Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life cycle essessment"" "subject:"life cycle bioassessment""
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The total number of mobile subscriptions has been announced to reach 6 billion in the market, of which 4 billion are individual users. The rest of the people on earth are potential subscribers that mainly live in rural areas lacking mobile connectivity today. Many of these users do not have access to electricity and have 6 U.S. dollar per month (USD/month) of average revenue per person. Referring to the year 2007, the telecommunication industry had a contribution of 0.6 percent of direct global carbon dioxide (CO2) or 0.4 percent of global carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). From 2007 to 2009, the number of off-grid radio base stations located in rural areas went up from 350,000 to 500,000. Nearly all of these sites use diesel generators and large amounts of fossil fuels during the operational stage. In addition the grid sites with diesel back-up were about 0.5 million in 2009. The financial and environmental consequences of the life cycle impact of the diesel fuel depleted can be significant. Adaptation of renewable energy has therefore become important for both environmental and economic reasons. In this master thesis a Life Cycle Assessment of Ericsson’s Managed Rural Coverage (MRC) solution was made. Four main life cycle stages were included: manufacturing, transportation, operation and end-of-life treatment. MRC is an off-grid site solution consisting of electronic communication equipment (radio base station, base station controller, hub, cable) photovoltaic cells, battery, antenna, and constructions part (antenna pole, tower and foundation). This study also includes the satellite connection as well as Ericsson and operator activities in the assessment. The MRC distinguishes itself from the conventional base stations, by its significant decrease of energy consumption in its operational stage as well as the business model around the offering. The assessment in this thesis was carried out in accordance with data retrieved from an Ericsson’s pilot system in Dungunab, Sudan. The ISO 1404X series of LCA standards was followed and Gabi software w used to evaluate the results. The carbon footprint was found to be 0.3 kg CO2e/subscriber for the pilot setup. These calculations were based on an assumption that each pilot site serviced 1000 users. The maximum number of subscribers can be about 3200, which would decrease the life cycle CO2 emissions per user by 2/3. According to the sensitivity analysis the maximum CO2 emissions for a conservative MRC scenario is less than 1 kg CO2e/subscriber. Although this figure represents a very conservative scenario, the result is low in comparison with an average GSM network which has an approximate carbon footprint of 15 kg CO2e/subscriber. It is important to note that the MRC is not intended to replace all conventional macro RBS sites due to limitations in performance and capabilities, but is rather a complement to conventional macro radio base station sites for applicable scenarios. / <p>Thesis registration number: EGI-2013-024MSC EKV941</p>
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Green two-wheeled mobility : Material Hygiene and life cycle analysis of anelectric scooterBraconi, Dario January 2014 (has links)
In the last years electric vehicles gained importance as a more sustainable alternative to traditional vehicles. The introduction of an electric powertrain leads to lower air-pollution emissions but it also involves the introduction of new materials in the product life cycle, e. g., the rare earths and lithium contained in the motor and in the batteries. Those materials have an environmental impact and they need to be disposed properly. The aim of this thesis is to have a quantitative knowledge of the environmental balance linked to the use of a different powertrain. Furthermore, this study explores how this balance can be modified improving the recycling and the end of life management. Specifically in this thesis, an average electric scooter has been chosen as a case study. The electric scooter is used as object of comparison with a traditional internal-combustion-engine scooter. The choice of a two-wheeled mean of transport is linked to the low level of facilities involved. This report first includes a definition of the case of study; this section also presents a description of the technologies taken into exam. It is also presented the result of interviews with dismantlers to depict the current process of EoL management of a scooter. The central part of thesis deals with different recycling scenarios. With the help of the Material Hygiene mind-set, a qualitative analysis and different recycling scenarios are proposed. The recycling scenarios involve the component of the electric powertrain that are peculiar of the electric vehicle. They mainly are the electric motor and the lithium battery pack. The last part of the analysis encompasses a Life Cycle Assessment of an average electric scooter to give a quantitative meaning to the life cycle comparison and to assess the environmental benefits of the