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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La création de l'identité nationale en Grèce et au Japon aux XVIIIème et XIXème siècles / The creation of national Identity in Greece and Japan in the 18th and 19th centuries

Nuez Pérez, Maria Eugenia de la 27 June 2013 (has links)
Depuis toujours, les peuples ont éprouvé le besoin de se différencier les uns des autres et, en même temps de trouver ce qui leur était propre, c’est-à-dire leur identité (culturelle d’abord et puis nationale). Une première définition d’identité est faite grâce aux réflexions des savants du XVIIIe siècle même si cette définition répond essentiellement aux besoins des élites au sein desquelles elle est néé. Cette utilisation de la part des élites sera plus évidente au siècle suivant lors de la formation des Etats-nations. Dans ce contexte, ce qui auparavant était « identité culturelle » deviendra dans plusieurs cas « identité nationale ». En considérant l’identité nationale comme le résultat d’un processus de création plus que comme un sentiment inné à l’intérieur des communautés, nous pouvons entreprendre la comparaison de ce qui peut sembler à simple vue « incomparable ». Pour montrer que cette étude comparative est possible, voire intéressante, pour mieux comprendre la façon dans laquelle les Etats-nations ont créé le « mythe » de l’esprit national, nous avons choisi les exemples de la Grèce et du Japon parce que, malgré leurs différences et leur éloignement culturel et géographique, leur évolution est presque parallèle. Utilisant la langue, l’histoire, les croyances, la littérature et les « traditions » ainsi que des modèles extérieurs, les intellectuels grecs et japonais vont créer leurs propres réflexions sur l’identité culturelle au XVIIIe siècle ; une identité qui deviendra le fondement de leur identité nationale lorsque l’Etat-nation adviendra dans les deux territoires au XIXe siècle. Avec cette thèse notre objectif est de répondre à la question de la création identitaire en Grèce et au Japon en examinant les raisons, les auteurs, les éléments (aussi bien externes –éléments communs- qu’internes –éléments distinctifs-) et les résultats de ce processus. / Since Antiquity, people have felt the need to establish difference between them employing various elements. At the time, they try to discover the common elements between them: that is, their identity. Thanks to the reflexion made by 18th century savants, the first definition of cultural identity was accorded. But this definition was born until the elite class and was employed by these elite in reaching their political objectives. However, elite have employed the elements that were common with the lower classes people as well.If we see the national identity as the outcome of a process thus we can compared it is “incomparable”. To montred that this comparative study is possible, we have choised the examples of Greece and Japan because they have specially interesting. Despite of geographical and cultural distance and political and historical difference, these territories showed parallel developpments in their reflexiion of identity. Employing language, history, beliefs, literature and external models, Japanese and Greel intellectuals created in 18th century their own reflexion on cultural identity. This reflexion become the fundament of the national identity at the middle of 19th century whem Japan and Greece become Nation-Etat.With this study, we can try to answer the question of identity creation by examining reasons, actors, elements both internal (distinctives elements) and external (common elements) and outcome into the process.

O polígrafo interessado: João Ribeiro e a construção da brasilidade / The interested erudite man: the construction of the brazility in the work of João Ribeiro

Silva, Roberto Candido da 11 September 2008 (has links)
O tema do presente estudo é a construção da brasilidade na obra de João Ribeiro. A partir da análise de duas de suas obras História do Brasil (1900) e A Língua Nacional (1921) busco compreender o esforço de um letrado do final do século XIX e início do XX em contribuir para constituição (ou reconstituição) e divulgação de elementos distintivos da nacionalidade brasileira. Principalmente através do saber historiográfico e lingüístico. A História do Brasil e A Língua Nacional são as duas obras em que João Ribeiro colocou em prática a intenção de interpretar e compreender o Brasil como um país autônomo em sua especificidade histórica e lingüística. Esta especificidade, segundo ele, se deve basicamente a formação miscigenada da população brasileira. / The subject of the present study is the construction of the brazility in the work of João Ribeiro. Departing of analysis of two of his works History of Brazil (1900) and The National Language (1921) I find to understand the effort of the erudite man, in the ends of the Century XIX and begins of the Century XX, to contribute for constitution, reconstitution and divulgation of the distinctive elements of the Brazilian nationality. Mainly through of the historiographic and linguistic knowledge, The History of Brazil and The National Language are the two works that João Ribeiro puts in practical his intention of the to interpret and to understand the Brazil how an autonomy country in its historical and linguistics especifities. According to João Ribeiro, this specificity to apply basicaly in the miscegenated formation of the Brazilian population.

