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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narcissistic chief executive officers and corporate acquisitions : An upper echelons perspective / Narcissistiska verkställande direktörer och företagsförvärv : Ett upper echelons perspektiv

White, Stuart January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates how chief executive officer narcissism impacts the organizations strategic decisions and outcomes. Rooted in the idea that the organization is a reflection of its top managers, I theorize that narcissistic chief executive officers may influence the decision process leading to corporate acquisitions. Furthermore, taking into account the Dotcom bubble and subprime-crash, research on merger waves is incorporated into the research framework as an outside of the organization effect impacting organizational outcomes. Using a sample of 116 acquisitions by 60 chief executive officers at public listed U.S. firms this is tested from 1994-2017. The results show little to no connection between chief executive officer narcissism and corporate acquisitions in total, international acquisitions or through truly large acquisitions. Though there is a positive connection between observable characteristics such as education and age influencing the decision to acquire firms. When comparing the sample of 116 acquisitions to a general market sample of 4379 acquisitions, a connection to merger wave theory is identified. / Denna studie undersöker hur verkställande direktör narcissism påverkar organisationens strategiska beslut och utfall. Med förankring i idén att organisationen är en reflektion av sina ledare, teoretiserar jag för hur narcissistiska verkställande direktörer kan influera beslutsprocessen som leder till företagsförvärv. Vidare, genom att ta i beaktning IT bubblan och finanskrisen, inkorporeras forskning om merger waves i det teoretiska ramverket som en extern faktor vilket påverkar organisatoriska utfall. Med ett urval av 116 uppköp av 60 verkställande direktörer på publika företag i USA testas detta under perioden 1994-2017. Resultatet visar lite till ingen koppling mellan narcissistiska verkställande direktörer och företagsförvärv vare sig totalt, internationella förvärv eller genom mycket stora förvärv. Däremot visar denna studie en koppling mellan observerbara egenskaper såsom utbildning och ålder påverkar beslutet att förvärva företag. När urvalet 116 förvärv jämförs med ett generellt marknadsurval på 4379 förvärv, påvisas det en koppling till merger wave teori.

Självbedrägeri på sociala medier : narcissistiska personlighetsdrag, uppmärksamhetssökande, generell självkänsla och socialt självbedrägeri på Facebook

Fredriksson, Jeanette January 2018 (has links)
I denna undersökning med (N=255) deltagare undersöktes sambanden mellan strategier för socialt självbedrägeri, narcissistiska personlighetsdrag, uppmärksamhetssökande samt personers subjektiva uppfattning av generell självkänsla på plattformen Facebook. Vidare undersöktes dessa aspekters samband med mängd tid spenderad på Facebook samt antal vänner på Facebook. Ett mätinstrument konstruerades för att fånga två huvuddimensioner för socialt självbedrägeri, situating och persuasive enligt Roy Dings (2017) teori. En exploratorisk faktoranalys resulterade i endast en dimension och tre multipla regressionsanalyser visade att de tre aspekterna predicerade användandet av strategier för socialt självbedrägeri där narcissistiska personlighetsdrag var starkast kopplat. Låg självkänsla var kopplat till att personer spenderade mer tid på Facebook och narcissism till att ha ett större antal vänner på Facebook. Det visade sig även att personer oavsett ålder använde sig av strategier för socialt självbedrägeri på Facebook i ungefär samma utsträckning. Avslutningsvis diskuteras begränsningar och uppslag för framtida forskning. / This study with (N=255) test subjects, examined the relations between strategies for social self-deception, narcissistic personality traits, attention-seeking and the test subjects' perceived self-esteem on Facebook. Furthermore, it examined how these three aspects related to time spent on Facebook and number of friends on Facebook. A measuring tool was constructed to capture two main dimensions - 'situating' and 'persuasive', as per Roy Dings (2017) theory. An exploratory factor analysis resulted in only one dimension, and three multiple regression analyses showed that the three aspects did predict the usage of strategies for social self-deception, with narcissistic personality traits being the strongest predictor. Low self-esteem correlated to spending more time on Facebook, and narcissism correlated to having a higher number of friends on Facebook. Another discovery was that people, regardless of age, were nearly equally likely to use strategies for social self-deception on Facebook. Finally, limitations and suggestions for future studies are discussed.

