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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hierarchy through Diet : Stable isotope analysis of male graves of the estate church graveyard in Varnhem

Colas Åberg, David January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar ett antal individer begravda mellan 800 e.Kr. och 1150 e.Kr i ett tidigt kristet gravfält kring ruinen av Varnhems gårdskyrka. Av speciellt intresse är den placeringen som gravarna har i förhållande till kyrkomurarna och vad dessa placeringar innebär statusmässigt. Analys av stabila isotoper har därför utförts på de manliga individerna  så att deras diet kan faställas och agera som en markör för vad som känneteckas som hög och lågstatus bland de begravda männen i Varnhem.

Det medeltida Fårö : en empirisk studie av tre husgrunder på en medeltida ödegård / Medieval time on Fårö : an empirical study of three house foundations on an abandoned medieval farm

Lindström, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the study was to through empirical studies interpret the relation between three partially investigated house foundations, on an abandoned farm in Langhammars on northern Fårö. This relation focused upon two main questions; the time of use and the spatial distribution of the archaeological finds. Trough comparative analysis two of these houses can establish to have been contemporary, the third one is too roughly examined. A discussion about the hypothec idea of two or three contemporary farms was made with a negative result. In house 1 smaller processing of tools of flint has taken place near the fireplace in the larger room. A concentration of pottery was also visible near the fireplace, likely to be connected to cooking and eating. The smallest room in the northeast part of the house could have functioned as a storeroom and/or held workshop activities. The archaeological finds and the distribution of it, strongly indicates that house 1 mostlikely consisted of a dwelling house and house 2 functioned as a workshop; linked to activities with handicrafts. Furthermore the finds reveal the present of a smithy on the farm, maybe placed somewhere between the two houses.

Den Gyllene Legenden om Britannien : En italiensk munks syn på brittisk och irländsk historia / The Golden Legend of Britannia : British and irish history through the eyes of an italian munk.

Nilsson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
This essay is about the works of Jacobus de Voragine, a genoan munk during the thirteenth century namely Legenda Aurea, or The Golden Legend. This essay aims to compare his works to contemporary material as well as modern academic texts. The purpose of which is to see how accurate Jacobus was in his writings, especially when it comes to the early medieval history in the british isles as well as Ireland. The essay as a whole has the purpose of studying the chronology and information provided by these texts in order to see what was right versus what was wrong from the perspective of the modern reader.

Fosfor och blästjärn under svensk förhistoria och medeltid : Ett hantverksperspektiv på järnkvaliteter med fokus på fosforjärn

Jägstrand, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the concept of phosphoric iron as a distinct type of iron. A key assumption in current archaeometallurgy is that the prehistoric blacksmiths deliberately produced and used phosphoric iron. If, how and in what quantities a blacksmith can perceive the properties of phosphoric iron through the human senses is nevertheless taken into consideration. By applying a craft perspective based on perception, this thesis examines the presence and quantities of phosphoric iron in prehistoric artifacts and compares it to other ferrous alloys. The results show that no indications of deliberate use of phosphoric iron can be seen in the examined objects. The phosphorus contents encountered in the object are low compared to international results, and the differences in properties have probably been perceived as a difference of degree and not kind, if noticed at all. Few objects have been chemically analyzed, however, and more analytical research must be conducted to discuss the concept of phosphoric iron.

Jord, mynt och hästar : En genusstudie av medeltida testamenten

Nordbrandt, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

”...en myckenhet af stenrör” - Kartering och tolkning av fossil åkermark i Hjällens naturreservat, Södra Rörums socken, Skåne.

Dahlbom, Andreas, Eklund, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
Sedan Riksantikvarieämbetets rikstäckande fornminnesinventeringar under 1980 och 90-talen har kunskapsläget för en rad fornlämningstyper förändrats, särskilt tydligt är detta för agrara lämningar. I föreliggande uppsats har en kritisk granskning av FMIS utförts med hjälp av en detaljkartering av en del av ett sedan tidigare känt fornlämningsområde i Södra Rörums socken, Skåne. En för kulturmiljövården ny inventeringsmetod, linjetaxering, har testats på samma fornlämningsområde. Linjetaxering har inte använts i större utsträckning inom arkeologi och kulturgeografi men är vanligt förekommande inom t.ex. biologi. Vidare har fornlämningsområdet placerats i en landskapshistorisk kontext i samarbete med en pollenanalysstudie av en angränsande mosse. De fossila åkerformerna är tidigast upplagda under bronsålder. Resultatet visar att det troligtvis skett en ny- eller återuppodling under tidig medeltid som illustreras och diskuteras i ett senare avsnitt i arbetet. Huvudfrågeställningens resultat styrker att det finns en underskattning av antalet lämningar i FMIS. Dessa resultat stämmer väl överens med en liknande studie i Västra Götaland och t ex med inventeringarna i samband med vägbygget E4 vid Örkelljunga.

