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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beteendemässiga och Psykologiska Symtom vid Demens med relevans för omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt / Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia with relevance for nursing : A literature review

Sörman, Madelene, Klasson, Ingvor January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Beteendemässiga och Psykologiska Symtom vid Demens (BPSD) påverkar livskvaliteten negativt hos personen med demens och även för vårdpersonalen. BPSD skapar ofta problem i den dagliga omvårdnaden av personer med demens och står för en stor del av kostnaden för personen med demens. Symtomen vid BPSD behandlas oftast idag farmakologiskt på grund av en bristande kunskap när det gäller icke-farmakologiska interventioner. Syfte: Beskriva effekten av icke farmakologiska interventioner vid BPSD. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med fokus på artiklar med kvantitativ ansats användes. Resultat: Tio olika icke-farmakologiska interventioner vid BPSD studerades. Dessa interventioner hade effekt vid BPSD, dock inte en generell effekt. Flertalet av interventionerna hade endast en signifikant effekt på ett fåtal av symtomen. Musikterapi var den intervention som hade störst effekt vid BPSD med en signifikant minskning på flera symtom. Slutsats: Det behövs fler studier om effekten av icke farmakologiska interventioner på BPSD, för att öka kunskapen och användandet av dessa interventioner i omvårdnaden av personer med demens. Kunskapen om BPSD och dess orsaker behöver förbättras hos både sjuksköterskor och övrig vårdpersonal, för att förekomsten av BPSD ska minska hos personen med demens och för att öka livskvaliteten. Det är viktigt att interventionerna anpassas utifrån varje individ. / Background: Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) affects the quality of life in people with dementia and their caregivers in a negative way. BPSD also causes problems in the daily care of the patient and stands for a big part of the costs for the person who has dementia. The symptoms of BPSD is commonly treated pharmaceutically due to a lack of knowledge about non pharmacological interventions. Aim: Describe the effects of nonpharmacological interventions on BPSD. Method: A literature review over articles with a quantitative approach was used. Results: Ten different interventions were studied. These interventions did not have a general effect on BPSD, but only on a few symptoms. Music therapy was the intervention with the widest effect, with a decrease in several symptoms. Conclusion: There is a need for more research on the effects of nonpharmacological interventions on BPSD, to increase the knowledge and use of these interventions in the care of people with dementia. The knowledge about BPSD and its causes needs to be improved among nurses and other personal, to decrease the presence of these symptoms and increase the quality of life. It´s important that the interventions are adapted to the individual person.

Social participation of children in need of special support in mainstream elementary schools – dimensions and impact of teaching assistants : A systematic literature review

Urnikyte, Imante January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: An increasing number of children in need of special support are included in mainstream schools. The roles of teaching assistants have changed with the inclusion of these children. Social partic-ipation is an essential aspect of inclusion, possible to be achieved in schools. In the literature social participation in elementary schools is studied in terms of friendships and relationships, contacts and inter-actions, perception of pupil with special education needs and acceptance by classmates. The impact that teaching assistants have on social participation has been questioned due to low or no education or training to work with children in need of special support. The aim is to investigate the social participation dimen-sions and the impact that teaching assistants have on the social participation of children in need of special support in mainstream elementary schools.Method: A systematic literature review was performed exploring four databases.Results: Nine studies in total were found. Seven studies examined social participation dimensions of con-tact and interactions, four – perception of pupil with special education needs. Friendships and relationships and acceptance by classmates were examined in two studies. Six studies identified negative impact of teaching assistants on social participation of children in need of special support, and three showed positive and negative results. The impact is attributed to the roles of teaching assistants, and participation in class.Conclusion: All four dimensions of social participation were studied in the articles, but no studies explored all dimensions at once, therefore complete impact of teaching assistants cannot be entirely realized yet. Nevertheless, the negative trend of teaching assistants’ impact on the social participation of children in need of special support found in this systematic review implicates two possible approaches. The role of teaching assistants could be shifted and adapted to suit the abilities of teaching assistant. Education and training of teaching assistants are necessary to support social participation of children in need of special support.

