Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mirror neurons"" "subject:"mirrror neurons""
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Kundenorientierte Wissensaufnahmefähigkeit des Unternehmens: Rückführung des organisationstheoretischen Konstrukts auf eine neurowissenschaftliche EbeneDuchmann, Christian 09 September 2011 (has links)
Kundenorientierung ist ein maßgeblicher Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen. Entscheidenden Einfluss hierauf besitzen Mitarbeiter mit Kunden-Kontakt, die sich in Bedürfnisse der Kunden einfühlen können und die ihr Wissen mit anderen Mitarbeitern im Unternehmen teilen. In einem schrittweisen und systematischen Vorgehen werden in dieser Arbeit betriebswirtschaftliche und neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zusammengeführt und hierdurch dargelegt, welche Faktoren im Unternehmen diese Gehirnleistung des Einfühlens begünstigen. Die Mehr-Ebenen-Analyse erfolgt ausgehend von der Unternehmensebene, insbesondere Phänomenen der Unternehmenskultur, über die Ebene der Beziehungen zwischen Kunden und Mitarbeitern bis hin zur Ebene des sozialen Gehirns.
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The sympathetic imagination in the novels of J.M. Coetzee / empathy and mirror neurons in literatureHeister, Hilmar 18 March 2015 (has links)
In dieser Studie wird umfassend untersucht, wie sich die sympathetic imagination im Werk von J.M. Coetzee entwickelt. Zugrunde liegt die Annahme, dass die Art und Weise wie J.M. Coetzee seine sympathetic imagination zum Einsatz bringt die Empathiefähigkeit des Lesers zu steigern vermag. Ausgangspunkt für die Untersuchung und deren zentrale Analysekategorien für die Besprechung der Romane Coetzees ist ein Blick auf Spiegelneuronen als neuronale Grundlage für Empathie, ein relative neues und stetig sich erweiterndes Feld. Geteilte Aufmerksamkeit (shared attention) und Perspektivübernahme (perspective-taking) bilden den Mittelpunkt bei neurowissenschaftlichen Diskussionen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Spiegelneuronen und Empathie. Eine Analyse von Coetzees Romanen zeigt, dass in seiner Literatur vergleichbare Mechanismen zur Wirkung kommen. / The following study attempts a comprehensive evaluation of how the sympathetic imagination evolves in the works of J.M. Coetzee. The underlying assumption is that the way Coetzee employs his sympathetic imagination in his fiction enhances the reader’s empathetic capabilities. A starting point for the central categories of analysis and the close readings of his novels will be a brief exploration of the neuronal basis of empathy as discussed in the context of the discovery of and continuously extending research on mirror neurons as the neurological basis for empathy. Shared attention and perspective-taking constitute the focus of neuroscientific discussions of the connection between empathy and mirror neurons. A close look at Coetzee’s fiction will reveal comparable mechanisms in literary representation.
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A phenomenological-enactive theory of the minimal selfWelch, Brett January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to argue that we possess a minimal self. It will demonstrate that minimal selfhood arrives early in our development and continues to remain and influence us throughout our entire life. There are two areas of research which shape my understanding of the minimal self: phenomenology and enactivism. Phenomenology emphasizes the sense of givenness, ownership, or mineness that accompanies all of our experiences. Enactivism says there is a sensorimotor coupling that occurs between us and the environment in a way which modulates the dynamic patterns of our self development; the laying down of these basic patterns helps make us who we are and gives rise to the phenomenological, experiential mineness. Drawing on these two core ideas, I will be arguing for a Phenomenological-Enactive Minimal Self (abbreviated PEMS). I will be emphasizing the role of the body and the role of affects (moods, feelings, and emotions) as the most important components relevant to understanding minimal selfhood. Put more concretely, the set of conditions which constitute the PEMS view are: (i) The minimal self is the experiential subject; the minimal sense of self is present whenever there is awareness. It is the subjectivity of experience, the sense of mineness, or givenness which our experiences contain. (ii) The phenomenological part of the PEMS view turns on the idea of a bodily and dynamic integration of sensorimotor coupling and affective experience. It is, ontologically speaking, the lived body in enactive engagement with the environment. It is this embodied subject which anchors and forms the foundation for the later ‘narrative' self, which emerges from it and which is continually influenced by it. It is the subject enactively engaged with others, dependent on sensorimotor processes and affects. We have an identity, but it emerges from relational and dynamic processes.
