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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ideologiska sandslott på en tvetydig strand : En aktörs- och platsstudie av strandskyddspolitikoch handläggning i tre Blekingekommuner

Uvgaard, Paul January 2011 (has links)
Why do people transgress legal borders on beaches by the lakes and the coastline, despite thefact of a Swedish law defending the beach and a rigorous administration mirroring it? Nationalstudies show great differences in regional and local practice regarding the administration ofthe law of beach defense, Strandskyddslagen.This licentiate thesis explores the administration of Swedish beaches from both an actorand a structural point of view. It was carried out as a case study of three municipalities situatedby the southeast part of the Baltic and inland. The interviewed actors were regional andlocal civil servants including local politicians. The purpose of the thesis was to reveal whatimplications daily practice among civil servants and local politicians have on the forms ofhow beaches are appropriated and dominated. The thesis focus on the dualism of the privateand the public space. Drawing on structural and poststructural theory and qualitative methodologythe importance of methodology is argued. The author use a triangulation of differenttheories and methods. Grounded on interviews, five areas were thematized; ideology, power,professional cultures, communication and mirroring. The thesis reveals that chains of causesto the heterogeneity of the local and regional beach administration, can be investigated moreefficiently by using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology.The author found that the administrators personal ideology in relation to the ideology expressedby the law is of importance in the daily practice. He also show how the two mainparts of Strandskyddslagen contribute to the development of two identifiable approaches inthe civil servants practice. This finding he connects with the development of professional staffcultures. Eventually the thesis discuss the importance of interior communication betweendifferent levels of the administration and underpin the rising cost problem when municipalitiesare delegated the main responsibility for mirroring the beaches. This leading to a tendencyof a growing appearance of corporate influence on local public politics regarding exploitationof land close to beaches.The author propose a closer communication between regional and municipal environment-and building administrators. He emphasizes the importance of transparency, communicationand education at both the regional, local administrative and political level of the beachadministration.

Dynamique des relations verticales " inter-industriels " : une lecture à partir du concept de modularité

Frigant, Vincent 22 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire propose une analyse de l'impact organisationnel de la modularité sur les relations verticales inter-firmes. Considérant en première approche la modularité comme une innovation technologique, il s'agit d'examiner comment les architectures produits, productives et organisationnelles co-évoluent dans le temps. Le texte est structuré autour de quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre présente la grille de lecture mobilisée pour évaluer l'influence du choix d'une architecture produit sur les trajectoires organisationnelles des firmes et des industries. Le lien entre nos travaux et ceux en termes de dominant design sont explicités ainsi que l'importance d'étudier les changements technologiques comme facteur essentiel des dynamiques organisationnelles. Le deuxième chapitre présente la controverse entre Vanishing Hand et Complex product systems concernant les frontières de la firme. Ce débat est ensuite complété par une analyse détaillée du secteur automobile présenté comme une industrie imparfaitement modulaire. Le troisième chapitre cherche à comprendre comment émerge les architectures modulaires en retraçant la généalogie de son développement dans l'industrie automobile. La nature incrémentale et les effets de rétroaction entre technologie et organisation sont particulièrement mis en avant. Les conséquences de l'imparfaite modularité sur les firmes présentes dans l'industrie sont également soulevées et le rôle des PME captant les interstices du marché, soulignées. Le dernier chapitre cherche à évaluer comment le développement d'architecture produit modulaire contribue à accroître la fragmentation internationale des chaînes de valeur. Une première section présente les arguments habituellement présentés dans la littérature à partir de l'opposition architecture modulaire/imparfaitement modulaire présenté au deuxième chapitre. En se recentrant sur l'industrie automobile, on propose alors un modèle explicatif des stratégies de localisation des équipementiers en Europe. La conclusion rassemble les points clés dégagés et esquisse des pistes de recherche pour la suite.

