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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avalia??o de mudan?a em mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia / Evaluation of change in women who are victim of violence

Guzzon, Juliana Tavares 22 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Tavares Guzzon.pdf: 1553774 bytes, checksum: 7018a9210b3d18b53715613ea49ac9d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-22 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / According to World Health Organization, violence is a global problem that affects families of all cultures, ethnicities, politics, economics and political regimes. Women victims of violence are assisted by different institutions with different types of intervention: legal, psychological, social and / or medical. However, the quality and extent of changes that is presented, as a result of assistance provided, are not always recognized. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychological aspects of women who are victim of violence in relation to the changing stage, the quality of adaptive effectiveness and severity of psychopathological symptoms in women victims of violence before being assisted by SOS Action Woman and Family and compare them to those women who have already been assisted by the institution. Methodologically the study used a randomized cross-sectional type, which is based on a comparison between two groups at different stages of a developmental process. The sample comprised of Group G1 (pre-assistance) with nine women in the initial phase of treatment, average age = 36.7, DP = 8.68, and a Group G2 (pos assistance) of nine women who had already completed treatment, average age=41, DP=11.28. They were evaluated individually with the rating scale of symptoms - EAS-40, Stage of Change Scale - EEM and Operational Adaptive Diagnostic Scale Redefined - EDAO-R. All were victims of repeated physical and psychological aggression, on average 11 years ago, perpetrated by intimate partners. Both groups were in the stages of change Pre-contemplation (lack of awareness of the problem and motivation to face it) and contemplation (acknowledges the problem but has no motivation to face it) according to the EEM. Psychopathological symptoms assessed with the EAS-40 had remained high even after the treatments. The participants of the Group post-assistance displayed adaptation between effective and moderately ineffective, while among the group of pre-assistance predominated severe or serious adaptations. The participants arrived at the institution with multiple impairments, in a confused mental state, not knowing what to do or whom to call, besides feeling skeptical of any possible treatment. The severity of the conflicts they face suggests the need for weekly psychological treatment for the long term (estimated at a minimum of one year) in order to restore self-esteem, self-confidence and overcoming profound cultural values which prevents them from overcoming the condition of victimization to which they are subjected to. / De acordo com a Organiza??o Mundial da Sa?de, a viol?ncia ? um problema mundial que afeta fam?lias de todas as culturas, etnias, pol?ticas econ?micas e regimes pol?ticos. Mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia s?o assistidas por diferentes institui??es com diferentes tipos de interven??o: jur?dica, psicol?gica, social e/ou m?dica. No entanto, a qualidade e extens?o das mudan?as que apresentam, em decorr?ncia do aux?lio prestado, nem sempre s?o conhecidas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de avaliar aspectos psicol?gicos de mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia no que diz respeito ao est?gio de mudan?a, a qualidade da efic?cia adaptativa e a severidade dos sintomas psicopatol?gicos em mulheres v?timas de viol?ncia antes de serem assistidas pelo SOS A??o Mulher e Fam?lia e compar?-los com os de mulheres que j? foram assistidas pela institui??o. Metodologicamente o estudo utilizou de delineamento do tipo Cross-Sectional, que se baseia na compara??o entre dois grupos em est?gios diferentes de um processo desenvolvimental. A amostra foi composta por um Grupo G1(pr?-assist?ncia) com nove mulheres em fase inicial de atendimento, idade m?dia=36,7 e DP=8,68; e um Grupo G2 (p?s-assist?ncia) de nove mulheres que j? haviam conclu?do atendimento, idade m?dia=41 e DP=11,28. Foram avaliadas individualmente com a Escala de Avalia??o de Sintomas EAS-40, Escala de Est?gio de Mudan?a - EEM e Escala Diagn?stica Adaptativa Operacionalizada Redefinida EDAO-R. Todas eram v?timas de agress?es f?sicas e psicol?gicas recorrentes, em m?dia h? 11 anos, perpetrada por parceiro ?ntimo. Ambos os grupos encontravam-se nos est?gios de mudan?a pr?-contempla??o (aus?ncia de consci?ncia do problema e de motiva??o para enfrent?-lo) e contempla??o (reconhece o problema, mas sem motiva??o para enfrent?-lo) de acordo com a EEM. Os sintomas psicopatol?gicos avaliados com a EAS-40 mantinham-se elevados mesmo ap?s os atendimentos. As participantes do Grupo p?s-assist?ncia apresentavam adapta??o entre eficaz e ineficaz moderada, enquanto que entre as do Grupo pr?-assist?ncia predominaram adapta??es ineficazes severa ou grave. As participantes chegam ? institui??o com v?rios comprometimentos, com confus?o de pensamento, sem saber o que fazer e a quem recorrer, al?m de se sentirem descrentes de algum tratamento poss?vel. A severidade dos conflitos que enfrentam sugere a necessidade de atendimentos psicol?gicos semanais de longo prazo (estima-se um m?nimo de um ano) para que possam recuperar a auto-estima, auto-confian?a e superar valores culturais profundamente arraigados, que as impedem de superar a condi??o de vitimiza??o ? que est?o sujeitas.

Indicadores gen?ricos de mudan?a em psicoterapia e efic?cia adaptativa / Generic indicators of change in psychotherapy and adaptive efficacy

