Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nomadism"" "subject:"nomadismo""
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Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen der uigurischen Hauptstadt Karabalgasun im Kontext der Siedlungsforschung spätnomadischer Stämme im östlichen ZentralasienDähne, Burkart 29 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der Dissertation sind die Ausgrabungen in der uigurischen Hauptstadt Karabalgasun/Mongolei der Jahre 2009-2011. Ein Schwerpunkt ist die Darstellung und Auswertung der Grabungsergebnisse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der bauarchäologischen und stadtgeschichtlich relevanten Zeugnisse. Die Ausgrabungsergebnisse werden in den Kontext der frühen Siedlungs- und Stadtgeschichte Zentralasiens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Mongolei, Südsibiriens und Burjatiens eingebunden. Ein erklärtes Ziel der Dissertation ist, die besondere Bedeutung von spätnomadischen Stadtgründungen und Gründungsstädten im Zusammenhang spätnomadischer Herrschaftsbildungen zu erhellen und damit zu einem neuen Verständnis der Stadt im zentralasiatischen Nomadentum im Allgemeinen beizutragen.
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Global nomadism : a discursive and narratological analysis of identity concepts in the 'mobile professional'Whitehead, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examined to what extent a particular class of highly mobile professionals has internalized the contemporary discourse of corporate global nomadism, proposed by the researcher as an example of the kind of corporate discourses that are emerging to encompass the ideology of neoliberalism and which are inscribed in a particular genre of popular managerial and globalization literature through prescription of ideal attitudes and forms of behaviour. The researcher selected a representative sample of corporate texts that comprises books by management gurus and popular writers on globalization and corporate websites by consultancy firms, and collected personal narratives or life stories from a sample of professionals who in the pursuit of work have relocated internationally more than once. These texts were cross-analysed to identify how the discourse of corporate global nomadism is manifested, whether in similar or contradictory ways. This analysis combined the methodological framework of critical discourse analysis with narrative analysis, with a particular emphasis on deconstruction and intertextuality. A characteristic feature of this study is the use of online communication technologies to encompass research participants who are geographically dispersed. The principal original contribution to knowledge of this dissertation is the relationship made between the contemporary discourse of corporate global nomadism and the ideology of neoliberalism. The methodologies and methods used in the elaboration of this research are also important contributions. The most prominent finding of this study is that the attitudes of the research participants towards their own mobility are contradictory as their self-representation from the standpoints of the context of work and the private sphere are discursively confronted. This dissonance in the narratives represents struggles in the life of the research participants as they attempt to meet corporate demands for continuous global mobility. The findings of this study show that despite the persuasive power of certain corporate discourses they are not passively assumed by individuals, meaning that the hegemony of neoliberal capitalism as a dominant ideology underlying modern organizations is not absolute, because individuals consciously or subconsciously resist and challenge the messages it conveys.
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La marche de l'inquiétude : de jeunes Chiliens à Paris / The walk of curiosity : young Chileans in ParisRojas Silva, Belén 10 May 2016 (has links)
L'objectif central de cette recherche est de rendre compte des potentialités de la mobilité pour habiliter les processus de transformation à l'intérieur des sujets. Autrement dit, cette thèse doctorale concerne une recherche sur les possibilités des migrants de devenir sujets en mouvement ou « nomades » (Maffesoli, 1997, 2001 ; Braidotti, 2004, 2011). Donc, au niveau théorique, s'intègrent d'une part des perspectives à propos de la subjectivité des migrants qui « dénaturalisent » les déplacements comme processus exclusivement déterminés par des raisons économiques et, de ce fait, l'individualisme des migrants et la valorisation des déplacements en eux-mêmes ; et, d'autre part, des lectures sur une subjectivité qui migre aussi, lesquelles, sans travailler directement le phénomène des migrations, nous accompagnent au moment de réfléchir à la pluralité des motivations migratoires et des manières d'exercer la mobilité, mais au-delà de cela, elles se montrent attentives aux possibilités des mutations des sujets à partir du contact avec l'altérité et à la façon dont ses changements sont imbriqués avec des nouvelles formes du lien social. Au niveau méthodologique, l'enquête est centrée