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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influences of physical environment of multi-brand fashion retail store on consumer's behavior

JU-PING, HO, FEI, LI January 2011 (has links)
The overall purpose of this research was to understand how consumers perceive physical environments from multi-brand fashion retail stores. According to Solomon and Rabolt (2008), a well-design of store environment can fulfill consumer’s shopping process with a pleasant, efficient and enjoyable experience. Since many researchers have proved that the store environment directs consumer’s shopping experience, by investigating consumer’s behavior with psychological and physical perceptions in a store is the approach for retailers to create more business opportunities in a competitive fashion industry today.Through literature review we know, the development of retail stores from eighteenth century until today, it changes by social, culture, economic factors as well as consumer behavior. From the history, it also illustrates how a multi-brand fashion retail store grows in today’s Swedish market. Customers’ interview is the important approach to know how consumers experience shopping and perceive the environment in the multi-brand fashion retail stores. Because of consumers’ demographic differences, the perceptions from the same store environment lead to either positive or negative feelings. By interviewing the store staffs, the companies’ management and store display strategies are provided and it is helpful to analyze and compare in parallel. The retailer applies appropriately store designing strategy to focus on a certain group of consumers is useful to find its target consumers as well as appealing to target consumer’s satisfaction with shopping experience. Based on the interview result, the perceptions both from consumers and retailers are discussed. According to the analysis of the results, recommendations are given for tangible and intangible improvements. In terms of visible improvements, the retailers may improve visual communication and lighting design in the store environment which enhances consumer’s attitude toward positive perception and exceptions. Sending positive knowledge is an invisible channel to influence consumer behavior, and it is sure that consumers are willing to learn what they are interested. Furthermore, improving visual merchandise management is an approach to compete increasing number of outlets in the market which could be achieved by professional employees and training processes.To design or create a better physical environment of multi-brand fashion retail store, it not only follows the retailer’s marketing strategy and company orientation, but also concerns for consumers’ needs toward positive influences. A consumer’s perception from a store environment decides his or her attitude and behavior. If consumers are satisfied with the store, they will tell an average of 5 other people, whereas disappointed consumers may talk to more people and never return to the store. (Hines and Bruce 2008) To develop a better physical environment of a multi-brand fashion retail store, it relies on interacting of influences between consumers and retailers. / Program: Magisterutbildning i fashion management med inriktning modemarknadsföring

Sexo, dinheiro e repressão: o global e o local na dinâmica sócio-espacial da prostituição / Sex, money and repression: global and local in socio-spatial dynamics of prostitution

Silva, Roberto Florentino da 14 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:41:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROBERTO_FLORENTINO_SILVA.pdf: 2985671 bytes, checksum: a9f521c8ecec873a7cb17c8154221dcf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-14 / This dissertation seeks to analyze the socio-spatial dynamics of prostitution in the city of Francisco Beltrão, Paraná, in its earliest manifestations, in specific moments, and at present, at another time, and alterations in the forms, functions, structures and processes of this activity, here understood as an economic activity. Part of the overall scale of the sex industry in a globalized world, of international trafficking of people, and the forms of organization of this activity in the city of São Paulo, to give a more precise cut of this activity on the scale of Francisco Beltrão. It attempts to analyze the explosive mix of sex, money and prejudices just as a socioeconomic activity in the light of the categories of Economic Geography. / Este trabalho busca analisar a dinâmica sócio-espacial da prostituição no município de Francisco Beltrão, Paraná, em suas primeiras manifestações, num momento, e na atualidade, em outro momento, e as modificações ocorridas nas formas, funções, estruturas e processos dessa atividade, aqui entendida como atividade econômica. Parte da escala geral da indústria do sexo no mundo globalizado, do tráfico internacional de pessoas, das formas de organização dessa atividade na cidade de São Paulo, para dar um recorte mais preciso dessa atividade na escala do Município. Tenta analisar a explosiva mistura de sexo, dinheiro e preconceitos apenas como uma atividade sócio-econômica, à luz das categorias da Geografia Econômica.

