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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réflexions sur les concepts en droit de l'environnement / Toughts on concepts in environmental law

Meynier, Adeline 11 December 2017 (has links)
Le droit moderne de l’environnement apparaît, en France, dans les années 1960. Il émerge de manière empirique en réaction à de grandes catastrophes écologiques et intervient dans les domaines les plus divers pour mettre en place des garde-fous juridiques propres à limiter la dégradation de l’environnement. Le droit est alors fragmenté, technique et constitue la plupart du temps un simple placage des mécanismes et des concepts juridiques classiques sur un nouvel objet : l’environnement. Le manque de cohérence et de construction du droit est progressivement pallié par l’affirmation de principes, l’édiction d’un Code et la consécration de la Charte constitutionnelle de l’environnement. En outre, au gré des réformes, le droit se construit autour de nouveaux concepts. Les concepts écologiques, qualifiés auparavant d’insuffisants pour appréhender l’environnement sont complétés avec la prise en compte, par exemple, des concepts d’écosystème, de processus écologiques ou de solidarité écologique. Une dimension conceptuelle du droit de l’environnement émerge en droit positif avec les notions phares de patrimoine commun de l’humanité, de développement durable, de précaution, d’irréversibilité, susceptible d’en rassembler les morceaux épars et d’affirmer la maturité du droit de l’environnement. La conceptualisation récente du droit de l’environnement participe d’une construction plus aboutie et d’une simplification et généralisation de la matière. / Modern environmental law appeared in France in the 1960s. It emerged empirically in response to major ecological disasters and intervened in the most diverse fields to set up legal safeguards to limit the environmental degradation. The law was then fragmented, technical and usually constituted a mere plating of conventional legal mechanisms and concepts on a new object: the environment. The lack of coherence and the construction of the law was gradually mitigated by the assertion of principles, the enactment of a Code and the consecration of the Constitutional Charter of the Environment. In addition, as the reforms proceed, law is being built around new concepts. Ecological concepts, previously qualified as insufficient to understand the environment, are supplemented by taking into account, for instance, ecosystem concepts, ecological processes or ecological solidarity. A conceptual dimension of environmental law emerges in positive law with the flagship notions of the common heritage of humanity, sustainable development, precaution, irreversibility, capable of gathering scattered pieces and asserting the maturity of environmental law. The recent conceptualization of environmental law is part of a more complete construction and a simplification and generalization of the subject matter.

Analyse et distinction La logique des notions en Allemagne de 1684 à 1790. Quelques remarques pour servir à l’étude des réceptions par Christian Wolff et Emmanuel Kant des Meditationes de Cognitione, Veritate et Ideis de Leibniz / Analysis and Distinction. Logic of notions in Germany : 1684-1790. Some remarks for the study of the reception of Leibniz’s Meditationes de Cognitione, Veritate et Ideis by Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant

Alain, Vincent 02 March 2012 (has links)
Leibniz publie à Leipzig en 1684 un court opuscule devenu classique, Meditationes de Cognitione, Veritate et Ideis. Cet essai de quelques pages constitue un véritable discours de la méthode pour la philosophie allemande. Ce travail tente de justifier cette assertion en reconstituant les étapes de la réception par Christian Wolff et Emmanuel Kant de ce court texte. Elle est ainsi conduite à étudier le développement en Allemagne d’une Begriffsanalyse. Elle affronte donc ce problème : qu’est-ce qu’analyser pour Wolff puis pour Kant ? L’étude de cette logique des notions, de son lien avec les mathématiques et du concept cartésienne de Mathesis universalis, aboutit à préciser la distinction kantienne entre méthode dogmatique et dogmatisme. Cette enquête remonte aux sources leibniziennes de la division classique des jugements en analytiques et synthétiques. Elle se conclut par l’étude de la critique d’Eberhard. Bref, pour reprendre une formule de Michel Fichant, elle tente d’établir « que derrière l’allemand de Kant se tient le latin de Leibniz ». / Leibniz published in 1684 a short opuscule, Meditationes de Cognitione, Veritate et Ideis. This Leibniz’s essay of few pages is a true discours de la méthode for the German philosophy. This research tries to justify this declaration and restores the reception of this short text by Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant. This work studies the development of the Begriffsanalyse in Germany. But, what means analysis for Wolff and for Kant? The study of this logic of notions, its bond to mathematics and with the Cartesian conception of Mathesis universalis, clarifies the Kantian distinction between dogmatic method and dogmatism. This inquiry goes back to the Leibnizian origin of the classical division of analytic and synthetic judgments. This work comes to an end by the study of Eberhard’s critic of the Critic. In short, like Michel Fichant formulated, this study wants to make manifest that « behind German words of Kant lay down Latin words of Leibniz ».