sur les récits de ces jeunes Chiliens (hommes et femmes, entre 18 et 35 années, habitants de la région parisienne) obtenus à partir de la technique d'entrevue approfondie semi structurée. Ainsi, ont été réalisés 54 entretiens : 45 correspondant à notre échantillon théorique et 9 entretiens qui dépassent cet échantillon, et que nous avons estimés comme complémentaires. L'échantillon théorique a été définie selon les critères de nationalité chilienne (unique ou partie de multiples appartenances nationales), d'âge (18-35 ans), d'indépendance (migrations hors d'un cadre familial d'origine) et de permanence en destin migratoire (3 ans minimum). Le traitement des données a été effectué en accord avec la proposition de « constructions de récits » de Barbara Biglia et Jordi Bonet-Martí (2009), qui, en mettant en valeur la connaissance située et dialogique, nous a permis de développer un exercice de multi-positionnement des sujets durant la migration, à partir de la considération des sens mis en jeu par les protagonistes de l'expérience. Ainsi, cette recherche, située à l'échelle de la vie quotidienne, se concentre sur les compréhensions de l'immigration qui émergent depuis la rencontre avec l'altérité extérieure, ensuite, sur les récits de la rencontre avec une altérité intérieure à travers l'expérience migratoire ; et enfin, les conséquences de ces deux processus par rapport à la définition des appartenances. Notre propos est de confronter les notions sur l'immigration qu'ont les migrants eux-mêmes aux distinctions traditionnelles utilisées pour classifier les migrations (occupation, durée, etc.) afin d'arriver à nouveaux entendements sensibles à la complexité et au dynamisme des expériences particulières parmi des étrangers. Ainsi, en reprenant les limites tracées par des interprétations traditionnelles et les sens exprimés par des migrants, nous voulons nous approcher du potentiel de la migration pour habiliter des processus de transformation, dans la perspective de ce qu'il est possible de « devenir » individuellement et collectivement. / The main objective of this research is to understand the potential of mobility to empower transformation process within the individuals. In other words, this PhD thesis is a research on the possibilities of migrants to become subjects in motion or "nomads" (Maffesoli, 1997, 2001; Braidotti, 2004, 2011). On a theoretical level, firstly it integrates perspectives about the subjectivity of migrants that "denature" displacements like processes exclusively given by economic reasons and, consequently, the individualism of migrants and the assessment of the travel by itself. Secondly, it integrates insights about a subjectivity that also migrates, which, without working directly the phenomenon of migration, accompany us at the moment of thinking about the plurality of migratory motivations and ways of exercising mobility, but beyond that, they show themselves attentive to the possibilities of subjects mutations from contact with otherness and how its changes are imbricated with new forms of social ties. On a methodological level, the investigation focuses on the stories of young Chileans (men and women between 18 and 35 years, residents in the Paris area), obtained with semi-structured/in-depth interview technique. Thus, 54 interviews were conducted: 45 corresponding to our theoretical sample and 9 interviews which do not match our criteria, and we have estimated as complementary. The theoretical sample was defined according to the Chilean nationality criteria (single or as part of multiple national memberships), age (18-35 years), independence (migration apart from the family of origin) and stay in migratory destination (3 years minimum). To illustrate, and outside the framework of the criteria of the sample, we can say that this resulted in a diverse group of students, students / workers and workers; 28 women and 26 men. Data processing was carried out in agreement with the proposal of "stories construction" of Barbara Biglia and Jordi Bonet-Martí (2009), which, by enhancing the knowledge located and dialogical, has enabled us to develop an exercise of multi-positioning of subjects during migration, from the consideration of the senses involved by the protagonists of the experience. Hence this research, located on the scale of daily life, focuses on immigration understandings that emerge from the encounter with the outside otherness, then on the stories of the encounter with an inner otherness through the migratory experience, and finally, the consequences of these processes in relation to the definition of belonging. Our purpose is to confront the notions about immigration of migrants themselves to traditional distinctions used to classify Migration (occupation, extension, etc.), to arrive to new understandings, sensitive to the complexity and dynamism of particulars experiences between strangers. So by taking the limits set by traditional interpretations and meanings expressed by migrants, we want to approach to migration's potentiality to enable process of transformations in the perspective of what it is possible to "becoming" individually and collectively.
