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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elninių žvėrių populiacijų valdymas ir jų įtaka miško atkūrimui Anykščių miškų urėdijos Mikierių girininkijoje / Management of Population of Cervine Animals and Their Effect on Reforestaton in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise

Kinderienė, Danutė 03 June 2005 (has links)
Research object. Populations of cervine animals (moose, red deer, roes) and their living environment in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise. Research aim. To study the populations of cervine animals, their living environment and effect of these animals on forest in Mikieriai Forestry of the Public Institution Anykščiai Forest Enterprise. Research methods. Logic analysis of literature and systemic selective accounting. Research results. Cervine animals living in the forests of the Forestry are moose (density 7 pcs./1000 ha), red deer (12 pcs./1000 ha), roes (31 pcs./1000 ha). Because of their effect on forest planting and sprouts the number of cervine animals should be reduced as they browse, break stems and peel bark. The use of cervine animals is low. Before breeding fallow-deer in the forests of the Forest the basic breed should be moose, secondary – roe, minor secondary – red deer. When the fallow-deer are bred, to which the forests of the Forestry are good to live in and belong to the category of middle areas, the basic breed in the forests of the Forestry should be moose, secondary – roe and fallow-deer, minor secondary (undesirable) – red deer. From possible effect of cervine animals the forest planting and sprouts are protected by fences and repellents and protected area makes up 4,8 – 6,2% of the total area of the forests. Many recommended stimulants in biosphere range are also favourable for the increase of hunting fauna. The... [to full text]

Monitoring gene level biodiversity - aspects and considerations in the context of conservation

Charlier, Johan January 2011 (has links)
The objectives of this thesis relate to questions needed to be addressed in the context of genetic monitoring for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity for the gene level. Genetic monitoring is quantifying temporal changes in population genetic metrics. Specific goals of this thesis include i) synthesizing existing information relevant to genetic monitoring of Swedish species, ii) providing a genetic baseline for the Swedish moose, iii) evaluating the relative performance of nuclear versus organelle genetic markers for detecting population divergence, iv) actually monitoring the genetic composition, structure, level of variation, and effective population size (Ne) and assessing the relation between Ne and the actual number of individuals for an unexploited brown trout population. The concept of conservation genetic monitoring is defined and Swedish priority species for such monitoring are identified; they include highly exploited organisms such as moose, salmonid fishes, Norway spruce, Atlantic cod, and Atlantic herring. Results indicate that the Swedish moose might be more genetically divergent than previously anticipated and appears to be divided into at least three different subpopulations, representing a southern, a central, and a northern population. The relative efficiency of nuclear and organelle markers depends on the relationship between the degree of genetic differentiation at the two types of markers. In turn, this relates to how far the divergence process has progressed. For the monitored brown trout population no indication of systematic change of population structure or allele frequencies was observed over 30 years. Significant genetic drift was found, though, translating into an overall Ne-estimate of ~75. The actual number of adult fish (NC) was assessed as ~600, corresponding to an Ne/NC ratio of 0.13. In spite of the relatively small effective population size monitoring did not reveal loss of genetic variation.

Seasonal variation in the life histories of a viviparous ectoparasite, the deer ked

