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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valstybės civilinė - deliktinė atsakomybė už padarytą žalą savo piliečiams / Civil - delict liability of a state for dameges caused to its cittizens

Šilobritas, Tomas 08 March 2006 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama valstybės kaip civilinio delikto subjekto problema Lietuvos teisiniuose santykiuose. Siekiama atskleisti, kad tik valstybėje, besivadovaujančioje teisės viršenybės ir kitais teisės principais, gali tinkamai veikti valstybės atsakomybės piliečiams mechanizmas. Ir tik valstybė atsakinga savo piliečiams gali vadintis teisine. Darbe pateikiama užsienio šalių ir Europos sąjungos teisės teorija ir teisminė praktika valstybės deliktinės atsakomybės srityje, siekiant atskleisti valstybės imuniteto nuo civilinės atsakomybės savo piliečiams sampratos įtakos mažėjimo tendencijas. Darbo tema pagal sudėtingumą ir klausimų problematiškumą padalinta į dvi dalis. Pirmiausia analizuojama valstybės atsakomybė už administracinių ir teisėsaugos institucijų neteisėtais veiksmais padarytą žalą, nagrinėjami teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys šiuos santykius, nustatomi šios atsakomybės atsiradimo pagrindai, atskleidžiamos praktinės problemos, neleidžiančios tinkamai veikti valstybės atsakomybės už šių institucijų padarytą žalą mechanizmui. Vėliau nagrinėjama daug aktualesnė ir daugiau problematikos turinti temos dalis – valstybės atsakomybė už įstatymo leidėjo neteisėtais veiksmais padarytą žalą. Čia aptariamas teisinis reglamentavimas ir nustatoma, kad tiek Konstitucija, tiek ir kiti įstatymai Lietuvos valstybę laiko lygiaverčiu teisinės atsakomybės subjektu. Darbe smulkiai analizuojama Lietuvos teisminė praktika valstybės atsakomybės klausimu, atskleidžiamos teisės praktikų... [to full text] / The topic of this work deals with the problem of a state as the subject of civil tort in legal relations of Lithuania. The main goal is focused on disclosure of the fact that the mechanism of national liability to its citizens is able to function properly only in a State which is following supremacy of the law and other legal principles. Only the State which is liable to its citizens may refer to itself as Legal State.

Materiální ohnisko Ústavy / The material core of the Constitution

Bělocký, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The material core of the Constitution - Abstract This thesis is about the relation between the state of the Czech Republic and Czech and Czechoslovakian constitutional area. The deciding impulse leading to the elaboration of this topic was historically the first derogation of constitutional act by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. The reason of the groundbreaking judgement was the conflict of the challenged constitutional act and the material core of the Constitution which protects its democratic frame. The aim of the thesis is to explore the form, content and protection of the most important constitutional base of the Czech Republic, i.e. the imperative of inflexibility of the democratic state law material attributes. The way how to deal with that is to review historical and revolutionary changes of the legal state principle. The first part of the thesis concentrates on fundamental historical events which resulted in the reversal of the legal state concept. In the terms of constitutional sources of law it analyzes the formation of the democratic Czechoslovakia, the wartime period of submission and the restoration of legal order after the Second World War, the Communist takeover in February and the Ninth-of-May (1948) Constitution, the Socialist Constitution, the Prague Spring, the Manifesto...

Moderní právní stát v kontextu Hegelových Základů filosofie práva / Modern legal state in the context of Hegel's Elements of the Philosophy of Right

Koloušek, Martin January 2021 (has links)
(in English): This diploma thesis deals with an analysis of modern legal state in the context of Hegel's Elements of philosophy of Right. Hegel is presenting an analysis of the concept and phenomenon of state, which is until contemporary times valid. Although his state can be described as a police state, it has a lot in common with contemporary modern legal state. First, in the thesis a brief overview of thinking about the state, consequently Hegel's conception of state is analyzed, and finally these findings are used to point out selected problems of contemporary state and Hegel's conception. Above all it is shown that Hegel's state, as well as contemporary modern legal state, contain in themselves a contradiction - a contradiction between freedom on one hand and state power on the other hand. In contemporary state is this obvious especially on the problematic position of human rights. In this context, it is possible to draw an advice and lesson from Hegel. However, at the end, it is shown that freedom, as well as human rights are not matter of course, and it is necessary to strive for preserving those values, while the state functions could be performed.

