Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ediation 2analysis"" "subject:"ediation 3analysis""
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Motivationsklimat, självbestämmande motivation och välbefinnande: En studie gjord på barn- och ungdomsfotbollsspelareBjörn, Oscar, Carlsson, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om (a) självbestämmande motivationmedierar sambandet mellan ett uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och välbefinnande (b)självbestämmande motivation medierar sambandet mellan ett resultatorienteratmotivationsklimat och välbefinnande. Studien är av en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign som tagitdel av insamlade data i ett pågående forskningsprojekt (Ivarsson m.fl., i press).Forskningsprojektet har använt sig av ett tillgänglighetsurval vid rekryteringen av deltagare.Totalt deltog 731 barn- och ungdomsfotbollsspelare i åldrarna 10–18 (M=13.7, SD=1.8).Resultaten bekräftade de två hypoteserna då det fanns en signifikant indirekt effekt mellan ettuppgifts- respektive resultatorienterat motivationsklimat och välbefinnande genomsjälvbestämmande motivation. Medieringsanalyserna visade att ett uppgiftsorienteratmotivationsklimat var relaterat till en högre grad självbestämmande motivation, vilket i sin turvar relaterat till en högre grad av välbefinnande. Ett resultatorienterat motivationsklimat varrelaterat till en lägre grad av självbestämmande motivation, vilket i sin tur var relaterat till enlägre grad av välbefinnande. Resultaten illustrerar vikten av att forma ett uppgiftsorienteratmotivationsklimat inom barn- och ungdomsidrotten med syftet att främja densjälvbestämmande motivationen vilket i sin tur ökar sannolikheten att uppleva välbefinnande.Framtida forskning bör utforma interventionsstudier med syftet att i större utsträckning kunnauttala sig om orsak-verkan samband mellan de tre variablerna. / The study's objective was to examine if (a) self-determined motivation mediates the relationship between a task-oriented motivational climate and well-being (b) self-determined motivation mediates the relationship between an ego-oriented motivational climate and well- being. The present study is a quantitative cross-sectional design which has taken part of an ongoing research project’s collected data (Ivarsson, et al., in press). The research project used a convenience sample to select the participants, where 731 child- and youth players aged between 10-18 (M=13.7, SD=1.8) participated. The both hypotheses were confirmed by the results that showed a significant indirect relation between a task-oriented motivational climate and well-being as well as between ego-oriented motivational climate and well-being through self-determined motivation. The mediation analysis showed that a task-oriented motivational climate was related to a higher degree of self-determined motivation, which was related to a higher degree of well-being. An ego-oriented motivational climate was related to a lower degree of motivational climate, which was related to a lower degree of well-being. The results illustrate the importance of creating a task-oriented motivational climate in child- and youth sport with the purpose to foster self-determined motivation which further on can increase the probability to experience well-being. Future research should develop intervention studies with the purpose of to a greater extent study causal relationship between the three variables. / Ivarsson, A., Johnson, U., Svedberg, P., & Back, J. (i press). Psykosociala faktorers inverkan på avhopp från fotboll: En studie bland idrottsaktiva ungdomar.
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The Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors between Psychosocial Correlates of Doctor-Patient Relationship and Treatment Adherence in Type 2 DiabetesKhawaja, Masud S. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Conditional Process Analysis in Two-Instance Repeated-Measures DesignsMontoya, Amanda Kay 11 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Socioeconomic inequalities in health and the effect of social relationships : A mediation analysis on Swedish adolescentsAsplund, Melinda January 2022 (has links)
Opportunities to be and remain healthy are unequally distributed across socioeconomic groups and emerge and widen throughout childhood and adolescence. This thesis seeks to answer if social relationships are one of the mechanisms that operate in the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and health among Swedish adolescents, using the Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) survey round 2009/10. It also aims to clarify which aspect of social relationships – its structure or function - matters more for health. Network structure includes its size and frequency of contact, and network function refers to resources received from those in the network, such as social support. The research questions guiding the thesis are: (1) Is higher socioeconomic status associated with higher self-rated health and wellbeing among Swedish adolescents? (2) Does the structure and the function of the child’s social relationships mediate in the associations in question 1? (3) Which aspect of social relationships (structure or function) mediates the associations in question 1 to the largest extent? Research questions are addressed by a mediation analysis using regression models to explore which indicators of social relationships mediate the associations between SES and health and wellbeing. Results showed a positive association between SES and health and wellbeing, and mainly three significant mediators were found which indicated that children with higher SES receive higher social support from their parents and peers and have a larger network which in turn lead to better health and wellbeing. Finally, results indicated that it is the function of social relationships rather than the structure that mediates to the largest extent.