proposed recycling scenarios. To perform the Life Cycle Assessment a software, SimaPro 7.3, is used. This software lets the user insert the bill of materials of the product and it associates to each material its environmental loads according to the database EcoInvent v.2.2. Keywords: electric scooter, lithium battery, permanent magnet, neodymium, Material Hygiene, Design for Disassembly, Life Cycle Assessment, LCA / Negli ultimi anni i veicoli elettrici sono emersi come un ’alternativa sostenibile ai veicoli tradizionali. L’introduzione di un gruppo propulsore elettrico permette emissioni inquinanti più basse ma comporta anche l’introduzione di nuovi materiali nel ciclo di vita del prodotto, e.g., le terre rare e il litio contenuti rispettivamente nel motore e nelle batterie. Questi materiali hanno un impatto ambientale e hanno bisogno di essere trattati correttamente. Lo scopo di questa tesi è di avere una comprensione quantitativa del bilancio dal punto di vista ambientale legato al l’adozione di sistema di propulsione elettrico. Inoltre, è indagato come questo bilanco possa essere influenzato migliorando il ricic laggio e la gestione dell’ultima fase di vita del prodotto. Nello specifico, in questa tesi, uno scooter elettrico è stato scelto come caso di studio. Lo scopo è di comparare questo scooter con uno tradizionale considerando il ciclo di vita del prodotto. Il mezzo di trasporto a due ruote è stato scelto perché considerato più semplice da modellare in quanto privo di componenti non inerenti al trasporto (es. aria condizionata, hi-fi, etc.). Questo report anzitutto include una definizione del caso di studio, questa sezione presenta anche una descrizione delle principali tecnologie coinvolte nel prodotto studiato. In questa parte del lavoro è anche riportato il risultato di interviste a rottamatori di scooter per illustrare l’attuale iter di rottamazione di uno scooter. La parte centrale della tesi tratta i differenti scenari di riciclaggio. Sfruttando la mentalità Material Hygiene vengono proposte un’analisi qualitativa e differenti scenari di rici claggio. Gli scenari di riciclaggio coinvologono il progettista a livelli differenti. Questi scenari riguardano i componenti del sistema di propulsione elettrico. Essi sono principalmente il motore elettrico e le batterie al litio. L’ultima parte dell’analisi riguarda il Life Cycle Assessment di uno scooter elettrico al fine di dare un significato quantitativo al confronto tra i cicli di vita delle due alternative. Inoltre, il life cycle assessment ha lo scopo di verificare e quantificare i benefici di impatto ambientale collegati all’adozione degli scenari di riciclaggio proposti. Per svolgere il Life Cycle Assessment è stato usato un sofware, SimaPro 7.3. Questo software permette all’utente di inserire l’elenco dei materiali di un prodotto e di associare a ciascun materiale il proprio impatto ambientale. Il software ha a disposizione per la modellazione i database di impatto ambientale EcoInvent 2.2. Parole chiave: scooter elettrico, batteria al litio, magnete permanente, neodimio, Material Hygiene, Design for Disassembly, Life Cycle Assessment, LCA
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Den blomstertid nu kommer? : En studie av frilandsodlade svenska snittblommor - utmaningar och möjligheter utifrån ett hållbarhets- och livscykelperspektivJohansson, Marika, Zeilon, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
Cut flowers are products that have become a symbol of joy, sorrow and wealth. However, consumption contributes to various environmental problems, such as greenhouse gas emissions and leakage of nutrients and pesticides. This study aims to investigate the environmental impact of outdoor-grown cut flowers from a sustainability perspective in Sweden. The questions answered are which aspects of the cut flower lifecycle have the greatest environmental impact, what the cut flower growers think of the cut flower industry and its sustainability and how their work can become more sustainable. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with eight businesses that grow field-grown cut flowers and a literature review focusing on the environmental impact of cut flowers from a life cycle perspective. The results from the literature review show that the main environmental and climate aspects from a life cycle perspective are transport, heating through fossil fuels and the use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides. The results from the interviews show that challenges with the cut flower industry are origins of seeds, lack of knowledge and behavior and consumption patterns. Opportunities consist of growing demand, good quality and being able to offer a more sustainable product. Swedish field-grown cut flowers can be considered a sustainable alternative to imported ones due to shorter transport and the difference in the use of nutrients and chemicals. Although, more transparency, knowledge and collaboration will be needed in the industry for long-term sustainable development. Measures that can be implemented to promote the production and consumption of Swedish sustainable cut flowers are political incentives and possibly a certification or labeling.
