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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Race and Gender in (Re)integration of Victim-Survivors of CSEC in a Community Advocacy Context

Lawhorn, Joshlyn 29 June 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, I use feminist ethnography at a nonprofit organization to analyze the racialized gender in (re)integration of victim-survivors of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC). Critical race feminism and intersectionality are the theoretical frameworks to guide the analysis of community advocacy. The analysis considers two themes with various subsections that capture CSEC at the site. The first theme analyzes the definition, challenges, coordination and rhetoric of reintegration at the site. The second theme highlights the site’s racial identity, Black victimhood of victim-survivors of CSEC in the context of community, and racialized gender within reintegration. I discuss the strategic use of colorblindness within reintegration at the NGO and the child/adult dichotomy that shapes the organization’s understanding of CSEC.

非營利組織中的女性志工--以勵馨社會福利事業基金會為例 / Female Volunteers of Nonprofit Organization - Take "The Garden of Hope Foundation" For Example

蔡佳雯, Tsai, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織中的女性志工-以勵馨杜會福利事業基金會為例 本研究之研究對象為勵馨基金會台北辦事處志工組織之辦公行政組、個案協同組與活動企畫組三組的常駐志工,在蒐集資料上採用量化與質化研究法。在使用量化研究法蒐集資料上,因考量中途之家的保密注,以及活動企畫組的機動性高,不常出現在勵馨,因此交由勵馨基金會台北辦事處志二組織前總督導曾夢儀小姐代為發放結構式問卷,故本研究為立意抽樣,共計發出四十份問卷,發放時間為2001年7月至9月中,回收三十三份,回收率82.5片。之後為補量化研究法不夠深入之缺點,研究者再依回收問卷之個案豐富性與方便性從三十三名受訪志工中選取七名訪談對象,並訪談志工組織之前任總督導、現任總督導、三組志工督導,以期提供更寬闊的視野。 本研究之研究問題除觀察我國女性參與非營利組織的現況、女性志工在勵馨基金會中擔任什麼樣的工作、扮演什麼樣的角色,並嘗試分析我國女性志工參與非營利組織的社會意義為何。茲將研究發現摘要如下: 一 、我國女性參與非營利組織的現況 根據國內相關的統計調查結果顯示,我國女性參與非營利組織的現況主要有兩個趨勢,一是女性參與志願服務的比率略低於男性,二是女性傾向於從事社會福利型態的志願服務。而國外相關統計的結果也指出志願服務領域中的性別分工仍是存在的現象,男性似乎較常在政治、經濟與科學的領域中從事志願服務,女性則對社會福利服務與健康、教育領域較有興趣。 二、勵馨基金會台北辨事處三組受訪志工之統計分析 總結勵馨基金會台北辦事處三組之受訪志工特色為:女性志工比例高、志工普遍年輕、教育程度高,且未婚、無宗教信仰者居多,而以全職工作者佔大多數,不過學生族群也是主力之一。對勵馨基金會之組織持續度高、對志願服務懷抱熱誠,肯定從事志願服務帶來的收穫,並認為勵馨基金會限定中途之家志工須為女性的作法。 而在性別上呈現之顯著差異包括:男性志工無宗教信仰者較女性多、女性基督徒則較男性多;男性志工比女性較有明顯的年齡斷層;女性集中在個案協同組,男性則多分佈於活動企畫組,在辦公行政組則男女各半;女性資深志工比男性多,對組織的認同感、持續度,以及對志工工作的熱誠度均明顯比男性高;且女性志工比男性志工更肯定勵馨基金會限定個案協同組志工須為女性的作法。 三、女性志工在勵馨基金會所呈現之樣貌 勵馨基金會台北辦事處之個案協同組主要的工作內容是陪伴個案,以及為有需要的個案進行課業輔導,而辦公行政組是整理每月固定的捐款收據、接聽總機,及協助處理行政工作,活動企畫組則是協助義賣、支援活動等。辦公行政組與活動企畫組的工作大致而言是男女志工均可做、沒有性別差異的。而個案協同組則限定為女性,主要扮演一個陪同者的角色,也是一個情感性的角色,提供青少女心理上的支持、慰藉與陪伴,協助她們重新學習待人處世、獨立生活等。而由個案協同組之工作內容可發現,在中途之家服務的女性志工還扮演了一個延伸的「家務勞動者」與「家庭照顧者」的角色。 女性到勵馨基金會台北辦事處當志工所面臨的困境,主要來自於傳統性別角色的束縛,也就「女主內」的傳統規範,女性志工在家庭中除須負擔家中主要的家務、教養小孩、照顧家人等,受訪的女性志工往往也內化了社會期待,要求自己將家庭置於優先地位。此外,家人的態度是否支持、是否較有兩性平等觀念,對其當志工的投入程度有若干程度的影響。丈夫的態度對已婚的女性志工而言,可能是最主要的壓力來源,若丈夫不支持,女性志工在參與志願服務時往往必須首先考量到丈夫的態度,而有所限制,且家務料理與照顧小孩的責任往往也都落到女性一個人的頭上。 女性志工從勵馨基金會中所得到的成長,包括獲得更多知識、擴展人際關係,及精神上的滿足等,也有女性因為當了志工後,更加積極去求取相關的資訊,修習相關課程來充實自己。另外,值得一提的是,女,往志工認為當志工後不但自己本身對兩性平等有更深的體認,有更強的女,性自覺,而且也會將這份知識傳承給女兒,她們也發現當志工後與女兒的互動更好,不但有更多知識可以教導女兒如何保護自己,也告訴女兒應該明白女性自己的權力、為家庭犧牲應有限度等。這點對於破除傳統兩性分工的意識型態,應有相當大的助益。 四、我國女性志工參與非營利組織的社會意義 女性一方面到勵馨基金會台北辦事處當志工貢獻一己之力,另一方面也在潛移默化中受到勵馨基金會本身追求兩性平等的使命感影響,消極面來講,是踏出家庭私領域的小圈子,積極面而言則是從志願服務的過程中擴大生活觸角,開始關心社會中黑暗的角落,對兩性不平等、性侵害等的社會事件會更有主見、更有行動力,同時也對兩性平等有更深的體認,瞭解到身為女性的存在感與價值,更有勇氣為女性不利地位發聲,同時也更有行動力,能身體力行教育下一代學習尊重兩性。女性藉由當志工獲得成長與主體性,或許是非營利組織未來可以繼續施力、加強之處。 / Female Volunteers of Nonprofit Organization - Take "The Garden of Hope Foundation" For Example This is a case study , take "The Garden of Hope Foundation" Taipei office for example, focus on it’s permanent volunteers in three department of volunteer organizations—Office department, department ,and Case Accompany department. Quantity research and Quality research both used, use structure questionnaire to have basic information of volunteers , then interview 7 of 33 volunteers to explore deeper. Conclude some investigation , the research found male volunteers are more than female and female volunteers are tend to join voluntary organizations of social service. Volunteers in three department of volunteer organizations of The Garden of Hope Foundation Taipei office are found : female volunteers are more than male, most of volunteers are young, single, non-religionism, and most of them have job, students occupy 1/3. Male non-religionism volunteers are more than female, female Christians are more than male and female volunteers are more active, positive and enthusiastic than male. Female volunteers offer their labor in nonprofit organization, and gain knowledge, friendship and growth from it, they pay more attention to gender issue and have more confidence of themselves, even they pass female consciousness to their daughters. Female volunteers get growth and confidence from nonprofit organization may be a way to lead women walk into the public sphere.

