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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Längsschnittstudie zum Verlauf motorischer Fähigkeiten von Grundschulkindern in Abhängigkeit auffälliger motorischer Leistungen der Fein- und Grobmotorik

Speer, Andreas, Wagner, Petra, Streicher, Heike, Ziegeldorf, Alexandra, Benkert, Ines, Wulff, Hagen 20 October 2023 (has links)
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Die motorische Leistungsfähigkeit (MLF) spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Kindesentwicklung. Über den Verlauf der MLF über die Grundschulzeit in Abhängigkeit auffälliger motorischer Leistungen im Vorschulalter liegen nur wenige Befunde vor. Fragestellung: Liegen unterschiedliche Entwicklungsverläufe derMLF bei Kindern mitmotorisch auffälligen Leistungen in der Fein- und Grobmotorik vor? Methode: Innerhalb einer Längsschnittstudie wurden die motorischen Dimensionen Kraft, Ausdauer, Schnelligkeit, Koordination und Beweglichkeit von Grundschulkindern (N=424) jährlich untersucht und mittels Varianzanalyse mit Messwiederholung geprüft. Ergebnisse: Kinder, die vor Schuleintritt grob- oder feinmotorische Auffälligkeiten (9-15 %) aufwiesen, blieben in ihrer motorischen Entwicklung deutlich hinter motorisch unauffälligen Kindern zurück. Diskussion und Schlussfolgerung: In der Folge können sich erhebliche Einschränkungen für die Alltagsmotorik und das Erlernen komplexer Bewegungen ergeben. Um gleiche motorische Startbedingungen für die betroffenen Kinder herzustellen, stellt die Erweiterung der bewegungsbezogenen Förderung der MLF vor Schulbeginn einen notwendigen Ansatz dar. / Theoretical Background: Motor performance is an important matter in the health-related development of children, particularly for perception and for establishing a personal and material environment using physical activity. Developmental coordination disorders in preschoolaged children may relate to lower levels of fine and gross motor development. Short-term longitudinal studies revealed that preschoolers with motor deficits fall behind in their overall motor performance during the 1st and 2nd grades of primary school. Moreover, the years at primary school are a meaningful stage in life for children because of its rapid progression in motor-learning capability. Objective: Regarding children in primary school, little is known about the effects of developmental coordination disorders on the grade-related progression of basic motor abilities (i.e., flexibility, strength, endurance, speed of movement, coordination). This study analyzes the motor performance development of children over the period of primary school. Method: Using a longitudinal study design (KOMPASS-2 Study), we examined motor ability development in a sample of N = 424 primary school-aged children (n = 218 girls, 51.4%). To assess levels of motor abilities, we used the German Motor Test (DMT 6-18). Based on standard screening for school entry, children were separated into two groups based on the status of their fine and gross motor development. Changes inmotor ability levels were analyzed via robust repeated measures analyses of variance (rmANOVA) regarding developmental group effects, school timeframe effects, and interaction effects. Results: 9% (n = 39) of the children were classified with a gross motor disorder, and 15% (n = 62) of the children were classified with a fine motor disorder. The statistical analyses with rmANOVA demonstrated that children with developmental coordination disorders regarding gross or fine motor developmental status showed lower motor-ability levels on all test tasks compared to children without disorders. Particularly gross-motor disordered children achieved significantly lower motor-ability levels regarding coordination under time constraint (jumping sideways) and coordination during dynamic precision tasks (backward balancing). However, motor-ability levels increased significantly over time for both developmental status groups. Discussion and conclusion: Children with developmental coordination disorders may experience substantial restrictions to meeting daily physical activities and motor learning of complex movements. To create equal motor developmental conditions for children just starting school, it is necessary to promote physical activity in general. Interventions should regard a set of coordination tasks that require children’s attention and speed during movement. Measuring the motor abilities of primary-school-aged children once a year should be an integral part of communal health monitoring.


Pogul, Brinda Balchand 19 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito da administração aguda e repetida de fencanfamina sobre o valor reforçado do estímulo / Effect of acute and repeated administration of Fencamfamine on reinforcement value of stimuli.

