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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Método para identificar atributos customizáveis na habitação baseado no modelo conceitual Cadeia Meios-Fim

Hentschke, Cynthia dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, o amplo incentivo e a disponibilidade de financiamento à produção habitacional de baixa renda, nos últimos anos têm estimulado a padronização do produto e aplicação de conceitos de produção em massa neste setor. No entanto, a entrega de produtos altamente padronizados a clientes com diferentes necessidades, desconsiderando seus modos de vida e percepções de valor, frequentemente resulta em produtos inadequados, os quais necessitam ser modificados logo após a entrega. A customização em massa tem se destacado como uma estratégia para aprimorar a geração de valor e aumentar o grau de satisfação de clientes na indústria da manufatura. No contexto da habitação de baixa renda, a definição de um conjunto de opções relevantes do ponto de vista dos clientes, baseado na sua percepção de valor, é um dos principais desafios para a implementação desta estratégica. O objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em propor um método para identificar atributos customizáveis da empreendimentos habitacionais customizados, baseado em um modelo conceitual denominado cadeia meios-fim. Este modelo foi adaptado ao contexto de habitação de baixa renda, de forma a ser utilizado para relacionar os atributos do produto com os valores dos clientes, por meio da aplicação da técnica laddering. Além disso, a pesquisa tem como objetivo específico desenvolver dispositivos visuais que apoiem a tomada de decisão sobre a oferta de espaços de solução para unidades habitacionais customizadas. Com o objetivo de testar a aplicabilidade da solução desenvolvida, foram realizados dois estudos empíricos. O primeiro estudo foi desenvolvido para o segmento de mercado específico de uma empresa construtora de habitações, enquanto no segundo estudo fez-se a comparação de quatro segmentos de mercado delineados no Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida. A principal contribuição do método proposto é indicar as unidades de customização que são mais relevantes para os clientes finais e modelar a geração de valor na perspectiva dos usuários finais, de forma a entender as prioridades estabelecidas pelos mesmos. Além disso, os resultados permitem entender diferenças sobre a geração de valor para diferentes perfis de clientes e identificar oportunidades de melhoria em produtos habitacionais existentes. / In Brazil, high incentives and availability of funding for low-cost housing projects, in recent years, have encouraged product standardization and the application of mass production ideas in that sector. However, the delivery of highly standardized housing units to customers with different requirements, without considering their lifestyles and perceptions of value, often results in inadequate products, which need to be modified soon after delivery. Mass customization has been pointed out as an effective strategy to improve value generation and increase the degree of client satisfaction in the manufacturing industry. In the context of low-cost housing, the definition of a set of relevant options from the point of view of clients, based on their perceptions of value, is a major challenge for the implementation of this strategy. The aim of this research work is to propose a method for identifying value-adding attributes in customized housing projects, based on a conceptual model named means-end chain. That model was adapted to the low-cost housing context in order to connect product attributes to clients’ values, by applying the laddering technique. Besides, this investigation has the secondary aim of devising visual devices that can support decision-making related to the solution space of customised housing units. Two empirical studies were carried out in order to assess the applicability of the proposed solution. The first study was developed considering the specific market segment of a house-building company, while in the second study a comparison was made between four segments of the My House My Life Program. The main contribution of the proposed method is to identify which customization units are the most relevant ones for the final clients, as well as to model value generation from the point of view of clients, with the aim of understanding the priorities established by them. Moreover, the results explain differences in value generation for distinct client profiles, and identify improvement opportunities for existing housing products.

