Spelling suggestions: "subject:"canarian"" "subject:"bugarian""
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Mariánský atlas na Svaté Hoře / Marian Atlas in Svatá HoraHovorková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Marian Atlas in Svatá Hora by Příbram The thesis concerns the Marian atlas in Svatá Hora. Compared to other places, it has a plastic form: angels standing on a balustrade of an elevated terrace hold in their arms a cartouche depicting Marian statues and images in Bohemia. In its first part, the thesis is dealing with piousness, veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and pilgrimages in the Baroque time. The information about Marian atlases by Wilhelm Gumppenberg and Bohuslav Balbín issued in printed form are summed up in the second part of the thesis. Thirdly, there are described other Marian atlases in Bohemia having diverse forms of art. The Marian atlas in Svatá Hora is the core topic of the fourth part of the thesis: its role and importance are explained on the basis of the Marian atlas itself, of the context of Svatá Hora as a place of pilgrimage and of the literature written in the Baroque time. Fifthly, there are presented statues and images of the Blessed Virgin Mary depicted in the cartouches of the Marian atlas in Svatá Hora, i.e. their origin and model and pilgrimages and veneration connected with them in the Baroque time. Keywords Marian atlas, Blessed Virgin Mary, Svatá Hora, image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mathias Hueber
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Mariánské, trojiční a světecké sloupy na Královéhradecku a Rychnovsku / Our Lady, Trinity and Saints' Columns in Hradec Králové and Rychnov RegionsKomárek, Albert January 2011 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with a question of when and where it is possible to seek for origins of columns, questions like why were Our Lady, Trinity and Saints' columns built in Europe and what was the cause of plaque epidemic and its results in Europe are answered. The main part of my diploma thesis focuses on places where these sculptures are situated. The zone is defined by the formal Hradec Králové division and by the town Rychnov nad Kněžnou. The author of this diploma thesis compares his knowledge with works of other authors. In the supplement, the columns are depicted including the map of their placement in Hradec Králové District and in Rychnov nad Kněžnou.
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Irish Women : being both mothers and wivesMartinsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Edna O'Brien and Marian Keyes are two sexually candid female writers. They are both from Ireland and their novels have caused many spectacular headlines over the years. These female authors have been greatly acclaimed, but also sharply criticised for their outspoken way of writing. However they have enjoyed huge success and their novels have been read by many people. This essay will focus on two of the many novels written by these Irish authors: The Country Girls by Edna O'Brien and Anybody Out There? by Marian Keyes. In the following essay I will focus on Irish women represented in the novels of Keyes and O'Brien, and their relation to men but also to their daughters. In these novels, women are forced into strict gender roles, very different from those of men. Still, even though the older women in the novels are trapped in their roles, they encourage their daughters to develop and grow beyond such roles. I would argue that the novels and also the feminist actions that still occur in Ireland are built upon a long time of subordination for women, and also from the twisted structure in many of the Irish men-women-relationships. I would argue that the rules and roles created in historical Ireland, have formed an inequality between the sexes that still exists.
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Mary for Today: Renewing Catholic Marian Devotion After the Second Vatican Council Through St. Louis-Marie de Montfort's True Devotion to MarySeeger, Mary Olivia 26 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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The Ark-Woman, Conqueror of Evil and Type of the Virgin Mary: A Marian Reading of 1 Samuel 5 and Revelation 12Hernandez, Anthony Luis 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Marian Devotion Through Music, Lyric, and Miracle Narrative in the Cantigas de Santa MariaGranda, Victoria C. 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Jungfrau, Himmlische, GottesgebärerinHorn, Lisa 04 May 2023 (has links)
Lisa Horn (M. A.) verfasste einen religionsgeschichtlichen Beitrag mit dem Titel: Jungfrau, Himmlische, Gottesgebärerin. Der Kult der antiken Göttinnen Artemis und Aphrodite als Kontext früher Marienverehrung? Konzentriert auf die fünf ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhunderte und einige signifikante religiös-kultische Transfer-Zentren in Zypern und Kleinasien (etwa Ephesus) gilt das Erkenntnisinteresse der Verfasserin den Differenzen und Kontinuitäten in den Mythologien und Kulten der zwei antiken Göttinnen Artemis und Aphrodite sowie der frühchristlichen Figurierung und Verehrung Marias. Mit Hilfe verschiedener Quellensorten wird forschungsgestützt argumentiert, dass das erstarkende Christentum ältere pagane, polytheistische (und selbst hoch hybride) Kulte und Gottheiten synchretistisch adaptierte. Deutlich wird, wie die matristischen, in den beiden griechisch-römischen Göttinnen noch erinnerten Aspekte von gleichzeitiger Jungfräulichkeit und Mütterlichkeit einerseits mit dem Vorstellungskomplex von der menschlichen Empfängnis eines ‚Gottessohnes‘ andererseits verbunden und zur Deutung der ‚jungfräulichen Gottesmutter Maria‘ genutzt wurden, um so, funktionsgeschichtlich gelesen, den androzentrischen Wegfall weiblicher Gottheiten kompensieren zu helfen.