The marginalisation of Tonga in the education system in Zimbabwe

Ngandini, Patrick 11 1900 (has links)
The study interrogates the marginalisation of the Tonga language in the school curriculum of Zimbabwe. It explores the causes of marginalisation and what can be done by the Zimbabwean government to promote the Tonga language in the school curriculum at all levels in the education domain in Zimbabwe. In the study, the researcher uses a mixed method approach where qualitative and quantitative research techniques are used to corroborate data from different data gathering sources. The postmodernist theory is used in this research because of its encouragement of pluralism in society so as to enhance social cohesion. This is so because all languages are equal and they share the same functions and characteristics. There is no superior or inferior language in the eyes of the postmodernists. Participants for this study were drawn from district officials, selected primary and secondary school educators, primary and secondary school heads, all from Binga district of Zimbabwe and three university Tonga language lecturers, all purposefully selected. Focus group discussions, interviews, questionnaires, documents analysis and observations were used to collect data for this study. The data collected was then analysed using qualitative and quantitative analysis for triangulation purposes. The research established that the marginalisation of the Tonga language in Zimbabwe is caused by both exogenous and endogenous factors. The major factor is Zimbabwe‘s lack of a clear language policy exacerbated by attitudes of the different stakeholders which has also facilitated and enhanced the peripherisation of the Tonga language in Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe has a tendency of declaring policies and not implementing them. Consequently, the government reacts to language problems as they arise. The study also reveals the importance of the Tonga language in the school curriculum in Zimbabwe. It also establishes that, for the Tonga language to be promoted there is need for the expeditious training of educators by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development. There is need for the government of Zimbabwe to strengthen their language policy so that the status of Tonga is enhanced and uplifted. A strong language policy will compel different stakeholders to stick to their mandate thereby improving the place of the Tonga language in the school curriculum at all levels of the curriculum in Zimbabwe. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

O polígrafo interessado: João Ribeiro e a construção da brasilidade / The interested erudite man: the construction of the brazility in the work of João Ribeiro

Roberto Candido da Silva 11 September 2008 (has links)
O tema do presente estudo é a construção da brasilidade na obra de João Ribeiro. A partir da análise de duas de suas obras História do Brasil (1900) e A Língua Nacional (1921) busco compreender o esforço de um letrado do final do século XIX e início do XX em contribuir para constituição (ou reconstituição) e divulgação de elementos distintivos da nacionalidade brasileira. Principalmente através do saber historiográfico e lingüístico. A História do Brasil e A Língua Nacional são as duas obras em que João Ribeiro colocou em prática a intenção de interpretar e compreender o Brasil como um país autônomo em sua especificidade histórica e lingüística. Esta especificidade, segundo ele, se deve basicamente a formação miscigenada da população brasileira. / The subject of the present study is the construction of the brazility in the work of João Ribeiro. Departing of analysis of two of his works History of Brazil (1900) and The National Language (1921) I find to understand the effort of the erudite man, in the ends of the Century XIX and begins of the Century XX, to contribute for constitution, reconstitution and divulgation of the distinctive elements of the Brazilian nationality. Mainly through of the historiographic and linguistic knowledge, The History of Brazil and The National Language are the two works that João Ribeiro puts in practical his intention of the to interpret and to understand the Brazil how an autonomy country in its historical and linguistics especifities. According to João Ribeiro, this specificity to apply basicaly in the miscegenated formation of the Brazilian population.

Elementarunterricht und Sprachbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Unterrichtspraxis am Berliner Königlichen Taubstummeninstitut zwischen Aufklärung und Frühmoderne