Conhecendo os valores pessoais do produtor rural de café na compra de insumos agrícolas / Understanding personal values of coffee farmers on purchasing process

Janaína Gagliardi Bara 26 June 2015 (has links)
No Brasil, a cafeicultura é uma cadeia produtiva de grande importância econômica, cultural, histórica e social do País. Dentro dessa cadeia, o produtor rural de café está mudando seu comportamento devido às preocupações com inovação, qualidade do produto, tecnologia e fatores financeiros, buscando um negócio sustentável no longo prazo. Esse produtor vem procurando alternativas na produção de café, sendo que uma opção encontrada é a certificação da produção, já que essa pode trazer uma diferenciação ao produto e, consequentemente, vantagens competitivas ao negócio. Essa certificação possui exigências, e muitas delas estão relacionadas às características dos produtos utilizados, portanto, o produtor rural como grande comprador de diversos produtos da indústria agropecuária, precisa estar atento a essas especificações no momento de compra desses insumos. Estudos como de Lagerkvist et al. (2012) e Okello et. al (2014) mostram que a decisão de compra dos agricultores é um processo de resolução de problemas em que os critérios emocionais, sociais e funcionais são influenciadores. Dentre esse fatores se destacam os valores pessoais que estão associados às escolhas e podem explicar determinadas ações, auxiliando na compreensão da escolha dos produtores na compra de defensivos agrícolas para sua produção. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi identificar e analisar os valores pessoais que motivam a tomada de decisão dos produtores rurais de café na compra de insumos, da categoria de defensivos agrícolas. Para atingir esse objetivo, foi utilizada a técnica laddering, baseada nos conceitos do Modelo de Cadeia Meios-Fim, que permite a identificação e quantificação da relação atributo, consequência (beneficio) e valor. Foram realizadas 40 entrevistas em profundidade por meio da técnica laddering, sendo 20 com produtores de café com certificação e 20 sem certificação da produção, na região Nordeste de São Paulo e Sul de Minas Gerais, regiões grandes produtoras de café. Algumas etapas das análises propostas pela técnica foram desenvolvidas por meio do software LadderUX. Os valores pessoais identificado nos dois grupos foram, i) vida confortável: prosperidade do negócio, obter recursos financeiros para si e para a família; ii) senso de realização: continuidade do negócio, contribuição duradoura, satisfação no que faz; e iii) harmonia interna: liberdade de conflitos internos, fazer o que é certo. Esses valores mostram a satisfação dos produtores ruais de café com a atividade, e preocupação com a continuidade e sustentabilidade do negócio. O atributo do produto destacado pelos produtores com certificação da produção foi a toxicidade e pelos produtores sem certificação o preço. Os produtores com certificação da produção mostraram-se racionais e emocionais nas suas escolhas e os produtores sem certificação da produção mais racionais. A análise dos valores pessoais dos produtores rurais de café ajudou a compreender os motivadores na tomada de decisão de compra, para melhor compreensão e promoção de ações específicas para esse público. / In Brazil, coffee production is an important chain at economics, cultural, historical and social aspects. Coffee farmers is changing their behavior because of concerns with innovation, product quality, technology and financial factors, seeking a sustainable business in a long term. Besides that, they have been searching for alternatives to survive in the market, thus a relevant option is the production certification, which brings: product differentiation and competitive advantages. This certificate has obligations, many of them are related of characteristics of the products are used, and the farmer as big consumer of products of agricultural industry, must be aware of these specifications at the time of purchase these inputs. Researches as Lagerkvist et al. (2012) e Okello et. al (2014) show that the purchasing farmers decisions is a problem-solving process that suffer influence of emotional, social and functional factors. An important factor is the personal value, which can be associated with choices and can explain actions, assisting in understanding the choice of farmers to purchase agricultural inputs for their production. The aim of this study was to understanding the personal values that motivate the decision-making of coffee farmers to purchase inputs. In order to achieve this goal, it was used laddering technique based on the concepts of Means-end Chain Model, which identifies and quantifies the relations of attribute, consequence (benefit) and value. Moreover, 40 in-depth interviews were conducted using laddering technique, 20 certified and 20 non-certified farms, in the northeast region of São Paulo and southern Minas Gerais, large coffee producing regions. Some steps of the analysis were developed through LadderUX software. The personal values identified were, i) comfortable life: prosperity of the business, obtain financial resources for themselves and family; ii) sense of accomplishment: business continuity, lasting contribution, satisfaction; and iii) internal harmony: freedom of internal conflicts, do what is right. These values show satisfaction with the activity and the concern for the continuity and sustainability of the business in both groups analyzed. The attribute highlighted by certified farmers was the toxicity and non-certified farmers the price. Certified farmers proved rational and emotional in their choices and non-certified farmers more rational. Analysis of coffee farmers\" personal values helped to understand purchasing motivators and promote specific issues to this public.