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Comparative LCA model on renewable power solutions for off-grid radio base stationsBondesson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Globally, there are approximately 900 000 telecommunication radio base station sites (RBS-sites)located in areas without access to the electrical grid. Traditionally, these sites are powered by dieselgenerators, consuming large amounts of fossil diesel fuel. Diesel combustion is connected both toenvironmental impacts and high economical expenses for the mobile operators. As the mobilenetwork expansion is increasingly located in off-grid areas of developing countries, the search forrenewable power alternatives has been intensified. This Master thesis presents results from a life cycle assessment (LCA) of photovoltaic and windturbine hybrid power configurations for off-grid RBS-sites. The LCA covers environmental impactsfrom all life cycle activities of the hybrid system: from raw material extraction, manufacturing, andtransportation, to on-site usage, and disposal. To enable assessment of variable hybrid configurations, four scalable sub-models were constructed:one diesel sub-model including the generator and yearly diesel consumption, one back-up batterysub-model, one PV module sub-model and one wind turbine sub-model. Included in the sub-modelswere required site equipment; e.g. foundations for generators, PV modules and battery banks, powerconverters, fuel tanks and possible housings. The number of generators, liters of fuel consumed peryear, number of battery cells, square meters of PV module and number of wind turbines were set asvariables. Hereby RBS-sites with different capacities and availability of renewable source could bemodeled. A hybrid configuration including 21 square meters photovoltaic modules, one wind turbine, a storageof 36 (12 V) batteries and one generator back-up consuming 1500 liters of diesel fuel per year wasevaluated. The hybrid site represents between 11 and 16 percent of the different environmentalimpact potentials, global warming potential specifically representing 13 percent, caused by acorresponding traditional diesel site consuming 20000 liters of fuel per year. The most importantparameters influencing the environmental performance of the renewable hybrid site following thediesel fuel production and combustion are the production energy mix and energy intensive processesincluding the up-stream silicon and lead processing. The thesis confirmed great environmental benefits of using wind and solar power at RBS-sites. Theadditional gain of applying wind power when feasible to decrease the PV module area or batterycapacity required was also demonstrated. The great importance of manufacturing location andelectricity mix should encourage Ericsson to map supplier manufacturing locations, searchingpossibilities to decrease the environmental impacts from the manufacturing phase of the differentsub-systems. / Idag finns det omkring 5 miljoner radiobasstationer i det i det globala telekomnätet, varav 900000 ärbelägna i områden utan tillgång till elektricitet. Traditionellt drivs dessa stationer av dieselgeneratorersom konsumerar stora mängder diesel. Dieselförbränningen bidrar både till lokala och globalamiljöeffekter samt höga driftkostnader för mobiloperatörerna. Expansionen av mobilnätet sker i alltstörre utsträckning i områden i utvecklingsländer utan elförsörjning, vilket har ökat intresset föralternativa kraftkällor. Inom examensarbetet har ett redskap för jämförande livscykelanalys (LCA) av förnyelsebara krafthybridlösningarför radiobasstationer utvecklats. Hybriderna kombinerar solceller och vindturbinermed dieselförbränning och batterier. Genom att använda LCA inkluderas miljöeffekter från alla steg i hybridsystemets livscykel; frånutvinning av råmaterial och tillverkning av sub-system, transport, användning på RBS-siten till denslutliga avvecklingen. För att kunna utvärdera olika hybridkonfigurationer skapades 4 olika delmodeller: en delmodell fördieselförbränning innefattande generator och dieselkonsumption, en batteri-delmodell, en PVdelmodellsamt en vindturbin-delmodell. Delmodellerna inkluderar även nödvändiga komponentersom betonggrund till generatorer, PV-modulerna och batteribanken. Antal dieselgeneratorer,battericeller, vindturbiner samt PV-moduler och liter dieselkonsumption kan varieras för att simuleraen specifik anläggning. En hybridlösning med 21 m2 solceller, en vindturbin, 36 stycken (12V) battericeller och endieselgenerator som konsumerar 1500 liter diesel per år analyserades. Hybridlösningen ger upphovtill miljöeffekter motsvarande mellan 11 och 16 procent, global uppvärmning motsvarande 13procent, av miljöeffekterna orsakade av en traditionell dieselkonfiguration som konsumerar omkring20000 liter diesel per år. Betydelsefulla parametrar som påverkar miljöeffekterna frånhybridlösningen förutom produktion och förbränning av diesel är vilken elektricitetsmix somanvänds vid tillverkning av de olika komponenterna och energiintensiva processer som kisel- ochblyframställning. Resultaten tydliggör de stora minskningar av miljöeffekterna som en övergång från dieselförbränningtill sol- och vindkraft på RBS-anläggningar kan ge. Den relativa förbättringen av att installeravindturbiner för att minimera mängden sol- och battericeller har även visats. Betydelsen avproduktionsplats och elektricitetsmix för den totala miljöpåverkan bör motivera Ericsson attkartlägga och välja tillverkare som innebär ett litet bidrag till de totala miljöeffekterna.