Langage, engagement et émotions : les ressources de la génération linguistique et de l'intégration émotionnelle dans le discours scientifique / No title

Pichard, Hugues 03 December 2012 (has links)
L'émotion et le discours scientifique sont traditionnellement deux domaines considérés comme incompatibles du fait du caractère subjectif de la première et des exigences d'objectivité et de neutralité du dernier. La thèse propose une étude des processus en œuvre dans la génération des émotions en relation avec la constitution du discours, et ensuite des stratégies ou modes d'intégration des phénomènes de manifestations émotionnelles dans le discours final. L'étude combine une approche psychologique et linguistique des émotions et s'articule autour de la transition entre le domaine mental et celui de la préparation et de l'expression finale des émotions générées dans le discours (lien entre l'évaluation cognitive et l'Appraisal theory en linguistique). Une synthèse de grandes typologies des modes d'inclusion, ainsi que des grands types de manifestations de charges émotionnelles-affectives globale est présentée dans la thèse. Cette même synthèse est issue de la recherche et de l'analyse de manifestations d'émotions incluses volontairement ou non dans un corpus d'articles de la presse scientifique anglophone soumise à comité de relecture. L'un des objectifs étant de déterminer si le discours scientifique présente des manifestations de subjectivité des auteurs, et par quels biais ces phénomènes de subjectivité et d'émotion s'encodent dans des textes devant, selon les normes et conventions, être aussi objectifs et neutres que possible, quelle que soit la discipline concernée. A donc été soulevée la question de la part prise par l'émotion dans le discours en général, de sa constitution à son expression. / Emotion and scientific discourse are, by tradition, considered to be incompatible due to the subjective nature of the former and the objectivity requirements of the latter. The thesis deals with a study of the processes involved in emotion generation in relation with discourse generation. This is followed by the approach of the modes or strategies of inclusion of emotion manifestation phenomena in the final discourse. The study combines a psychological and linguistic approach of emotions, and revolves around the transition stage between the mental domain and that of language elaboration, leading to communicating the previously generated emotions in discourse (link between cognitive appraisal and the Appraisal theory in linguistics). The thesis sums up the broad categories of inclusion modes, as well as the main global emotion/affect load manifestation types. This very synthesis is the result of the research and analysis of emotion manifestations deliberately or accidentally included into a selection of articles sampled out from english-speaking peer-reviewed scientific press. One of the goals was to determine if scientific discourse contains and displays the authors' subjectivity and emotion manifestations, and how these phenomena are encoded in texts that are primarily meant (according to norms and conventions) to be as objective and neutral as possible, regardless of the subject. Thus was raised the question of the importance of the share taken by emotion in any discourse, from its generation to the moment it is uttered.

Hur gick det sen? : Om tidigare bidragsmottagare ur ett livsloppsperspektiv.