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Obraz jako příklad a vzor v kontextu jeho vlivu a rozšíření na prožívání života člověka / Visual experince as example and pattern in relation to the expansion and influence into human lifeNohejl, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The main theme of this dissertation is to define an image as a visual experience. The human interaction is described by the author himself as a perception of the image, which serves as an information unit that could be presented as a possibility, example and pattern for the individual. There is an emphasis on the process of perception itself and on the way of interaction of an individual emphasizing the context of social learning and imitation in this text. The analysis of the principles of this interaction leading into introduction of the partial interactive models covering these processes is formed by the essential plane. The structure of the thesis is divided into ten main chapters in which the author tries to introduce a category of perception, a definition of the image and imitation as a tool of cultural transmission, presentation of the units of this transmission, the process of the interaction itself and analogous example of the fundamental role that a person in this interaction holds. There are also three analogies of these roles, which refer to the anthropological universal interaction describing the man as a gatherer and hunter. Their main purpose is to illustrate the form of a human experience better. Finally, there are reflections on the topic above. The possibilities and results, which...
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Våld i film : En evolutionärbiologisk förklaring till vår fascinationFelsing, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsatsen undersöker varför våld i film är så utbrett och populärt. Jag använder mig av ett evolutionärbiologiskt perspektiv, som tidigare inte använts vid filmforskning i så stor utsträckning. Istället har filmforskning och andra studier på människans beteende oftast utgått ifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen är av typen ”forskningsöversikt” vilket innebär att jag inte har gjort någon klassisk analys på ett filmiskt verk eller empiriskt material, utan har sammanställt en stor mängd forskning från andra forskare. För att kunna svara på min frågeställning har jag behövt forska inom mänsklig evolution, audiovisuell perception samt våld i film. Den viktigaste bokenför uppsatsen kom att bli Torben Grodals Embodied Visions. Huvudfrågan i min frågeställning löd: Vilka faktorer ligger enligt tidigare forskning bakom populariteten av våldsskildringar?Svar: 1. Film är utformad för att påverka oss, aktivera känslor. 2. Det som påverkar ossallra mest är de bilder som påminner om de djupast rotade mekanismerna inuti oss. 3. Av evolutionära skäl ingår våld och aggressivitet bland dessa djupt rotade mekanismer. / This paper examines why violence in films is so widespread and popular. I use an evolutionary biological perspective, that has not previously been used in film research as much. Instead, the film research and other studies on human behavior usually originate from a social constructionist perspective. The essay is a "research review", which means that I have not made a classic analysis of a cinematic work or empirical data, but have collected a large amount of research from other scientists. To be able to answer my question, I had to do research in human evolution, audio visual perception and violence in film. The most important book for the essay came to be Torben Grodals Embodied Visions. The main question in my research question was: What factors are in accordance with previous research behind the popularity of graphic violence? Answer: 1. Film is designed to affect us, activating emotions. 2. what affects us the most is images that reminds us of deeply rooted mechanisms inside us. 3. of evolutionary reasons, violence and aggression are among these deep-rooted mechanisms.
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Hur toddlare använder det icke-verbala språket vid konfliktsituationer i Sverige och Schweiz : En jämförelse / How toddlers use nonverbal communication concerning conflict situations in Sweden and Switzerland A comparison : A comparisonBisso, Fabio January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore similarities and differences between preschools in Sweden and Switzerland by focussing on how infants use nonverbal expressions in conflict situations. The target group of 1-2 year old children does not yet have an adequate verbal language and therefore has to communicate nonverbally. Watzlawick's communication theory states that a person cannot not communicate; in my study I have mainly employed the five axioms of his theory and observed the so called mirror neurons, which play a key role when humans interact. Conflict theories and conflict resolution strategies are also considered. The methodological approach employed in this study combines a qualitative fieldwork with a quantitative systematization of data in order to construct a full representation of the differences and similarities that the observations have revealed. The study shows that there are significant differences in the way children get into conflict situations and how they try to overcome them. In order to clarify why these differences appear, the discussion of the study includes the Swedish pre-school system with its relatively large nursery schools, and also the Swiss education system, where the reference to discipline is more pronounced than in the Swedish education system. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur barn använder det icke-verbala språket vid konfliktsituationer samt att göra en jämförelse mellan förskolor i Sverige och Schweiz. Detta för att utforska skillnader och likheter mellan dessa två länder. I centrum för min observation står barn i åldern 1-2 år, då denna grupp ännu inte har utvecklat ett adekvat verbalt språk och därmed behöver kommunicera på ett icke-verbalt sätt. Watzlawicks kommunikationsteori fastslår att en människa inte inte kan kommunicera och denna grundsats har störst utrymme i min studie där fokus ligger på hans fem axiom inom kommunikation. Ytterligare tas hänsyn till spegelneuroner vilka spelar en nyckelroll när människor interagerar med varandra, likaså teorier inom konflikthantering. Den metodologiska ansatsen är en kombination av en kvalitativ fältforskning och kvantitativ systematisering av data. Studien visar att det föreligger signifikanta skillnader mellan hur barn hamnar i och hanterar konfliktsituationer i dessa två länderna. För att förklara dessa skillnader riktas blicken mot den svenska förskoleverksamheten med relativt stora barngrupper och mot den schweiziska pedagogiken som kan konstateras vara hårdare när det gäller disciplin.
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