Spelling suggestions: "subject:"learningoutcomes"" "subject:"hearingoutcomes""
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A system approach to an outcomes-based competence profile of education, training and development practitioners in the South African National Defence ForceMoorhouse, Christa 28 February 2007 (has links)
This study concerns the identification of the particular competences required by education,
training and development practitioners (ETD practitioners) in the South African National
Defence Force to develop suitable and appropriate career and training strategies. An applied
research approach and a primarily quantitative approach were used. Questionnaires were
completed by the commanding officers or the training managers, as well as the ETD
practitioners at the education, training and development providers in the South African
National Defence Force to determine the actual utilisation of ETD practitioners. Descriptive
statistics were used to determine the roles, core competences, levels of competences and
clusters of competences required by ETD practitioners in the South African National Defence
Force. In addition, the actual utilisation of ETD practitioners was compared with a proposed
competence profile that was based on the literature study in order to determine the
competence gap that has to be addressed by means of career and training strategies. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Didactics)
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English language teaching in Primary schools of the Moshaweng circuit in the Northern CapeNsamba, Asteria Nkomane 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the implementation of National Curriculum Statement’s English First
Additional Language in three rural primary schools in Northern Cape Province. The focus of
the investigation was on English First Additional Language learning, teaching and
assessment in grade four. The purpose was to evaluate class activities in order to determine
the level of achievement in English, and to establish whether classroom practices were being
informed by National Curriculum Statement policy for English First Additional Language.
The study employed a qualitative case study approach, using classroom observation and
document analysis research tools. The findings revealed that the learners lacked literacy
skills because they were not engaged in suitable and meaningful tasks to meet their linguistic
needs. Most activities given to the learners were irrelevant, and not age, grade and language
level appropriate. There was no evidence of communicative, text-based, reading and process
writing activities in the learners’ portfolio files. It was also discovered that teaching, learning
and assessment did not conform to National Curriculum Statement policy for English First
Additional Language and the principles of OBE methodology. Recommendations to address
the problems are proposed.
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History teaching in South Africa within the context of the human and social sciences : an outcomes-based approach with reference to anti-racismManyane, R. Motse 11 1900 (has links)
This study begins by analysing and exploring problems associated with (a) history
teaching as part of the Human and Social Sciences learning area, (b) history teaching
within an Outcomes-based approach, and (c) history teaching and racism. In an effort
to provide solutions to these problems the study proceeds to propose a framework for
teaching history within the Human and Social Sciences learning area, to suggest a
viable Outcomes-based approach to teaching history in the context of this learning area,
and an attempt is also made to provide criteria for an anti-racist approach to history
teaching. Further, teaching and learning strategies of how far learners can exhibit antiracist
perspectives and attitudes have been developed.
Overall, the study found that an interdisciplinary approach - intended to preserve
history's identity within the Human and Social Sciences learning area- is worthwhile
and essential, given the rich potential of the discipline to enrich and even gain from the
unique insights that other disciplines within the learning area can provide. It is evident
that history, either by itself or in association with other disciplines, lends itself well to
Outcomes-based Education; and that while it is important and necessary to differentiate
between learning outcomes on the one hand, and aims and objectives on the other, the
former and the latter two demonstrate some significant overlaps.
Given the crucial importance of improving race and a range of other relations in South
Africa, the findings of the study seem to prove to be a feasible and indeed critically
important way in which history teaching could deal with racial and other forms of viprejudice,
injustice and discrimination. This seems to be the case because the findings
reveal that learners registered progress in various aspects of anti-racist history
teaching. Given the gains by learners, therefore, an Outcomes-based history teaching
within the Human and Social Sciences learning area would seem to be an essential
approach to learning programme development in the South African system of education
and training. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)
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The use of Student Teams Achievement Division as a teaching strategy in English first additional language in KwaZulu-NatalAmponsah, Samuel 10 1900 (has links)
The paradigm shift in teaching from the teacher-centred approach to the learner-centred approach in recent years has impacted on the way teachers go about their duties in the classroom. This paradigm shift necessitated this research with the aim of investigating how the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique can be used as a cooperative learning technique to teach EFAL in Kwazulu-Natal.