非營利組織建構公共意識之研究-以「主婦聯盟」與「福林社區發展籌備委員會」為例 / The Study of Nonprofit Orgazization Construct The sense of Publicness

趙淑伶, Chao, Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以主婦聯盟環境保護基金會與福林社區發展籌備委員會 (簡稱福林籌委會)為研究個案,並以實際的參與觀察、深度訪談、文獻探討等質的研究方法,進行非營利組織資料的蒐集,後經由資料內容的整理,分析非營利組織建構公共意識之過程與其主要之影響。   非營利組織建構公共意識之過程分由兩個層面進行,一是概念層面,主婦聯盟提出「生活者」的主張,表示消費者具有主體性、主動性、自我覺悟,而非被動的選擇商品。而福林籌備委會則強調社區的居民「自己做主人」,居民可以一起解決社區的公共問題,不需要凡事依靠政府。當個別公民有了主體性的認知,非營利組織透過座談會、社區會議等方式,積極推動公民討論的文化,學習共同思考的習慣。並從公民日常生活的世界裏,尋找引發其興趣的公共議題,促使公民關心社會、政府決策、社區等公共事務。   其次是實踐層面的建構,由於政府的決策不當或公眾對社會現象的無力感,極易引起公民的不滿。因此,非營利組織結合不滿意的因素,並使其提昇為公共議題,配合活動的宣廣,引發公民的行動,而影響既定的公共政策或原有的社會現象。從主婦聯盟引爆的「搶救芝山岩」行動與福林社區河濱公園的規劃案例中,可以發現非營利組織的行動策略。在行動過程中,非營利組織亦透過非正式的管道,間接影響政策。此外,非營利組織透過組織化的手段,結合公民、專業者、社區與其他非營利團體的資源,提供公民參與的機會與資源。因非營利組織的位置性不同,組織化的過程亦有所調整,然而其為培養社區的公民領袖及社區自主管理的目的,卻是一致的。   由非營利組織建構公共意識最大的影響力,是型塑社群的參與文化。在個人的參與行動,非營利組織強調「主權在民」的思想,並要求政府「以民為本」,使得個人與政府的關係由上對下的層級性,轉化為平等的地位。在此影響的過程中,非營利組織扮演先鋒者、領航者、組織工作者、教育者與資訊提供者的角色,實質的發揮組織的特性。非營利組織、社區、公共意識的連結,是形成草根民主的基礎要素,公民經由社區的參與,學習民主社會中公民所需具備的能力與技巧。唯有建立公民的公共意識,由下而上的政治參與才不至淪為空談。   本研究的個案均為都會型的非營利組織,而非營利領域仍有相當多的課題,如城鄉非營利組織的差異比較及其建構公共意識的過程研究;非營利組織與公民社會的關係;非營利組織與政府公共政策的互動;非營利組織的理論建構等,皆有待深入研究。

