Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pap"" "subject:"cpap""
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Study and application of the Inherent Optical Properties of coastal waters from the Phaeocystis-dominated Sounthern Bight of the North SeaAstoreca, Rosa 14 June 2007 (has links)
The Belgian Coastal Zone (BCZ) in the Southern Bight of the North Sea is a highly dynamic and optically complex area. This is due to high non-algal particles (NAP) and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) content which in spring adds together with undesirable blooms of the haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa. There is a need for improving the algorithms for chlorophyll a (chl a) retrieval in these highly turbid waters and for developing algorithms for species detection in order to attempt to create an early warning bloom system. This information will contribute to the knowledge of the extent and magnitude of the P. globosa bloom in Belgian waters. In this study, pure cultures of the main taxa present in the BCZ, diatoms and P. globosa, were combined with field measurements of light absorption of total particles, phytoplankton and dissolved material, pigment determination and phytoplankton counts to address the main objectives. Sampling was performed during 8 cruises covering winter, spring, summer and late summer, and along nearshore-offshore gradients from 2003 to 2006. <p>The area is characterised by a high spatio-temporal variability of IOPs due to the high dynamics of the area in terms of currents, salinity gradients and biological production. During spring the presence of P. globosa modulates the IOPs across all the area, the particle absorption is significantly higher than summer and there is no significant coast-offshore variability for phytoplankton and CDOM. <p>The design of chl a retrieval algorithms assumes negligible absorption of NAP and CDOM in the near infrared (NIR) and the use of a fixed value of specific phytoplankton absorption. It is shown that neglecting the NAP and CDOM absorption in the NIR will have a significant overestimation impact in retrieval of chl a. On the other hand, the specific phytoplankton absorption was found to be highly variable (0.015 „b 0.011 m2 mg chl a-1). Both results will affect directly the retrieved chl a. The spatial variability of CDOM was significant varying between 0.20-1.31 m-1 in the marine area and between 1.81-4.29 m-1 in the Scheldt estuary. CDOM was found to be related to salinity with conservative mixing within the Scheldt estuary and during some seasons in the BCZ, however deviations from conservative mixing suggest other inputs to the CDOM pool. Analyses of the spectral slope of the CDOM absorption curve revealed two main CDOM pools in the area, an allochthonous one delivered by the Scheldt estuary and an autochthonous one associated with the phytoplankton spring bloom decomposition. Algorithms for CDOM retrieval will be affected if the variability in the relation between CDOM and salinity is not taken into account. <p>The optical characterisation of diatoms and P. globosa from the BCZ in pure cultures revealed that the main differences in the phytoplankton absorption spectra were found at 467 and 500 nm corresponding to the absorption of the pigments chlorophyll c3 (chl c3) characteristic of P. globosa and fucoxanthin, respectively. Accordingly, both the absorption at 467 nm and the ratio 500/467 nm were successfully used to discriminate the two taxa in cultures and field samples. This latter indicator was not preserved in the reflectance signal due to degradation of the signal when passing from absorption to reflectance, and thus could not be used for algorithm development. The spectral feature at 467 nm was later used as the basis for the development of a flag-type algorithm to detect chl c3 using either absorption or water-leaving reflectance data. Also, the correlation between the algorithm¡¦s retrieved chl c3 and P. globosa cell number allowed the quantification of the bloom. The main findings of this thesis highlight the importance of the IOPs characterisation for the improvement and development of ocean colour retrieval algorithms in these highly complex waters.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Efecto de la aplicación de altas presiones hidrostáticas en un producto de origen animal, el jamón curado y en un producto vegetal, el naboClariana Orduña, Maria 16 December 2011 (has links)
High pressure processing is a food preservation technique which can be an alternative to heat treatment. Pressurization, in theory, produces changes in organoleptic properties and antioxidant compounds to a lesser extent. The objective of the present dissertation has been to study the effect of high pressure processing on oxidative processes and their relation to the organoleptic qualities of diced swede and packaged sliced ham. The results have pointed to pressurization at 600 MPa, and produce an effective decontamination is that which causes less loss of compounds or antioxidant properties. For swede, this pressure level also caused a minor modification of the organoleptic qualities. This dissertation has also shown that depending on feed composition, the effect of pressurization on the organoleptic qualities can be diametrically opposite. / La aplicación de altas presiones hidrostáticas es una técnica de conservación de alimentos que puede ser una alternativa al tratamiento térmico. La presurización, en teoría, produce una menor modificación de las propiedades organolépticas y de los compuestos antioxidantes. En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado el efecto de las altas presiones hidrostáticas en los procesos oxidativos y su relación con las cualidades organolépticas del nabo troceado y del jamón curado empaquetado loncheado. Los resultados obtenidos han apuntado a que la presurización a 600 MPa, además de producir una descontaminación efectiva, es la que causa una menor pérdida de compuestos o propiedades antioxidantes. En el caso del nabo, esta presión también es la que ocasiona una menor modificación de las cualidades organolépticas. En el presente trabajo también se ha observado que en función de la composición del alimento, el efecto de la presurización en las cualidades organolépticas puede ser diametralmente opuesto.