Foules et coercition : flux, ordres et dynamique du chaos / Coercion and crowds : global stream, order and dynamic of chaos

Sacks, Kim 29 September 2017 (has links)
Par l'analyse des pratiques de l'image, artistiques et médiatiques, le texte entend mettre au jour les mécaniques de la société du spectacle, altérées par les révolutions de la technologie de l'information et de la communication. Dans les espaces virtuels, la médiatisation émerge comme la modalité principale de toute forme d'interaction dématérialisée. L'image exerce sa puissance et conditionne les comportements. Pourtant, l'image peut s'opposer au flux dominant du spectacle et offrir un espace d'expression à contre-flux, contestataire et radical. Ce texte examine la consommation des représentations dans cette société du spectacle où la coercition anime la psychologie des foules - nuages fluides de particules individuelles séparées dont les mouvements chaotiques semblent imprévisibles. Cette recherche élabore une typologie des foules repensée au travers de la coercition des images, des médias et du pouvoir de la technologie sur le libre arbitre individuel. En s'appuyant sur des représentations iconiques de la violence et de la mort dans les événements visuels globaux - à l'instar de la photographie sidérante « The Falling Man » - ce texte aborde les tensions entre dispositifs, information et foules en dressant le portrait de l'Homme hypermoderne face aux foules virtuelles. Soumis au flux d'images constant, il semble en quête permanente d'une liberté insaisissable, fruit d'une identité qui peu à peu se dissipe au sein d'une société à la dérive incitant à ne vivre que par l'externalisation dans les technologies : utopie d'un Homme transparent, dépourvu d'intériorité, vivant dans l'espoir d'outrepasser la mort par la projection de soi dans le flux d'information. / Through the analysis of artistic and media-generated imagery, this text seeks to shed light on the mechanisms of the society of the spectacle, altered by the revolutions of information and communication technology. In virtual spaces, mediatization has emerged as the main modality of every dematerialized interaction. Image exercises power and conditions behaviors, but may also act counter to the dominant stream of spectacle thus opening a space for a counter-current both controversial and radical. This text examines how image is consumed in this society of the spectacle, in which coercion drives crowd psychology - fluid clouds of unique separated particles whose chaotic movements appear unpredictable. This research establishes a typology of crowds revised through the coercion of images, media, and the power of technology over individual freewill. By studying iconic images of violence and death in global visual events - as exemplified in The Falling Man, a photograph that stuns the viewer - the text raises issues concerning the seeming tensions between devices, information and crowds, while displaying the portrait of hypermodern Man in his relationship toward virtual crowds. Man, subjected to incessant streams of images, seems to be on a permanent quest for a freedom which eludes him, a consequence of an identity slowly dissipating into the mainstream. This text proposes an analysis of a society running adrift, a society offering nothing but a life of self­disembodiment into technological devices : utopia of a new transparent Man, deprived of self, living only in the hope of achieving immortality by projecting the self into the information stream.


Sá, Andréa Firmino de 15 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:31:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea Firmino de Sa.pdf: 4607961 bytes, checksum: ebe4528b68349a37fdd618a82e487363 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research aims to investigate and discuss the store layout as an element of communication applied to the point of sale book store, observing and analyzing how the current stores are being adapted to the market reality, which aims to provide the customer with a pleasant experience, considering the competition against e-commerce and supermarkets that have been selling books. It aims to understand the use of the different senses, which are: touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing in the point of sale itself. The object of study is Livraria Cultura, at Conjunto Nacional, since it s the biggest book store in Brazil, considering its dimensions. Since it s a contemporary phenomenon inside real life, the methodology is the Single Study Case and the methodology procedures are: direct observation of the customer at the point of sale, bibliography research and interviews with frequent customers and professionals in this area. We can conclude that the hedonistic characteristics of the contemporary customer, who searches for pleasant experiences associated to the synergy in integrated marketing communication, favors the positive results presented by the book store.(AU) / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar e discutir a ambientação como elemento de comunicação aplicado ao ponto-de-venda livraria e observar e analisar como as atuais lojas se adaptaram a uma realidade de mercado, que visa envolver o cliente em uma experiência prazerosa, tendo em vista a concorrência do comércio virtual e a crescente venda de livros em supermercados. Pretende-se, neste trabalho, compreender a utilização dos diversos elementos sensoriais que envolvem: tato, olfato, paladar, visão e audição no ponto-de-venda físico. O objeto de estudo é a Livraria Cultura do Conjunto Nacional, sua relevância ocorre pelo fato da livraria ser a maior loja em metros quadrados do país. Por tratar-se de um fenômeno contemporâneo inserido no contexto da vida real, a metodologia utilizada é o Estudo de Caso Único e os procedimentos metodológicos são observação direta do consumidor no ponto-de-venda, pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas com freqüentadores da loja e com profissionais do setor. Pode-se concluir que as características hedônicas do consumidor contemporâneo que busca experiências prazerosas associada a sinergia da comunicação integrada de marketing favorecem para os resultados positivos apresentados pela livraria.(AU)