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Territorialidades ciganas na Região Metropolitana de Vitória / Gypsy territorialities in the metropolitan region of VitóriaArruda, Flavia Marcarine 19 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação é um estudo das territorialidades de uma rede de parentes de ciganos distribuídos na Região Metropolitana de Vitória do estado do Espírito Santo, no qual pretende-se compreender o modo como se organizam e se deslocam territorialmente. Guia-se pelas teorias contemporâneas da antropologia na qual entende-se que o conhecimento etnográfico produzido é uma construção resultante da relação entre pesquisador e pesquisados. As categorias ciganas relacionadas às conceituações de espaço, como pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, são consideradas e costuradas em uma cosmologia cigana onde se vive apoiado. Posteriormente, analisa-se, em que medida, tais categorias se aproximam ou se distanciam, e podem tensionar as categorias analíticas empregadas por teóricos sobre o tema, como o conceito de nomadismo e sedentarismo. / This dissertation is a study of territorialities of a network of gypsy relatives distributed in the metropolitan region of Vitória of Espírito Santo State. The study aims at understanding the way in which gypsies organize themselves and how they move territorially. The study will be guided by anthropological studies in which contemporary literature shows that produced ethnographic knowledge is a structure resulted from the relationship between researcher and subject. The gypsy categories related to the conceptions of space, such as pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, are perceived and sewn in a gypsy cosmology in which people live apoiado. Thereafter, it will be analyzed to which extent such categories can reevaluate analytical categories employed by theorists on the topic, such as the concept of nomadism and sedentarism.
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Travessias nômades em um Porto Alegre : navegações entre as margens do teatro e da saúde mentalPommer, Carolina Demaman January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação constitui-se em uma produção de narrativas de viagem pelas ruas, trilhos e águas da Saúde Mental Coletiva a partir das experiências da narradora, na cidade de Porto Alegre. Valendo-se de sua trajetória singular de formação em Saúde Mental, a artista propõe um olhar curioso sobre a Reforma Psiquiátrica e a inserção do fazer teatral neste campo, a fim de constituir formas de inclusão da loucura na cidade e contribuir com processos de desinstitucionalização. Para fundamentar este percurso, utiliza os conceitos de Zona Autônoma Temporária, Nomadismo Psíquico e Biopolítica, bem como, apresenta ao campo da Saúde Coletiva um pouco da teoria teatral a fim de produzir intercessões entre arte, ciência e filosofia. A partir de sua participação no grupo de teatro Nau da Liberdade, que é composto por usuários, trabalhadores e estudantes da Saúde Mental, a narradora analisa a cena teatral contemporânea e propõe uma maneira de pensar a desinstitucinalização através da inserção cultural e da noção pertencimento a um bando. / This work consists in a production of travel stories through the streets, trails and waters of Collective Mental Health, from the teller’s experiences, in the city of Porto Alegre. Drawing on her unique career training in Mental Health, the artist proposes a curious look on the Psychiatric Reform and the insertion of theater acting in this field, in order to constitute forms of inclusion of madness in the city and to contribute to processes of deinstitutionalization. To support this route, she uses the concepts of Temporary Autonomous Zone, Psychic Nomadism and Biopolitics, and presents some of theater theory to the field of Public Health, aiming to create intersections between art, science and philosophy. From her participation in the theater group Ship of Freedom, which is composed of members, employees and students of Mental Health, the narrator examines the contemporary theater scene and proposes a way of thinking deinstitutionalization through the ideas of cultural inclusion and belonging to a band.
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Territorialidades ciganas na Região Metropolitana de Vitória / Gypsy territorialities in the metropolitan region of VitóriaFlavia Marcarine Arruda 19 November 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação é um estudo das territorialidades de uma rede de parentes de ciganos distribuídos na Região Metropolitana de Vitória do estado do Espírito Santo, no qual pretende-se compreender o modo como se organizam e se deslocam territorialmente. Guia-se pelas teorias contemporâneas da antropologia na qual entende-se que o conhecimento etnográfico produzido é uma construção resultante da relação entre pesquisador e pesquisados. As categorias ciganas relacionadas às conceituações de espaço, como pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, são consideradas e costuradas em uma cosmologia cigana onde se vive apoiado. Posteriormente, analisa-se, em que medida, tais categorias se aproximam ou se distanciam, e podem tensionar as categorias analíticas empregadas por teóricos sobre o tema, como o conceito de nomadismo e sedentarismo. / This dissertation is a study of territorialities of a network of gypsy relatives distributed in the metropolitan region of Vitória of Espírito Santo State. The study aims at understanding the way in which gypsies organize themselves and how they move territorially. The study will be guided by anthropological studies in which contemporary literature shows that produced ethnographic knowledge is a structure resulted from the relationship between researcher and subject. The gypsy categories related to the conceptions of space, such as pouso, embarracar, morador, viajar, are perceived and sewn in a gypsy cosmology in which people live apoiado. Thereafter, it will be analyzed to which extent such categories can reevaluate analytical categories employed by theorists on the topic, such as the concept of nomadism and sedentarism.
