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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les ruptures d'un commun accord du contrat de travail / Modes of termination of the employment contract throught mutual agreement

Chicheportiche, Laura 15 December 2011 (has links)
Longtemps délaissé, l’accord est aujourd’hui au coeur du processus de rupture du contrat de travail. A la suspicion qui entourait l’expression commune des volontés est substituée la confiance. La légalisation de la rupture d’un commun accord du contrat de travail par la loi du25 juin 2008 sous le nom de rupture conventionnelle en témoigne. Cette réforme a bouleversé le droit de la rupture du contrat de travail. Même s’il est acquis depuis longtemps que les parties peuvent mettre un terme d’un commun accord au contrat qui les unit sur le fondement de l’article 1134 du Code civil, cette modalité de rupture n’a longtemps été utilisée que de manière très ponctuelle. L’absence d’encadrement de cette technique et les restrictions apportées à son champ d’application l’expliquent en partie. La reconnaissance du commun accord comme mode de rupture spécifique du contrat de travail, auquel est attaché un régime précis et autonome, pourrait signifier la fin de l’utilisation de la rupture d’un commun accord de droit commun, considérée comme peu adaptée aux relations de travail. Un tel régime pourrait également mettre un terme au monopole détenu par les ruptures unilatérales, en particulier le licenciement. Une large prise en compte du dispositif de rupture conventionnelle est de nature à contribuer à l’apaisement et à l’équilibre des relations de travail. / Initially relinquished, mutual agreement is now at the heart of the process of terminating the employment contract. There has been an evolution tending to the shift from suspicion towards mutual agreement as a termination device to the trust in such means. This acquired trust is best illustrated by the recognition of employment termination via mutual agreement by the Act dated June, 25th 2008. The reform introduced by this Act transformed the legal regime applicable to the termination of employment contracts. Despite the fact that Article 1134 of the French Civil Code has long granted parties the possibility to terminate the contract binding them by mutually agreeing to do so, such mode of termination has only been resorted to on a fairly limited basis. This phenomenon can notably be explained by both the lack of clear legal framework applicable to this device, and the restrictions imposed on its ambit. The recognition of termination of the employment contract via mutual agreement as a device specifically applied in the field of labor law, as well as the definition of a specific and independent regime would be likely to give rise to ending the resort to Article 1134, whose scope is only general and not specifically tailored to labor relations. The implementation of this specific regime could put an end to the monopoly held by unilateral terminations of the employment contract, particularly the method of dismissal. A broad consideration of termination of the employment contract via mutual agreement can also contribute to the appeasement and balance in labor relations.

La clause de sortie des relations contractuelles : proposition de définition unitaire / The exit clause of contractual relations : proposal of unitary definition