Jonasson, Ingrid January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to shed light on how life can turn out for individuals with long term social assistance and afterwards when it has ceased. The primary objective of the dissertation is to study the changes that have occurred during the life course and the impact of those changes on the life course at large. A key question of this dissertation is the development of selfsufficiency and work-life patterns in a longitudinal perspective. The dissertation consists of a longitudinal study based on qualitative interviews with an interval of 20 years. The empirical data is composed of interviews with 11 recipients of social assistance – seven of which have been interviewed again in 2008/2009. A life course perspective is employed in the data analysis as a comprehensive approach and analytical tool. Other analytical approaches are related to the impact of the welfare state on the life course and to the term marginality. The situation of the interviewed group regarding self-sufficiency, employment and social conditions is viewed from a one-year perspective, a 20- year perspective and a life course perspective. The different time perspectives generated widely diverse pictures and nowledge. Not everyone worked at the point of the last interview but all were in a better social and economical position. No one remained on social assistance. One conclusion is that the notion of social problems being reinforced and exacerbated over time is simplistic. Another conclusion is that it appears that social assistance and social services have little importance from a life course perspective. A concluding result is that cross-sectional studies of individuals in a vulnerable situation are of limited value. A brief look at a person’s life does not say much of what the rest of his or her life will look like. Keywords: Life course, long term social assistance, social welfare services, human agency, timing, social integration, notions of social problems, welfare state, marginality.

Effets des choix institutionnels d'enseignement sur les possibiblités d'apprentissage des étudiants. Cas des notions ensemblistes fonctionnelles dans la transition Secondaire/Supérieur

Najar, Ridha 02 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
S'appuyant principalement sur la théorie anthropologique du didactique, notre thèse vise à comprendre les difficultés liées à l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des notions ensemblistes fonctionnelles dans la transition Secondaire/Supérieur en Tunisie, et à trouver les moyens d'y remédier. L'étude des rapports institutionnels à ces notions dans deux institutions secondaire et universitaire nous permet d'abord de mettre en évidence une rupture dans les environnements praxéologiques et certains dysfonctionnements ; l'analyse des réponses des étudiants à des tests diagnostique puis d'évaluation, nous permet ensuite de préciser les difficultés rencontrées par les étudiants et de mesurer leur résistance à l'enseignement usuel. L'analyse d'une ingénierie développée pour dépasser ces difficultés montre enfin des progrès nets dans la mise en œuvre des connaissances et l'exploitation des ressources sémiotiques mais aussi la persistance de difficultés lorsque le symbolisme se complexifie ou lorsqu'il s'agit de prendre en compte la spécificité du cadre linéaire dans le travail sur les objets fonctionnels.

Second Language Acquisition Of The English Article System By Turkish Learners: The Role Of Semantic Notions

Atay, Zeynep 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the second language acquisition of the English article system by Turkish learners in order to find out the role of certain semantic universals of the Universal Grammar during the acquisition process. More specifically, the purpose is to see whether or not L1 Turkish learners of English fluctuate between two semantic notions namely / specificity and definiteness, and the effect of this fluctuation on acquisition. 120 students from three groups of learners at different proficiency levels (40 elementary, 40 intermediate and 40 upper &ndash / intermediate students) were tested. Data collection instrument, a forced-choice elicitation task is used. The task consists of 40 short and contextualized dialogues. The target sentence in each dialogue is missing an article and learners were asked to fill the gap with an appropriate article / a/an, the or &Oslash / on the bases of their understanding of the proceeding context. Dialogues in the task belong to four different contexts / i.e. definite/specific, definite/non-specific, indefinite/specific and indefinite/non-specific. Each context has 10 dialogues with four different contexts that are randomized. Data were analyzed using SPSS 17 packet program (descriptive analysis and one-way ANOVA). The results showed that intermediate level learners exhibited fluctuation between definiteness and specificity to a great extent in (+definite/-specific) and (-definite/+specific) contexts. Elementary level learners were more accurate in these contexts exhibiting article omission errors in definite contexts. Overall, despite certain unexpected results, upper intermediate level students were quite successful in article assignment in defined contexts. This revealed that there is a positive correlation between article system acquisition and proficiency.

