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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En fallstudie av olika typer ytterväggsisolering och dess påverkan på hållbar samhällsbyggnad / A case study of different types of exterior wall insulations and their impact on sustainable society

Nissen, Martin, Alameri, Zain January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Sweden's climate creates several challenges to achieve habitable indoor climate. In Sweden, it is most common for detached houses of wooden construction to use mineral wool or wood fibre to insulate the exterior walls. While mineral wool and wood fibre are the most popular choices, there are several other alternative insulation materials that can be beneficial. The thesis deals with four insulation materials where stone wool and wood fibre are pitted against the more modern materials PIR and PUR to investigate which is most advantageous with the help of life cycle analysis, life cycle cost analysis and energy use in production, installation and end of life. The three criteria are then summed up in a multi-criteria analysis to decide which material is most beneficial.  Method: To reach a result, a literature study and case study is conducted with life cycle analysis, life cycle cost analysis and energy use. The life cycle assessment answers question 1, the life cycle cost analysis answers question 2 and the multi-criteria analysis answers question 3.  Results & Analysis: Four different insulation materials in a wood-constructed wall were studied where PIR and PUR were considered in two different forms, onewith the same U-value as the stone wool and wood fibre, the other with the same thickness as the stone wool and wood fibre. The different variants are studied using the different criteria in the multi-criteria analysis. The material that has the best environmental impact in the life cycle analysis is wood fibre and then the thin PIR, stone wool, thick PIR, thin PUR and lastly thick PUR. In the life cycle cost analysis, the stone wool is most price efficient, then wood fibre, thin PIR, thick PIR, thin PUR and the most expensive price has the thick PUR. The material with the least energy use throughout the life of the material is wood fibre which is 100 % recyclable, after the wood fibre comes stone wool, thin PIR, thick PIR, thin PUR and the most energy use for the life of the material has thick PUR. Finally, the different results are summarized and show that wood fibre is the material that is most advantageous with the criteria chosen, while the thick variation of PUR is the least advantageous in both environmental aspect and cost.  Discussion: The three methods of analysis that have been used in this work have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that they show concrete answers, and the disadvantages are mainly the programs they are performed on. Input into these programs has been thorough, but as they are slow and difficult to navigate, there may be a risk of errors. The multi-criteria analysis should be reviewed, and more criteria examined is recommended.

Transport infrastructure: making more sustainable decisions for noise reduction

Oltean-Dumbrava, Crina, Watts, Gregory R., Miah, Abdul H.S. January 2013 (has links)
There is a global and growing sustainability agenda for surface transport yet there are no specific means of assessing the relative sustainability of infrastructure equipment. Transport noise reduction devices are a significant part of the surface transport infrastructure: they specifically address environmental and social needs, have a high economic impact, and involve a wide range of raw materials raising multiple technical issues. The paper presents an account of the bespoke tool developed for assessing the sustainability of transport noise reduction devices. Regulatory standards for noise reduction devices and the relevant sustainability assessment tools and procedures adopted worldwide were reviewed in order to produce a set of pertinent sustainability criteria and indicators for NRDs projects, which were reviewed and edited during a stakeholder engagement process. A decision making process for assessing the relative sustainability of noise reduction devices was formulated following the review of the literature. Two key stages were identified: (1) collection of data for criteria fulfillment evaluation and (2) multi-criteria analysis for assessing the sustainability of noise reduction devices. Appropriate tools and methods for achieving both objectives are recommended.

