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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Orientación de meta y clima motivacional en futbolistas mujeres de Lima Metropolitana / Goal orientation and motivational climate in female football players from Lima Metropolitana

Barclay Corigliano, Tomas Ignacio 11 March 2021 (has links)
En este estudio se buscó identificar las relaciones que existen entre el clima motivacional y la orientación de meta en futbolistas mujeres de Lima Metropolitana. Además, se buscó comparar el clima y la orientación según la edad y la posición de las jugadoras. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 151 futbolistas mujeres, entre los 11 y 42 años, de diferentes equipos. Se usaron las versiones peruanas del Cuestionario del clima motivacional percibido en el deporte, para medir el clima motivacional y el Cuestionario de Orientación al Ego y a la Tarea en el deporte, para medir las orientaciones de meta. Entre los resultados se encontró una relación positiva moderada entre las dimensiones de clima tarea y orientación tarea (r= .41). Además, no existen diferencias significativas entre las variables según la edad o la posición de las jugadoras. / This study’s objective is to identify the relationships that exist between motivational climate and goal orientation in female football players from Metropolitan Lima. In addition, it was sought to compare the climate and orientation according to the age and position of the players. The sample consisted of 151 female football players, between 11 and 42 years old, from different teams. The Peruvian versions of the Perceived Motivational Climate Questionnaire in sport were used to measure the motivational climate and the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, to measure goal orientations. Among the results, a moderate positive relationship was found between the dimensions of task climate and task orientation (r = .41). Furthermore, there are no significant differences between the variables according to the age or position of the players. / Tesis

Motivationsklimat som moderator till relationen mellan motivationskvalitet och intentioner till fortsatt fotbollsspelande : En kvantitativ studie baserad på unga fotbollsspelare. / Motivational climate as a moderator for the relationshipbetween motivation quality and intentions for continued football playing : A quantitative study basedon young football players.

Bengtsson, Tova, Olsson, Vilma January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka följande (1) relationen mellan självbestämmande motivation ochintentioner till fortsatt fotbollsspelande modereras positivt av ett uppgiftsinriktat motivationsklimat, (2) relationen mellan självbestämmande motivation och intentioner till fortsatt fotbollsspelandemodereras negativt av ett resultatinriktat motivationsklimat. Samt (3) relationen mellan kontrolleradmotivation och intentioner till fortsatt fotbollsspelande modereras positivt av ett resultatinriktatmotivationsklimat. Forskningsdesignen var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie som genomtillgänglighetsurval totalt rekryterade 96 unga fotbollsspelare inom olika divisioner i åldrarna 16-20år (M=17.01, SD=1.02). Resultatet av studien bekräftade hypotes (2), där det fanns ett statistisktsignifikant samband mellan självbestämmande motivation och högre intentioner att fortsätta sittfotbollsspelande vilket modererades negativt av ett resultatinriktat motivationsklimat. Hypotes (1) och hypotes (3) visade sig inte vara statistisk signifikanta. Resultatet av studien kan vara underlagför att förespråka självbestämmande former av motivation och undvika ett resultatinriktatmotivationsklimat inom ungdomsfotboll för att på så sätt öka intentionerna av fortsattfotbollsdeltagande. / The aim of the study was to investigate the following (1) the relationship between self-determiningmotivation and intentions to continue playing football is moderated positively by a task-orientedmotivational climate, (2) the relationship between self-determining motivation and intentions tocontinue playing football is negatively moderated by a results-oriented motivational climate. And(3) the relationship between controlled motivation and intentions to continue playing football ispositively moderated by a results-oriented motivational climate. The research design was aquantitative cross-sectional study which, through the availability sample, recruited a total of 96young football players in different divisions, aged 16-20 years (M=17.01, SD=1.02). The results ofthe study confirmed hypothesis (2), where there was a statistically significant relationship betweenself-determining motivation and higher intentions to continue playing football, which wasmoderated negatively by a results-oriented motivation climate. Hypothesis (1) and hypothesis (3)did not appear to be statistically significant. The results of the study can be a basis for advocatingself-determining forms of motivation and avoiding a results-oriented motivational climate in youthfootball in order to increase the intentions of continued football participation.