Poética para além da vida: cidade morta e noiva morta. Diálogos estéticos entre Alphonsus de Guimaraens e Georges Rodenbach / Poetics beyond life: dead city and dead bride. Aesthetic dialogues between Alphonsus de Guimaraens and Georges Rodenbach

Nadia Cotrim Sauer Leão 14 March 2016 (has links)
A dissertação traz uma aproximação entre os poetas simbolistas Alphonsus de Guimaraens e Georges Rodenbach por meio da análise dos temas da cidade morta e da noiva morta. Inicialmente, é feita uma leitura panorâmica da obra em verso e prosa do poeta mineiro, em que se pontua a discussão acerca da religiosidade em sua produção, a fim de mostrar que a presença desse tema está a serviço de um projeto estético consciente e contribui com a criação de uma atmosfera de mistério comum às cidades mortas e de devoção à amada morta, da mesma forma como ocorre no romance Bruges-la-morte. Nesse romance de Georges Rodenbach, a cidade morta aparece como uma espécie de entidade mística, e sua imagem confunde-se com a imagem da mulher morta, num jogo de espelhamentos. Baseado, em especial, no conceito de espelhamento de Starobinski, este estudo pôde evidenciar nas obras de Alphonsus e Rodenbach a percepção das cidades como estados de alma e a imagem da noiva morta como consequência dessa condição anímica. Essa proximidade entre as obras dos dois autores é evidência de como Alphonsus poderia ter se apropriado de temas advindos da obra de Rodenbach, da qual ele era leitor. Isso deixa em aberto a possibilidade de certos temas conhecidos da obra de Alphonsus, normalmente associados à sua vida pessoal, advirem da influência que sofreu das tendências a ele contemporâneas da poesia e prosa europeia. / The dissertation brings an approximation between the Symbolist poets Alphonsus de Guimaraens and Georges Rodenbach through the analysis of the themes of the dead city and the dead bride. Initially, a panoramic reading of the works in verse and prose of the Brazilian poet is done, in which a discussion concerning religiousness in his work is pointed out with the intention of showing that the presence of such theme serves a conscious aesthetic project and contributes with the creation of a mysterious atmosphere, which appears both in the dead cities and in the devotion to the dead loved one, just like it happens in the novel Bruges-la-morte. In this novel by Georges Rodenbach, the dead city appears as a kind of mystical entity and its image mixes with that of the dead bride, in a mirroring game. Based mainly on Starobinskis concept of mirroring, this study was able to evidence the perception of the cities as states of mind and the image of the dead bride as a consequence of such psychic condition in the works of Guimaraens and Rodenbach. These proximities between the works of both authors is evidence of how Guimaraens could have appropriated themes from the works of Rodenbach, of whom he was a reader. That leaves open the possibility that certain themes known in the works of Guimaraens, which are usually associated with his personal life, may have come from the influence he suffered from the European poetry of his time.

Malby Antonína Hudečka kolem roku 1900 / Antonín Hudeček's Painting around 1900

Kubík, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The diploma work deals with the paintings of Antonín Hudeček from around 1900, which are viewed from two positions. The first thematic area includes the analysis of selected thought sources (the topic of a soul or a mood in the art), the motives (mirroring) and the themes (bathing boys) of Hudeček's paintings, which are treated with regard to the period art criticism a thought currents. The second part is made by analysis of some art sources which were essential for Antonín Hudeček's paintings around 1900. These were especially Hudeček's training with figuralists in Prague and Munich and the possible foreign inspiration, most importantly from the context of the contemporary art colonies and informal art groups. Fundamental theme of the work is the relationship of figure and landscape in the work of Antonín Hudeček around 1900. The catalogue of Hudeček's paintings from this period and excerpts from selected periodicals serve as the main methodological tool for comparison of Hudeček's work with other artists. Hudeček's schematic biography is also presented in the appendix of the work.

Systém pro testování odolnosti komunikační jednotky LAN dálkového sběru dat / System for testing the robustness of communication unit LAN of remote data acquisition

Mlýnek, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Remote data collection systems are widely used. One of the area is also data collection in energetics, where the energy consumption can be collected daily and presented to users on-line. The advantage of the remote data collection is possibility of frequent readings without a physical presence at the electrometers. The data transmission over the Internet can be subject of various attacks, which is the disadvantage. The understanding of attack method is the most important thing. The protection against the hackers is not complicated, but requires lot of attention. This master's thesis is focused on testing security of the communication unit LAN of remote data acquisition against attacks from the Internet. The next aim of this thesis is to describe algorithm of particular attack, needed recourses for their realization and method of their measurement and evaluation. Communication unit and component composition for attacks simulation is described in the first part of this thesis. The next part is focused on scanning for hosts and ports. The main part of this thesis is focused on the denial of service attacks and man in the middle attacks. In the end of my thesis is described selection of cryptographic system for remote data acquisition and is showed possibility of authentication mirroring. Problems of physical security are described too. The result of this thesis is script implementing all attacks, which are described.