Multifunktionalitet i skyfallsplaneringen : Utformning av ett ramverk för synliggörande och utvärdering av multifunktionella värden / Multifunctionality in Cloudburst Planning : Developing a Framework for Highlighting and Evaluating Multifunctional Values

Hermansson, Emma, Lindström, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Jordens klimat blir allt varmare, och de redan befintliga hoten från kraftiga skyfall förväntas öka. Behovet av att anpassa våra städer till dessa förändringar blir alltmer påtagligt, då det bland annat medför ökade risker för översvämningar, skador på infrastruktur och ekonomiska förluster. En form av klimatanpassningsåtgärder som har fått ökat intresse är multifunktionella skyfallsåtgärder, då de har förmågan att tillgodose fler funktioner och nyttor än enbart vattenhantering. Även multifunktionella skyfallsåtgärder måste dock integreras i stadsmiljön för att vara effektiva och accepteras. Mot bakgrund av det är syftet med studien är att belysa hur ett multifunktionalitetsperspektiv kan integreras i skyfallsplaneringen, med fokus på att belysa platsers funktioner och värden. Specifikt undersöks hur ett kriteriebaserat ramverk kan utformas för att synliggöra och utvärdera sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga värden. Studien utforskar också användningen av ramverket för att skapa diskussion och samsyn kring prioriteringar av värden samt identifierar potentiella förbättringar för att bredda ramverkets användbarhet i skyfallsplaneringen.  För att uppnå det här syftet utgår studien från en anpassad version av beslutsstödsmetoden multikriterieanalys, vilket utgör det huvudsakliga ramverket som tas fram och tillämpas i studien. Ramverket tillämpas i de två fallstudierna Botkyrka kommun och Uppsala kommun, där värdena rangordnas utifrån kommunernas prioriteringar. Metoder för datainsamling inkluderar litteraturstudier, workshoppar samt en enkätstudie. Resultaten visar på 20 kriterier som kan integreras i ramverket för att omfatta de centrala aspekterna av multifunktionalitet. Samtidigt betonas att ramverkets utformning bör anpassas efter den specifika kontext där det tillämpas och inte betraktas som statiskt verktyg. Vidare visar resultaten att ramverket har potential att främja diskussioner, gemensam förståelse och kreativt tänkande, samt underlätta kommunikationen mellan olika parter. För att optimera och utvidga ramverkets användbarhet föreslås ytterligare kriterier, inklusive lösningsspecifika, samt ökat deltagande från externa aktörer. Dessutom framhålls behovet av tydligare definitioner och formuleringar av kriterier och frågeställningar för att säkerställa effektiv användning. / The Earth's climate is becoming increasingly warmer, and the already existing threats from cloudbursts and heavy rainfall are expected to increase. The need to adapt our cities to these changes is becoming more urgent, as it brings increased risks of flooding, damage to infrastructure, and economic losses. One form of climate adaptation measure that has gained increased interest is multifunctional stormwater management, as it can provide multiple functions and benefits beyond just water management. However, even multifunctional stormwater measures must be integrated into the urban environment to be effective and accepted. Against this backdrop, this study aims to highlight how a multifunctional perspective can be integrated into cloudburst planning, with a focus on highlighting the functions and values of places. Specifically, it examines how a criteria-based framework can be designed to highlight and evaluate social, economic, and environmental values. The study also explores the use of the framework to create discussion and consensus around value priorities and identifies potential improvements to broaden the framework's usefulness in cloudburst planning.  To achieve this purpose, the study is based on an adapted version of the decision support method multi-criteria analysis, which forms the main framework developed and applied in the study. The framework is applied in the two case studies of Botkyrka Municipality and Uppsala Municipality, where values are ranked based on the municipalities' priorities. Data collection methods include literature studies, workshops, and a survey. The results identify 20 criteria that can be integrated into the framework to encompass the central aspects of multifunctionality. At the same time, it is emphasized that the design of the framework should be adapted to the specific context in which it is applied and not considered a fixed tool. Furthermore, the results show that the framework has the potential to promote discussions, shared understanding, and creative thinking, as well as facilitate communication between different actors. To optimize and expand the framework's usefulness, additional criteria are suggested, including solution-specific ones, as well as increased participation from external actors. Additionally, the need for clearer definitions and formulations of criteria and questions is highlighted to ensure effective use.