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Innovative Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts with Improved CO2 Hydrogenation PerformanceCored Bandrés, Jorge 30 March 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El cambio climático es una de las amenazas de nuestro tiempo. Los gases de efecto invernadero, como el CO2, son los principales causantes de este fenómeno, siendo necesario disminuir urgentemente sus emisiones. En 2019, la Comisión Europa presentó el "Pacto Verde Europeo", que será clave para alcanzar un objetivo tremendamente ambicioso para nuestra región: la neutralidad climática de aquí a 2050. Las estrategias de descarbonización incluidas en su hoja de ruta van a implicar necesariamente la transición energética de los combustibles fósiles a las energías renovables, reduciendo de forma masiva la liberación de CO2. En este sentido, el desarrollo de tecnologías efectivas de Captura, Almacenamiento y Uso del Carbono (CAUC) permitirá la valorización del CO2, evolucionando hacia una economía de carbono circular.
La presente Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en el diseño, síntesis y caracterización de sistemas catalíticos heterogéneos innovadores basados en metales capaces de transformar el CO2 en otros productos de valor añadido. Entre un amplio catálogo de reacciones que "conectan" el CO2 con diversos compuestos basados en carbono, esta Tesis se centrará principalmente en la síntesis de dos moléculas C1 plataforma de interés industrial: el metanol y el metano.
Los Capítulos 3 y 4 están dedicados a la síntesis de metanol, un proceso exotérmico limitado termodinámicamente debido a la estabilidad inherente de la molécula de CO2, así como a la presencia de la reacción competitiva RWGS. Por un lado, el Capítulo 3 se centra en el efecto promotor del galio sobre las propiedades estructurales, electrónicas y catalíticas de materiales basados en Cu/ZnO (sistemas CZG). Mediante un enfoque espectroscópico-catalítico multidisciplinar se ha comparado el efecto promotor del Ga3+ dopado en la red de un ZnO tipo wurtzita presente en un catalizador Cu/ZnO/Ga2O3 con el de una fase de galato de zinc (ZnGa2O4). Por otro lado, en el Capítulo 4 se muestra un catalizador bifuncional que contiene nanopartículas de Cu de 2 nm y especies Cu+, con el objetivo de enfrentarse a la inherente baja actividad de estas pequeñas partículas, hecho que impide mejorar la eficiencia atómica de los catalizadores, dificultando así la obtención de resultados catalíticos competitivos en la hidrogenación de CO2. La realización de un estudio espectroscópico detallado (combinado con cálculo teórico y ensayos catalíticos) sobre un catalizador óxido mixto de Cu-Mg-Al derivado de un precursor de hidrotalcita tras calcinación y posterior reducción (CuHT-230) pone de manifiesto el papel clave de los iones Cu+ dopados en estructura en la producción de metanol.
El éxito de las tecnologías CAUC a medio-largo plazo dependerá no solo del desarrollo de catalizadores competitivos, sino también de su capacidad para operar en condiciones de reacción más suaves, permitiendo que estos procesos sean viables económicamente. Por ello, el concepto de eficiencia energética se abordará en el Capítulo 5, a través de un innovador diseño de catalizador tipo "shell/core" formado por un núcleo de rutenio metálico y una envoltura de carburo de rutenio, sintetizado via hidrotermal. Este sistema (Ru@EDTA-20) exhibe una actividad excepcionalmente alta para la hidrogenación de CO2 a metano a bajas temperaturas (160-200 °C) con una selectividad a CH4 del 100%, superando a catalizadores de bibliografía que normalmente operan a mayores temperaturas (400-500 °C).