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Att vända hem i text : Motivstudie av Där och Då i relation till Här och Nu i kröniketextAndersson, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsen bygger på en närläsning av ett antal kröniketexter från svenska dagstidningar, publicerade 2007-2010, vars författare har en dubbel tillhörighet – deras ursprung är annanstädes än den nuvarande uppehållsorten; exempelvis född och uppvuxen i Falköping, numera boende och verksam i Stockholm. Fenomenet som uppsatsen vill bevisa, ”Att vända hem i text”, innebär att man som skribent skriver om ett där och då, och låter detta framstå som en referenspunkt för sitt här och nu. Resor företas i kröniketexten; faktiska, imaginära och minnesresor. Studien söker svar på hur resan, vilken form den än företar, skildras rent stilistisk och narratologiskt, men också om hemvändarmotivet i texterna tyder på ett uttryck av nostalgi. Dessutom undersöks vad dubbel tillhörighet har för betydelse för den journalistiska rollen och den enskilde journalistens sätt att observera verkligheten. Även berättarens auktoritets betydelse för berättelsens autenticitet avhandlas. Undersökningen söker stöd hos Arne Melbergs forskning om reseskildringar, Karin Johannissons sondering av känslan ”nostalgi” och dess betydelse genom tiderna, Staffan Björcks studier i prosaberättarens teknik, samt i Torsten Thuréns studium i gränsöverskridande litterära genrer. Undersökningen är uppdelad i tre kapitel: (1) Resan (2) Platsen (3) Minnesakten. Detta för att underlätta för läsaren. På detta följer en längre diskussion. De krönikörer vars texter finns representerade och utsätts för närläsningar är Hanna Hellquist, Ronnie Sandahl, Marcus Birro, Johan Croneman och Fredrik Strage.
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L’écriture poétique de Tomás Segovia : les possibilités du nomadisme / Tomás Segovia’s poetry : the possibilities of nomadismRodrigues, Judite 08 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude a pour ambition de mettre au jour la trajectoire du poète Hispano-Mexicain Tomás Segovia et de définir sa poétique. On tente ainsi de montrer comment son œuvre, conduite par le tropisme du nomadisme, mène de la reconnaissance des origines, à l’acceptation de l’héritage de l’exil puis au dépassement de cette problématique. La poétique du nomadisme touche à différentes sphères, elle est perceptible dans la thématique, l’écriture, les figures, les formes poétiques ou dans les effets de transfert entre les différentes formes d’arts. Ce sont là autant de points d’analyse à prendre en compte pour explorer les possibilités de cette esthétique nomade qui tend définitivement à brouiller les frontières. Des figures comme la synesthésie, l’oxymore ou la personnification emblématisent la propension à l’échange et au mouvement de la poétique « ségovienne ». Le poète explore aussi l’éventail des possibilités que lui offre la variété des mètres différents dans la silva et dans le rythme hendécasyllabique. Il s’essaye à diverses formes poétiques et explore les modalités de l’entre-deux. Il met à profit l’image du poème. Il dialogue avec d’autres pratiques artistiques et tire parti des mots de la musique et de la peinture. Son écriture procède par d’habiles entrelacements de mots, elle est toute sensorielle, à l’écoute du corps et elle s’offre généreusement dans des vagues langagières puissantes. Fidèle aux valeurs et aux luttes héritées de l’Espagne « peregrina », sa poésie n’entre pas dans la polémique de l’hispanité ou de l’américanité, elle a irrémédiablement choisi le drapeau du nomadisme pour réaliser son anagnorèse et ainsi déchiffrer et saisir le monde avec liberté. / The objective of this study is to reveal the trajectory of the Hispanic Mexican poet, Tomás Segovia, and define his poetry. We will therefore try to show that his work, driven by the impulse of nomadism, leads from the recognition of his origins to the acceptation of his heritage of exile and finally to the conquering of this problem. The poetics of nomadism touch different spheres perceptible in terms of topics, themes, writing style, figures of speech, poetic forms or even the effects of transferring notions between different domains of art. So many points of analysis must there be taken into account in order to explore the possibilities of this nomadic esthetic which certainly has the tendency to blur the borders. Figures of speech such as synaesthesia, the oxymoron or personification emblemize the propensity of exchange and the “Segovian” poetic movement. This poet also explores a range of possibilities which offer him a variety of different meters within the silva and in the Hendecasyllabic rhythm. He tests out diverse forms of poetry and explores the sensory perceptions between them. He takes advantage of the imagery of a poem. He dialogues with other artistic practices and pulls from them words from the worlds of music and painting. His writing proceeds from a clever interlacing of words; it is entirely sensory, it listens to the body, and it offers itself generously to powerful linguistic waves. Faithful to his values and struggling from a “pilgriming” Spain, his poetry does not enter into the polemic debate of what it means to be Hispanic or American, but rather chooses the emblematic cover of nomadism to fulfill its anagorisis, thus, decoding and seizing the world with freedom.