L’influence de la théorie du droit social d’origine française sur la pensée juridique serbe durant le XXe siècle. / The influence of the theory of social law of French origin on the Serbian legal thought in the 20th century .

Bozic, Marko 18 December 2013 (has links)
Par une analyse du discours de la théorie juridique serbe du XXe siècle, cette thèse contribue non seulement à la description des traits distincts de la pensée juridique serbe, mais aussi à la détermination de la possibilité de la réception des concepts libéraux par une société transitoire, dont la culture politique est bien différente de celle de la société occidentale. En ce sens, l’influence modeste de la théorie du droit social d’origine française indique le conservatisme de l’élite universitaire serbe, qui ne faisait pas confiance à la société et à ses capacités autonomes. Cette élite s’est rendu compte que la société serbe était toujours traditionaliste, patriarcale et pauvre en institutions civiles bien établies. C’est pourquoi l’idée libérale d’une société civile qui englobe l’État, et dont ce dernier n’est qu’une entité au service des citoyens, leur est connue, mais peu convaincante. Au contraire, leur programme libéral s’appuie sur l’idée de l’État de droit qui s’opposerait à l’énergie des masses populaires et, par ses institutions élitistes, présuppose la société des individus libres. Croyant fort à la société comme la source ultime de l’activité législative et judiciaire, les théories françaises du droit social ont lancé une idée inadmissible pour la théorie serbe: la domination de la société sur l’État. Cependant, cette aversion des théoriciens serbes vis-à-vis de la société autonome ne révèle pas seulement le manque de la tradition libérale dans leur pensée. Elle explique aussi les raisons d’une transplantation difficile des institutions démocratiques occidentales et, en général, d’une dure transition de la société post-communiste serbe. / The discourse analysis of the Serbian theory of law in the 20th century in the thesis contributes not only to the description of the distinctive features of the Serbian legal thought but also to the establishment of a possibility for the reception of liberal concepts by a society in transition, whose political culture differ from the western society. In that sense, a modest influence of the theory of social law of French origin indicates a conservatism of the Serbian university elite, who did not have faith in the Serbian society and its capacities. This elite was aware of the fact that the Serbian society was still traditionalistic, patriarchal and poor in the institutions of the civil society. Therefore, although they were familiar with the liberal idea of the civil society that includes the state, according to which the state is nothing else but a citizens’ service, it was unconvincing. On the contrary, their liberal program relied on the idea of the Legal state which would stand against the energy of the masses and which would put the existence of a society of free individuals before its elitist institutions. Firmly believing in the society as the final source of the legislative and judicial activity, these French theories of social law launched an idea which was unacceptable for the Serbian theory: the idea of the domination of the society over the state. Still, an aversion towards the autonomous society of Serbian theoreticians does not only reveal the lack of liberal tradition in there thought. It explains the causes of the problematic mapping of the western democratic institutions, but also a difficult transition of the Serbian post-communist society in general.

L'Etat de contentieux : contribution à la définition du concept d'"Etat de droit" en droit administratif français / The State of legislation : contribution to the definition of the concept d'"Etat de droit" in french administrative law

