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科技化人際關係新圖像:MSN使用者運用在場訊息的分析陳蓉萱 Unknown Date (has links)
MSN Messenger(以下簡稱MSN)為當前電子傳播科技的種類當中,廣受使用者青睞的溝通工具之一。透過這項電腦中介科技,可能衍生的人際互動議題,可謂添加了「人際溝通」這個研究領域的豐富性。本研究鎖定MSN的其中一項功能-「在場訊息」,或稱「線上狀態」,根據使用者運用這項機制的策略,本研究試圖勾勒出因應新傳播科技所發展的溝通型態。
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Cartographie génétique des composés phénoliques de la pommeVerdu, Cindy 11 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
En lien avec leur potentiel antioxydant, les composés phénoliques sont généralement associés à l'effet protecteur sur la santé d'une alimentation riche en fruits et légumes. Ils sont également fortement associés à la qualité organoleptique des cidres puisqu'ils affectent directement leur astringence, leur amertume, leur couleur et leurs arômes. Deux études ont récemment été publiées sur la détection de QTL des composés phénoliques des pommes de table. Aucune étude n'a encore été publiée pour les pommes à cidre, réputées pour leur forte teneur en composés phénoliques. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'identifier les régions génétiques impliquées dans la teneur en composés phénoliques d'une descendance de pommiers à cidre. Dans un premier temps, deux méthodes de quantification ont été développées et comparées en UHPLC-UV et UHPLC-MS/MS pour les principaux composés phénoliques du jus de pomme. Bien qu'il y ait des surestimations avec l'un des détecteurs pour certains composés, ces deux méthodes corrèlent très fortement. Des dosages ont également été réalisés sur fruit entier à l'INRA de Rennes. Une grande variabilité a été observée pour les fruits et les jus de cette descendance, représentative des principales variétés de pommes à cidre cultivées en Europe. 48 QTL ont été détectés sur neuf groupes de liaison (LG). Neuf clusters semblent particulièrement stables, indépendamment de l'année ou du matériel (fruit ou jus) étudié. Les enzymes de la biosynthèse des composés phénoliques et facteurs de transcription ont été ciblés pour l'identification des gènes candidats, réalisée au niveau des principaux QTL. Ces travaux proposent de nouvelles cibles pour la sélection assistée par marqueurs comme le QTL pour l'acide chlorogénique du LG17 pour l'amélioration des variétés de pommes à cidre
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You´ve got m@il : en studie om sambandet mellan e-post och effektiv kommunikation i en IT-intensiv organisation / You’ve got m@il : a study concerning the relationship between electronic post and effective communication in an organization with a high intensity of Information-technologyAndersson, Helena, Eriksson, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
Användningen av elektroniska kommunikationsmedel ökar ständigt och många organisationer byggersin verksamhet på ett starkt informationsberoende. Verksamheterna har blivit allt mer informationsbaserade och informationsteknologin är en oumbärlig del för organisationers infrastrukturer. Därför är utgångspunkten för denna studie att utveckla ny kunskap om hur individer uppfattar effektiv kommunikation i en IT-intensiv organisation. Arbetet undersöker även aspekter som medverkar eller motverkar den upplevda effektiviteten vid användandet av e-post i IT-intensiva organisationer och hur e-post kombineras med andra kommunikationsverktyg för att uppnå önskad effektivitet. Den empiriska grunden till studien är en organisation, där tio kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts. Studien har hermeneutisk inriktning eftersom den bygger på informanternas tolkningar, uppfattningar och åsikter. Arbetet undersöker empirisk data, intervjuer, vilket har mynnat ut i ett resultat, vilket är ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Vid intervjutillfällena har gruppmedlemmarnas intention varit att få så mycket information som möjligt, om organisationen och deras arbetssätt med elektroniska kommunikationsmedel för att sedan behandla det mest relevanta. Studiens resultat påvisar att e-post är ett väsentligt arbetsredskap och ett villkor för effektiv kommunikation i en IT-intensiv organisation. E-post kan ses som en del av en stor verktygslåda där olika verktyg kompletterar varandra. Det är medarbetaren själv som väljer vilket verktyg som är mest lämpat i olika situationer. Resultatet visar även att informations- och uppgiftsmängden ständigt ökar med den elektroniska kommunikationen. Vilket leder till tyngre arbetsbörda och stress för medarbetarna. / The use of electronic communication devices is ever increasing and now many organizations are dependent on information technology, which is now an indispensable part of organizations infrastructures. The point of this study is to develop new knowledge about how individuals perceive efficient communication in an organization that is dependent on information-technology. This study also examines aspects that contribute to, or counteract, the experienced efficiency in the use of e-mail in organizations with a high dependence on Information-technology and how e-mail is combined with other communication tools to obtain desirable efficiency. The empirical foundation to this study is derived from an organisation’s study where ten qualitative interviews took place. This study has a hermeneutic alignment because it is based on an interviewee’s interpretation, perceptions and opinions. This study scrutinises empirical data and interviews that have led to results that are inductive in stance. During the interviews, our main concerns have been to assimilate as much information as possible concerning the organisation and their way of working with electronic communication tools with the intentions of eventually unveiling the most relevant facts. The result of this study establishes that e-mail is an essential tool for the work place and that it is a condition for efficient communication in an organization with a high reliance on information-technology. E-mail can be seen as a tool in a large toolbox in which the different tools complement each other. It is the co-workers themselves who choose which tool is most suitable for different situations. The result shows, too, that the quantity of information and tasks is constantly rising with the use of electronic communication. This, in turn, leads to a heavier workload and subsequently greater stress for the co-workers.