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Emerging technologies for climate-neutral urban areas : An Industrial Ecology perspectivePapageorgiou, Asterios January 2021 (has links)
The ever-increasing concentration of human activity in urban areas induces environmental problems beyond their boundaries on scales ranging from local to regional to global, such as resource depletion, land degradation, air and water pollution and climate change. Human-induced climate change is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest sustainability challenges of the present century and it is inextricably linked to urbanization. As a response to climate change, urban areas around the world have committed to reach climate neutrality within the next decades. In this context, the deployment of new technologies can have a key role in achieving carbon neutrality in urban areas. As new technologies emerge, it is essential to assess their environmental performance considering the broader systems context in order to ensure that they can indeed contribute to achieving climate neutrality without compromising environmental sustainability. This thesis aims is to provide insight on the environmental performance of emerging technologies that can be deployed in urban areas in order to contribute to achieving climate neutrality. The two technologies in focus are grid-connected solar microgrids and biochar-based systems for treatment of biomass waste and remediation of contaminated soil. The methods applied to conduct the environmental assessments and fulfil the aim of the thesis are: case studies, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Material and Energy Flow Analysis and Substance Flow Analysis. Moreover, as part of the research efforts, a spreadsheet model based on LCA data was developed. The assessment of the solar microgrid highlighted the importance of using explicit spatial and temporal boundaries when analyzing the environmental performance of energy systems, as it can increase the accuracy of the results. It also revealed that the choice of modeling approach can influence the results of the assessment, which motivates the application of different methodological approaches. Within this context, the assessment showed that in a short-term perspective the integration of a grid-connected urban solar microgrid into the Swedish electricity grid would not contribute to climate change mitigation, as solar electricity from the microgrid would displace grid electricity with lower carbon intensity. The assessment also indicated that operational and structural changes in the microgrid could reduce its climate change impact, albeit not to the extent to generate GHG emission abatements. The assessment of the biochar-based systems showed that these systems have many environmental benefits compared to incineration of waste and landfilling of contaminated soil. They have great potential to contribute to achieving climate neutrality, as they can provide net negative GHG emissions, owing mainly to carbon sequestration in the biochar. Between the two biochar-based systems, a system for on-site remediation can provide additional environmental benefits, as it can lead to more efficient use of resources. However, these systems also entail environmental trade-offs due to increased consumption of auxiliary electricity, while the extent of ecological and human health risks associated with the reuse of biochar-remediated soils is for the moment unknown. / Den ständigt ökande koncentrationen av mänsklig aktivitet i urbana områden orsakar miljöproblem utanför deras gränser på skalor som sträcker sig från lokal till regional till global, såsom utarmning av resurser, markförstöring, luft- och vattenföroreningar och klimatförändring. Mänskligt driven klimatförändring är allmänt erkänd som en av de största hållbarhetsutmaningarna under nuvarande seklet och den är nära kopplad till urbanisering. Som ett svar på klimatförändringen har urbana områden runt om i världen åtagit sig att nå klimatneutralitet inom de närmaste decennierna. I detta sammanhang kommer införandet av ny teknik ha en nyckelroll för att uppnå klimatneutralitet i stadsområden. När ny teknik dyker upp är det viktigt att bedöma dess miljöprestanda med hänsyn till den bredare systemkontexten för att säkerställa att tekniken verkligen kan bidra till att uppnå klimatneutralitet utan att kompromissa med miljömässig hållbarhet. Denna avhandling syftar till att ge insikt om miljöprestanda för framväxande teknik som kan användas i urbana områden för att bidra till att uppnå klimatneutralitet. De två teknikerna i fokus är nätanslutna solmikronät och biokolbaserade system för behandling av biomassavfall och sanering av förorenad mark. Metoderna för att genomföra miljöbedömningarna och uppfylla avhandlingens syfte är: fallstudier, livscykelanalys (LCA), material- och energiflödesanalys och substansflödesanalys. Som en del av forskningsinsatserna utvecklades dessutom en kalkylmodell baserad på LCA-data. Analysen av solmikronätet visade att det är viktigt att använda explicita rums- och tidsgränser vid analys av energisystemens miljöprestanda, eftersom det kan öka resultatens noggrannhet. Analysen visade också att valet av modelleringsmetod kan påverka resultatet, vilket motiverar en användning av flera olika metoder. Inom detta sammanhang visade bedömningen att i ett kortsiktigt perspektiv skulle integrationen av ett nätanslutet urbant solmikronät i det svenska elnätet inte bidra till att begränsa klimatförändringen, eftersom solenergi från mikronätet skulle ersätta el med lägre klimatpåverkan. Bedömningen indikerade också att operativa och strukturella förändringar i mikronätet kunde minska mikronätets klimatförändrings påverkan, om än inte i sådan utsträckning att det skulle ge växthusgasutsläppsbesparingar. Bedömningen av de biokolbaserade systemen visade att dessa system har många miljöfördelar jämfört med förbränning av avfall och deponering av förorenad mark. De har stor potential att bidra till att uppnå klimatneutralitet, eftersom de kan ge nettonegativa utsläpp av växthusgaser, främst på grund av kolbindning i biokol. Vi jämförelse av de två biokolbaserade systemen så kan ett system för sanering på plats ge ytterligare miljöfördelar, eftersom det kan leda till en mer effektiv resursanvändning. Dessa system medför emellertid också miljöavvägningar på grund av ökad förbrukning av elektricitet, medan omfattningen av ekologiska och människors hälsorisker förknippade med återanvändning av biokolbehandlad jord ännu är okända. / <p>QC 20210419</p>
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Assessment of Raw Materials in Stainless Steelmaking-Their Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas EmissionWenjing, Wei January 2021 (has links)
In stainless steelmaking, around 68% of the total greenhouse gas emissions come from the processing of raw materials. Thus, it is important for steelmakers to make efforts together with their raw material suppliers to implement low-carbon initiatives. To facilitate such initiatives, assessment of raw materials will provide guidance. In this work, the assessment of materials consists of two parts: i) different production scenarios are studied by using a static process model coupled with life cycle assessment approach to investigate the reduction potential of environmental impacts for Mo and Ni alloys; ii) assessment of the effect of trace element content (phosphorus) in stainless steel scrap on steel’s manufacturing cost, resource consumption and environmental impact using an online static process model. The results show that the overall GHG emission of FeMo production varies between 3.16-14.79 t CO2-eq/t FeMo (i.e. 5.3-24.7 tCO2-eq/t Mo). The main variance comes from the mining and beneficiation stages and depends mainly on the ore’s beneficiation degree. However, whether molybdenum is extracted as a co-product from copper mine or not can have an even greater effect on the total GHG emission of molybdenum due to the allocation of the impacts. In the case of nickel alloys, the GHG emissions for producing nickel metal, nickel oxide, ferronickel and nickel pig iron are 14, 30, 6 and 7 tCO2-eq/t alloy (i.e. 14, 40, 18, and 69 tCO2-eq/t Ni), respectively. Extracting sulfide ore through flash smelting process has been shown to have the least energy requirement and greenhouse gas emissions. In comparison to sulfide ore processing, oxide ore processed in an electric furnace is much more energy intensive and less environmental friendly primarily due to high content of gangue. However, by using a sustainable electricity source such as hydro-powered electricity, or applying a thermal heat recovery, it is possible to reduce the impact from electric furnace smelting of laterite. Furthermore, the use of stainless steel scraps with low phosphorous contents reduces slag amount, alloy consumption, production cost and carbon footprint. An estimation equation between phosphorous content and scrap’s value-in-use is obtained in the study to support the development of purchasing strategy. To conclude, the application of static process model based on mass and energy balance provides the possibility to assess raw materials’ environmental impact (energy consumption and GHG emissions) and to identify potentials to realize sustainable stainless steelmaking. / Vid tillverkning av rostfritt stål kommer cirka 68% av växthusgaserna ifrån råvaruanvändningen. Därför är det viktigt för ståltillverkare att göra en samordnad insats med sina levenrantörer för att reducera dessa utsläpp. Den här avhandlingen ämnar att undersöka råvaror ur två perspektiv: i) att utvärdera