Utvärdering av multikriterieanalys som verktyg för spatial resursallokering av dagvattenåtgärder för tillskottsvatten i spillvattennät / Evaluation of multi criteria analysis as a tool for spatial resource allocation of stormwater measures for inflow and infiltration to the sewage water system

Vallin, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Utbyggnation av städer och allt större andel hårdgjorda ytor leder till problem med dagvattenhanteringen. Flödena blir snabbare samtidigt som större mängder än tidigare bildar avrinning och då är det viktigt att de befintliga systemen klarar av att hantera dem. Dagvatten från tak och hårdgjorda ytor och dräneringsvatten från källarfastigheter kan vara kopplat till spillvattennätet och leda till att vattenflödena i ledningarna vid stora regn kan bli betydligt större än de är dimensionerade för, med kapacitetsproblem som följd. En lösning som många VA-huvudmän har implementerat är att använda öppna dagvattenlösningar istället för att välja det mer kostnadskrävande alternativet att bygga ut ledningssystemet. Att koppla om stuprör, brunnar och dräneringsledningar och gräva diken för att leda om vattnet är både kostnads- och resurskrävande. Syftet var därför att undersöka om multikriterieanalys kan fungera som ett lämpligt verktyg för att allokera resurserna till de områden som ger mest nytta per satsad krona. Detta genom att ta fram en metodik för detta syfte och testa dess robusthet för att avgöra om den är lämplig att applicera eller om osäkerheterna i parametervärdena blir för stora för att några slutsatser ska kunna dras. Metodiken som togs fram testades på Bjursås, ett litet samhälle två mil utanför Falun, eftersom omfattande utredningar gjorts i området tidigare, vilket innebar att mycket data fanns att tillgå. Undersökningar gjordes av var mängderna kunde förväntas bli stora, var det fanns stor risk för källaröversvämningar och vilka områden som bidrog mest till bräddningar. Detta utvärderades tillsammans med förväntade åtgärdskostnader och en samlad bedömning gjordes av var nyttan per satsad krona bör bli störst. Stora osäkerheter återfanns i bedömningen. Slutsatsen blev att metoden kan fungera som stöd vid beslutsunderlag, men att den inte är tillräckligt robust för att kunna användas uteslutande utan att efterföljande utvärderingar och kritisk granskning av resultaten måste göras. Detta kan lämpligtvis ske genom en känslighetsanalys. För att resultaten ska utgöra ett användbart verktyg för VA-huvudmannen måste också kostnaderna utvärderas noggrannare än de har gjorts i den här studien. / Urbanization along with a greater amount of hardened surfaces affects the storm water management. When the flows get faster and larger amounts create runoff, it is crucial that the available systems are able to handle the water. Storm water from roofs and asphalt surfaces and drainage water can be connected to the sewage water pipelines and make the flows in the conduits at rainfall much greater than they are designed for, leading to capacity issues. Many municipalities have implemented open storm water solutions instead of choosing the more cost-ineffective way of expanding the conduit system. Reconnecting downspouts, wells and drainage pipelines and digging trenches to lead the water is both cost and resource demanding. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate whether multi criteria analysis can be used as an appropriate tool in order to allocate the resources to the most beneficial areas. This was done by developing a method for this aim and testing its robustness in order to determine if it is suitable to use in this context or if the uncertainties make the method too unreliable. The robustness in the method developed can be questioned since the uncertainties can be substantial. To be able to use this method, a lot of data is needed and the method needs to be updated relatively often in order to contain relevant information. It is recommended that a sensitivity analysis is performed along with the method, since the use of only one set of parameters can make the result relatively arbitrary. Using a Monte Carlo procedure with the uncertainties defined can reduce the time needed to measure and identify the values. The sensitivity analysis showed that the parameters that have the largest impact on the results are the number of residents living in every real estate with a basement, the catchment areas, the roughness parameters of the pipelines and the use of energy and chemicals in the system. In the future, the urbanization is expected to increase as well as the amount of rainfall and problems related to inflow and infiltration are expected to become more common. The hope is that the method used and its results will be useful for the municipalities’ future planning and to inspire to more studies on this topic.

