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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att leva med anorexia nervosa - från ett patientperspektiv : en litteraturöversikt / To live with anorexia nervosa - from a patient perspective : a literature review

Ehrström, Sara, Gunnarsson, Tina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Anorexia nervosa (AN) är en komplex psykiatrisk sjukdom som inte endast drabbar individen utan även många i personens närhet. Tillståndet kännetecknas av en ohälsosam fokusering på kropp, vikt och mat. Det är ett påtagligt problem i samhället med ett stort mörkertal där många inte har tillgång till en korrekt behandling, vilket kan öka lidandet för personerna. Sjuksköterskans arbetsuppgift inkluderar att motverka ohälsa och lidande, vilket kräver större kompentens kring AN för att kunna vara ett stöd i individens väg tillbaka till en god hälsa. Det enda sättet att besitta kunskapen är att lyssna på patientens subjektiva upplevelser och erfarenheter.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur det är att leva med anorexia nervosa från ett patientperspektiv.  Metod: Denna icke-systematiska litteraturöversikt är baserad på 15 orginalartiklar, varav 13 är kvalitativa och 2 är kvantitativa. Artiklarna är hämtade från PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades efter Sophiahemmets Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. Resultatets artiklar analyserades och kategoriserades i tre huvudkategorier samt sju underkategorier.  Resultat: I huvudkategorin relationen till sjukdomen urskildes det att kontroll, inre konflikt, kroppsbild och återhämtningpåverkades av sjukdomen. I den andra huvudkategorin påverkan på identiteten kunde underkategorierna stigma och isolering urskiljas som bidragande faktorer till en påverkad självbild. I den sista huvudkategorin bli fri från sjukdomen identifierades vårdupplevelse vilket visade på hur processen till tillfrisknande upplevs.  Slutsats: Föreliggande litteraturöversikt visade att individens tillvaro och identitet påverkades negativt på grund av AN. Individen är ansvarig att starta tillfriskningsprocessen, där sjukvårdens roll är att motivera, stötta och hjälpa längs en komplex och jobbig process. Ökad kunskap och förståelse kring individens upplevelser av AN, möjliggör att en holistisk vård kan ges som är bättre anpassad till att möta personens behov. / Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex psychiatric disorder that affects not only the individual but also many people closest to the person. The condition is characterized by an unhealthy focus on the body, weight and food. It is a significant problem in society with a large number of people that are living in the dark with the AN and never treated, where many do not have access to proper treatment, which can increase the suffering of the people. The nurse's task includes preventing ill health and suffering, which requires greater knowledge around AN in order to assist in restoring the individual's health. The only way to possess the knowledge is to listen to the patient's subjective experiences and experiences.   Aim: The purpose was to describe what it is like to live with anorexia nervosa from a patient perspective.  Method: This non-systematic literature review is based on 15 original articles, of which 13 are qualitative and 2 are quantitative. The articles are taken from PubMed, CINAHL and PsycInfo. The articles were quality reviewed according to Sophiahemmet University's assessment basis. The article's articles were analyzed and categorized into three main categories and seven subcategories.  Results: In the main category the relationship to the disease, it was distinguished that control, internal conflict, body image and recovery were affected by the disease. In the second main category influence on identity, the subcategories of stigma and isolation could be distinguished as contributing factors to an affected self-image. In the last main category of being free from the disease, care experience was identified, which showed how the process of recovery is experienced.  Conclusions: The current literature review showed that the individual's existence and identity were negatively affected due to AN. The individual is responsible for starting the recovery process, where the role of healthcare is to motivate, support and help along a complex and difficult process. Greater knowledge and understanding of the individual's experiences of AN, enables holistic care to be provided that is better adapted to meet the individual's needs.

