Spelling suggestions: "subject:"motivational climate"" "subject:"motivational elimate""
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Reflections from the lake: an account of Olympic-level coaching expertise in the sport of rowingPlanella, Maria Veronica 08 May 2020 (has links)
The dissertation is comprised of two qualitative, exploratory studies with an overarching research goal to deepen understanding of Olympic level sport coaching expertise through the development of an in-depth case study. These studies take a constructivist view that emphasizes the active construction of knowledge with social boundaries in which meaning is constructed by the reasoning of the individuals who experience it (Rockmore, 2011). In this case, the individuals include an Olympic rowing coach and 18 of his athletes, from a particular period of his coaching career. With an emphasis on the context of Olympic level rowing, this dissertation followed ethnographic traditions in developing a case study of an Olympic level rowing coach within his coaching community in Canada during three Olympic quadrennials (from 2001 to 2012). Informed by the elements of the integrated definition of expert and effective coaching (Côté & Gilbert, 2009), the two distinct but interconnected studies in this dissertation contributed to a detailed examination of the Olympic coach and his philosophy, principles, knowledge and coaching practices and the impact of these elements on athlete outcomes within the specific context of Olympic level rowing. Outcomes from the two studies are indicative of the utility of the knowledge framework and the integrated definition of coaching effectiveness and expertise (Côté & Gilbert, 2009) to guide this study of expert coaching. The extensiveness of this research goes beyond the question of which criteria determine whether a coach is identified as an expert, to reveal the expert's coaching philosophy, his unique practices, and methods interwoven with clear linguistic and behavioural intentionality. The Olympic coach directed all of his efforts at striving for continued expertise for himself and his athletes. Mutuality of trust and respect was the basis of the athlete-coach effective and valued partnership, which supported their collective goal of achieving Olympic excellence. The findings identified that this productive relationship was supported by the integration of the Olympic coach’s professional, intrapersonal and interpersonal knowledge with a superior contextual understanding. In particular, the interpersonal knowledge of the Olympic coach was identified as essential to the commitment of the participant athletes to his training program and the shared goal of Olympic success. The Olympic coach’s expert practice was facilitated by his deliberate presence in the training venue, his transformative leadership and adaptive expertise, a form of expertise that provides clarity on specific features of the Olympic coach’s practice and accounts for his innovations in the sport of rowing. These explanatory constructs of deliberate presence, transformative leadership and adaptive expertise emerged from both studies. The findings also provide perspective on the lasting impact of his coaching on his athletes and the sport of rowing. / Graduate
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Motivationsklimat som moderator i relationen mellan perfektionism och prestationsångest: : En kvantitativ studie på damfotbollsspelare i division 1 / Motivational climate as a moderator in the relationship between perfectionism and performance anxiety: : A quantitative study of woman’s soccer players in division 1Carlson, Oscar, LIndberg, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka (a) sambanden mellan perfektionism, motivationsklimat och prestationsångest, samt (b) hur motivationsklimatet modererar styrkan i relationen mellan perfektionism och prestationsångest. Studien var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie där datainsamlingen genomförts via ett bekvämlighetsurval. Totalt deltog 92 damfotbollsspelare som var aktiva i division 1, åldern på deltagarna var mellan 15–30 (M = 20.84, SD = 3.64). Fem hypoteser skapades utifrån studiens två syften och har testats genom en korrelationsanalys och två modereringsanalyser, vidare har det fastställts att resultatet delvis stämmer överens med hypoteserna. Resultatet av korrelationsanalysen rapporterade ett positivt signifikant samband mellan perfektionistiska strävanden och prestationsångest. Vidare rapporterar resultatet ett positivt signifikant samband mellan perfektionistiska bekymmer och prestationsångest. Ytterligare visade resultatet en positiv korrelation mellan resultatorienterat motivationsklimat och prestationsångest, medan uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat visade ett icke signifikant samband med prestationsångest. Den första modereringsanalysen rapporterade att uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat modererar styrkan i relationen mellan perfektionistiska bekymmer och prestationsångest, däremot rapporterades ingen modererande effekt gällande att resultatorienterat motivationsklimat påverkar styrkan i relationen mellan perfektionistiska bekymmer och prestationsångest. Den andra modereringsanalysen rapporterade att varken uppgift- eller resultatorienterat motivationsklimat modererar relationen mellan perfektionistiska strävanden och prestationsångest. Resultatet