Tränarbeteenden, motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie på ungdomsfotbollsspelare

Fromell, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
This cross-sectional study is based on quantitative method with the aim to investigate how different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates affect psychological well-being in youth football players, and how well the different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates predict young football players' psychological well-being. The current study had 95 participants aged 16 to 19 years old (M=16.97, SD=2.6). The participants self-rated their experiences of coaching behaviors, motivational climates and psychological well-being based on the Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports, Percieved Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being scales. The results of a simple regression analysis showed that the coaching behavior competion/match strategy had the greatest postive effect on psychological well-being. Furthermore, the analysis showed that the coaching behavior negative personal contact had a negative effect on psychological well-being. The simple regression analysis also showed a positive effect on psychological well-being of task-oriented motivational climate, and a negative effect on psychological well-being of results-oriented motivational climate The results of the study are considered to be used to facilitate psychological well-being of youth football players through appropriate coaching bahviors and task-oriented motivational climates. / Föreliggande tvärsnittsstudie är av kvantitativ design med syftet att undersöka hur olika typer av tränarbeteenden och olika typer av motivationsklimat påverkar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbollsspelare, samt hur väl de olika typerna av tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat predicerar ungdomsfotbollsspelares psykologiska välbefinnande. Den aktuella studien hade 95 deltagare i åldrarna 16 till 19 år (M=16.97, SD=2.6). Deltagarna självskattade sina upplevelser av tränarbeteenden, motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande utifrån frågeformulären Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 och Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scales. Resultatet av en enkel regressionsanalys visade att tränarbeteendet tävling-/matchstrategi hade störst positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande. Vidare visade analysen att tränarbeteenden negativ personlig kontakt hade en negativ effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande. Den enkla regressionsanalysen visade även på en positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande av uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat, och en negativ effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande av resultatorienterat motivationsklimat. Studiens resultat anses kunna användas för att facilitera psykologiskt välbefinnande för ungdomsfotbollsspelare genom lämpliga tränarbeteenden och uppgiftorienterade motivationsklimat

Intention till avhopp inom tjejungdomsfotboll : En kvantitativ studie / Intention to drop out in girls' youth soccer : A quantitative study

Zabel, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka de direkta och indirekta interaktionseffekterna mellan upplevt motivationsklimat, målorienteringar, upplevd kompetens och intention till avhopp bland tjejer inom ungdomsfotbollen. Rekryteringen skedde via att icke slumpmässigt tillgänglighetsurval, där data samlades in via enkäter som delades ut fysiskt. Studien var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie där 157 ungdomsspelande tjejer inom fotboll, i åldrarna 15-19 år (M=16,35, SD=1,40), deltog. Direkta och indirekta interaktionseffekter mellan studiens variabler utvärderades genom en neutral nätverksanalys. Resultatet visade att intention till avhopp var den mest centrerade noden i nätverket och hade flest direkta kopplingar till de övriga noderna. Nätverkets starkaste interaktion mellan intention till avhopp och de övriga noderna var framförallt negativa interaktioner med upplevt uppgiftklimat samt upplevd kompetens. Övriga framträdande direkta kopplingar i nätverket var negativa interaktioner mellan upplevt uppgiftklimat samt upplevt prestationsklimat, samt en positiv interaktion mellan egoorientering och upplevd kompetens. Resultatet i studien förväntas bidra till ökad kunskap innefattande hur centrala interpersonella samt miljömässiga faktorer inom tjejungdomsfotboll samvarierar tillsammans, samt tjejers intention till avhopp. Denna kunskap är av praktisk användbarhet för tränare, föreningar och förbund i deras arbete med att utveckla riktlinjer och strategier som syftar till att bibehålla fler tjejer inom ungdomsfotbollen. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between perceived motivational climates, goal orientations, perceived competence, and females intention to drop out of youth soccer. Recruitment took place via non-random availability sampling, where data were collected via questionnaires that were distributed physically. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study in which 157 youth playing girls in soccer, aged 15-19 years (M=16.35, SD=1.40), participated. The dara were submitted to a neural network analysis to evaluate the strength and structure of the direct and indirect interactions between study variables. The result showed that intention to drop out was the most central node in the network and had the most direct connections to the other nodes. The network's strongest interaction between intention to drop out and the other nodes were primarily negative interactions with perceived task climate and perceived competence. Other prominent direct connections in the network were negative interactions between perceived task climate and perceived performance climate, as well as a positive interaction between ego orientation and perceived competence. The results of the study are expected to contribute to increased knowledge including how central interpersonal and environmental factors within youth female soccer co-vary together, as well as young females intention to drop out. This knowledge is of practical utility to coaches, associations and federations in their work to develop guidelines and strategies aimed at retaining more girls in youth football.