Härkönen, L. (Laura) 15 August 2012 (has links)
Abstract The life histories of ectoparasites are shaped by both host and off-host environment. A suitable host is primarily needed during reproduction, whereas juvenile stages outside the host are directly exposed to environmental variability. Viviparity, i.e. the development of an embryo inside the body of the mother resulting in large offspring size, increases offspring survival. The production of large offspring has its consequences in terms of high variation in offspring age and in the environment that each young individual will face. I used a viviparous ectoparasite, the deer ked (Lipoptena cervi), to investigate the consequences of long reproductive lifespan and varying offspring environment on offspring life-histories and seasonal adaptations. Offspring life-histories varied seasonally. I showed that the resources provided by the deer ked females determine offspring performance throughout its off-host period. Offspring size increased towards the spring and the end of the reproductive period, and simultaneously offspring survival and cold tolerance increased. Seasonal variation in offspring size did not reflect the resources that would guarantee offspring survival during the longest diapause or the highest cold tolerance during the harshest winter period. Diapause intensity varies with birth time according to the expected length of the winter ahead. However, the deer ked pupae, regardless of their age, overwinter at an opportunistic diapause, which may be terminated rapidly only by an exposure to high temperature. Contrary to general observations, photoperiod has no role in regulating the seasonal shifts of the deer ked. Neither is high cold tolerance associated only with diapause, but it remains high through four seasons, also in the active developmental and adult stages. I also evaluated the effects of life-history variation on the invasion potential of the deer ked. I conducted a large-scale transplant experiment to test the survival and pupal development at and beyond the current range. I found that the lower spring and summer temperatures and the shorter growth season in the north cause a deterioration in pupal performance and shorten the flight period. However, the colder climate may not totally prevent further spread. A more important factor that will affect deer ked invasion is host availability, and especially in Finland, the density of the moose population. Seasonal variation in offspring life histories in viviparous ectoparasites differs from the variation patterns reported in most invertebrates. This may be due to the extremely large offspring size and to the fact that maternally derived resources determine offspring performance through the entire off-host period. Variation in offspring performance is thus determined by maternal resources and seasonal variation in the condition of the moose. / Tiivistelmä Useimpien ulkoloisten elinkierto on riippuvainen isännästä ja isännän ulkopuolella kasvavien jälkeläisten kohtaamista ympäristöoloista. Viviparia eli jälkeläisen kehitys naaraan sisällä ja siitä usein seuraava suuri jälkeläiskoko parantavat jälkeläisten selviytymistä. Suurten jälkeläisten tuottaminen pitkällä aikavälillä johtaa siihen, että eri-ikäiset jälkeläiset kohtaavat vuodenajasta riippuen hyvin erilaiset olosuhteet. Väitöstyössäni tarkastelin Suomessa nopeasti yleistyneen hirvieläinten ulkoloisen, hirvikärpäsen (Lipoptena cervi), avulla, mitä seurauksia viviparialla, pitkällä lisääntymiskaudella ja ympäristön vuodenaikaisvaihtelulla on jälkeläisten elinkierto-ominaisuuksiin. Väitöskirjatyössäni havaitsin, että hirvikärpäsjälkeläisten elinkiertopiirteet vaihtelevat jälkeläisen syntymäajan mukaan. Osoitin myös, että hirvikärpäsnaaraan jälkeläisilleen tarjoamat ravintovarat määrittelevät jälkeläisten isännästä riippumattoman elinkierron aikaisen menestyksen. Jälkeläisten keskimääräinen koko kasvoi lisääntymiskauden edetessä talvesta kohti kevättä, jolloin myös selviytyminen ja kylmänsietokyky paranivat. Jälkeläiskoon vuodenaikaisvaihtelu ei näin ollen vastaa jälkeläisten tarvitsemia resursseja suhteessa talvehtimisen pituuteen eikä korreloi koville talvipakkasille altistumisen todennäköisyyden kanssa. Lepotilan keston määrittelevä diapaussin syvyys vaihteli syntymävuodenaikaa vastaavasti. Diapaussin havaitsin kuitenkin olevan ensisijaisesti opportunistinen, jolloin pelkästään korkea lämpötila voi nopeasti päättää lepotilan kaikenikäisillä yksilöillä. Vastoin yleisiä käsityksiä valorytmi ei vaikuta diapaussin säätelyyn. Vastoin ennakko-odotuksia kylmänsietokyky säilyy korkeana vuoden ympäri ja kaikissa tutkituissa elinkierron vaiheissa. Sovelsin tutkimieni elinkiertopiirteiden vaikutusta myös lajin invaasiokykyyn, ja tutkin istutuskokeen avulla koteloiden selviytymistä ja kehitystä nykyisellä esiintymisalueella ja sen pohjoispuolella. Alhaisemmat kevät- ja kesälämpötilat sekä lyhyempi kasvukausi vähentävät aikuiseksi selviytymistä ja lyhentävät lentoaikaa syksyllä. Ilmastotekijöiden suhteen hirvikärpänen voisi esiintyä nykyistä pohjoisempana. Tärkein tekijä hirvikärpäsen leviämistä tarkasteltaessa on kuitenkin sopivien isäntäeläimien saatavuus ja Suomen oloissa erityisesti hirven eli hirvikärpäsen pääisännän kannan tiheys. Tutkimukseni perusteella ulkoloisten vivipariasta seuraava jälkeläisten elinkiertopiirteiden ajallinen vaihtelu eroaa muiden selkärangattomien vastaavasta vaihtelusta. Yhtenä syynä eroihin lienee se, että hirvikärpäsnaaras tuottaa erityisen suuria jälkeläisiä ja että jälkeläiset puolestaan ovat täysin riippuvaisia emon antamista resursseista. Emon lisääntymisresurssit ja hirven kunnon vuodenaikaisvaihtelu vaikuttavat mahdollisesti siihen, minkälaisia jälkeläisiä hirvikärpänen milloinkin kykenee tuottamaan.