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Birth Experience Mediates the Association Between Fear of Childbirth and Mother-Child-Bonding Up to 14 Months Postpartum: Findings From the Prospective Cohort Study DREAMSeefeld, Lara, Weise, Victoria, Kopp, Marie, Knappe, Susanne, Garthus-Niegel, Susan 11 June 2024 (has links)
Objective: To explore the longitudinal associations between prepartum fear of childbirth (FOC), birth experience, and postpartum mother-child-bonding, and the potential mediator role of the birth experience.
Design: Women from the prospective cohort study DREAM completed questionnaires during pregnancy, 8 weeks, and 14 months after the birth.
Participants: A community sample of n = 645 pregnant women from a large city in Eastern Germany participated in the study.
Results: In a regression analysis, FOC predicted negative birth experience (β = 0.208, p < 0.001) which in turn predicted poorer mother-child-bonding both at 8 weeks (β = 0.312, p < 0.001) and 14 months postpartum (β = 0.200, p < 0.001). FOC also predicted mother-child-bonding at 14 months postpartum (β = 0.098, p < 0.05). Of note, this association was mediated by birth experience both at 8 weeks, indirect effect ab = 0.065, 95% CI [0.036, 0.098], and 14 months postpartum, indirect effect ab = 0.043, 95% CI [0.023, 0.067]. These effects remained stable even when adjusting for potential confounders.
Key Conclusions: This study suggests that the association between FOC and mother-child-bonding is mediated by birth experience, pointing to the importance of a woman's positive subjective experience.
Implications for Practice: Findings reveal two targets for peripartum interventions for women at risk for poor mother-child-bonding, namely the implementation of FOC screenings during pregnancy, and birth experience as mediating factor between FOC and mother-child-bonding. Focusing on the mother's subjective birth experience could aid to identify women at risk for impaired bonding who might need additional support.
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Activité physique et santé mentale chez les jeunes au collégialDoré, Isabelle 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Contributions of oral language and word-level literacy skills to elementary writing in first and second language learnersPerkins, Christina Jacqueline 23 April 2019 (has links)
Second language (L2) learners are a growing population in Canadian school systems, and acquisition of literacy skills is critical to their success in Canadian society. While much research has been devoted to writing development in first language (L1) learners, text-level writing remains relatively underexplored in L2 populations. The present study sought to address this gap by considering the relative contributions of component oral language and word-level literacy skills to writing in elementary students speaking English as a first (EL1) or second (EL2) language. A sample of 124 kindergarten students (56 EL1, 68 EL2) and 112 grade three students (51 EL1, 61 EL2) completed a battery of standardized measures assessing oral language, word-level literacy, and writing skills. An ordinary least squares (OLS) regression-based mediation path analysis was used to test associations among oral language, word-level literacy, and writing skills in each group. Results indicated that word-level literacy skills had a significant direct effect on writing in all groups, but that oral language had no significant direct effect on writing in any groups. Instead, the effect of oral language on writing was significantly mediated by word-level skills in the kindergarten EL1 and EL2 groups, and the grade three EL1 group. The indirect effect of oral language on writing through word-level skills was not significant in the grade three EL2 group. Despite this, no significant differences in variable associations were found between EL1 and EL2 groups in either grade. Oral language skills were additionally found to have a significant effect on word-level literacy skills in the kindergarten EL1 and EL2 groups and the grade three EL1 group; the significance of this effect in the grade three EL2 group was unclear. Results of this study are discussed in relation to existing literature, and existing theories of L1 and L2 writing. / Graduate
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Meta-Analytical Mediation Analyses: The Relationship between Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, Self-Efficacy, and Scholastic AchievementBraul, Denise 25 October 2023 (has links)
