Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emotions"" "subject:"devotions""
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La spécificité du standard juridique en droit communautaire / Specificity of judicial standard in European lawBernard, Elsa F.M. 03 May 2007 (has links)
En droit communautaire, les notions « souples », « élastiques », les « mots à sens multiples » ,dont le contenu est déterminé non pas par leur auteur mais par leur interprète, sont nombreux. <p>Parmi ces notions « floues », certaines, à la fois conceptuelles et fonctionnelles, sont intentionnellement indéterminées parce qu’elles permettent une mesure des comportements et des situations en termes de normalité et nécessitent, pour leur application aux cas d’espèce, des références exogènes au droit. C’est le cas, par exemple, des notions de « bon père de famille », de « bonnes mœurs », de « délai raisonnable », d’« abus de droit », de « confiance légitime », ou encore d’ « ordre public ». <p>Ce type particulier de notion indéterminée constitue un standard. <p>La question se pose de savoir si, et dans quelle mesure, les standards présentent des particularités dans l’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne, du point de vue de leur substance, c’est à dire de leur contenu, et du point de vue de leur fonction.<p>Il apparaît, d’abord, que la spécificité substantielle du standard n’est que partielle. <p>En effet, certains standards sont marqués par une forte coloration communautaire en ce qu’ils touchent au noyau dur de l’intégration communautaire et à la répartition des compétences au sein de cet ordre juridique (les notions de subsidiarité, de coopération loyale notamment). D’autres standards, en revanche, ont une substance proche de celle qui leur est attribuée dans les ordres juridiques nationaux ou internationaux, tout en étant adaptée à la logique de l’ordre communautaire (c’est le cas, par exemple, des notions de confiance légitime, de bonne administration, ou encore de procès équitable).<p>Il apparaît, ensuite, que la spécificité fonctionnelle du standard communautaire est manifeste. <p>Ce type de notion indéterminée joue, en effet, un rôle lié non seulement aux particularités du système juridictionnel de l’Union et à la contribution du juge à l’intégration européenne, mais aussi aux particularités structurelles de l’ordre juridique communautaire.<p><p> / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Les ruines dans le cinéma chinois contemporain / The Ruins in the Contemporary Chinese CinemaLi, Qi 01 February 2016 (has links)
L’image des ruines est quasi absente dans l’art traditionnel en Chine. Mais l’usine abandonnée et le bâtiment démoli sont régulièrement présents dans le cinéma chinois contemporain depuis la des années 90. À plusieurs reprises, Jia Zhang-ke s’est inspiré du champ de ruines tandis que Wang Bing a exprimé la nostalgie pour le vieux quartier à Shenyang dans une interview à propos d’À l’Ouest des rails. De leur côté, Wang Quan’an, Wang Chao, Lou Ye, Zhang Yang racontent souvent les histoires dans le contexte de la grande vague d’urbanisation du pays. L’image des ruines, comme symptôme, est surdéterminée dans leurs films.Ce travail tente d’analyser l’esthétique des ruines par la pensée de l’anachronisme. Dans l’image filmique, le champ de ruines et le chantier ne sont ni les simples fétiches intemporels, ni les simples chroniques figuratives. Ils sont des montages de temporalités différentes par lesquels on peut entrevoir l’écheveau de notions hétérogènes, des symptômes qui font apparaître le pouvoir impérial de la Chine ancienne, des désirs de la fuite hors du monde quotidien. / The image of the ruins is almost absent in the traditional Chinese art. But the demolished building and the abandoned factory have become the most important urban landscape in the contemporary Chinese cinema since the late 1990s. The field of ruins inspired Jia Zhang-ke to write screenplays for films and Wang Bing expressed nostalgia about the old district of Shenyang during an interview. On their side, lots of filmmakers are interested in social realty in the context of urbanization. So the image of the ruins is overdetermined as a symptom in their films. This thesis is trying to analyse the esthetic value of the ruins by using the idea of anachronism. In the image of film, the field of ruins and the construction site are neither the timeless simple fetishes nor the figurative chronicles. They are some montages of different time zones, through which a mixture of ideas can be seen. They are some symptoms which can show the imperial power of the old China. They are finally some desires for escape from the concrete life-world.