Honda, Giovanna Corte 01 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giovanna Corte Honda.pdf: 892385 bytes, checksum: 53301973b02804195919fdc442739f9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-01 / The present exploratory study aimed to combine the adaptive efficacy criterion with the Generic Change Indicators List (GCIL) to better understand how people change in psychotherapy. The specific aim was to evaluate if the evolution in the hierarchy of Generic Change Indicators is associated with the quality of adaptive responses. Methodologically, the research was based on an intensive case study design. The List presents an ideal of what happens when psychotherapy is successful. The List is composed by 19 indicators disposed hierarchically, which relate primarily to how the patient sees his or her problem, his or her willingness to face it and his or her expectations for psychotherapy and psychotherapist. Adaptive efficacy comprises the responses of the individual in the face of difficulties and vicissitudes of life. The more adequate a set of responses is, the more the adaptation of the subject will be considered effective. The videos and the transcriptions of the sessions of a brief psychodynamic psychotherapy process were evaluated with the GCIL and with the Scale of Adaptation (EDAO-R). According to the GCIL 14 episodes of change were identified into the 11 sessions of the psychotherapy. Results pointed to evolution in the hierarchy of indicators of change. The initial sessions comprised indicators of lower hierarchy and final sessions encompassed indicators of higher hierarchy. The results also showed that there was an evolution in the patient s adaptive efficacy, from very slightly adequate to adequate in the A-R area and from very slightly adequate to slightly adequate in the Pr area. We suggest that the progress in the hierarchy of the indicators showed that the patient began to offer more adequate responses, which resulted mainly in changes in the A-R area. It was possible to conclude in this study the association between the two measures. Some common factors to different therapeutic approaches probably contributed to the changes that the patient achieved and these are relate to the patient (she actively participated in the process, was aware of her difficulties and showed motivation to work on the problems), to the therapist (interventions used during the sessions) and to the relationship between therapist and patient (therapeutic alliance). Further researches must be pursued, involving a larger number of psychotherapies, including unsuccessful and dropout processes. / A presente pesquisa, de natureza explorat?ria, buscou combinar o crit?rio da efic?cia adaptativa com os da Lista de Indicadores Gen?ricos de Mudan?a (LIGM), para se compreender melhor como as pessoas mudam em psicoterapia. O objetivo mais espec?fico foi avaliar se existe rela??o entre a evolu??o na hierarquia dos Indicadores Gen?ricos de Mudan?a e a qualidade das respostas adaptativas. Utilizou-se o delineamento de estudo de caso intensivo. A LIGM refere-se a uma sequ?ncia ideal do que se espera que ocorra, se a psicoterapia obtiver ?xito. Ela ? composta por 19 indicadores dispostos de modo hier?rquico, que se referem prioritariamente ? forma como o paciente encara o seu problema, sua disposi??o para enfrent?-lo e as expectativas em rela??o ? psicoterapia e ao psicoterapeuta. A efic?cia adaptativa engloba as respostas dadas pelo indiv?duo frente ?s dificuldades e vicissitudes da vida. Quanto mais um conjunto de respostas ? adequado, mais eficaz ser? sua adapta??o. Para tanto, os v?deos e as transcri??es das sess?es de um processo de psicoterapia breve psicodin?mica de paciente adulta que foi atendida por psicoterapeuta experiente foram avaliadas com a LIGM e com a Escala Diagn?stica Adaptativa Operacionalizada Redefinida (EDAO-R). De acordo com a LIGM foram encontrados 14 epis?dios de mudan?a, distribu?dos em 11 sess?es. Observou-se evolu??o dos indicadores de mudan?a, em que as sess?es iniciais englobaram indicadores de menor hierarquia e as sess?es finais abarcaram indicadores de maior hierarquia. Os resultados tamb?m mostraram que houve evolu??o na efic?cia adaptativa da paciente, de pouqu?ssimo adequada para adequada, no setor Afetivo-Relacional (A-R, que diz respeito aos relacionamentos intra e interpessoais) e de pouqu?ssimo adequada para pouco adequada no setor Produtividade (Pr, que envolve trabalho ou principal ocupa??o que a pessoa exerce). Sugere-se que o progresso na hierarquia dos indicadores demonstrou que a paciente passou a oferecer respostas mais adequadas, que ocasionaram principalmente em mudan?as no setor A-R. Alguns fatores provavelmente contribu?ram para as mudan?as alcan?adas e estes dizem respeito ? paciente (participou ativamente do processo, tinha consci?ncia de suas dificuldades e apresentou motiva??o para trabalhar nos problemas), ? terapeuta (interven??es utilizadas durante as sess?es) e ? rela??o estabelecida entre ambas (alian?a terap?utica). Foi poss?vel concluir que neste estudo houve associa??o entre as duas medidas, que podem ser usadas para auxiliar o terapeuta na avalia??o de progresso do paciente e na compreens?o das vari?veis que podem facilitar ou limitar a mudan?a do paciente. Sugere-se a realiza??o de novas pesquisas, que compreendam maior n?mero de casos e que contem com processos considerados mal sucedidos e em que houve abandono por parte do paciente.

Psicologia escolar e as pr?ticas de gest?o na escola: um estudo sobre os processos de mudan?a mediados pela vontade / School psychology and management practices at school: a study on the change processes mediated by the will

Dugnani, Lilian Aparecida Cruz 17 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:30:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lilian Aparecida Cruz Dugnani.pdf: 1950236 bytes, checksum: e4b23173f306bbdd3e34da4bfbd52b9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The present study is integrated to the group of research actions Processes of Subject Constitution in Educational Practices PROSPED, from the Psychological Prevention and Intervention line of research of the Master Graduation Programme Strictu Sensu in Psychology of the Pont?fica Universidade Cat?lica in Campinas. Its aim is to investigate the potential of the school psychologist's actions in promoting changes to the school management practices. Official data show that longer permanence at school does not necessarily result in better education of the students since there is an increase in the number of literate and a decrease in the number of full literate ones. This leads us to think that there seems to be a dissonance between projects supported by the System and the ones that effectively happen at school. We take as theoretical foundations the assumptions of cultural-historical Psychology in that if you understand the human reasons and interests are built on concrete conditions of existence, mediated by instruments of culture, from the relationships established between the subject and the social, and the social and the subject, in a permanent dialectical movement. In the light of the materialistic dialectical and historical method, the data were constructed from the selection of 22 meetings, out of 128 meetings held in the course of the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, with four managers of a public elementary school, a Director, a Deputy Director and two pedagogical advisors. Both meetings have the audio recording and transcript of the same, and the use of artistic expressions and the synthesis of mediators dialogues undertaken as tools in common. The results revealed that there is a way to work that fluctuates between school managers recognize the challenges that require the transformation of reality and who originate from relationships established between the various agents of the school, and mobilize to overcome them, that we call facing the conflicts, and the mobilization to deny conflicts and move on, that we call look away and that is one of the causes of paralysis in school. It was evidenced that the aesthetic mediations and semiotic, promoted by the arts and for the summaries, enabled the managers to experience two essential movements for making real the changes in exercising the management at school: the migration of emotion and the mobilization of the will. / O presente estudo est? integrado ?s a??es do grupo de Pesquisa Processos de Constitui??o dos Sujeitos em Pr?ticas Educativas PROSPED, da linha de pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica, do programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu em Psicologia, da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas. Objetiva investigar o potencial das a??es do psic?logo escolar na promo??o de mudan?a das pr?ticas de gest?o na escola. Os dados oficiais revelam que a maior perman?ncia na escola n?o tem resultado em melhor escolariza??o dos alunos, na medida em que h? o aumento do n?mero de alfabetizados b?sicos e uma queda no n?mero de alfabetizados plenos. Isto nos leva a pensar que parece haver uma disson?ncia entre os projetos postos pelo sistema e o que ocorre efetivamente na escola. Tomamos como fundamentos te?ricos os pressupostos da Psicologia Hist?rico-cultural em que se compreende que os motivos e os interesses humanos s?o constru?dos nas condi??es concretas de exist?ncia, mediados pelos instrumentos da cultura, a partir das rela??es estabelecidas entre o sujeito e o social e o social e o sujeito, em um movimento dial?tico permanente. ? luz do m?todo materialista hist?rico e dial?tico, os dados foram constru?dos a partir da sele??o de 22 encontros, de um total de 128 reuni?es realizadas no decorrer dos anos de 2010,2011,2012 e 2013, com 4 gestores de uma escola p?blica de Ensino Fundamental I e II, a saber: um diretor, um vice-diretor e dois orientadores pedag?gicos. Em comum os encontros t?m a grava??o em ?udio e transcri??o dos mesmos, a utiliza??o de express?es art?sticas e da s?ntese como instrumentos mediadores dos di?logos empreendidos. Os resultados revelaram que h? um modo de funcionar dos gestores escolares que oscila entre reconhecerem os desafios que se imp?em ? transforma??o da realidade escolar e que emanam das rela??es estabelecidas entre os diversos agentes da escola, e se mobilizarem para super?-los, a que denominamos de enfrentamento dos conflitos e, a mobiliza??o para negar os conflitos e seguir adiante, o que chamamos de desviar o olhar, e que ? uma das causas do imobilismo na escola. Evidenciou-se ainda que as media??es est?ticas e semi?ticas, promovidas pelas artes e pelas s?nteses, possibilitaram aos gestores vivenciarem dois movimentos essenciais para a efetiva??o de mudan?as no modo de exercer a gest?o na escola: a migra??o da emo??o e a mobiliza??o da vontade.