Viele systematische Überblicksarbeiten und Meta-Analysen haben sich mit den einzelnen Faktoren befasst, die zu Schulerfolg beitragen. Diese Doktorarbeit erweitert den bisherigen Forschungsstand. Es wird untersucht, wie Gewissenhaftigkeit, Neurotizismus und Selbstwirksamkeit zu Schulerfolg in der Schule beitragen. In Anlehnung an das Big Five Narrow Trait Modell (B5NT) wird angenommen, dass Selbstwirksamkeit den Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeit und Schulerfolg mediiert. Außerdem wird der Einfluss verschiedener Moderatoren untersucht. Bivariate Meta-Analysen werden genutzt, um Forschungsergebnisse bezüglich der bivariaten Zusammenhänge zwischen den Variablen zu aggregieren. MASEM werden genutzt, um die Mediationshypothese zu testen. Um die Abhängigkeitsstruktur der Effektstärken zu berücksichtigen, werden Drei-Ebenen-Modelle und robuste Varianzschätzmethoden (RVE) angewandt. Insgesamt konnte eine der Hauptannahmen des Big Five Narrow Trait Modells bestätigt werden. Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeit auf Schulerfolg wird (partiell) durch Selbstwirksamkeit mediiert. Während Selbstwirksamkeit den gesamten Einfluss von Neurotizismus auf Schulerfolg mediiert, wirkt Selbstwirksamkeit als partieller Mediator in dem Zusammenhang von Gewissenhaftigkeit und Schulerfolg. Diese Ergebnisse haben praktische Relevanz für den Bildungssektor. Leistungsschwache Schüler sollten demnach vor allem Selbstwirksamkeitstrainings erhalten, um ihren Schulerfolg zu verbessern. Dies hätte den Größten Einfluss auf Schulerfolg, mit einer mittleren bis großen Effektstärke. Persönlichkeitsinventare hingegen könnten diagnostisch eingesetzt werden. So könnten Schüler identifiziert werden, die eine Unterstützung durch Selbstwirksamkeitstrainings am meisten benötigen. Gewissenhaftigkeit hängt am stärksten mit Selbstwirksamkeit zusammen. Demnach würden Schüler mit geringen Werten in Gewissenhaftigkeit am meisten von den Trainings profitieren. / The factors that individually contribute to academic achievement have been the topic of many systematic reviews. This doctoral thesis contributes to the current state of research by meta-analytically testing a comprehensive theory regarding the underlying processes through which conscientiousness, neuroticism, and self-efficacy are influencing achievement in primary and secondary school. Following the Big Five Narrow Trait (B5NT) model, it is examined whether self-efficacy mediates the relationship between personality and achievement. Also, the influence of different potential moderator variables is analyzed. Methodologically, this doctoral thesis is applying a combination of separate bivariate meta-analyses and meta-analytical structural equation modeling (MASEM). Bivariate meta-analyses are used to aggregate research on the bivariate relationships between all variables. MASEM techniques are used to test the mediation hypothesis. Three-level random-effects models and robust variance estimation methods are used to account for the dependency among effect sizes. Overall, the main idea of the B5NT model was supported by showing that self-efficacy (partially) mediates the relationship between personality and scholastic achievement. Self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between neuroticism and achievement. Whereas the relationship between conscientiousness and achievement was only partially mediated. These findings have practical implications for the educational sector. Most important, self-efficacy trainings are recommended for low-achieving students. This would lead to the biggest improvement in scholastic achievement – with a medium-to-large effect size. Personality inventories could be used for identifying students that need support through self-efficacy trainings. Conscientiousness was having the strongest effect on self-efficacy beliefs. Thus, students with low levels of conscientiousness should be primarily targeted.
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Relations entre l’exposition au bruit environnemental total et des transports et l’infarctus du myocarde et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux et effet médiateur de l’hypertension sur ces relationsYankoty, Larisa Inès 11 1900 (has links)
Le bruit environnemental aurait des effets négatifs majeurs sur le système cardiovasculaire. Cependant, les preuves épidémiologiques proviennent majoritairement de l’Europe et restent largement limitées aux associations avec l’hypertension (HT) et l’ensemble des maladies coronariennes combinées (incluant l’infarctus du myocarde, IM). Les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) qui constituent pourtant la deuxième cause de décès dans le monde ont été très peu étudiés. De plus, la plupart des études portant sur les effets cardiovasculaires du bruit environnemental ont surtout estimé l’exposition au bruit des transports (routier et aérien) et non le bruit environnemental total (provenant de toutes les sources extérieures) auquel les individus sont généralement exposés dans leur environnement. Aussi, aucune étude n’a exploré par des analyses de médiation si l’effet du bruit sur les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) comme l’IM ou les AVC « passe » ou non par l’HT qui est un important facteur de risque des MCV.