The use of communication aids with children in health care and the outcomes for the child’s functioning based on the ICF-CY : A systematic literature review / Het gebruik van communicatiehulpmiddelen met kinderen in de gezondheidszorg en de resultaten voor het functioneren van het kind gebaseerd op de ICF-CY : Een systematische literatuurstudie

De Beule, Kiara January 2017 (has links)
Background: Participation in every life situation is a basic child’s right. Within health care, participation is achieved by effective patient-provider communication. Increased participation is shown to be beneficial for the well-being of the child. To achieve this, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) could be implemented during the care.  Aim: To explore the use of communication aids with children in health care settings and to see what the outcomes are for a child’s functioning based on the ICF-CY.  Method: A systematic literature review was conducted. The databases MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL and Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source were searched and nine articles were included for review. Results: It was found that both typically developing children and children with a variety of disabilities have been studied, as well as a wide age range. Low-tech aids have been practised most often, particularly visual picture schedules. Five studies measured ‘Activity and participation’ outcomes and the results showed improvement of patient-provider communication and enhanced completion of a medical procedure. Six studies measured outcomes that could be identified as ‘Body functions’ and results showed a decrease in anxiety, stress or pain at some point of the medical procedure.  Conclusion: This systematic literature review shows that AAC is still an emerging concept within health care with children, but the first results suggest that it has benefits for different child populations and for different aspects of a child’s functioning. However, it is not clear what the outcomes are for participation in particular. The limited amount of studies on this topic could be due to several barriers to achieve participation and use of AAC. Future research should focus more on using specific measures for participation. Also, researchers need to explore ways to overcome the barriers to implement AAC. Finally, new technologies such as tablet devices could be studied. / Participatie in elke levenssituatie is een basisrecht van elk kind. In de gezondheidszorg betekent dit een optimale communicatie tussen de patiënt en de hulpverlener. Verhoogde participatie blijkt gunstig te zijn voor het welzijn van het kind. Augmentatieve en alternatieve communicatie (AAC) zou hiervoor gebruikt kunnen worden binnen de gezondheidszorg. Het doel van deze studie is om het gebruik van communicatiehulpmiddelen met kinderen binnen de gezondheidszorg te verkennen en om na te gaan wat de resultaten hiervan zijn voor het functioneren van het kind gebaseerd op de ICF-CY. Er werd een systematische literatuurstudie uitgevoerd. Vier databanken werden doorzocht en in totaal werden negen artikels inbegrepen.  De resultaten toonden aan dat zowel typisch ontwikkelende kinderen als kinderen met een verscheidenheid aan beperkingen binnen een groot leeftijdsbereik reeds onderzocht zijn. Lowtech communicatiehulpmiddelen werden het vaakst gebruikt in de studies, waarvan het vaakst visuele schema’s. Vijf studies meten resultaten die behoren tot ‘Activiteiten en Participatie’ en toonden een verbeterde patiënt-hulpverlener communicatie en een betere bekwaamheid tot het beëindigen van een medische procedure. Zes studies meten resultaten die behoren tot ‘Lichaamsfuncties’ en toonden aan dat de angst, stress of pijn verlaagden bij het gebruik van een communicatiehulpmiddel. Deze systematische literatuurstudie toont aan dat AAC nog steeds een groeiend concept is binnen de gezondheidszorg voor kinderen. De eerste resultaten tonen echter dat AAC voordelen heeft voor verscheidene populaties van kinderen alsook voor verscheidene aspecten van het functioneren van een kind. Desalniettemin is het onduidelijk wat de resultaten zijn voor de participatie van het kind. Het beperkt aantal studies kan verklaard worden door het bestaan van allerhande barrières om participatie te bereiken en/of om AAC te gebruiken binnen de gezondheidszorg. Toekomstig onderzoek zou meer moeten focussen op de effecten voor participatie. Ook dient er onderzocht te worden hoe de meervoudige barrières overwonnen kunnen worden en hoe nieuwe technologieën zoals tablet computers mogelijks ingezet kunnen worden als communicatiehulpmiddel.

Partnernas upplevelser av att leva med en person med demenssjukdom. : En litteraturöversikt. / Partners' experiences of living with a person with dementia. : A literature review

