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Könsrollerna i LasseMajas Detektivbyrå : Diamantmysteriet respektive Mästerdetektiven Blomkvist / The gender roles in LasseMajas Detektivbyrå : Diamantmysteriet and Mästerdetektiven BlomkvistHofmeijer, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find out how gender roles are described in two popular children’s detective stories, one of them written in 2002 and the other in 1946, to be able to compare the two. In order to do this, I used a qualitative research method in which I read and analyzed the text and illustrations of the books out of a gender perspective.I used gender theories describing how stereotypical gender roles are displayed, and these theories were later associated with the books I studied. I also used previous research concerning gender roles in other children's books in order to compare those results with my own.After having read, analyzed and compared the two books, I found vast resemblances between them, but also certain differences. However, it is obvious that the gender roles in both books for the most part are traditional. It is mainly the girls (although not the adult women) that diverge from the stereotypical gender roles, but this is also what is most common and most acceptable in today's society.
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Desire and the Rationality of VirtueLuco, Andres Carlos January 2009 (has links)
<p>A classic question in moral philosophy asks "Why be moral?" In other words, what reason or motive do people have to act in accordance with the requirements of morality? In the tradition of Thomas Hobbes and David Hume, this project defends the thesis that nearly all people have reason to be moral nearly all of the time, because moral conduct generally serves individuals' desires and needs. It's argued, first, that a reason for action must be capable of motivating an agent to act, and second, that reasons for action motivate through the desires of the agent. This view is defended against the objection that reasons for action are not contingent on any particular agent's desires. Turning to morality, the case is made that the desires of an individual can be consonant with the demands of morality in any of three possible ways: (1) moral action serves one's other-regarding desires to help others; (2) moral action serves one's moral desires, which are formed when one internalizes the moral norms of his or her community; and (3) moral action serves one's self-regarding desires to avoid punishments that one incurs by violating moral norms. In the final chapter, it is acknowledged that the moral norms which happen to prevail in a society sometimes conflict with the moral convictions of individuals. Under certain conditions, however, it can be rational for nearly all members of a society to collectively change existing moral norms. Furthermore, it is within the power of individuals to foment the conditions for collective transitions to alternative moral norms.</p> / Dissertation
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Robust H2 and H¡Û Analysis and Design for Linear Discrete-Time Systems with Polytopic UncertaintyFang, Shiang-Wei 13 February 2012 (has links)
The thesis considers the problems of designing a dynamic output feedback controller to discrete time systems with polytopic uncertainty so that the closed-loop systems are DR stable with their transfer matrices having H2 norm and H¡Û norm bounded by a prescribed value ru. The formar part of the thesis provides less conservative LMI conditions for H2 and H¡Û analysis and the output feedback control of discrete system than those appeared in the current research. While the latter part of the thesis extend the current research to DR stable with H2 and H¡Û design. Finally, numerical examples are illustrated to show improvement of the propered result.
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Ringmursprat och tunnelbanesnack : <em>om gymnasieungdomars bruk av och attityder till dialekt på Gotland och i Stockholm</em> / Youth dialects on Gotland and in Stockholm<em> </em> : <em>a study of high-school youth's language use and attitudes </em>Pappinen, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats redogör för en studie med syftet att undersöka dialektbruk, dialektattityder samt vilken betydelse dialekten har för identiteten hos gymnasieelever. Undersökning baseras på två informantgrupper från Gotland och Stockholm som dels genomfört en enkätundersökning, dels deltagit i gruppintervjuer. Resultatet visar att en majoritet av eleverna anser att de talar dialekt och är positiva till dialekternas existens och det är fler flickor som anser sig tala dialekt än pojkar. Det egna sättet att tala har en stark koppling till identiteten framför allt för ungdomarna på Gotland. Dock visar studien att standardspråkets prestige är betydande för båda informantgrupperna. Ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv är studien intressant eftersom eleverna från det mer utpräglade dialektområdet Gotland är mer medvetna om sitt sätt att tala, vilket går att koppla till det faktum att de har haft mer undervisning i skolan om de svenska dialekterna i allmänhet samt den egna dialekten.</p>
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Multiresolution weighted norm equivalences and applicationsBeuchler, Sven, Schneider, Reinhold, Schwab, Christoph 05 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
We establish multiresolution norm equivalences in
weighted spaces <i>L<sup>2</sup><sub>w</sub></i>((0,1))
with possibly singular weight functions <i>w(x)</i>≥0
in (0,1).