Garcia-Mijares, Miriam 02 August 2000 (has links)
A fencanfamina (FCF) é um agonista indireto do sistema dopaminérgico que tem efeitos neurais e comportamentais similares aos observados com outras drogas estimulantes como a anfetamina ou a cocaína (COC). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da administração aguda e repetida de FCF sobre o valor reforçador dos estímulos (Re). Foi usada a equação de igualação proposta por Herrnstein (1970) para avaliar esse efeito motivacional Foi também medido o efeito dessa droga sobre a taxa de respostas e a capacidade motora (k). Três experimentos foram realizados. Nos três experimentos o efeito da FCF foi testado em ratos treinados em um esquema múltiplo de sete componentes de diferentes Vls. Nos Experimentos 1 e 2 (E1 e E2, respectivamente) três doses agudas de FCF (0,88 mg/kg, 1,75 mg/kg e 3,5 mg/kg) foram administradas i.p. No E1 o reforçador foi água e no E2 reforçador foi sacarose. Em ambos os experimentos, o efeito da droga sobre os parâmetros estudados foi semelhante: as três doses de FCF aumentaram a taxa de respostas e diminuíram Re, sem alterar k. No Experimento 3, seis injeções de veiculo (Grupo VEI) ou de 1,75 mg/kg de FCF (Grupo DROGA) foram administradas i.p. intermitentemente aos sujeitos a fim de promover sensibilização comportamental. Após sete dias de suspensão da droga, foi administrada uma dose de 0,88 mg/kg de FCF em animais de ambos os grupos e foi medido o efeito sobre a taxa de respostas, k e Re. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a administração repetida de FCF não alterou o efeito dessa droga sobre os parâmetros estudados. Os resultados são consistentes com os dados que mostram que a FCF tem efeitos sobre o comportamento similares aos de outros estimulantes, e apoiam a hipótese de que o aumento da taxa de respostas observado após a administração da FCF está relacionado a mudanças no valor reforçador dos estímulos, o que sugere um efeito motivacional e não motor. Além disso, os resultados sustentam as hipóteses que relacionam o sistema dopaminérgico ao processo do reforço. A falha na obtenção de sensibilização após a administração repetida de FCF poderia estar relacionada à dose utilizada ou ao numero de injeções administradas. / Fencanfamina (FCF) is an indirect dopaminergic agonist with neural and behavioral effects similar to those observed for other stimulant drugs such as the amphetamine or cocaine (COC). The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the effect of acute and repeated administration of FCF on the reinforcing value (Re) taken as a motivational index. The Herrnstein hyperbole equation (1970) was used to evaluate this motivacional effect. The effects of FCF on response rate and motor capacity (k) where also observed. Three experiments were conducted. In all of them the effect of FCF was tested on rats trained on seven VI multiple schedule. In Experiments 1 and 2 (E1 and E2, respectively) three acute doses of FCF (0.88 mg/kg, 1.75 mg/kg and 3.5 mg/kg) were administered (i.p.) The reinforcer was water (E1) or sacarose (E2). In both experiments, the effect of the drug on the parameters studied was similar: the three doses of FCF increased the response rate, decreased Re and had no effect on k. In Experiment 3, six injections of vehicle (VEI Group) or 1.75 mg/kg of FCF (DROGA Group) were intermittently administered (i.p.) in order to promote sensitization. Seven days after drug withdrawal a single dose of 0.88 mg/kg of FCF was administered to animals in both groups and the effect on response rate, k and Re was measured. Results showed that repeated administration of FCF did not change the effect of this drug on the parameters investigated. These results are consistent with the evidence showing that FCF has behavioral effects similar to those reported for other stimulants and support the interpretation that increases in response rate are primarily related to changes in reinforcing value. Thus they probably reflect a motivational effect of the drug. Moreover, the results support the hypotheses that associate the dopaminergic system to the process of reinforcement. It is speculate that the failure to obtain sensitization after repeated administration of FCF could be related to dosage or number of injections.

Testování motorické výkonnosti studentů středních škol v Kadani a jejich vztah k pohybovým aktivitám / Motor performance testing of high school students in Kadaň and their relation to physical activities

Schönauer, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
Name of the thesis: Testing of motor performance of high school students in Kadaň and their relationship to physical activities Objectives of the thesis: The objective of the thesis is to analyze the level of basic motor performance of high school students in Kadaň and find out their relationship to physical activities Method: This thesis is processed in the form of empirical quantitative research. The research is realized in the type of environment where is possible to eliminate influences of external environment, that is in a gym. The research subject were students of two chosen high schools, both male and female. Of the total number of 232 students, 143 were female and 89 male aged 15-17. To find out the level of motor performance of the students the test battery UNIFITTEST (6-60) was used. To gather information about the relationship of students to physical activities and competitiveness, a short poll of eight items was made. These were focused on the gathering of basic anamnestic data like name and surname, date of birth, the name of the school they attend to and grade in physical education. Furthermore, it was important to find out if and how often the student takes part in physical activity in his or her free time. Specifically, these questions were divided into involvement of a student in a...