belyser vikten av att ta hänsyn till psykosociala aspekter i damfotboll för att atleten ska löpa mindre risk att uppleva prestationsångest. / The purpose of the present study was to investigate (a) the relationships between perfectionism, motivational climate and performance anxiety, and (b) how the motivational climate moderates the relationship between perfectionism and performance anxiety. The study were a quantitative cross-sectional study where the data collection was carried out by an availability sample. A total of 92 woman’s soccer players who were active in division 1participated in the study and the age of the participants was between 15-30 (M = 20.84, SD =3.64). Five hypotheses were created based on the purpose of the study and tested through a correlation analysis and two moderation analyses; it has also been established that the results are partly consistent with the hypotheses. The result of the correlation analysis reports a positive significant relationship between perfectionistic strivings and performance anxiety. Furthermore, the correlation analysis shows a positive significant relationship between perfectionistic concerns and performance anxiety. The correlation analysis also shows a positive correlation between result-oriented motivational climate and performance anxiety, while there where a non-significant relationship between task-oriented motivational climate and performance anxiety. The first moderation analysis reported that task-oriented motivational climate moderates the relationship between perfectionist concerns and performance anxiety, but no moderating effect has been shown regarding that result-oriented motivational climate affects the relationship between perfectionistic concerns and performance anxiety. The second moderation analysis reported that neither task or resultoriented motivational climate moderates the relationship between perfectionistic strivings and performance anxiety. The results highlight the importance of taking psychosocial aspects into account within women´s soccer so that the athlete is in less risk of experiencing performance anxiety.
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Tjejers intention till avhopp inom ungdomsfotboll : En kvantitativ studie som belyser tjejers intention till avhopp inom ungdomsfotboll / Girl’s intention to dropout in youth football : A quantitative study that focuses on girl’s intention to dropout within youth footballSamuelsson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka de direkta och indirektainteraktionseffekterna mellan upplevt motivationsklimat (uppgifts och prestation),målorienteringar (uppgifts och ego), upplevd kompetens och intention till avhopp bland tjejerinom ungdomsfotbollen. Studien är en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie där totalt 157fotbollsspelande ungdomstjejer, i åldrarna 15-19 (M= 16,35, SD= 1,40) år deltog.Rekrytering bestod av ett icke slumpmässigt tillgänglighetsurval. Samtliga data samlades inpå plats genom en sammanställd enkät med olika frågeformulär som använts för att mätasamtliga variabler. Sambanden mellan studiens variabler utvärderades genom en neutralnätverksanalys. Resultatet i nätverksanalysen påvisade att intention till avhopp var mestcentral inom nätverket samt visade på starkast direkt koppling till andra noder. Resultatetvisade även på positiva interaktioner mellan uppgiftsorientering, ego-orientering samtupplevd kompetens. Starkast samvariation inom klustret var ego-orientering och upplevdkompetens. Studiens resultat bidrar till en ökad kunskap kring hur centrala miljömässiga ochinterpersonella faktorer inom ungdomsfotbollen samvarierar med varandra och tjejersintention till avhopp. Kunskapen anses praktisk användbart för både fotbollsklubbar,fotbollförbund samt tränare i arbetet med att utveckla både strategier samt riktlinjer med målatt bibehålla fler tjejer inom organiserad ungdomsfotboll. / The aim of the study was to investigate the direct and indirect interactions betweenperceived motivational climate (task and performance), goal orientations (task and ego),perceived competence and intention to drop out among females in youth soccer. The study isa quantitative cross-sectional study in which a total of 157 soccer-playing youth girls, aged15-19 (M= 16.35, SD= 1.40) years participated. The recruitment consisted of a non-randomavailability sample. All the data were collected physically through a compiled survey withdifferent questionnaires that were used to measure all variables. A neutral analysis ofcollected data was performed to evaluate the strength and structure of the interactionsbetween study variables. The result of the network analysis showed that intention to dropoutwas most central within the network and showed the strongest direct connection to othernodes. The results also showed positive interactions between task orientation, ego-orientationand perceived competence. Strongest covariation within the cluster was ego-orientation andperceived competence. The results of this study afford further insight into the interactionsbetween important environmental and interpersonal factors, as well as players intentions todropout, in youth female soccer. The knowledge is considered practically useful for footballclubs, football associations and coaches in the work of developing both strategies andguidelines with the aim of retaining more girls in organized youth football.