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La Madre de Dios en el pensamiento y la obra de Jerzy Nowosielski: Su aportación a la Via pulchritudinis (The Mother of God in the Thought and Work of Jerzy Nowosielski: His Contribution to the Via Pulchritudinis)Iglesia Puig, Jose Ignacio January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Accompagner les processus créatifs de Monica Klingler, Barbara Manzetti et Marian del Valle (janvier 2009 - décembre 2012). / To accompany the creative processes of Monica Klingler, Barbara Manzetti and Marian del Valle (January 2009 – December 2012).Del Valle, Marian 27 November 2013 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche en danse est né du désir et du besoin de questionner ma propre pratique artistique en danse contemporaine, en la mettant en perspective et en conversation avec celle de deux autres artistes chorégraphes, Monica Klingler et Barbara Manzetti. L’étude de ces (nos) pratiques, que j’ai qualifiées de «mineures» (au sens deleuzien) a été réalisée en les approchant par le «milieu», dans leur devenir, en les «accompagnant» pendant une période délimitée, celle de la durée de la thèse. Les questions qui dynamisent la recherche concernent les notions de présent et de vivant, contenues dans le terme «processus» : comment rendre compte de processus créatifs au moment même de leur surgissement? Comment se positionner pour pouvoir les décrire, les analyser? Une autre question explorée à travers différentes pratiques d’écriture, dont la thèse, est celle du rôle de l’écriture dans un projet de danse. Quelles pratiques d’écriture mettre en place pour accompagner la danse, pour la penser et pour la partager à travers le langage? L’analyse des démarches artistiques des trois artistes étudiées a été réalisée à l’aide de concepts issus de théories féministes. Elle s’appuie sur la notion de «hors de soi», du choix d’exacerber la vulnérabilité (Judith Butler) ; sur le positionnement des artistes comme des sujets non unitaires, des «sujets nomades» et en devenir (Rosi Braidotti) ; sur la mise en mouvement de formes fluides, changeantes et non réductibles à une œuvre, à l’«un» (Luce Irigaray).La recherche, considérée comme un «processus de danse», a donné forme à différents projets artistiques, Materia Viva, Figuras, Avec le masque, ainsi qu’à l’écriture de la thèse. / The desire and need to question my own artistic work in contemporary dance has led to this project in dance research. To do so, my own practice had to be put into perspective and into conversation with the practices of two other artists, Monica Klingler and Barbara Manzetti. These (our) practices, which I qualify as « minor» (according to Deleuze), were studied in midst, in their process of becoming, and were «accompanied» during the limited lapse of time of this research project. The main questions arise from the notions of the present and liveliness which are contained in the word « process ». How could a creative process be described at the very moment of its emergence? What stance must one take in order to analyse these creative processes?Another main question deals with writing practices. Which is the part of writing in a dance project? Which writing practices should we set up to accompany the dance, to reflect upon it and to share it through language? I have analyzed the artistic approach of the three artists using some concepts taken from feminist theories : « out of oneself», exacerbating the vulnerability (Judith Butler) ; the positioning of artists as non-unitary subjects, « nomadic subjects », and subjects in the process of becoming (Rosi Braidotti) ; and how the artist sets fluid and changing forms in motion, which cannot be reduced to «one» single work (Luce Irigaray).The research project, considered as a « dance process », has given birth to different artistic projects, such as Materia Viva, Figuras, Avec le masque, along with the writing of the thesis.