Tělesné složení a motorická výkonnost mužů ve věku od 18 do 25 let / Body Composition and Motor Performance of Males Aged 18 to 25 Years

ZAHRADNÍČKOVÁ, Zita January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to collect, compare and evaluate body size, body composition, vital lung capacity, dynamometry and a level of motor performance of men aged from 18 to 25 years of two target groups - men who are professional swimmers or floorball players, and males of a common population. Using standard somatometric methods, a group of 39 swimmers, a group of 39 floorball players, and a group of 39 non-sportsmen of a common population were examined. The examined body parametres were body length, body weight, bustline, arm line, contracted-arm line, forearm line, thigh line, calf line; width of epiphysis of humerus and femur, wrist, ankle, biacromial and bicristal breadth, breadth of the transverse and sagittal section of chest; skin folds. The ascertained data were compared with the results of previous researches. The thesis also includes the results of motor tests, dynamometry and vital lung capacity.

Efeito da visibilidade dos braços sobre a preferência manual e controle motor na ação de alcançar em bebês / Effect of arms visibility on manual preference and motor control in infants reaching

Pogetti, Lívia Silveira 25 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:19:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4353.pdf: 2550869 bytes, checksum: f526a8acdbd92c4cb70c18e42ff66a55 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-25 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / This study aimed to evaluate the effect of visual occlusion of the preferred arm on its frequency of use and kinematics in spontaneous reaching of static objects in 5-month-old infants. Participated in this study 30 infants, with half of them submitted to visual occlusion of the preferred arm and the other half having full vision while reaching a toy. A possible cumulative effect of visual occlusion was assessed through increasing periods in which the preferred arm was not visible by the infant. Analysis of manual preference indicated that occlusion of the preferred arm led to increased use of the contralateral arm for reaching, an effect more evident in infants showing weak manual preference. No effect of cumulative occlusion was detected, with similar indices of manual preference across the periods of occlusion. Results from kinematic analysis revealed straighter movements to the target when visually oriented. These results suggest that visual information can modulate manual preference and guide reaching control. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da oclusão visual do braço preferido sobre a preferência manual e sobre variáveis cinemáticas em movimentos espontâneos de alcançar objetos estáticos em bebês de cinco meses de idade. Participaram desse estudo 30 bebês, com metade deles sendo submetidos à oclusão visual do braço preferido e a outra metade tendo visão plena na ação de agarrar um brinquedo. O possível efeito cumulativo de oclusão visual foi avaliado por meio de períodos seguidos em que os bebês não tinham visibilidade do braço preferido. A análise da preferência manual indicou que a oclusão visual do braço preferido induziu maior frequência de alcances com o braço contralateral, efeito que foi mais evidente em bebês com fraca preferência manual. Não foi observado efeito cumulativo de oclusão, com índices de preferência manual semelhantes entre os períodos de oclusão. Os resultados da análise cinemática revelaram movimentos mais retilíneos em direção ao alvo de alcance quando visualmente orientados. Estes resultados sugerem que a informação visual pode modular a preferência manual e orientar o movimento de alcance.

Perfil dos participantes de bullying escolar em crianças e adolescentes de alta vulnerabilidade social da Grande Florianópolis - SC / Profile of the participants of school bullying in children and adolescents of high social vulnerability from Florianópolis - SC