Music Consumption in China : A Qualitative Study on Chinese Consumer Behavior in Consuming Music and Its Merchandise

Wang, Yue, Li, Yang January 2018 (has links)
In the past few decades people’s attitude towards music consumption has tremendously changed in China. With the constantly rising market and huge potential space, it is necessary to study the consumer behavior and explore factors that decide people’s willingness to pay in music consumption. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate: 1) What factors may influence the Chinese consumer behavior on music and its merchandise; 2) What factors may influence the “willingness to pay” of Chinese consumer in music consumption; 3) The similarities and differences between the consumption of music product and musical merchandise in China. The authors select the qualitative method and set up two focus groups, music product group and music merchandise group, in this study. Finally, they found five dimensions (musical preference & identity, culture of music, musical loyalty & satisfaction, Chinese music consumption, willingness to pay) will interaction with each other and influence Chinese consumer behavior on music product and its merchandise.

Teoria crítica e publicidade: o esplendor do automóvel e a regressão do indivíduo / Critical theory and advertising: the splendor of the automobile and the regression of the individual

Lucienne Dorneles 07 June 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa estímulos empregados em uma amostra de publicidades televisivas de automóveis com o objetivo de compreender como estes interpelam o sujeito no que diz respeito à irracionalidade imanente ao consumismo exacerbado. O estudo se apoia nos conceitos de estética da mercadoria, indústria cultural, regressão e narcisismo, conforme entendidos pela teoria crítica e psicanálise freudiana. Defende-se a tese de que tais estímulos mobilizam certos mecanismos psíquicos a fim de transformar as pulsões individuais em ações de consumo. Sob a premissa do consumo conspícuo, cuja finalidade é a ostentação com vistas a status e prestígio social, investiga-se como as alterações na percepção dos indivíduos, provocadas pelas pseudoexperiências estéticas mediadas pela indústria cultural, usurpam do indivíduo um esquematismo interno responsável em estruturar a percepção em correspondência com o entendimento, fortalecendo assim a ideologia do consumo. Em decorrência dessa base conceitual, são tomados como categorias de análise da publicidade os conceitos psicanalíticos de regressão, narcisismo, repressão e identificação. A pesquisa de campo permitiu constatar que os estímulos identificados são elaborados com base na carência interna de individualidade e liberdade, que, mobilizada pela publicidade, tende a se expressar na regressão narcísica como uma estratégia de preservação do ego. O mecanismo de regressão é explorado por meio de imagens arcaicas, a fim de despertar pulsões não sublimadas e direcioná-las para o desejo de possuir a mercadoria anunciada / This research treats with stimulus used in television advertising of automobile, in order to understand the irrationality immanent in the current exacerbated consumption. The study is based on the concepts of aesthetic of the merchandise, cultural industry, regression, and narcissism, as they are understood by critical theory and Freudian psychoanalysis. It defends the thesis that such stimulus mobilizes certain psychic mechanisms in order to transform the pulsions in actions of consumer. Under the premise of conspicuous consumption, whose purpose is ostentation to get status and social prestige, it investigates how changes in the perception of individuals, caused by pseudo aesthetic experiences mediated by cultural industry, usurp the individual of an internal schematism responsible in structuring the perception in correspondence to the understanding, thus strengthening the ideology of consumption. On this conceptual basis, it is taken as analytical categories of advertising psychoanalytic concepts of regression, narcissism, repression, and identification. The field research allowed to figure out that the stimulus identified are produced based on the internal lack of individuality and freedom, which mobilized by advertising tends to express itself in narcissistic regression as a self-preservation strategy. The mechanism of regression is explored by archaic images, in order to awaken pulsions not sublimated and direct them to the desire to possess the advertised merchandise