Mudan?as clim?ticas globais e o compromisso pr?-ecol?gico de adolescentes natalenses

Barros, Hellen Chrystianne Lucio 18 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HellenCLB_DISSERT.pdf: 1274583 bytes, checksum: bff1e98a159fa77fea207af042cb90dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In recent years, much has been discussed about global climate changes (GCCs), popularly known as global warming. The scientific evidences point out to the influence of human actions for its drastic intensification. Therefore, studies of the psychological aspects involved become relevant. This study aimed at the investigation of the views of adolescents concerning GCCs, and the possible relations between those views and their pro-ecological commitment. Such commitment is measured by willingness for engagement in pro-environmental behaviors; environmentalism attitudes, like ecocentric and anthropocentric; consideration of future consequences; and ecological worldviews. Participants were 348 adolescents who answered a questionnaire containing questions about socio-demographic data, open questions about the practice of environmental care, and about GCCs, and the scales of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism, the Consideration of Future Consequences and the Ecological Worldviews assessment scale. From the inter-relationships between variables, procedures carried out by means of descriptive and correlacional statistics, it was observed that 55% of teenagers said that they did not engage in actions of environmental care, which was associated with apathyanthropocentric, immediatism, and individualism. The consideration of future consequences joined the practice of environmental care, corroborating evidence from the literature. It was evident that views concerning GCCs were superficial; adolescents perceive it as a generic environmental problem, and are confused with other problems such as pollution. This study found no association between views about GCCs and the indicators of pro-ecological commitment, perhaps due to the conceptual confusion about the subject. However, the lack of environmental care actions and other indicators of non-commitment (apathy-anthropocentric, individualism and immediatism) were associated with conceptually poor or incomplete responses (with no indication of cause, consequence or responsibility for the problem), demonstrating diminished knowledge and the failure to consider these issues / Nos ?ltimos anos, muito tem se falado a respeito das mudan?as clim?ticas globais (MCGs), popularmente conhecidas como aquecimento global. As evid?ncias cient?ficas ressaltam a influ?ncia das a??es humanas para sua dr?stica intensifica??o. Diante disto, estudos de aspectos psicol?gicos relacionados ? tem?tica ganham relev?ncia. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar o posicionamento de adolescentes diante das MCGs, e as poss?veis rela??es deste com o seu compromisso pr?-ecol?gico. Tal compromisso tem como indicadores, nesta investiga??o: o cuidado ambiental auto-relatado, ambientalismos ecoc?ntrico e antropoc?ntrico, a considera??o de conseq??ncias futuras, e as vis?es ecol?gicas de mundo. Participaram do estudo 348 adolescentes, que responderam a um question?rio, contendo quest?es sobre dados s?cio-demogr?ficos, quest?es abertas sobre a pr?tica de cuidado ambiental, e sobre MCGs, e as escalas de Ambientalismo Ecoc?ntrico e Antropoc?ntrico, de Considera??o de Conseq??ncias Futuras e de avalia??o das Vis?es Ecol?gicas de Mundo. A partir das inter-rela??es entre vari?veis, feitas por meio de procedimentos estat?sticos descritivos e correlacionais, observou-se que 55% dos adolescentes afirmaram n?o praticar a??es de cuidado ambiental, o que se associou ? apatia-antropoc?ntrica, ao imediatismo, e ao individualismo. J? a considera??o de futuro se associou ?s pr?ticas de cuidado ambiental, corroborando evid?ncias da literatura. Evidenciou-se que o posicionamento diante das MCGs ? superficial; os adolescentes as percebem como um problema ambiental gen?rico, e as confundem com outros problemas, como a polui??o. Este estudo n?o encontrou associa??o entre o posicionamento diante das MCGs e indicadores de compromisso pr?-ecol?gico, talvez devido ? confus?o conceitual a respeito do tema. Todavia, a aus?ncia de pr?tica de cuidado e os demais indicadores de n?o-compromisso (apatia-antropoc?ntrica, individualismo e imediatismo) se associaram ?s respostas mais conceitualmente pobres, ou incompletas (sem indica??o de causa, conseq??ncia ou de respons?vel pelo problema), evidenciando, al?m do conhecimento emba?ado, a n?o considera??o destas quest?es

Mudan?as de benefici?rios e formas de reocupa??o de lotes no Assentamento Capelinha, Concei??o de Macabu, RJ. / Changes of beneficiaries and forms of occupation of lots in the Settlement Capelinha, Concei??o de Macabu, Rio de Janeiro.

Aleixo, Duvanil Ney Santana 02 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:12:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007 - Duvanil Ney Santana Aleixo.pdf: 1138674 bytes, checksum: 53f6d38a89611d54585b2098a366e5e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-02 / This dissertation aims to reflect the changes of beneficiaries and forms of occupation of the existing lots in the settlement Capelinha, located in Concei??o de Macabu, north region of the State of Rio de Janeiro. It supposes that the beneficiaries changes process is related to the economic, social and political situation that is found insert the settlement, offering information of social process that occur in the interior of the settlements, not always noticed. In this way, different beneficiaries changes modalities are described, such as: the abandonment; the expulsion, the exchanges of lot, the individual and collective invasion, the judicial eviction, the sale of lots, the substitution of title, like others. Besides, it relates some characteristics that ought to determine the forms of occupation of the lots, sucks as the mechanisms of decision and the logics of people settled, defined in the Laws of the Settlements , that is the assembly of rules established and questioned during the past of time. From the company with the settlement people and the analysis of primary documents and the minutes of the Association for eight years, it was possible to establish alterations in the beneficiaries changes modalities, during the three phases systematized, in consequence of the capacity of organization and social cohesion and of the quality and frequency of the actions of the administrative organ of the settlement. / Essa disserta??o busca refletir sobre as mudan?as de benefici?rios e as formas de reocupa??o dos lotes existentes no assentamento Capelinha, Concei??o de Macabu, norte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Parte do suposto que o processo de mudan?as de benefici?rios est? relacionado ? conjuntura social, econ?mica e pol?tica em que se encontra inserido o assentamento, e oferece informa??es de processos sociais que ocorrem no interior dos assentamentos, nem sempre percebidos. Assim s?o descritas diferentes modalidades de mudan?as de benefici?rios, tais como: o abandono, a expuls?o, a troca de lote, a invas?o coletiva e individual, o despejo judicial, a venda de lotes, a substitui??o de titular, entre outros. Relata algumas caracter?sticas que acabam influenciando nas formas de reocupa??es dos lotes, como os mecanismos de decis?o e a l?gica dos assentados, definidos nas Leis do Assentamento , conjunto de regras estabelecido e questionado com o passar do tempo. A partir da conviv?ncia, da an?lise de documentos prim?rios e das atas da Associa??o por oito anos foi poss?vel constatar altera??es nas modalidades de mudan?a de benefici?rios durante as tr?s fases sistematizadas, em decorr?ncia da capacidade de organiza??o e coes?o social e da qualidade e freq??ncia das a??es do ?rg?o gestor do assentamento.