Zequinão, Marcela Almeida 05 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:06:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARCELA ALMEIDA ZEQUINAO.pdf: 4250062 bytes, checksum: 6c7a3a9b4623ced9528778a29c8137ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Bullying is considered a set of aggressive, intentional, covert and repetitive attitudes, with no evident reason. These attitudes are adopted by one or more students against one or other, and who do not have social visibility, causing pain, distress and terrible suffering for victims. Children and adolescents who are in a situation of high social vulnerability, are more susceptible to involvement in this phenomenon, as violence in school can not be dissociated from the perceived violence that are embedded in the environment. Objective: To analyze the profile of the participants of school bullying in children and adolescents of high social vulnerability from Florianópolis, SC. Methods: The study included 409 children and adolescents from both sexes and from the 3rd to 5th year and 4th to 6th grade of two public elementary school. The instruments used were: Olweus Questionnaire adapted to the Brazilian population; Questionnaire for the Study of Violence and Peer Scale Socio-Metric, to identify the roles of participation in school bullying; TGMD-2, for the analysis of motor performance; TDE for analysis of school performance; Scale of Subjective Social Status in the Classroom; MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status and MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status Young Version for status analysis; Silhouette Body Scale, to verify body satisfaction; anthropometric measures weight, height, skinfold thickness and bone diameters, for the assessment of body composition, and Dermatoglyphic reader to evaluate the genetic imprint. Results: motor performance, body composition and genetic aspects, regarding the dermatoglyphic profile, were not predictors of participation in school bullying. However, evidence was found that the variable status, body dissatisfaction may predict school performance and behaviors related to the roles of participation in this phenomenon. Conclusion: The present study was of great importance to understand bullying and the roles assumed by children and adolescents in communities with high social vulnerability against this behavior, as well as reflections brought about the current educational practices and the role of the teacher education this physical phenomenon, helping to advance the issue in this area. It is necessary that further studies be developed linking school bullying with the profile of children and adolescents in different contexts, exposed, or not, the social risks. / Bullying é considerado um conjunto de atitudes agressivas, intencionais, dissimuladas e repetitivas, que ocorrem sem motivação evidente, adotado por um ou mais alunos contra um ou outros, e que não apresentam visibilidade social, causando dor, angústia e terrível sofrimento às vítimas. Crianças e adolescentes que se encontram em situação de alta vulnerabilidade social, estão mais suscetíveis ao envolvimento neste fenômeno, pois a violência na escola não pode ser dissociada da violência percebida no ambiente em estão inseridas. Objetivo: Analisar o perfil dos participantes de bullying escolar em crianças e adolescentes de alta vulnerabilidade social presentes na Grande Florianópolis, SC. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 409 crianças e adolescentes do 3º ao 5º ano e da 4ª a 6ª série do Ensino Fundamental, de ambos os sexos, de duas escolas públicas municipais. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário de Olweus adaptado à população brasileira; Questionário para o Estudo da Violência entre Pares e Escala Sócio-Métrica, para a identificação dos papéis de participação no bullying escolar; TGMD-2, para o análise do desempenho motor; TDE, para análise do desempenho escolar; Escala Subjetiva de Status Social em Sala de Aula; Escala MacArthur de Status Social Subjetivo e Escala MacArthur de Status Social Subjetivo Versão para Jovens, para análise do status; Escala da Silhueta Corporal, para verificar a satisfação corporal; as medidas antropométricas massa corporal, estatura, dobras cutâneas e diâmetros ósseos, para a avaliação da composição corporal; e Leitor Dermatoglífico, para avaliação da marca genética. Resultados: Desempenho motor, composição corporal e aspectos genéticos, no que tange o perfil dermatoglífico, não foram preditores de participação no bullying escolar. Contudo, encontraram-se indícios de que as variáveis status, insatisfação corporal e desempenho escolar podem predizer comportamentos relacionados aos papéis de participação neste fenômeno. Conclusão: a presente pesquisa foi de grande importância para compreender o bullying e os papéis assumidos por crianças e adolescentes em comunidades de alta vulnerabilidade social, frente a esse comportamento, bem como, trouxe reflexões a respeito das práticas educacionais vigentes e o papel do professor de Educação Física neste fenômeno, contribuindo para avanço do tema nesta área. Faz-se necessário que mais estudos sejam desenvolvidos relacionando o bullying escolar com o perfil de crianças e adolescentes de diferentes contextos, expostas, ou não, a riscos sociais.

Efeito da administração aguda e repetida de fencanfamina sobre o valor reforçado do estímulo / Effect of acute and repeated administration of Fencamfamine on reinforcement value of stimuli.

