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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Östrogens signalering i hjärnans gliaceller / Estrogen signaling in the gliacells of the brain

Lindgren, Iréne January 2020 (has links)
I hjärnan finns neuron och gliaceller. Förut trodde man att neuroner var dem enda som hade en viktig funktion i hjärnan men på senare tid har upptäckt att gliaceller har en större betydande roll än man tidigare trott. Gliaceller är ett samlingsnamn som innefattar bland annat microglia celler, oligodendrocyter och astrocyter. Östrogen är ett steroidhormon som har många viktiga funktioner i kroppen som bland annat reproduktionen, immunförsvaret, skelettet och endokrina system. Östrogen binder till östrogenreceptorer och de finns 3 stycken olika som kallas för östrogenreceptor alfa (α), östrogenreceptor beta (β) och G-proteinkopplade östrogenreceptor (GRP30). Alla dessa östrogenreceptorer har man funnit i hjärnan. Syftet med detta projektarbete är att ge en djupare förståelse om östrogens signalering i hjärnans gliaceller och om östrogens signalering kan ge någon relevant funktion till framtida farmakologiska behandlingar.  Systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes och sökningar på databasen PubMed. Begränsade antalet träffar med sökord, inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier. Artiklar granskades sedan via ett urvalssystem och relevanta artiklar användes för att besvara syfte och frågeställningar.  Östrogensignaleringen på gliaceller har många olika effekter. En signalering på östrogenreceptor β på oligodendrocyter leder till mognad, differentiering, bättre överlevd och att remyeliniseringen aktiverades. Medan en östrogens signalering på microglia cellens östrogenreceptorer α, β och GRP30 leder dämpning av inflammation och förbättrad kognitiv funktion. Östrogensignaleringen på astrocyter ger flera olika effekter såsom metabolismen av glukos, progesteron syntesen, glutamattransportören GLT-1, tillväxtfaktorn TGF-α, upptaget av glutamat samt ökad proteinproduktion av AMPA-receptor. Den nya kunskapen om östrogens signalering på hjärnans gliaceller kan leda till framtida farmakologiska behandlingar vid hjärnskada och ischemisk stroke. Östrogenet har visat på neuronskyddande effekter via signalering på gliaceller. Svagheten är att de endast är djurstudier som ligger till grund för kunskapen om östrogens signalering på gliaceller. I framtiden skulle det behövas styrkas med studier gjorda på människa. En styrka är att djurstudierna ger en fingervisning om östrogen signaleringen eftersom hjärnans uppbyggnad är likvärdig.

CRISPR-Cas9 versus Prime Editing : en metodjämförelse, kliniska prövningar och etiska aspekter / CRISPR-Cas9 versus Prime Editing : a method comparison, clinical trials and ethical aspects

Olsson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Det finns idag flera tusen genetiska sjukdomar som inte kan botas med hjälp av dagens läkemedelsbehandlingar. Detta är något forskarna försöker finna en lösning på. Två nya potenta genredigeringsverktyg har utvecklats och tros kunna bota och behandla många av de idag kända genetiska sjukdomarna. Detta är clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats med CRISPR-associerade proteiner, CRISPR/Cas9 och prime editing. Tekniker som utvecklats från det adaptiva immunförsvaret hos prokaryoter. Både CRISPR/Cas9 och prime editing är RNA-guidade system med DNA som mål, de är även möjliga att programmera. Syftet med denna litteratursökning var att: 1) Jämföra teknikerna CRISPR/Cas9 och prime editing, 2) Undersöka vilka idag pågående kliniska prövningar som finns där någon av teknikerna används vid behandling av sjukdom. 3) Undersöka vilka sjukdomstillstånd som tros kunna botas och/eller behandlas med hjälp av någon av teknikerna samt 4) undersöka hur forskare ser på de etiska aspekterna av dessa tekniker. Information har hämtats under arbetets gång, främst från PubMed, Google och clinicaltrials.gov. Det finns idag 16 pågående studier där CRISPR/Cas9 används som behandlingsmetod. För prime editing finns det inga pågående studier. Sjukdomarna som forskarna hoppas kunna behandla med hjälp av metoderna är många, men de har kommit längst i utvecklingen av läkemedel för cancer, blodsjukdomar och ögonsjukdomar. De etiska diskussionerna har varit många och den stora frågan som diskuteras är hur tekniken skall regleras för att inte utnyttjas till sådant som potentiellt kan vara skadligt. Detta är två tekniker med hopp om nya behandlingsmetoder för genetiska sjukdomar, dock är de endast i början av sin utveckling och mer forskning och förfining av metoderna krävs innan de kan tillämpas kliniskt. / Today, there are thousands of genetic diseases that cannot be cured with the help of today's drug treatments. This is something the researchers are trying to find a solution to. Two new potent gene editing tools have been developed and are believed to be able to treat or cure many of today's genetic diseases. These are Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats with CRISPR-associated proteins, CRISPR/Cas9 and prime editing. Techniques developed from the adaptive immune system of prokaryotes. Both CRISPR/Cas9 and prime editing are RNA-guided DNA-targeted systems that are programmable. The purpose of this literature search was to: 1) compare the CRISPR/Cas9 and prime editing techniques, 2) investigate the current clinical trials in which any of the techniques are used to treat disease. 3) investigate which diseases that are believed to be cured and/or treated by using one of the techniques, and 4) investigare how researchers view the ethical aspects of these techniques. Information was gathered during a period between January to May 2020, mainly from PubMed, Google and clinicaltrials.gov. There are currently 16 ongoing studies using CRISPR/Cas9 as a treatment method. For prime editing there are no ongoing studies. The diseases that the researchers hope to be able to treat using the methods are many, but they have come the farthest in the development of a drug for cancer, blood diseases and eye diseases. There have been many discussions about the ethical side, but the big question being discussed is how the technology should be regulated so that it may not be used to harm instead of treat. These two techniques give hope of new treatment methods of genetic diseases, however, they are in the early stages of their development and more research and refinement of the methods is required before they can be applied clinically.

