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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Licenshantering : - Är företag medvetna om sin licenshanteringssituation? / Licensmanagement : - Are companies aware of their license management situation?

Andersson, Tobias, Martinson, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>I ett samhälle där upphovsrätten och immaterialrätten blir allt mer uppmärksammad är det viktigt för företag att vara medvetna om sitt innehav av licenser för mjukvaror. I detta arbete kommer företags medvetenhet om deras licenshanteringssituation att undersökas. I den här rapporten kommer problemställningen att undersökas med hjälp av intervjuer med företag. Dessa intervjuer kommer att ske via telefon och per e-post. Ett liknande arbete har tidigare inte gjorts och därför känns det relevant samt intressant att göra denna undersökning.</p><p>Arbetet resulterade i intervjusvar från 11 företag. Det visade sig att företagens medvetenhet om deras licenshantering varierade stort, vilket även att storleken på företagen och innehav av en policy för licenshantering bland företagen gjorde. Metoden för licenshantering och licensinventering skiljde sig åt bland företagen.</p><p>Ett flertal program, tillammans med pärmar och Excel-listor var de dominerande licenshanteringsmetoderna bland företagen. Mjukvarutillverkarna och deras intresseorganisationer däribland BSA ställer krav på att företag som använder deras licensierade programvaror skall ha en strukturerad licenshantering. De ser gärna att företagen följer någon vedertagen metod för detta, en sådan metod är Software Asset Management, SAM.</p><p>Det är svårt att rekommendera någon licenshanteringsmetod och program som fungerar för samtliga företag, då användandet av dessa är väldigt företags- och organisationsspecifikt. De flesta större mjukvaror som finns i dagsläget följer en vedertagen metod för licenshantering och fungerar därmed bra att tillförlitligt inventera licenser med.</p> / <p>In a community where copyright and intellectual property law is getting more attention in the media, it is important for companies to be aware of their possession of software licenses. In this thesis we are going to investigate the awareness of the software licensing situation in some companies. To collect data that can be analyzed, we are interviewing companies. The interviews are performed by phone or e-mail. A similar report hasn’t been done before therefore it’s an interesting subject to look at.</p><p>The interviews resulted in answers from 11 companies. The answers showed that the awareness about software licensing among the companies had big variations. Some other things that varied among the companies were the size of the companies and the usage of software licensing policy within the companies. The way and method of handling software licensing also varied among the companies.</p><p>A lot of software programs, along with folders and Excel-lists dominated the method of handling software licenses among the companies. Software developing companies together with their interest organization for example BSA has demands on companies using their software to have a foreseeable documentation for the software licenses. They gladly see that the companies uses a best practice method to manage their license possessions, one best practice method is Software Asset Management, SAM.</p><p>It is hard to recommend a method for software license management to a non-specific company, because every company has a unique organization and computer network structure. Most of the big license management software is following a best practice method for software license management.</p>

Licenshantering : - Är företag medvetna om sin licenshanteringssituation? / Licensmanagement : - Are companies aware of their license management situation?

Andersson, Tobias, Martinson, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
I ett samhälle där upphovsrätten och immaterialrätten blir allt mer uppmärksammad är det viktigt för företag att vara medvetna om sitt innehav av licenser för mjukvaror. I detta arbete kommer företags medvetenhet om deras licenshanteringssituation att undersökas. I den här rapporten kommer problemställningen att undersökas med hjälp av intervjuer med företag. Dessa intervjuer kommer att ske via telefon och per e-post. Ett liknande arbete har tidigare inte gjorts och därför känns det relevant samt intressant att göra denna undersökning. Arbetet resulterade i intervjusvar från 11 företag. Det visade sig att företagens medvetenhet om deras licenshantering varierade stort, vilket även att storleken på företagen och innehav av en policy för licenshantering bland företagen gjorde. Metoden för licenshantering och licensinventering skiljde sig åt bland företagen. Ett flertal program, tillammans med pärmar och Excel-listor var de dominerande licenshanteringsmetoderna bland företagen. Mjukvarutillverkarna och deras intresseorganisationer däribland BSA ställer krav på att företag som använder deras licensierade programvaror skall ha en strukturerad licenshantering. De ser gärna att företagen följer någon vedertagen metod för detta, en sådan metod är Software Asset Management, SAM. Det är svårt att rekommendera någon licenshanteringsmetod och program som fungerar för samtliga företag, då användandet av dessa är väldigt företags- och organisationsspecifikt. De flesta större mjukvaror som finns i dagsläget följer en vedertagen metod för licenshantering och fungerar därmed bra att tillförlitligt inventera licenser med. / In a community where copyright and intellectual property law is getting more attention in the media, it is important for companies to be aware of their possession of software licenses. In this thesis we are going to investigate the awareness of the software licensing situation in some companies. To collect data that can be analyzed, we are interviewing companies. The interviews are performed by phone or e-mail. A similar report hasn’t been done before therefore it’s an interesting subject to look at. The interviews resulted in answers from 11 companies. The answers showed that the awareness about software licensing among the companies had big variations. Some other things that varied among the companies were the size of the companies and the usage of software licensing policy within the companies. The way and method of handling software licensing also varied among the companies. A lot of software programs, along with folders and Excel-lists dominated the method of handling software licenses among the companies. Software developing companies together with their interest organization for example BSA has demands on companies using their software to have a foreseeable documentation for the software licenses. They gladly see that the companies uses a best practice method to manage their license possessions, one best practice method is Software Asset Management, SAM. It is hard to recommend a method for software license management to a non-specific company, because every company has a unique organization and computer network structure. Most of the big license management software is following a best practice method for software license management.