The purpose of this study was to design a framework for the implementation of STAD as a cooperative teaching strategy for EFAL teachers by gleaning literature on teaching and learning, cooperative learning and STAD in chapters two to four of this study. Empirical research, by way of a survey and focus group discussions were also conducted in four out of the twelve districts in the Kwazulu-Natal Province to help solidify the framework designed in this study.
In striving to get in-depth insight into this study, the post-positivist-constructivist paradigm, which calls for the mixed methods research design was employed for the collection and analysis of data. Specifically, the Likert scale survey questionnaire and focus group discussions were used to collect data, through the sequential mixed methods design for the quantitative and qualitative phases of this study respectively, from a sample of 220 respondents and twelve participants. The findings of this research indicated that the time spent in training teachers towards the implementation of the STAD technique was not adequate. That notwithstanding, it was indicative that teachers make efforts to implement the strategy in their teaching and the results proved to be very positive as the technique continues to help improve upon learners’ performances and builds in them qualities such as critical thinking skills, good discussion skills and positive collaborative learning.
In the nutshell, the literature study, the findings of the empirical research and the recommendation of this study forms the basis for designing the framework for the implementation of STAD as a teaching strategy for EFAL teachers. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Challenges in teaching natural sciences in the context of National curriculum statement contextMnguni, Joseph Nkosana Chitja 12 1900 (has links)
The study focuses on challenges in the development of learner-centred and process-oriented teaching and learning in the learning areas, natural science (NS) and mathematics in South African schools. The aim of NS is to develop scientifically literate learners. The three Learning Outcomes (LOs) and the accompanying Assessment Standards (ASs) should enable learners to understand the science products or system of ideas such as underlying theories and principles. The LOs point out the learner’s abilities to use the sciences products or system of ideas. Educators encounter challenges in the application of the LOs and ASs in teaching and learning activities. Against this background, a mixed method study was conducted in selected schools in the Tshwane South District in Gauteng. Data were gathered by document analysis, focus groups and a questionnaire to gauge how the educators are applying the LOs and ASs. Findings indicated that lessons plans were inadequate and educators were not familiar with curriculum documents. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Sciences Education)
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Предшколски програм у Републици Српској као чинилац учења и развоја дјеце / Predškolski program u Republici Srpskoj kao činilac učenja i razvoja djece / Preschool program in the Republic of Srpska asa factor in the process of early learning anddevelopment of childrenCvijanović Nataša 02 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Рад је настао као резултат теоријског и ем-<br />пиријског истраживања ефекта похађања<br />предшколског програма у Републици Срп-<br />ској на учење и развој дјеце предшколског<br />узраста.<br />У теоријском дијелу разматрају се питања о<br />предшколском програму као основи инсти-<br />туционалног предшколског васпитања и об-<br />разовања, о појмовном разграничењу појмо-<br />ва програм и курикулум, (о одређењу) тради-<br />ционалног наспрам савременог предшкол-<br />ског програма/курикулума, систему пред-<br />школског васпитања и образовања у Репу-<br />блици Српској, као и о односу програма и<br />васпитне праксе. Такође, посматрана су и<br />питања која се односе на рано учење, почев<br />од тога шта је рано учење и како га дефини-<br />сати, преко схватања о раном учењу кроз<br />историју, карактеристика раног учења, одно-<br />са раног учења и васпитања, те друштвене<br />парадигме раног васпитања, као и питања<br />која се односе на везу дјечје активности,<br />игре и раног учења, па све до значаја и кори-<br />сти од раног учења за појединца и друштво.<br />У дијелу рада који се односи на емпиријски<br />приступ проблему истраживања приказани<br />су резултати истраживања и налази добијени<br />испитивањем међузависности похађања про-<br />грама предшколског васпитања и образова-<br />ња и развоја предшколске дјеце посматраног<br />кроз физички, социо-емоционални, интелек-<br />туални развој и развој говора, комуникације<br />и стваралаштва.