökningen kommit fram till att de fem orkestermedlemmarna har väldigt olika inlärningssätt vad gäller sin egen övning. De visade sig också vara en viss skillnad mellan de som på något sätt ägnat sig åt undervisning mot de som inte har någon koppling till det alls.</p> / <p>This study will deal with how orchestra musicians view their own learning. How they study, and if they have similar structures and learning styles in their practice. The survey is based on the interviews of five viola players from the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. Through the survey, I discovered that the five musicians from the orchestra had very different ways of learning. There seems to be a certain difference between those that have studied teaching, and those that haven’t</p>

Lär man sig något av idrottsundervisningen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers lärande i Idrott och hälsa A

Asplund, Jeanette, Svensson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay was to study what students at the upper secondary levels thought that they learned in physical education and if there were differences between girls and boys learning. The purpose was also to study different factors that could affect the learning and to show how curriculum and prior research relate to the students learning. In this essay we used the three aspects of health that are mentioned in the description of physical education: the physical, the social and the psychic. The study was based on a quantitative research where 165 students answered questionnaires about their learning. Our research showed that the students did not get the knowledge that the A-course in physical education should provide and that the goals for the course were not accomplished. From a gender perspective the boys learned more in comparison to the girls in several areas. The study also showed that the students that were physically active and who thought that physical education was fun were the ones who learned the most from the education. The students learning were also affected by different learning styles and by the teachers and their ways to plan their lessons.</p>

Orkestermusiker - hur övar de? : Hur professionella orkestermusiker övar och reflekterar kring sitt eget lärande / Orchestral musicians - how do they practice? : How professional orchestral musicians practice and reflect about their own learning

Austern, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
I denna uppsats behandlar jag orkestermusikers syn på sitt eget lärande. Hur de studerar in verk och om de har liknande strukturer och lärstilar i sin övning. Undersökningen utfördes med hjälp av att intervjua fem altviolinister ur Stavangers symfoniorkester.Jag har i undersökningen kommit fram till att de fem orkestermedlemmarna har väldigt olika inlärningssätt vad gäller sin egen övning. De visade sig också vara en viss skillnad mellan de som på något sätt ägnat sig åt undervisning mot de som inte har någon koppling till det alls. / This study will deal with how orchestra musicians view their own learning. How they study, and if they have similar structures and learning styles in their practice. The survey is based on the interviews of five viola players from the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. Through the survey, I discovered that the five musicians from the orchestra had very different ways of learning. There seems to be a certain difference between those that have studied teaching, and those that haven’t

Om individanpassad matematikundervisning i praktiken : en intervjustudie med tre pedagoger i grundskolans tidigare år

Andersson, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Studies show that the performance of Swedish students in the subject of mathematics is to be considered somewhat average. The government has therefore decided to assist with extended project funding to schools on a local level in order to improve these results. Schools will, unlike before, practice teaching suited for the individual needs of students based on their previous experiences, knowledge level, language comprehension and their environment. This is also clearly stated in the Swedish school curriculum. My survey shows how three teachers in primary school actually work towards individualized teaching of mathematics and what methods they prefer. This survey also answered what these teachers considered to be the obstacles and opportunities with individualized teaching methods. The difference in approach of how to practice this has also been documented. The survey, based on interviews and class observations, have been analyzed and compared to previous research and theories in the field of teaching practices. The conclusion of the survey is that all teachers have a different opinion and approach on how to practice individualized teaching methods. The difference in interpretation of the concept is clear. The biggest obstacle is said to be lack of resources in the terms of work material and staff.

Lär man sig något av idrottsundervisningen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers lärande i Idrott och hälsa A

Asplund, Jeanette, Svensson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to study what students at the upper secondary levels thought that they learned in physical education and if there were differences between girls and boys learning. The purpose was also to study different factors that could affect the learning and to show how curriculum and prior research relate to the students learning. In this essay we used the three aspects of health that are mentioned in the description of physical education: the physical, the social and the psychic. The study was based on a quantitative research where 165 students answered questionnaires about their learning. Our research showed that the students did not get the knowledge that the A-course in physical education should provide and that the goals for the course were not accomplished. From a gender perspective the boys learned more in comparison to the girls in several areas. The study also showed that the students that were physically active and who thought that physical education was fun were the ones who learned the most from the education. The students learning were also affected by different learning styles and by the teachers and their ways to plan their lessons.

"HUR ska jag göra det?" : pedagogers syn på och utformning av individanpassad undervisning i skolår 3 / "HOW am I supposed to do that?" : an illustration of how pedagogues view and design individually based education in schoolyear 3

Johansson, Maria, Musslinder, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
I dagens skola är individen och dennes behov i fokus. Detta uttrycks i skolans läroplan, Lpo 94. Läroplanens intention är att undervisningen skall individanpassas utifrån varje elevs behov och förutsättningar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur pedagoger individanpassar undervisningen. Vidare är studiens syfte att belysa pedagogers syn på individanpassad undervisning och vad det är som styr deras utformning av den. Antalet respondenter i studien har varit fyra pedagoger, som alla är verksamma i skolår 3. Studien utgörs av en fallstudie med observationer och intervjuer, vilka har analyserats och tolkats. Resultatet visar att pedagoger använder sig av ett varierande arbetssätt för att möta varje enskild elev. De använder planeringsbok, arbetsschema eller beting i arbetet med att individanpassa undervisningen, vilket innebär att eleverna arbetar självständigt och att uppgifterna ofta är självinstruerande. Pedagogerna anser det enklare att individanpassa i matematik och svenska än i idrott, engelska och de natur- och samhällsorienterande ämnena. Studiens resultat visar att en av fördelarna med individanpassad undervisning är att den utgår just från den enskilde eleven. När undervisningen anpassas efter elevens förmåga och behov, leder det till att eleven känner glädje och en känsla av att den kan. Pedagogerna synliggör i detta sammanhang också möjligheten som ges att kunna utmana de duktiga eleverna. Studiens resultat visar att pedagoger vill arbeta mer individanpassat än vad de gör idag, men ser de yttre faktorerna som hinder för detta. / In the school of today, the individual's needs are the focus. This is expressed in Lpo 94. The intention of the curriculum (Lpo 94) is that education should be adjusted to the needs and conditions of every pupil. The purpose of the study is to examine how pedagogues adjust education to the individual. Furthermore, the purpose is to illustrate pedagogues' view on individually based education, and what dictates how it is carried out. Four pedagogues, all working in school year 3, responded to the study. This case study used observations and interviews, which have been analysed. The result shows that pedagogues use a variety of ways to meet the needs of every single pupil. They use planning books, working schedules and/or assignments as learning tools. This implies that the pupils work independently, and that work is often self-instructive. The pedagogues state that it is easier to adjust to the individual's needs in mathematics and Swedish than in physical education, foreign languages, social studies and science. All pedagogues see from a pupil's perspective when talking about the advantages with individually based teaching. They emphasize that the advantage is the possibility to adjust to the abilities and needs of each individual pupil, which leads to a more positive pupil and sense of accomplishment. Individually based teaching also gives the pedagogues the possibility to challenge high achieving pupils. All pedagogues want to work more individually based, but see external factors as impediments.

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