Ledarskapsstilar, personlighet och mobbning på arbetsplatsen / Leadership styles, personality and workplace bullying

Svensson, Helen January 2018 (has links)
Mobbning på arbetsplatser är ett stort samhällsproblem. År 2013 rapporterades 8 % av de arbetsrelaterade sjukdomar som anmälts till försäkringskassan vara orsakade av kränkningar, mobbning och trakasserier. Ohälsa, tvångstankar, ångest, depression, och posttraumatisk stress är vanligt förekommande hos de som utsatts för mobbning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur mörka personlighetsdrag samt ledarskapsstilar predicerar mobbning, baserat på data från observatörer av mobbning. Studiens två regressionsmodeller uppvisades en skillnad i varians, där den senare, som inkluderade även ledarens ledarstil och mörka personlighetsdrag, förklarade 8% mer av variationen i observerad mobbning än den modell som bara analyserade mobbaren. En rimlig slutsats är därför att ledarens ledarstil och mörka personlighetsdrag kan vara avgörande för förekomsten av mobbning. / Bullying at workplaces is a major problem among societys. In 2013, 8% of the occupational diseases reported to the Swedish insurance fund were reported to be caused by violations, bullying and harassment. Illnesses, obsessive thoughts, anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress are common in those who have been subjected to bullying. The purpose of the study was to investigate how dark personality traits and leadership styles predict bullying based on data from bullying observers. The two regression models in the study's showed a difference in variance, where the latter, which included the leader's leadership style and dark personality traits, explained 8% more of the variation in perceived bullying than the model that only analysed the bully, not including the leader. A reasonable conclusion is therefore that the leader's leadership style and dark personality traits can be decisive for the occurrence of bullying.

Kate Chopin's The Awakening: Narcissism in the Suicide and Sexuality of Edna Pontellier

Lehman, Suzanne M. (Suzanne Marie) 12 1900 (has links)
The central figure in The Awakening, Edna Pontellier, is shown in this thesis to pursue a narcissistic flight from existential reality. Following a review of contemporary criticism, Edna Pontellier's narcissism is discussed in connection with her sexuality and suicide. Sources cited range from biographies of Kate Chopin to scholarly articles to the works of modern psychologists. The emphasis throughout the thesis is on the wealth of interpretations that currently exist on The Awakening as well as the potential for further -study and interpretation in the future. Rather than viewing The Awakening as a purely feministic novel, it is stressed that The Awakening can transcend such categorization and be appreciated on many levels.

Den narcissistiska yogakulturen : Och dess potentiella väg ut

Fredrik, Bogaeus January 2023 (has links)
Denna essä ämnar fördjupa förståelsen av yogalärarens profession genom att undersöka dess vardagliga praktik i ljuset av filosofiska och historiska grunder. I synnerhet undersöks villkoren för dagens moderna yoga i en narcissistisk kultur och hur den moderna yogaläraren kan förhålla sig till dessa villkor utifrån en filosofisk förståelse om yoga som självtranscendens. Modern yoga har blivit ett exempel på sakraliserad självdisciplin och möjligen en form av ritualiserad narcissism. En narcissistisk kultur som sådan med den upanishadiska självtranscendensens språkbruk, tillsammans med en kommersiell nyandlighet uppmanar oss att perfektionistiskt söka uppnå känslan: jag är gudomlig. Essän undersöker dock potentiella vägar och praktiska kunskaper hos yogaläraren som inte leder undervisningen i en narcissistisk riktning utan snarare söker vända blicken mot en värld vi gemensamt delar offentligt med andra människor. / This essay aims to deepen the understanding of the yoga teacher's profession by examining its everyday practice from philosophical and historical foundations. In particular, the conditions of today's modern yoga in a narcissistic culture are examined, and how the modern yoga teacher can relate to these conditions of yoga from the perspective of self-transcendence. Modern yoga has become an example of sacralized self-discipline and possibly a form of ritualized narcissism. A narcissistic culture as such with the language of Upanishadic self-transcendence, together with commercial spirituality, urges us to achieve the feeling: I am divine. However, the essay explores potential paths and practical knowledge of the yoga teacher who does not want to lead the teaching in a narcissistic direction but instead seeks a common world publicly shared with other people.