<br />Истраживање се темељи на хипотези да из-<br />међу похађања предшколског програма и ра-<br />ног учења постоји значајна и изражена међу-<br />зависност. Другим ријечима, истраживањем<br />смо хтјели утврдити да ли похађање пред-<br />школског програма детерминише рано уче-<br />ње код дјеце. Постављени циљеви и задаци истраживања</p><p>реализовани су, како смо већ рекли, кроз те-<br />оријско истраживање, али и кроз емпиријско<br />неекспериментално истраживање, примје-<br />ном инструмената који су конструисани за<br />потребе овог рада. Први инструмент односи<br />се на утврђивање испољености развојних<br />аспеката дјеце, док се други инструмент од-<br />носи на прикупљање података о односу по-<br />родичних прилика и развојних аспеката дје-<br />це. Први инструмент био је намијењен учи-<br />тељима, а други родитељима.<br />Узорак је обухватио 1.439 дјеце која су кре-<br />нула у први разред (шест година), и то: дјецу<br />која су похађала неку предшколску установу<br />и дјецу која нису похађала предшколску<br />установу нити су била укључена у неки об-<br />лик предшколског васпитања и образовања.<br />Исто тако, у истраживању су учествовали и<br />родитељи испитиване дјеце, од којих смо до-<br />били податке о социјалном статусу породице<br />дјетета и њиховој посвећености родитељ-<br />ству.<br />Резултати које смо добили дијелом су потвр-<br />дили хипотезе које смо поставили, а тиме<br />нас и усмјерили на додатна размишљања о<br />ефектима похађања предшколског програма<br />на све аспекте развоја, понајвише на социо-<br />емоционални развој, јер је овај аспект разво-<br />ја високо развијен код обје групе дјеце: која<br />су похађала предшколски програм и која га<br />нису похађала.</p> / <p>Rad je nastao kao rezultat teorijskog i em-<br />pirijskog istraživanja efekta pohađanja<br />predškolskog programa u Republici Srp-<br />skoj na učenje i razvoj djece predškolskog<br />uzrasta.<br />U teorijskom dijelu razmatraju se pitanja o<br />predškolskom programu kao osnovi insti-<br />tucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja i ob-<br />razovanja, o pojmovnom razgraničenju pojmo-<br />va program i kurikulum, (o određenju) tradi-<br />cionalnog naspram savremenog predškol-<br />skog programa/kurikuluma, sistemu pred-<br />školskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Repu-<br />blici Srpskoj, kao i o odnosu programa i<br />vaspitne prakse. Takođe, posmatrana su i<br />pitanja koja se odnose na rano učenje, počev<br />od toga šta je rano učenje i kako ga defini-<br />sati, preko shvatanja o ranom učenju kroz<br />istoriju, karakteristika ranog učenja, odno-<br />sa ranog učenja i vaspitanja, te društvene<br />paradigme ranog vaspitanja, kao i pitanja<br />koja se odnose na vezu dječje aktivnosti,<br />igre i ranog učenja, pa sve do značaja i kori-<br />sti od ranog učenja za pojedinca i društvo.<br />U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na empirijski<br />pristup problemu istraživanja prikazani<br />su rezultati istraživanja i nalazi dobijeni<br />ispitivanjem međuzavisnosti pohađanja pro-<br />grama predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazova-<br />nja i razvoja predškolske djece posmatranog<br />kroz fizički, socio-emocionalni, intelek-<br />tualni razvoj i razvoj govora, komunikacije<br />i stvaralaštva.<br />Istraživanje se temelji na hipotezi da iz-<br />među pohađanja predškolskog programa i ra-<br />nog učenja postoji značajna i izražena među-<br />zavisnost. Drugim riječima, istraživanjem<br />smo htjeli utvrditi da li pohađanje pred-<br />školskog programa determiniše rano uče-<br />nje kod djece. Postavljeni ciljevi i zadaci istraživanja</p><p>realizovani su, kako smo već rekli, kroz te-<br />orijsko istraživanje, ali i kroz empirijsko<br />neeksperimentalno istraživanje, primje-<br />nom instrumenata koji su konstruisani za<br />potrebe ovog rada. Prvi instrument odnosi<br />se na utvrđivanje ispoljenosti razvojnih<br />aspekata djece, dok se drugi instrument od-<br />nosi na prikupljanje podataka o odnosu po-<br />rodičnih prilika i razvojnih aspekata dje-<br />ce. Prvi instrument bio je namijenjen uči-<br />teljima, a drugi roditeljima.<br />Uzorak je obuhvatio 1.439 djece koja su kre-<br />nula u prvi razred (šest godina), i to: djecu<br />koja su pohađala neku predškolsku ustanovu<br />i djecu koja nisu pohađala predškolsku<br />ustanovu niti su bila uključena u neki ob-<br />lik predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja.<br />Isto tako, u istraživanju su učestvovali i<br />roditelji ispitivane djece, od kojih smo do-<br />bili podatke o socijalnom statusu porodice<br />djeteta i njihovoj posvećenosti roditelj-<br />stvu.