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O devir-infantil do pós-currículoCosta, Rosiara Pereira January 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação é produzida a partir da perspectiva da Filosofia da diferença em suas intersecções com a educação. Ela busca responder à pergunta: O que pode o devir-infantil do pós-currículo?, apropriando-se do conceito de pós-currículo, invenção de Corazza, e buscando atualizá-lo e reinventá-lo. Explicita o sentido de devir-infantil, afirmando que ele não se refere ao sujeito criança, e tampouco a outro sujeito qualquer, pois um devir se constitui por movimento e transformação, não se fixando em nenhuma forma de identidade. Atribui ao devir-infantil do pós-currículo um caráter minoritário, devido à sua constituição por fluxos moleculares e linhas de fuga, e ao polilingüismo que o atravessa. Afirma, ainda, o nomadismo do devir-infantil, atribuindo-lhe a invenção de uma máquina de guerra constituída pelo riso. Reunindo estes conceitos, apresenta um pós-currículo movido pelo devir-infantil que problematiza e desestabiliza o pensamento e as práticas escolares. / This paper is produced from the difference’s philosophy’s perspective and it’s intersections with education. It aims to answer the question: What can the post-curriculum child-becoming do?, taking property of the meaning of post-curriculum, invented by Corazza, and trying to update and reivent it. It explains that the meaning of child-becoming is not referred to the child individual, neither any other individual, because a becoming is made of movement and transformation, it doesn’t fit in any kind of identity forms. It attributes to the post-curriculum child-becoming a minority character due to its molecular flows and escape lines constitution and to the multilinguism that crosses it. It also affirms the child-becoming’s nomadism, attributing to it the invention of a war machine made by laughter. Putting these concepts together, a post-curriculum moved by child-becoming is presented, which problemizes and destabilizes the thinking and school practices.
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Travessias nômades em um Porto Alegre : navegações entre as margens do teatro e da saúde mentalPommer, Carolina Demaman January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação constitui-se em uma produção de narrativas de viagem pelas ruas, trilhos e águas da Saúde Mental Coletiva a partir das experiências da narradora, na cidade de Porto Alegre. Valendo-se de sua trajetória singular de formação em Saúde Mental, a artista propõe um olhar curioso sobre a Reforma Psiquiátrica e a inserção do fazer teatral neste campo, a fim de constituir formas de inclusão da loucura na cidade e contribuir com processos de desinstitucionalização. Para fundamentar este percurso, utiliza os conceitos de Zona Autônoma Temporária, Nomadismo Psíquico e Biopolítica, bem como, apresenta ao campo da Saúde Coletiva um pouco da teoria teatral a fim de produzir intercessões entre arte, ciência e filosofia. A partir de sua participação no grupo de teatro Nau da Liberdade, que é composto por usuários, trabalhadores e estudantes da Saúde Mental, a narradora analisa a cena teatral contemporânea e propõe uma maneira de pensar a desinstitucinalização através da inserção cultural e da noção pertencimento a um bando. / This work consists in a production of travel stories through the streets, trails and waters of Collective Mental Health, from the teller’s experiences, in the city of Porto Alegre. Drawing on her unique career training in Mental Health, the artist proposes a curious look on the Psychiatric Reform and the insertion of theater acting in this field, in order to constitute forms of inclusion of madness in the city and to contribute to processes of deinstitutionalization. To support this route, she uses the concepts of Temporary Autonomous Zone, Psychic Nomadism and Biopolitics, and presents some of theater theory to the field of Public Health, aiming to create intersections between art, science and philosophy. From her participation in the theater group Ship of Freedom, which is composed of members, employees and students of Mental Health, the narrator examines the contemporary theater scene and proposes a way of thinking deinstitutionalization through the ideas of cultural inclusion and belonging to a band.
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