Implementation of a Coupled Creep Damage Model in MOOSE Finite Element Framework: Application to Irradiated Concrete Structures

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: There has been a renewed interest to understand the degradation mechanism of concrete under radiation as many nuclear reactors are reaching their expiration date. Much of the information on the degradation mechanism of concrete under radiation comes from the experiments, which are carried out on very small specimens. With the advent of finite element analysis, a numerical predictive tool is desired that can predict the extent of damage in the nuclear concrete structure. A mesoscale micro-structural framework is proposed in Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) finite element framework which represents the first step in this direction. As part of the framework, a coupled creep damage algorithm was developed and implemented in MOOSE. The algorithm considers creep through rheological models, while damage evolves exponentially as a function of elastic strain and creep strain. A characteristic length is introduced in the formulation such that the energy release rate associated with each element remains the same to avoid vanishing energy dissipation with mesh refinement. A creep damage parameter quantifies the effect of creep strain on the damage that was calibrated using three-point bending experiments with varying rates of loading. The creep damage model was also validated with restrained ring shrinkage tests on cementitious materials containing compliant/stiff inclusions subjected to variable drying conditions. The simulation approach explicitly considers: (i) moisture diffusion driven differential shrinkage along the depth of the specimen (ii) viscoelastic response of aging cementitious materials (iii) isotropic damage model with Rankine′s failure initiation criterion, and (iv) random distribution of tensile strengths of individual finite elements. The model was finally validated with experimental results on neutron-irradiated concrete. The simulation approach considers: (i) coupled hygro-thermal model to predict the temperature and humidity profile inside the specimen (ii) radiation-induced volumetric expansion of aggregates (RIVE) (iii) thermal, shrinkage and creep effects based on the temperature and humidity profile and (iv) isotropic damage model with Rankine’s criterion to determine failure initiation. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2020

En jämförelse mellan självföryngrade och planterade bestånd i Västernorrland : Finns det skillnader i andelen oskadade tallstammar?

Hiller, Sandra, Ågren, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
Tallungskogar utsätts ofta av skador från älg, detta är ett återkommande problem för många skogsägare. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om någon föryngringsmetod, plantering eller självföryngring uppvisade mindre andel skador av älg i tallungskog. Studien undersökte även om tallarnas höjd och om beståndet är röjt eller ej har påverkan på skademängden. Studien genomfördes genom en fältundersökning kring Gålsjöbruk i Västernorrlands län.Mellan dem inventerade variablerna kunde ingen signifikant reltion påvisas förutom ett p-värde mellan oröjd och röjd självföryngring, den låga datamöngden kan ha varit en bidragande del. Trender visade att stamantalet kan bidra till skillnader i mängden skadade tallar, där större mängd totalt antal stammar bidrar till mindre andel skadade tallar.Denna studie kan användas som stöd eller vägledning till när man bestämmer vilken föryngringsmetod man väljer för sitt framtida tallbestånd. Resultaten kan dock inte användas som facit utan mängden av utomstående faktorer bidrar till skademängden.

Accident Risk and Environmental Assessment : Development of an Assessment Guideline with Examination in Northern Scandinavia

Lundkvist, Markus January 2005 (has links)
In environmental impact assessment (EIA), accident risk should be considered as one impact. However, few studies have compared assessed risk levels with documented accidents. There is thus a need for assessing accuracy of risk assessment methodologies. The aim of this study was to develop and examine a risk assessment guideline based on environmental assessment. The guideline examination was carried out along the railway and the road between Kiruna and Narvik, Northern Scandinavia. The examined hazards were avalanches, debris flows, rock falls, slush flows, torrents, moose and reindeer. Documented accidents were quantified into an accident level. For each hazard type, six sections/sites were assessed. The propensities of these hazards were analysed through environmental assessments, especially by utilising geomorphology. Then, the accident densities along the sections/sites were compared with assessed accident phase indices describing risk and hazard in both spatial and temporal dimensions. The average uncertainty factors for both the risk and the hazard indices were about 5. This implies a fairly good precision. Risk and hazard indices were also rated and compared to the accident density rates. Thereafter, railway and road information was split up as different proposal alternatives in an EIA context. The total risk for each proposal was compared with the total accident density. The risk assessment guideline proved to be cost-efficient, rapid and relatively reliable in comparing accident risk.