Efeito de uma interven??o com abordagem motivacional sobre capacidade de exerc?cio em adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade

Zanatta, Letiane Bueno 12 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Pediatria e Sa?de da Crian?a (pediatria-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-09-11T11:57:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Mestrado Letiane Zanatta2206.pdf: 1405239 bytes, checksum: f4eecae1492ea6c9c97a2f4d2da54776 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-09-13T12:27:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Mestrado Letiane Zanatta2206.pdf: 1405239 bytes, checksum: f4eecae1492ea6c9c97a2f4d2da54776 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-13T12:37:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Mestrado Letiane Zanatta2206.pdf: 1405239 bytes, checksum: f4eecae1492ea6c9c97a2f4d2da54776 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Obesity is a chronic disease that is growing worldwide and, as a result of its coverage, has developed almost an epidemic and it is becoming one of the most relevant public health problems nowadays, since it is a risk factor that can trigger diseases. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of an interdisciplinary intervention with a motivational approach on exercise capacity and habitual physical activity levels in overweight and obese adolescents. This is a randomized controlled trial with single blinding of individuals. Adolescents aged 15 to 18 years and body mass index (BMI) compatible with overweight or obesity (? 85th percentile and ?99.9th percentile) were included. The present study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University (CAAE: 36209814.6.0000.5336) and all parents and/or guardians signed the informed consent form (ICF) and the students signed the assent form (AF). After the initial interest, individuals were invited by telephone to participate in a screening and then randomized through the Random Allocation Software (version 2.0) to participate in one of the following two groups: traditional approach (control) or motivational interview (intervention) aiming at the modification of lifestyle. In the control group (GC) the focus was the development of skills through educational health actions using the transmission pedagogy. In the intervention group (GI) the Transtheoric Model of Change was used along with the Motivational Interview to try to develop skills through educational actions in health that provided the development of autonomy and empowerment for behavior change, based on interdisciplinary motivational strategies. Subsequently, the initial evaluations, including the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) and the levels of physical activity were assessed using a short questionnaire and an objective measure (pedometer). The evaluations were performed in two moments for both groups, at time zero (time of inclusion in the study) and after three months (end of intervention). Of a total of 43 overweight and obese adolescents, 05 were excluded, resulting in a sample of 37 participants, 18 in the GC and 19 in the GI. The mean age was around 17 years, with a predominance of females. The mean BMI (z score) was about 2, with 17 being overweight and 20 being obese. There were no significant differences in the baseline demographic, anthropometric and physical activity characteristics between groups. The motivational intervention did not cause significant differences (p>0.05) in the comparison of the variables of exercise capacity and habitual physical activity (questionnaire and pedometer) between GC and GI. The mean VO2max (mL/kg/min) at peak exercise was about 26.0, while the VO2max (mL/kg/min) at the anaerobic threshold (LA) was close to 22.0. All cardiovascular, metabolic, ventilatory and subjective variables at peak exercise were similar in both groups, except for Vmax that was significantly higher (p=0.001) in GI compared to GC. When we tested the effect of the motivational interview on nutritional status (weight and BMI) and physical fitness assessed by CPET (VEmax, VO2max, VO2max in AT and ventilatory equivalents) again no significant changes were observed. The results allow us to conclude that the intervention with a motivational approach did not alter physical fitness and habitual physical activity levels in overweight and obese adolescents. / A obesidade ? uma doen?a cr?nica crescente mundialmente e, em decorr?ncia da sua abrang?ncia, vem configurando-se quase como uma epidemia e tornando-se um dos problemas mais relevantes de sa?de p?blica na atualidade, uma vez que ? um fator de risco que pode desencadear diversas doen?as. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da interven??o interdisciplinar com abordagem motivacional sobre a capacidade de exerc?cio e o n?vel de atividade f?sica di?ria em adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade. Este estudo trata-se de um ensaio cl?nico controlado, randomizado, com cegamento ?nico dos indiv?duos. Foram inclu?dos adolescentes com idade entre 15 e 18 anos e ?ndice de massa corporal (IMC) compat?vel com sobrepeso ou obesidade (? percentil 85 e ? percentil 99,9). O presente estudo foi aprovado pelo Comit? de ?tica em Pesquisa da Universidade (CAAE: 36209814.6.0000.5336) e todos os pais e/ou respons?veis assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido (TCLE) e os escolares o termo de assentimento (TA). Ap?s o interesse inicial, os indiv?duos foram convidados por telefone para participar de uma triagem e ap?s randomizados atrav?s do software Random Allocation Software (vers?o 2.0) para participar de um dos dois grupos a seguir: abordagem tradicional (controle) ou entrevista motivacional (interven??o) visando ? modifica??o do estilo de vida. No grupo controle (GC) o foco foi o desenvolvimento de habilidades por meio de a??es educativas em sa?de utilizando a pedagogia da transmiss?o. No grupo interven??o (GI) foi utilizado o Modelo Transte?rico de Mudan?a juntamente com a Entrevista Motivacional para tentar desenvolver habilidades por meio de a??es educativas em sa?de que proporcionassem o desenvolvimento da autonomia e do empoderamento para a mudan?a de comportamento, com base em estrat?gias motivacionais interdisciplinares. Posteriormente, foram agendadas as avalia??es iniciais que inclu?ram o teste de exerc?cio cardiopulmonar (TECP) e a aferi??o do n?vel de atividade f?sica habitual por meio de um question?rio curto e de uma medida objetiva (ped?metro). As avalia??es foram realizadas em dois momentos para ambos os grupos, no tempo zero (momento da inclus?o no estudo) e ap?s tr?s meses (t?rmino da interven??o). De um total de 43 adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade, 05 foram exclu?dos, resultando em uma amostra de 37 participantes, sendo 18 no GC e 19 no GI. A m?dia de idade foi em torno de 17 anos, com predom?nio do sexo feminino. A m?dia do IMC (escore-z) foi cerca de 2, sendo 17 classificados com sobrepeso e 20 com obesidade. N?o houve diferen?as significativas nos dados basais de caracter?sticas demogr?ficas, antropom?tricas e de atividade f?sica habitual entre os grupos. A interven??o motivacional n?o provocou diferen?as significativas (p>0,05) na compara??o das vari?veis de capacidade de exerc?cio e atividade f?sica habitual (question?rio e ped?metro) entre o GC e o GI. A m?dia do VO2m?x (mL/kg/min) no pico do exerc?cio foi cerca de 26,0, enquanto o VO2m?x (mL/kg/min) no limiar anaer?bico (LA) foi perto de 22,0. Todas as vari?veis cardiovasculares, metab?licas, ventilat?rias e subjetivas no pico do exerc?cio foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos, com exce??o da VEm?x que foi significativamente maior (p=0,001) no GI em compara??o ao GC. Quando se testou o efeito da entrevista motivacional sobre o estado nutricional (peso e IMC) e a aptid?o f?sica avaliada pelo TECP (VEm?x, VO2m?x, VO2m?x no LA e os equivalentes ventilat?rios) novamente n?o foram observadas altera??es significativas. Os resultados permitem concluir que a interven??o com abordagem motivacional n?o alterou a aptid?o f?sica e os n?veis de atividade f?sica habituais em adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade.