Myrta, Arbnesha, Smoljan, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika symtom och förändringar i hjärnan. Det är förknippat med stigande ålder men tillhör inte det normala åldrandet. Det finns inget botemedel mot demens endast symtomlindrande behandling. Demensdiagnosen påverkar inte bara individen med demenssjukdom utan även hens partner. Konflikter uppstod på grund av oförståelse och okunskap. Vårdandet av en person med demenssjukdom var ansträngande och svårigheter att tillfredsställa sina egna och livskamratens behov blev en del av vardagen.   Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva partnernas upplevelser av att leva med en person med demenssjukdom. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ design och deduktiv ansats. Antonovskys begrepp begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet har använts som teoretisk referensram. Vetenskapliga artiklar har analyserats utifrån Fribergs femstegsmodell. Resultat: Partner upplevde brister i information och stöd från hälso- och sjukvård. De kände rädsla, skuld, oro och ångest på grund av obegripligheten kring sjukdomsförloppet och framtiden. Livet uppfattades som svårt att hantera och frustrerande på grund av förlusten av den personen de levt med. Trots olika begränsningar hittade partner meningsfullhet i situationen och det skapade strategier som motiverade dem att fortsätta vårda sin livskamrat. Slutsatser: Vårdande partnernas hälsa, vardag och framtid påverkades av att leva med en person med demens. De riskerade sin egen hälsa, förlorade meningsfullt socialt umgänge samt att partnern kände osäkerhet inför framtiden. Trots det ville många partner fortsätta ta hand om sin livskamrat. / Background: Dementia is a collective term for various symptoms and changes in the brain. It is associated with increasing age but is not part of the normal aging process. There is no cure for dementia only symptomatic treatment. Dementia affects not only the individual with dementia but also the partner. Conflicts arose because of misunderstanding and lack of knowledge. The care of a person with dementia was demanding and difficulty in satisfying their own and the needs of their life partner became part of everyday life. Aim: The aim was to describe the partners ' experiences of living with a person with dementia. Method: Literature review with qualitative design and deductive approach. Antonovsky's concept of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness has been used as a theoretical reference framework. Scientific articles have been analyzed according to Friberg's five-step model. Results: Partners experience lack of information and support from health care professionals. They feel fear, guilt and anxiety because of the uncertainty surrounding the progression of the disease and the future. Life was difficult to manage and frustrating due to loss of the person they have lived with. Despite various restrictions found in the partner situation and purpose created strategies that motivated them to continue caring for their life partner. Conclusions: The caring partners ' health, everyday lives and futures were affected by living with a demented life partner. The partners risked their own health, lost meaningful social intercourse, and felt uncertainty about the future. Despite that, many partners would continue to take care of their life partner.

How does the MCS Community interpret the Interactive Management Control Systems? : A Systematic Literature Review on the design and use of Interactive Control Systems

Tanda Feza, Yolande January 2016 (has links)
The management control systems (MCS) concept has evolved significantly the past decades with extensive studies that explore not only the concept itself but as well its relation to diverse variables such as performance, innovativeness and organisational learning. Nonetheless, inaccuracy is still present according to some researchers. (Tessier & Otley, 2012; Ferreira & Otley, 2009) By means of a systematic review (Tranfield et al., 2003), an interpretive analysis that embodies academic literatures in the area is presented. As a result, this thesis provides a synthesis delineation of the interactive management control systems’ concept. For the purpose of the study, a systematic selection of published and non-published academic literatures was conducted. (Saunders et al.,2009). Simons (Levers of control. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press,1995) was used as a starting point in order to generate criteria for the subsequent identification of relevant sources and get a grounding understanding of the topic before taking the challenge in form of a literature review in order to establish a distinction of the concept. This paper differs from prior studies in the field because of its attempt to clarify the concept of interactive control systems in a systematic manner which will allow the reader to have a see-through approach on all the procedures undertaken for the study. 111 articles were retrieved and following screening and abstract analysis 17 studies (including Simons, 1995 and Bisbe et al., 2005) were selected for the discussion of this qualitative literature review. In contrast to the existing literatures in the MCS field, I conceptualise the findings in 2 categories order to distinct the concepts of interactive MCS from interactive use of MCS. The main contribution of the study is the finding that there is a difference between interactive control systems and interactive use of control systems. Interactive MCS as such has a functionalist view and are designed to deliver interactiveness regardless of the context or the actors. And interactive use of control systems concerns the enactment of any control systems in an interactive manner. Therefore, the context (innovative environment) and the actor are taken into account in order for the systems to deliver positive effects. In addition, Evidences show that the interactive MCS as such are progressive instruments and characterised by effective and regular discussion among the users. Which lead to positive effects on strategy, workplace and innovation. Interactive use of MCS on the other hand are desirable in a context of R&D where the actor have required knowledge to facility the enactment. Additionally, MCS field interpret the concept of ICS more as interactive use of MCS than as such as interactive control system. When it comes to the connection to innovation, findings are contradictory as there are both positive and negative effects on business variables such innovation.