Det eviga livet här och nu : En vidgad förståelse av ζωή αἰώνιος i samtida reception av Johannesevangeliet / The Eternal Life Here and Now : A Widened Understanding of ζωή αἰώνιος in Contemporary Reception of the Gospel of John

Hellqvist, Kristina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the basis for an enlarged understanding of ζωή αἰώνιος; eternal life, in contemporary reception of the Gospel of John. Eternal life is often seen as a promise for life after physical death, but the theologians in focus, Paolo Ricca, Marianne Meye Thompson, John Sanford and Benjamin E. Reynolds, understand eternal life in John as a partially realized eschatology. The method is a comparative reception-historical analysis of these four scholars’ interpretations, including evaluation of their exegetic claims. The theologians’ arguments are mainly based on key passages such as John 5:24 and John 17:3, which points towards a presentic understanding of eternal life. The way the Gospel of John contrasts ψυχή, in John used for physical/earthly life, and ζωή, life in fullness, is another argument by Ricca and Thompson. Eternal life is based on an intimate relationship with God through Christ, and the acceptance of dependence on God. The fact that John often put εἰς; in to, before ζωή αἰώνιος, is another indication that eternal life is something dynamic and process-oriented, as pointed out by Ricca. Reynolds compares John with Jewish apocalyptic literature from the second temple period and discloses many similarities between John and apocalyptic Jewish literature in the understanding of a parallel reality, hidden but revealed. Sanford makes a synthesis of John and Jungian terminology and points out distance from the ego and leaning towards the drawing center (God) as the path to eternal life. Thompson includes the Holy Spirit in enabling eternal life. Ricca places eternal life in relation to salvation history, and presents an understanding of time where the future comes towards us. Love is the most prominent insignia of eternal life, and forms the basis for an ethics which can also imply transformation of society. In that way the soteriology of John can also be seen as something collective, even if the individual’s encounter with God and Christ is in focus.

Livet efter en underbensamputation - patientens upplevelse : En litteraturstudie / Life After a Lower Limb Amputation – the Patient’s Experience : A literature review

Andersson, Nina, Wallin, Tina January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: En underbensamputation innebär en stor livsförändring för patienten. En förlorad kroppsdel är inte bara en förlust av de funktionella förmågorna, de psykologiska förändringar som en amputation innebär ger upphov till en förlust av ett sätt att leva och en förlorad kontroll. Sjuksköterskans roll inom omvårdnaden efter en amputation är en central del för att främja rehabiliteringen, där kunskap för det psykiska måendet och lyhördhet inför den nya livssituationen är av stor vikt. Syftet: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att belysa forskning om patienters upplevelse av det dagliga livet efter en underbensamputation. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserad på tolv studier med kvalitativ studiedesign. Lämpliga studier valdes ut och kvalitetsgranskning genomfördes enligt SBU:s kvalitetsgranskningsmall (SBU 2014). Därefter genomfördes analys utifrån Popenoe m.fl. (2021) där resultatet kategoriserades. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier identifierades i resultatet, upplevelse av förändring i det dagliga livet, en förändrad kroppsuppfattning och att främja välbefinnandet. Under respektive huvudkategori urskildes subkategorier, dessa innefattade upplevda hinder i vardagen, upplevelse av smärta och fantomsmärta, förändring i relationer, förlust av självständighet, känsla av maktlöshet, upplevelsen av den nya spegelbilden, det sociala nätverket som stöd, vägen till självständighet och anpassningen till den nya livssituationen. Konklusion: Förlusten av en kroppsdel är permanent och innebär en stor förändring hos patienterna i det dagliga livet. Oavsett bakomliggande orsak till amputationen gav detta upphov till olika hinder i vardagen, en förlust av självständighet och en förändrad spegelbild. För att främja återhämtning och rehabilitering var förberedelse, tydlig information och delaktighet av stor vikt samtidigt som en personcentrerad vård såg till hela patientens behov. / Background: Lower limb amputation represents a major life change for the patient. The loss of a limb is a loss of functional abilities where psychological changes lead to a loss of way of life and control. The nurses can help promote rehabilitation, where knowledge of the patient’s well-being and sensitivity to the new life situation are important. Purpose: The purpose of this literature review is to highlight research on patients’ experience of daily life after a lower limb amputation. Method: Qualitative literature review based on twelve studies with a qualitative study design. Suitable studies were selected, a quality review was conducted according to SBU's quality review template (SBU 2014). Analysis was then carried out according to Popenoe et al. (2021), where the results were categorized. Results: Three main categories were identified, experience of change in daily life, changed body image and promoting well- being. Under each main category, subcategories were distinguished, perceived barriers in daily life, experience of pain and phantom pain, change in relationships, loss of independence, feeling powerless, experiencing a new mirror image, the social network as support, the path to independence and adaptation to the new life situation. Conclusion: The loss of a limb is permanent and represents a major change in patients’ lives. Regardless of the case of the amputation, it resulted in various barriers to daily life, loss of independence and an altered reflection. To promote recovery and rehabilitation, preparation, clear information, and participation were essential while person-centred care addressed the needs of the whole patient.