A Aplica??o de Boas Pr?ticas: Uma Contribui??o para a Atualiza??o das Compet?ncias nos Curr?culos dos Cursos T?cnico em Agropecu?ria e Agroind?stria do IFTM ? Campus Uberl?ndia. / In this work was studied the contribution of Good Agricultural and Manufacturing Practices in the acquisition of abilities proposed by the curriculum of the Agriculture and Livestock Technical Course and Agroindustry Technical Course of Federal Institute of Tri?ngulo Mineiro- Uberl?ndia Campus (IFTM-Uberl?ndia Campus). An interdisciplinary proposal was applied to the production of vegetables destined to the consumption in the sector of feeding and nutrition of the Institution. 20 students from the Agriculture Technical course and 17 from the Agroindustry Technical course from IFTM-Uberl?ndia Campus. It was used as the object of work for the pedagogical evaluation planting of lettuce, one in the conventional way and another with the application of Good Agricultural Practices. In the evaluation of the pedagogical process, the method of evaluation of individual attitude was used, constructing relative affirmative questions to the main phases of development of the steps that made this work (process and its controls and microbiological analyses). The evaluation tools contained affirmations referring to the concepts and necessary knowledge to understand the good stages that involve the process of the good practical. These were punctuated with a scale ranging from ?I disagree very much? to ?I agree very much?, with a total of seven points. These were applied in two different stages, being first the representative one of zero condition, which is, without any involvement with the activities of the project and second, after concluding the practical activities. For each plantation, 50 randomly harvested heads of lettuce were selected. The samples of each plantation (conventional and GAP) and each processing (conventional and GMP), after the collection, were transported to the laboratory of Food Microbiological Analyses of the IFTM- Uberl?ndia Campus, where Total and Fecal Coliforms were analyzed. The diagnostic tests on the knowledge in GAP and GMP presented average above 6 for the four evaluated groups, but there was an increase in the values of notes of the evaluations, after the applied training. However, the results did not present significant statistical differences between the groups, both in the first and in the second moment in relation to the knowledge level on GAP and GMP. This result can e justified, because the study had the limitation to a small sample. In the analysis of images of subjects at different stages of labor was observed cooperation and organization of the group leaders with the creation of better performance of the activities. The present work allowed the academic knowledge to the applied research. It was possible to follow the construction of the knowledge of the students and researcher, which was accomplished by means of the principles that support interdisciplinary practices, who contribute to the formation of citizens critical and participative.

Rosa, M?rcia de Freitas 08 October 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-19T14:22:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - M?rcia de Freitas Rosa.pdf: 8558207 bytes, checksum: 084652082b79dd99a23b5994dc3364e1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-19T14:22:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - M?rcia de Freitas Rosa.pdf: 8558207 bytes, checksum: 084652082b79dd99a23b5994dc3364e1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-08 / In this work was studied the contribution of Good Agricultural and Manufacturing Practices in the acquisition of abilities proposed by the curriculum of the Agriculture and Livestock Technical Course and Agroindustry Technical Course of Federal Institute of Tri?ngulo Mineiro- Uberl?ndia Campus (IFTM-Uberl?ndia Campus). An interdisciplinary proposal was applied to the production of vegetables destined to the consumption in the sector of feeding and nutrition of the Institution. 20 students from the Agriculture Technical course and 17 from the Agroindustry Technical course from IFTM-Uberl?ndia Campus. It was used as the object of work for the pedagogical evaluation planting of lettuce, one in the conventional way and another with the application of Good Agricultural Practices. In the evaluation of the pedagogical process, the method of evaluation of individual attitude was used, constructing relative affirmative questions to the main phases of development of the steps that made this work (process and its controls and microbiological analyses). The evaluation tools contained affirmations referring to the concepts and necessary knowledge to understand the good stages that involve the process of the good practical. These were punctuated with a scale ranging from ?I disagree very much? to ?I agree very much?, with a total of seven points. These were applied in two different stages, being first the representative one of zero condition, which is, without any involvement with the activities of the project and second, after concluding the practical activities. For each plantation, 50 randomly harvested heads of lettuce were selected. The samples of each plantation (conventional and GAP) and each processing (conventional and GMP), after the collection, were transported to the laboratory of Food Microbiological Analyses of the IFTM- Uberl?ndia Campus, where Total and Fecal Coliforms were analyzed. The diagnostic tests on the knowledge in GAP and GMP presented average above 6 for the four evaluated groups, but there was an increase in the values of notes of the evaluations, after the applied training. However, the results did not present significant statistical differences between the groups, both in the first and in the second moment in relation to the knowledge level on GAP and GMP. This result can e justified, because the study had the limitation to a small sample. In the analysis of images of subjects at different stages of labor was observed cooperation and organization of the group leaders with the creation of better performance of the activities. The present work allowed the academic knowledge to the applied research. It was possible to follow the construction of the knowledge of the students and researcher, which was accomplished by means of the principles that support interdisciplinary practices, who contribute to the formation of citizens critical and participative. / Neste trabalho foi estudada a contribui??o das Boas Pr?ticas Agr?colas e de Fabrica??o na aquisi??o de compet?ncias propostas pelas matrizes curriculares dos Cursos T?cnicos em Agropecu?ria e Agroind?stria do Instituto Federal do Tri?ngulo Mineiro-Campus Uberl?ndia (IFTM-Campus Uberl?ndia). Foi utilizada uma proposta interdisciplinar aplicada ? produ??o de hortali?as folhosas destinada ao consumo no Setor de Alimenta??o e Nutri??o da Institui??o. Participaram da pesquisa 20 estudantes do Curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria e 17 do Curso em Agroind?stria do IFTM-Campus Uberl?ndia. Utilizou-se como objeto de trabalho para a avalia??o pedag?gica o plantio de alface, sendo um na forma convencional e outro com a aplica??o das Boas Pr?ticas Agr?colas. Na avalia??o do processo pedag?gico, utilizou-se o m?todo de avalia??o de atitude do indiv?duo, construindo-se quest?es afirmativas relativos ?s principais fases de desenvolvimento das etapas que compuseram este trabalho (processo e seus controles e an?lises microbiol?gicas). Os instrumentos de avalia??o continham afirmativas referentes aos conceitos e conhecimentos necess?rios para compreender as etapas que envolvem o processo das boas pr?ticas. Estas foram pontuadas com uma escala variando entre o ?discordo muito? ao ?concordo muito?, com um total de sete pontos. Esses foram aplicados em duas etapas diferentes, sendo a primeira representativa da condi??o zero, ou seja, sem qualquer envolvimento com as atividades do projeto e a segunda, ap?s concluir as atividades pr?ticas. Utilizou-se ainda, an?lise das imagens dos sujeitos nas diferentes etapas do trabalho. Para cada plantio foram selecionados 50 p?s de alface, colhidos aleatoriamente. As amostras de cada plantio (convencional e BPA) e cada processamento (convencional e BPF), ap?s a coleta, foram transportadas para o Laborat?rio de An?lises Microbiol?gicas de Alimentos do IFTM-Campus Uberl?ndia, onde foram realizadas as an?lises de Coliformes a 35?C e Coliformes a 45?C. Os testes diagn?sticos sobre os conhecimentos em BPA e BPF apresentaram notas m?dias superiores a 6 para os quatro grupos avaliados, houve um aumento nos valores das notas das avalia??es, ap?s o treinamento aplicado. Entretanto, os resultados n?o demonstraram diferen?as estat?sticas significativas entre os grupos, tanto no primeiro quanto no segundo momento em rela??o ao n?vel de conhecimento sobre BPA e BPF. Esse resultado pode ser justificado, uma vez que o estudo teve a limita??o quanto ao pequeno tamanho da amostra. Na an?lise das imagens dos sujeitos nas diferentes etapas do trabalho foi observada a coopera??o e a organiza??o do grupo com a cria??o de lideres melhorando o desempenho das suas atividades. O presente trabalho permitiu vincular o conhecimento acad?mico ? pesquisa aplicada. Foi poss?vel acompanhar a constru??o do conhecimento por parte dos estudantes e pesquisador, que se efetivou por meio dos princ?pios que embasam a pr?tica interdisciplinar, os quais contribuem para a forma??o de cidad?os cr?ticos e participativos.