Our analysis exploits the locality of the
biorthogonal wavelet basis and its dual basis
functions. The discrete norms are sums of wavelet
coefficients which are weighted with respect to the
collocated weight function <i>w(x)</i> within each scale.
Since norm equivalences for Sobolev norms are by now
well-known, our result can also be applied to
weighted Sobolev norms. We apply our theory to
the problem of preconditioning <i>p</i>-Version FEM
and wavelet discretizations of degenerate
elliptic problems.
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Hur görs normkritik? : En studie av praktikers förslag till normkritisk förändringLina, Zavalia January 2015 (has links)
This research report follows a group of educators, project managers and scientists involved in a norm-critical project: Norm Creative Certification. The aim of this study is to examine the proposal for, and obstacles to, a norm-critical change that the group discusses in relation to the project and its educational context. The research report also examines whom are expected to make the norm-critical change. For gathering the empirical material the method participant observation is used. Further, the material has been analyzed inspired by Carol Bacchis policy analysis method What is the problem represented to be? Carol Bacchis method has worked indicative, since the material is more organic than a policy. The research report has been analyzed in the context of theories of intersectionality and Kevin Kumashiros theory about antioppressive pedagogy. The obstacles that the reference group refers to a norm-critical change is partly a threatening outside world and an internal feminist critic, the lack of action, a fake (internal) self-image and a fear of the discomfort and resistance that norm-critical change raises. The components that the group suggests for a positive development, is linked to the experience-based learning, an interested attitude of the practitioner, the relation to time and an understanding of conflict, power and domination. What also emerges is that the norm-critical change occurs in the individual, which is assumed not to have any experience of being outside the norm. A duality emerges overall as the group relates to two parallel ideas and pedagogical approaches. Partly the group relates to a "market" where assignments will be carried out and where it is stressed that action without understanding is a way to a norm-critical change. At the same time signed an opposite condition for a norm-critical change, where time, your own experience, understanding and self-reflexivity stands in the center. Here the focus is on longer processes, the individual and the learning processes.
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Är alla föräldrar lika välkomna i förskolan? : En studie i hur samkönade föräldrapar upplevde deras barns start i förskolan / Are all parents equally welcome in preschool? : A study of how same-sex parent couples experienced their child's start at the preschoolFinell, Frida January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see a display on how family, gender and sexuality are produced in four same-sex parents’ stories about their children’s pre-school start. The question formulations that have been used were aimed to find out what expectations and concerns parents may have on the pre-school organization, if the parents have any saying regarding the organization, if the pre-school have worked with equality and how they have been treated as a family. The method used is a qualitative study based on interviews. Four lesbian women have been interviewed on their experiences of their children’s pre-school start and after finishing the interviews the content has been analyzed from different viewpoints found in the material. To back this study up theories as heteronormativity and stereotyping in general have been used. Heteronormativity is based on beliefs related to gender and sexuality. Even stereotyping is related to gender and sexuality but explains more an act performed, while heteronormativity is something prevailing. The conclusions reached in this study are that pre-schools are strongly characterized by heteronormativity, there are small ambitions of change of the organisation at the pre-school and the small changes that happen are moving forward slowly. The knowledge of rainbow families is low and the pre-school does not consider these questions before children from rainbow families start at their school. The change should occur before children from rainbow families start at the pre-school since children from other types of families need to meet this kind of questions in the organization. As long as the pre-school does not work with normative questions, children at pre-school will grow into heteronormative notions of family, gender and sexuality. As the pre-school work today, the children from rainbow families will keep on being invisible in the pre-school organization.
