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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉美稚, Liu, Mei-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的如下: 一、 描繪出職棒現場觀眾的人口統計項目。 二、 整體描繪出職棒現場觀眾之職棒特殊生活型態。 三、 整體描繪出職棒現場觀眾之觀賞動機。 四、 整體描繪出職棒現場觀眾之對球賽的滿意程度。 五、 探討職棒球迷之不同的人口統計變項在特殊生活型態、觀賞動機與滿意程度是否有影響。 六、 找出台灣職業棒球的問題點。 七、 為台灣職業棒球做行銷策略規劃。 研究對象為所有曾親自至職棒比賽球場觀賽的消費者,進行問卷調查,一共得到649份有效問卷。 本研究重要發現: 一、 人口統計方面,職棒現場觀眾以男性為主。 二、 在特殊生活型態方面,對職棒較熱衷的是年齡在26-30歲及36歲以上的男性,教育程度為高中高職,職業並非學生,每月收入在30,000元以上的族群。 三、 在職棒現場比賽觀賞動機方面,最重要的動機是「特別喜歡某球隊的演出」、「球賽精彩刺激吸引」及「比賽時加油的熱烈氣氛吸引」。 四、 在職棒現場比賽觀賞滿意程度方面,最令觀眾滿意的是「球場看球氣氛」,最令觀眾不滿意的是「比賽場地硬體設備」。 五、 職棒票房不振的主要原因是「簽賭事件」、「球員水準」、「兩聯盟惡性競爭」及「場地設備不良」。

Protection Motivation Theory and Consumer Willingness-to-Pay, in the Case of Post-Harvest Processed Gulf Oysters

Blunt, Emily Ann 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Gulf oysters are harvested and consumed year-round, with more than 90% consumed in a raw, unprocessed state. A chief concern of policymakers in recent years is the incidence of Vibrio vulnificus infection following raw seafood consumption. V.vulnificus refers to a halophilic bacterium naturally occurring in brackish coastal waters, which concentrates in filter-feeding oysters. Proposed FDA legislation requiring processing of all raw Gulf oysters sold during warmer summer months threatens the Gulf oyster industry, as little to no research regarding demand for post-harvest processing (PHP) has preceded the potential mandate. This research endeavors to examine the relationship between oyster consumers' fears of V.vulnificus infection and their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for processing of an oyster meal. The psychological model of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) is employed alongside the economic framework of contingent valuation (CV) to result in an analysis of oyster processing demand with respect to threats and efficacy. A survey administered to 2,172 oyster consumers in six oyster producing states elicits projected consumption and PMT data. Principal Component Analysis is used to reduce the number of PMT variables to a smaller size, resulting in five individual principal components representing the PMT elements of source information, threat appraisal, coping appraisal, maladaptive coping, and protection motivation. Using survey data, the marginal willingness-to-pay (MWTP) for PHP per oyster meal is also calculated, and the five created PMT variables are regressed on this calculation using four separate OLS models. Results indicate significant correlation for four of the five created PMT variables. In addition, a mean MWTP for PHP of $0.31 per oyster meal is determined, contributing to the demand analysis for processing of Gulf oysters. The findings suggest a strong relationship between the fear elements and the demand for processing, and support arguments in favor of further research on specific PHP treatments and the necessity for a valid PMT survey instrument.

Kaffe, kramar och jordgubbar : Vad motiverar volontärer på musikfestivaler?

Sandmark, Johanna, Svantesson, Carolina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för vad som motiverar volontärer och vad de har för förhoppningar och förväntningar när de kommer för att arbeta på en musikfestival, och hur denna grupp människor passar in i mallen som motivationsteoretiker målat upp för vad människor motiveras av och hur vi motiverar arbetskraft. Vi insåg under vårt arbete med musikfestivalvolontärer att det finns mycket lite kunskap om gruppen samt om hur man på bästa sätt arbetar mot volontärer på en festival. Vad som speciellt intresserade oss var upptäckten av hur många av de volontärer som anmält sig med sedan valde att oanmält inte dyka upp till festivalen eller att avbryta arbetet under festivalens gång. Studien försöker att belysa detta ämne och bidra till mer kunskap inom detta fält och ytterligare en upptäckt vi gjort är att den förutspådda skillnaden mellan arbetsledaren och volontärers attityder inte är så stor. Det finns en högre medvetenhet om volontärernas situation hos arbetledare än vad som initialt observerats, men att denna kunskap allt för sällan kan omvandlas till handling. Vi har alltså undersökt volontärers motivation och arbetsledares attityder för att förstå vad bortfallet av ideell arbetskraft under festivaler beror på, både före och under genomförandet. Denna uppsats är riktad mot personer som har ett intresse av fenomenet motivation hos ideell arbetskraft. / The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of what motivates volunteers and what their hopes and expectations are when they come to work at a music festival. We want to examine how motivation theories can be applied on this group of people and by that grasp how volunteers get motivated. During our work with music festivals we realized that there is very little knowledge about the volunteers and how to best work with volunteers at a festival. One thing that particularly captured our interest was the discovery of how many of the volunteers who signed up to work at the festival and then totaly unannounced chose not to show up at the festival at all or to suspend their work during the festival. This study attempts to shed light on this topic and contribute to more knowledge in this field, further more we also discovered that the difference between the supervisor and the volunteers’ attitude was not as great as we predicted. We found out that the supervisors’ awareness of the volunteers’ situation is a greater than initially observed, but that this knowledge infrequently converts into action. We have examined the volunteers’ motivation and the supervisor's attitudes in order to understand what is causing the loss of volunteers during festivals, both before and during implementation. This paper is directed at people who have an interest in the phenomenon motivation of nonprofit workers.