Wolff, Sylvia 26 August 2013 (has links)
Aktuelle Debatten in der Hörgeschädigtenpädagogik beschäftigen sich vor allem mit den Fragen der Sprachbildung hörgeschädigter Kinder im Rahmen der schulischen Inklusion. Übersehen wird dabei oft, dass dieser Diskurs nicht neu ist, sondern bereits historische Vorläufer hat. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist deshalb, Veränderungsprozesse von Elementarbildung und Sprachbildung hörgeschädigter Kinder im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert vor dem Hintergrund einer sich etablierenden Volksschulbildung zu analysieren, um den schulstrukturellen Wandel und seine Auswirkungen nachzuzeichnen. Auf der Grundlage einer quellenkritischen Rekonstruktion wurden dafür ideen-, sozial- und institutions-geschichtliche Ereignisse und Diskurse im Sinne des kritisch-konstruktiven Ansatzes von Klafki (1971) analysiert. Im Fokus standen dabei die konkreten Auswirkungen (national-) sprachlicher und bildungspolitischer Konzepte auf den Unterricht am Berliner Königlichen Taubstummeninstitut und auf die ländliche Schulpraxis in der Provinz Brandenburg. Die Analysen zeigen, dass die sprachphilosophischen Diskurse in dieser Zeit Fehlannahmen über die Funktion und Bedeutung von Laut- und Gebärdensprachen enthielten, die die Sprachbildungskonzepte für gehörlose Menschen maßgeblich prägten. Außerdem führte die Verallgemeinerungsbewegung, in deren Rahmen zunehmend gehörlose Menschen auch in Volksschulen unterrichtet wurden, dazu dass die ausschließliche Förderung der Lautsprache propagiert wurde. Zweisprachige Bildungskonzepte, mit der Gebärdensprache als festem Bestandteil, wurden aufgegeben. Die besonderen Bedürfnisse gehörloser Menschen wurden weder an allgemeinen Schulen noch an Taubstummeninstituten berücksichtigt und der Zugang zu Bildung setzte damit in der Folgezeit eine einseitige Anpassungsleistung gehörloser Menschen voraus. / Current debates in deaf education are primarily concerned with questions of language education of hearing impaired children as part of school inclusion. It is often overlooked in this context that this discourse is not new, but already has historical antecedents. The aim of this study is therefore to analyse the changing processes of elementary education and language education of hearing impaired children in the 18th and 19th centuries against the background of the on-going establishment of elementary education, in order to reconstruct the structural change of the culture of schooling and its impact. To this end, historical ideas, social and institutional discourses and events were analysed in terms of the critical and constructive approach of Klafki (1971) on the basis of a source-critical reconstruction. The focus was on the specific impact of (national) linguistic and educational approaches to teaching at the Berlin Royal Institute of Deaf and Dumb and the rural school practice in the province of Brandenburg. The analyses show that the discourses on linguistic philosophy at this time contained misperceptions concerning the function and meaning of spoken and signed languages that significantly shaped approaches to language education for deaf people. Furthermore, the movement towards generalisation, in the framework of which deaf people were increasingly also taught in elementary schools, led to the exclusive propagation of the promotion of oral language. Bilingual education concepts, with sign language as an integral part, were abandoned. The special needs of deaf people were not taken into consideration in either public schools or in deaf and dumb institutions, and access to education in the subsequent period thus presupposed a successful unilateral adaptation of deaf people.

A criterion referenced analysis and evaluation of the processes involved in formulating a Māori language regeneration strategy for Whakamārama marae

Lewis, Roger Brian January 2007 (has links)
The quality of the processes involved in language regeneration strategy formation is critical to the creation of an effective language regeneration strategy and this, in turn, is critical to the achievement of successful language regeneration outcomes. The overall aim of this research project was to evaluate, using a range of effectiveness criteria, the processes involved in the creation of a marae-based te reo Māori regeneration strategy in the hope that others involved in similar projects in the future would benefit and in the hope that the Whakamārama whānau will themselves derive benefit from it in reviewing what has already been achieved. In Chapter 1, the background to the research project and its rationale are outlined and the research questions and research methods are introduced. Chapter 2 provides a critical review of selected literature in the area of strategic planning aspects of language regeneration and relevant aspects of mātauranga Māori. Using an ethnographic approach, the processes and immediate outcomes (in terms of a survey report and a regeneration plan for Whakamārama marae) of the language regeneration project are outlined in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, effectiveness criteria are derived on the basis of the literature review in Chapter 2. These include criteria relating to leadership, participation, Kaupapa Māori values, environmental analysis and outcomes. The criteria are then applied to the analysis and evaluation of the processes and outcomes outlined in Chapter 3 in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. The overall conclusion is that Whakamārama's language regeneration activities to date can be regarded as successful in many ways, including the fact that they have resulted in the production of high quality documentation that is widely appreciated by the whānau in the form of a maraebased language survey and a marae-based te reo Māori regeneration plan. Working voluntarily and often under difficult circumstances, core group members demonstrated that they possessed the essential characteristics of commitment, motivation and determination, in addition to the willingness and ability to use existing skills and knowledge effectively and to develop further skills and knowledge as the project proceeded. Perhaps most important, they developed a caring and effective working culture. However, the weaknesses of the project included a lack of preparation and planning prior to the commencement of the project which resulted in a build up of work at a number of stages. This, in turn, lead to delays in producing outcomes and some loss of momentum. It also led, indirectly, to the views of two or three members of the core group being overrepresented in the reo plan goals. The information and analysis provided here have relevance to any language community involved in micro-level language regeneration activities of a similar type. It is hoped therefore that this thesis may help others to not only avoid the problems experienced by the Whakamārama whānau but also to benefit from their successes.

Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-Afrikaansonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu. In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork, such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills, learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork. Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed. Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning. The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment. Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is therefore imperative. Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base, integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet. In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder, effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek, kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod. Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek. Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende, outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei. Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum 2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus noodsaaklik. Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-Afrikaansonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu. In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork, such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills, learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork. Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed. Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning. The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment. Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is therefore imperative. Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base, integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet. In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder, effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek, kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod. Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek. Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende, outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei. Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum 2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus noodsaaklik. Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

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