Samordnad varudistribution : Jämförelse mellan två logistikmodeller med nuläget i Sundsvalls Stenstad

Andersson, Petter, Melander, Melander January 2014 (has links)
As the cities are becoming more crowded, the urban distribution has become a major logistical challenge. Some commonproblems in the inner cities arelimited accessibility and idling. Many of Sweden's municipalities are above the limit values for PM10limit set by the EU.Sundsvall is one of these municipalities and has the vision to create a sustainable city and region. Sundsvall LogistikparkAB is part of an EU project, SMARTSET, which is collaborationbetween several cities in Europe. SMARTSETSundsvall is about to develop a market-based sustainable model for city logistics. Itsobjective has been to compare and assess the potential of two business models forcoordinated goods distribution, with a micro terminal, in to Sundsvall Stenstad,with the current status. To achieve the purpose of the survey is the mapping of the current situation made with the help of interviews with shippers and identification of criteria for a multi-criteria analysis. In the result, the interviews compiled and formed the basis of the data used in the MCA. To get the values of the different criteria, the calculations are made and then the dependency between the different criteria illustrated in the scatter plots. It has been found that business model 1 and 2 is better than the current statusofthe majority of the criteria. The study's main purpose has been fulfilled when the MCA has shown that both the business modelsare profitable for shippers and reduces emissions in Sundsvall. The study has also shown that there are more factors than just the profitability and environmental impacts that affect an imple-mentation of any of these business models. To further develop this survey is required that more shippers interviewed and that the stores specifications are compiled. To get a project with a longer lifethan the contribution period required financing method identified. / I och med att städerna blir allt mer befolkade har stadsdistributionen blivit en stor logistisk utmaning. Några vanliga problem i innerstäderna är begränsad framkomlighet och tomgångskörning. Många av Sveriges kommuner ligger överde gränsvärden för PM10som bestämts av EU. Sundsvall är en av dessa kommuner och har som vision att skapa en hållbar stad och region. Sundsvall Logiskpark AB ingår i ett EU-projekt, SMARTSET, som är ett samarbete mellan flera städer i Europa. SMARTSET Sundsvall handlar om att fram en marknadsmässigt hållbar modell för citylogistik. Undersökningens syfte äratt jämförasamt bedöma potentialen hostvå logistikmodellerför samordnad varudistribution,med en mikroterminal,in till Sundsvalls Stenstadmed nuläget.För att uppnå undersökningens syfte har kartläggning av nuläget gjorts med hjälp av interjuver med speditörer samt identifiering av kriterier för en multikriterieanalys. I resultatet har intervjuerna sammanställts och legat till grund för dedata som har använts i multikriterieanalysen. För att få värden på de olika kriterierna har beräkningar gjorts och sedan har beroendet mellan de olika kriterierna illustrerats i scatter plots. Det har visat sig att logistikmodell1 och 2 är bättre än nuläget på majoriteten av kriterierna.Undersökningens huvudsakliga syfte har uppfyllts då multikriterieanalysen harvisat att båda logistikmodellernaär lönsam för speditörerna samt minskar utsläppen i Sundsvall. Undersökningen har också visat att det är fler faktorer än bara lönsamhet och miljöpåverkan som påverkar en implementation av någon av dessa logistikmodeller.För att vidareutveckla denna undersökning krävs det att fler speditörer intervjuas samt att butikernas kravspecifikation sammanställs. För att få ett projekt med längre livslängd än bidragsperioden behövs finansieringssätt identifieras.

Multi-criteria analysis in naval ship design

Anil, Kivanc A. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Numerous optimization problems involve systems with multiple and often contradictory criteria. Such contradictory criteria have been an issue for marine/naval engineering design studies for many years. This problem becomes more important when one considers novel ship types with very limited or no operational record. A number of approaches have been proposed to overcome these multiple criteria design optimization problems. This Thesis follows the Parameter Space Investigation (PSI) technique to address these problems. The PSI method is implemented with a software package called MOVI (Multi-criteria Optimization and Vector Identification). Two marine/naval engineering design optimization models were investigated using the PSI technique along with the MOVI software. The first example was a bulk carrier design model which was previously studied with other optimization methods. This model, which was selected due to its relatively small dimensionality and the availability of existing studies, was utilized in order to demonstrate and validate the features of the proposed approach. A more realistic example was based on the "MIT Functional Ship Design Synthesis Model" with a greater number of parameters, criteria, and functional constraints. A series of optimization studies conducted for this model demonstrated that the proposed approach can be implemented in a naval ship design environment and can lead to a large design parameter space exploration with minimum computational effort. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy

Evaluation of sustainability criteria for small-scale wastewater treatment facilities / Utvärdering av hållbarhetskriterier för småskaliga reningsverk

Nordenskjöld, Edvard January 2017 (has links)
There are about 700,000 on-site sewage facilities (OSSFs) in Sweden, almost a quarter of which amount only to septic tanks for sludge collection and removal, with no form of post-treatment. All these OSSFs contribute about 10 % of the total anthropogenic phosphorus (P) load from Swedish coasts to the Baltic Sea. They also leak a considerable, but hard to quantify, amount of micropollutants (MPs). This is a large, diverse group of organic trace contaminants, including e.g., pharmaceuticals and detergents. The interests concerning OSSFs in Sweden have over time shifted from merely disposal issues, to health (removal of pathogens) and then further on to nutrient leakage.   In recent years there has been a growing interest in a more comprehensive sustainability perspective. In that spirit, during this thesis project, environmental (n=5) and socio-economic (n=5) criteria were assessed for three conceptualized, full-scale OSSFs. The evaluation was based on the efficiency of domestic wastewater treatment from a single household. These systems comprised conventional post-treatment, as well as extra capabilities for treating P and MPs. The evaluation was done with a multi-criteria analysis (MCA), the goal of which was to provide a proof-of-concept analysis of these treatment technologies in order to serve as decision-support at a national policy level.   The first of the decision options was a sandbed filter with Polonite® and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filters, for the adsorption of P and MPs, respectively. The second option was a reference package treatment system (PTSs), with flocculation chemicals for the precipitation of P, but nothing for the removal of MPs. The third solution was another PTSs, but with Polonite and GAC filters. The stakeholders chosen in this study were the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM), a municipal regulator and a property owner. A total of 100 weight points were assigned to the 10 sustainability criteria. The minimum and maximum of these created a range for each criterion, which was multiplied with the grades 1-5 and added together.   The most sustainable alternative in this study was found to be the sandbed filter with 102-694 points (mid-range of 398), followed by the PTSs reference with 79-560 points (mid-range of 319.5) and the PTSs with filters with 82-500 points (mid-range of 291). The property owner put the highest weight on the economy, while SwAM put the highest weight on the environmental criteria, and the regulator on the social criteria. The sensitivity analysis indicated possible impact by changing the ranking position between the PTSs. This was deemed likeliest for the weight change of life-cycle costs and the grade change of the ease of compliance (legislative) criterion, but the highest ranking of the sandbed filter seemed hard to budge. / Det finns ungefär 700,000 enskilda avlopp i Sverige, varav ca en fjärdedel endast består av trekammarbrunnar, eller liknande system, utan någon form av post-rening. Alla dessa enskilda avlopp belastar ungefär 10 % av den totala antropogena fosforn (P) från svenska kuster till Östersjön. Det sker också ett läckage av en betydande, men svår-kvantifierbar, mängd mikroföroreningar (MF). Detta är en stor, divers grupp av organiska spårföroreningar som t. ex inkluderar läkemedelsrester och tvättmedel. De övergripande intressena angående enskilda avlopp i Sverige har över tid skiftat från frågor gällande dess bortskaffande, till hälsa (avskiljning av smittämnen) och vidare till näringsläckage.   Under de senaste åren har det blivit ett växande intresse för ett mer omfattande hållbarhetsperspektiv. Under det här examensarbetet bedömdes miljö-kriterier (n=5) och socio-ekonomiska kriterier (n=5) för tre teoretiska, fullskaliga enskilda avlopp. Utvärderingen baserades på avloppsreningens effektivitet från ett enskilt hushåll. Dessa avloppssystem innefattade konventionell post-rening, såväl som ytterligare förmåga att behandla P och MF. Metoden som användes för utvärderingen var en multi-kriterie analys (MKA), vars mål var att förse en konceptuell analys av de här tre avloppssystemen med syfte att tjäna som beslutsstöd på en nationell policy-nivå.   Det första beslutsalternativet var en markbädd med Polonite® och granulärt aktivt kol (GAK) filter, för adsorption av P och MF. Det andra alternativet var ett referens minireningsverk (MRV) med fällningskemikalier för utfällning av P, men ingenting specifikt för avskiljning av MF från avloppsvattnet. Den tredje avloppslösningen var även den ett MRV, men med Polonite och GAK filter, som markbädden. Intressenterna som valdes i den här studien var Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (HaV), ett kommunalt miljökontor och en fastighetsbrukare. De 10 hållbarhetskriterierna fick var och en 100 viktpoäng tilldelade. De lägsta och högsta viktpoängen från de tre intressenterna skapade ett intervall för varje kriterie, vilket multiplicerades med betygen 1-5 och summerades.   Det mest hållbara alternativet i den här studien befanns vara markbädden med 102-694 poäng (mittvärde 398), följt av referens MRV med 79-560 poäng (mittvärde 319.5) och MRV med filter med 82-500 poäng (mittvärde 291). Fastighetsbrukaren tilldelade högst viktpoäng till ekonomin, medan HaV gjorde detsamma till miljökriterierna och miljökontoret till de sociala kriterierna. Känslighetsanalysen indikerade möjlig påverkan av de analyserade ändringarna genom att förändra den ovanstående rankingen mellan de båda MRV. Detta bedömdes vara troligast för viktändringen av livs-cykel kostnader och betygsändringen av kriteriet som avser lättheten att efterleva nutida och framtida (lagliga) krav, men den högsta rankingen av markbädden verkade svår att ändra på.