Development of Next-Generation Optical Tweezers : The New Swiss Army Knife of Biophysical and Biomechanical Research

Nilsson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In a time when microorganisms are controlling the world, research in biology is more relevant than ever and this requires some powerful instruments. Optical tweezers use a focused laser beam to manipulate and probe objects on the nano- and microscale. This allows for the exploration of a miniature world at the border between biology, chemistry and physics. New methods for biophysical and physicochemical measurements are continuously being developed and at Umeå University there is a need for a new system that combines several of these methods. This would truly be the new Swiss army knife of biophysical and biomechanical research, extending their reach in the world of optical tweezing. My ambition with this project is to design and construct a robust system that incorporates optical trapping with high-precision force measurements and Raman spectroscopy, as well as introducing the possibility of generating multiple traps by using a spatial light modulator (SLM). The proposed design incorporates four different lasers and a novel combination of signal detection techniques. To allow for precise control of the systems components and laser beams, I designed and constructed motorized opto-mechanical components. These are controlled by an in-house developed software that handles data processing and signal analysis, while also providing a user interface for the system. The components include, motorized beam blockers and optical attenuators, which were developed using commonly available 3D printing techniques and electronic controllers. By designing the system from scratch, I could eliminate the known weaknesses of conventional systems and allow for a modular design where components can be added easily. The system is divided into two parts, a laser breadboard and a main breadboard. The former contains all the equipment needed to generate and control the laser beams, which are then coupled through optical fibers to the latter. This contains the components needed to move the optical trap inside the sample chamber, while performing measurements and providing user feedback. Construction and testing was done for one sub-system at a time, while the lack of time required a postponement for the implementation of Raman and SLM. The system performance was verified through Allan variance stability tests and the results were compared with other optical tweezers setups. The results show that the system follows the thermal limit for averaging times (τ) up to ~1 s when disturbances had been eliminated, which is similar to other systems. However, we could also show a decrease in variance all the way to τ = 2000 s, which is exceptionally good and not found in conventional systems. The force-resolution was determined to be on the order of femtonewtons, which is also exceptionally good. Thus, I conclude that this optical tweezers setup could lie as a solid foundation for future development and research in biological science at Umeå University for years to come.

The CRISPR-Cas system

Stens, Cassandra, Enoksson, Isabella, Berggren, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Derived from and inspired by the adaptive immune system of bacteria, CRISPR has gone from basic biology knowledge to a revolutionizing biotechnological tool, applicable in many research areas such as medicine, industry and agriculture. The full mechanism of CRISPR-Cas9 was first published in 2012 and various CRISPR-Cas systems have already passed the first stages of clinical trials as new gene therapies. The immense research has resulted in continuously growing knowledge of CRISPR systems and the technique seems to have the potential to greatly impact all life on our planet. Therefore, this literature study aims to thoroughly describe the CRISPR-Cas system, and further suggest an undergraduate laboratory exercise involving gene editing with the CRISPR-Cas9 tool. In this paper, we describe the fundamental technical background of the CRISPR-Cas system, especially emphasizing the most studied CRISPR-Cas9 system, its development and applications areas, as well as highlighting its current limitations and ethical concerns. The history of genetic engineering and the discovery of the CRISPR system is also described, along with a comparison with other established gene editing techniques.  This study concludes that a deeper knowledge about CRISPR is important and required since the technique is applicable in many research areas. A laboratory exercise will not only inspire but also provide extended theoretical and practical knowledge for undergraduate students.