Barthe, Benjamin 24 January 2013 (has links)
La théorie générale des obligations contractuelles ne traite de la rupture du contrat qu’au travers de la résolution. Elle n’évoque pas non plus la notion de durée du contrat. L’attention des juristes français est ainsi essentiellement portée sur la résolution pour inexécution et sur la résiliation unilatérale fautive du contrat à durée indéterminée. Une autre présentation, plus neutre, est possible : il s’agit d’étudier la sortie du contrat et, plus particulièrement, la possibilité offerte aux parties de prévoir la sortie anticipée de leurs relations contractuelles.Il est alors possible de se rendre compte que la pratique, face aux lacunes de la théorie générale, a su adapter l’existant afin de prendre en compte l’évolution du contrat depuis le début du XIXème siècle. De nombreuses clauses, qui permettent à un contractant de sortir de manière anticipée du contrat, se sont ainsi développées sous des appellations diverses et sont aujourd’hui présentes dans tous les contrats. L’analyse de la jurisprudence fait apparaître que le contentieux qui en résulte, non seulement porte sur des problèmes communs, mais tend à apporter des solutions communes ; à tout le moins perçoit-on la nécessité d’un traitement unitaire. L’étude, repoussant la distinction classique entre la résolution et la résiliation, recherche l’existence d’une unité, cherche à vérifier l’existence de la clause de sortie qui instituerait une faculté de sortir de manière anticipée d’une relation conclue pour une durée déterminée. Pour cela, la clause de sortie est appréhendée comme toute autre clause « autonome ».Dans un premier temps, il faut démontrer l’existence d’un objectif commun de validité. Il est question tout d’abord de faire ressortir la fonction commune des clauses, qui est de prémunir le titulaire de la faculté de sortie contre une atteinte à son intérêt. L’unité se poursuit dans la nature de la clause : issue d’un accord des parties, elle met en place un droit potestatif. Elle prend alors les traits d’une condition résolutoire « moderne », adaptation contemporaine de la modalité de l’obligation prévue par le Code civil.Dans un second temps, une fois qu’elles sont valablement prévues, les clauses de sortie doivent encore répondre à un objectif commun d’efficacité : la sortie s’exerce par acte unilatéral et obéit alors aux règles applicables à ce dernier. Au-delà de ce régime, on peut se rendre compte qu’il existe des modalités communes à toutes les clauses de sortie. Les effets des clauses de sortie, enfin, présentent ou doivent présenter une certaine unité, que la sortie mise en œuvre soit réussie ou qu’elle soit « manquée ». / The general theory of the contractual obligations treats breach of contract only through the “résolution”. It does not mention either the concept of duration of the contract. The attention of the French jurists is mainly focused on the cancellation for non-fulfilment and the offending termination of the agreement without any term. Another presentation, more neutral, is however possible, studying the exit of the contract and, more particularly, the opportunity given to the contracting parties to envisage the exit of their contractual relations.Then it is possible to realize that the practice, against the gaps of the general theory, knew to adapt existing concepts in order to take into consideration the evolution of the contract since the beginning of the 19th century. Thus many clauses, which make it possible to one of the contracting parties to leave the contract, developed under various names and are today present in all the contracts. The analysis of jurisprudence reveals that the litigations which result from it, not only relate to common problems, but also tend to bring common solutions ; at the very least, one perceives the need for a unit treatment. The study, pushing back the classical distinction between the “résolution” and the “résiliation”, seeks the existence of a unit, seeks to check the existence of the exit clause which would institute a faculty to leave in a way anticipated of a relation concluded for one limited duration. For that purpose, the exit clause is approached like any other “autonomous” clause.Initially, it is necessary to show the existence of a common objective of validity. It is question first of all of emphasizing the common function of the clauses, which is to secure the holder of the faculty of exit against a loss of interest. The unit continues in the nature of the clause: resulting from an agreement of the parties, it sets up a “potestative” right. It then takes the features of a “modern” “resolutive condition”, contemporary adaptation of the condition of the obligation envisaged by the Civil code.In the second time, once they are validly provided, the clauses of exit must meet a common aim of effectiveness : the exit is exerted by unilateral act and then obeys the rules applicable in this case. Beyond this mode, one can realize that there exist common conditions to all the clauses of exit. The effects of these clauses, finally, present or must present a certain unit, whether the exit put in work is successful or that it failed.