Vuxna personers erfarenhet av att leva med irritable bowel syndrome : en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt / Adults experience of living with irritable bowel syndrome : a non-systematic literature review

Ekstrand Kungberg, Emelie, Stragapede, Melissa January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund   Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) är en mag- och tarmsjukdom som drabbar cirka 18 procent av den svenska befolkningen och som medför en lägre livskvalitet. Irritable bowel syndrome är en komplex sjukdom med en multifaktoriell etiologi där vanliga symtom är exempelvis magsmärtor, förstoppning och diarré. I vården blir personer med IBS ofta felaktigt bemötta och det finns ett ökat behov av kunskap hos sjuksköterskor kring IBS för att kunna erbjuda en god och personcentrerad vård. Syfte Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva vuxna personers erfarenhet att leva med irritable bowel syndrome. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt valdes som metod för att besvara studiens syfte där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metodansats inkluderades. Sökningen av artiklar genomfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL där valda artiklar kvalitetsgranskades i enlighet med Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag. Resultatet sammanställdes genom en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat Två huvudkategorier framkom i resultatet; Utmaningar i det dagliga livet och Mötet med hälso- och sjukvården. Personer upplevde att IBS påverkade negativt den fysiska och psykiska hälsan, yrkes- och privatlivet samt att det fanns brister i sjukvården. Sjukdoms påverkan över det dagliga livet är dubbelriktad där psykosociala faktorer samspelar med symtomen. Personer som sökt vård för IBS besvär upplever att de inte får tillräckligt med stöd och att de inte blir tagna på allvar. Resultatet diskuterades sedan med stöd av Erikssons teori om lidande så kallad Caritativ vårdande. Slutsats Denna litteraturöversikt belyste vuxna personers erfarenheter av att leva med IBS. Resultatet påvisade att IBS har en komplex påverkan på personernas dagliga liv och brister i mötet med sjukvårdspersonal. Genom ökad kunskap kring detta skulle sjuksköterskor kunna arbeta mer personcentrerat för att kunna bemöta och stötta personer med IBS. / Background Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects approximately 18 percent of the Swedish population and leads to a lower quality of life. Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex disease with multifactorial etiology, where common symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea. People with IBS are often wrongly treated in the healthcare system, where there is an increased need for knowledge among nurses about IBS in order to offer good and person-centered care.  Aim The aim of the literature review was to describe adults’ experiences of living with irritable bowel syndrome. Method  A non-systematic literature review was chosen as the method to answer the purpose of the study where 12 scientific articles with a quantitative and qualitative approach were included. The search for articles was carried out in the databases PubMed and CINAHL and selected articles were quality checked in accordance with Sophiahemmet University’s assessment document. The results were compiled through an integrated data analysis.  Results Two main categories emerged in the results: Challenges in their daily lives and The encounter with healthcare. People experienced that IBS negatively affected their physical and mental health, work and personal life, and that there were shortcomings in healthcare. The impact of the disease on daily life is bidirectional, where psychosocial factors interact with the symptoms. People seeking care for IBS problems often feel that they do not receive enough support and that they are not taken seriously. The result was discussed with the support of Eriksson´s theory about suffering, known as Caritative caring.   Conclusions This literature review emphasizes adult’s experiences of living with IBS. The results showed that IBS has a complex impact on a person’s daily life and can create challenges when interacting with healthcare professionals. By increasing knowledge about this, nurses could work more patient-centered in order to meet and support people with IBS.