<br />Rezultati koje smo dobili dijelom su potvr-<br />dili hipoteze koje smo postavili, a time<br />nas i usmjerili na dodatna razmišljanja o<br />efektima pohađanja predškolskog programa<br />na sve aspekte razvoja, ponajviše na socio-<br />emocionalni razvoj, jer je ovaj aspekt razvo-<br />ja visoko razvijen kod obje grupe djece: koja<br />su pohađala predškolski program i koja ga<br />nisu pohađala.</p> / <p>In search of the new answers to already known<br />questions concerned with discovering the causes<br />of different development of certain abilities in<br />children, this study ideas are focused on the interdependence<br />of stimulating learning environment<br />and early learning for children. This study<br />is a result of theoretical and empirical research<br />of the effect of attending preschool programme<br />in Republic of Srpska on learning and development<br />of children of preschool age.<br />The theoretical part investigates questions on<br />preschool programme as the foundation of institutional<br />preschool education, concept delimitation<br />of programme and curriculum, (definition<br />of) traditional versus contemporary preschool<br />programme/curriculum, system of preschool<br />education in Republic of Srpska, as well as questions<br />about relationship between children’s activities,<br />play and early learning. Furthermore,<br />this paper investigates questions related to early<br />learning, starting from the notion of early learning<br />and how to define it, the understanding of<br />early learning throughout history, early learning<br />characteristics, the relationship of early learning<br />and education as well as social paradigm of<br />early education, questions related to the relationship<br />between children’s activities, play and<br />early learning, to the importance and benefits of<br />early learning for an individual and a society.<br />A part of the study related to the empirical approach<br />to the research topic presents the research<br />results and findings obtained by examination<br />of the interdependence of attending the<br />preschool education and development of<br />preschool children, observed through physical<br />and socio-emotional development and development<br />of speech, communication and creativity.<br />This study is based on the hypothesis that there<br />is a significant and profound interdependence<br />between attending a preschool programme and<br />13<br />early learning. In other words, our intention was<br />to establish whether attending a preschool programme<br />determines early learning for children.<br />As mentioned before, the established research<br />goals and objectives have been accomplished<br />through theoretical research but also through<br />non-experimental empirical research, using instruments<br />constructed for this study. First instrument<br />refers to the expression of developmental<br />aspects of children while the second instrument<br />refers to data collection on relationship<br />between family context and developmental<br />aspects of children. First instrument was intended<br />for teachers and second one for parents.<br />The sample included 1 439 children who started<br />first grade (6 years) as follows: children who attended<br />a preschool institution and children who<br />did not attend preschool institutions nor were<br />involved in any form of preschool education.<br />Furthermore, the research included children’s<br />parents who provided the information on child’s<br />family social status and their own devotion to<br />parenthood.<br />The results obtained have partly confirmed the<br />hypothesis set and therefore directed us to further<br />reflection on the effects of attending a preschool<br />program on all aspects of development,<br />especially socio-emotional development since<br />this aspect is highly developed with both groups<br />of children: those who attended a preschoolprogramme and those who did not.</p>
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The use of Student Teams Achievement Division as a teaching strategy in English first additional language in KwaZulu-NatalAmponsah, Samuel 10 1900 (has links)
The paradigm shift in teaching from the teacher-centred approach to the learner-centred approach in recent years has impacted on the way teachers go about their duties in the classroom. This paradigm shift necessitated this research with the aim of investigating how the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) technique can be used as a cooperative learning technique to teach EFAL in Kwazulu-Natal.