Les transferts de sportifs / Sportmen's transferts

Domingues, Romain 30 May 2014 (has links)
Les sportifs professionnels, salariés de clubs par des contrats de travail à durée déterminée, dits d'usage, pour exercer une activité ludique, sont progressivement devenus une originalité juridique par le recours à la pratique des transferts. L'application du droit européen, des principes de libre circulation ou de libre concurrence, ont bouleversé l'ordre juridique sportif. D'abord titulaires d'une licence sportive, ils sont devenus salariés, pour se transformer en de véritables éléments d'actif incorporel. Les droits contractuels détenus par les clubs à l'égard de leurs sportifs peuvent aujourd'hui recevoir la qualification de biens meubles incorporels, avec le risque d'aboutir à une réification de la personne du sportif professionnel. L'indemnité de transfert perçue par les clubs, qui constituait la réparation du préjudice subi du fait de la rupture anticipée du contrat de travail, est aujourd'hui devenue le prix de cession d'un élément d'actif. L'objet de cette thèse est de démontré que cette nouvelle qualification, à l'origine de nombreux maux dont souffre l'activité sportive, dont l'endettement des clubs, la disparition de l'aléa sportif, le déséquilibre des compétitions, la remise en cause de la formation des jeunes sportifs ou la commission d'infractions pénales, est inexacte. Les droits contractuels détenus par un club sur un sportif ne sauraient être qualifiés d'élément d'actif incorporel, une telle qualification portant une atteinte grave aux principaux droits et libertés dont celui de rompre unilatéralement son contrat de travail en indemnisant son employeur du fait de cette rupture prématurée. / The professional sportsmen, employees of clubs by fixed-term contracts, said of use, to exercise a recreational activity, gradually became a legal originality by the appeal to the practice of transfers. The application of the European law, principles of free circulation or free-market economy, upset the sports legal order. At first holders of a sports license, they became salaried, to be transformed into real elements of immaterial asset. The right contract employees held by clubs towards their sportsmen can receive the qualification of immaterial movables today, with the risk of ending in a reification of the person of the professional sportsman. The relocation allowance was perceived by clubs, which constituted the repair of damage undergone because of the early break of the contract of employment, became today the sale price of an element of asset. The object of this thesis is of demonstrated that this new qualification, at the origin of numerous troubles from which suffers the sports activity, among which the debt of clubs, the disappearance of the sports chance, the imbalance of the competitions, the questioning of the formation of the young sportsmen or the committee of penal breaches, is inaccurate. The right contract employees held by a club on a sportsman would not know how to be qualified as element of immaterial asset, such a qualification carrying an infringement engraves in the main rights and the liberties of which that to break one-sidedly its contract of employment by indemnifying his employer because of this premature break.

Sjednávání a rozvazování pracovních poměrů / Creation and termination of employment

Rak, Jindřich January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the stipulation and termination of employment and other legal alternatives, known to the Czech Labour law. It explains in its theoretical part present legal form of employment. The wider attention is granted to the term of dependent work and fixed time employment. The practical part contains specifically formulated procedures of entering into contract of employment and its discharge. The thesis also prospects the shortcomings of current legal regulations and submits suggestions to changes on the basis of reflections de lege ferenda.

The contributory factors to high teenage pregnancy rate at Ehlanzeni District in the Mpumalanga Province

Mkhantswa, Sibongile Gertrude 07 April 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the contributory factors to the high teenage pregnancy rate within a district hospital in the Ehlanzeni district of the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive and exploratory research was conducted to explore the contributory factors to the high teenage pregnancy rate. Data collection was done using a self-designed structured interview schedule. The findings of the study supported the assumptions that there are factors related to biography, individual perceptions, knowledge and awareness of; and practices, perceptions regarding the use of contraception. Perceived seriousness and barriers to the use of safeguards that could have prevented pregnancy contribute to the high teenage pregnancy rate thus emphasise the need to develop strategies to prevent teenage pregnancies / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

Development of photoinitiating systems for free radical Photopolymerization usable for laser Imaging / Développement des systèmes photoamorceurs pour imagerie laser

Ibrahim, Ahmad 07 October 2011 (has links)
Le sujet de thèse sur lequel je travaille depuis trois ans est l’étude et le développement des systèmes photoamorceurs pour des applications holographiques. Ce travail a lieu en collaboration avec l’équipe BMS (Bayer Material Science) de Bayer-Leverkusen (Allemagne). Mes études se sont limitées aux systèmes utilisables avec une source d’irradiation appartenant à la partie visible du spectre électromagnétique de la lumière (400 nm – 700 nm).Parmi les différents types des réactions de polymérisation, nous avons choisi la polymérisation radicalaire. L’étape cruciale dans cette réaction réside dans la génération des radicaux qui amorcent la réaction. Ces derniers sont formés par transformation, via absorption de lumière, d’un composé photosensible. La formation de ces espèces est en général en compétition avec plusieurs processus de désactivation. Les polymérisations radicalaires sont en particulier fortement inhibées par l’oxygène de l’air. Pour réduire l’effet de l’oxygène et pour avoir des conditions comparables à ceux appliqués dans l’industrie, nos échantillons ont été préparés en utilisant la technique laminée (l’échantillon est mis entre deux films de polypropylène). [...] / The subject of the thesis I have been working on for three years is the study and development of photoinitiating systems for holographic applications. This work takes place in collaboration with the BMS (Bayer Material Science) team from Bayer Leverkusen (Germany). My studies have been limited to systems used with a radiation source belonging to the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum of light (400 nm - 700 nm). Among the different types of polymerization reactions, we chose the radical polymerization. The critical step in this reaction is the generation of radicals which initiate the reaction. These are formed by transformation via absorption of light of a photosensitive compound. The formation of these species is generally in competition with several deactivation process. [...]