Arquitetura e luto na obra de Adolf Loos / Architecture and mourning in the work of Adolf Loos

Denis Joelsons 05 June 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe a leitura da obra de Adolf Loos (1870-1933) através das transformações históricas que marcaram a Europa na passagem da segunda metade do século XIX à primeira do século XX. A complexidade de sua obra é uma expressão privilegiada para o entendimento das contradições instauradas no período. Por um lado, o fôlego de suas ideias é dado pela persistência de problemáticas que surgiram no século XIX; por outro, parte de sua obsolescência também se explica pela resistência que Loos apresentou a tais mudanças. Transformações que ele identificou como perdas. O tema da perda permeia toda sua produção: nos edifícios, por vezes ele figura na justaposição de elementos contraditórios (tradição ou modernidade), por outras na cisão irreparável entre interior e exterior (público ou privado) e, em alguns casos, o uso de espelhos e aberturas simetricamente dispostas cria uma tensão de ambiguidade entre espaço e imagem (realidade e representação). O eixo de leitura proposto nesta dissertação se estabelece a partir das reações do arquiteto às perdas impostas por sua época. A obra estudada é interpretada como um trabalho de luto. Textos e edifícios representativos do pensamento de Adolf Loos são investigados à luz de algumas reflexões de importantes pensadores da cultura europeia do período, como Walter Benjamin, Camilo Sitte, Georg Simmel e Sigmund Freud. A abordagem se dá através de três temas centrais: a morte da tradição, a perda de vitalidade no espaço público das metrópoles e a decadência da experiência subjetiva. / It has been over a century since Adolf Loos\'s (1870-1933) most famous works, such as Ornament and Crime (1908) and Goldman & Salatsch building (1911), came to fruition. And, in spite of that, the contradictory nature of his legacy as an architect and writer still fuels and replenishes the debates and investigations of scholars to this day. This dissertation proposes a look at Adolf Loos\'s works through the historical transformations that characterized the transition of the second half of the nineteenth century to the twentieth century. The complexity of his production is a powerful expression of the contradictions that established this period. On one hand, the perseverance of his ideas comes from the persistence of issues that were originated on the nineteenth century, on the other; his obsolescence can also be explained by his opposition to the changes that came along with the new century. Loos identifies these changes as losses. Loss is a theme that impregnates all his production. In his architecture it often surfaces as contradictory elements (tradition and modernity) overlapping one another, or, at times, as an irreparable rupture between interior and exterior (public and private), and in some cases he creates a tension of ambiguity between space and image (reality and representation) by the use of mirrors and symmetrically opposed openings. It is this demeanor, and his reactions to the losses imposed by his time, that will be the axis that guides this dissertation. We can interpret many signs in his work as symbols of mourning. We investigate writings and buildings that represent his thought through the light of important contemporary thinkers of occidental culture, such as Walter Benjamin, Georg Simmel, Camilo Sitte e Sigmund Freud. We will approach his production by three lines: the death of tradition, the loss of vitality of public spaces in the metropolis and the decadence of subjective experience.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

Horák, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
This graduation theses treats of the system for return mechandise authorization processing for the organization Digilive s.r.o. The system should improve and modernize work of the employees and the clients in the process of attending the sales return. The system will contain two kinds of the users. The client can make sales returns and view data about his sales returns. The employee can edit all data about the sales returns and the clients. The employee segment is implemented with the 5-dimension model access data.