Motivation and will / Motivación y voluntad

Vásquez, Stella Maris 25 September 2017 (has links)
The paper analyzes the relationship between motivation and volitional processes as described by current motivation theories. The root of the separation between both moments of behavioris traced back to Tetens and Kant’s threefold view of the mind. Sensory perception is reduced to feeling and the will to energy without a proper object. The history of this conception isoutlined. Nuttin’s motivation theory is presented as an alternative to the limitations of other contemporary theories. Some educational consequences are sketched out. / Se hace un análisis de la relación entre la motivación y los procesos volitivos, tal como es presentada por las actuales teorías de la motivación, con la tesis de que la separación que éstas plantean entre ambos momentos de la conducta tiene su raíz teórica en la concepción tripartita de la mente, tal como fue formulada a partir de Kant y de Tetens. A partir de estos autores, el sentir se reduce a sentimiento y la voluntad es conceptuada como energía sin objeto propio. Se presentan los hitos históricos principales de este giro y se hace una consideración sintética de la teoría de la motivación de Nuttin, presentada como alternativa superadora de los límites de otras teorías actuales. Se esbozan algunas consecuencias educativas.

O impacto de variáveis do trabalho na autorrealização / Not informed by the author

Alexandre Pellaes 24 April 2018 (has links)
Devido à evolução acelerada da tecnologia e à mudança das práticas de gestão, uma série de teorias e análises sobre o futuro do trabalho têm surgido. No entanto, o foco tem se mantido em questões tecnológicas e comerciais, com pouco aprofundamento na área de relações humanas e na compreensão do homem sobre sua própria realização. O aumento do nível de complexidade da discussão do papel do trabalho com temas como propósito e significado nas atividades profissionais desperta a busca por conhecimento sobre os mecanismos da satisfação das necessidades humanas por meio da ação produtiva. Novas formas de trabalho, têm demandado o aumento da autonomia e da individualidade na execução das tarefas. Portanto, este estudo aprofunda-se no conceito de Autorrealização e das pessoas autorrealizadas, segundo Maslow (1954), para identificar sua relação com variáveis de perfil do indivíduo e de sua relação com o trabalho e se há correlação de variáveis de perfil pessoal, histórico profissional e preferências/visão de trabalho, com o índice SISA, que classifica autorrealização nos indivíduos. A pesquisa foi elaborada por método de abordagem quantitativa e aplicada por meio de questionário online composto pelo índice de identificação de autorrealização (SISA) e por questões de identificação de perfil e preferências no trabalho, no 1º semestre de 2018, durante o período de 7 dias, com uma amostra total de 4.048 pessoas. Foram identificados 394 (9,7%) indivíduos autorrealizados. O percentual de pessoas autorrealizadas foi mais acentuado no grupo mais maduro e com mais experiência profissional. A chance de um indivíduo ser autorrealizado mostrou-se correlacionada com o nível educacional. Em relação a pessoas que cursaram apenas o Ensino Médio, indivíduos com nível Superior, Pós-Graduação ou Mestrado/Doutorado têm, respectivamente, mais chance de serem autorrealizados em 1,23, 1,87, 2,48 vezes. Profissionais que atuam em organizações flexíveis, com gestão modernizada, apresentaram o perfil autorrealizado 1,39 vez mais do que os sujeitos que atuam em empresas hierárquicas. A maior parte da amostra (50,7% ou 2.053) trabalha sob o vínculo tradicional (CLT) e apresentou percentual de pessoas autorrealizadas inferior à média da amostra (7,4%). Indivíduos com vínculo de empresário, empreendedor ou autônomo somados apresentaram índice de autorrealização superior (21,3%). 90% das pessoas informaram ter sofrido impactos emocionais negativos no trabalho. Deste modo, verificou-se que profissionais com mais experiência e nível escolar mais elevado, bem como indivíduos que atuam de forma mais autônoma ou trabalham em empresas flexíveis e com modelos de gestão modernos e objetivos negociados tendem a ser mais autorrealizados / Due to fast advances in technology and changes in managerial practices, several theories and studies on the future of work have emerged. However, the focus has been on technological and commercial issues, with little interest for human relations and man\'s understanding of his own actualization. Discussions about the role of work, its meaning and purpose have awakened the search for knowledge about mechanisms of satisfaction of human needs through productive action. New ways of working have demanded an increase in autonomy and individuality in the execution of task. This study relies on Maslows (1954) concept of Self-actualization and aims to identify personal information and historical professional profile and work preferences that will connect and correlate with on statistical basis with the SISA Short Index of Self Actualization. Quantitative data was gathered through online questionnaire applied in the first half of 2018, for a 7-day period, presenting questions about personal and professional profile identification and preferences at work + SISA. Total research sample = 4,048. SISA index of the exercise has identified 394 (9,7%) self-actualizing subjects. Higher self-actualization percentages were identified in the older and more experienced group. The odds of being a self-actualizing person has shown to be correlated with educational level and age. The higher the formal education level of a subject, stronger the probability of being a self-actualizing individual. Subjects working on flexible organizations and contemporary management models show 1,39 times more chance of being self-actualized, than workers on hierarchical organizations. 50,7% of the total sample is composed by individuals working under traditional employment strict rules (CLT). Subjects in this group presents lower probability (7,4%) of being self-actualized. Individuals whose jobs and employment agreements are more flexible and autonomous have superior index for self-actualization. 90% of the sample have mentioned negative emotional impact from previous jobs. Conclusions are that self-actualization potential will be higher as the subject is older, more experienced and has higher educational level. Flexible and autonomous working conditions will also have a positive impact on self-actualization index