olika produktionsscenarier för molybden och nickelleggeringar genom en statisk processmodell i kombination med livscykelanalys för att undersöka potentialen för att minska miljöbelastningen; ii) att undersöka hur spårämnesinnehållet (fosfor) i rostfritt stålskrot påverkar ståltillverkningskostnaden, resursförbrukningen och miljöpåverkan med ett webbaserat verktyg för processmodellen. Resultaten visar att växthusgasutsläppen från produktionen av FeMo varierar mellan 3.16-14.79 t CO2-eq/t FeMo (d.v.s. 5.3-24.7 tCO2-eq/t Mo). Variationen beror främst på malmets anrikningsgrad under malmbrytnings- och anrikningsprocessen. När molybden förekommer i kopparmalm och utvinns som en co-produkt så kan det ha en större effekt på molybdens energiförbrukning och växthusgasutsläpp än vad malmens anrikningsgrad har. I fallet för tillverkning av nickelmetall, nickeloxid, ferronickel och nickeltackjärn är växthusgasutsläppen 14, 30, 6 respektive 7 tCO2-eq/t legering (motsvarande 14, 40, 18, respektive 69 tCO2-eq/t Ni). Användningen av sulfidmalm i flashsmältningsprocessen har visat sig ha lägst energibehov och växhusgasutsläpp medan användningen av oxidmalm i ljusbågsugn både är mer energiintensiv och utsläppsintensiv på grund av en stor mängd oxider i nickelmalmen. Dessa utsläpp kan dock förbättras genom användningen av hållbar energi (till exempel el från vattenkraft), eller genom värmeåtervinning under processen. Utöver detta kan skrot med lågt fosforinnenhåll också användas vid tillverkningen av rostfritt stål för att minska slaggmängden, förbrukningen av legeringar, produktionskostnaden och växthusgasutläppen. En ekvation mellan fosforinnehållet och skrotets värde föreslås här som underlag för att utveckla en inköpsstrategi för skrot. Sammanfattningsvis så kan en statisk processmodell baserad på mass- och energibalans tillämpas för att utvärdera råvarors miljöbelastning (energiförbrukning och växthusgasutsläpp) och identifiera potentialen för en hållbar tillverkning av rostfritt stål.
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Assessment of energy renovation with new design solution of a single-familyhouse in southern Sweden.Robert, Andersson, Becke, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
To reach the EU directives and Sweden ́s energy- and climate goals, there is a needto implement new innovative- and technical solutions in each sector. The Swedishgovernment predicts that the buildings sectors energy demand could be reduced byrenovating the existing building stock. The research examines the opportunities to implement indoor design solutionsassociated with an energy renovation measure of an existing single-family house inSweden. The research will cover a broader picture of the concept's feasibility-, addedvalues, and financial cost and benefits. This will be done within the requirements ofthe current building regulations on altering an existing building in Sweden 2021. The research outcome showed that implementing the design solution concept willconstitute a financial benefit on energy renovation measure ́s payback time. Theresult showed that one of the suggested design concepts with the energy renovationmeasures would have a payback time of 8.5 years. Besides, implementing the designsolution concept predicts several beneficial added values, e.g., environment, buildingdesign and society.
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Klimatberäkningar i byggprojekt : Hur kan LFM30 bidra till utvecklingen?Holmqvist, Philip, Radojevic, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
Environmental issues have been a trending topic for some time now due to constant changes. One of the most contributing industries is the construction sector. In Malmo, the construction industry is responsible for 20% of the total climate impact in the city. The first regional roadmap has been initiated in Malmo, which is called LFM30. Their focus is to increase the perspective of life cycle assessment (LCA), where different methods and materials are reviewed. The purpose of this degree project was to analyze and compare these to tools from different criteria, such as required knowledge, user-friendly, comparison-options, results and applicability in the early stages. These criteria have been analyzed in a case study, where a specific case has been examined. Climate impact has been calculated with BM and One Click LCA. The study was limited to Malmo and the initiative LFM30 and its affiliated companies. The case study shows that there’s good opportunity to develop this further, but to reach climate neutrality and climate positivity soon, it’s required that climate calculations are implemented as early as possible. The comparison between the two programs showed that BM is more limited function-wise but works more accurate and user-friendly than One Click LCA.