Estrutura e diversidade das assembleias de peixes recifais na Ba?a da Ilha Grande: import?ncia de vari?veis f?sicas, da estrutura do habitat e varia??es temporais de curto prazo / Structure and diversity of rocky reef fish assemblages of the Ilha Grande bay: importance of physical variables, habitat structure and short term temporal changes.

Neves, Leonardo Mitrano 30 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-10-02T13:28:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Leonardo Mitrano Neves.pdf: 2710150 bytes, checksum: e76a622435676fcc3b2281358ce93865 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T13:28:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Leonardo Mitrano Neves.pdf: 2710150 bytes, checksum: e76a622435676fcc3b2281358ce93865 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPQ / Rocky reef fish assemblages change along extreme environmental conditions gradients; both spatial (across gradients of distance from the river mouths) and short term temporal (diel cycle of light intensity). Moreover, changes in connection to habitat heterogeneity can occur, even for tropical rocky reefs with a more homogenous habitat structure. Knowledge of the way that fish assemblages respond to these changes is fundamental to identify the variables that determine spatial patterns and to predict how impacts in great or low intensity can affect diversity. The main aims of this study were: (1) to determine influence of physical (distance from river mouth and wave exposure), biological (benthic cover) and structural (substratum height and number of shelters) variables in structuring fish assemblages, species richness, abundance, biomass and trophic groups diversity; (2) to assess diel changes in composition and structure of fish assemblages; (3) to relate changes in species composition (beta diversity) with habitat heterogeneity for a small scale (among transects in a given area), and the relationship between beta and alfa diversity (species richness, richness estimation and Shannon diversity). Subaquatic visual census were carried out in Ilha Grande coastal reefs, encompassing (1) islands distributed along a spatial gradient of distance from river mouth; (2) six different time periods, i.e., sunrise (06:00h), morning (08:30h), afternoon (14:00h), sunset (17:30h), early night (19:30h) and night (21:00h) in two shallow coastal reef; and (3) in transect in four areas to assess beta biodiversity. Habitat structure (benthic cover and topographic complexity) assessment was performed (objectives 1 and 3). The distance from river mouth explained from 12.4% to 38.2% of the estimated components of variation (ECV) of PERMANOVA for all analyzed response variables, playing a major role in determining spatial patterns of fish assemblages. Differences between reefs close and far from river mouth reached a maximum of 4.5x for richness, 11x for biomass and 10x for abundance. The substrate height was positively related to fish abundance, species richness and trophic groups diversity (ECV between 7.3 % and 17.4%), whereas the number of shelters was positively associated to small-sized species abundance such as Stegastes fuscus, Emblemariopsis signifer and Scartella cristata. Benthic cover had significant influence to determine spatial pattern in fish assemblage structure and diversity of trophic groups (ECV = 8% and 10%, respectively), but not in species richness, biomass and fish abundance. Wave exposure had significant influence on fish assemblage structure only (ECV = 10%). The fish assemblage changes drastically along diel cycle. Species richness and fish abundance were at the highest during the period of the day with intermediary values at twilight periods, and at the lowest during the night. The highest difference in assemblage structure was found between the periods of the day and the night. The families Sciaenidae, mainly represented by Pareques acuminatus, and Pempheridae represented by Pempheris schomburgkii were more abundant during the night, whereas Haemulidae Haemulon steindachneri, Pomacentridae Abudefduf saxatilis, Chaetodondidae Chaetodon striatus, and Labrisomidae Malacoctenus delalandii were more abundant during the day. The twilight periods were similar in assemblage structure, and had as characteristics species of the day (H. steindachneri, M. acutirostris) and the night (P. acuminatus), reflecting a transitional period. Significant positive relationship was detected between habitat heterogeneity and beta diversity. The area with more ix homogeneous habitat and low variation in fish assemblage was dominated by little threedimensionally complex organisms (zoanthids), while areas that had fleshy algae, turf and zoanthids with a more even percentage cover had higher heterogeneity and beta diversity. For all measures of examined alfa diversity, the area with more heterogeneous habitat and with the highest beta diversity had the highest alfa diversity compared with areas with more homogenous habitat e lowest beta diversity. However, positive relationship between alfa and beta diversity was significant for species richness, but not for estimate of richness and Shannon index. This study demonstrated that changes in assemblages in spatial and short term (from transects to 10 km, and diel cycle) scales may be attributed to changes in local habitat structure, both composition of dominant benthic organisms and habitat heterogeneity and can be associated to behavioral characteristics mainly related to strategies of food acquirement and protection against predation / As assembleias de peixes recifais variam atrav?s de gradientes de mudan?as extremas nas condi??es ambientais, tanto espaciais (ao longo de gradientes de dist?ncia da foz de rios) quanto em escalas temporais curtas (ao longo do ciclo di?rio de intensidade luminosa). Al?m disto, varia??es em resposta ao n?vel de heterogeneidade do habitat tamb?m podem ocorrer, mesmo entre recifes rochosos situados fora de intensos gradientes ambientais. Entender como as assembleias de peixes respondem a tais mudan?as ? fundamental para identificar vari?veis determinantes dos padr?es espaciais e predizer como impactos de grande e pequena intensidade podem afetar os padr?es de diversidade. Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram: (1) determinar a influ?ncia de vari?veis f?sicas (dist?ncia da foz do rio e exposi??o a ondas), biol?gicas (cobertura b?ntica) e estruturais (altura do substrato e n?mero de ref?gios) na estrutura??o das assembleias de peixes, riqueza de esp?cies, abund?ncia, biomassa e diversidade dos grupos tr?ficos; (2) avaliar as mudan?as ao longo do ciclo di?rio na composi??o e estrutura da assembleia de peixes recifais; (3) relacionar a varia??o na composi??o de esp?cies (beta diversidade) com a heterogeneidade do habitat, para uma pequena escala (entre transectos de uma mesma ?rea), e as rela??es entre a beta diversidade e medidas de diversidade alfa (riqueza de esp?cies, estimativa da riqueza e diversidade de Shannon). Para tal, censos visuais subaqu?ticos foram realizados (1) em cost?es rochosos da ba?a da Ilha Grande, em ilhas localizadas atrav?s de um gradiente de dist?ncia da foz de rios; (2) em seis diferentes hor?rios, compreendendo o amanhecer (06:00h), manh? (08:30h), tarde (14:00h), anoitecer (17:30h) e in?cio da noite (19:30h) e noite (21:00h) em dois recifes rochosos rasos; e (3) em transectos de quatro ?reas para avaliar diversidade beta. Avalia??es da estrutura do habitat (cobertura b?ntica e complexidade topogr?fica) foram realizadas (para objetivos 1 e 3). A dist?ncia da foz do rio explicou entre 12,4% a 38,2% da estimativa dos componentes de varia??o (ECV) da PERMANOVA de todas as vari?veis respostas analisadas, desempenhando um papel principal nos padr?es espaciais da assembleia de peixes. Diferen?as entre recifes pr?ximos e distantes da foz atingiram um m?ximo de at? 4,5x para a riqueza, 11x para a biomassa e 10x para a abund?ncia. A altura do substrato foi positivamente relacionada com a abund?ncia de peixes, riqueza de esp?cies e diversidade dos grupos tr?ficos (ECV entre 7,3% a 17,4%), enquanto o n?mero de ref?gios foi associado positivamente com a abund?ncia de esp?cies de pequeno porte, como Stegastes fuscus, Emblemariopsis signifer e Scartella cristata. O efeito da cobertura b?ntica foi significativo em determinar os padr?es espaciais da estrutura da assembleia de peixes e da diversidade dos grupos tr?ficos (ECV = 8% e 10%, respectivamente), por?m n?o foram observadas influ?ncias significativas da cobertura b?ntica na riqueza de esp?cies, biomassa e abund?ncia. A exposi??o ?s ondas teve um efeito significativo apenas para a estrutura da assembleia de peixes (ECV = 10%). As assembleias de peixes variaram drasticamente ao longo do ciclo di?rio. A riqueza de esp?cies e a abund?ncia de peixes foram maiores durante os hor?rios do dia, com valores intermedi?rios nos hor?rios crepusculares e atingiram os menores valores durante a noite. Maiores diferen?as na estrutura da assembleia foram observadas entre o per?odo diurno e noturno. Durante a noite, as fam?lias Sciaenidae, representado por Pareques acuminatus, e Pempheridae vii representado por Pempheris schomburgkii foram mais abundantes, enquanto Haemulidae Haemulon steindachneri, Pomacentridae Abudefduf saxatilis, Chaetodondidae Chaetodon striatus, e Labrisomidae Malacoctenus delalandii foram abundantes durante o dia. Os hor?rios crepusculares foram semelhantes entre si, sendo caracterizados por esp?cies tanto dos hor?rios do dia (H. steindachneri, M. acutirostris) quanto da noite (P. acuminatus), refletindo esse per?odo de transi??o. Rela??es positivas significativas foram detectadas entre a heterogeneidade do habitat e a beta diversidade. A ?rea com habitat mais homog?neo e de menor varia??o na composi??o da assembleia foi dominada por organismos tridimensionalmente pouco complexos (zoant?deos), enquanto a ?reas que apresentaram algas frondosas, matriz de algas epil?ticas (MAE) e zoant?deos com uma percentagem de cobertura mais equitativa, tiveram a maior heterogeneidade do habitat e beta diversidade. Para todas as medidas de diversidade alfa utilizadas, a ?rea com habitat mais heterog?neo e com maior beta diversidade, apresentou uma diversidade alfa maior do que a ?rea com habitat mais homog?neo e de menor beta diversidade. Entretanto, as rela??es positivas entre a beta diversidade e a diversidade alfa foram significativas apenas para a riqueza de esp?cies, e n?o para a estimativa da riqueza e a diversidade de Shannon. Este estudo demonstrou que varia??es nas assembleias em escalas espaciais e temporais curtas (desde entre transectos at? 10 km, e ao longo do ciclo di?rio) podem ser atribu?das a mudan?as na estrutura dos habitats locais, tanto na composi??o dos organismos bent?nicos dominantes quanto na heterogeneidade do habitat e podem ser associadas a caracter?sticas comportamentais principalmente associadas a estrat?gias de obten??o de alimento e prote??o contra preda??o