Zvýšení efektivity personální práce / Increasing of Effectiveness of Personal Management

Brener, Radim January 2010 (has links)
The subject of thesis „Increasing the efficiency“ of personnel work is the analysis of the current state of personnel work Brno branch of Merz s.r.o. to increase the efficiency of personnel work. Increasing the efficiency of personnel work should be achieved to increase profits and improve the economic situation of Merz s.r.o. The theoretical part of this work focuses primarily on individual areas of personnel work, namely motivation, communication, evaluation and remuneration and training. Also there is space devoted to dealing with the hierarchical structure of society and its leadership. These findings, together with an analysis of the current situation are used to propose changes that will lead to increase the efficiency of personnel work, and the goal of improving the economic situation of the company.

Motivace a stimulace podnikatele / Motivation and Stimulation of Entrepreneur

Ivanov, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The goal of the graduation thesis: “Motivation and stimulation of enterpriser” is to examine motivation of enterprisers program in a concrete company and to create a suggestion that will improve it. The thesis is divided into two parts. First of them is concentrated on determination of elementary terms, development of a motivation theories and influence of a motivation on a job performance. The second part describes, examines and analyses e situation in a concrete company. The inquiry is realized through the use of questionnaire. There are given suggestions to improve motivation of enterprisers in the last part.

Návrh efektivního motivačního programu ve společnosti MEGATECH INDUSTRIES s.r.o. / Proposal of Effective Motivation Program in MEGATECH INDUSTRIES Ltd.

Brabcová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The subject of thesis is to devise an incentive program for concrete company. The thesis first describes the theoretical knowledge on this issue, which have been prepared on the basis of scientific literature. The practical part is focused on the description of MEGATECH Industries Ltd. and analysis of the current incentive program. To obtain information from the staff was used a survey. In the last part of thesis are describes proposals for improving the current situation.

Motivace a evaluace zaměstnanců / Motivation and Evaluation of Employees

Breicetl, Oldřich January 2014 (has links)
The Subject of this thesis is the issue of motivation and evaluation of employees in the company The Railway Infrastructure Administration, state organization. The work is divided into three parts. The first part analyzes theoretical concepts and theoretical background which are needed to process for preparation of other two parts. The second analytic part includes the analysis, which are necessary information about the company and there is also covered the motivational system of the company in detail. The main point is the reset of the survey, which serves as the main basis for the last part. The last practical part includes a few proposals of improvements of the motivation system and their appreciation, according to the results of the research.

Investigation of the variables that govern user behaviors related to e-crime attacks

Alhussein, Nawras January 2020 (has links)
The users´ behaviors play an important role in securing information systems. At the same time, the users´ bad behaviors end-up in making them victims to e-crime attacks. To emphasize the positive side of users´ behaviors, the reasons for the bad behaviors must be investigated. In this research, e-crimes on users in Sweden were studied using the protection motivation theory and the theory of planned behavior in order to understand what variables govern the user behaviors. The information retrieved from the literature review and the web survey were used to answer the research question about which variables within the two used theories affect the user behaviors in connection to e-crimes. It turned out that perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, and user-efficacy have significant effect on the selected user behavior. Besides, the analysis of the results showed that IT/IS-knowledge is a determinant factor that affects all the variables of the protection motivation theory.

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