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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spelar adressen någon roll? : En studie av områdeseffekter på medborgares politiska deltagande

Eriksson, Katarina January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and explain (individual level) public political participation, with particular focus on the significance of the local, geographical context. Studies of political participation have traditionally focused on individual level explanations. Here, however, the question of the significance of place, is also raised i.e. does place have an effect on the probability of the individual to take political action? Such causal relationships are known as contextual (or neighbourhood) effects. These occur when contextual factors affect individual behaviour so that it varies systematically between different contexts, even after controlling for individual level predictors. Although empirical research has been lacking, there is a widespread assumption that place of residence can have both positive and negative effects on outcomes at the level of the individual. This is the case especially with regard to urban residential segregation, which is believed to cause self-generating, negative effects on the political engagement of citizens. My line of argument is that contextual effects cannot be taken for granted; rather they must be tested empirically in a systematic way, using individual level data and appropriate techniques. Political participation is operationalised in terms of: voting in local elections, contacting local officials, and participating in manifestations. The local, geographical context is operationalised in two ways; as Swedish municipalities and as city districts. The latter is done using case studies of two Swedish cities; Umeå, a medium-sized town with moderate socioeconomic segregation, and Göteborg, a large city with extensive polarisation. Survey data is used and analysed by means of multilevel analysis, a technique developed especially for hierarchical data and contextual analysis of individual level outcomes. The results do not provide strong support for the hypothesis of contextual effects on public political participation. There are, in several cases, strong, bivariate relationships between socioeconomic composition and political participation at the aggregate level. However, this is not confirmed in analyses of individual level data. The variation between individuals residing in different places is significant in only one case; when the context is operationalised as municipalities and the dependent variable is participation in manifestations. This variation cannot, however, be explained neither by individual level SES/political engagement nor by socioeconomic composition at the municipal level. An analysis of crosslevel interactions shows that employed persons residing in affluent districts of Göteborg have a higher probability to vote and to participate in contacting than employed persons living in poor neighbourhoods. Similarly, individuals with an immigrant background living in affluent districts in Göteborg are more likely to vote than those living in poor areas. These results give some support for the hypothesis of contextual effects on political participation. However, as the number of observations in this particular analysis is very small, the results are not robust and, consequently, must be interpreted with caution. In order to identify relevant individual level predictors, the SES and CV-models are applied. The results indicate that socioeconomic variables such as employment status and education are important predictors of voting. However, when it comes to contacting officials and participating in manifestations, socio-political resources such as political engagement and organisational membership are better as predictors of political participation.

Boendesegregationens grannskapseffekter – en studie av forskningen kring boendesegregationens konsekvenser

Sjöblom, Anton, Bengtsson, Hampus January 2011 (has links)
Forskningsämnet boendesegregation har på senare år kommit att få en allt större roll inom den svenska segregationsdiskussionen. Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie som diskuterar hur forskare studerar och har studerat begreppet boendesegregation, hur den synliggörs, varför den uppstår och vilka konsekvenser den ha på individer.Genom att koppla ihop den rådande diskussionen kring boendesegregation, grannskapseffekter, stigmatiseringsprocesser samt blandad boendemiljö med empiriskt material från två fallstudieområden i Botkyrka Kommun, ämnar den här uppsatsen studera konsekvenser av boendesegregation.Resultatet av fallstudien och litteraturstudien har visat upp ett komplext forskningsläge där det, dels går att finna forskare som använder teorin om grannskapseffekter som utgångspunkt i sin forskning, medan det å andra sidan finns skeptiker som pekar på empiriska brister vad gäller beläggen för existensen av grannskapseffekter.I fallstudieområdena har det kunnat noteras relativt stora skillnader mellan den socioekonomiska karriären för unga vuxna i de båda områdena. Antydan till en exogen effekt av boende i områdena, har noterats, men i en studie av denna karaktären har inte ett orsakssamband mellan boendeområdet och invånarnas socioekonomiska karriär helt kunnat fastställas. / The research regarding residential segregation has in recent years come to play an increasingly large role in the debate concerning segregation in Sweden. This paper is a literature study which discusses how researchers both have studied and are studying the conceptofsegregat ion,howsegregat ionismadevisible,whyitoccursa ndwhat consequences it may bring.By connecting the current discussion of residential segregation, neighbourhood effects, stigmatisation and mixed residential environments with empirical data from two case study areas in Botkyrka Kommun in Sweden, is the intention of this paper to study the consequences of residential segregation on inhabitants.The result of the case study and the literature study has shown a complex research area, whereas you on one hand can find researchers who uses the neighbourhood effect as a basis in their research, while on the other hand there are some sceptics who points at empirical shortcomings for the evidence of the existence of neighbourhood effects.Furthermore it has been possible to detect relatively large differences between the to case study areas, when it comes to the socio-economic career of young adults. Traces of an exogenous effect have been spotted, but the study has had difficulties in proving a cause-and- effect connection between the residential area and its inhabitants socioeconomic career.