Monnier, Damien 25 September 2017 (has links)
Véritable dogme en droit interne et s’imposant comme un standard dans l’ordre juridique international, le concept d’« État de droit » est dépourvu d’une signification clairement déterminée. Différentes conceptions sont admises et dépendent des acceptions de l’État en question, d’une garantie hic et nunc de certains droits ainsi que d’une volonté politique des gouvernants. L’objet de cette recherche s’attache au droit administratif, précisément au rôle du juge administratif, comme vecteur de soumission de l’autorité de l’État afin de promouvoir les droits et libertés fondamentales des administrés en France. Si rien ne présageait une telle évolution au nom de la raison d’État, le Conseil d’État, par une pensée politique (néo)libérale, s’est imposé comme l’institution juridictionnelle majeure dans la construction du concept d’État de droit administratif. Au moyen d’une interprétation formelle et substantielle du principe de légalité, l’État de droit administratif légitime l’action publique des gouvernants tout en garantissant la sécurité juridique des administrés. Cette liaison de l’État et du droit administratif relève d’une construction inépuisable, appréhendée par l’État de contentieux qui s’analyse comme le kaléidoscope des faits sociaux. Ce dernier résulte d’une politique de la force, d’un conflit positif entre les Hommes, les institutions, les normes ou les pouvoirs institués. Ainsi, en conciliant l’Autorité et la Liberté, le concept d’État de droit administratif révèle le degré d’assujettissement de l’administration au droit administratif. Le développement objectif du concept d’État de droit administratif est bâti par l’État de justice et protégé par l’État légal, au profit d’une justice administrative garante des valeurs républicaines de l’État. Le perfectionnement de l’État de droit administratif par l’État de contentieux est agencé par l’État démocratique et régulé par l’État global, en libérant l’administré de toute servitude de la part de l’administration. L’illibéralisme administratif s’estompe au profit d’une société de(s) droit(s), d’une juridicisation et d’un normativisme absolus, au détriment de l’État. / The Rule of law concept is a real domestic law dogma and has established itself as a norm in the international judicial order. It is beneft of a clearly defined signification. Different concepts are accepted and depend on the agreements of the state, on a hic et nunc warranty of some rights as well as the rulers political will. This study aims to consider the administrative law, and more specifically the administrative judge’s role, as a means of control over the authority of the state so as to promote the rights and fundamental freedoms of the constituents in France. Even if nothing could portend such an evolution on the account of the state, the Conseil d’État, through a (neo)liberal political influence, became major judicial institution which builds the concept of domestic rule. The administrative juridiction legitimizes the public action of the governments while ensuring the legal security of the constituents through a formal and substantive interpretation of the principle of legality. This relation on between the state and the administrative law state of litigation which can be analyzed as a kaleidoscope of social facts. This stems from a power policy, of a positive conflict between men, the institutions, the normes or the instituted powers. Therefore, by accommodating authority and freedom, the administrative jurisdiction exposes the extent to which the administration is subjected to the administrative law. The objective construction of the administrative Rule of law allows the setting up of an administrative justice, which guarantees the republican values of the State thanks to legal Justice and Legal State. The upgrading of the administrative Rule of law by the democracy provide some freedom to the people vis-à-vis the state. The lack of liberalism fades away in favour of a litigious society, juridification and normatism to the detriment of the state.

A efetivação dos direitos sociais por medidas fiscais e financeiras: instrumentos para a superação do subdesenvolvimento / The effectiveness of social rights through tax and budgetary measures: tools for overcoming underdevelopment