Security in Smart Object Networks / Säkerhet i smartobjektnätverk

Sethi, Mohit January 2012 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) refers to an inter-connected world where physical devices are seamlessly integrated into the Internet and become active participants of business, information and social processes. This involves the inter-connection of a large number of heterogeneous networked entities and networks. Emergence of technologies such as Zigbee, Bluetooth low energy and embedded sensors has transformed simple physical devices into smart objectsthat can understand and react to their environment. Such smart objects form the building blocks for the Internet of Things. The communication infrastructure for these objects is based on an extension of the Internet protocol stack. Although the need for security is widely accepted, there is no clear consensus on how IP-based Internet security protocols can be applied to resource-constrained smart object networks. In this thesis  we develop a new secure and energyefficient communication model for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), a light-weight communication protocol designed for smart object networks. We contribute to the standardization of the generic communication architecture by adding security and delegation components for smart objects that sleep for large amounts of time during their operational phase. This architecture ensures data integrity and authenticity over a multi-hop network topology. It also provides a mirroring mechanism that uses a proxy to serve data on behalf of sleeping smart objects, thereby allowing them to act as always-online web servers. A working prototype implementation of the architecture is also developed. The security features in the architecture presented in this thesis are based on using strong public-key cryptography. Contrary to popular belief, our performance evaluation shows that asymmetric public-key cryptography can be implemented on small 8-bit micro-controllers without modifying the underlying cryptographic algorithms. / Internet of Things (IoT, ”Föremålens Internet") syftar på en sammankopplad värld där fysiska apparater är sömlöst integrerade till Internet och blir aktiva deltagare i affärslivs-, informations- och sociala processer. Detta innefattar sammankopplingen av ett stort antal heterogeniskt nätverkade enheter och nätverk. Uppkomsten av teknologier som Zigbee, låg energi Bluetooth och inbyggda sensorer har förvandlat enkla fysiska apparater till smarta objekt som kan förstå och reagera till sin omgivning. Dessa smarta objekt utgör byggstenarna för Föremålens Internet. Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen för dessa objekt bygger på en utvidgning av internetprotokollstacken.  Även om behovet av säkerhet är allmänt känt, finns det inget konsensus om hur IP-baserade internetsäkerhetsprotokoll kan tillämpas i resursbegränsade smartobjektnätverk. I denna avhandling utvecklas en ny säker och energisnål kommunikationsmodell för Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP, “Begränsat applikationsprotokoll"), ett lätt kommunikationsprotokoll avsett för smartobjektnätverk. Avhandlingen bidrar till standardiseringen av den generiska kommunikationsarkitekturen genom att tillsätta säkerhets- och delegationskomponenter för smarta objekt som sover under en stor del av sin operativa fas. Denna arkitektur garanterar dataintegritet och autenticitet över en flerhopps nätverkstopologi. Arkitekturen bidrar också med en återspeglingsmekanism som använder sig av en proxyserver för att erbjuda data för sovande smarta objekts del, vilket låter dem agera som alltid-online webbservrar. I avhandlingen utvecklas också en fungerande prototypimplementation av arkitekturen. Säkerhetsegenskaperna i den arkitektur som presenteras i denna avhandling är baserade på användningen av stark publik-nyckel kryptering. I motsatts till den allmänna förväntningen, visar prestationsbedömningen i denna avhandling att asymmetrisk kryptering med publik nyckel kan tillämpas i 8-bitars mikrokontrollrar utan att ändra på de underliggande kryptografiska algoritmerna.

And the wheel of fortune keeps spinning

Matei, Linea January 2022 (has links)
In this research I examine, mainly focusing on representation in storytelling, how certain aspects of a persons identity in relation to the social environment gives us different modes of discrimination and privileges. I have interviewed individuals around Sweden, during 2020 to 2022, between the age span of 4 to 80 years old concerning societal and familial upbringing. I choose to focus on upbringing since how we reflect about what has shaped us tells a lot about a person and the society. What struck me during the research and the interviews is that we live at the same time, at different places, with different identities, resources and capacities giving us different experiences and views of the world. With vastly different lives: what makes us able to relate to each other? Is it our ability to feel? To feel joy, irritation or loneliness. That no matter how one's life is we all have feelings, that perhaps gives us a chance to recognize, mirror and to empathize with each other? The project resulted in six textile sculptures and eighteen photos of the textile sculptured fictional characters each photographed in their own everyday life, in “their own reality”, in different places around Sweden. The sculptures, their individual jobs, studies, unemployment and places are inspired by the interviews and the research.