Skončení pracovního poměru pro porušení pracovněprávních povinností v ČR a SRN / Termination of employment relationship for violation of labour law obligations in the Czech Republic and Germany

Hříchová, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
Name of the thesis: Termination of employment relationship for violation of labour law obligations in the Czech Republic and Germany The thesis deals with the comparison of legal regulations of the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany on the termination of employment relationship for violation of employment obligations. Its main objective is to describe this legislation so that a critical analysis of certain conclusions of supreme courts of both countries can be carried with regard to terms of employee protection as well as the flexibility of employment, i.e. the basic principles of labour law. The thesis can be divided into four parts. In the first (introductory) part, the labour law of the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany are generally described. This chapter is followed by a description of the current legislation on the termination of employment in both the countries with emphasis on termination and immediate cancellation in case of the Czech Republic. In the case of the Federal Republic of Germany, the description of the applicable legal provisions relating to ordinary and extraordinary denunciations is emphasised. In the final part of the thesis, the findings obtained from previous chapters are compared to each other. From this comparison, conclusions are...

A onerosidade excessiva na revisão e extinção dos contratos: a concorrência na aplicação da regra dos arts. 317 e 478 do código civil vigente / Excessive burden in the revision and termination of contracts: the clash in the application of the rules of arts. 317 and 478 of the civil code.

Ferraz, Patricia Sá Moreira de Figueiredo 08 April 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como tema central a onerosidade excessiva na revisão e extinção dos contratos no direito civil brasileiro. Ela aborda as hipóteses de rompimento do princípio do equilíbrio econômico contratual na fase de execução dos contratos em virtude da superveniência de fatos extraordinários e imprevisíveis que interrompem sua originária relação de equivalência. O presente estudo divide-se em seis grandes partes. Em primeiro lugar, fazem-se necessárias uma introdução e uma descrição da problemática relacionada ao tema. Em seguida, apresenta-se a origem histórica da revisão e da extinção contratual a partir do exame da cláusula rebus sic stantibus. Feito isso, são relatadas as teorias que as fundamentam pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência antes do advento do texto legal expresso que trata da matéria. Concluída essa fase histórica, analisa-se o direito positivo brasileiro vigente, primeiramente, por questões cronológicas, a revisão por onerosidade excessiva no Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Posteriormente, as disposições legais inseridas no Código Civil que possibilitam a revisão e resolução dos contratos por onerosidade excessiva, com uma análise dogmática dos pressupostos positivos e negativos necessários à aplicação dos arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil. Em seguida, o estudo procura analisar algumas questões pontuais relacionadas à aplicação dos dois artigos, tais como: (i) quem tem legitimidade e interesse para requerer a revisão e resolução dos contratos, de acordo com os arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil, respectivamente; (ii) qual é o papel do juiz na revisão e resolução dos contratos, de acordo com os arts. 317 e 478 do Código Civil, respectivamente; e (iii) se há concorrência na aplicação desses artigos ou deve ser observado um procedimento sequencial em atenção ao princípio da preservação dos contratos. Finalmente, o trabalho apresenta breve síntese e conclusões. / This dissertation brings at its core the topic of excessive burden on the revision and termination of contracts pursuant to Brazilian Civil Law. Accordingly, this study discusses the hypothesis of breaking the principle of contractual economic balance in the execution phase of contracts, due to the supervenience of extraordinary and unpredictable facts, which interrupts its original equivalence relation. The current study is divided into six major parts. It is necessary at first to consider the introduction and delimitation of the core subject. Ensuingly, the historical origin regarding the revision and termination of contracts is presented, pursuant to the contemplation of the rebus sic stantibus clause. Subsequently, the theories used as grounds are laid down, through Brazilian doctrine and case law, prior to the upcoming of the express legal text dealing with the subject. Upon the conclusion of the historical phase, the Civil Code the current ruling positive law is analyzed, as to explain the concept of excessive burden present in the Consumer Code. Sequentially, the legal dispositions inserted in the Civil Code, which enable the revision and resolution of contracts through excessive burden, bearing a dogmatic analysis of the positive and negative assumptions necessary to the application of articles 317 and 478 of the Civil Code. Certain correlated topics are then also dealt with, complementing the understanding and analysis of the aforementioned articles of the Civil Code, such as: (i) who possesses the legitimacy and interest in requesting the revision and resolution of contracts, pursuant to articles 317 and 478 of the Civil Code, respectively; (ii) what exactly is the role of the judge in the revision and resolution of contracts, according to articles 317 and 478 of the Civil Code, respectively; and (iii) whether said articles in anyway clash in their application or if a sequential procedure directed at the preservation of contracts must be observed. Finally, the study presents a brief summary and conclusions.