「中華人民共和國行政許可法」之研究 / The reserch about the administrative license law of the People’S Republic Of China

李明益 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自一九七○年代末期以來所展開之經濟體制改革,不僅經濟體制本身受到關注,其法制建設亦逐步恢復。由於大陸長期以來實行高度集中之計劃經濟體制,使得行政許可之運用極度膨脹,已滲透到經濟、社會各個領域,幾乎到了動輒要許可、步步要審批的地步,嚴重影響大陸當前正著力推行之企業經營機制的轉換與經濟效益的提高。有鑑於此,大陸乃在一九九六年著手行政許可法之調查研究及起草工作,嗣經進一步反覆研究、修改及意見徵詢,再予增減損益後,終於在二○○三年八月二十七日第十屆全國人大常委會第四次會議通過《中華人民共和國行政許可法》,內容計八章八十三條,舉凡行政許可設定權、行政許可之實施機關及程序、行政許可之收費、監督與檢查、違反本法規定之行政許可機關及其工作人員與被許可人之法律責任等,均在本法規範調整之列,並預定於二○○四年七月一日施行。惟本法就行政許可制度之基本程序設計是否完備,使得行政許可制度既能發揮行政規制之功能,又能適當調節人民權利之行使與公益的衝突;在大陸加入WTO後,既應接受WTO規則之約束,本法之相關規定是否符合WTO規則關於非歧視、透明化、自由貿易、公平競爭等原則之要求,均有待進一步檢討。 / The reform of the economic structure since the late 1970s in the People's Republic of China (PRC)has made a gradual recovery of the legal system.Due to the planned economy structure for a long time, the system of administrative license abused in the field of society and economics had severely done harm to the transformation of enterprise management mechanism and the enhancement of economic efficiency.According to this, the PRC government began to research and draft the administrative license law since 1996 .After unceasing investigation、amendment and opinion collecting,the Administrative License Law of The People's Republic of China has been adopted at the 4th session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 27, 2003 and shall be implemented as of July 1, 2004.The law including 8 chapters and 83 articles stipulates the establishment of an administrative license、the executive organ for administrative license、the procedures for administrative license、the expenses of administrative license、the supervision and check、legal liabilities and so on.But is the basic procedure design of the system of administrative license stipulated by the law perfect so that it could manage administration and adjust the conflict between people exercising right and public benefit?and do the stipulations of the law correspod with the requirements of WTO rules which include non-discriminatory、transparency、free trade、fair competition principles and so on?all of them need further discussion.

License Plate Recognition algorithms and their application to Macao license plates

Ho, Wai Yiu January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Science and Technology / Department of Computer and Information Science

Gestion du patrimoine logiciel et Cloud Computing / Software Asset Management and Cloud Computing