Le rôle du construit de soi et du style de raisonnement dans les variations culturelles des consommateurs : expérimentations et mesures sur les chaînes moyens-fins / The role of self-construal and thinking style in consumers' cultural variations : experiment and measurement of the means-end chain

Choi, Byung-Joon 19 November 2014 (has links)
La théorie des chaînes moyens-fins, fusionnant les valeurs du consommateur et l’évaluation des caractéristiques du produit dans une étude du comportement du consommateur, a été développée à travers les validations empiriques principalement issues des cultures occidentales. Cette recherche s’intéresse ainsi à la généralisation interculturelle de ce modèle cognitif en examinant la relation des processus culturels qui distinguent les Occidentaux des Orientaux à la formation d’enchaînement des concepts (attributs - bénéfices recherchés - valeurs). Les travaux récents ont mis en évidence que les différences individuelles en termes de construit de soi joue un rôle sur les variations interculturelles dans les cognitions et les comportements des individus qui peuvent passer à divers cadres de référence culturels en réponse à des indicateurs sociaux correspondants. A ce titre, la recherche s’inscrit dans une approche constructiviste et dynamique de la culture en positionnant le construit de soi en tant qu’indice prédictif de la variation du style cognitif, qui sous-tend par hypothèse les différentes structures cognitives des consommateurs. Le mécanisme d’influence de la culture sur les chaînes moyens-fins a été approfondi de manière expérimentale par l’utilisation croisée des méthodes d’amorçage culturel et de l’Association-Pattern Technique (213 étudiants français et 217 étudiants coréens) à la suite d’une étude exploratoire fondée sur le Laddering (52 étudiants français et 52 étudiants coréens). Les résultats montrent que le construit de soi n’est pas seulement un facteur qui influe sur les variations culturelles des chaînes moyens-fins mais que c’est aussi un facteur indirect via le style de raisonnement. En outre, il est démontré que les effets en accord avec l’amorce de soi peuvent réduire les différences interculturelles entre les consommateurs occidentaux et orientaux. / Means-end chain theory, including both consumer values and evaluation of product’s attributes in the study of consumer behavior, has been developed through empirical validation primarily from Western cultures. This research thus focuses on the cross-cultural generalizability of such theoretical framework by examining the relation of cultural processes differentiating Westerners from Easterners with the hierarchical linkages between attributes, consequences and values. Previous researchers have demonstrated that individual differences in self-construal exert an important influence on cross-cultural variations in cognition and even behavior and also that individuals can switch between various cultural frames of reference in response to corresponding social cues. On the basis of a dynamic constructivist approach to culture and cognition, we suggest that self-construal is a predictive driver of cultural differences in thinking styles, thereby influencing consumers’ cognitive structures. To investigate the mechanism responsible for cultural variations of means-end content and structure, the salient self-construal was experimentally manipulated through the use of cultural priming methodologies, and then all possible combinations of attributes, consequences and values were measured by means of the Association-Pattern Technique matrices (213 French students and 217 Korean students) which had been previously defined through 52 in-depth laddering interviews conducted in each country. Our findings provide support for self-construal associated with different thinking style as a determinant of cultural differences in consumers’ means-end value hierarchy structure. There is also evidence that consumers’ cultural orientation can be made more accessible by situational prime, particularly that these effects of self-construal priming are able to reduce or eliminate cultural differences between western and eastern consumers.