Por último, en el Capítulo 6 se estudia un catalizador modelo compuesto por un alumino-silicato bidimensional sintetizado sobre una superficie de Ru(0001), investigación realizada durante mi estancia internacional en el Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven (Nueva York, EE.UU.). La combinación de estos materiales en el mismo composite permite la creación de un nanoespacio confinado que puede emplearse como nanorreactor. En este proyecto, se seleccionó la reacción de formación de agua como modelo, que se exploró a nivel fundamental en el sincrotrón NSLS-II. / [CA] El canvi climàtic és una de les amenaces del nostre temps. Els gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle, com el diòxid de carboni, són els principals causants d'aquest fenomen, sent necessari reduir urgentment les seues emissions. En 2019, la Comissió Europea va presentar el "Pacte Verd Europeu", que serà clau per a aconseguir un objectiu tremendament ambiciós per a la nostra regió: la neutralitat climàtica d'ací a 2050. Les estratègies de descarbonització incloses en el seu full de ruta implicaran necessàriament la transició energètica dels combustibles fòssils a les energies renovables, reduint de manera massiva l'alliberament de CO2. En aquest sentit, el desenvolupament de tecnologies efectives de Captura, Emmagatzematge i Ús del Carboni (CEUC) permetrà la valorització del CO2, evolucionant cap a una economia de carboni circular.
La present Tesi Doctoral s'emmarca en el disseny, síntesi i caracterització de sistemes catalítics heterogenis innovadors basats en metalls capaços de transformar el CO2 en altres productes de valor afegit. Entre un ampli catàleg de reaccions que "connecten" el CO2 amb diversos compostos basats en carboni, aquesta Tesi se centrarà principalment en la síntesi de dues molècules C1 plataforma d'interés industrial: el metanol i el metà.
Els Capítols 3 i 4 estan dedicats a la síntesi de metanol, un procés exotèrmic limitat degut tant a l'estabilitat inherent de la molècula de CO2 com a la presència de la reacció competitiva RWGS. D'una banda, el Capítol 3 se centra en l'efecte promotor del gal·li sobre les propietats estructurals, electròniques i catalítiques de materials basats en Cu/ZnO (sistemes CZG). Mitjançant un enfocament espectroscòpic-catalític multidisciplinari s'ha comparat l'efecte promotor del Ga3+ dopat en la xarxa d'un ZnO (wurtzita) present en un catalitzador Cu/ZnO/Ga2O3 amb el d'una fase de ZnGa2O4. D'altra banda, en el Capítol 4 es mostra un catalitzador bifuncional que conté nanopartícules de Cu de 2 nm i espècies Cu+, amb l'objectiu d'enfrontar-se a la inherent baixa activitat d'aquestes petites partícules, fet que impedeix millorar l'eficiència atòmica dels catalitzadors, dificultant així l'obtenció de resultats catalítics competitius en la hidrogenació de CO2. La realització d'un estudi espectroscòpic detallat (combinat amb càlcul teòric i assajos catalítics) sobre un catalitzador òxid mixt de Cu-Mg-Al derivat d'un precursor de hidrotalcita després de calcinació i posterior reducció (CuHT-230) posa de manifest el paper clau dels ions Cu+ dopats en estructura en la producció de metanol.
L'èxit de les tecnologies CEUC a mig-llarg termini dependrà no solament del desenvolupament de catalitzadors competitius, sinó també de la seua capacitat per a operar en condicions de reacció més suaus, permetent que aquests processos siguen viables econòmicament. Per això, el concepte d'eficiència energètica s'abordarà en el Capítol 5, a través un innovador disseny de catalitzador tipus "shell/core" format per un nucli de ruteni metàl·lic i un embolcall de carbur de ruteni, sintetitzat mitjançant tractament hidrotermal. Aquest sistema (Ru@EDTA-20) exhibeix una activitat excepcionalment alta per a la hidrogenació de CO2 a metà a baixes temperatures (160-200 °C) amb una selectivitat a CH4 del 100%, superant a catalitzadors de bibliografia que normalment operen a majors temperatures (400-500 °C).
Finalment, en el Capítol 6 s'estudia un catalitzador model compost per un alumino-silicat bidimensional sintetitzat sobre una superfície de Ru(0001), investigació realitzada durant la meua estada internacional en el Laboratori Nacional de Brookhaven (Nova York, els Estats Units). La combinació d'aquests dos materials en el mateix "composite" permet la creació d'un nano-espai confinat que pot emprar-se com nano-reactor. En aquest projecte, es va seleccionar la reacció de formació d'aigua com a model, que es va explorar a nivell fonamental en el sincrotró NSLS-II. / [EN] Climate change is one of the existential threats of our times. Greenhouse gases (GHG), such as carbon dioxide, are primary drivers of this phenomenon, and their emissions need to be urgently reduced. In 2019, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal, which will help the EU to attain an ambitious goal for our region: to become carbon-neutral by 2050. The decarbonization strategies included in the roadmap towards net-zero emissions will imply the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies, with a massive reduction of CO2 deliverance. In this sense, the development of effective Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies will allow the valorization of CO2, evolving into a circular carbon economy.
The present Doctoral Thesis focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of innovative heterogeneous metal-based systems, which are able to transform CO2 into value-added products. Among a wide catalogue of reactions that "connects" CO2 with various carbon-based compounds, this thesis will be devoted to the synthesis of two C1 platform chemicals of industrial interest: methanol and methane.