Verklighetsanknuten matematik : En intervjustudien med lärare / Mathematics with connection to reality : An interview study with teachers

Hansson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify which thought's teachers had on the curriculum and its term to connect mathematics with reality, and how to combine this with concept of mathematics. The results presented in this report are based on interviews with seven teachers. The results showed that mathematics connected to reality can be interpreted from two basic principles. 1. To adapt the teaching to the pupils’ everyday life and by that facilitate learning here and now. 2. To prepare the pupils for their future so they feel secure and confidence in using mathematics. It was also based on these two approaches that the teachers' view of how the teaching of mathematics connected to reality became visible. For those who had the con-venience of that the students should learn here and now, was working with everyday math and to experiment with practical material current. The long-term approach, learning for life, as-sumed to work with problem solving in which interaction, discussion and argument were im-portant parts. Some of the teachers, who thought that facilitate learning here and now was how to connect mathematics to reality also thought about teaching, unconsciously or con-sciously, as learning for life. / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka lärarnas föreställningar om verklighetsanknuten matematik gentemot läroplanen, samt hur de tänker kring sitt uppdrag med verklighetsanknu-ten matematik och matematiska begrepp. Intervjuer med sju verksamma lärare ligger till grund för resultatet. Resultatet visade att verklighetsanknuten matematik i läroplanen kan tolkas utifrån två grund-principer: att anpassa undervisningen för att underlätta lärandet här och nu och att undervisa för framtiden och att lära för livet. Det var också utifrån dessa två synsätt som lärarnas syn på hur undervisningen av verklighetsmatematik blev synligt. För de som ville underlätta för ele-verna här och nu, var det att arbeta elevnära undervisning och att laborera med praktiskt mate-rial som var aktuellt. Det långsiktiga förhållningssättet, att lära för livet, utgick ifrån att arbeta med problemlösning där samspel, diskussion och resonemang var viktigt delar. Det var även några av lärarna som tänkte underlätta lärandet här och nu som i sina tankar om undervisning omedvetet eller medvetet arbetar för ett lärande för livet.

Diffusion chiffrée avec traçage de traîtres

Strefler, Mario 26 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les définitions et les constructions en boite noire avec des instantiations efficaces pour la diffusion chiffrée et le traçage de traîtres. Nous commençons par examiner les notions de sécurité pour la diffusion chiffrée présentes dans la littérature. Comme il n'y a pas de moyen facile de les comparer, nous proposons un cadre général et établissons des relations. Nous montrons alors comment les notions existantes s'inscrivent dans ce cadre. Ensuite, nous présentons une construction en boite noire d'un système de diffusion chiffrée dynamique décentralisée. Ce système ne repose sur aucune autorité de confiance, et de nouveaux utilisateurs peuvent joindre à tout moment. Le système satisfait la notion de sécurité la plus forte sous des hypothèses de sécurité classiques de ses composantes. Il admet une instantiation efficace qui est sûre sous la seule hypothèse DDH dans le modèle standard. Enfin, nous donnons une construction en boite noire d'un système de traçage de traîtres à base de messages, qui permet de tracer non seulement à partir des décodeurs pirates, mais aussi à partir des tatouages numériques contenus dans un message. Notre schéma est le premier à obtenir asymptotiquement le taux d'expansion optimal de 1. Nous montrons également que vus les débits de données actuels, le schéma est déjà pratique pour les choix de valeurs usuels.