L'intégration du développement durable dans les projets de quartier : le cas de la ville d'Hanoï / Integration of sustainable development into neighborhood projects : the case of Hanoi city

Bui, To Uyen 05 July 2012 (has links)
L’évolution de l’aménagement urbain s’oriente actuellement vers la démarche du développement durable. C’est à travers les projets à l’échelle locale – les quartiers durables –que sont initiées et appliquées les politiques des collectivités en la matière. Le nombre croissant et la diversité de ces opérations reflètent toutefois un manque d’études sur l’approche et le processus d’élaboration propre à cette échelle du quartier ainsi que la question de l’adaptation de la démarche dans chaque contexte urbain. A partir de ce constat, nous avons défini le sujet central de notre recherche comme le croisement et l’intégration de la notion de la durabilité dans la complexité des contextes locaux.Notre approche s’appuie sur un regard transversal et croisé des thématiques interdisciplinaires du développement durable en insérant les questionnements propres à la conduite des projets architecturaux et urbains. Notre principal objectif est de contribuer à une base de réflexion synthétique pour l’aide à la décision et la programmation des projets de quartiers, avec le cas d’étude de la ville d’Hanoï. Nous mettons en place une approche systémique sous forme de grilles d’analyse multicritères génériques pour l’évaluation des projets de quartiers durables. Nous proposons des recommandations et des préconisations par une analyse croisée des expériences européennes du domaine, en vue d’une démarche opérationnelle de l’élaboration des quartiers durables. Il s’agit d’un travail de référence permettant d’actualiser et d’enrichir les connaissances sur les dispositifs architecturaux et urbains durables adaptés aux contextes des villes des pays émergents comme le Vietnam. / The evolution of urban development is moving towards the sustainable development approach. It is through projects at the local scale - sustainable neighborhoods - that community policies on this matter are initiated and implemented. The increasing number and diversity of these operations reflect however a lack of studies on the approach and the development process specific to the scale of neighborhood, as well as the question of adaptation of the approach to each urban context. Based on this observation, we defined the central subject of our research as the crossing and integration of the concept of sustainability in the complexity of local contexts.Our approach is based on a transverse and crossed look on interdisciplinary themes of sustainable development, by crossing questions specific to architectural and urban projects management. Our main objective is to contribute to a synthetic base of reflection for decision-support for district planning, based on the case study of Hanoi City.We implement a systemic approach in the form of generic multi-criteria analysis grids for the evaluation of sustainable neighborhoods projects. We propose recommendations by a crossed analysis of European experiences in the field, in view of an operational approach to the development of sustainable neighborhoods. This is a reference work allowing updating and deepening knowledge on architectural and urban sustainable features, adapted to the contexts of cities in emerging countries like Vietnam.