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Predicting Student Athletes' Motivation Towards Academics and AthleticsTudor, Margaret L. 05 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The efect of two instructional approaches on the object control skills of children considered disadvantagedAmui, Harriet Naki 12 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Psykologisk trygghet hos idrottare : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan psykologisk trygghet,motivationsklimat, målorientering och upplevd förmåga hos idrottare / Psychological safety in athletes : A quantitative study about the relationships between psychological safety, motivational climate, goal orientation and perceived ability in athletesMattsson, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambanden mellan variablerna psykologisk trygghet, motivationsklimat, målorientering och upplevd förmåga hos idrottare genom att variablerna upplevt motivationsklimat, upplevd målorientering och upplevd förmåga studeras utifrån hur de predicerar (uttalar sig om) psykologisk trygghet. Studien utgick från en kvantitativ forskningsmetod och samlade in data med hjälp av ett digitalt frågeformulär. Sammanlagt deltog 109 aktiva idrottare i studien med ett åldersspann mellan 18-56 år (M = 27.21, SD = 8.54). Deltagarna var aktiva på elitnivå (professionell-/yrkesmässig nivå), semi-elitnivå (inte elit- eller yrkesmässig nivå men tävlar och satsar mot elitnivå) eller som motionär (aktivt idrottar någon/några gånger i veckan för nöjes skull). Resultatet utifrån en multipel regressionsanalys visade att ett upplevt uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och upplevd förmåga var statistiskt signifikanta prediktorvariabler till psykologisk trygghet med positiva samband, samt att en upplevd ego-orienterad målorientering var en statistiskt signifikant prediktorvariabel till psykologisk trygghet med ett negativt samband. Ett upplevt resultatorienterat motivationsklimat och en upplevd uppgiftsorienterad målorientering visade sig inte vara statistiskt signifikanta prediktorvariabler till psykologisk trygghet. Resultatet visade även utifrån en tillhörande korrelationsanalys att det förekom flertalet statistiskt signifikanta korrelationer mellan variablerna med positiva respektive negativa samband. Slutsatsen som kan dras utifrån ovanstående resultat är att om idrottarna upplever ett uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och en hög egen förmåga kan det bidra till en ökad upplevd psykologisk trygghet, och om idrottarna upplever en ego-orienterad målorientering och en låg upplevd förmåga kan det leda till en minskad upplevd psykologisk trygghet. / The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the variables psychological safety, motivational climate, goal orientation and perceived ability in athletes, by studying how the variables motivational climate, goal orientation and perceived ability predicts psychological safety. The study was based on a quantitative research method and gathered data using a digital questionnaire. In total 109 active athletes participated in the study with an age span between 18-56 years (M = 27.21, SD = 8.54). The participants were active on elite level (professional level), semi-elite level (non-professional but competes and aims for elite level) or as an exerciser (actively sport some times a week for fun). The results of a multiple regression analysis revealed that a perceived task oriented motivational climate and perceived ability were statistically significant predictor variables to psychological safety with positive connections, and that a perceived ego oriented goal orientation was a statistically significant predictor variable to psychological safety with a negative connection. A perceived result oriented motivational climate and a perceived task oriented goal orientation showed not to be statistically significant predictor variables to psychological safety. The results also showed from a belonging correlation analysis that a majority of statistically significant correlations occurred between the variables with positive respective negative connections. The conclusion that can be drawn from the result above is that if the athletes perceives a task oriented motivational climate and a high own ability, it may contribute to an increased perceived psychological safety, and if the athletes perceives an ego oriented goal orientation and a low own ability it may lead to a decreased perceived psychological safety.