Embodied Metarepresentations

Hinrich, Nicolás, Foradi, Maryam, Yousef, Tariq, Hartmann, Elisa, Triesch, Susanne, Kaßel, Jan, Pein, Johannes 06 June 2023 (has links)
Meaning has been established pervasively as a central concept throughout disciplines that were involved in cognitive revolution. Its metaphoric usage comes to be, first and foremost, through the interpreter’s constraint: representational relationships and contents are considered to be in the “eye” or mind of the observer and shared properties among observers themselves are knowable through interlinguistic phenomena, such as translation. Despite the instability of meaning in relation to its underdetermination by reference, it can be a tertium comparationis or “third comparator” for extended human cognition if gauged through invariants that exist in transfer processes such as translation, as all languages and cultures are rooted in pan-human experience and, thus, share and express species-specific ontology. Meaning, seen as a cognitive competence, does not stop outside of the body but extends, depends, and partners with other agents and the environment. A novel approach for exploring the transfer properties of some constituent items of the original natural semantic metalanguage in English, that is, semantic primitives, is presented: FrameNet’s semantic frames, evoked by the primes SEE and FEEL, were extracted from EuroParl, a parallel corpus that allows for the automatic word alignment of items with their synonyms. Large Ontology Multilingual Extraction was used. Afterward, following the Semantic Mirrors Method, a procedure that consists back-translating into source language, a translatological examination of translated and original versions of items was performed. A fully automated pipeline was designed and tested, with the purpose of exploring associated frame shifts and, thus, beginning a research agenda on their alleged universality as linguistic features of translation, which will be complemented with and contrasted against further massive feedback through a citizen science approach, as well as cognitive and neurophysiological examinations. Additionally, an embodied account of frame semantics is proposed.

Sensibilisation aux émotions et formation de représentations par biofeedback social - Une révision du modèle et ses implications cliniques