Vínculo e perda: vivências de mulheres que interromperam a gestação por malformação fetal incompatível com a vida após o nascimento / Attachment and loss: the experiences of women who terminate a pregnancy due to fetal malformations incompatible with postnatal life

Consonni, Elenice Bertanha 26 April 2013 (has links)
Consonni, E. B. (2013). Vínculo e perda: vivências de mulheres que interromperam a gestação por malformação fetal incompatível com a vida após o nascimento. Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. O desenvolvimento das técnicas de diagnóstico pré natal possibilita detecção acurada de anomalias letais no feto, colocando o casal frente à difícil decisão de interromper ou não a gestação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo compreender o significado das vivências de mulheres que interromperam a gestação sob autorização judicial, devido à malformação fetal incompatível com a vida. Participaram do estudo dez mulheres atendidas no Setor de Medicina Fetal do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu. Para coleta dos dados foram realizadas duas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, uma durante a gestação e outra quarenta dias após a interrupção. As entrevistas foram audiogravadas, transcritas na íntegra e tiveram os dados analisados na perspectiva da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram que o contato com o diagnóstico desencadeou reações de choque, incredulidade e esperança. As imagens do feto na ultrassonografia, especialmente nos casos de anomalias externas, causaram espanto e sofrimento, ao mesmo tempo em que, junto a outras imagens e informações obtidas pelas mães na internet, colaboraram para que melhor compreendessem o diagnóstico fetal. Os relatos apontaram dificuldades das gestantes na esfera social, como ao responder perguntas e comentários sobre a gravidez e o bebê e ao ouvir opiniões a respeito da malformação e da interrupção. Desde o diagnóstico pré-natal até o puerpério, as mães buscaram explicações e significados para a condição fetal e a perda do filho, sendo muito frequentes respostas religiosas e auto culpabilizantes. Os relatos mostram a existência de forte vinculação materno-fetal, tanto antes como após o diagnóstico, e as mulheres optaram pela interrupção da gestação na intenção de não se vincular ainda mais ao bebê e evitar sofrimento maior, sem que isso no entanto significasse o rompimento do vínculo. As mães que optaram por conhecer e se despedir do bebê após o nascimento, enfatizaram a importância deste momento, lembrado como positivo pela possibilidade de ver, despedir-se e guardar para sempre uma lembrança. Os relatos no puerpério marcaram sentimentos de tristeza, saudade e sensação de vazio pela perda do filho, revelando também a necessidade das mães manterem-se ligadas a ele. Na opinião destas mulheres, mediante a confirmação médica da impossibilidade de sobrevida após o nascimento, a mãe e/ou casal deveria ter autonomia para decidir sobre a interrupção da gestação, sendo a autorização judicial percebida como desnecessária e um fator de mais angústia para a situação vivida. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico fetal de malformação incompatível com a vida causou sofrimento para essas mulheres, pois precedeu inúmeras perdas e desencadeou complexo processo de luto. As mães estavam e continuaram vinculadas aos seus filhos; a interrupção da gestação, embora tenha sido uma escolha que evitasse a intensificação do vínculo e minimizasse a dor de uma perda inevitável, não as poupou de vivências de grande sofrimento. O estudo traz subsídios para a discussão e planejamento de abordagens e cuidados com a saúde de gestantes que recebem diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal. / Consonni, E. B. (2013). Attachment and loss: the experiences of women who terminate a pregnancy due to fetal malformations incompatible with postnatal life. Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. The development of prenatal diagnostic techniques has enabled lethal fetal anomalies to be detected with accuracy, thus leaving couples with the difficult decision of whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. The objective of the present study was to gain understanding on what these experiences meant to those women who were granted legal authorization to terminate their pregnancy due to a fetal malformation incompatible with life. Ten women receiving care at the fetal medicine unit of the Botucatu Teaching Hospital participated in the study. Two semi-structured interviews were held for the purpose of collecting data, the first during pregnancy and the second forty days after termination. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed in their entirety. The data were analyzed according to the content analysis methodology. Results showed that becoming aware of their diagnosis triggered reactions of shock, disbelief and hope in these women. The ultrasound images of the fetus, particularly in those cases in which the abnormalities were external, caused shock and distress; however, together with other images and information obtained by the mothers from the internet, they contributed towards providing a better understanding of the fetal diagnosis. The women\'s accounts highlighted their difficulties in the social sphere, for example, when having to answer questions and respond to comments on their pregnancy and on their baby, and when listening to opinions on fetal malformation and pregnancy termination. Between the time of prenatal diagnosis and the puerperium, the mothers sought explanations and meanings for the fetal condition and for the loss of their child, with religious and self-blame attributions being very common. These testimonies reveal the existence of a strong maternalfetal attachment, both prior to and following diagnosis. The women opted to terminate their pregnancy to interrupt this process of increasing attachment and to prevent even greater suffering; however, this did not mean that the bond was broken. Those mothers who took the decision to see their baby after he/she was born and to say goodbye emphasized the importance of this moment, remembering it as positive because they had been able to see the child, say farewell to him/her and keep that memory of the child for ever. The statements made by the women during the puerperium were marked by feelings of sadness, nostalgia and emptiness evoked by the loss of their child, which also emphasized the mothers\' need to preserve this attachment. In these women\'s opinions, when faced with medical confirmation that the fetus will not survive after delivery, the mother or the couple should have the autonomy to decide whether or not to terminate the pregnancy, with legal authorization being perceived as unnecessary and a source of further anguish under these circumstances. In conclusion, fetal diagnosis of a malformation incompatible with life led to suffering in these women, since it preceded innumerous losses and triggered a complex grieving process. The mothers were and continue to be attached to their children. Pregnancy termination, although representing a choice made to avoid intensifying the degree of this attachment and to minimize the pain of an unavoidable loss, did not save them from having to experience great suffering. This study adds to the debate on the subject and provides further data for use in planning the management and care of the health of pregnant women who receive a diagnosis of a lethal fetal malformation.