Miriam Garcia-Mijares 02 August 2000 (has links)
A fencanfamina (FCF) é um agonista indireto do sistema dopaminérgico que tem efeitos neurais e comportamentais similares aos observados com outras drogas estimulantes como a anfetamina ou a cocaína (COC). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da administração aguda e repetida de FCF sobre o valor reforçador dos estímulos (Re). Foi usada a equação de igualação proposta por Herrnstein (1970) para avaliar esse efeito motivacional Foi também medido o efeito dessa droga sobre a taxa de respostas e a capacidade motora (k). Três experimentos foram realizados. Nos três experimentos o efeito da FCF foi testado em ratos treinados em um esquema múltiplo de sete componentes de diferentes Vls. Nos Experimentos 1 e 2 (E1 e E2, respectivamente) três doses agudas de FCF (0,88 mg/kg, 1,75 mg/kg e 3,5 mg/kg) foram administradas i.p. No E1 o reforçador foi água e no E2 reforçador foi sacarose. Em ambos os experimentos, o efeito da droga sobre os parâmetros estudados foi semelhante: as três doses de FCF aumentaram a taxa de respostas e diminuíram Re, sem alterar k. No Experimento 3, seis injeções de veiculo (Grupo VEI) ou de 1,75 mg/kg de FCF (Grupo DROGA) foram administradas i.p. intermitentemente aos sujeitos a fim de promover sensibilização comportamental. Após sete dias de suspensão da droga, foi administrada uma dose de 0,88 mg/kg de FCF em animais de ambos os grupos e foi medido o efeito sobre a taxa de respostas, k e Re. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a administração repetida de FCF não alterou o efeito dessa droga sobre os parâmetros estudados. Os resultados são consistentes com os dados que mostram que a FCF tem efeitos sobre o comportamento similares aos de outros estimulantes, e apoiam a hipótese de que o aumento da taxa de respostas observado após a administração da FCF está relacionado a mudanças no valor reforçador dos estímulos, o que sugere um efeito motivacional e não motor. Além disso, os resultados sustentam as hipóteses que relacionam o sistema dopaminérgico ao processo do reforço. A falha na obtenção de sensibilização após a administração repetida de FCF poderia estar relacionada à dose utilizada ou ao numero de injeções administradas. / Fencanfamina (FCF) is an indirect dopaminergic agonist with neural and behavioral effects similar to those observed for other stimulant drugs such as the amphetamine or cocaine (COC). The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the effect of acute and repeated administration of FCF on the reinforcing value (Re) taken as a motivational index. The Herrnstein hyperbole equation (1970) was used to evaluate this motivacional effect. The effects of FCF on response rate and motor capacity (k) where also observed. Three experiments were conducted. In all of them the effect of FCF was tested on rats trained on seven VI multiple schedule. In Experiments 1 and 2 (E1 and E2, respectively) three acute doses of FCF (0.88 mg/kg, 1.75 mg/kg and 3.5 mg/kg) were administered (i.p.) The reinforcer was water (E1) or sacarose (E2). In both experiments, the effect of the drug on the parameters studied was similar: the three doses of FCF increased the response rate, decreased Re and had no effect on k. In Experiment 3, six injections of vehicle (VEI Group) or 1.75 mg/kg of FCF (DROGA Group) were intermittently administered (i.p.) in order to promote sensitization. Seven days after drug withdrawal a single dose of 0.88 mg/kg of FCF was administered to animals in both groups and the effect on response rate, k and Re was measured. Results showed that repeated administration of FCF did not change the effect of this drug on the parameters investigated. These results are consistent with the evidence showing that FCF has behavioral effects similar to those reported for other stimulants and support the interpretation that increases in response rate are primarily related to changes in reinforcing value. Thus they probably reflect a motivational effect of the drug. Moreover, the results support the hypotheses that associate the dopaminergic system to the process of reinforcement. It is speculate that the failure to obtain sensitization after repeated administration of FCF could be related to dosage or number of injections.

Efeitos das intervenções psicomotoras no equilíbrio do idoso com déficit cognitivo leve: quase experimento