The Impact of Wildlife Conservation Nonprofits: An Examination of Environmentalism and Organizational Culture in the United States and Ecuador

Brooks Ames, Sophie 01 April 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the social impact of wildlife conservation nonprofits (WCNs) in the United States and Ecuador. Cultural developments of environmentalism provide the social context for WCNs, informing trends in participation and conflict. WCNs rely on public support and engagement to advance their mission, which requires an image of legitimacy and healthy organizational culture. This thesis argues the relationship between WCNs and the public impacts their organizational sustainability and their success as a conservation institution.

Att skada sig med sex : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på och arbete med unga som har ett destruktivt sexuellt beteende / Self-harming through sex : A qualitative study of professionals’ approach towards and work with young people with destructive sexual behavior

Thögersen, Josefina, Gimestam-Jarl, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to shed light on the phenomenon of destructive sexual behavior among youth from the perspective of professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To examine this, we used a qualitative method; we interviewed professionals working at nonprofit organizations. To analyze our results we used gender theory and empowerment theory. Our main results are that the professionals view this behavior as deliberate self-harm, such as cutting, as they do it to achieve relief from anxiety. Also, the professionals think that gender norms affect young people with destructive sexual behavior in that it imposes guilt and shame, which inflicts their already low self-esteem and makes them feel inferior. The profes- sionals view this as the common denominator for this group of young people. Therefore it is very important for professionals to help these young people build self-esteem by using empowerment. Hopefully, this study can provide additional knowledge to the field of social work, due to the focus on a relatively new perspective on the phenomenon of deliberate self-harm. It is therefore important for agents in social work to have knowledge and comprehension about how to approach the phenomena and how to view and work with this group of young people.

非營利組織之策略形態分析與診斷-以某大學推廣教育機構為例 / Strategic Analysis and Diagnosis of Non-Profit Organizations-A Case Study of Extension Education Center in University

李承翰, Lee, Cheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
教育部從1997年開始協助大專院校設立推廣教育機構,以有效利用大學資源對社會人士從事終身學習,協助設計相關專業課程。在市場激烈競爭下,大學在規劃推廣教育的策略方向時,需考量全球化、數位化、少子化的市場特性。   本研究嘗試以司徒達賢(1999)提出之非營利組織策略理論CORPS (Client, Operation, Resource, Participate and Service)為基礎 配合武文瑛(2006)的回流教育指標進行策略研究。本研究以某大學之推廣教育機構做為研究個案,針對學員與職員進行問卷調查與個別訪談,獲得以下幾點發現: 一、 學員是因為大學名聲與師資才重回校園學習,但費用高低與設備新舊會影響學習意願與成效。 二、 推廣教育應增加創新思維的課程並且提升教學品質,在追求課程數位化之餘仍應重視課程內容。 三、 整合大學內部資源才有機會提升推廣教育的成效,爭取各系所師資與強化作業流程,才能提供學員更優質的服務。 / The Ministry of Education helped universities and colleges to setup extension education centers from 1997. The Ministry of Education urged the universities to design programs for professionals by use of their own resource. Universities build up a lot of classes with credits and degrees in recent years. The competition between universities makes them focusing on the strategies confronting different aspects such as globalization, digitization and low birth rate.   This research focuses on strategy analysis and refers to nonprofit organization theory proposed by Seetoo(1999)-CORPS (Client, Operation, Resource, Participate and Service) and recurrent education indicators suggested by Wu(2006). Based on survey and interview with students and employees at a certain extension education center, this study has findings as follows: 1. The reason for professionals returning to extension education center is because the university reputation and well-known professors. The tuition and facilities affect their willingness to learn and the effect of learning. 2. The organization should provide innovation and high quality courses not just investing on digital technology. 3. The integration of university’s resource will increase the benefits of extension education. It will provide better services with process improvement and cooperation between different academic departments.