Tränare-idrottare relation, idrottsidentitet och motivationsklimats påverkan på emotionell och fysisk utmattning hos unga elitsatsande ungdomar : en kvantitativ undersökning / The influence of coach -athlete relationship, sport identity and motivational climate on emotional and physical exhaustion in young elite athletes : a quantitative survey

Pernilla, Engström January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida upplevd kvalité på tränare- idrottare relation (närhet, engagemang och komplement), idrottsidentitet och motivationsklimat (prestationsorienterat- och uppgiftsorienterat-motivationsklimat) kan predicera symptom på utbrändhetsdimensionen emotionell och fysisk utmattning hos unga elitsatsande ungdomar lagidrottare. Ungdomarna kombinerar sin elitsatsning med att gå utbildning RIG eller NIU. Studien bestod av 92 deltagare (48 män och 44 kvinnor). För att delta i studien fanns vissa krav, vara mellan 15 till 20 år (M=16.96 SD=.706), studera via NIU eller RIG samt att ingå i en lagsport. Föreliggande studie använde den integrerade modellen av idrottslig utbrändhet (Gustafsson et al., 2011) för att kunna skapa en större förståelse för idrottslig utbrändhet. Studiens resultat utifrån regressionsanalysen visade att det fanns ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan alla variabler i tränare – idrottare relation (närhet komplement och engagemang) vilket går att säga att dessa tre variabler kan predicera symtom på emotionell och fysisk utmattning hos elitsatsande ungdomar. Det betyder att relationen mellan tränare och idrottare är av vikt för att undvika uppkomsten av emotionell och fysik utmattning. De andra variablerna idrottsidentitet och motivationsklimat (prestationsorienterat- och uppgiftsorienterat-motivationsklimat) visades sig inte vara signifikant vilket gör att de inte går att predicera symtom på emotionell och fysisk utmattning. Resultatet från studien synliggör att tränare- idrottare relation är viktigt för att förebygga uppkomsten av emotionell och fysisk utmattning. / The aim of the study was to investigate whether the perceived quality of the coach-athlete relationship (closeness, commitment and complement), sports identity and motivational climate (performance-oriented and task-oriented motivational climate) can predict symptoms of the emotional burnout dimension and physical exhaustion in young elite team athletes. The athletes combine their elite effort by attending training at RIG or NIU. The study consisted of 92 participants (48 men and 44 women). The study's requirements were for the participants to be between 15 and 20 in age (M=16.96 SD=.706), study via NIU or RIG and to be part of a team sport. The present study used the Integrated Model of Sport Burnout (Gustafsson et al., 2011) to create a greater understanding of sport burnout. The results of the study, based on the regression analysis, showed that there was a significant relationship between all variables in the coach-athlete relationship (closeness, complement and commitment) which indicate that all three variables can predict symptoms of emotional and physical exhaustion in elite youth. This means that the relationship between coach and athlete is important to avoid the onset of emotional and physical exhaustion. The other variables, athletic identity and motivational climate (performance-oriented and task-oriented motivational climate) were not found to be significant, which means that they cannot predict symptoms of emotional and physical exhaustion. The result of the study show that the coach-athlete relationship is important to prevent the occurrence of emotional and physical exhaustion.

An Examination of Sources and Multidimensionality of Self-Confidence in Collegiate Athletes

Machida, Moe 02 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Komunbikace a tvorba notivačního vnitropodnikového klimatu / Communication and creation of internal motivation climate

DIVIŠOVÁ, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of systems of communication and motivation in a particular business entity. The aim of the thesis entitled: communication and motivation of internal change, the analysis of internal climate in a particular business entity with a focus on motivation and communication systems. A sub-goal is to assess the impact of these systems for the creation of internal change and evaluation of corporate culture. The thesis includes a survey focusing on internal climate with a closer focus on the communication and motivation.

