Spelling suggestions: "subject:"legal texto"" "subject:"segal texto""
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Chybovost v překladech právních textů do češtiny publikovaných v Úředním věstníku Evropské unie / The Rate of Translations Errors in Czech Legal Texts Published in the Official Journal of the European UnionTomíčková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the rate of translation errors in Czech legal texts published in the Official Journal of the European Union using automated quality assurance tools. In the theoretical part, the aim of the thesis-to determine the error rate of analyzed text-is set, and individual hypotheses are defined. Subsequently, individual reasons which make translation for the EU institutions specific and why it is a separate subcategory within legal translation are listed. The method used to achieve the set objective and to confirm or disprove proposed hypotheses is described as well as the corpus which has been created for the analysis is presented. The corpus is comprised of legally binding texts- regulations, directives, and decisions published in the Official Journal of the European Union between 2004 and 2018. In the theoretical part, a definition of an error established for the purpose of this thesis is also provided. The definition was created based on QA tools options and a comparative analysis of different metrics used to evaluate the error rate in translation. The empirical part focuses on the research itself and discuss various issues encountered. The results of the analysis-whether the hypotheses have been proven-are then presented, and future research is outlined.
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[pt] O trabalho enfoca a relação entre linguagem e Direito,
apontando o
distanciamento entre a linguagem legal e a linguagem do
homem médio. Tendo
por base o estudo comparativo de segmentos do Código
brasileiro de 1916
e de 2002, relativamente ao Direito das Sucessões,
analisam-se questões
pertinentes à estruturação sintática, à utilização
vocabular e à presença de
ambigüidades estruturais. Busca-se, assim, identificar
principais fatores
responsáveis pelas dificuldades enfrentadas pelo homem
médio ao interpretar
textos legais. O estudo, valendo-se de uma pesquisa
realizada junto a
informantes, constata que houve um certo progresso
à linguagem
adotada no Código Civil de 2002, em face à do de 1916.
Aponta, contudo, que o
progresso realizado está muito aquém do desejável, dado
que, na virtual
totalidade dos casos, alternativas de redação propostas
pela autora foram
preferidas às correlatamente encontradas no Código de
2002. A pesquisa volta-se,
também, para a identificação de marcas lingüísticas
evidenciadoras de
mudanças axiológicas ocorridas na sociedade brasileira
desde a promulgação do
Código de 1916, e refletidas no de 2002. A dissertação
discute as relações entre
linguagem e poder e destaca a perversidade da
da ficção,
juridicamente necessária, de que a ninguém é dado
se de cumprir a lei
alegando o seu desconhecimento com a perpetuação de uma
linguagem jurídica
obscura e proliferação irrefreada de leis. Defende,
a adoção de uma
linguagem jurídica que, ao invés de afastar o homem
do conhecimento de
seus direitos e deveres em face da sociedade, se torne
meio propiciador
desse conhecimento. / [en] This work focuses on the relation between language and
Law, pointing out
the distance that prevails between legal language and the
language of the
common man. By comparing segments of the Brazilian Civil
Code of 1916 with
those of the Civil Code of 2002, in regard to Successions
Law, issues concerning
syntactic structure, use of vocabulary and the presence of
structural ambiguities
are analyzed. The identification of the main factors
responsible for the difficulties
faced by the common man in interpreting legal texts is
also pursued. By means of
an empirical research undertaken with informants, the
study establishes that
there has been a certain degree of progress, language-
wise, in what concerns
the Civil Code of 2002, as compared to that of 1916.
However, it points out that
the degree of progress that has been achieved is far less
considerable than that
which would be desirable, since, in virtually all cases,
the alternative linguistic
formulations proposed by the author were preferred over
their parallel
formulations found in the Civil Code of 2002. The research
also provides the
identification of linguistic traces which signal
axiological changes that have taken
place in Brazilian society since the promulgation of the
1916 Code, and which are
reflected in that of 2002.The thesis discusses the
relation between language and
power and calls attention to the perversity of the
coexistence of the necessary
juridical fiction that no one can be excused of abiding to
the law by claiming to
ignore it with the perpetuation of an obscure juridical
language and the
unrestrained proliferation of laws. It thus recommends the
adoption of a juridical
language that instead of deterring the common man from
finding out what his
rights and his responsibilities in face of society are,
transforms itself in a means
of favoring such knowledge.