Vion, Anne-Lucie 29 March 2018 (has links)
Dans le Cloud, peu de travaux traitent de l’analyse de l’usage réel et dynamique des logiciels consommés afin de déterminer les coûts réels engendrés et le respect des droits acquis auprès des fournisseurs de ces ressources. L’émergence de la pratique du Software Asset Management (SAM) traduit pourtant la préoccupation grandissante des industriels et des ‘Telcos’ (Entreprises de télécommunications) face à la complexité des modèles de licences dans des environnements virtualisés qui bouleversent nos usages de logiciel.La réponse des éditeurs de logiciel est souvent une incitation à ne plus suivre la consommation de licences, par le biais de contrats onéreux de consommation illimitée, rendant impossible une politique de maîtrise des coûts. Pour les utilisateurs finaux comme pour les fournisseurs de services cloud, il devient impératif de maîtriser et d’optimiser le déploiement des licences dans le Cloud.L’objectif devient celui de maitriser les besoins logiciels, au plus proche du temps réel, puis de générer des scénarii d’optimisation basés sur l’évolution de la consommation en modélisant les coûts réels afférents. Cela représente un levier de gains considérables pour tous les acteurs du cycle de vie du logiciel.Le contexte d’étude couvre l’ensemble du scope du Cloud (applications, plateformes, infrastructures et réseaux). Les travaux présentés ici s’attache à reconstituer tout le cycle de vie du logiciel, de l’achat jusqu’à la désinstallation, en intégrant les contraintes liées à sa nature ou à son usage. Nous proposons de résoudre le verrou majeur de l’identification du logiciel et de ses droits d’usage par la création et le suivi d’un tag.Nous proposons également une modélisation innovante s’appuyant sur une base de données graphe qui permet d’intégrer l’instantanéité des changements de configuration, de prendre en compte les différentes responsabilités impliquées par les niveaux de services offerts, tout en offrant la souplesse nécessaire pour supporter à la fois des modèles de licence classiques, ou à l’usage.Deux cas d’usages seront envisagés pour juger de la pertinence des modèles proposés : la gestion des licences dans un contexte de Plateforme as a Service (PaaS) et dans un cas de virtualisation de réseau (NFV). / Bout Cloud, only few works deals with dynamic and real usage analyse of deployed software in order to determine the true related costs, and licensing compliance with acquired rights from the software editors.However, the emergence of Software Asset Management (SAM) shows the growing concerns of the industry and carriers facing the licensing model complexity especially in virtualized environments where the software usage is disrupted.Editor’s answer consists in proposing to stop following this consumption via very expensive illimited-usage contracts. It makes impossible implementation of true cost management policies. For final users like for cloud service providers, it is crucial to manage and optimize license deployment in cloud environments.The aim is first to control Software need, as close as possible to real time, then to generate optimization scenario based on consumption evolution by cost modelization.It represents a valuable saving leverage and may let spring up new licensing model, more profitable for each software lifecycle’s stakeholders.Usage context covers all scope of Cloud (application, infrastructure and network). Our works propose to rebuild the Software life-cycle, from procurement to deinstallation, encompassing the constraints of it nature and usages. We propose to solve software identification issue by creation and monitoring of tags.Additionally, we propose an innovative modeling based on a graph database which allows instant integration of configuration changes, to take into account the different level of responsibility induced by the different level of granted services. It offers enough flexibility to handle classical licensing models as use-based model which are often more attractive for cloud-users.Two use-cases will be developed to evaluate our models ‘efficiency : the software licensing management in PaaS (Plateform as a Service) context and in NFV environments (Network Function Virtualization).

Dynamic Discrete Choice Estimation of Lifetime Deer Hunting License Demand

Yusun Kim (12476673) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p> The sales of deer licenses, one of the most important revenue sources for wildlife management at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), have been declining for a decade. To increase its funds, the agency is considering launching a new lifetime deer license, which would allow hunters to harvest deer (and possibly other species) each year for the rest of their lives in exchange for a large, up-front fee. The forward-looking nature of the decision to buy a lifetime license means hunters’ choice behavior is necessarily dynamic. We estimate a dynamic discrete choice model using data from a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to capture this forward-looking choice behavior and to estimate hunters’ preferences for different lifetime license designs. We find that our dynamic model better fits our data than a standard, static choice model. We also find that hunters prefer licenses that allow (i) harvest of antlered and antlerless deer to one that only allows harvest of antlerless deer and (ii) harvest of additional species beyond just deer. We use our model to estimate the price of lifetime licenses that maximizes IDNR revenues. This is the first study to estimate the value of lifetime deer hunting licenses using a dynamic approach. This dynamic approach can help improve the IDNR’s decision-making to maximize its revenue and stabilize wildlife management funds.  </p>

Le contrôle du contenu des programmes audiovisuels : étude comparative des systèmes français et thaï