Kelly, ALICIA 27 April 2009 (has links)
During the past four decades researchers note that educational institutions fail to “connect” with minority students (e.g. Clark, 1983; Coelho, 1998; Dei, 1994; Duffy, 2003; Ogbu, 1978, 1991). Carr and Klassen (1996) define this lack of “connection” primarily as teachers’ disregard for each student’s culture as it relates to race, and thus, his or her achievement potential. Hence, this disregard encourages minority students to question their ability to be successful. Dei (1994), furthermore, shows a tremendous disconnectedness from schools and education systems being felt by Black students. Few studies give voice to specific groups of Black female high school graduates who opt out of pursuing higher education. I interviewed four Black Guyanese immigrant women to: (a) investigate their reasons and expectations when immigrating to Canada, (b) identify what influenced their decision not to pursue postsecondary education, (c) explore their definitions of success, and (d) investigate how/if their notions of success relate to obtaining postsecondary education in Canada. Critical Race Theory (CRT) was employed in this study to: (a) provide a better understanding of the participants’ classroom dynamics governed by relationships with their teachers, guidance counsellors and school administrators, (b) examine educational outcomes governed by personal and educational relationships and experiences, and (c) provide conceptual tools in the investigation of colour-blindness (Parker & Roberts, 2005) that is disguised in Canadian education, immigration, and other government policies. To support my investigation, I used CRT to guide the research design, modes of documentation, and the process of analysis. It is hoped that my findings and analysis enriches the academy and society by communicating why there is a scarcity of Black Guyanese immigrant women in Canadian postsecondary institutions, making recommendations, to increase their participation in higher education. This study communicates the experiences of four Black Guyanese immigrant women in Canada. It does not intend to make generalizations about the experiences of all Black Guyanese immigrant women in Canada. / Thesis (Master, Education) -- Queen's University, 2009-04-27 11:29:04.43

Responsibility, regulation and the construction of markets of nanotechnologies in food and food packaging : the cases of Canada and India

Bukht, Rumana January 2016 (has links)
Scientific research, technological development, and commercialisation are processes through which new technologies continually emerge and enter markets. Nanotechnology is an example of an emergent technology (or rather a suite of technologies) which promises to open up a universe of possibilities for the development of new products and processes. Advocates of the technology argue that nanotechnology has the potential to spur economic development while at the same time offering partial solutions to many of the grand challenges of our times such as alleviating hunger, providing new energy sources, reducing climate change, curing diseases, etc. However, alongside these optimistic views, there are also fears and apprehensions concerning the safe and ethical development of nanotechnologies, including the need to address potential negative impacts on the natural environment and human health and safety. The food and food packaging area has shown itself to be a particularly sensitive sector in this respect where the potential for nanoparticles to enter the human body has enhanced the sensitivity of the industry to public concern. The past has shown that any changes or modifications made to food have resulted in public backlash (e.g. GM foods). Due to this some parts of the food and packaging industry remain cautious about making transparent their use of nanotechnologies in their products and processes. However, simultaneously pressure is mounting from regulatory agencies, and from some activists, to pursue the safe and 'responsible' development of nanotechnologies (whatever that may be) as an ethical obligation. The use of nanotechnologies in food and food packaging has become increasingly complex because of its introduction at various points in the food chain, giving rise to debates as to "who is responsible". As a contribution to the debate on what constitutes the 'responsible' governance of new/emergent technologies, this thesis investigates the governance of nanotechnologies and the idea of 'responsibility' and 'responsible innovation' through the lens of perspectives of different actors within the nanotech food chain. A qualitative research methodology was used where semi-structured interviews were conducted with a heterogeneous group of actors with a particular focus on the food and food packaging sectors. Research in comparative national settings (Canada and India) was conducted on the grounds that regulation of nanotechnologies differs significantly across OECD and non-OECD countries, and where the global debate on nanotechnologies is organised and dominated by OECD countries. Findings from this thesis showed that the set of critical elements, such as health and safety, that are put forward by such OECD countries like Canada for the 'responsible' development of nanotechnologies are not the same as that found in India and are seen to differ. In India, meeting the grand challenges of society such as food security, clean drinking water and alleviating poverty take precedent over other elements, where science, technology (such as nanotechnologies) and innovation are harnessed by entrepreneurs, and small and large firms to solve these national problems. However, while I began the study with the intention of comparing two national territories with different regulatory settings, the study also found a case of collaborative Canada-India transnational research network where 'responsibility' is influenced through certain funding criteria set by the more dominant partner, Canada. This suggests the return of public intervention by dominant OECD countries in pro-actively shaping R&D processes that are influencing the 'responsible' development of nano-products in such emerging markets, where there is a potential for future trade associations.

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