Chapters 3 and 4 are dedicated to methanol synthesis, a highly hampered exothermic process due to the inherent stability of the CO2 molecule and the presence of the competitive reverse water-gas shift reaction (RWSG). On the one hand, Chapter 3 is focused on the promoting effect of gallium on the structural, electronic, and catalytic properties of Cu/ZnO based materials (CZG systems). In particular, the promoting effect of Ga3+-doped in the wurtzite ZnO lattice of a Cu/ZnO/Ga2O3 catalyst is compared to that of a zinc gallate (ZnGa2O4) phase following a multimodal spectroscopic-catalytic approach. In Chapter 4, a bifunctional catalyst containing 2 nm Cu nanoparticles and Cu+ species is presented, to overcome the "assumed" low activity of small copper particles that prevents obtaining high atom efficiency and competitive catalytic results in the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol. A detailed spectroscopic study (combined with theoretical calculations and catalytic tests) performed on a Cu-Mg-Al mixed oxide catalyst derived from a hydrotalcite precursor by calcination and further reduction (CuHT-230) highlights the key role of doped Cu+ ions in methanol production.
The success of CCU technologies in the medium-long term will depend not only on the development of competitive catalysts but also on their ability to operate under milder reaction conditions, which will make these processes economically viable. Consequently, the energy efficiency issue will be addressed in Chapter 5 with the innovative design of a core-shell structure formed by a core of metallic ruthenium and a shell of ruthenium carbide, synthesized via hydrothermal treatment. This catalyst (Ru@EDTA-20) exhibits exceptional high activity for CO2 hydrogenation to methane (Sabatier reaction) at low temperatures (160-200 °C) with 100% selectivity to CH4, outperforming the state of the art catalysts operating at 400-500 °C.
Finally, Chapter 6 covers the investigation carried out on a model ruthenium-based catalyst composed of a 2D-bilayered aluminosilicate grown over a Ru(0001) surface during my international short-term stay at Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York, USA). The combination of these materials in a composite allows the creation of a confined nano-space that can be exploited as a nano-reactor. In this project, water formation reaction (WFR) was selected as model reaction, which was fundamentally explored at NSLS-II synchrotron. / Cored Bandrés, J. (2022). Innovative Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts with Improved CO2 Hydrogenation Performance [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182403 / Compendio
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Relationen mellan WHO:s globala aidsprogram och ickestatliga organisationer : Kan bristen på samarbete förklaras utifrån new interdependence approach eller medlemsstaternas agerande? / Relations Between WHO Global Programme on AIDS and NGOs : Can the lack of cooperation be explained by new interdependence approach or the actions of member states?Tengdelius, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand why the World health organization’s Global programme on aids (WHO GPA) does not appear to be able to collaborate with non-governmental actors (NGO), even though booth WHO GPA and NGO`s appears to value and seek cooperation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the lack of cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO: s can be explained using new interdependence approach or if the actions of WHO´s member states v. The selected case in this thesis is WHO GPA which existed from 1987 to 1995 and represents the first anti-aids program supported by UN and its member states. WHO GPA is therefore active in a policy area where a lot of interactions with NGO: s could be expected. To analyse the apparent lack of cooperation between WHO GPA and relevant NGO: s, this article will apply the theories new interdependence approach and neorealism. To explain the research questions, how does the interaction between WHO GPA and NGO: s appear within the global effort against the aids pandemic, what role did member states have in limiting or enable formal cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO:s and finally how the theory new interdependence approach can explain the interactions between the WHO GPA and NGO: s. To answer the research questions this thesis will apply a qualitative text analysis on material from WHO GPA, for example annual reviews, as well as previous research articles and books that concerns the WHO GPA. The analysis concludes that the interaction between WHO GPA and NGO: s, can be explained with the fact that informal cooperation does appear but not formal cooperation. This appears to be because while booth WHO GPA and NGO: s seeks support and cooperation, the interactions between them is still affected by mistrust. The member state’s role in limiting or enabling cooperation can be answered two levels, globally where powerful states have strong informal powers to control WHO GPA. When NGO: s are granted formal representation, the selection of NGO: s is not representative of the larger NGO community and not in response to cooperation between WHO GPA and NGO:s. Recipient states does also appear to hinder cooperation between NGO:s, WHO GPA and national aids programmes, because of rivalry between the state and NGO over limited aid. Finally, new interdependence approach appears to explain to lack of formal cooperation, because of a lack of distinct resources. However, it cannot explain the cases where NGO: s achieved official representation as the result of cross-national layering.
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