Chefsrekrytering och den mörka triaden : Risker och riskmedvetenhet vid rekrytering av chefer inom offentlig sektor / Management recruitment and the dark triad : risks and risk awareness when recruiting managers in the public sector

Malmberg, Alexandra, Isosalo, Sanna January 2023 (has links)
En ledares uppgift är bland annat att motivera och engagera sina medarbetare samt att utveckla ett välfungerande samarbete inom organisationen utifrån verksamhetens mål. Vid rekrytering av chefer eftersöks ofta egenskaper som stämmer överens med personer som har en mörk triad-personlighet (personer med psykopatiska, narcissistiska och/eller machiavellistiska drag). På en ledande position kan en sådan personlighet orsaka stor skada inom organisationen. Chefer med mörk triad-personlighet är svåra att upptäcka vid rekrytering då de ofta är karismatiska och övertygande och de kan relativt enkelt manipulera personlighetstester. Magisteruppsatsen implicerar en forskningsstudie om rekrytering av chefer i offentlig sektor där syftet var att studera ifall det inom offentlig sektor (tjänsteproduktion) i Sverige finns en betydande risk för att rekrytera chefer som faller under den mörka triaden, samt medvetenheten om den eventuella risken. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod i form av nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer samt inslag av observationer och texttolkning. Resultatet visade att det finns en viss risk för att rekrytera chefer med en mörk triad-personlighet, och risken verkar vara både metodologisk och kunskapsmässig. Risken beror dels på att det hos flertalet intervjupersoner fanns en viss avsaknad av riskmedvetenhet när det kommer till rekrytering av chefer som besitter vissa egenskaper, samt att flertalet intervjupersoner har en stor tilltro till icke evidensbaserade tester vilka ledare som faller under den mörka triaden tenderar att ta sig igenom. En av slutsatserna som går att dra är att ju lägre samt äldre utbildning personen har desto mer eftersöks egenskaper som faller under den mörka triaden och desto lägre tenderar riskmedvetenheten att vara. Ytterligare en slutsats som går att dra är att det inom offentlig sektor i Sverige till viss del verkar saknas rekryteringstester som inbegriper emotionell intelligens, något som enligt forskning kan ge ett visst skydd mot att rekrytera chefer med mörk triad-personlighet. Resultatet kan tänkas bidra med kunskap om riskerna för att inom offentlig sektor rekrytera en chef med mörk triad-personlighet så att ytterligare tillvägagångssätt inom rekrytering kan användas för att minimera risken för att rekrytera chefer med denna personlighetstyp. Resultatet kan även ses som en bidragande del till forskningsfältet där detta område i Sverige fortfarande är relativt outforskat, särskilt inom offentlig sektor. / A manager's job is to engage and motivate the employees, and to develop a well-functioning collaboration based on the objectives of the business. When recruiting managers, traits that overlap with people with a dark triad-personality (people with psychopatic, narcissistic and/or Machiavallian traits) are often sought, and having a leader with such a personality can cause organizations great harm. It is difficult to detect managers with a dark triad personality in recruitment as they often are both charismatic and persuasive, and they can easily manipulate a personality test. The master´s thesis involves a study on the recruitment of managers in the public sector. The aim was to study whether there in the public sector in Sweden is a significant risk and awareness of the possible risk of recruiting managers who fall under the dark triad. As a method for the study, a qualitative method was chosen in the form of nine semi-structured interviews, with some elements of observation and text interpretation. The results revealed that there is a certain risk of recruiting managers with a dark triad-personality. This risk seems to be both methodological and knowledge-based, and is partly due to the fact that there was a certain lack of risk awareness among the majority of interviewees when it comes to recruiting managers who possess certain characteristics, and that the majority of interviewees put great faith in non-evidence based tests which managers with a dark triad-personality tend to pass. One of the conclusions of the study was that recruiters with lower and/or an old education tended to seek more after characteristics that are synonymous with the dark triad, and they were also less aware of the risks of doing so. Another conclusion that can be drawn is that in the public sector in Sweden there seems to be a lack of recruitment tests that include emotional intelligence, something that according to research can provide some protection against recruiting managers with a dark triad-personality. The results may contribute with knowledge about the risks of recruiting a manager with dark triad-personality in the public sector, so that additional approaches in recruitment can be used to minimize the risk of recruiting a manager with a dark triad-personality. The result can also be seen as a contributing part to the research field as this area in Sweden still is relatively unexplored.