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’examiner les associations entre l’exposition résidentielle prolongée au bruit environnemental total et des transports et l’incidence d’IM et d’AVC (incluant l’AVC ischémique et hémorragique) dans la population adulte de Montréal, Canada. Cette thèse visait également à évaluer le rôle médiateur de l’HT dans ces associations.
Des cohortes rétrospectives ouvertes (pour l’IM et les AVC) constituées d’individus âgés de ≥ 45 ans résidant à Montréal et sans antécédent d’IM ou d’AVC ont été construites à partir des données du Système intégré de surveillance des maladies chroniques du Québec pour la période 2000-2014. Nous avons utilisé trois méthodes différentes pour estimer l’exposition au bruit résidentiel : 1) bruit environnemental total estimé avec un modèle de type « Land Use Regression (LUR) »; 2) bruit du transport routier estimé avec le modèle de propagation CadnaA et 3) les distances aux sources de bruit du transport (routes, aéroport et chemins de fer). Les cas incidents d’IM, d’AVC et d’HT ont été identifiés à partir d’algorithmes validés, basés sur les diagnostics d’hospitalisations et de consultations médicales à l’urgence et en cabinet. Des modèles de Cox (avec l’âge comme axe de temps) stratifiés pour le sexe, ajustés pour l’année calendrier, l’indice de défavorisation matérielle et la pollution routière (dioxyde d’azote) et indirectement ajustés pour le tabagisme ont permis d’estimer les différentes associations. La méthode contrefactuelle a été utilisée pour estimer les effets direct et indirect de l’analyse de médiation par l’HT; dans cette analyse, un modèle logistique a été utilisé pour relier le bruit total à l’HT.
Plus d’un million d’individus totalisant plus de 9,000,000 personnes-années ont été suivis de 2000 à 2014 dans chaque cohorte (IM et AVC). Nous avons trouvé des associations positives entre le bruit environnemental total (estimé avec LUR) et l’incidence de l’IM et des AVC. Les rapports de taux de risque (hazard ratio : HR) ajustés étaient respectivement de 1,12 (Intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 1,08-1,15) et 1,06 (IC 95 % : 1,03-1,09) pour chaque augmentation de 10 décibels A (dBA) des niveaux de bruit équivalent total sur 24h (LAeq24h). L’AVC ischémique était aussi associé au bruit environnemental total (HR par 10 dBA : 1.08; IC 95 % : 1,04-1,12) mais pas l’AVC hémorragique (HR par 10 dBA : 0,97; IC 95 % : 0,90-1,04). La précision des niveaux de bruit routier estimés avec le modèle de propagation CadnaA était faible, et l’association entre le bruit routier et l’IM négative (HR par 10 dBA : 0,99; IC 95 % : 0,98-1,00). Les résultats avec les distances aux sources de bruit étaient aussi surprenants. La proximité aux routes majeures et autoroutes n’étaient pas associée à l’IM (ex : HR comparant ≤50 versus > 500 m : 1,00; IC 95 % : 0,97-1,03 pour les routes majeures) tandis que la proximité aux chemins de fer l’était (HR pour ≤100 versus >1000 m : 1,07; IC 95 % : 1,01-1,14). Une association négative a été observée avec la proximité à la zone bruyante de l’aéroport). L’HT n’apparaissait pas comme un médiateur des associations entre le bruit environnemental total et l’incidence de l’IM ou des AVC, bien que l’HT soit aussi associée au bruit environnemental total (Rapport de Cotes par IQR de 5,5 dBA : 1,05, IC 95 % : 1,04-1,06 pour l’IM; et 1,05, IC 95 % : 1,05-1,06 pour les AVC).