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En studie av ungdomars skrivpraktik i skolan och på fritidenForslund, Kajsa, Lindfors, Ambjörn January 2010 (has links)
De olika skrivpraktikerna som ungdomar idag möter rymmer olika former och villkor där skolans mer formativa förhållningssätt ställer andra krav både till sitt innehåll och form jämfört med fritidens skrivpraktik där ungdomarna ofta själva väljer både textarena och formen för denna. Syftet med den här undersökningen var att försöka förstå och ge en bild av de olika skrivpraktiker som eleverna möter dels på sin fritid och dels i skolan. Vi ville även studera om fritidens skrivpraktik påverkade skolans skrivpraktik och i så fall hur. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av åtta olika informanter, lika många flickor och pojkar, fördelat på fyra stycken i årskurs 8 på grundskolan och fyra stycken i årskurs 1 på gymnasiet. Resultatet har sedan analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning och visade att det skiljer sig mellan ungdomars privata skrivpraktik jämfört med skolans mer formella genreinriktade skrivpraktik. Skillnaderna utgörs av vad som inspirerar ungdomar till skrivande, om ämnesområdet har en verklighetsförankring med en autentisk mottagare, samt syftet med själva skrivpraktiken.
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人與MSN對話代理人的互動:一個符擔性的觀點 / Human and MSN conversational agent interaction: An affordance perspective翁書婷, Wong Shu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Gibson 與Norman的符擔性理論(affordance theory)為基礎,並以理論的時序變化為主、空間關係為輔,窺探MSN場域中,使用者如何定位MSN對話代理人(conversational agent)角色以及互動樣貌的展現。故本研究以深度訪談法,搜集長期互動使用者的經驗,並將研究結果以歷時方式呈現。
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Spam on the phone - VoIP and its biggest weakness : Studies about the users’ willingness to offer personal information in order to avoid VoIP spamPutz, Daniel Robert January 2007 (has links)
<p>It is very probable that VoIP will soon replace the ordinary telephone. Beside all advantages of the digital voice-connection it is linked to the danger of spam on the telephone. A lot of approaches have been developed to solve the problem of VoIP spam. Because some of these solutions are based on access to personal information of its users, a broad discussion about the best and most ethical approach has started.</p><p>This thesis analyzes the users’ point of view towards the VoIP spam problem and the extent of users’ willingness to offer private information in order to avoid VoIP spam. It presents results from a qualitative and a quantitative research as well as approaches for a most realistic- and most promising VoIP solution. These new approaches are based on the results of the research.</p><p>The main points of the results showed that users were not willing to offer private information to companies and that they were not willing to pay any amount of money for VoIP spam solutions. Users held governmental organisations and telephone operators responsible for finding a solution against VoIP spam.</p>
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Spam on the phone - VoIP and its biggest weakness : Studies about the users’ willingness to offer personal information in order to avoid VoIP spamPutz, Daniel Robert January 2007 (has links)
It is very probable that VoIP will soon replace the ordinary telephone. Beside all advantages of the digital voice-connection it is linked to the danger of spam on the telephone. A lot of approaches have been developed to solve the problem of VoIP spam. Because some of these solutions are based on access to personal information of its users, a broad discussion about the best and most ethical approach has started. This thesis analyzes the users’ point of view towards the VoIP spam problem and the extent of users’ willingness to offer private information in order to avoid VoIP spam. It presents results from a qualitative and a quantitative research as well as approaches for a most realistic- and most promising VoIP solution. These new approaches are based on the results of the research. The main points of the results showed that users were not willing to offer private information to companies and that they were not willing to pay any amount of money for VoIP spam solutions. Users held governmental organisations and telephone operators responsible for finding a solution against VoIP spam.