Ferreira, Josélia Braz dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2015-10-16T15:19:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Josélia Braz dos Santos Ferreira.pdf: 3515861 bytes, checksum: 7ce85c03078e93aebb216e487af5816e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-10-16T15:19:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Josélia Braz dos Santos Ferreira.pdf: 3515861 bytes, checksum: 7ce85c03078e93aebb216e487af5816e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Mestrado Acadêmico em Ciências do Cuidado em Saúde / Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo com uma abordagem quase experimental, cujo objetivo geral foi analisar os efeitos das atividades psicomotoras para o equilíbrio em idosos com distúrbio cognitivo leve e os objetivos específicos foram identificar o déficit psicomotor nos idosos com Déficit Cognitivo Leve utilizando a Escala Motora para a Terceira Idade (EMTI) e a Escala de Tinetti; implementar atividades e exercícios psicomotores para o idoso com Déficit Cognitivo Leve visando a melhora dos fatores psicomotores com ênfase ao equilíbrio e marcha; comparar as condições psicomotoras dos idosos com Déficit Cognitivo Leve antes e após a implementação de atividades e exercícios psicomotores. A pesquisa foi realizada em um período de 4 (quatro) meses, com início em abril de 2014 e término em julho de 2014. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 43 idosos de duas instituições públicas, na faixa etária entre 64 a 88 anos, 86,04% do sexo feminino. O estudo desenvolveu metas que foram cumpridas de acordo com a Teoria do Alcance de Metas de Imogene King. Foi aplicado o MEEM (Mini Exame do Estado Mental) em todos os idosos para avaliação da memória. Para avaliar os parâmetros motores foi utilizada a Escala Motora para Terceira Idade (EMTI) e para avaliar o Equilíbrio e a Marcha, a Escala de Tinetti; foi utilizado também o Diário de Quedas do Idoso. As escalas foram aplicadas antes e após a implementação das atividades psicomotoras, que foram realizadas durante 10 (dez) sessões. Nos resultados, utilizou-se do software estatístico SAS versão 9.3.1, tal que primeiramente realizou-se uma análise descritiva dos dados, dividindo em primeira medida (primeira avaliação) e segunda medida (segunda avaliação). A avaliação do MEEM mostrou 15 (quinze), 34,88%, dos idosos avaliados apresentaram sinais sugestivos de déficit cognitivo. Resultados relacionados ao desempenho dos idosos nos parâmetros motores Motricidade Fina, Organização Espacial e Organização temporal, tanto na primeira como na segunda medidas apresentaram bons resultados e ficaram na classificação normal médio da EMTI. No entanto, na primeira avaliação, os parâmetros Motricidade Global, obteve média de 34,88 pontos, equivalente a classificação muito inferior; o Esquema Corporal com média de 76,46 pontos correspondeu a classificação inferior; e também o Equilíbrio com média de 79,81 pontos ficou na classificação inferior. Estes resultados corresponderam aos resultados do Equilíbrio e Marcha da Escala de Tinetti, que apresentou 22 (51,16%) idosos com média de 17,22 pontos e ficaram, segundo a escala, com alto risco para quedas. Os resultados destas escalas foram corroborados com os resultados do Diário de Quedas dos Idosos, onde 26 (60,47%) idosos sofreram 52 quedas, sendo que 33 (63,46%) quedas ocorreram por desequilíbrios e 31 (59,62%) quedas foram na rua. Na segunda avaliação após as atividades implementadas, os idosos apresentaram melhores resultados com mudança da classificação de acordo com os escores, exceto a Motricidade Global, que permaneceu na classificação muito inferior. No entanto, o Esquema Corporal mudou para a classificação normal baixo com média de 86,93 pontos, o Equilíbrio mudou da classificação inferior para normal médio com média de 92,37 pontos. O Equilíbrio e marcha da Escala