Early termination of R&D projects / Terminação precoce de projetos de P&D

Gonçalves, Leandro Rodrigues 27 October 2015 (has links)
Early project termination is one of the most difficult decisions to be made by Research and Development managers. While there is the risk of terminating good projects, there is also the opposite risk of not terminating bad projects and overspend resources in unproductive research. Criteria used for identifying these projects are common subject of research in Business Administration. In addition, companies might take important lessons from its interrupted projects that could improve their overall portfolio technical and commercial success. Finally, the set and weight of criteria, as well as the procedures companies use for achieve learning from cancelled projects may vary depending on the project type. This research intends to contribute to the understanding of policies applied to projects that were once considered attractive, but by some reason is not appreciated anymore. The research addressed the question: How companies deal with projects that become unattractive? More specifically, this research tried to answer the following questions: (1) Are projects killed or (otherwise) they die naturally by lack of resources? (2) What criteria are used to terminate projects during development? (3) How companies learn from the terminated projects to improve the overall portfolio performance? (4) Are the criteria and learning procedures different for different types of projects? In order to answer these questions, we performed a multiple case study with four companies that are reference in business administration and innovation: (1) Oxiteno, considered the base case, (2) Natura, the literal replication, (3) Mahle and (4) AES, the theoretical replications. The case studies were performed using a semi-structured protocol for interviews, which were recorded and analyzed for comparison. We found that the criteria companies use for selecting projects for termination are very similar to those anticipated by the literature, except for a criteria related to compliance. We have evidences to confirm that the set of criteria is not altered when dealing with different project types, however the weight they are applied indeed varies. We also found that learning with cancelled projects is yet very incipient, with very few structured formal procedures being described for capturing learning with early-terminated projects. However, we could observe that these procedures are more common when dealing with projects labeled as innovative, risky, big and costly, while those smaller and cheaper derivative projects aren\'t subject of a complete investigation on the learning they brought to the company. For these, the most common learning route is the informal, where the project team learns and passes the knowledge though interpersonal information exchange. We explain that as a matter of cost versus benefit of spending time to deeply investigate projects with little potential to bring new knowledge to the project team and the organization / Terminação precoce de projetos é uma das decisões mais difíceis a serem tomadas pelos gerentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Enquanto há o risco de terminar bons projetos, há também o risco oposto de não encerrar maus projetos e ter recursos alocados em pesquisa improdutiva. Os critérios utilizados para a identificação destes projetos são objeto comum de investigação em Administração de Empresas. Além disso, as empresas podem tirar lições importantes com seus projetos interrompidos que poderiam melhorar o desempenho técnico e comercial da sua carteira. Finalmente, o conjunto de critérios e respectivos pesos, bem como os procedimentos usados pelas empresas para reter aprendizado a partir da interrupção de projetos, podem variar dependendo do tipo de projeto. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para a compreensão das políticas aplicadas a projetos que já foram considerados atraentes, mas por alguma razão não são mais apreciados. A pesquisa abordou a questão: Como as empresas lidam com projetos que se tornam pouco atraentes? Mais especificamente, esta pesquisa procurou responder às seguintes questões: (1) São os projetos encerrados ou (caso contrário) eles morrem naturalmente por falta de recursos? (2) Que critérios são usados para encerrar projetos durante o desenvolvimento? (3) Como as empresas aprendem com os projetos terminados de modo a melhorar o desempenho geral da carteira? (4) Os critérios e procedimentos de aprendizagem são diferentes para diferentes tipos de projetos? A fim de responder a essas perguntas, foi realizado um estudo de caso múltiplo com quatro empresas que são referência em administração de empresas e inovação: (1) Oxiteno, considerado o caso base, (2) Natura, a replicação literal, (3) Mahle e (4) AES, as replicações teóricas. Os estudos de caso foram realizados utilizando um protocolo semiestruturado para as entrevistas, que foram gravadas e analisadas para comparação. Descobrimos que os critérios usados pelas empresas para identificação dos projetos candidatos ao cancelamento são muito semelhantes àqueles antecipados pela literatura, com exceção de um critério relacionado com a existência de indícios de corrupção. A pesquisa gerou evidências que corroboram a ideia de que o conjunto de critérios não é alterado quando se lida com diferentes tipos de projeto, no entanto, varia o peso atribuído a cada um na sua aplicação. Também descobrimos que a aprendizagem com projetos cancelados é ainda muito incipiente. As empresas descreveram muito poucos procedimentos formais estruturados para a captura de aprendizagem com projetos terminados precocemente. No entanto, pode-se observar que estes procedimentos são mais comuns quando se trata de projetos rotulados como inovadores, arriscados, grandes e caros. Os projetos derivados, menores e mais baratos, não são objeto de uma investigação completa sobre o aprendizado que eles trouxeram para a empresa. Para estes, a rota de aprendizagem mais comum é a informal, onde a equipe do projeto aprende e passa o conhecimento à frente por meio de intercâmbio de informações entre as pessoas. Nós explicamos este achado como uma questão de custo versus benefício de pessoal de P&D para investigar profundamente projetos com pouco potencial de trazer conhecimentos valiosos para a organização.

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