Analýza hospodaření obce Předín / Analyse the economy of Předín municipality

DOKULILOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the economy of Předín municipality in years 2006 ? 2010. In the work there are described important changes in accounting and taxes systems, which were introduced by the public finances reform. The accounting of the municipality is also presented by practical examples. Information for treatment of the thesis are derived from accounting statements: balance sheet, profit and lost statement and Fin statement, which were provided by Municipal office Předín. The analyse is separated into several chapters. At first it deals with admitted and provided subsidies, which are the main part of the municipal financial management. The subsidies are granted from state budget as well as from European Union structural funds. Second part analyzes income and expenses in individual years. The influence of income and expenses is expressed by horizontal and vertical analysis. The last chapter focused on indicators of financial analysis, especially debt indicators, which are important for evaluation of minicipality financial health nad controled by Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic.

Motivace a systém odměňování u neziskové organizace / Motivation and reward system of non-profit organizations

KREJSOVÁ, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current system of remuneration and motivation in terms of non-profit organizations and suggest steps that would lead to its improvement. To achieve the aim was selected Elementary school Ivana Olbrachta. To obtain information, an analysis of statistical reports and financial statements. Further interviews were conducted with employees of the organization. Established the amount and structure provided separately salary of teaching and non- teaching staff. Was also analyzed the effectiveness of paid salary costs. Based on this analysis were determined proposals to increase efficiency. Further motivation was decommissioned a total remuneration in the organization. Based on the analysis of the total remuneration were determined suggestions for its improvement.

Mateřská centra / Mother Centres. Comparison of their Development in Germany and in the Czech Republic

KRAVAROVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with comparison of mother centers' development in Germany and in the Czech Republic. The first part defines mother centers, characterizes their principles and role in the society. In the next part the process of mother centers' establishment is described and problems which may occur. The main part of the thesis contains characterization of mother centers' development in Germany, where these centers were founded, and their development in the Czech Republic. A concrete example illustrates M-CENTER FOR YOUNG FAMILY in České Budějovice. German and Czech mother centers experienced similar progress and differ only in offers of activities. The last part of this work concentrates on the importance of mother centers for mothers, fathers, children and our society. Main benefit for mothers is the possibility to come out of isolation where they end up after their all-day-long care of babies. Mother centers significantly contribute to development of civil society.

De som inte motiveras av pengar : En kvantitativ studie om vad som motiverarar till volontärarbete i secondhand-butiker / Those Who Are Not Motivated by Money : A Quantitative Study About What Motivates Volunteer Work in Second Hand Stores

Josefsson, Rebecka, Nilsson, Isak January 2018 (has links)
Att motivera människor att volontärarbeta är en växande utmaning för många ideella organisationer. För att på längre sikt kunna behålla volontärer i en organisation är det fundamentalt att förstå vad som motiverar dem. I denna kvantitativa studie var syftet att undersöka vad som motiverar individer att arbeta som volontärer i en secondhand-verksamhet. Ett strategiskt urval resulterade i sju butiker där 181 enkätsvar samlades in, en svarsfrekvens på 91 procent. Resultatet visade bland annat att volontärerna motiverades av både altruistiska och egoistiska orsaker. De positiva sociala aspekterna i volontärarbetet nämndes frekvent som viktigaste motivation. Vidare återfanns flera samband mellan att känna sig respekterad som volontär och att känna stolthet över att vara en del av organisationen. Dessa båda fungerade som motiverande anledningar. En av slutsatserna var att volontärarbete bidrar till förbättrade sociala förhållanden och en känsla av meningsfullhet för volontärerna själva. / Motivating people for volunteer work is a growing challenge for many nonprofit organizations. In order to be able to retain volunteers in an organization in the longer term, it is fundamental to understand what motivates them. In this quantitative study, the purpose was to investigate what motivates individuals to work as volunteers in a second-hand business. A strategic selection resulted in seven stores in which 181 questionnaires were collected, a response rate of 91 percent. The results showed, among other things, that volunteers were motivated by both altruistic and selfish reasons. The positive social aspects of volunteering were frequently mentioned as the main motivation. Furthermore, there were several connections between feeling respected as a volunteer and feeling proud of being part of the organization. These both served as motivating reasons. One of the conclusions was that volunteering contributes to improved social conditions and a sense of meaningfulness for the volunteers themselves.

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