”I just want to be perfect” : En kvalitativ komparativ textanalys av perfektionister i filmerna Black Swan och Whiplash / “I just want to be perfect” : A qualitative comparative textual analysis of perfectionists in the movies Black Swan and Whiplash

Jahrehorn, Frans, Kvist, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze how the depiction of a young male and female protagonist who persistently seek success differs and which film techniques are used to depict male and female perfectionism. Since 1989, young people, especially in the cultural sphere, have stated that they feel an increasing pressure from their surroundings and from themselves compared to previous generations. The strive to be successful causes anxiety, depression, and perfectionism, where the latter has been linked to narcissism. Previous studies have found that media, especially film, has a crucial impact on how viewers perceive people with mental illnesses and stereotypes concerning gender, and the exposure to gender stereotypes may influence the viewers’ physical states and attitudes. This study adopts a qualitative comparative textual analysis using case studies, with an approach called neoformalism focusing on three formal levels: narrative, stylistic and thematic. The study also includes theories from feminist film studies. The films used as case studies are Black Swan (2010) directed by Darren Aronofsky and Whiplash (2014) directed by Damien Chazelle. The result show that differences between male and female are prominent on all three levels of the film form. Nina in Black Swan needs to rely on sex to succeed and she gets punished in the end for the transgression, while Andrew in Whiplash simply practices to reach perfection. The film techniques used show more pictures of Nina's body and female props like mirrors while Andrew is shown solely around musical instruments. They are also both perfectionists and narcissists, but overall, Nina is shown to be more irrational and paranoid than Andrew and these psychological qualities are reflected in and communicated by the formal system of the films.

The Different Faces of Narcissism : A Psychoanalytic Reading of The Great Gatsby and The Picture of Dorian Gray / Narcissismens Olika Ansikten : En Psykoanalytisk Läsning av Den Store Gatsby och Dorian Grays Porträtt

Mir, Ashkan January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to perform a comparative psychoanalytic reading of The Great Gatsby (1925) and The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) in terms of the titular characters’ narcissistic behavior. My claim is that Jay Gatsby and Dorian Gray can be seen as different depictions of narcissism. Literary critics in previous research characterized Gatsby and Gray as narcissists, but, there has not been a comparison between the two with focus on their narcissism. Gatsby and Gray display crucial differences which suggests that they portray narcissism in different ways. Theodore Millon identified four subtypes of the original narcissistic personality in order to better identify different types of narcissists. My aim is to use his subtypes to identify, and provide the causes and effects of Gatsby’s and Gray’s particular narcissistic behavior. My analysis indicates that Gatsby can be seen as a fictional illustration of the unprincipled and compensatory narcissist while Gray can be viewed as a fictional characterization of the amorous narcissist.

Giving to Get: An Exploration of the Role of Narcissism and Impulsivity in Charitable Giving

Rosenthal, Laura B 01 January 2015 (has links)
Narcissists are not generally thought of as altruistic individuals. There are certain conditions, however, that may meet the needs of narcissistic individuals and thus elicit altruistic behavior. These conditions include recognition for the act, or adding to narcissists’ already high opinion of themselves through executing the act. Because narcissists also demonstrate impulsivity, it is also possible that a time pressure may induce narcissists as well as impulsive individuals to act altruistically. The aim of this study is to determine in what context, if any, narcissistic and impulsive individuals may display acts of altruism, specifically charitable giving. This study uses a 2 (recognized vs. unrecognized) x 2 (time limited vs. time unlimited) between groups design. Participants will complete a Stop Signal task, a charitable giving task in which recognition and time limit are manipulated, demographic questions, and two measures of narcissism. The expected results are that higher scores on overt narcissism will lead participants to donate in conditions in which they receive recognition for their donation. Higher scores on covert narcissism will lead participants to donate in conditions where they are not recognized. Individuals with higher impulsivity scores as determined by the Stop Signal task will donate in time pressured conditions over time unlimited. And furthermore, impulsivity will act as a mediator between narcissism and charitable giving in time-limited conditions. Finally, implications of these results and future directions for research are discussed.

The Future of Narcissus: The Relationship of Narcissism to Expectations of the Future as Mediated by Anxiety, Depression, Impulsivity, and Sense of Control

Brown, Genna L. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The last few decades have seen a growing body of research on narcissism, however few studies have examined the relationship between subclinical narcissism and future orientation. The proposed study will examine how grandiose and vulnerable types of narcissism influence future orientation, and whether anxiety, depression, impulsivity and sense of control play mediating roles in this relationship. It is hypothesized that anxiety will play a mediating role between future orientation and vulnerable narcissism, but not between grandiose narcissism and future orientation. Finally, it is hypothesized that grandiose and vulnerable narcissism will be correlated within individuals. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) will be used to test the hypotheses, and the a priori model is expected to have a good fit to the data. This study will further our understanding about how narcissists view their futures, and whether this is influenced by mediating factors.

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