Pellerin, Nathalie 11 1900 (has links)
Peu différenciées à la naissance, les émotions deviendraient intelligibles en étant élevées à la conscience par le développement d’une sensibilité aux sensations internes accompagnant l’émotion, sa représentation et sa symbolisation (Gergely & Watson, 1996). La théorie du miroir affectif-parental du biofeedback social de Gergely & Watson (1996), poussée plus loin par Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist et Target (2002), explique comment une interaction de biofeedback social complexe, innée, et probablement implicite, s’établit entre parent et nouveau-né pour aider ce dernier à différencier les somatosensations accompagnant l’expérience d’une émotion, au travers d’un comportement parental de miroir. Le but de cette thèse est de réviser cette théorie, et plus particulièrement l’hypothèse du miroir « marqué » (markedness), qui serait nécessaire pour dissocier le miroir parental du parent, et permettre l’appropriation de son contenu informationnel par l’enfant. Ce processus de sensibilisation est conçu comme partie intégrante du travail de symbolisation des émotions chez les enfants autant que chez les adultes. Cependant, le miroir marqué se manifestant par une expression exagérée ou « voix de bébé » (motherese) nécessiterait l’utilisation par le thérapeute d’une « voix de patient » (therapese) (Fonagy, 2010) pour être appliqué à la psychothérapie adulte, une proposition difficile à soutenir. La révision examine comment la sensibilisation d’une émotion est accomplie : par un mécanisme d’internalisation nécessitant un miroir « marqué » ou par un mécanisme de détection de la contingence de l’enfant. Elle démontre que le détecteur de contingence du nouveau-né (d’un fonctionnement semblable au système d’entraînement par biofeedback pour adultes) est le médiateur des fonctions de sensibilisation, de représentation, et de symbolisation de la ii sensation d’une émotion par ses processus de détection de la covariance-invariance, de la maximisation, et du contrôle contingent du miroir parental. Ces processus permettent à l’émotion de devenir consciente, que le miroir parental soit ‘marqué’ ou non. Le modèle révisé devient donc applicable à la thérapie des adultes. Une vignette clinique analysée à l’aide de la perspective du Boston Change Process Study Group sur le changement est utilisée pour contraster et illustrer les processus de sensibilisation et de symbolisation des émotions, et leur application à la psychothérapie adulte. Cette thèse considère les implications cliniques du nouveau modèle, et elle spécule sur les conséquences de difficultés parentales vis-à-vis de la disponibilité requise par les besoins de biofeedback social du nouveau-né, et sur les conséquences de traumatismes déconnectant des émotions déjà sensibilisées de leurs représentations. Finalement, elle suggère que le miroir sensible des émotions en thérapie puisse remédier à ces deux sortes de difficultés, et que le modèle puisse être utilisé concurremment à d’autres modèles du changement, en facilitant la génération d’états internes ressentis et symbolisés pouvant être utilisés pour communiquer avec soi-même et les autres pour la réparation de difficultés émotionnelles et relationnelles chez les enfants et les adultes. / Undifferentiated at birth, emotions would become intelligible by being raised to consciousness through the development of sensitivity to the inner sensations accompanying the emotion, their representation and symbolization (Gergely & Watson, 1996). The social biofeedback theory of parental affect-mirroring of Gergely and Watson (1996), furthered by Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist and Target (2002), explains how these somatosensory signals are so important that a complex, probably implicit, and possibly innate social biofeedback interaction exists between caregiver and infant, where the latter learns to differentiate between emotions through the parent’s mirroring of his emotion expression. The aim of this thesis is to revise this theory, and more precisely the ‘markedness’ hypothesis, which would be necessary to dissociate the parental mirroring from the parent and allow appropriation of its informational content as pertaining to the infant. The process of sensitization to these sensations is conceived to be integral to the symbolization of emotions in children and adults. However, ‘motherese’, the singsong prosody of markedness hypothesized to be necessary to foster successful social biofeedback interactions between caregivers and infants, requires that therapists use ‘therapese’ in the clinical setting (Fonagy, 2010), a proposition difficult to reconcile with the therapy of adults. The revision investigates whether the sensitization and symbolization of an emotion is accomplished through an internalization mechanism requiring the ‘markedness’ hypothesis, or solely through social biofeedback mechanisms based on infant contingency detection. It demonstrates that the infant’s contingency detector (similarly to biofeedback training in adults) mediates the iv functions of sensitization, representation, and symbolization of an emotion through its processes of covariance-invariance detection, maximization, and the contingent control of the parental mirroring. It allows the emotion to be raised to consciousness, with the help of the parental mirror, whether it is ‘marked’ or not. The revised model thus becomes applicable to the therapy of adults. A clinical vignette analyzed with the Boston Change Process Study Group’s perspective on change is used to contrast and illustrate the processes of sensitization and representations of emotions, and their application in adult psychotherapy. The thesis considers the clinical implications of the new model and speculates on the consequences of parental difficulties with surrendering to the social biofeedback needs of the infant, and on the consequences of emotional trauma disconnecting sensitive emotion sensations from their representations. Finally, it suggest that both kinds of difficulties can be repaired through sensitive mirroring of emotions in therapy, and that the model might be used concurrently with other models of change, by facilitating the generation of felt and symbolized inner states that can be used for self and other communication in the repair of emotional and relational difficulties in children and adults.

Sensibilisation aux émotions et formation de représentations par biofeedback social - Une révision du modèle et ses implications cliniques