Att leva med ett sviktande hjärta : En litteraturöversikt / Living with a failing heart : A literature review

Larsson, Johanna, Svanberg, Merja January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kronisk hjärtsvikt drabbar främst den äldre (≥65 år) befolkningen och påverkar hela personens livssituation. Tidigare forskning påvisar att personer med hjärtsvikt upplevde bristande information och kommunikation från vården. Sjuksköterskans uppgift är att identifiera dessa brister för att förbättra den personcentrerade omvårdnaden samt upprätthålla hälsa hos personer med hjärtsvikt. Syfte: Att beskriva äldre personers upplevelser av att leva med kronisk hjärtsvikt utifrån KASAM. Metod: Litteraturöversikten har genomförts utifrån kvalitativ metod och deduktiv ansats. Den teoretiska referensramen som använts är Antonovskys (2005) teori om Känsla av Sammanhang (KASAM). Fribergs (2012a) femstegsmodell för kvalitativa studier har använt i analysprocessen där 11 vetenskapliga artiklar har tolkats. Resultat: Information och kommunikation från sjukvården upplevdes brista, vilket resulterade i sämre hantering av sjukdomen. Hjärtsvikten medförde begränsningar i det dagliga livet och personerna hittade strategier genom att prioritera annorlunda samt utföra aktiviteter som gav dem tillfredsställelse. Meningsfulla aktiviteter, självständighet i vardagen samt socialt stöd ansågs betydelsefullt.  Slutsats: Personernas hälsa, vardag och välbefinnande påverkades av att leva med hjärtsvikt. Sjuksköterskan kan utifrån litteraturöversikten förbättra den personcentrerade omvårdnaden, vilket förväntas generera förbättrad hälsa och välbefinnande för personer med hjärtsvikt. / Background:  Chronic heart failure affects mainly the elderly (≥65 years) and affects the entire person's life situation. Previous research shows that people with heart failure experienced lack of information and communication from health care. Nurses role is to identify these shortcomings to improve person-centered care to maintain health of people with heart failure. Purpose: To describe older peoples experiences of living with chronic heart failure based on KASAM. Method: The literature review has been conducted using qualitative method and deductive approach. The theoretical framework used was Antonovsky's (2005) theory of Sense of Coherence (SOC). Friberg (2012a) five-step model for qualitative studies were used in the analys process and 11 scientific articles where interpreted. Results: Lack of information and communication from health care were experienced, resulting poor management of the disease. Heart failure resulted in limitations in daily life and people found strategies by prioritizing differently and perform activities that gave satisfaction. Meaningful activities, independence and social support was considered significant. Conclusion: Health, living and well-being were affected by living with heart failure. Nurses can based on this literature review improve person-centered care, health and well-being for people with heart failure.

Examining Levels of Automation in the Wood Processing Industry - A case study

Schneider, Christian, Andersson, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Companies operating in the wood processing industry need to increase their productivity by implementing automation technologies in their production systems. An increasing global competition and rising raw material prizes challenge their competitiveness. Yet, too extensive automation brings risks such as a deterioration in situation awareness and operator deskilling. The concept of Levels of Automation is generally seen as means to achieve a balanced task allocation between the operators’ skills and competences and the need for automation technology relieving the humans from repetitive or hazardous work activities. The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent existing methods for assessing Levels of Automation in production processes are applicable in the wood processing industry when focusing on an improved competitiveness of production systems. This was done by answering the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: What method is most appropriate to be applied with measuring Levels of Automation in the wood processing industry? RQ2: How can the measurement of Levels of Automation contribute to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry’s production processes? Literature reviews were used to identify the main characteristics of the wood processing industry affecting its automation potential and appropriate assessment methods for Levels of Automation in order to answer RQ1. When selecting the most suitable method, factors like the relevance to the target industry, application complexity or operational level the method is penetrating were important. The DYNAMO++ method, which covers both a rather quantitative technical-physical and a more qualitative social-cognitive dimension, was seen as most appropriate when taking into account these factors. To answer RQ 2, a case study was undertaken at a major Swedish manufacturer of interior wood products to point out paths how the measurement of Levels of Automation contributes to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The focus was on the task level on shop floor and concrete improvement suggestions were elaborated after applying the measurement method for Levels of Automation. Main aspects considered for generalization were enhancements regarding ergonomics in process design and cognitive support tools for shop-floor personnel through task standardization. Furthermore, difficulties regarding the automation of grading and sorting processes due to the heterogeneous material properties of wood argue for a suitable arrangement of human intervention options in terms of work task allocation.  The application of a modified version of DYNAMO++ reveals its pros and cons during a case study which covers a high operator involvement in the improvement process and the distinct predisposition of DYNAMO++ to be applied in an assembly system.

Upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en person med demens som bor på ett äldreboende : En beskrivande litteraturstudie

Fjärdsmans, Tobias, Khalaf, Ahmed January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: 35,6 miljoner människor lever med en demenssjukdom i världen. Denna siffra beräknas vara fördubblad år 2030 och vara tredubblad år 2050. Majoriteten av personerna med demenssjukdom (PMD) har anhöriga i form av exempelvis makar eller vuxna barn. Att leva med demenssjukdom medför intellektuella svårigheter som till exempel oro, frustration, minnesproblematik och depression något som påverkar kommunikationen med vårdpersonalen. Syfte: Att beskriva upplevelser av att vara anhörig till en PMD som bor på ett äldreboende samt att beskriva de ingående artiklarna utifrån den metodologiska aspekten undersökningsgrupp. Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design baserat på 10 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar från sökmotorerna PubMed och Cinahl. Artiklarna bearbetades individuellt av författarna till den föreliggande litteraturstudien och i analysen av dessa framkom fyra huvudsakliga teman som kom att utgöra grunden för resultatet. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att anhöriga till en PMD ofta upplevde känslor av förlust och skuld. De hade även svårt att lita på omvårdnadspersonalen samt att de upplevde svårigheter med att ta beslut åt sin PMD. I majoriteten av artiklarna i den föreliggande litteraturstudiens resultat var deltagarna kvinnor. I vissa av artiklarna så fanns en jämnare könsfördelning. Större delen av deltagarna i artiklarna var makar eller vuxna barn till PMD men även syskon samt barnbarn fanns bland deltagarna. Medelåldern på samtliga deltagare varierade mellan 54-73 år. Slutsatser: Anhöriga till en PMD upplever svåra känslor som ensamhet, förlorad kärlek, sorg och skuld. De har även svårt att lita på omvårdnadspersonalen och kämpar med att rättfärdiga de beslut de tar åt sin PMD. Därför är det viktigt att som sjuksköterska ha en insikt i vad de anhöriga upplever för att på så sätt kunna bemöta och stötta dem. Detta främjar även vården av PMD eftersom att de anhöriga kan bidra med information om vad PMD behöver för vård. / Background: 35,6 million people lives with a dementia disease in the world. This number is set to be doubled by 2030 and tripled by 2050. The majority of the people with dementia (PWD) have relatives in the form of, for example, spouses and adult children. To live with a dementia disease involves intellectual difficulties such as anxiety, frustration, loss of memory and depression which effects the communication with the nursing staff. Aim: To describe the experiences of being a relative of a PWD who lives in a nursing home for PWD and to describe the included articles from the methodological point of view study group. Method: Literature review with a descriptive design based on 10 qualitative scientific articles from the search engines PubMed and Cinahl. The articles were individually processed by the authors of this literature review and during the analysis, four main themes where identified. These themes later became the basis of the result. Main findings: The result showed that relatives to a PWD often experiences feelings of loss and guilt. They also had difficulties in trusting the nursing staff and in making decisions for their PWD. In the majority of the articles in this literature review the participants were women. In some of the articles the was a more even gender variety. Most of the participants in the articles were spouses of adult children to PWD although there were also siblings and grandchildren amongst the participants. The middle age of the participants varied between 54-73 years. Conclusion: Relatives of a PWD often experience tough feelings such as loneliness, lost love, sorrow and guilt. They also have a hard time trusting the nursing staff and struggle to justify the decisions they make for their PWD. It is important for the nurse to have some insight in regards to what the relatives experience in order to meet and support them. This enhances the care of the PWD since the relatives can contribute with information regarding what care the PWD needs.

The use of data within Product Development of manufactured products

Flankegård, Filip January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

ATT INTE VETA ELLER FÖRSTÅ : Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom somatisk vård

Wetell-Jonsson, Anders, Johansson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Background: Patients with mental illness is commonly present in physical healthcare for either mental illness or both mental illness and physical illness. Earlier research shows that patients feel aggrieved and discriminated against by healthcare professionals in physical healthcare due to mental illness. Patient experience that they do not receive good care, increasing the suffering. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses' experiences of caring for patients with mental illness in physical healthcare. Method: Systematic literature review with a descriptive synthesis according to Evans (2002), where 14 qualitative research articles where analyzed with an inductive approach. Result: The nurses experienced patients with mental illness as a danger and as not being their responsibility. They could not meet the patients' needs and experienced a lack of knowledge to care for them. They were sceptical about these patients and described negative attitudes and prejudices against them, and that the physical healthcare environment was not suitable for those patients. Conclusion: Nurses need skills in psychiatric nursing and a broader introduction into the basic psychiatric care. These skills are necessary to provide quality care that protects patients’ privacy and dignity and reduces the stigma of patients with mental illness.

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