What’s the Problem? Reformulating the Problem for Balanced-Strategy Creation

Jørgensen, Sveinung January 2011 (has links)
By asking “What’s the problem?” this thesis addresses the crucial relationship between how strategic decision-makers formulate organizational problems and how the relevant actors attempt to solve these problems. This thesis holds that the creation of strategy can be conceived of as a decision-making process in which the strategists find, formulate and attempt to solve problems by choosing a set of means to reduce the perceived gap between the current state and the desired state of the organization. The thesis particularly explores and postulates what is refered to as the means-end fallacy in which end-problems are treated as means-problems. In effect the decision-makers take the ends of the organization for granted and only ask “How can we fix it?” instead of critically examining the purpose of the organization by asking “What should we fix and why?” The purpose of this thesis is twofold. First, it is to explore the dysfunctional consequences of the means-end fallacy in organizational decision-making and creation of strategy. Secondly, it is to illuminate the implications of applying the problem-formulation perspective in the creation of organizational strategies. To achieve these purposes the problem-formulation phenomenon is explored in five appended papers. Paper I discusses the paradox of profitability and responsibility and the means-end fallacy in the context of strategic theory and practice. Papers II, III and IV explore the relationship between how a problem is formulated and how different actors attempt to solve it. This is done with a comprehensive case study of the substance-abuse problem and the different organizational strategies that are implemented to resolve it. Paper V offers a concrete discussion of how inappropriate formulations of organizational problems undermine the intended ends, particularly with regard to the paradox of profitability and responsibility. This thesis argues that the strategic decision-makers need both to be more problem-oriented; that they should balance the different dimensions of the problem; and, thus, that they should recognize that decision-making is an art of balance. Moreover, it suggests that the problem-formulation perspective can contribute with an insight into the black box of strategy creation, and that this can be achieved by looking back or rewinding from the organization’s strategy to the initial formulation of the organization’s problems. As a mirror image it suggests that strategic decision-makers can avoid the means-end fallacy by forwarding from an appropriate formulation of the problem to a balanced strategy.

Perceptions of Wooden Multifamily Houses : Applying an Extended Association Pattern Technique

Schauerte, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
During the past years, wooden one and two family houses showed a higher growth rate on the German construction market compared to conventional material like brick and stone. Wood as construction material became more and more attractive. Furthermore, a growing demand on multifamily houses could be recognized, yet, wood has not been considered as an alternative in this field of application until now. Trying to understand the end-users attitudes towards wooden multifamily houses, this licentiate thesis aims at exploring German end-users’ perceptions of wooden multifamily houses. To collect the necessary data, the Association Pattern Technique (APT) was applied, which is a two-stage method and has its foundations in the Means-End theory. In the first stage, 31 in-depth laddering interviews were carried out, which served as the base for the matrix-survey in the second stage, where 229 answers were received. Extending the existing method in the matrix-survey stage allowed for important additional data to be uncovered. The results show that individuals associate certain product attributes with wooden multifamily houses and that these attributes are thought to entail specific consequences. These consequences are in turn linked with the personal values of the respondents. The most dominant perceptual orientations of different groups of respondents are shown and significant differences could be found in how individuals in German perceive wooden multifamily houses depending on age, income and habitation.

exploring pre-loved : consumers’ perception of the pre-loved concept in a traditional clothing store environment