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Religião, cultura e política : o apostolado laico dos jesuítas no RGS e os espaços sociais de atuaçãoMonteiro, Lorena Madruga January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les conditions qui ont conduit à l'émergence d'un groupe qui diffusent la doctrine et la pensée de l'Église catholique au XXe siècle dans l'État de Rio Grande do Sul. L'hypothèse générale qui a guidé la recherche est que les Jésuites la promotion d'un processus entre les groupes formant, de un cotê d'uniformiser scolaire par leurs gymnases catholiques, et surtout de l'identité religieuse et intellectuelle à travers les activités dans leurs congrégations Mariannes. Il est démontré, sur la base de plusieurs sources, que le facteur d'homogénéisation du groupe n'est pas dans leur profil social, mais en uniforme scolaire a reçu, et en particulier dans la formation religieuse et intellectuelle résultat de l'action éducative des Jésuites étrangers dans les congrégations mariales. Se déroule cette constatation, le fait que dans un environnement culturel marqué par l'absence d'espaces universitaires, á formation philosophique fournies par ces jésuites, basées sur des interprétations du thomisme, déterminer le substrat idéologique et l’identité intellectuelle du groupe. Cette formation intellectuelle internationalisé déterminé que, parmi les membres du groupe, étant donné la tendance de la réception de la pensée catholique, ne créent pas un système philosophiques original. Avec ce type de formation l’action collective du groupe catholique a été orientée pour les espaces sociaux ils peuvent imposer leur identité intelectuelle, et la doctrine sociale de l'Eglise, comme l'articulation du mouvement catholique en l'état, la conquête des chaires de philosophie et des lois du travail, par exemple, l'Université, et la construction de l'ordre politique à travers l'insertion des postulats catholiques dans las constituants fédéral. / Esta tese analisa as condições que possibilitaram o surgimento de um grupo que difundiu a doutrina e o pensamento da Igreja Católica durante o século XX no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A hipótese geral que norteou a pesquisa é de que os Jesuítas promoveram um processo, entre os grupos que formaram, por um lado, de uniformização escolar, via seus Ginásios Católicos, e, sobretudo, de identificação religiosa e intelectual através das atividades nas suas Congregações Marianas. Demonstra-se, com base em fontes variadas, que o fator homogeneizador do grupo não se encontra em seu perfil social, mas sim na uniformização escolar recebida, e, sobretudo, na formação religiosa e intelectual decorrente da ação educativa dos jesuítas estrangeiros nas Congregações Marianas. Desdobra-se desta constatação, o fato de que, num ambiente cultural marcado pela ausência de espaços acadêmicos, a formação filosófica proporcionada por estes jesuítas alemães baseada nas reinterpretações do Tomismo, pautou o substrato ideológico e a identidade intelectual do grupo. Esta formação intelectual internacionalizada determinou que, entre os membros do grupo, dado o padrão de recepção de pensamento católico, não se produzisse um sistema filosófico original. Com este tipo de formação a ação coletiva do grupo católico direcionouse para os espaços sociais os quais pudessem impor sua identidade intelectual e a doutrina social da Igreja, como a articulação do movimento católico no Estado, a conquista das cátedras de Filosofia e de legislação trabalhista, por exemplo, na Universidade, e a construção da ordem política através inserção dos postulados católicos nas Constituintes. / This thesis analyzes the conditions that allowed the emergence of a group who diffused the doctrine and thinking of the Catholic Church during the twentieth century in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The general hypothesis that guided the research is that the Jesuits promoted a process between the groups that formed on the one hand, standardization of scholar via their gymnasiums Catholics, and especially of religious and intellectual identity through the activities in their Marian Congregations. It is demonstrated, based on various sources, that the group factor homogenizing is not in their social profile, but in standardization scholar received, and especially in religious and intellectual formation resulting from activities educational of the Jesuits in the Marian Congregations. Unfolds this finding, the fact that in a cultural environment marked by the absence of academic spaces, the philosophical background provided by these Jesuits based on interpretations of Thomism, guided the substrate ideological and intellectual identity of the group. This training internationalized determined that, among the group members, given the pattern of reception of Catholic thought, did not produce an original philosophical system. With this type of formation the collective action of the Catholic group is moving on to the social spaces which could enforce its intellectual identity and the social doctrine of the Church as the articulation of the Catholic movement in the state, the conquest of the chairs of philosophy and labor laws, for example, at university, and the construction of political order through the insertion of the postulates Catholics in federal constituencies.
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