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MARKÄGARE OCH SKOTERTURISM : En undersökning baserad på intervjuer med markägare i västra HärjedalenOrvegård, Rikard January 2018 (has links)
This study aimed to examine the possible conflicts between a rapidly growing snow mobile tourism and landowners of the region Funäsfjällen in the west of Sweden, close to the border of Norway. The newspapers of early 2018 was filled with landowner’s complaints about snowmobile users riding in areas where it was illegal and considered destructive by the landowners in big parts of northern Sweden. The landowners of the area of Funäsfjällen now threatened to tear up the agreement they had with the snowmobile trail. The method which was used in collecting opinions from landowners was through interview questions. Furthermore, the report is supposed to describe the current trends in snowmobile driving and sales, as well as describe the forest in the area. The study shows that land owners are overall positive to snow mobile tourism, but still showed that a majority of the landowners had been thinking about the trail agreement, and was prepared to tear it up if they did not see any improvements concerning destruction from free riding. Earlier studies showed that snow mobile sales from the latest years made new records, selling about 2 000 more units than average over the last ten years, where a majority of these were so called mountain snow mobiles, made for climbing steep hills and through deep snow. This study shows that the land owners experience an increase of general snow mobile tourism in the area. An earlier study published in the early 2000 showed that the problematic and destructive free riding had decreased quite a lot since the snow mobile trail in Funäsfjällen was opened. In this study though, it seems as something has changed over time, and the land owners now experience quite a big increase of illegal free riding in the area during the last five years, and that the economic compensation from the trail was not enough to cover the potential costs from the snow mobiles destruction on the land. The study also shows that the type of forest in the area was found to be a low productive one, where felling of trees needs a special permit from Skogsstyrelsen.
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Testing a generic GEANT4 detector simulation using H→γγ eventsSunneborn Gudnadottir, Olga January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating the use of isotope-labeled standards as calibrants in label-free quantificationBreimark, Linda January 2018 (has links)
The ability to accurately identify and quantify proteins in complexsamples is of great importance in the field of proteomics. Using massspectrometry, samples can be analysed and quantified either by theincorporation of a labelled standard of known concentration, or bylabel free quantification. Label free quantification has manybenefits, including time, cost, and ease of use, but is not asaccurate as the use of isotope label standards. In this project, thepossibility of increasing accuracy in quantification results from LFQusing a set of isotope labelled standards, QPrESTs, is investigated.The standards were produced by metabolic incorporation of heavyLysine and Arginine during expression inE. coli. They were then qualitycontrolled using SDS-PAGE for purity analysis, and LC-MS/MS forquantification and confirmation of MW. Human cell lysate samplesspiked with a set of 21 QPrEST standards were analysed by LC-MS/MSand quantified by QPrEST-H/L intensity ratios and intensity basedLFQ. In the LFQ protein quantification indices obtained from MaxQuantwere combined with BCA results, or with calibration curves obtainedfrom spiked in QPrEST standards. The LFQ results that best matchedthose obtained from QPrEST-H/L were those that used the calibrationcurves for quantification, which were found in a ~3-fold range, witha correlation coefficient varying from 0.67 to 1. Assuming thatQPrEST-H/L is the most accurate quantification method used, thisindicates that the use of QPrEST standards as calibrants can bebeneficial when it comes to increasing the accuracy in LFQ.
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Lärandemiljöer för utforskande inom naturvetenskap : Relationen mellan planering och nyttjande av inomhuslokaler på en förskolaFahlström, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between how preschool’ premises are planned and how they are used. The study focusing on learning enviroments adapted for exploration in science. The investigation takes place at a newly opened preschool. It is based on a qualitative approach in form of semistructured interviews. Interviews were made with two informants involved in the planning and the design of the preschool’ premises. Interveiws were also made with four preschool teachers who uses these environments. These interveiws were related to each other to investigate the relationship between how these premises are planned and used. The results are reported in three categories. The first category reveals thoughts about premises’ potential. Second one shows different material availability. The third category is about social venues. As impact this study can contribute knowledge that can be useful in creating new learning environments. The results could also be used if existing preschools wants to reorganization their environments. / Syftet med studien är att öka kunskap om relationen mellan den planerade utformningen av lärandemiljöer i förskolan, anpassade för naturvetenskapligt utforskande och det faktiska nyttjandet. Studien är gjord utifrån en kvalitativ ansats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med upplägget att intervjua två informanter som varit delaktiga vid planering och utformning av förskolans fysiska inomhuslokaler samt fyra förskollärare som nyttjar dessa miljöer i sitt arbete med barnen. Resultaten relateras till varandra för att undersöka vad som legat till grund för lärandemiljöers utformning och förskollärares upplevelser att nyttja dessa. De relationer som lyfts fram i resultatdelen är informanters tankar kring lokalers potential, materials tillgänglighet samt mötesplatser för gemensamt utforskande. Denna studie kan bidra med kunskap som kan vara användbar vid skapande av nya lärandemiljöer samt vid omorganisering av befintliga.
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Vad är dyskalkyli? : Verksamma lärares uppfattningar om dyskalkyli och matematiksvårigheterTastula, Emilia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Utomhuspedagogik som metod i naturvetenskap F-3 : En kvalitativ studie om fördelar och nackdelar med utomhuspedagogikAura, Johanna, Mokrane, Najat January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares åsikter gällande utomhuspedagogik som metod inom ämnet naturvetenskap, om de är positiva eller negativa till metoden samt hur de anser att den påverkar eleverna. Den använda metoden är kvalitativa intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor. Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna är positiva till utomhuspedagogik som metod och ser fler fördelar än nackdelar. Vi som genomfört studien har kommit till slutsatsen att utomhuspedagogik är en metod med fler fördelar än nackdelar, och att lärare bör bedriva denna pedagogik om möjligt.