Comportements d'investissement et performances des exploitations agricoles selon la position dans le cycle de vie / Investment decisions of french dairy farms : the case of Brittany

Levi, Loïc 12 December 2018 (has links)
L'investissement et l'innovation jouent un rôle important dans le secteur agricole, permettant aux exploitations de s'adapter aux changements de politiques et aux conditions du marché. Au cours des dernières décennies, les exploitations agricoles de l'Union européenne (UE) ont été confrontées à des changements substantiels à travers la politique agricole commune (PAC). C'est notamment le cas du secteur laitier, qui a vu la fin du régime de quotas laitiers et également vu une volatilité accrue des prix. De tels changements pourraient affecter la productivité et l’efficacité des exploitations agricoles, la compétitivité du secteur laitier et les changements structurels. Comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents au comportement d’investissement des exploitations pourrait permettre d’identifier les principaux facteurs qui influent sur les tendances observées. Cela pourrait aider à anticiper les futurs changements structurels, prévoir les besoins des exploitations et aider les décideurs publicet les autres acteurs du secteur agricole à adapter leurs politiques. La thèse contribue à cet objectif en analysant pour les exploitations laitières d'une sous-région de Bretagne (Ille-et-Vilaine) en France, (i) l'impact de la suppression du quota laitier sur les décisions d'investissement des agriculteurs et l'hétérogénéité de leurs réactions (ii) le lien entre la performance agricole et les décisions d'investissement des agriculteurs, (iii) le rôle des interactions sociales liées aux effets de voisinage sur la décision d'investissement des agriculteurs. Les résultats montrent que la fin / : Investment and innovation play an important role in the agricultural sector, allowing farms to adapt to policy changes and market condition changes. In the last decades, farms in the European Union (EU) have faced substantial changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). This is particularly the case of the dairy sector, which has seen the end of milk quota regime and increased price volatility. Such changes could affect farm productivity and efficiency, the dairy sector’s competitiveness and structural change. Understanding the mechanisms underlying farms’ investment behaviour could allow identifying key drivers that influence the observed trends. This could help anticipate future structural changes, predict farms’ needs and help policy makers and other stakeholders in farming to adapt their policy. The thesis contributes to this objective by analysing for dairy farms in a sub-region of Brittany (Ille-et-Vilaine) in France, (i) the impact of the termination of the milk quota onfarmers’ investment decisions and the heterogeneity of farm investment behaviour, (ii) the link between farm performance and farmers’ investment decisions, (iii) the role of social interactions related to neighbourhood effects on farmers' investment decision. Findings show that the termination of the dairy quota policy increased farmers’ incentive to invest, contributing to the trend towards larger, more capital intensive and more specialised dairy farms. In addition, the thesis underlines the need to take into account farmers’ heterogeneity in modelling investment behaviour. Doing so allows

Boendekoncept baserat på eddan ”människan är människans största glädje” : En fallstudie – hur ska ett nytt bostadsområde i Åre utformas för att tilltala generationen 55+?

Wiklund, Carolina January 2021 (has links)
Samhällsplanering är en stor fråga med många olika perspektiv. I Agenda 2030 beskrivs två mål som är direkt applicerbara på samhällsplanering. Mål 3 innebär att alla människor, oavsett ålder ska ha förutsättningar för att leva ett gott liv med gott välbefinnande där mötet med andra människor är en viktig faktor. Det andra målet, Mål 11 innebär att bostadsområden och städer ska vara inkluderande och hållbara. I Sverige har vi en växande befolkning som är 65 år och äldre. Detta som en effekt av den ökade livslängden och gäller även i Åredalen.   Intresset för att tillbringa tid i Åre växer och en effekt av detta är att efterfrågan på både fritids- och permanentbostäder ökar. Under 1980-talet flyttade många till Åre och av de som blivit kvar i Åredalen sedan dess är det flera som bor i villor. Dessa villor skulle kunna vara intressanta för de yngre generationer som börjat bilda familj och etablerar sig i dalgången. Idag saknas boende som riktar sig till generationen 55+ trots att undersökningen i studien visar på att behovet finns. En slutsats av studien är att ett boendekoncept som riktar sig till bland annat målgruppen 55+ skulle kunna stimulera flyttkedjan i dalgången.   Syftet med studien är att ta fram ett koncept för exploatering av en 45 000 kvadratmeter stor fastighet i Åre by med det sociala perspektivet som utgångspunkt. Fastigheten ingår i fastighetsbolaget Diös bestånd idag och de befintliga byggnaderna inrymmer olika typer av verksamheter. Några av de verksamheter som finns på fastigheten är vård, polis och coworkingytor.   Eddadikten ”Människan är människans största glädje” har använts som utgångspunkt vid framtagningen av förslaget. För att skapa ett förslag med anknytning till det behov som finns i dalgången baseras förslaget på den enkätundersökning samt de intervjuer och platsbesök som genomförts under studiens gång. / Urban planning is challenging and includes many different perspectives. Agenda 2030 describes two objectives that are directly applicable to urban planning. Objective 3 means that all humans, regardless of age, should have the prerequisites to live a good life with good well-being where meeting with other people is an important factor. The other objective, Objective 11, means that residential areas and cities should be inclusive and sustainable. In Sweden, we have a growing population that is 65 years and older. This is an effect of the increased length of life and also applies in Åredalen.   The interest of spending time in Åre is growing and one effect of this is that the demand for both holiday and permanent housing is increasing. During the 1980s, many people moved to Åre. Of those who have remained in the valley since then, several lives in villas. These villas could be of interest to the younger generations who have started to establish their family life in the valley. Today, there is no accommodation aimed at the generation 55+ even though the study shows that the need exists. One conclusion of the study is that an accommodation concept aimed at, among other things, the target group 55+ could stimulate the moving chain in the valley.   The purpose of the study is to develop a concept for the development of a 45,000 square meter property in Åre based on the social perspective. The property is part of the real estate company Diö's portfolio today and the existing buildings house different types of businesses. Some of the activities carried out on the properties are healthcare, police and coworking areas.   The eddic poem "Man is man's greatest joy" has been used as a starting point in the preparation of the proposal. In order to create a proposal related to the needs of the valley, the proposal is based on the survey as well as the interviews and site visits conducted during the study. / <p>Betyg 2021-06-04</p>

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