The purpose of this study was to design a framework for the implementation of STAD as a cooperative teaching strategy for EFAL teachers by gleaning literature on teaching and learning, cooperative learning and STAD in chapters two to four of this study. Empirical research, by way of a survey and focus group discussions were also conducted in four out of the twelve districts in the Kwazulu-Natal Province to help solidify the framework designed in this study.
In striving to get in-depth insight into this study, the post-positivist-constructivist paradigm, which calls for the mixed methods research design was employed for the collection and analysis of data. Specifically, the Likert scale survey questionnaire and focus group discussions were used to collect data, through the sequential mixed methods design for the quantitative and qualitative phases of this study respectively, from a sample of 220 respondents and twelve participants. The findings of this research indicated that the time spent in training teachers towards the implementation of the STAD technique was not adequate. That notwithstanding, it was indicative that teachers make efforts to implement the strategy in their teaching and the results proved to be very positive as the technique continues to help improve upon learners’ performances and builds in them qualities such as critical thinking skills, good discussion skills and positive collaborative learning.
In the nutshell, the literature study, the findings of the empirical research and the recommendation of this study forms the basis for designing the framework for the implementation of STAD as a teaching strategy for EFAL teachers. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)
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Erstellung einer computerbasierten Lernumgebung zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“Gläßer, Jana 31 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bachelorarbeit dokumentiert die Entwicklung eines computerbasierten Lernangebots zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“, welches als Untersuchungsmaterial in einer experimentellen Studie eingesetzt werden soll. Das Lernziel der Probanden ist, so viel wie möglich über Gesetze und Bestimmungen der Gesundheitsreform herauszufinden, um die Aufgabenbearbeitung und Lernzielerreichung erfolgreich zu absolvieren.
Der erste Teil stellt die pädagogisch-psychologisch fundierte theoretische Konzeption eines computerbasierten Lernangebots dar. Dabei werden zunächst theoretische Grundlagen zum E-Learning, Instruktionsdesign, selbstgesteuerten Lernen und unterstützenden Lernaktivitäten gelegt. Danach erfolgt die Vorstellung von Lern- und Testaufgaben als eine Möglichkeit der Selbstregulation. Dabei wird besonders auf die formalen Aspekte von Aufgaben, das Generieren von Lehrzielen sowie die Konstruktion von fehlerbasiertem Feedback eingegangen.
Im zweiten Teil erfolgt die darauf aufbauende praktische Umsetzung: Auf Basis des konzipierten Instruktionsdesigns erfolgt die Erarbeitung von Lernaktivitäten, welche von den Versuchspersonen zur Selbststeuerung ihrer Lernprozesse genutzt werden können. Dafür werden insbesondere Lernaufgaben zur fakultativen selbstständigen Wissensüberprüfung sowie Testaufgaben zur Erfassung des Wissenszuwachses konstruiert. Im Anhang sind die zum Thema „Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland“ entwickelten Lehrziele, konstruierten Aufgaben und dazugehöriges Feedback enthalten.
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Technology: The Bridge to Facilitate Learning of Adult Learners of MathematicsAlan, LaVerne 15 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The alignment of teaching, learning and assessment in English home language in grade 10 in District 9, JohannesburgBurger, Marina 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment in English home language in grade 10 in Johannesburg District 9. A literature study investigated the theoretical background to Outcomes-based education, the definition of outcomes, Outcomes-based assessment and the role of feedback in the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment. In addition this alignment in English home language was explored. For the qualitative investigation teachers from three schools participated in individual interviews and a content analysis. Major findings included: the teachers were intuitively aware of the importance of the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment, the implementation of the alignment was also intuitive and not explicitly planned. The teachers did not understand the assessment standards attached to each learning outcome. Continuous assessments were not used for learning. The study concludes with recommendations to improve the alignment of teaching, learning and assessment in English home language. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Curriculum Studies)
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