Accident Risk and Environmental Assessment : Development of an Assessment Guideline with Examination in Northern Scandinavia

Lundkvist, Markus January 2005 (has links)
In environmental impact assessment (EIA), accident risk should be considered as one impact. However, few studies have compared assessed risk levels with documented accidents. There is thus a need for assessing accuracy of risk assessment methodologies. The aim of this study was to develop and examine a risk assessment guideline based on environmental assessment. The guideline examination was carried out along the railway and the road between Kiruna and Narvik, Northern Scandinavia. The examined hazards were avalanches, debris flows, rock falls, slush flows, torrents, moose and reindeer. Documented accidents were quantified into an accident level. For each hazard type, six sections/sites were assessed. The propensities of these hazards were analysed through environmental assessments, especially by utilising geomorphology. Then, the accident densities along the sections/sites were compared with assessed accident phase indices describing risk and hazard in both spatial and temporal dimensions. The average uncertainty factors for both the risk and the hazard indices were about 5. This implies a fairly good precision. Risk and hazard indices were also rated and compared to the accident density rates. Thereafter, railway and road information was split up as different proposal alternatives in an EIA context. The total risk for each proposal was compared with the total accident density. The risk assessment guideline proved to be cost-efficient, rapid and relatively reliable in comparing accident risk.

Charles A. Moose: Race, Community Policing, and Portland's First African American Police Chief

Kenck-Crispin, Douglas Jon 05 January 2017 (has links)
In 1993, Charles Moose became Portland, Oregon's first black police chief. A nationally recognized student of the developing theories of community policing, Chief Moose's promotion was also hoped to help strengthen the diversity of the Portland Police Bureau. Ultimately, Portlanders were unable to look past Moose's public outbursts and demeanor and recognize his accomplishments. As a city, they missed an opportunity. This thesis uses transcripts of speeches and policy papers to present some political history to the reader, but also letters to the mayor's office, letters to the editor and the like to consider the social history of 1990's Portland. Some specific touchpoints of Moose's administration are considered, including when he and his wife Sandy moved to the King Neighborhood, the Daniel Binns birthday party and the resulting march on Moose's home, his outburst at the City Council, and other examples of his legendary anger. Moose's role in gentrification, and the policies he created for the Portland Police Bureau to lead that charge will not be ignored. All the while, the context of Oregon's racist heritage is forefront in this paper. By 1999, Charles Moose had left the bureau and accepted a job in Maryland. He was selected for many of the accomplishments that the Portland public had criticized him for. Ultimately, this study will show that Portland missed an opportunity to discuss how they wanted to be policed, and what philosophies they wanted their enforcers to personify.

Proveniensbestämning av vikingatida hornmaterial : En studie utifrån stabila isotoper

Schyman, Joakim January 2012 (has links)
The main aim was to investigate the provenance of Viking age antler material findings of moose and red deer from Sigtuna and from three sites on the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. This was done by analysis of the stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Thre were never any living population of these mammals on Gotland during the Viking age. δ34S-values of sulphur from this study was compared with earlier research and by studying maps of the Swedish bedrock. The δ34S-values were more like the δ34S-value for bedrock other than European granite. These bedrocks are found in the south-east of Sweden along the coast towards Gotland. The provenance of the Sigtuna antlers could be three different areas and the material from Gotnald could come from two differente regions. A student-t test between Fröjel and Sigtuna showed no significant correlation between the two populations. A comparison within the Sigtuna material showed a possible difference between two different dated phases. This could mean that an import of antlers from other areas was made when antlers in the Sigtuna region was less available.

Taxonomy and Phylogeny of the Liverwort Genus Thysananthus (Marchantiophyta; Lejeuneaceae) / Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Lebermoosgattung Thysananthus (Marchantiophyta; Lejeuneaceae)

Sukkharak, Phiangphak 08 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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