de Tinetti apresentou aumento em seus escores e a maioria dos idosos, 28 (65,11%), ficaram com risco moderado para quedas segundo a escala. Concluiu-se com os resultados na segunda medida, que as metas foram alcançadas e a hipótese de que o exercício de estimulação psicomotora favorece o equilíbrio de idosos com distúrbio cognitivo leve foi confirmada / This is a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental approach, whose general objective was to analyze the effects of psychomotor activities for balance in elderly people with mild cognitive impairment and specific objectives were to identify the psychomotor deficit in the elderly with mild cognitive deficit using the Scale motor for the Elderly (EMTI) and the Tinetti scale; implement activities and psychomotor exercises for the elderly with Mild Cognitive Deficit aimed at improving the psychomotor factors with emphasis on balance and gait; compare psychomotor conditions of elderly people with Mild Cognitive Deficit before and after the implementation of activities and psychomotor exercises. The survey was conducted over a period of four (4) months, starting in April 2014 and ending in July 2014. The study subjects were 43 elderly two public institutions, aged between 64 and 88 years, 86, 04% female. The study developed goals that were performed in accordance with the Scope of the Theory of Imogene King Goals. The MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) in all the elderly to assess memory was applied. To evaluate the motor parameters we used the Motor Scale for the Elderly (EMTI) and to assess the balance and the March, the Tinetti Scale; we used the Elderly Falls Journal. The scales were applied before and after the implementation of psychomotor activities, which were performed for 10 (ten) sessions. In the results, we used the SAS statistical software version 9.3.1, such that first carried out a descriptive analysis of data, sharing in a first step (first evaluation) and second measurement (second evaluation). The assessment of the MMSE was 15 (fifteen), 34.88% of the sample respectively showed signs suggestive of cognitive impairment. Results related to the performance of the elderly in the parameters Motricity Thin engines, Space Organization and temporal organization, both in the first and second measurements showed good results and were in the normal average rating of EMTI. However, the first evaluation, the Global Kinetics parameters obtained an average of 34.88 points, equivalent to much lower rating; the Body Scheme averaging 76.46 points corresponded to a lower classification; and also the balance with an average of 79.81 points was in a lower classification. These results corresponded to the results of Balance and Gait Tinetti Scale, which showed 22 (51.16%) elderly with an average of 17.22 points and were, according to the scale at high risk for falls. The results of these scales were corroborated by the results of the Seniors' Falls Gazette, where 26 (60.47%) elderly suffered 52 falls, of which 33 (63.46%) decreases occurred by imbalances and 31 (59.62%) falls were in the street. In the second evaluation after the implemented activities, the elderly showed better results with rating change according to the scores, except the Global Mobility, which remained much lower rating. However, the Body Scheme moved to low normal rating with an average of 86.93 points, the balance changed the lower rating for average normal with an average of 92.37 points. The Balance and Gait Tinetti Scale showed an increase in their scores and most elderly, 28 (65.11%) were at moderate risk for falls under the scale. Concluded with the results in the second measure, which targets have been achieved and the hypothesis that the psychomotor stimulation exercise favors the balance of elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment was confirmed