Avalia??o ambiental de manguezais adjacentes aos campos petrol?feros de Macau e Serra (RN), como subs?dio ?s medidas mitigadoras ao processo erosivo / Avalia??o ambiental de manguezais adjacentes aos campos petrol?feros de Macau e Serra (RN), como subs?dio ?s medidas mitigadoras ao processo erosivo

Costa, Bruno Cesar Pereira da 19 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunoCPC_1-100_DISSERT.pdf: 2356033 bytes, checksum: ce14b7bf1ae1fe35ca852675e9da4636 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-19 / Among the various effects caused by the climate change and human intervention, the mangrove ecosystem changes through of the years has been worth mentioning, which hasn t known which are the pros and cons for the adjacent coastal and estuarine environments yet. It happens due to the present dynamism in these areas, besides of the difficult understanding of the processes associated with evolution. This study aimed to environmentally evaluate adjacent mangroves from the Macau and Serra oil fields, located on Rio Grande do Norte northern coast, to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process, as well as, according to the principles of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to assess the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by the studied ecosystem. An inventory was conducted through mangrouve mapping which has supplied this research, especially regarding to the structural characterization of mangrove areas. To understand the local mangrove behavior in a greater level detail, techniques of remote sensing, GIS and GPS were used to make an analogy between the current and past states of the mangrove studied, allowing to make anticipated projections for the future impacts or changes in that region. This study combined data from multispectral LANDSAT 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ with radar microwave data from SAR RADARSAT-1, which increased the interpretation capacity of the data from optical sensor systems. The interpretations have been supported by the data field, representing a better and innovative methodology for the environmental and taxonomic characterization of mangrove forests considered. The results reveal that mangroves of the Ponta do Tubar?o Sustainable Development Reserve are biologically representative areas and providing a variety of benefits, especially for local communities, constituting the priority sites for actions development aimed at conservation. They also have been showing the necessity to make mitigating measures in order to recover degraded areas through reforestation or creating new areas of mangrove, as currently 7.1% of the mangrove forests studied are dead or in an advanced state of decomposition. The amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered proved very significant when analyzed for the whole area, which is able to sequester atmospheric 4,294,458 Ton CO2 per year / Dentre os diversos efeitos provocados pelas mudan?as clim?ticas e pela interven??o humana, as altera??es no ecossistema manguezal v?m merecendo destaque, cujas implica??es para os ambientes estuarinos e costeiros adjacentes ainda est?o distantes de serem conhecidas. Isto ocorre devido ao dinamismo presente nessas ?reas, assim como a dif?cil compreens?o dos processos associados ? evolu??o das mesmas. O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar ambientalmente manguezais adjacentes aos campos petrol?feros de Macau e Serra, localizados no litoral setentrional do Rio Grande do Norte, como subs?dio ?s medidas mitigadoras ao processo erosivo, al?m de, dentro dos princ?pios do chamado Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), avaliar a quantidade de carbono atmosf?rico sequestrado para o ecossistema estudado. Atrav?s de mapeamento do manguezal, foi realizado um invent?rio, o que forneceu subs?dios para o delineamento desta pesquisa, principalmente, no que diz respeito ? caracteriza??o estrutural da ?rea de manguezal. Para entender o comportamento do manguezal em quest?o em um n?vel maior de detalhe, buscaram-se explica??es em unidades espaciais maiores. T?cnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto, SIG e GPS forneceram informa??es de compara??o entre os estados atual e passado do manguezal, possibilitando proje??es antecipadas para os futuros impactos ou altera??es desta regi?o. Este trabalho combinou dados multiespectrais do LANDSAT 5 TM, LANDSAT 7 ETM+ com dados de microondas de radar do tipo SAR do RADARSAT-1, ampliando a capacidade de interpreta??o dos dados de sistemas de sensores ?ticos. As interpreta??es foram apoiadas com dados de campo, objetivando uma melhor e inovadora metodologia para a caracteriza??o ambiental e taxon?mica das florestas de mangue em quest?o. Os resultados encontrados revelam que os manguezais da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel Estadual Ponta do Tubar?o s?o ?reas representativas biologicamente e que fornecem uma variedade de benef?cios, principalmente para as comunidades locais, constituindo-se de s?tios priorit?rios para o desenvolvimento de a??es com vistas a sua conserva??o. Revelam tamb?m a necessidade de se tomar medidas mitigadoras no sentido de recuperar as ?reas degradadas ou atrav?s do reflorestamento se criar novas ?reas de manguezal, pois atualmente 7,1% das florestas de mangue estudadas encontram-se mortas ou em estado de decomposi??o bem avan?ado. A quantidade de carbono atmosf?rico sequestrado se mostrou bem significativa quando analisado para toda a ?rea em quest?o, sendo esta, capaz de sequestrar 4.294.458 Ton CO2 atmosf?rico/ano