Patienters upplevelser av hur hjärtsvikt påverkar det dagliga livet : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie / Patients' Experiences Of How Heart Failure Affects Daily Life : A Qualitative Literature Study

Akel, Amina, Steen, Tyra January 2024 (has links)
I Sverige drabbas omkring 2% av befolkningen av hjärtsvikt, således är det sannolikt att den grundutbildade sjuksköterskan kommer att behöva bemöta samt vårda denna patientgrupp. Hjärtsvikt är en kronisk sjukdom där hjärtats funktion är nedsatt, detta innebär en livslång behandling med ansvar på patienten att följa egenvårdsråd och monitorera sina symtom. För att i bästa mån kunna bedriva god omvårdnad och stödja patienterna i sin hjärtsvikt, krävs det att sjuksköterskan är införstådd i patientens perspektiv. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa patienters upplevelser av hur hjärtsvikt påverkar det dagliga livet. Metod: Litteraturstudien genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats, där litteratursökningen av kvalitativa empiriska studier utfördes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Tolv artiklar valdes ut och kvalitetsgranskades enligt SBU:s granskningsmall. En innehållsanalys utfördes enligt Popenoe m.fl. metod för dataanalys av kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Ur analysen framkom det tre huvudkategorier och åtta underkategorier. Huvudkategorierna var följande: Personliga besvär av att leva med hjärtsvikt, Hinder i det dagliga livet samt Strategier för att hantera livet med hjärtsvikt. Patienterna besvärades av fysiska, psykiska samt existentiella besvär. Till följd av besvären blev patienterna begränsade, både kroppsligt, mentalt och socialt, där de kroppsliga och mentala begränsningarna resulterade i att patienterna hamnade i beroendeställning av andra. Slutligen framkom strategier som patienterna hade skapat för att hantera livet med hjärtsvikt. Konklusion: Ur litteraturstudiens resultat kan det påvisas att hjärtsvikt hade påverkan på patienternas dagliga liv. Flera aspekter och dimensioner av patienternas vardag blev påverkade. Om sjuksköterskor får ökad förståelse för patienternas perspektiv av sjukdomen, kan deras professionsutövande utvecklas i positiv riktning. / Circa 2% of the Swedish population suffer from heart failure, therefore there is a possibility that every nurse will at least once need to attend to this patient-group. Heart failure is a chronic condition where the heart function is reduced, this leads to life-long treatment with the patient being responsible for following self-care instructions and monitoring their symptoms. In order to provide the best possible care for patients with heart failure, it is necessary that nurses understand the patient’s perspective of their condition. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to illustrate patients’ experiences of how heart failure affects daily life. Method: The literature study was based on a qualitative study design. The database search was conducted in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. Twelve scientific articles were quality checked according to SBU’s review template. The data analysis was performed using Popenoe’s et al. method for analysing qualitative articles. Results: Three categories and eight subcategories emerged from the data analysis. The main categories were: Personal difficulties due to living with heart failure, Obstacles in daily life and Strategies to cope with living with heart failure. The patients were troubled by physical, psychological and existential difficulties. Because of the difficulties, the patients became hindered in physical, mental and social aspects of life. The physical and mental obstacles resulted in patients becoming dependent on others in their daily life. Finally, the results showed that patients created strategies to cope living with heart failure. Conclusion: The literature study’s result demonstrated that heart failure affects patients’ daily lives. Several aspects and dimensions of the patients’ daily lives were affected. If nurses were to gain a deeper understanding of patients' experiences of heart failure, then their professional practice could develop in a positive direction.

Demanding Certainty : A Critical Examination of Swedish Spatial Planning for Safety.