Connysson, Linnéa, Landström, Emma January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore consumer perceptions regarding the emerging trend among traditional clothing stores in Gothenburg, Sweden, where a section of their retail space is dedicated to reselling pre-loved clothing. Additionally, it seeks to investigate the factors influencing consumers' preference for these sections over conventional thrift stores. Employing a qualitative approach, the study conducts 10 shop-along sessions comprising semi-structured interviews and unstructured observations in four traditional clothing stores, each featuring an integrated pre-loved section. The theoretical framework encompasses consumer value theory, supplemented by the Means-End Chain Theory, which is utilized to analyze the findings. Results reveal a positive response from participants toward pre-loved initiatives, indicating an overall favorable perception. Findings show that consumers perceive pre-loved initiatives as multiple valuable, including economic savings, functional quality, social value, and an enjoyable, empowering, and satisfying experience. Furthermore, various factors such as curated pieces, well-organized sections, unique garments, and diverse assortments influence consumers, leading to different consequences and values such as feeling efficient, self-fulfillment/self-expression, and enjoyment, thus favoring pre-loved initiatives over conventional thrift stores. In conclusion, the study sheds light on the growing preference for pre-loved initiatives among consumers in traditional clothing stores.


林昕蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
我國早期發展之都市地區,隨時間經歷,無可避免地產生各種都市問題,因而有實施都市更新之必要。於現行法制下,除由政府主辦都市更新外,私人亦得自行實施都市更新,且一般認為政府應幫助私人進行都市更新,原因在於若無政府公權力介入,強迫相關權利人參與,將導致更新時程嚴重拖延,都市更新條例25條之1即明定得由實施者申請徵收少數不願參與都市更新者之土地或合法建築物。然而,政府公權力介入之程度與時機為何,亦應審慎考量。 由私人興辦都市更新事業,或許除了「私益」外,亦產生「公共利益」,惟此「公共利益」是否大至足以剝奪私人所有權之「私益」,則有待商榷。因而,政府有無權力為了辦理都市更新,以強制手段要求私人參與,甚至徵收不願參與更新者之財產,不無疑問。申言之,主要之問題在於都市更新是否具備足夠之公共利益,而具有剝奪私有財產之正當性;亦即運用徵收方式為辦理都市更新之私人實施者取得其無法以協議方式取得同意之土地,手段(徵收)是否適當,且目的(都市更新)有足以剝奪私人土地之正當性,有釐清及解決之必要。為探討此問題,本文由實施都市更新歷史悠久之美國加以取材,欲透過美國相關法制之研究,找出國內值得學習與借鏡之處。 本文第二章主要針對我國與美國關於都市更新及土地徵收法制之相關法制加以探討,並歸納我國與美國採徵收手段辦理都市更新時之相關規定。 研究發現我國與美國除更新、徵收程序之差異外,對於得以發動徵收之要件,我國係以「公共利益」稱之,美國則以「公共使用」加以規範,而判斷得否發動徵收之機構,於我國為內政部土地徵收審議委員會,美國則係由司法機關進行判斷。是故,第三章接著介紹美國採徵收手段之都市更新相關裁判概況與主要爭議問題點,並於第二至六節分別探討採徵收手段之都市更新相關判決之主要案例,最後於第七節將二至六節各判決案例中美國法院對於公共使用之判斷標準加以綜合分析。 第四章則對於我國以徵收方式實施都市更新之規範加以檢討,接著以第三章美國相關判決對公共利益之判斷基準為視點,探討我國之採徵收手段實施更新制度之適當性,以及得以徵收實施更新之情形為何。最後,第五章針對我國現行以徵收作為都市更新手段之規範提出改進方向,以提供都市更新條例及土地徵收條例修法之參考。

Perceptions of Wooden Multifamily Houses : Applying an Extended Association Pattern Technique