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Využití separačních technik ve spojení s hmotnostní spektrometrií pro stanovení environmentálně významných látek / Application of Separation Techniques Connected with Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Environmentally Important CompoundsMácová, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The identification of the hydrolysis and photodegradation products of flexible polyurethane foams (PUFs) with addition of biooriginated and biodegradable additive was the first topic of this dissertation work. Separation of polyurethane foam hydrolysis degradation products, designed for ecotoxicological tests, was managed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS). The degradations product structure was elucidated by tandem mass spectrometry (MSn). PUF photodegradation products were obtained by exposure of materials by irradiation at 254 nm. Semi-volatile degradation products were isolated from the exposed polyurethane by n-hexane extraction; volatile compounds were collected by solid phase microextraction (SPME). Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and complete orthogonal tandem gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GCxGC/TOF MS) was used for separation and identification of photodegradation products. The influence of the bio-filler on the character of degradation products and the possible effect of PUF degradation products on the environment was discussed at the end of this section. The determination of isoprostanes – markers of oxidative stress in tissues of beadlet anemone (Actinia equina) was the subject of the second topic. F2-isoprostanes were synthesized from the arachidonic acid. With thereby prepared isoprostanes the method of determination by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS) was developed and optimized. The isoprostane isolation process from the Actinia equina tissues was optimized with solid phase extraction (SPE). The resulting methodology was used to quantify isoprostanes in tissues of anemones, which were exposed to both moderate and high temperature changes. The temperature changes were used to initiate the oxidative stress in organisms. In addition, concentration levels of unknown compounds were also monitored. These unknown compounds were extracted from tissues together with F2-isoprostanes and their identity is discussed in this dissertation work too. The possibility of using isoprostane levels in the Anthozoa tissues for the oxidative stress monitoring is discussed in the conclusion of this work.
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1-甲基-4-苯基碘化啶對大鼠紋狀體神經細胞中CK2/DARPP-32/GAD67訊息傳遞表現及 神經生理功能之影響 / Effect of MPP+ on CK2/DARPP-32/GAD67 signaling pathway and neurophysiological function in the striatum of rats洪禎廷 Unknown Date (has links)
蛋白激酶CK2(Casine kinase 2)為四單體所構成,針對配受質蛋白之絲胺酸或蘇胺酸位置進行磷酸化,先前研究已經發現在紋狀體腦區之CK2的表現量與活性皆高於大腦中其餘腦區,而紋狀體腦區主要神經細胞為-氨基丁酸神經元(GABAergic neurons)的medium spiny neuron(MSN),會受到來自黑質多巴胺神經細胞(dopaminergic neurons)的調控。此外,DARPP-32(dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, Mr 32 kDA)蛋白亦被發現大量表現於在MSN細胞中,且為CK2之受質蛋白質。雖然CK2已被證實參與多巴胺神經元的神經保護機制,但是否參與MSN細胞對運動行為調控之生理機制仍未清楚。由於已有研究發現施予1-甲基-4-苯基-1,2,3,6-四氢吡啶(MPTP)藥物處理造成黑質-紋狀體腦區受損之老鼠腦內-氨基丁酸(GABA)的生合成酵素─麩胺酸脫羧酵素67(GAD67)表現量與正常老鼠不同,因此本論文研究的主題擬在大鼠實驗模式中利用MPP+造成投射至紋狀體之多巴胺神經細胞受損,探討當多巴胺調控紋狀體神經細胞能力缺失的狀態下,MSN細胞之CK2、DARPP-32和GAD蛋白表現與動物運動行為之相關性。
實驗結果發現,直接於紋狀體給予1-甲基-4-苯基碘化啶 (MPP+ Iodide)皆會造成CK2、DARPP-32以及GAD67之蛋白質含量的減少,多巴胺及其代謝物和GABA等神經化學傳遞物質亦有減少的現象;另外,在MPP+給予前分別操弄CK2或DARPP-32 胺基酸Ser102磷酸化的表現,皆會改變GAD67蛋白質含量與黑質酪胺酸羥化酶(Tyrosine Hydroxylase, TH)蛋白質含量,同時神經化學傳遞物質的含量或代謝亦有改變。由現有之結果推測CK2/DARPP-32/GAD67細胞訊息傳遞機制可能參與巴金森氏症運動行為失常之細胞層面的調控。 / Protein kinase CK2 is a heterotetrameric and serine/threonine protein kinase. Its protein levels and activity are found to be elevated in the striatum when compared to other brain areas. CK2 is known to involve in the neuroprotective effects of dopaminergic neurons, whether it also regulates the neuronal function relative to motor behaviors is still unclear. DARPP-32 protein is known as one of the substrates for CK2 and is highly expressed in the GABAergic medium spiny neurons (MSN) responsible for dopamine stimulation in the striatum. Furthermore, other studies have indicated that the expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) mRNA and protein was different in the striatum of MPTP vs. naïve animals, which is one of the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of neurotransmitter GABA. In the present study, we observed that the parallel changes in protein levels of CK2, DARPP-32 and GAD67 in the striatum and TH in the substantia nigra of MPP+-treated. We also found that manipulation of CK2 or DARPP-32 gene expression aggravated the MPP+-induced neuropathological dificts. The present results suggest that CK2/DARPP-32/GAD67 signaling pathway might involve in the cellular mechanism of motor-deficit in Parkinson’s disease.
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Informační systém pro sledování prezence osob na základě více zdrojů / Information System for Monitoring of a Presence State from Multiple PointsRyšavý, Libor January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the problem of monitoring of a presence state from multiple points. It begins with analysis of presence information propagation in various systems and also with multiple points of presence in general terms. After that follows requirements analysis and design of information system which will evaluate presence information from multiple sources with various features and than display it graphically on plans or maps. At the conclusion there is described implementation and testing of developed information system.
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