Berglund Snodgrass, Lina January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation constitutes a critical examination of Swedish spatial planning for safety. Spatial planning for safety rests on a number of assumptions about the desired order of the world. These assumptions appear as given and unproblematic, making the formulation of alternatives appear unnecessary. This dissertation provides an account of how, and on what basis a spatial planning problem such as ‘fear and insecurity’ is formulated and acted upon. It is an account of how and what conceptions of knowledge operate to legitimise ideological representations of spatial planning problems. And furthermore, what these ideological representations of spatial planning problems substantially entail, so as to allow for a political spatial planning practice that formulates and deliberates alternatives. This is carried out by analysing assumptions of public life and knowledge within Swedish spatial planning for safety.  This dissertation finds that Swedish spatial planning for safety constitutes ‘certainty’ as a hegemonic criterion for participating in public life, which operates to limit the articulation of alternative discourses in spatial planning for safety. The desired for safe public life is organised based on visual certainty, where the urban fabric should be configured in such ways as to allow for stereotypical visual identifications of one another. Such a public life reflects an individualised practice, where perceptions of fear should be governed by individuals themselves, by independently assessing situations and environments in terms of risks. This individualised conduct is coupled with the fostering of active subjects, which encompasses being engaged in the local residential areas as well as in one another. Such substantial content of ‘planning for safety’ brings about tensions in terms of its ideological legitimating basis, by moving from principles of ‘rights’, where the individual constitutes the first ethical planning subject, to unitary principles of ‘collective values’, in which the ‘community’ constitutes the first ethical planning subject. These presuppositions are further enabled through the ways in which knowledge is conceptualised in spatial planning. This dissertation argues that a hegemonic instrumental emphasis on knowledge in spatial planning prevails. Having such a hegemonic emphasis on knowledge has the implication that even though spatial planning adopts different assumptions, or moves between alternative assumptions of knowledge, the knowledge becomes meaningful only in its instrumental implementation. The instrumental emphasis on knowledge should be regarded in light of the rational and goal-oriented nature of project-based planning, which constitutes a logic that constrains the emphasis on knowledge in spatial planning. This dissertation argues further that if spatial planning should be considered a political practice that debates its goals and values, a politicisation of the emphasis on knowledge in spatial planning is imperative.

Mathematical models of a tick borne disease in a British game bird with potential management strategies

Porter, Rosalyn January 2011 (has links)
Louping ill virus (LIV) is a tick borne disease that causes mortality in red grouse, an economically important game bird of British uplands. The aim of this thesis is to extend previously published models of LIV , to consider the potential impact of different management strategies. In addition a new route of infection and the seasonal biology of both grouse and ticks will be explored. Grouse chicks are known to eat ticks as part of their diet in the first three weeks of life which may contribute to virus persistence if chicks consume infected ticks. This novel route of infection is incorporated in to the model which predicts that ingestion increases the range of host densities for which the virus is able to persist. The ingestion of ticks by grouse also reduces the tick population so that for low host densities the ingestion of ticks by grouse reduces the tick population so virus cannot persist. The model is adapted to take account of the seasonal biology of grouse and ticks. Although the temporal predictions of the seasonal models show some differences the addition of seasonality does not alter the model predictions of when LIV is likely to persist at different grouse and deer densities. Consequently seasonality is felt to be unimportant when considering management strategies. The treatment of sheep with acaricide in an attempt to reduce the tick population on a grouse moor is currently being trialled in Scotland. We use a model to predict the likely effect of this strategy at different deer densities. The number of ticks found attached to sheep varies so we consider the effect of tick attachment rates as well as acaricide efficacy. Although we predict that acaricide treated sheep can reduce the tick population and therefore LIV in grouse in some circumstances the treatment is less effective in the presence of deer. Consequently we use a model to make theoretical predictions of the effectiveness of acaricide treated deer as a control strategy for reducing LIV in red grouse. The effect of culling deer on LIV in grouse is also modelled and contrasted with the effect of acaricide use. It is predicted that acaricide treatment of deer could be highly effective, particularly if the deer density is first reduced by culling. Finally we considered the direct treatment of red grouse with acaricide. Female grouse can be given an acaricidal leg band which protects her directly and indirectly protects her chicks as they acquire some acaricide whilst brooding. Trials have suggested this can reduce tick burdens for individuals. We use the model to determine the potential effect that treating individual broods may have on the whole grouse population. The model predictions suggest that unless acaricide efficacy on chicks is high and long lasting treating individual broods is unlikely to reduce LIV in the whole population but will still provide some benefit for the individuals. The effectiveness of treatment is reduced by higher deer densities. The success of the management strategies considered in this thesis appear to be restricted by the presence of deer. It may therefore be that a combination of treatments including the treatment of deer may be of the greatest benefit to the grouse population.