Climat motivationnel en éducation physique et besoins psychologiques : impact sur les buts d’accomplissement, les attitudes et les habitudes des élèves

Girard, Stéphanie 02 1900 (has links)
Pour permettre de mieux comprendre la problématique du désengagement des adolescents en éducation physique et aussi à l’endroit de l’activité physique en général, la présente étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre, d’une part, le climat motivationnel en classe d’éducation physique (maîtrise et performance) et les besoins psychologiques des élèves des deux sexes (compétence, autonomie et appartenance) et, d’autre part, les buts d’accomplissement (maîtrise, performance-approche et performance-évitement) poursuivis en éducation physique. Elle visait aussi à examiner l’impact des buts d’accomplissement sur les attitudes et habitudes des adolescents à l’endroit de l’activité physique en général. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 909 élèves (âge moyen = 13,87[0,94]) ont rempli des questionnaires à items auto-révélés à trois reprises pendant l’année scolaire. Des modèles d’équations structurelles (AMOS 22), des analyses d’invariance ainsi que l’approche sans contrainte ont servi à analyser les données. Les résultats indiquent que les buts d’accomplissement des élèves varient en fonction du climat motivationnel perçu et que le sentiment de compétence entretient une relation positive avec les trois buts d’accomplissement. Ces relations étaient invariantes selon le sexe des élèves. Par ailleurs, une seule interaction climat-besoin s’est avérée significative : l’interaction entre le climat de maîtrise et le sentiment d’autonomie prédit négativement l’adoption de buts de performance-évitement. Cela signifie que la perception d’un climat de maîtrise réduit l’adoption de buts de performance-évitement par les élèves, mais seulement lorsque ceux-ci affichent un fort sentiment d’autonomie. Finalement, l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et de buts de performance-approche en éducation physique exerce une influence positive sur les attitudes des élèves qui, à leur tour, influencent leurs habitudes en activité physique. Seule l’adoption de buts de performance-approche entretient une relation positive directe avec les habitudes des élèves. En conclusion, l’enseignant d’éducation physique peut agir sur la motivation et l’engagement des élèves en classe, mais aussi à l’extérieur des cours, en instaurant un climat motivationnel de maîtrise et en aidant les élèves à satisfaire leur besoin de compétence. / To better understand the issue of teenagers’ lack of motivation in physical education and towards physical activity in general, this study proposes to verify the relationships between, on one hand, the motivational climate (mastery and performance) and the basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy and relatedness) of students of both gender and, on the other hand, the achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach and performance-avoidance) they pursue in physical education. This research project also investigates the influence of achievement goals on the teenagers’ attitudes and habits towards physical activity in general. To meet these objectives, 909 students (age mean = 13,87[0,94]) filled self-reported questionnaires on three occasions during the school year. Structural equation models (AMOS 22), invariance analyses and the unconstrained approach were used to analyse the data. Results show that students’ achievement goals vary in accordance to the perception of the motivational climate and that the perceived competence has a positive relationship with the three types of achievement goals. Those relationships were invariant across groups (boys and girls). Furthermore, only one climate/need interaction was significant: the interaction between mastery motivational climate and perceived autonomy negatively predicts the adoption of performance-avoidance goals. This means that perceiving a mastery motivational climate reduces the adoption of performance-avoidance goals but only for students with high feelings of autonomy. Finally, pursuing mastery and performance-approach goals in physical education has a positive impact on students’ attitudes which, in turn, affect their habits in physical activity. Only the adoption of performance-approach goals has a direct positive relation with students’ habits in physical activity in general. In conclusion, physical education teachers can have a positive influence on students’ motivation and engagement during physical education classes—¬but also outside that environment—by promoting a mastery motivational climate and by satisfying their students’ competence need.