Schauerte, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>During the past years, wooden one and two family houses showed a higher growth rate on the German construction market compared to conventional material like brick and stone. Wood as construction material became more and more attractive. Furthermore, a growing demand on multifamily houses could be recognized, yet, wood has not been considered as an alternative in this field of application until now. Trying to understand the end-users attitudes towards wooden multifamily houses, this licentiate thesis aims at exploring German end-users’ perceptions of wooden multifamily houses.</p><p>To collect the necessary data, the Association Pattern Technique (APT) was applied, which is a two-stage method and has its foundations in the Means-End theory. In the first stage, 31 in-depth laddering interviews were carried out, which served as the base for the matrix-survey in the second stage, where 229 answers were received. Extending the existing method in the matrix-survey stage allowed for important additional data to be uncovered.</p><p>The results show that individuals associate certain product attributes with wooden multifamily houses and that these attributes are thought to entail specific consequences. These consequences are in turn linked with the personal values of the respondents. The most dominant perceptual orientations of different groups of respondents are shown and significant differences could be found in how individuals in German perceive wooden multifamily houses depending on age, income and habitation.</p>

社會網絡網站的價值階層圖 / The Hierarchical Value Maps of the Social Networking Sites

莊恭豪, Chuang,Sage Unknown Date (has links)
隨者社會網絡網站在全球流行的同時,其相關的學術研究也如雨後春筍般地冒出頭來,主要可分為隱私權議題、線上與下線的聯繫、友情聯繫與印象管理、網絡與網絡結構這四大塊領域。目前的文獻缺乏以質性研究深入了解網友偏好哪些社會網絡網站的功能、這些功能帶給網友哪些利益,以及是哪一些價值觀驅使網友追求這些利益。因此本研究以「方法目的鏈理論」為基礎,透過「階梯訪談法」,深入訪談社會網絡網站的使用者,了解其對於社會網絡網站認知的「價值階層圖」(HVM),並將使用者分為大學生和上班族兩群,分析其價值階層圖之異同,並提供社會網絡網站業者對於網站功能改善的建議。 本研究之訪談結果,經內容分析法分析後,繪製成價值階層圖,大學生HVM的要素的連結路徑包括「小遊戲-調整心情」、「微網誌-調整心情」、「微網誌-獲得關懷」、「微網誌-關懷他人」、「完整的網誌-關懷他人」、「完整的網誌-保存回憶」、「影音存取-保存回憶」、「調整心情-樂趣與享受」、「獲得關懷-歸屬感」、「關懷他人-與他人的溫暖關係」、「影音存取-與他人的溫暖關係」;上班族HVM的要素的連結路徑包括「完整的網誌-保存回憶」、「完整的網誌-關懷他人」、「完整的網誌-獲得關懷」、「微網誌-關懷他人」、「微網誌-獲得關懷」、「微網誌-廣告宣傳」、「影音存取-關懷他人」、「影音存取-獲得關懷」、「影音存取-增加話題」、「相片標籤-禮貌」、「關懷他人-與他人的溫暖關係」、「獲得關懷-歸屬感」、「完整的網誌-樂趣與享受」。 本研究為社會網絡網站業者提出的功能改善的建議為:一、提供使用者偏好的網站屬性,二、提高使用者互動的質量,三、提供更簡易操作的隱私分級制度,四、提高娛樂價值,五、不同的社會網絡網站業者應發展自己的特色。 / As the social network sites(SNSs) have became widespread, the relevant research has also increased. These resaerches have focused on privacy issues, online/offline connections, impression management and friendship performance, and networks and network structure. To date, there lacks research that using qualitative methods to analyze which SNSs attributes users prefer, which benefits the attributes bring, and which values motivate users to gain the benefits. This thesis adopts the “Means-End Chain Model(MEC)” as the research methodology, and the researcher interviews survey candidates by laddering method. The goal of the interview is to obtain the hierarchical value maps(HVM) perceived by the survey respondents. The survey respondents are divided into two groups: college students and full-time workers, and their HVMs are compared. In the end, there are suggestions for improving the functions of SNSs. The interview data are analyzed by content analysis method, and then drawn as HVM. The connections between elements in HVM of college students include “Flash game connects to Mood-adjusting”, “Micro blog connects to Mood-adjusting”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Memory-remaining”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Memory-remaining”, “Mood-adjusting connects to Fun and enjoyment”, “Concern-gaining connects to Sense of belonging”, “Concerning-offering connects to Warm relationships with others”, and “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Warm relationships with others”. The connections between elements in HVM of full-time workers include “Blog connects to Memory-remaining”, “Blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Advertisement”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Concern-offering”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Concern-gaining”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Increasing the topic of conversation”, “Photo tag connects to Manners”, “Concern-offering connects to Warm relationships with others”, “Concern-gaining connects to Sense of belonging”, and “Blog connects to Fun and enjoyment”. The suggestions for improving the functions of SNSs are: 1. Provide the website attributes users prefer; 2. Improve the quality of interaction among users; 3. Provide the simple privacy classification interface; 4. Increase the entertainment value; 5. Different SNSs should develop different characteristics.