Visual merchandising displays' effect on consumer perceptions in Tshwane : an exploratory study into the South African apparel retail industry

Hefer, Yolande 22 April 2013 (has links)
This research study acquired a consumer response centred approach to visual merchandising stimuli, in an attempt to holistically consider this area of the retail industry. Consumers‟ perceptions towards visual merchandising displays and the effect these displays have on consumer behaviour were exposed. The primary research question that pended from the preliminary literature was to determine the effect of visual merchandising displays on consumer perceptions. Explorative research was performed and qualitative data were collected by means of focus groups and naïve sketches. The data was analysed by means of a thematic analysis process. Perceptions of visual merchandising displays that were identified were subliminal in creating an interest and desire to further peruse the merchandise and aesthetically to beautify the store. Consumers expressed that the impact that visual merchandising displays had on their buying decisions depended on their personal preferences. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Aspectos controvertidos da tributação do uso de software / Controversial aspects regarding the taxation of software usage.

Iwase, Raquel Harumi 05 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar questões de elevada indagação jurídica quanto à tributação do uso do software no Brasil, levando-se em consideração os ditames previstos nas leis do software e de direito autoral, bem como o conteúdo decisório do acórdão proferido pelo STF nos autos do RE nº 176.626-3, em especial a classificação tripartite de programas: (i) de prateleira; (ii) sob encomenda; e, (iii) híbrido. Inicialmente, são analisadas questões importantes quanto ao sistema informático e a própria criação e composição de um programa de computador, passando pela sua natureza jurídica e pela proteção conferida pelo direito autoral, pondo em evidência as formas pelas quais são transferidos (parcial ou integralmente) os direitos patrimoniais de autor. Na sequência, com base na Constituição Federal e na lei, analisa-se a incidência do ICMS-operação mercantil, dado que os programas de prateleira são comumente disponibilizados em mídias (disquetes, CDs, etc.) e postos à disposição de interessados em lojas de departamento. Para tanto, discorre-se acerca do regime jurídico-tributário do imposto e sobre os conceitos de operações e mercadoria com base na doutrina e na jurisprudência. Considerando que o software elaborado sob encomenda e o híbrido ensejam questionamentos quanto à configuração de prestação de serviço, o arquétipo constitucional do ISSQN, inclusive na modalidade importação, é esmiuçado. A busca pela definição da expressão serviços de qualquer natureza definidos em lei complementar ganha destaque em razão de a LC nº 116/03 prever a incidência do ISS sobre ao licenciamento ou cessão de direito de uso de programas de computação. Por fim, são feitas breves considerações sobre outras controvérsias quanto à incidência do PIS-Importação, Cofins-Importação, CIDE e IRRF sobre os pagamentos remetidos ao exterior para a obtenção de licenças de uso de software. / This study looks at certain highly relevant legal issues regarding taxation of software usage in Brazil, taking into account both software and copyright legislation as well as the decision in an appeal court ruling handed down by the STF in RE 176.626-3, particularly the three categories used to classify programs: (i) \"off-the-shelf\"; (ii) \"tailor-made\"; and (iii) hybrid. Initially, we will look at some of the main issues presented by IT systems and the creation and composition of computer programs, their standing in law and the copyright protections they enjoy, discussing the ways in which (partial or fully) copyrights can be transferred to third parties. Based on the law and the Federal Constitution, we will then analyze the state tax on merchandise sales, as \"off the shelf\" programs are frequently made available on certain media (diskettes, CDs, etc.) and placed at the consumer\'s disposal in department stores. This will involve an assessment of the tax regime of ICMS as well as the concepts of \"transactions\" and \"merchandise\" in accordance with the doctrine and jurisprudence. Considering that both \"tailor made\" and \"hybrid\" software raises issues about the way in which services are rendered, we will look in detail at the constitutional model of ISSQN and how it is imposed on imports of services. The phrase \"services of any nature defined in supplementary law\" is increasingly relevant and it will be scrutinized as the LC nº 116/03 states that ISS applies to \"licensing or assignment of computer program user rights\". Finally, there will be a few remarks on other controversial issues related to PIS-Import, Cofins-Imports, CIDE and IRRF levied on the remittances of payments to a beneficiary resident or domiciled abroad to acquire software user licenses.

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