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Motivationsklimatets betydelse vid undervisning av lagbollsport / The importance of motivational climate in teaching team ball gamesEriksson, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lagbollsport i idrottsundervisningen har kritiserats för att likna föreningslivets resultatorienterade sätt att bedriva den. Något jag märkte när jag gjorde min idrottslärarpraktik var att många elever inte blev delaktiga under lektionerna då lagbollsport utövades. Kan man som idrottslärare genom att påverka motivationsklimatet få flertalet elever att uppleva mer glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära nytt i lagbollsport? Syfte: Syftet med fältexperimentet är att skapa två olika motivationsklimat, processorienterat/resultatorienterat, samt utföra dem under fyra idrottslektioner i fotboll. Detta för att kunna påvisa eventuella för- och nackdelar mellan de båda motivationsklimaten genom resultaten från elevers upplevelser i glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära nya saker. Metod: I studien användes en kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter. Totalt deltog 45 årskurs 7 elever från en skola i södra Värmland. Resultat: Resultaten visade att eleverna upplevde båda experimentsituationerna/lektionerna processorienterade och inga större skillnader kunde mätas gällande glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära sig något nytt. Totalt sett så upplevde båda könen ett starkare samband mot samtliga bakgrundsvariabler (glädje, delaktighet, variation, tid att lära nytt) i ett upplevt processorienterat motivationsklimat jämfört med ett upplevt resultatorienterat. Vid könsjämförelser hittar man starka samband att speciellt flickor som upplevt motivationsklimatet resultatorienterat kände mindre glädje, delaktighet, variation och tid att lära sig nya saker jämfört med pojkar. Diskussion: Idrottslektioner är olikt föreningsidrotten i stort då flickor och pojkar idrottar tillsammans, detta är en viktig del av utbildningen i det sociala och livslånga färdigheter av sammarbete samt fysisk aktivitet. Då ett processorienterat motivationsklimat tyder på effektivare inlärningsstrategier samt tron på idrott och hälsa är till för att utveckla sociala och livslånga färdigheter borde varje idrottslärare vara medveten om vad som händer med en grupp om man påverkar motivationsklimatet process- eller resultatorienterat. / Background: Team ball games in physical education have been criticized for resembling association’s ego-oriented way of conducting it. Something I noticed when I did my PE internship was that many students were not involved in class when team ball game was exercised. Can you as a PE teacher by influencing the motivational climate get most of the students to experience more enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things in team ball games? Aim: The aim of the field experiment is to create two different motivational climates, task-oriented / ego-oriented, and conduct them to four PE lessons in football (European).This to demonstrate any advantages or disadvantages between the two motivational climates by using the results of students' experiences in enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things. Method: The study used a quantitative method in the form of questionnaires. A total of 45 grade 7 students participated in the study. Result: The results showed that students experienced both experimental situations task-oriented and no major differences were noticed regarding to enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things. Overall, both genders correlated stronger against all background variables (enjoyment, participation, variety, time to learn new things) in an experienced task-oriented motivational climate compared to an experienced ego-oriented. In gender comparison you can find strong correlations that especially girls who have experienced the motivational climate ego-oriented felt less enjoyment, participation, variety and time to learn new things compared to boys. Discussion: PE lessons are different compared to association’s sports in overall when it includes girls and boys playing sports together. This is an important part of education in social and life-long skills of cooperation and physical activity. As a task-orientated motivational climate proves to be more effective in learning strategies and the belief that physical education is to develop social and life-long skills every PE teacher should be aware of the consequences both motivational climates (task-orientate/ego-orientated) influences a group.
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L’incidence des buts d’accomplissement induits par les enseignants d’éducation physique sur la motivation de leurs élèvesGirard, Stéphanie 01 1900 (has links)
Selon la théorie des buts d’accomplissement, il est possible que les attitudes et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants d’éducation physique influencent la motivation de leurs élèves. Dans cette étude, les objectifs étaient d’abord de documenter l’évolution annuelle de la motivation pour l’éducation physique au début du secondaire en considérant le sexe et le niveau scolaire et de vérifier ensuite la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement induits par les enseignants d’éducation physique et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves sur la motivation de ces derniers, puis d’évaluer l’effet modérateur du sentiment de compétence et du sexe des élèves sur la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement. Les résultats montrent qu’en général les filles sont moins motivées que les garçons dans leurs cours d’éducation physique et que cette motivation diminue avec l’âge, et ce, peu importe le sexe des élèves. Ensuite, nos résultats montrent que les attitudes et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants ainsi que la perception des élèves du climat induit par l’enseignant sont en mesure d’influencer certaines caractéristiques motivationnelles des élèves telles que l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et de performance-approche, la motivation intrinsèque, la motivation extrinsèque (par introjection et par régulation externe), l’amotivation et la valeur utilitaire que les élèves accordent à leurs cours d’éducation physique. Puis, il a été montré que la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves était modérée par le sentiment