Joyjaroen, Juraiporn 29 January 2011 (has links)
La Thaïlande est un pays sous régime de monarchie constitutionnelle mais il subit souvent les interventions militaires. Malgré l’installation de la démocratie en 1932 et le développement des textes juridiques, la liberté d’expression et le droit de la communication sont limités. Le marché audiovisuel est préoccupé par les opérateurs ayant obtenu les contrats de concession de l’État pour une durée excessive. La solution proposée par la Constitution de 1997 est de créer une autorité de régulation indépendante de communication audiovisuelle pour, d’une part, renforcer l’exercice de la liberté d’expression et le droit de la communication ainsi que la mise en place des principes fondamentaux de la communication audiovisuelle, et, d’autre part, attribuer à nouveaux les fréquences pour l’ouverture totale du marché audiovisuel afin d’offrir une variété de choix aux téléspectateurs ou aux auditeurs. La création de l’autorité de régulation de communication audiovisuelle a été interrompue plusieurs fois par les décisions du Tribunal administratif, du fait de conflit d’intérêts, et a finalement été annulée par le coup d’État en 2006, abrogeant la Constitution de 1997. La Constitution actuelle de 2007 impose de créer une seule autorité de régulation chargée de l’audiovisuel et des télécommunications pour faire face au développement des technologies qui convergent. Aujourd’hui, cette autorité n’est pas encore mise en place. La lacune dans la régulation des deux domaines de communication s’agrandit. Depuis la suppression du monopole étatique de l’audiovisuel, la France a connu trois autorités de régulation. L’exercice des droits et libertés de la communication se développe progressivement. L’étude sur la comparaison avec le système français pourrait orienter la Thaïlande vers le chemin de la démocratie et du développement. / Although Thailand is a constitutional monarchy country with the establishment of democracy and the development of legal texts, it is often subject to military intervention which creates the limitation of freedom of expression and the rights to communicate. The audiovisual market is dominated by the operators who obtain the concession contracts of the State for too long. The solution of the mentioned problem is proposed by the 1997 Constitution, which is to create an independent regulatory authority for audiovisual communication to improve the exercise of freedom of expression on communication law and to implement the basic principles of audiovisual communication. Moreover an allotment of new frequencies is also important for the full opening of the audiovisual market in order to vary the choices for viewers and listeners. The creation of the regulatory authority of audiovisual communication has been interrupted several times by the committee’s conflict of interest. In 2006, it was unfortunately withdrawn by the coup by repealing the 1997 Constitution. After that in The 2007 Constitution, it is required the establishment of a single regulatory authority for broadcasting and telecommunications to meet the development of converging technologies however the authority has not been implemented yet. So the gaps in regulation between two areas of communications are growing.In France, there are three of regulatory authorities of audiovisual communication which have been formed after the abolition of state monopoly of broadcasting. The study of French’s basic principles of audiovisual communication could guide Thailand in several ways since the rights and the freedoms of communication in Thailand have been democratically developing gradually

Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright law

Vlasák, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
- CONTRACTUAL COPYRIGHT LAW This theses deals with contracts in copyright law. Its main aim is to describe legal regulation concerning most frequent types of contracts in copyright law and to compare the regulation of these contracts as it was before the recodification of Czech private law, which was done by the new civil code, with the state after it and to mark out main terminological and conceptual changes, which have some connection to contractual copyright law. The work consists of eight chapters. The first chapter contains a brief overview of domestic sources of contractual copyright law. The second chapter explains some basic concepts of copyright law which have some relation to the contractual law - the concepts of authors' rights and prohibition of its transfer to other person and terms of license and consent in copyright law. In this chapter reader also finds subchapters on new legal definition of things and ownership in the new civil code and how these new definitions influence copyrighted works and license agreements. Chapters three to eight describe the legal regulation of the most important types of contracts in the contractual copyright law. The third chapter is the core of the work. It describes in detail the license agreement. It points out irregularities of contractual process in...

Autorskoprávní ochrana počítačových programů / Copyright protection of software

Pech, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to provide an overview of the increasingly more important world of copyright protection as it concerns computer programs. The focus of this overview being primarily that of the national law of the Czech Republic, however this diploma thesis takes into account international law where applicable as well. The thesis begins with an introduction into the very concept of copyright law, the definition of a copyrightable work and that of computer programs and terms related therein. What follows is a brief account of the history of computer programs and computer programing in general as a basis for the following legal perspective into the matter. An international overview of the subject matter follows, including a look at key moments from an international perspective at the field of copyright protection of computer programs, including a brief overview of the Berne Convention, the TRIPS Agreement as well as aspects of European Law. Computer programs as subjects of copyright protection, including additional classification, are the basis of the next chapter, while an account of the specifics of authorship, co-authorship, collective works and works created under employment follows thereafter. The subject matter of copyright itself, distinctions therein, the subject matter of...

Vztahy centrální banky k bankám obchodním / Relationship between the central bank and commercial banks

Haasová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Relations of the Central bank to Commercial banks This thesis deals with the relations among the central bank and commercial banks laying emphasize on the situation in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to characterize and analyze relations among the Czech National Bank and commercial banks, to evaluate them and suggest possible legislative improvements to strengthen the stability of banking institutions and thus the entire economy. In the beginning of the thesis the basic terms are defined. Then the types of relations among the central bank and commercial banks are described. The thesis is due to the wide number of emerging relations among the central bank and commercial banks focused mainly on relations associated with entrance into the banking sector, on the proper functioning of banks and on the relations associated with their extinction. The main part of the thesis is logically divided into another three parts. The first part describes the mechanism of granting banking licenses and the possibility of foreign institutions's establishment in the Czech banking market. Huge attention is dedicated to the unique bank license concept. In the second part there are described the most important conditions that are necessary for the banking sector to run properly. Most of this section is...

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