The Classification of Kinase Inhibitors on Five Channel Cell Painting Data Using Deep Learning

Yang, Ximeng January 2021 (has links)
Purpose This project aims to explore the classification method of kinase inhibitors with five-channel cell painting image data based on the deep learning model. Methods A ResNet50 transfer learning model was used as the starting point to build the deep neural network (DNN) model, where different DNN parameters were selected to make the deep learning model more suitable for the cell painting data. Two different adaptive layers (adaptive average pooling 3D and convolution 2D) were added separately before the ResNet50 transfer learning model to adapt the five-layer cell painting image to the neural network. In addition, the skimage.transform.resize function was used to compress the five-layer cell painting image. Results The proposed deep learning model demonstrates the effectiveness in all three classification experiments. The proposed model performs particularly well in classifying among control, EGFR, PIKK and CDK kinase inhibitors families. It achieves an F1-score of 0.7764 on all four targets and has a 93\% accuracy rate in the PIKK kinase inhibitors family. The adaptive average pooling 3D layer successfully adapts the five-layer images to the model, resulting in an improved effect. The training time of the model is significantly reduced to one-fortieth by compressing the image size. Conclusion The proposed model achieved convincing effectiveness in classifying families, which showed progress in building the deep learning model to classify kinase inhibitors on five-channel cell painting data. This study also proved the feasibility of directly inputting five-channel cell painting images to DNN. In addition, the speed of the model increased sharply by compressing the image size without an obvious loss of data information.

Promote neuroprotection and axonal outgrowth in the central and peripheral neural system / Främja neuroprotection och axonal utväxt i det centrala och perifera nervsystemet

Petersson, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Acute spinal cord injury is often caused by collisions with motor vehicles, falls or violence. This injury could potentially lead to paraplegia or tetraplegia, causing great economic and personal loss. The patophysiology is biphasic, with primary and secondary mechanisms. Regarding secondary spinal cord injury, glutamate and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cbeta" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />) activates N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptors leading to prolonged excitotoxity, causing neuronal death and subsequently glial scarring. Cross-linked-hyaluronic acid gel and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA) are believed to have a neuroprotective effect. The major aim of this study was to evaluate neuroprotection in the central neural system. Briefly, spinal cord slice cultures from mice (p9-12) were chemically injured with NMDA and treated with two hyaluronic acid-based gels with integrated, or added, IL1RA. RNA was extracted and transcripted to cDNA. The gene expression of Neuronal nuclear protein, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cbeta" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />-aktin and IL-1<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Cbeta" data-classname="equation" data-title="" /> were studies with RT-qPCR. Results showed that gel integrated with IL1RA had significant therapeutic effect, resembling undamaged cultures. Furthermore, axonal outgrowth was investigated in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in which two preparations of the method were evaluated. Results demonstrated that changing medium every other day was more preferred, compared to adding 20 µl medium every day.  In conclusion, gels integrated with IL1RA have neuroprotective properties and in DRG preparations, medium should be changed every other day for optimal results.

Biological Affordances &amp; Aesthetics of Interaction / Equilibrium - Biological wearable for emotional wellbeing

Ivan, Kunjasic January 2020 (has links)
If you could trap a moment of painful sorrow or a deep joy, what form would you like to keep? This project is exploring how designing with biology can allow new sets of affordances and ways of expressing and interacting with the artifacts. Hence to this idea, the researcher is exploring the concept of crystalizing tears and turning them to gold, both metaphorically and literally. Showcasing how wearable made of living things could allow us more humane, poetic, and symbiotic relationships, compare to transactional interactions we currently have with wearables based on computation. As the outcome of the project, the researcher uses a biochemical phenomenon to commemorate chapters in life. Beyond that, the researcher is opening a field of what could be possible in the context of designing with biology and biological matters, how we are going to use them, and what kind of relationship we could build, as we move from machines to organisms, from pixels to cells. In its core, the researcher desired to show that Interaction designers must become material researchers, rather than inhabiting in the realm of familiar mediums. And this is what this thesis is all about, and hopefully, it does not stop there.

Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing: Effects Of Variability In Technical Factors On Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Using Broth Microdilution

Aziz, Seemal January 2021 (has links)
Background Broth microdilution (BMD) is a gold-standard reference method to determine minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics. For this, a standardized concentration of bacterial inoculum (2e5–8e5 colony-forming units, CFU/ml) is added to progressively higher concentrations of antibiotics. Bacteria stop growing at a particular antibiotic concentration termed MIC. Like other assays, various biological and/or technical factors can affect BMD results.   Aims To investigate the effects of inoculum concentration (5e4–5e6 CFU/ml), growth-medium concentration (cation-adjusted Mueller-Hinton Broth (CAMHB)), ranging 0.5x to 2x (1x as standard)) and age (&lt;6-months or &gt;1-year old) of fastidious medium on MIC results. And to compare BMD results using 5 different brands of CAMHBs and 1 cation-non-adjusted MH-broth (non-CAMHB).   Methods 12 isolates of bacteria (gram-positive (n=3), gram-negative(n=5), fastidious isolates (n=7)) and custom-made antibiotics-containing plates for gram-positive (11 antibiotics) or gram-negative bacteria (10 antibiotics) were used. Overnight-grown colonies were used to prepare BMD solutions (MH-broth + inoculum +/- fastidious) which were plated on antibiotic-plates as well as diluted prior to plating on agar-plates. Antibiotic- and agar-plates were incubated (18–20hr, 35°C) and used to determine MICs (following European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing instructions) and actual number of viable bacteria in BMD solutions, respectively.   Results Increasing inoculum concentration increased MICs of all antibiotics except cefoxitin. Piperacillin–tazobactam, levofloxacin, benzylpenicillin and ampicillin were especially sensitive to increase in inoculum and showed a 4-fold increase in &gt;50% isolates. MICs for tobramycin, tigecycline and gentamicin increased by 2-fold in &gt;50% isolates every time MH-broth concentration increased. Age of fastidious medium had no decipherable pattern of effects on MIC. All MH-broths gave similar results except when testing daptomycin which gave higher MICs with non-CAMHB compared to CAMHB.    Conclusion This research reveals some technical factors affecting MIC results. These results could help define parameters for automated BMD-performing-systems. However, this research shows only trends as more replicates are needed to determine statistically significant results.

Profiling the Blood Proteome in Autoimmune Disease Using Proximity Extension Assay / Profilering av blod-proteomet i autoimmuna sjukdomar genom proximity extension assay

Asp, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Autoimmuna sjukdomar är en samling komplexa, kroniska, inflammatoriska sjukdomstillstånd som kännetecknas av dysreglering av immunsystemet, vilket resulterar i inflammation och skada av vävnader, celler och organ. Dessa sjukdomar har en betydande inverkan på individens livskvalitet och bidrar ofta till ökad dödsrisk där komorbiditeter föreligger. Emellertid medför den varierande symptombilden för olika autoimmuna sjukdomar betydande utmaningar för att uppnå noggrann diagnos, prognos och utvärdering av behandling. Det finns därför ett påtagligt behov av att upptäcka nya biomarkörer.  I denna studie utfördes en omfattande analys av 944 plasmaprover med hjälp av OlinkR Explore-plattformen, vilket genererade data för 1463 unika proteiner. Baserat på uttrycksdata identifierades proteiner förknippade med de sex utvalda autoimmuna sjukdomarna multipel skleros, myosit, reumatoid artrit, systemisk skleros, Sjögrens sjukdom och systemisk lupus erythematosus samt några av deras definierade subgrupper. Dessa potentiella biomarkörer kommer eventuellt att underlätta tidig diagnos, sjukdomsdifferentiering och prognos. Flertalet av dessa proteiner har ännu aldrig kopplats till de här specifika sjukdomarna i litteraturen, särskilt inte från plasmaprover, vilket ger spännande nya perspektiv för biomarkörsutveckling. Det är dock av största vikt att genomföra robusta valideringsstudier i oberoende kohorter.  Sammanfattningsvis belyser våra resultat den potentiella brukbarheten hos dessa proteomiska plasmabiomarkörer för att förbättra tidig sjukdomsdetektering, karakterisering av subgrupper och sjukdomsdifferentiering att stimulera. Förhoppningsvis kan dessa resultat stimulera till vidare forskning inom området för biomarkörer och potentiella framsteg inom individbaserad medicin. / Autoimmune diseases are complex, chronic, inflammatory conditions characterized by dysregulation of the immune system, resulting in inflammation and damage to various tissues, cells and organs. These diseases significantly impact individuals’ quality of life and often contribute to increased mortality risk in the presence of comorbidities. However, due to the diverse array of symptoms associated with different autoimmune diseases, accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment evaluation pose significant challenges. Thus, there is a pressing need for the discovery of novel biomarkers.  In this study, a comprehensive analysis of 944 plasma samples using the OlinkR Explore platform was conducted, generating data on 1463 unique proteins. Based on the expression data, associated proteins were identified for six selected autoimmune diseases, namely multiple sclerosis, myositis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome, and systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as some of their defined subgroups. These are prospective biomarkers and have the potential to aid in early diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, subgroup identification, disease differentiation, and disease prognosis. Notably, some of these proteins have not been previously associated with the specific diseases in the existing literature, especially not in plasma samples, thereby offering intriguing new perspectives for biomarker development. However, it is of great importance to conduct robust validation studies in independent cohorts to confirm the outcomes of this study.  In summary, our findings highlight the potential utility of these proteomic plasma biomarkers in improving the early detection, subgroup characterization, and disease differentiation of autoimmune diseases. The identification of these proteins will hopefully stimulate further investigation in the field of biomarker research and potential advancements in personalized medicine.