Barros, Mauricio 06 June 2013 (has links)
A tese tem a intenção de promover um estudo sobre a efetivação do mínimo existencial pelas normas que regulam a atividade financeira do Estado, mediante uma articulação entre os fundamentos e objetivos fundamentais da república, os direitos fundamentais sociais e os subsistemas financeiro e tributário na Constituição Federal de 1988. A ideia principal é explorar os instrumentos fiscais e financeiros aptos a garantir a efetivação dos direitos sociais individuais (dimensão do mínimo existencial), o que é considerado vital para a superação do subdesenvolvimento brasileiro (relação entre direitos sociais e atividade financeira do Estado). Partindo da constatação de que o Brasil apresenta índices de desenvolvimento humano baixos em comparação à sua riqueza, a tese refutará importações acríticas das concepções de Estado atualmente praticadas em países desenvolvidos, para analisar a função que os direitos sociais previstos na Constituição Federal têm na realidade brasileira atual, bem como qual é o grau de efetividade desses direitos que é exigido pela Constituição. Com base nisso, a tese fará uma ligação entre direitos sociais e a atividade financeira do Estado, de modo a detectar pontos de intersecção entre esses subdomínios e entender de que forma as normas fiscais e financeiras podem dar efetividade ao mínimo existencial. Para tanto, no decorrer do trabalho será feita uma releitura dos diversos instrumentos tributários e financeiros aptos a dar efetividade a direitos sociais, tais como: (a) a competência tributária, (b) os princípios constitucionais tributários (capacidade contributiva, seletividade e não-confisco) e (c) os limites constitucionais orçamentários (orçamento da seguridade social, despesas mínimas com educação e saúde e fundos constitucionais), em nível constitucional, e (d) as desonerações fiscais e (e) as leis orçamentárias em nível infraconstitucional. Por fim, será feita uma crítica se o Estado brasileiro vem ou não manejando corretamente esses instrumentos. / The thesis draws upon the effectiveness of the fundamental rights related to the social minimum through the rules that regulate the financial activity of the Brazilian State, considering both tax and budgetary legislation. The study will be based on a joint interpretation of the foundations and fundamental objectives of the republic, the social fundamental rights and the budgetary and tax systems of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The main idea is to exploit the tax and budgetary instruments able to ensure the fulfillment of social individual rights (social minimum dimension), which is considered vital to overcome the Brazilian underdevelopment status (relation between social rights and financial activity of the State). Starting from the fact that Brazil has low human development indices in comparison to its wealth (Gross Domestic Product), the thesis will refuse of uncritical importation of conceptions of State currently applied in developed countries, in order to examine the role that social rights currently have before the Brazilian social reality, as well as the degree of effectiveness of such rights that is required by the Constitution. Based on this, the thesis will establish a connection between social rights and financial activity of the State, in order to detect the intersectional points between these areas and understand how the tax and budgetary laws could bring effectiveness to the social minimum. To achieve that, this work will try to reinterpret tax and budgetary instruments that could be able to give effect to social rights, such as: (a) the power to tax, (b) tax principles (ability to pay, selectivity and non-confiscation) and (c) the constitutional budget limitations (social security budget, minimum expenditures on education and health and constitutional funds), in constitutional level, and (d) the tax exemptions and (e) the budgetary laws. Finally, this work will launch a critic on the way that the Brazilian Government has been using such tools in order to achieve its social responsibility before the people.

Tributação no Estado Social e Democrático de Direito: finalidade, motivo e motivação das normas tributárias

Barros, Maurício 09 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:19:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mauricio Barros.pdf: 1366975 bytes, checksum: 5533c88aac0fad49e4df9c1a94615179 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-09 / The purpose of this thesis is to encourage a reading of the Brazilian tax system from the Federal Constitution of 1988 and Brazil s condition as a true social and democratic legal state, the objectives and bases of which should have effects on all fiscal activity (in the broad sense), from the establishment and exercise of tax authority to the proper use of the funds collected. The methodological basis is Friedrich Müller s structuring theory of law, in which aspects of reality (the normative framework) are compositional factors of legal rules, together with the textual data or normative program. There must therefore be a dialogue between law and reality, breaking with the is and should be dichotomy that is typical of formalism. This thesis will systematically analyze the constitutional tax system (broadly speaking), in comparison with the other terms of the Brazilian Constitution, seeking to promote the conformation of legal tax rules to the condition of a social and democratic legal state and to the economic intervention of the Brazilian Constitution, electing the tax constitutional motive as the given that goes beyond the limiting concept of tax authority and takes in the purpose and cause of taxation, as a point of support for the exercise of the tax power. That position carries certain consequences with it, such as the (re)configuration of the constitutional suppositions for the institution of taxes, their adaptation to the constitutional finalities and social needs, the legal treatment to be given to the misuse of the product of taxation, the need for motivation and the importance of the effectiveness of the taxation rules, in accordance with the purposes stated in the Brazilian Constitution. This thesis will also propose a new classification of tax authority, focused on the specific purpose of each type of tax and on the constitutional motive for its institution/change, and that the paradigm of the optional exercise of tax authority be broken with and the requirement (mandatory) of taxes according to (a) the specific purpose of each type of tax, (b) its conformation with reality and (c) the proper use of the product of the collection for the constitutionally determine finalities / O objetivo da presente dissertação é promover uma leitura do sistema tributário nacional a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988 e da condição da República Federativa do Brasil como um verdadeiro Estado Social e Democrático de Direito, cujos objetivos e fundamentos deverão irradiar efeitos sobre toda a atividade fiscal (lato sensu), desde a conformação e exercício das competências tributárias até o devido emprego dos recursos arrecadados. O pressuposto metodológico é a Teoria Estruturante do Direito de FRIEDRICH MÜLLER, em que aspectos da realidade (o âmbito da norma) são fatores de composição da norma jurídica, juntamente com os dados textuais ou programa da norma . Assim, deve haver um diálogo entre direito e realidade, rompendo-se com a dicotomia ser e dever ser típica do formalismo. O trabalho fará uma análise sistemática do sistema constitucional tributário (lato sensu) em cotejo com os demais enunciados da CF/88, buscando promover uma conformação das normas jurídicas tributárias à condição de Estado Social e Democrático de Direito e ao dirigismo constitucional da CF/88, elegendo o motivo constitucional tributário como dado que supera o conceito limitador de competência tributária e engloba a finalidade da tributação, como ponto de apoio para o exercício do poder tributário. Tal postura trará algumas conseqüências, como a (re)configuração dos pressupostos constitucionais para a instituição de tributos, sua adequação às finalidades constitucionais e necessidades sociais, o tratamento jurídico a ser atribuído ao desvio do produto da arrecadação, a necessidade de motivação e a importância da efetividade das normas tributárias, de acordo com as finalidades consignadas na Carta. O trabalho ainda proporá uma nova classificação das competências tributárias, focada na finalidade específica de cada espécie tributária e no motivo constitucional para a sua instituição/alteração, o rompimento com o paradigma da facultatividade do exercício da competência tributária e na exigência (obrigatória) de tributos de acordo com (a) a finalidade específica de cada espécie tributária, (b) sua conformação com a realidade e (c) o devido emprego do produto da arrecadação com as finalidades constitucionalmente determinadas