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Egentligen får dom inte säga att det är killek eller tjejlek, för då leker inte man tillsammans : En kvalitativ studie om förskolebarns syn på genus i förhållande till lek / They cannot say that it's a game only for boys or only for girls, because then you're not playing together : A qualitative study of pre-school children's outlook on gender in relation to playHaegerström, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att beskriva och förstå könsmönster i förskolebarns samtal omkring lek. Tidigare forskning har visat att den rådande normen i förskolan är den heterosexuella normen. Studier har visat att man inte vet hur många förskolor som arbetar med jämställdhet för att det inte finns någon skyldighet att rapportera det. Barn anpassar sig till pedagogers och vuxenvärldens normer på hur de förväntas vara. Utifrån empirin, som består av två gruppintervjuer med barn i 4-5årsåldern, så visar det att barnen applicerar de rådande könsstereotypa föreställningarna på leksaker och föremål i sin närmiljö. Enligt min studie så var barnen medvetna om könsmönster och delade upp lekformationer och leksaker i manligt och kvinnligt kodade positioner. Samtidigt som barnen tilldelade olika föremål från sin lekmiljö könskategorierna flickor och pojkar, visade de förståelse för att flickor och pojkar inte ska delas upp utan att alla utifrån en vedertagen norm ska leka tillsammans och med alla föremål på förskolan. Uppsatsen avslutas med tankar som har uppkommit under min studie och förslag till vidare forskning. / The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the view on gender patterns in preschool children's conversations about play. Previous research has shown that in preschools is the prevailing norm the heterosexual norm and that children adjust to educators and adult world standards on how they are expected to behave. There is currently no way of knowing how many Swedish preschools are working with gender equality because there is no obligation to report it. The empirical material in this study, consisting of two group interviews with children between the ages of 4 to 5, show that children apply the prevailing stereotypical gender notions on toys and objects in their local environment. According to this study, the children were aware of gender roles and were dividing game formations and toys into male and female coded positions. At the same time as the children assigned the gender categories "girls" and "boys" on various items from their play environment, they did however also show understanding for the idea that girls and boys should not be divided but instead play together and be able to use all preschool objects from an accepted norm. The essay concludes with some reflections that arose during my study and suggestions for further research.
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Kan hon - så kan du!? : En diskursanalytisk studie av tidningen Amelias bild av kvinnan. / If She Can – You Can!? : A discourse analysis of the representation of woman in the magazine Amelia.Petersson, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att genom diskursanalys lyfta fram exempel på medias bild av kvinnan. Materialet för analysen består av artiklar som berör skönhet, kropp och hälsa i tre nummer av tidningen Amelia samt bilder på tidningens omslag. Samtliga omslags bilder visar stylade, leende kvinnor som visar hur en kvinna kan, läs ska se ut, vilket följs upp inne i tidningarna där vi får förslag på val av handlingar för att uppnå samma (själv)bild. De funna resultaten kopplas till socialpedagogikens; det sociala arbetets arena, som handlar om mänsklig tillväxt, relationer, kommunikation samt tilltro till individen som kapabel att välja och förhålla sig till rådande explicita och implicita normer i den samhälleliga kontexten. Normerna bygger på mönster av makt, som kan relateras till uppfattning och attityder gentemot individers delaktighet i samhället utifrån hur avvikande val kring skönhet, kropp och hälsa bestraffas. Studien betonar därför medvetenhet kring vikten av individers möjlighet till emancipation och resultaten styrker tanken om att kvinnor av idag, via media, utsätts för en ständig press i att förhålla sig till medias bild av kvinnan, en bild som hon själv genom sina val och aktiva handlande bidrar till att upprätthålla. / The purpose of the study is to enlighten media's representation of women though a discourse analytical perspective. The material consists of articles concerning beauty, body and health in three exemplars of the magazine Amelia combined with photos on the magazines' front pages. All front pages show styled, smiling women showing how a woman can, or should, look like, which is followed up inside the magazine where the reader gets suggestions on choice of actions to reach the same (self) image. The results are connected to social pedagogy, the arena of social work which concerns human growth, relations, communication and faith in the individual as capable to choose and relate to explicit and implicit norms in society. The norms are based on patterns of power which can be related to perception of and attitudes towards the participation of individuals in society. Thin in turn is based on how divergent choices regarding beauty, body and health are punished. The study therefore emphasizes awareness regarding the importance of individuals' possibilities to emancipation. The results strengthens the through that women today, through media, are exposed to a continuous stress on relating to the medial picture of woman, a picture which she herself through choices and actions contributes to maintain.
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BEAMFORMING TECHNIQUES USING CONVEX OPTIMIZATION / Beamforming using CVXJangam, Ravindra nath vijay kumar January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyses and validates Beamforming methods using Convex Optimization. CVX which is a Matlab supported tool for convex optimization has been used to develop this concept. An algorithm is designed by which an appropriate system has been identified by varying parameters such as number of antennas, passband width, and stopbands widths of a beamformer. We have observed the beamformer by minimizing the error for Least-square and Infinity norms. A graph obtained by the optimum values between least-square and infinity norms shows us a trade-off between these two norms. We have observed convex optimization for double passband of a beamformer which has proven the flexibility of convex optimization. On extension for this, we designed a filter in which stopband is arbitrary. A constraint is used by which the stopband would be varying depending upon the upper boundary (limiting) line which varies w.r.t y-axis (dB). The beamformer has been observed for feasibility by varying parameters such as number of antennas, arbitrary upper boundaries, stopbands and passband. This proves that there is flexibility for designing a beamformer as desired.
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