Motivationsklimat, självbestämmande motivation och välbefinnande: En studie gjord på barn- och ungdomsfotbollsspelare

Björn, Oscar, Carlsson, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om (a) självbestämmande motivationmedierar sambandet mellan ett uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och välbefinnande (b)självbestämmande motivation medierar sambandet mellan ett resultatorienteratmotivationsklimat och välbefinnande. Studien är av en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign som tagitdel av insamlade data i ett pågående forskningsprojekt (Ivarsson m.fl., i press).Forskningsprojektet har använt sig av ett tillgänglighetsurval vid rekryteringen av deltagare.Totalt deltog 731 barn- och ungdomsfotbollsspelare i åldrarna 10–18 (M=13.7, SD=1.8).Resultaten bekräftade de två hypoteserna då det fanns en signifikant indirekt effekt mellan ettuppgifts- respektive resultatorienterat motivationsklimat och välbefinnande genomsjälvbestämmande motivation. Medieringsanalyserna visade att ett uppgiftsorienteratmotivationsklimat var relaterat till en högre grad självbestämmande motivation, vilket i sin turvar relaterat till en högre grad av välbefinnande. Ett resultatorienterat motivationsklimat varrelaterat till en lägre grad av självbestämmande motivation, vilket i sin tur var relaterat till enlägre grad av välbefinnande. Resultaten illustrerar vikten av att forma ett uppgiftsorienteratmotivationsklimat inom barn- och ungdomsidrotten med syftet att främja densjälvbestämmande motivationen vilket i sin tur ökar sannolikheten att uppleva välbefinnande.Framtida forskning bör utforma interventionsstudier med syftet att i större utsträckning kunnauttala sig om orsak-verkan samband mellan de tre variablerna. / The study's objective was to examine if (a) self-determined motivation mediates the relationship between a task-oriented motivational climate and well-being (b) self-determined motivation mediates the relationship between an ego-oriented motivational climate and well- being. The present study is a quantitative cross-sectional design which has taken part of an ongoing research project’s collected data (Ivarsson, et al., in press). The research project used a convenience sample to select the participants, where 731 child- and youth players aged between 10-18 (M=13.7, SD=1.8) participated. The both hypotheses were confirmed by the results that showed a significant indirect relation between a task-oriented motivational climate and well-being as well as between ego-oriented motivational climate and well-being through self-determined motivation. The mediation analysis showed that a task-oriented motivational climate was related to a higher degree of self-determined motivation, which was related to a higher degree of well-being. An ego-oriented motivational climate was related to a lower degree of motivational climate, which was related to a lower degree of well-being. The results illustrate the importance of creating a task-oriented motivational climate in child- and youth sport with the purpose to foster self-determined motivation which further on can increase the probability to experience well-being. Future research should develop intervention studies with the purpose of to a greater extent study causal relationship between the three variables. / Ivarsson, A., Johnson, U., Svedberg, P., & Back, J. (i press). Psykosociala faktorers inverkan på avhopp från fotboll: En studie bland idrottsaktiva ungdomar.

The Roles of Coaches, Peers, and Parents in High School Athletes' Motivational Processes: A Mixed-Methods Study

Chu, Tsz Lun 08 1900 (has links)
Grounded in self-determination theory and achievement goal theory, the purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine the underlying motivational processes from social environments created by coaches, peers, and parents to motivational outcomes in high school athletes, with an emphasis on the relative influence of social agents in basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness). The quantitative part of this study tested a hierarchical model of high school sport motivation in a final sample of 311 student athletes (204 boys, 107 girls) using structural equation modeling: social factors (coach-, peer-, and parent-created motivational climates) -> psychological mediators (need satisfaction and frustration) -> types of motivation (autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation) -> consequences (subjective vitality, athlete burnout, and intention to drop out). Invariance across gender and across team type (varsity vs. non-varsity) was also tested. Adequate model fits were achieved in separate "brighter side" and "darker side" models across the overall sample, gender, and team type. The follow-up qualitative part of this study explored "how" beyond "what" coaches, peers, and parents contribute to the social environments, need frustration, and negative motivational outcomes in sport in a subsample of 37 student athletes (24 boys, 13 girls) who reported high amotivation/burnout and higher than average dropout intentions in the quantitative survey. Content analysis and observation were conducted to interpret the focus group interview data among athletes across gender and team type. The results of both quantitative and qualitative parts were integrated and compared to summarize the roles of coaches, peers, and parents in the "brighter and darker sides" of athletic experience in high school athletes.

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