Les résultats de nos travaux basés sur le bruit environnemental total suggèrent que le bruit environnemental est associé à l’incidence de l’IM et des AVC dans une ville canadienne. L’HT n’apparaît pas comme un médiateur dans la relation entre le bruit et ces MCV. Les distances sont des indicateurs non spécifiques de l’exposition au bruit et le développement d’estimés d’exposition plus précis basés sur des modèles de propagation sont nécessaires pour quantifier les risques associés spécifiquement au bruit routier afin de les comparer à ceux d’autres villes. À Montréal, au Québec et au Canada, comme en Europe, le bruit environnemental contribue au fardeau de la maladie et il est important d’envisager des actions préventives pour réduire l’exposition des populations. / Abstract
Environmental noise has major negative effects on the cardiovascular system. However, epidemiological evidence comes mainly from Europe and remains largely limited to associations with hypertension (HT) and all combined coronary heart disease (including myocardial infarction, MI). Stroke, which is the second leading cause of death in the world, has been very little studied. In addition, most studies examining the cardiovascular effects of environmental noise have mainly estimated exposure to transport noise (road and air), not the total environmental noise (from all sources) to which individuals are generally exposed in their environment. Also, no study has explored with mediation analyses whether the effect of noise on cardiovascular diseases (CVD) such as MI or stroke “passes” or not through HT which is an important risk factor for CVD.
The objective of this thesis was to examine the associations between long-term residential exposure to total environmental and transport noise and the incidence of MI and strokes (including ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke) in the adult population of Montreal, Canada. This thesis also aimed to assess the mediating effect of HT on these relationships.
Open retrospective cohorts (for MI and strokes) of individuals aged ≥ 45 years residing in Montreal and without a history of MI or stroke were constructed from the Quebec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System for the period 2000-2014. We used three different methods to estimate residential noise exposure: 1) total environmental noise estimated with a « Land Use Regression (LUR) » model; 2) road transport noise estimated with the CadnaA propagation model and 3) distances to transport noise sources (roads, airport, rail). Incident cases of MI, stroke and HT were identified using validated algorithms, based on diagnoses of hospitalizations and medical consultations at the emergency room and in physician offices. Cox models (with age as the time axis) stratified by sex, adjusted for the calendar year, material deprivation index and road pollution (nitrogen dioxide) and indirectly adjusted for smoking were used to estimate the different associations. The counterfactual method was used to estimate the direct and indirect effects of the mediation analysis by HT; a logistic regression model was used to relate total noise to HT in this analysis.
Over one million individuals totalizing over 9,000,000 person-years were followed from 2000 to 2014 in each cohort (MI and stroke). We found positive associations between total environmental noise (estimated with LUR) and the incidence of MI and stroke. The adjusted hazard ratios (HR) were 1.12 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.08-1.15) and 1.06 (95% CI: 1.03-1, 09) for each 10 decibel A (dBA) increase in total equivalent noise levels over 24 hours (LAeq24h). Total environmental noise was associated with ischemic stroke (HR per 10 dBA: 1.08; 95% CI: 1.04-1.12) but not with hemorrhagic stroke (HR per 10 dBA: 0.97; 95% CI: 0.90-1.04). The precision of road noise levels estimated from the propagation model CadnaA was low and the association between road noise levels and MI negative (HR per 10 dBA: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.98-1.00). The results with distances to noise sources were also surprising. Proximity to major roads and highways were not associated with MI (e.g. HR comparing ≤50 versus> 500 m: 1.00; 95% CI: 0.97-1.03 for major roads) while the proximity to railways was positively associated with MI (HR for ≤100 versus> 1,000 m: 1.07; 95% CI: 1.01-1.14). A negative association was observed with the proximity to the noisy area of the airport (HR <1 versus> 1,000 m: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.81-0.96). HT did not appear to mediate the associations between total environmental noise and the incidence of MI or stroke, although HT was also associated with total environmental noise (Odds Ratios by IQR of 5.5 dBA increase: 1.05, 95%CI: 1.04-1.06 for MI; and 1.05, 95%CI: 1.05-1.06 for stroke).
The results of our research based on total environmental noise suggest that environmental noise is associated with the incidence of MI and stroke in a Canadian city. HT does not appear to mediate the relationship between noise and these CVDs. Distances are non-specific indicators of noise exposure and the development of more precise exposure estimates based on propagation models is needed to quantify the risks associated specifically with road noise in order to compare them with those of other cities. In Montreal, Quebec and Canada, as in Europe, environmental noise contributes to the burden of disease, and it is important to consider preventive actions to reduce the exposure of populations.
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