de compétence des élèves pour les variables motivationnelles suivantes : buts de maîtrise, motivation intrinsèque, amotivation et valeur utilitaire. Ainsi, les attitudes des enseignants, leurs pratiques pédagogiques et la perception du climat de classe n’ont une incidence significative que lorsque le sentiment de compétence des élèves est faible. La valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves était aussi modérée par le sexe des élèves pour les variables motivationnelles suivantes : buts de performance-approche, buts de performance-évitement et amotivation. Quand le sexe des élèves modifie la relation, celle-ci est généralement inversée selon le sexe des élèves : elle est positive pour les garçons et négative pour les filles. Suite à cette étude, nous constatons que les enseignants d’éducation physique gagneraient à instaurer un climat de maîtrise tout en laissant place aux défis personnels des élèves et en insistant sur l’utilité de la tâche. Afin de répondre aux besoins particuliers de chacun des élèves, il serait intéressant de mettre en place des regroupements selon la compétence sportive des élèves. Ainsi, l’enseignant serait en mesure d’instaurer un climat motivationnel adapté. / According to achievement goal theory, physical education teachers may influence the motivation of their students with their attitudes and the teaching practices they use. The goals of this study were first to document the annual evolution of motivation in physical education students at the beginning of their
secondary education according to gender and school level; then to verify
the predictive value of the achievement goals induced by physical education
teachers as well as the perception of these goals by the students
themselves; and finally to evaluate the moderating effect of the perceived
competence and student gender on the predictive value of the achievement
goals. The results show that female students are generally less
motivated than male students in physical education classes and that
motivation decreases as the students age, regardless of gender. Our results
also show that the attitudes and teaching practices of the teachers as well
as the students' perception of the climate induced by the teachers can
influence certain motivational characteristics of students like adopting mastery
and performance-approach goals, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation
(through introjection and external regulation), amotivation and the utility
value they give to their physical education classes. The research also
demonstrates that the predictive value of the achievement goals and of the
perception of these goals by the students was moderated by the students'
perceived competence for the following motivational variables: mastery
goals, intrinsic motivation, amotivation and utility value. Thus, the teachers’ attitudes and teaching practices as well as the perception of the class climate have a significant effect only if the perceived competence of the students is low. The predictive value of the achievement goals and of the perception of these goals by the students was also moderated by the gender of the students for the following motivational variables: performance-approach goals, performance-avoidance goals and amotivation. When student gender changes the relation, this is generally
reversed according to the gender of the students: it is positive for male students and negative for female students. The results of this study lead us to believe that physical education teachers would be well advised to implement a mastery climate in their classes and to allow students to meet personal challenges, insisting on the value of the task. In order to satisfy the special needs of every classmate, it would be interesting if students could be grouped according to their abilities in sports. By doing so, the teachers would be able to establish a motivational climate better suited to the class.
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L’incidence des buts d’accomplissement induits par les enseignants d’éducation physique sur la motivation de leurs élèvesGirard, Stéphanie 01 1900 (has links)
Selon la théorie des buts d’accomplissement, il est possible que les attitudes et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants d’éducation physique influencent la motivation de leurs élèves. Dans cette étude, les objectifs étaient d’abord de documenter l’évolution annuelle de la motivation pour l’éducation physique au début du secondaire en considérant le sexe et le niveau scolaire et de vérifier ensuite la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement induits par les enseignants d’éducation physique et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves sur la motivation de ces derniers, puis d’évaluer l’effet modérateur du sentiment de compétence et du sexe des élèves sur la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement. Les résultats montrent qu’en général les filles sont moins motivées que les garçons dans leurs cours d’éducation physique et que cette motivation diminue avec l’âge, et ce, peu importe le sexe des élèves. Ensuite, nos résultats montrent que les attitudes et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants ainsi que la perception des élèves du climat induit par l’enseignant sont en mesure d’influencer certaines caractéristiques motivationnelles des élèves telles que l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et de performance-approche, la motivation intrinsèque, la motivation extrinsèque (par introjection et par régulation externe), l’amotivation et la valeur utilitaire que les élèves accordent à leurs cours d’éducation physique. Puis, il a été montré que la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves était modérée par le sentiment de compétence des élèves pour les variables motivationnelles suivantes : buts de maîtrise, motivation intrinsèque, amotivation et valeur utilitaire. Ainsi, les attitudes des enseignants, leurs pratiques pédagogiques et la perception du climat de classe n’ont une incidence significative que lorsque le sentiment de compétence des élèves est faible. La valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves était aussi modérée par le sexe des élèves pour les variables motivationnelles suivantes : buts de performance-approche, buts de performance-évitement et amotivation. Quand le sexe des élèves modifie la relation, celle-ci est généralement inversée selon le sexe des élèves : elle est positive pour les garçons et négative pour les filles. Suite à cette étude, nous constatons que les enseignants d’éducation physique gagneraient à instaurer un climat de maîtrise tout en laissant place aux défis personnels des élèves et en insistant sur l’utilité de la tâche. Afin de répondre aux besoins particuliers de chacun des élèves, il serait intéressant de mettre en place des regroupements selon la compétence sportive des élèves. Ainsi, l’enseignant serait en mesure d’instaurer un climat motivationnel adapté. / According to achievement goal theory, physical education teachers may influence the motivation of their students with their attitudes and the teaching practices they use. The goals of this study were first to document the annual evolution of motivation in physical education students at the beginning of their