Valores pessoais na decisão do consumo de serviços odontológicos de Uberlândia

Reis, Gleidson Acassio dos 26 April 2010 (has links)
The dental services industry has suffered in recent years, a decline in profitability due to increased competitiveness in a faster rate than demand growth. In this scenario, we highlight the importance of knowing the consumer behavior of this sector, with the goal of improving the marketing activities and, consequently, to adapt the different aspects of the service to guide professionals and entrepreneurs. Thus, this study sought to identify what are the values to the client in the consumption of dental services in clinics and this city. For this, we performed a literature review of services marketing, the concept of personal values and the theory of means-end chain. Data were collected and analyzed using the laddering technique, also known as scaling, which is a technique developed to understand and grasp how consumers translate the attributes of products, through its effects on associative meanings about yourself that according to the theory of means-end, are the instrumental values and terminal. We identified important dimensions of values, with greater emphasis on "conservatism" and "autoaprimoramento. Specifically, we have in relation to personal values, we identified some patterns of behavior guided by them, such as "capacity" and some statesfinals of existence, including: welfare, development, happiness, and socialization. Regarding the attributes, we can highlight the price, references, cleaning, care, expertise and professional training. We noticed a concern of consumers in having quality assurance of treatment, recovery of the relationship with the dentist, the need for confidence in the profession, concern for aesthetics, with their self-esteem and your health, to achieve personal values. / O setor de serviços odontológicos sofreu, nos últimos anos, uma queda da rentabilidade devido ao aumento da competitividade em um ritmo superior ao crescimento da demanda. Nesse cenário, destaca-se a importância de conhecer o comportamento dos consumidores desse setor, com o objetivo de melhorar as ações de marketing e, consequentemente, adequar os diferentes aspectos que envolvem o serviço para orientar os profissionais e empresários do setor. Assim, o presente trabalho procurou identificar quais são os valores para o cliente no consumo de serviços odontológicos, em clínicas e consultórios de Uberlândia. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura sobre marketing de serviços, o conceito de valores pessoais e a teoria da cadeia meios-fim. Os dados foram colhidos e analisados utilizando-se da técnica laddering, conhecida também por escalonamento, que é um processo elaborado para compreender e apreender como os consumidores traduzem os atributos dos produtos, passando por suas consequências, em significados associativos a respeito de si mesmo que, de acordo com a teoria de meios-fim, são os valores instrumentais e terminais. Foram identificadas dimensões importantes de valores, tendo ênfase maior em conservadorismo e autoaprimoramento . Especificamente, já em relação aos valores pessoais, foram reconhecidos, também, alguns padrões de comportamento guiado por eles, tais como capacidade e alguns estados-finais de existência, entre eles: bem-estar, realização, felicidade e socialização. Em relação aos atributos, podemos destacar o preço, as referências, a limpeza, o atendimento, a capacidade técnica e a formação do profissional. Percebemos uma preocupação dos consumidores em ter garantia da qualidade do tratamento, a valorização da relação com o dentista, a necessidade de confiança no profissional, a preocupação com a estética, com a autoestima e com a saúde, para alcançar os valores pessoais. / Mestre em Administração

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