Reconstitui??o paleoambiental utilizando uma abordagem multi-proxy em um registro de turfeira tropical de montanha, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Costa, Camila Rodrigues 09 March 2018 (has links)
Data de aprova??o retirada da vers?o impressa do trabalho. / ?rea de concentra??o: Produ??o Vegetal. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-08-14T22:18:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) camila_rodrigues_costa.pdf: 5661319 bytes, checksum: b9deab885dfc53d90534a8a979f8d00d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-05T19:35:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) camila_rodrigues_costa.pdf: 5661319 bytes, checksum: b9deab885dfc53d90534a8a979f8d00d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T19:35:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) camila_rodrigues_costa.pdf: 5661319 bytes, checksum: b9deab885dfc53d90534a8a979f8d00d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) / As turfeiras s?o ambientes de transi??o entre os ecossistemas terrestres e aqu?ticos, formados pela acumula??o sequencial de mat?ria org?nica. Extremamente sens?veis as mudan?as nos padr?es de precipita??o e temperatura, as turfeiras s?o consideradas verdadeiros arquivos da evolu??o do ambiente ao seu redor. Nas depress?es das ?reas dissecadas da Serra do Espinha?o Meridional, Minas Gerais, ocorrem ambientes propicios para forma??o de turfeiras. Dentre elas encontra-se a turfeira do Rio Preto (18?14'5,25"S e 43?19'7,24" WGS, 1.593 m.s.m) inserida no Parque Estadual do Rio Preto. A turfeira do Rio Preto ? colonizada por diferentes fisionomias do Bioma Cerrado principalmente o Campo ?mido e Campo Rupestre, sendo encontrados ainda redutos de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (Cap?es de Mata). O objetivo deste trabalho foi reconstituir as mudan?as paleoambientais ocorridas desde o final do Pleistoceno Tardio. Para isto foi utilizada uma abordagem multi-proxy, consistindo em estratigrafia do perfil do solo da turfeira, an?lises palinol?gicas, de is?topos est?veis (13C e 15N), de composi??o geoqu?mica e data??es radiocarb?nicas. A idade mais antiga, obtida da base do testemunho, foi de 23.037 anos cal. AP, indicando que a forma??o da turfeira se deu a partir do Pleistoceno Tardio. A partir da an?lise conjunta dos proxys foi poss?vel inferir cinco principais fases de mudan?as paleoambientais: RP-I, entre ~ 23.037 e 13.500 anos cal. AP, clima bastante ?mido e frio, possibilitando a presen?a de indicadores de Floresta Montana e o empobrecimento do sinal isot?pico. Este foi um per?odo de bastante instabilidade na bacia hidrogr?fica da turfeira, inferida pelo alto teor de Si, indicador de sinal de material mineral local; RP-II, entre ~13.500 e 11.700 anos cal. AP, ligeiro aumento da temperatura e queda na umidade levando a redu??o de indicadores de clima frio e a expans?o da vegeta??o campestre. No entanto as condi??es ainda eram mais ?midas e frias que as atuais, e a ind?cios de diminui??o do sinal de material mineral local; RP-III, entre ~11.700 e 8.500 anos cal. AP, tend?ncia de aumento da temperatura e diminui??o da umidade em conjunto com a mudan?a da vegeta??o de plantas C3 para C4, causando a forte retra??o das Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Floresta Montana, em conjunto aumento do fluxo de sinal de material mineral local; RP-IV, entre ~8.500 e 7.000 anos cal. AP, condi??es de clima ainda mais seco e quente, causando o desaparecimento dos indicadores de clima frio, retra??o do Campo ?mido e expans?o do Campo Rupestre. Per?odo de bastante estabilidade da bacia hidrogr?fica da turfeira, sugerido pelo baixo conte?do de material mineral; RP-V, de 7.000 anos cal. AP at? o presente, clima era novamente mais ?mido e temperaturas mais amenas, semelhante ?s condi??es atuais, aumento na acumula??o de turfa, possibilitando o reaparecimento dos indicadores de Floresta Montana e Floresta Estacional Semidecidual junto com a retra??o do Campo, e diminui??o da entrada de material mineral. Flutua??es no clima influenciaram fortemente as mudan?as na paleovegeta??o e na estrutura sedimentar do registro da turfeira do Rio Preto. Devido ? import?ncia das turfeiras, n?o s? como arquivo de mudan?as paleoambientais, mas tamb?m pelos seus servi?os ambientais (armazenamento de ?gua e de carbono), estes ambientes precisam ser melhores protegidos. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Produ??o Vegetal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The peatlands are transitional environments between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, formed by the sequential accumulation of organic matter. Extremely sensitive to changes in precipitation and temperature patterns, peatlands are real archives of the evolution of the environment around them. In Serra do Espinha?o Meridional, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in depressions of the dissected areas occurs an environment conducive to formation of peatlands. Among them the peatland of Rio Preto (18?14'5,25"S e 43?19'7,24" WGS, 1.593 m.s.m), located in the Rio Preto State Park. The area is colonized by different vegetation physiognomy of the Cerrado Biome, mainly Rupestre Fields and Wet Fields, beyond of redoubts of Semidecidual Stationary Forests, called Capon Forests. The area is colonized by different vegetation physiognomy of the Cerrado Biome, mainly Rupestre Fields and Wet Fields, beyond of redoubts of Semidecidual Stationary Forests, called Capon Forests. The objective of this work was to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes that have occurred since the Late Pleistocene. The work was constituted by the application of a multi-proxy approach, such as peatland soil stratigraphy, palynological analyzes, stable isotopes (13C and 15N), geochemical composition analyzes and 14C dating. The oldest age obtained at the base of the peatland profile was 23.037 cal. years BP, indicating that the formation of the peatland occurred during the Late Pleistocene. In this study it was possible to infer five main stages of paleoenvironmental changes: RP-I ~23.000-13.500 cal. years BP, very cold climate and very humid, presence of Montana Forest indicators and impoverishment of the isotopic signal, period of instability in hydrographic basin of the peatland; RP-II ~13.500-11.700 cal. years BP, small increase in temperature and decreased humidity, reduction of the indicators of cold climate and the expansion of the field vegetation, however the climatic conditions were more humid and cooler than the current, decrease of the entrance of local mineral material; RP-III ~11.700-8.500 cal. years BP, trend of increased temperature and decreased humidity, change in vegetation from C3 to C4 plants, reduction of the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest and Mountain Forests, increased flow of local mineral material; RP-IV ~8.500-7.000 cal. years BP, drier and hotter weather, causing the disappearance of the indicators of cold weather, retraction of the Wet Field and expansion of Rupestre Field. Period of very stability in the watershed of the peatland; RP-V 7.000 cal. years BP until present, increased humidity and decrease in temperature, as current conditions, increased accumulation of peat, reappearance of the indicators of Montana Forest and Seasonal Semideciduous Forest and retraction of the Field, decrease of regional and local dust. Fluctuations in the climate influenced changes in paleovegetation and the sedimentary structure of the peatland Rio Preto. Given the value of peatlands as archives of paleoenvironmental changes and their environmental functions, these environments need to be better protected.

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