Internacionalizace podnikových činností - outsourcing a offshoring / Internalization of company processes -- Outsourcing and Offshoring

Tyll, Ladislav January 2006 (has links)
Outsourcing and Offshoring represent modern management tools used to increase the competitive advantage of the enterprise by a better focus on its core business, lower costs, higher flexibility or better quality of its processes. These benefits are basically achieved either by transferring some of company's non-core processes on an external provider or on a Daughter Company based abroad. The basic objective of this work is to provide management or scholars with a comprehensive view on above mentioned tools from the phase of adopting decisions about their application up to their final evaluation. To be highly objective and complete there are presented also the tax optimization models within Offshoring by using so called "Tax heavens". For better understanding what procedures and tools are available to managers to comply with current legislation when using these methods, there is added the transfer price issue as one of the possible tools for a tax optimization. Within the practical part of the thesis I tried to create a country evaluation model for international outsourcing based on multi-criteria analysis of localization factors. Doing so the biggest emphasis was laid on minimization of risk of failure from the side of process provider. The model was also enriched by commonly not often used ethic factors. The result of carried out analysis of chosen countries shows that even significantly lower labor costs can not weight on other localization factors in case they are of considerably worse levels. The last part of my work demonstrates the application of both examined methods in the Czech textile industry with a view to bring evidence that they are capable to lead to an improvement of its competitive position on foreign markets. Due to my vocational interests there was chosen Russian market as a sample. Objectives of this doctoral thesis have been achieved by extensive research of various information sources, incl. statistical data and available surveys carried out by reputable institutions and accompanied by personal expert experience from real practice.

Análise multicriterial das preferências de gestores e das decisões nas operações logísticas de uma empresa do setor químico

Forneck, Marcelo 30 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:04:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 30 / Nenhuma / No contexto de organizações humanas, o processo de avaliação de desempenho tem merecido a atenção de praticantes e pesquisadores, pois, pela avaliação de desempenho, a empresa pode identificar diferenciais que as ajudem a serem mais competitivas. Para tanto, o rápido desenvolvimento de produtos, integração de informações, tecnologias de comunicação avançadas, customização de produtos e coordenação de redes de suprimentos, vêm forçando as empresas à tomada de decisões mais rápidas. O uso de métodos qualitativos de apoio à decisão pode contribuir para reduzir riscos e gerenciar incertezas nesta tomada de decisão mais rápida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar um estudo de caso no qual foi desenvolvido e testado um método de análise das preferências dos gestores de operações logísticas empresariais internas. O resultado da aplicação do método foi comparado com o resultado de algumas decisões tomadas na empresa. A metodologia de pesquisa contou com um grupo focado, formado pelos gestores da logística in / The context of human organizations, researchers and professionals has considered a lot the process of performance evaluation, once it provides to the company to identify differentials which can help them to be more competitive. Therefore, the fast development of products, information integration, advanced communication technologies, customization of products and coordination of supply nets, is forcing the companies to take faster decisions. The use of qualitative method of support to the decision, may contribute to reduce risks and manage uncertainties in this faster decision taking. The objective of the present work was to present a case study in which was developed and tested an analysis method of the preferences of the internal entrepreneurial logistic operations managers. The result of the method’s application was compared to the result of some decisions taken in the company. The research methodology reckoned with a focus group formed by the company’s internal logistic managers, involving the supply, prod

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