Uticaj mikrostrukture na prelaznu temperaturu ADI materijala / Microstructure influence on ductile to brittle transition temperature of ADI materials

Rajnović Dragan 10 July 2015 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je izvršena karakterizacija mikrostrukture i mehaničkih osobina<br />nelegiranog austemperovanogi nodularnog liva (ADI materijala), kao i uticaja<br />mikrostrukture na prelaznu temperaturu u intervalu od -196 do +100&deg;C.<br />Utvrđeno je da mehaničke osobine ADI-ja zavise od morfologije ausferitne<br />mikrostrukture i količine zadržanog austenita, tj. parametara austemperovanja.<br />Na osnovu mehaničkih osobina utvrđen je i opseg procesiranja u skladu sa<br />standardima ASTM, ISO i EN. Zaključeno je da prelazna temperatura ADI<br />materijala zavisi od količine i stabilnosti zadržanog austenita. U višem<br />temperaturnom opsegu (iznad cca. -25&deg;C) dominantna je količina zadržanog<br />austenita, dok na nižim temperaturama, stabilnost. Visoka obogaćenost<br />ugljenikom, stabilnog zadržanog austenita sprečava stvaranje martenzita na<br />niskim temperaturama, a time i pojavu krtosti kod ADI-ja.</p> / <p>The object of this thesis was to characterize microstructure and mechanical properties<br />of the unalloyed ADI material (Austempered Ductile Iron). In addition, the influence of<br />microstructure on the ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) by Charpy impact<br />test in temperature interval from 196 to +100&deg;C has been studied. The all properties<br />obtained depend on the morphology of microstructure and the amount of retained<br />austenite, i.e. on the austempering parameters. According to the mechanical properties<br />and standard requirements (ASTM, ISO and EN) the processing window has been<br />proposed, also. It was found that DBTT is influenced by amount and stability of retained<br />austenite. In upper temperature range (above cca. 25&deg;C) the most influence factor on<br />DBTT is amount of retained austenite, while at the lower temperatures the stability is<br />more prominent. Stability of high carbon retained austenite at lower temperatures<br />prevents transformation to martensite and thus the embrittlement of ADI.</p>

May the Best Man Win : Non-stereotypical Masculinity in the Novel A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. / Må bäste man vinna : Icke-stereotypisk maskulinitet i romanen Ett Litet Liv av Hanya Yanagihara.

Edvinsson, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
In this essay, Hanya Yanagihara’s main characters from the novel A Little Life (2015) are analyzed, with the basis of gender stereotypes and with the help of Raewyn Connell’s theory of hegemonic masculinity. It argues that the characters in question challenge the typical gender roles in the way that they are lacking in comparison to Connell’s theory of hegemonic masculinity and are portrayed with feminine attributes. Yanagihara’s portrayal of masculinity creates a depth to the characters in questions and a more complex view of masculinity. / I denna uppsatsen analyseras Hanya Yanagiharas fyra huvudkaraktärer i boken Ett Litet Liv (2015) utifrån könsstereotyper samt med hjälp av Raewyn Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet. Den argumenterar för att karaktärerna utmanar de typiska könsrollerna genom att de inte når upp till den hegemoniska maskuliniteten och visas med feminina attribut. Sättet Yanagihara visar upp maskulinitet skapar ett djup om karaktärerna och en mer komplex syn på maskulinitet.

Kriminaliseringen av tillhandahållandet av sjukvård som ett stöd till terrorism : En studie av säkerhetsrådets antiterrorismresolutioner och nationell antiterrorismlagstiftning i ljuset av mänskliga rättigheter och internationell humanitär rätt / The Criminalization of Health Care as Support for Terrorism : An Examination of Security Council Counter-Terrorism Resolutions and National Counter-Terrorism Legislation in the Light of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law

Isaksson, Cecilia January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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