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Kan livscykelanalyser bistå riskvärderingen vid val av åtgärdsmetod? : En fallstudie vid ett område förorenat med klorerade lösningsmedel / Is it possible for life cycle analyzes to assist the risk assessment when choosing a remediation method? : A case study at a site contaminated with chlorinated solventsBjörnsdotter, Regina January 2021 (has links)
Hur kan livscykelanalyser bistå riskvärderingen vid val av åtgärdsmetod? I det här examensarbetet undersöktes hur resultaten från livscykelanalyser kan användas i beslutstödsverktyget SAMLA för förorenade områden för att bistå val av åtgärdsmetod vid Finspångs centraltvätt. Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med Structor Miljö Öst AB. Livscykelanalyser har utförts för två olika typer av åtgärdsmetoder in situ, stimulerad anaerob reduktiv deklorering samt elektrisk konduktiv uppvärmning. Tidigare studier har visat att olika livscykelanalysmetoder ger olika resultat. Även den här studien bekräftar det. Därför bör inte resultat från olika metoder jämföras. Livscykelanalyser kompletterar SAMLA för förorenade områden väl. De procentuella förhållandena beräknades mellan åtgärdsmetodernas miljö- och klimatpåverkan. I värderingssteget i SAMLA bedöms åtgärdsalternativens påverkan i jämförelse med nollalternativet. En bedömning gjordes av respektive åtgärdsalternativ och korrigering av förhållandet mellan metoderna utfördes genom att samma procentuella förhållande som beräknats fram för miljöbelastningen respektive klimatpåverkan beräknades för värderingspoängen. Med stöd av livscykelanalyser samt riskvärdering bör efterbehandlingsmetoden stimulerad anaerob reduktiv deklorering väljas för Finspångs centraltvätt. / How can life cycle analyzes assist the risk assessment when choosing a remediation method? In this thesis, it was investigated how the results from life cycle analyzes can be used in the decision support tool SAMLA for contaminated sites to assist in the choice of remediation method at Finspång's Centraltvätt. The thesis has been carried out in collaboration with Structor Miljö Öst AB. Life cycle analyzes have been performed for two different types of in situ remediation methods, Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination and Electrical Conductive Heating. Previous studies have shown that different life cycle analysis methods lead to different results. This study also confirms this. Therefore, results from different methods should not be compared. Life cycle analyzes complement SAMLA for contaminated sites. The percentage ratios were calculated between the remediation methods' environmental and climate impact. In the valuation step in SAMLA, the impact of the remediation alternatives is assessed in comparison with the no action alternative. An assessment was made of the respectively remediation alternatives and a correction of the relationship between the methods was performed by calculating the same percentage ratio that was calculated for the valuation points of the environmental and climate impact. With the support of the life cycle analysis and the risk assessment the remediation method Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination should be chosen for Finspång's Centraltvätt.
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Full life cycle assessment of a cross laminated timber modular building in SwedenAl-Najjar, Ahmad January 2021 (has links)
Building industry contributes to massive amounts of harmful emissions. This trend will continue to rise unless appropriate measures are taken. This master thesis aims to calculate the environmental impact during the whole life time of a prefabricated cross-laminated timber (CLT) modular building. The environmental impacts from the end-of-life stage and the benefit of the most of the building material beyond the system boundary is also included. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used as a tool to assess the environmental impacts following the standard SS-EN 15978:2011. Since there is a lack of environmental data about CLT in general and about prefabricated CLT volumetric modules buildings in particular the results from this work will enhance the understanding of the environmental performance of this kind of building system. This work is done with Size AB, a company that only produces CLT modular multi-storeys buildings. The studied object is three storeys building located in Nykvarn in Sweden. The total emissions during the building life cycle are at least 377 kg CO2-eq/m2 of the gross floor area (GFA), 0,296 kg PO43--eq/m2 of GFA and 1,1 kg SO2-eq/m2 of GFA for global warming potential (GWP), eutrophication potential (EP) and acidification potential (AP) respectively. The result shows that the share of the AP and EP during the end-of-life stage is only 1% for each, whereas CO2-eq emission is accounted for 14% during this stage. The material production stage accounts for more than 50% for all environmental indicators. This study provides fundamental data to perform LCAs in this area and to carry out climate declarations. Through sensitivity analysis it was discovered inter alia that high production intensity in the modules fabrication factory plays a significant role in reducing the environmental impacts during the construction stage. It was also found that modification of the LCA’s system boundary is recommended to present a transparent LCA of modular buildings.
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