Os pressupostos filosóficos do estado ético-jurídico na obra A cidade de Deus de Santo Agostinho

Campos Filho, José Carlos Pires de 24 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Carlos Pires de Campos Filho.pdf: 1230163 bytes, checksum: 7aecdf4937e6fc88ebc0a96eb18906df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-24 / The objective of this dissertation is to expose the philosophical assumptions of the theory of the philosopher St. Augustine on the nature of the ethical and legal State The thought here is understood as a defense of the just State and of the conception of natural law against accusations that Christianity causes injury to the political community. The Augustinian conception of a just and happy society allows, instead, enhancing the civic virtues as a means to achieve the common good and peace. The Augustinian ontology allows the truth to be the reference of virtues and vices, as precepts of action capable of forming the unity of a civilization. The "City of God" is the allegory of a just society that is present in this world through the ages in coexistence with the earthly state / O objetivo desta dissertação é expor os pressupostos filosóficos centrais da teoria do filósofo Santo Agostinho sobre a natureza do Estado ético-jurídico. O pensamento é aqui compreendido como uma defesa do Estado justo e da concepção de lei natural contra as acusações de que o Cristianismo causa prejuízo à comunidade política. A concepção agostiniana de sociedade justa e feliz permite, ao contrário, aprimorar as virtudes cívicas como meio para alcançar o bem comum e a paz. A ontologia agostiniana permite que a verdade seja a referência das virtudes e dos vícios, como preceitos do agir capazes de formar a unidade de uma civilização. A Cidade de Deus é a alegoria de sociedade justa presente no mundo através dos tempos em convivência com o Estado terreno

A efetivação dos direitos sociais por medidas fiscais e financeiras: instrumentos para a superação do subdesenvolvimento / The effectiveness of social rights through tax and budgetary measures: tools for overcoming underdevelopment