Medeltida kapell i Luleå : Analys av medeltida kapell i Luleåområdet / Medieval chapel in Luleå : Analysis of medieval chapel in the Luleå area.

Johansson, Zara January 2021 (has links)
This essay is based on previous discussions regarding early church buildnings in the Luleå area. The study is limited to two possible premises. The first location is the site of the current stone church in Gammelstad. The reason for the choise of the stone church is that some archaeological researchers consider it probable that the first church buildning may have been on that site before the stone church was built. The other site is located in Heden outside Boden and is described in older sources as a place for an old church building. To answer the essay´s questions I used Kulturhistoriskt lexikon för nordisk medeltid and Mats Anglert´s divisions of chapel to test that information agaionst the information available about the described chapel, previous research and premises and made a theoretical reasoning about it. In this essay I argue for the possibility that there are two chapels which is mentioned in the old sources. The chapel in Svenald´s will is probably a colonization chapel that was built on the site where Nederluleå church stands today, while the chapel mentioned in the other sources can be considered a capelle non curate, a chapel outside a parich community and without a priest, that was built in Heden.

Writing Community : The sisterbooks of Töss, Oetenbach and St. Katharinental asbearers of community

Puth, Verena January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker förståelsen och konstruerandet av gemenskap bland senmedeltidanunnor. Studien baseras på så kallade Schwesternbücher (”systerböcker”), av hagiografininspirerade textsamlingar om uppkomsten av och livet i nunnekloster. Källmaterialet utgörs avböckerna från klostren Töss, Oetenbach och St. Katharinental i den dominikanska provinsenTeutonia. Fokus för studien är en samlingshandskrift som innehåller dessa tre böcker ochgjordes för att främja 1400-talets Observansreform. Genom en sympatisk läsning ifrågasättsdominanta antaganden ur tidigare forskning om böckernas funktion och betydelse. Böckernavisas ha en genomtänkt utbildningsfunktion för att stärka individerna och deras gemenskap somuppnås genom skicklig navigering av förväntningar från genre, teologi, och klostrets vardag.Studien öppnar för nya forskningsansatser angående rvidden och betydelsen av nunnors nätverki den senmedeltida tyskspråkiga regionen.

Kyrkan i Västergarn som bevarades. : En diskussion om den romanska kyrkoruinens roll i Västergarns medeltida samhälle.

Conrad, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Västergarn is a parish on Gotland with an extraordinary archaeological environment, occupied by both prehistorical and historical monuments. The parish lies a bit over 20 kilometers south of Visby, along the western coast of Gotland. The site has been examined several times, but questions remain to be answered. The relationship between the remains from a Romanesque church and the still standing Gothic church is a frequently discussed subject because it is confirmed that both of the churches were used throughout the Middle Ages. This essay aims to examine why the Romanesque church was preserved in its original roman design next to the new Gothic church and how this information can add to the understanding of the medieval population in Västergarn. The essay consists of a literature study with an agency perspective as well as an identity perspective, including both archaeological and historical sources with the purpose to encourage further interdisciplinary studies.

Handikapp och folktro i medeltidens Visby : Undersökning av två individer begravda vid Ryska kyrkan. / Disability and folklore in medieval Visby : An analysis of two individuals buried by the Russian church.

Unosson, Molly January 2020 (has links)
There is little known about the medieval Russian population in Visby. What is known, however, is that several graves were excavated in 1971 at the place thought to contain traces of the Russian church. By comparing the results of Noah Runesson (2016) and what was brought to light through an analysis of specific individuals, new information may have been made available. The content in two of these graves have been examined and analysed, and the results of the osteological analysis show the Russians had knowledge of surgical procedures such as amputation as well as how to keep someone alive after such a procedure. One of the graves contained a small piece of metal, rusty from years of being in the ground. Why it is present in the grave is unclear, but one theory is that it was for keeping the dead from walking again. Through osteological analyses it has also become clear that the Russian population varied in ages as well as health, and that they took care of each other when in need.

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