secondary education according to gender and school level; then to verify
the predictive value of the achievement goals induced by physical education
teachers as well as the perception of these goals by the students
themselves; and finally to evaluate the moderating effect of the perceived
competence and student gender on the predictive value of the achievement
goals. The results show that female students are generally less
motivated than male students in physical education classes and that
motivation decreases as the students age, regardless of gender. Our results
also show that the attitudes and teaching practices of the teachers as well
as the students' perception of the climate induced by the teachers can
influence certain motivational characteristics of students like adopting mastery
and performance-approach goals, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation
(through introjection and external regulation), amotivation and the utility
value they give to their physical education classes. The research also
demonstrates that the predictive value of the achievement goals and of the
perception of these goals by the students was moderated by the students'
perceived competence for the following motivational variables: mastery
goals, intrinsic motivation, amotivation and utility value. Thus, the teachers’ attitudes and teaching practices as well as the perception of the class climate have a significant effect only if the perceived competence of the students is low. The predictive value of the achievement goals and of the perception of these goals by the students was also moderated by the gender of the students for the following motivational variables: performance-approach goals, performance-avoidance goals and amotivation. When student gender changes the relation, this is generally
reversed according to the gender of the students: it is positive for male students and negative for female students. The results of this study lead us to believe that physical education teachers would be well advised to implement a mastery climate in their classes and to allow students to meet personal challenges, insisting on the value of the task. In order to satisfy the special needs of every classmate, it would be interesting if students could be grouped according to their abilities in sports. By doing so, the teachers would be able to establish a motivational climate better suited to the class.
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Factors affecting perceptions of efficacy in semi-professional soccerDamato, Gregory C January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Collective efficacy (CE) has been consistently shown to contribute to team performance by improving motivation, perseverance, group goals, and expectancy in teams (Bandura, 2000; Feltz & Lirgg, 2001). Having high confidence in one's team is proposed to increase the expectancy for success, thereby increasing motivation, persistence and effort, which in turn, increases overall performance (Bandura, 1997). A series of studies were conducted to examine predictors of self and collective efficacy in semi-professional soccer. In addition, within two of these studies, the effect of pivotal hypothetical injuries on players' and coaches' perceptions of CE were also examined. In the first and second studies, hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was utilized in order to examine simultaneous player and team level predictors of efficacy perceptions. Data were obtained from semi-professional male soccer players (N = 139, mean age = 23, SD = 4.43 yrs) from nine teams in Western Australia. Participants completed the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ), the revised Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 (PMCSQ-2) as well as measures of self-talk, self-efficacy (SE), and CE created for this study. HLM analyses indicated CE was significantly and positively associated with SE and significantly and negatively associated with perceptions of a performance-oriented motivational climate. Significant positive associations of SE were positive self-talk and average number of minutes played each game. Negative correlates of SE were a performance-oriented motivational climate and number of years played. The results illustrate the important cross-level influences of player and team level variables on SE and CE perceptions. Overall, the findings provide support for the propositions of the influence of sources of efficacy information and broaden the existing work on efficacy and motivational climate in sport. ... Future research on team processes following injury that may moderate the injury efficacy relationship may include, the effect of team leaders in an attempt to motivate the team and the verbal and non-verbal strategies of coaches. The present studies contribute to the existing body of knowledge concerning efficacy theory. Specifically, within this series of studies, individual and team level predictors of SE and CE among elite sport participants were examined. A performance-oriented motivational climate was negatively associated with CE perceptions, while players with elevated levels of SE had teams with elevated levels of CE. SE was positively associated with positive self-talk, and negatively correlated with a performance-oriented motivational climate. Further, the effects of player injury on CE perceptions also represent a valuable contribution to efficacy theory. Prior to the current studies, no researchers have studied the influence of athlete absence due to injury on CE.
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