Mauricio Barros 06 June 2013 (has links)
A tese tem a intenção de promover um estudo sobre a efetivação do mínimo existencial pelas normas que regulam a atividade financeira do Estado, mediante uma articulação entre os fundamentos e objetivos fundamentais da república, os direitos fundamentais sociais e os subsistemas financeiro e tributário na Constituição Federal de 1988. A ideia principal é explorar os instrumentos fiscais e financeiros aptos a garantir a efetivação dos direitos sociais individuais (dimensão do mínimo existencial), o que é considerado vital para a superação do subdesenvolvimento brasileiro (relação entre direitos sociais e atividade financeira do Estado). Partindo da constatação de que o Brasil apresenta índices de desenvolvimento humano baixos em comparação à sua riqueza, a tese refutará importações acríticas das concepções de Estado atualmente praticadas em países desenvolvidos, para analisar a função que os direitos sociais previstos na Constituição Federal têm na realidade brasileira atual, bem como qual é o grau de efetividade desses direitos que é exigido pela Constituição. Com base nisso, a tese fará uma ligação entre direitos sociais e a atividade financeira do Estado, de modo a detectar pontos de intersecção entre esses subdomínios e entender de que forma as normas fiscais e financeiras podem dar efetividade ao mínimo existencial. Para tanto, no decorrer do trabalho será feita uma releitura dos diversos instrumentos tributários e financeiros aptos a dar efetividade a direitos sociais, tais como: (a) a competência tributária, (b) os princípios constitucionais tributários (capacidade contributiva, seletividade e não-confisco) e (c) os limites constitucionais orçamentários (orçamento da seguridade social, despesas mínimas com educação e saúde e fundos constitucionais), em nível constitucional, e (d) as desonerações fiscais e (e) as leis orçamentárias em nível infraconstitucional. Por fim, será feita uma crítica se o Estado brasileiro vem ou não manejando corretamente esses instrumentos. / The thesis draws upon the effectiveness of the fundamental rights related to the social minimum through the rules that regulate the financial activity of the Brazilian State, considering both tax and budgetary legislation. The study will be based on a joint interpretation of the foundations and fundamental objectives of the republic, the social fundamental rights and the budgetary and tax systems of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. The main idea is to exploit the tax and budgetary instruments able to ensure the fulfillment of social individual rights (social minimum dimension), which is considered vital to overcome the Brazilian underdevelopment status (relation between social rights and financial activity of the State). Starting from the fact that Brazil has low human development indices in comparison to its wealth (Gross Domestic Product), the thesis will refuse of uncritical importation of conceptions of State currently applied in developed countries, in order to examine the role that social rights currently have before the Brazilian social reality, as well as the degree of effectiveness of such rights that is required by the Constitution. Based on this, the thesis will establish a connection between social rights and financial activity of the State, in order to detect the intersectional points between these areas and understand how the tax and budgetary laws could bring effectiveness to the social minimum. To achieve that, this work will try to reinterpret tax and budgetary instruments that could be able to give effect to social rights, such as: (a) the power to tax, (b) tax principles (ability to pay, selectivity and non-confiscation) and (c) the constitutional budget limitations (social security budget, minimum expenditures on education and health and constitutional funds), in constitutional level, and (d) the tax exemptions and (e) the budgetary laws. Finally, this work will launch a critic on the way that the Brazilian Government has been using such tools in order to achieve its social responsibility before the people.

"Cikáni, metla venkova!" Tvorba a uplatňování proticikánských opatření v meziválečném Československu, za druhé republiky a v počáteční fázi Protektorátu Čechy a Morava (1918-1941) / "The Gypsy Scourge!" Creation and Implementation of Anti-Gypsy Measures in interwar Czechoslovakia and After, 1918-1941

Baloun, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
On December 22, 1926, an opening ceremony of the so-called Gypsy school was held in Uzhhorod, the capital of the Czechoslovak administration in Carpathian Ruthenia. Czech officials who gave talks pointed out pedagogical significance of the established institution which they described as unique and exceptional "experiment". The creation of a special school for children of those inhabitants who were labelled as "Gypsies" on the territory which was annexed by Czechoslovakia only later after the First World War and which in the contemporary imagination represented specific, "backward" region of the newly established state, served to consolidate the legitimacy of the First Republic as a democratic, progressive, modern, liberal state which belonged to the developed and civilized West. More than a half year later, on July 14, 1927, representatives in the Czechoslovak Parliament in Prague passed the Act No. 117/1927 on Wandering Gypsies. The development of this law was related to an immense interest of the contemporary media in "Gypsies" which was encouraged by the arrest of approximately twenty "Gypsies" from a village located in East Slovakia. They were charged of numerous robberies and murders. In contrast to the situation shortly after the First World War when the central Czechoslovak authorities...

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