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Legal formalism: a comparison between Jori and Schauer / El formalismo jurídico: un cotejo entre Jori y Schauer / Il formalismo giuridico: un confronto tra Jori e SchauerPintore, Anna 10 April 2018 (has links)
This essay examines and juxtaposes Mario Jori’s and Frederick Schauer’s ideas on legal formalism. Although developed independently of each other, these ideas show remarkable similarities: both focus on the notion of norm or rule as a tool for clarifying the notion of legal formalism; both defend legal formalism from the criticisms routinely moved against it. The author maintains that Jori’s and Schauer’s theories may contribute to shed light on (and criticize) the controversial notion of defeasibility of legal rules; they may also contribute to scale down, from a legal-theoretical point of view, the novelties of contemporary constitutional orders; finally, it may help to better understand their working machinery. / In questo saggio vengono esaminate e messe a confronto le idee di Mario Jori e di Frederick Schauer in tema di formalismo giuridico. Pur essendo state elaborate l’una indipendentemente dall’altra, presentano notevoli somiglianze, perché entrambe usano la nozione di norma o regola come punto focale per chiarire la nozione di formalismo giuridico, e perché entrambe difendono quest’ultimo dalle critiche usualmente rivolte ad esso. L’autrice ritiene che l’esame delle idee dei due autori possa contribuire a chiarire (e criticare) la controversa nozione di defeasibility delle norme giuridiche e possa altresì, in via generale, contribuire a ridimensionare, dal punto di vista teorico-giuridico, le novità del diritto degli odierni Stati costituzionali, oltre che a comprenderne meglio i meccanismi di funzionamento. / En este trabajo se examina y compara las ideas de Mario Jori y de Frederick Schauer en relación con el formalismo jurídico. A pesar de haber sido desarrolladas de forma independiente unas de las otras, dichas ideas presentan notables semejanzas ya que ambos autores utilizan el concepto de una norma o regla como punto focal para aclarar la noción de formalismo jurídico, y porque ambos lo defienden de las críticas que usualmente se le dirigen. La autora considera que el examen de las ideas de los dos autores puede contribuir a aclarar (y criticar) la controvertida noción de defeasibility (derrotabilidad) de las normas jurídicas y, de modo general, también a redimensionar, desde el punto de vista teórico-jurídico, las novedades que presentan los derechos de los modernos Estados constitucionales, y comprender mejor los mecanismos de su funcionamiento.
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Genre et conflits : l'effectivité de la résolution 1325 de l'ONU de l'oeuvre sur les femmes la paix et la sécurité / Gender and conflict : the effectiveness of the un resolution 1325 on women, peace and securityRobeye Rirangar, Aime 28 October 2016 (has links)
Les populations civiles, dont la majorité est constituée des femmes et des enfants (près de 70%), ont été de tout temps la cible privilégiée des conflits armés, qui s’accompagnent généralement des conséquences graves en matière des violations des droits de l’homme. Et pourtant les conventions et textes juridiques internationaux protègent les personnes civiles en temps de guerre. Dans le but de lutter contre l’exclusion des femmes aux processus de paix et faciliter leur participation, le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU a adopté le 31 octobre 2000 la résolution 1325 intitulée « les femmes, la paix et la sécurité », qui fait obligation aux Etats et aux organisations impliquées dans un conflit d’impliquer les femmes dans tous les processus de paix. L’adoption de cette résolution par le Conseil de Sécurité a permis de réaliser un certain nombre de progrès en matière de renforcement des mécanismes de protection des droits des femmes et de leur participation aux opérations de paix. Toutefois des efforts restent encore à faire pour atteindre les objectifs fixés notamment par l’adoption des plans d’actions nationaux par tous les Etats. / Civilians, which most of them are women and children (nearly 70%) were always the main target of armed conflicts, which generally involve serious consequences for human rights violations. Yet international conventions and laws protect civilians in wartime. In order to fight against women's exclusion in peace processes and facilitate their involvement, the UN Security Council adopted on October 31st 2000 the 1325's Resolution entitled " Women, Peace and Security " which requires states and organizations involved in a conflict to involve women in all peace processes. The Security Council's adoption of this resolution allowed to make some progress on strengthening women's rights protection mechanisms and participation in peacekeeping operations. However, efforts are still needed to achieve the objectives including the adoption of national action plans by all States.
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