Development of a method to detect lysis and investigation if ozone has a lysing effect on Escherichia coli / Utveckling av en metod för att detektera lysering och undersökning om ozon har lyserande effekt på Escherichia coli

Andrup, Klara January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt genomfördes på företaget Sangair som för närvarande utvecklar medicinsk utrustning för att behandla bakteriemi med ozon. Bakteriemi uppstår när bakterier hamnar i blodomloppet, vilket kan trigga sepsis och septisk chock, med potentiellt dödligt utfall om obehandlat. För närvarande används antibiotika för att behandla bakteriemi, men det ökande hotet med antibiotikaresistens världen över innebär att forskare behöver hitta nya vägar för att behandla bakteriemi. Som en del av Sangairs utveckling gjordes en undersökning för att se hur bakterier påverkas av ozon. Projektet syftade till att 1) utveckla en metod för att detektera lysering av bakterier och 2) använda metoden för att se om ozon hade lyserande effekt på model-organismen Escherichia coli. För att testa metoden transformerades stam BL21 av E. coli med en pUC-19 plasmid för att producera beta-galaktosidas. Proteinets aktivitet mättes sedan i sonikerade bakterier, vilket visade att det var en effekitiv metod för att lysera bakterier och sedan mäta aktiviteten. För att undersöka om ozon hade en lyserande effekt, och samtidigt bestämma om man kunde mäta protein fann man att det optimala experimentella upplägget var att använde en ozonkoncentration på 6 g/m3, ett gasflöde på 5 ml/min och ett vätskeflöde på 25 ml/min. Resultatet från studien indikerade att ozon har en lyserande effekt, men fler studier behövs göras för att verifiera resultatet. Man undersökte också om detektionen av Beta-galaktosidas kunde förbättras genom att tillsätta Bovin serumalbumin (BSA) för att inhibera resterande ozon i prover som annars skulle kunna inaktivera Beta-galaktosidas. Resultaten indikerade dock inte någon effekt. Som ett sista experiment mättes även endotoxiner som frigjordes vid behandling, och det visade sig att när bakterier behandlas med ozon frigörs lipopolysackarider (LPS) och peptidoglykaner, vilket också kan tyda på lysis. / This project was conducted at Sangair. The company is currently developing a medical device aimed at treating bacteremia with ozone. Bacteremia is a condition that occurs when bacteria enters the bloodstream, and can trigger sepsis and septic shock, potentially leading to death if untreated. Antibiotics have traditionally been the way to treat bacteremia, but the looming threat of antibiotic resistance worldwide threatens this way of treatment, and research into novel approaches to eradicate the bacteria needs to be done. As part of Sangairs development, an investigation was done to see how ozone interacts with bacteria. The project aimed to 1) develop a method to detect bacterial lysis and 2) use the method to detect if ozone had a lysing effect on the bacterial model organism Escherechia coli. To test the method, the BL21 strain of  E. coli was transformed with the pUC-19 plasmid to produce the reporter enzyme Beta-galactosidase. The Beta-galactosidase activity was then measured in a supernatant of sonicated bacteria, which confirmed the suitability of the method to detect bacteria cell lysis. To be able to see if ozone had a lysing effect, while still being able to measure Beta-galactosidase, it was found that the optimal setup for this was using an ozone concentration of 6 g/m3, a gas flow of 5 ml/min and a liquid flow of 25 ml/min. The results acquired with this setup indicated that ozone had a lysing effect on E. coli but more studies are needed to verify this. It was further investigated if Beta-galactosidase detection could be improved by addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) to quench residual ozone in the samples, but the results showed that it did not have any effect on the Beta-galactosidase enzymatic activity. As a final experiment, endotoxins that were released upon treatment were also measured, and it was found that when bacteria are treated with ozone, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and peptidoglycans are released, further confirming lysis of the bacterial cells.

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