Couplage perception-action et équilibre postural : approche fondamentale. Application de l'observation pour le réentrainement chez les sujets agés / Perception-action coupling and postural equilibrium : basic approach. Application of observation for movement retraining in elderly subjects

Tia, Banty 28 September 2011 (has links)
L’imitation volontaire est établie comme l’un des modes principaux d’acquisition des habiletés motrices. Il existe également une autre forme d’imitation, automatique et involontaire, étudiée initialement en psychologie sociale du fait de son interaction étroite avec les comportements pro-sociaux. Récemment, et sous l’influence de travaux des années 1990 mettant en lumière des substrats neuronaux communs à l’observation et à l’exécution du mouvement, les recherches scientifiques se sont concentrées sur cette notion d’imitation automatique et ont investigué, via différents paradigmes expérimentaux, les effets de facilitation et d’interférence entre mouvements observés et exécutés. Le travail réalisé dans le cadre de cette thèse vise à améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes de contagion motrice et à identifier leurs applications possibles au réentraînement moteur. Dans une première étude, nous avons évalué l’impact de l’observation de mouvements de déséquilibre sur le balancement postural d’observateurs jeunes (24,5 ± 5 ans), sans troubles posturaux. Le contrôle de l’équilibre orthostatique fait principalement intervenir des structures sous-corticales pour le maintien du tonus postural et l’intégration multisensorielle. Ces substrats neuronaux seraient, de la même manière que les fonctions végétatives indépendantes du contrôle volontaire, plus facilement contaminés par les mouvements observés. Cependant, l’observation d’un déséquilibre sollicite également des mécanismes de régulation posturale, qui restreignent le balancement de l’observateur et se surajoutent à des processus inhibiteurs prévenant l’imitation compulsive des mouvements observés. Par conséquent, ce paradigme expérimental nous a permis de tester les limites des effets de contagion à partir d’une situation où les processus inhibiteurs et régulateurs de la posture étaient fortement sollicités. Cette étude nous a conduits à mettre en évidence une contamination du balancement postural des sujets par le déséquilibre observé, ce qui a confirmé l’importance et la prédominance des processus d’imitation. Ce résultat soulève des questions importantes en termes d’applications au réentraînement moteur chez les patients souffrant de troubles posturaux, en particulier chez les personnes âgées qui présentent une altération de leurs fonctions de stabilisation. En effet, si l’observation d’un déséquilibre conduit à une réaction de contagion motrice, il est vraisemblable qu’elle sollicite également des fonctions inhibitrices et régulatrices permettant la stabilisation de l’observateur. La visualisation répétée d’un déséquilibre peut-elle alors conduire à une amélioration de la stabilisation chez les personnes à risque ? Pour étudier cette question, il serait nécessaire de répéter ce protocole chez le public cible - les réponses pouvant être modulées par l’âge et les aptitudes motrices des personnes. Notre seconde étude visait à évaluer l’impact du répertoire moteur sur les réactions de contagion motrice. S’il est admis que le système moteur (contraintes biomécaniques, niveau d’expertise) affecte les processus perceptifs, son effet sur les réactions d’imitation automatique a été peu étudié. Nous avons analysé les réactions posturales d’observateurs jeunes (24,2 ± 3,7 ans), sains, face à des séquences de déséquilibre antéro-postérieur et médio-latéral. Les stratégies d’équilibration posturale sont associées à des contraintes différentes selon ces deux axes, avec une symétrie médio-latérale et une asymétrie antéropostérieure – asymétrie résultant d’une position du centre de masse en avant de l’articulation de la cheville, qui induit une sollicitation accrue des muscles du plan postérieur pour la stabilisation posturale. Un impact du système moteur sur le processus de contagion serait donc susceptible de se traduire par des réactions posturales différentes dans nos deux conditions d’observation. etc / Voluntary imitation is known as a major means of acquisition of motor skills. Besides, another form of imitation, automatic and involuntary, was initially more extensively studied in social psychology, perhaps because of its close interaction with prosocial behaviors. Recently, there was a renewal of interest in automatic imitation, following research works of the 1990s that highlighted common neural substrates for movement observation and execution. In this context, scientific studies started, through various experimental paradigms, to investigate facilitation and interference effects between observed and executed movements. Research work presented in this thesis aims to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in motor contagion and to identify their possible application to motor retraining. For this purpose, we evaluated, in our first study, the impact of observation of postural imbalance on body sway of young (24.5 ± 5 years), healthy observers. Postural control mainly relies on subcortical structures for maintaining postural tonus and ensuring multisensory integration. Similarly to vegetative functions that are independent of voluntary control, these neural substrates would be more easily contaminated by observed movements. However in response to observed imbalance, postural regulation mechanisms, superimposed to inhibitory processes that prevent compulsive imitation, restrain observers’ disequilibrium. Therefore, this experimental paradigm enabled us to test the limits of contagion mechanisms in a situation highly soliciting inhibitory and regulation processes. Our results led us to highlight a contagion effect of observed imbalance on subjects’ postural sway, which confirmed the importance of imitation processes. These results raise an important question in terms of applications for movement retraining in patients with postural disorders, more specifically in elderly patients with impaired stabilization functions. In effect, if observation of postural imbalance leads to a motor contagion response, it is also likely to solicit regulatory and inhibitory functions for observers’ postural stabilization. Thus, could repeated observation of such disequilibrium movements lead to an improvement of stabilization functions for subjects with postural deficits? To investigate this question, it will be necessary to repeat this protocol with the target population, since observers’ response is likely to vary with age and motor competences. To complete this work, we conducted a second study to assess the impact of the motor repertoire on motor contagion responses. Although it is widely accepted that the motor system (biomechanical constraints, level of expertise) affects perceptual processes, its effect on imitative responses has been little studied. We analyzed postural reactions of young (24.2 ± 3.7 years), healthy observers when presented with sequences of anteroposterior and medio-lateral imbalance. Postural equilibration strategies are associated with different constraints along these two axes, with a medio-lateral symmetry and an anteroposterior asymmetry – this latter asymmetry results from a location of the center of mass ahead of the ankle joint, which induces an increased solicitation of muscles from the posterior plane for stabilization. An impact of the motor system on the contagion process could therefore appear in the form of different postural responses in our two observation conditions. Our results indicated a greater contagion effect during observation of anteroposterior compared to medio-lateral imbalance. Postural contagion is therefore conditioned by observers’ equilibration strategy. In our third study, we considered using this contagion effect for perceptual training aimed at the maintenance and improvement of elderly subjects’ motor performances. The issue of an observational training device is especially relevant when considering people for whom physical exercise is limited due to fatigue or pain.etc

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