Pellerin, Nathalie 11 1900 (has links)
Peu différenciées à la naissance, les émotions deviendraient intelligibles en étant élevées à la conscience par le développement d’une sensibilité aux sensations internes accompagnant l’émotion, sa représentation et sa symbolisation (Gergely & Watson, 1996). La théorie du miroir affectif-parental du biofeedback social de Gergely & Watson (1996), poussée plus loin par Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist et Target (2002), explique comment une interaction de biofeedback social complexe, innée, et probablement implicite, s’établit entre parent et nouveau-né pour aider ce dernier à différencier les somatosensations accompagnant l’expérience d’une émotion, au travers d’un comportement parental de miroir. Le but de cette thèse est de réviser cette théorie, et plus particulièrement l’hypothèse du miroir « marqué » (markedness), qui serait nécessaire pour dissocier le miroir parental du parent, et permettre l’appropriation de son contenu informationnel par l’enfant. Ce processus de sensibilisation est conçu comme partie intégrante du travail de symbolisation des émotions chez les enfants autant que chez les adultes. Cependant, le miroir marqué se manifestant par une expression exagérée ou « voix de bébé » (motherese) nécessiterait l’utilisation par le thérapeute d’une « voix de patient » (therapese) (Fonagy, 2010) pour être appliqué à la psychothérapie adulte, une proposition difficile à soutenir. La révision examine comment la sensibilisation d’une émotion est accomplie : par un mécanisme d’internalisation nécessitant un miroir « marqué » ou par un mécanisme de détection de la contingence de l’enfant. Elle démontre que le détecteur de contingence du nouveau-né (d’un fonctionnement semblable au système d’entraînement par biofeedback pour adultes) est le médiateur des fonctions de sensibilisation, de représentation, et de symbolisation de la ii sensation d’une émotion par ses processus de détection de la covariance-invariance, de la maximisation, et du contrôle contingent du miroir parental. Ces processus permettent à l’émotion de devenir consciente, que le miroir parental soit ‘marqué’ ou non. Le modèle révisé devient donc applicable à la thérapie des adultes. Une vignette clinique analysée à l’aide de la perspective du Boston Change Process Study Group sur le changement est utilisée pour contraster et illustrer les processus de sensibilisation et de symbolisation des émotions, et leur application à la psychothérapie adulte. Cette thèse considère les implications cliniques du nouveau modèle, et elle spécule sur les conséquences de difficultés parentales vis-à-vis de la disponibilité requise par les besoins de biofeedback social du nouveau-né, et sur les conséquences de traumatismes déconnectant des émotions déjà sensibilisées de leurs représentations. Finalement, elle suggère que le miroir sensible des émotions en thérapie puisse remédier à ces deux sortes de difficultés, et que le modèle puisse être utilisé concurremment à d’autres modèles du changement, en facilitant la génération d’états internes ressentis et symbolisés pouvant être utilisés pour communiquer avec soi-même et les autres pour la réparation de difficultés émotionnelles et relationnelles chez les enfants et les adultes. / Undifferentiated at birth, emotions would become intelligible by being raised to consciousness through the development of sensitivity to the inner sensations accompanying the emotion, their representation and symbolization (Gergely & Watson, 1996). The social biofeedback theory of parental affect-mirroring of Gergely and Watson (1996), furthered by Fonagy, Gergely, Jurist and Target (2002), explains how these somatosensory signals are so important that a complex, probably implicit, and possibly innate social biofeedback interaction exists between caregiver and infant, where the latter learns to differentiate between emotions through the parent’s mirroring of his emotion expression. The aim of this thesis is to revise this theory, and more precisely the ‘markedness’ hypothesis, which would be necessary to dissociate the parental mirroring from the parent and allow appropriation of its informational content as pertaining to the infant. The process of sensitization to these sensations is conceived to be integral to the symbolization of emotions in children and adults. However, ‘motherese’, the singsong prosody of markedness hypothesized to be necessary to foster successful social biofeedback interactions between caregivers and infants, requires that therapists use ‘therapese’ in the clinical setting (Fonagy, 2010), a proposition difficult to reconcile with the therapy of adults. The revision investigates whether the sensitization and symbolization of an emotion is accomplished through an internalization mechanism requiring the ‘markedness’ hypothesis, or solely through social biofeedback mechanisms based on infant contingency detection. It demonstrates that the infant’s contingency detector (similarly to biofeedback training in adults) mediates the iv functions of sensitization, representation, and symbolization of an emotion through its processes of covariance-invariance detection, maximization, and the contingent control of the parental mirroring. It allows the emotion to be raised to consciousness, with the help of the parental mirror, whether it is ‘marked’ or not. The revised model thus becomes applicable to the therapy of adults. A clinical vignette analyzed with the Boston Change Process Study Group’s perspective on change is used to contrast and illustrate the processes of sensitization and representations of emotions, and their application in adult psychotherapy. The thesis considers the clinical implications of the new model and speculates on the consequences of parental difficulties with surrendering to the social biofeedback needs of the infant, and on the consequences of emotional trauma disconnecting sensitive emotion sensations from their representations. Finally, it suggest that both kinds of difficulties can be repaired through sensitive mirroring of emotions in therapy, and that the model might be used concurrently with other models of change, by facilitating the generation of felt and symbolized inner states that can be used for self and other communication in the repair of emotional and relational difficulties in children and adults.

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