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"Vi ska ju försöka bli vegana, stod det ju…" Elevers resonemangsförmåga och argument angående mjölk, havredryck och mandeldryckWernbro, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Undervisningen i naturvetenskap ska bland annat bidra till att utveckla elevers förmåga att hantera olika källor och resonera naturvetenskapligt. Med utgångspunkt i olika argument för och emot mjölk och/eller vegetabiliska alternativ som måltidsdryck undersöks i denna studie hur elever i årskurs 5 diskuterar en fråga med naturvetenskaplig grund. Eleverna lyssnade i en liten grupp till några texter om mjölk och/eller vegetabiliska alternativ och fick sedan välja mellan mjölk, havre- och mandeldryck, samt diskutera och motivera sitt val. Eleverna hanterade i sina diskussioner inte data systematiskt utan bortsåg från data som inte stödde deras initiala val. De var inte heller kritiska mot de texter som de lyssnat till. Däremot ägnade de mycket tid åt att diskutera giltighet och relevans hos varandras argument. För att elever ska kunna resonera kring en fråga på ett naturvetenskapligt vis, krävs undervisning som ger dem möjlighet att träna på dessa förmågor.
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AFM Studies of Pristine PCBM Changes Under Light ExposureChambers, Erin January 2013 (has links)
Organic solar cells promise a cheap and easy alternative to silicon photovoltaics, but there are many problems that must be solved before they can be a stable and efficient substitute. One such problem is the degradation of solar cells under exposure to light and oxygen. In response to evidence of change in electronic properties of polymer:PCBM solar cells, the mechanical properties of pristine PCBM films are investigated for analogous development using atomic force microscopy. Although no signicant change in the elastic modulus is detected, differences in material response indicate a skin effect which is beyond measurement sensitivity. Presence of a hard skin is verified in tapping phase imaging and spectroscopy.
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Effects of climate change and organic matter content on modelled active layer thickness and the thermal state of permafrost in Adventdalen, Svalbardop den Kelder, Antonia January 2017 (has links)
Climate change has already had an impact on the environment; this impact is expected to increase in the future. The Polar Regions are highly vulnerable to climate change because of polar amplification. Large amounts of carbon are stored in permafrost in the form of organic matter. Climate change and changes in land-use can destabilize these carbon reservoirs. This can lead to large emissions of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere, and with that, increase the rate of climate change. It is crucial to know the effects of climate change on permafrost. This thesis uses the CoupModel5 to model the effects of climate change on the permafrost at the UNISCALM site, Adventdalen, Svalbard. Next to that, the effect of the presence of organic matter in relationship to climate change is investigated. High-resolution hydro-climatic data from the UNISCALM site is used as boundary conditions in the model set-up. The model is run for the period 1976-2013. The results are validated with sub-surface temperature data. After that, the same model set-up is used and the temperature is increased according to the temperature data from the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios: RCP2.6,RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5, for the period 2014-2100. It is investigated how the thermal state of the permafrost and the active layer thickness (ALT) will be affected. Two alternate scenarios areinvestigated; (S2) 10 cm organic matter layer, and (S3) 50 cm organic matter layer. All RCPs show an increase in sub-surface temperature. For S1, until 2050 the RCPs follow a similar pattern, after that they start to diverge. RCP2.6 experiences only a slight increase until 2100. RCP4.5 and RCP6.0 are relatively similar until approximately 2080, from that point on the ALT from RCP6.0 plots consistently below RCP4.5. RCP8.5 shows a steady increase in temperature from 2050-2080. Around 2080 the permafrost starts to collapse and the permafrost degradation occurs rapidly. The different organic matter scenarios follow roughly the same pattern, but differ in magnitude and timing. When more organic material is present, the ALT varies less over time. Next to that, the response time is slower if organic material is present. The mean annual temperature for RCP8.5 is above 0 °C from2080. This indicates that the mean annual temperature plays a significant role in permafrost degradation. The projected temperatures for RCP4.5 and RCP6.0 are expected to be above 0 °C in the 22nd century, indicating that the permafrost will collapse under every climate change scenario, apartfrom RCP2.6. The different reactions to change in climate for the organic matter scenarios can be attributed to the difference in thermal conductivity between organic matter (low thermal conductivity) and mineral soils (high thermal conductivity). This indicates that permafrost areas where organicmaterial is present will react less to fluctuations in temperatures than when no organic material is present. Overall, it can be concluded that climate change will have an enormous impact on permafrost and that it is crucial to include it in the global climate models.
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Characterization of promoter regions for design of a cell specific promoterAnnala, Katja January 2017 (has links)
Global warming is one of the modern world’s biggest problems and renewable fuels are needed to meet this challenge. Biohydrogen is one alternative of a renewable fuel and can be produced from genetically modified cyanobacteria. Although the production is not yet efficient enough to compete with fossil fuels on a commercial level, it has potential. By gaining knowledge regarding pathways and regulatory mechanisms in cyanobacteria, genetic tools can be built and further enhance the production of biohydrogen. A synthetic promoter, which is active only in hydrogen producing cells, heterocysts, is an example of a wanted genetic tool. Such a promoter would make it possible to overexpress proteins essential for hydrogen production in heterocysts and thereby increase the production of hydrogen. In this study, several promoters have been designed and compared quantitatively on both transcriptional and translational levels. The promoters were compared regarding their heterocyst specific expression and their strength. By comparison of the designed promoters, all with different contents, the essential promoter regions have been identified and two well characterized and heterocyst specific promoter have been proposed.
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