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Comparaison du processus d'information sur support papier et sur support électronique : contribution à une nouvelle pédagogie de l'information pour l'orientation scolaire et professionnelle / Comparison of the information process on paper and electronically : contribution to a new pedagogy of information for educational and vocational guidanceEben Rhouma, Ammar 17 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif le plus global des approches éducatives de l'orientation est d'organiser l'information et l'orientation des élèves dans un processus éducatif continu. Il ne s'agit pas d'orienter les élèves ; mais de les aider à concevoir et à conduire de manière progressivement autonome, une démarche de projet scolaire, puis professionnel. Dans ce cadre, il paraît judicieux de développer chez tous les élèves les compétences qui leur permettront de gérer leur processus d'information, or aujourd'hui encore, ceci ne fait pas l'objet d'une formation systématique au collège. Avec la convergence des formats hypertexte et multimédia un renouvellement des problématiques pédagogiques de l'auto information s'impose. Pourquoi, malgré tous les efforts de l'institution, le niveau d'information des élèves en matière d'orientation reste-t-il toujours insatisfaisant ? Après une phase de modélisation théorique du processus d'information pour identifier les causes de dysfonctionnement du système, nous avons entrepris une recherche-action dans le but d'éprouver les solutions induites de nos résultats théoriques sur le savoir s'informer en ligne. L'intérêt de cette démarche est de sensibiliser l'équipe éducative aux difficultés spécifiques de la lecture des informations en ligne, de concevoir l'accompagnement pédagogique d'une démarche autonome de l'élève et d'aider les concepteurs de nouveaux dispositifs à prendre en compte ces spécificités. / The most overall objective of educational approaches the orientation is to organize the information and guidance of students in an ongoing educational process. It does not refer students; but to help them to design and lead gradually autonomously approach to school project and professional. In this context, it makes sense to develop in all students the skills to manage their information process, or even today, this is not the subject of systematic training in college. With the convergence of hypertext and multimedia formats renewal of educational problems of auto information is required. Why, despite all the institution's efforts, the level of information in guidance students he remains unsatisfactory? After a theoretical modeling phase of the information process to identify the causes of system malfunction, we undertook an action research in order to test the induced solutions of our theoretical results on the know go online. The advantage of this approach is to raise the educational team to the specific difficulties of reading information online, designing educational support an autonomous process of the student and help designers of new devices to take these specificities into account.
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Samhällskunskapsundervisning och nationalism : En studie om fyra lärares erfarenheter, begreppsanvändning och didaktiska överväganden i undervisning om nationalism / Social studies education and nationalism : A study of four teachers' experiences, conceptual use and didactic considerations in teaching about nationalismRidderskans, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur fyra gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap reflekterar över nationalism i deras undervisning. Fenomenet nationalism går att förstå som ett såväl snävt som brett begrepp och i denna studie intervjuas lärarna om hur de upplever att nationalism förekommer i deras undervisning som kunskap, perspektiv, fenomen och didaktisk utmaning. Studien är explorativ och använder Sandahls (2015) teori om samhällsvetenskapligt ämneskunnande samt begreppsklassifikationer om sunt förnufts-uppfattningar och naturaliserade axiomer. De teoretiska perspektiven används för att bringa klarhet i vad lärarna ser som relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter av nationalism i undervisningen och för att belysa vilka didaktiska utmaningar fenomenet kan skapa. Resultaten visar att nationalism är ett återkommande perspektiv i samhällskunskapsundervisningen, som ibland berörs öppet och direkt, i andra fall mer subtilt och indirekt. Fenomenet beskrivs av lärarna som en byggsten i elevernas utveckling av de kunskaper och färdigheter som Sandahl (2015) beskriver som samhällsvetenskapliga tankeredskap. Lärarna beskriver nationalism på ett likartat sätt men skildrar i intervjuerna hur fenomenet ges olika stort utrymme och förmedlas på olika sätt beroende på faktorer såsom gymnasieprogram, gruppsammansättning och mängden samhällskunskap som eleverna läser. De lärare som primärt undervisar på högskoleförberedande program beskriver en mer indirekt förmedling av nationalism som perspektiv och förlitar sig på historieundervisningens innehållskunskaper och den kunskapsprogression eleverna genomgår under deras tre gymnasieår. Lärarna på yrkesprogrammen beskriver snarare att de på ett direkt sätt ger utrymme åt innehållskunskaperna om nationalism i deras undervisning. Resultaten visar även att nationalism upplevs som ett kontroversiellt ämne i klassrumssituationer, där en del elever ger uttryck för antingen sunt förnufts-uppfattningar eller naturaliserade axiomer vilka utgör didaktiska utmaningar i undervisningen. Slutligen visar resultaten på att det finns flera utmaningar kopplat till lärarprofessionen i undervisning om nationalism. Dessa utmaningar rör såväl värdegrund, vetenskaplighet och elevers förförståelse som kräver didaktiska övervägningar i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. / This study examines how four high school social studies teachers reflect on nationalism in their teaching. The phenomenon of nationalism can be understood as both a narrow and broad concept and in this study the teachers are interviewed about how they perceive that nationalism occurs in their teaching as knowledge, perspective, phenomenon, and didactic challenge. The study is exploratory and uses Sandahl's (2015) theory of second order concepts of Social Science as well as the conceptual classifications of common-sense notions and naturalized axioms. The theoretical perspectives are used to bring clarity to what the teachers see as relevant knowledge and experiences of nationalism in teaching and to highlight the didactic challenges the phenomenon can create. The results show that nationalism is a recurring perspective in social studies teaching, which is sometimes touched upon openly and directly, in other cases more subtly and indirectly. The phenomenon is described by the teachers as a foundation block in the students' development of the knowledge and skills that Sandahl (2015) describes as second order thinking concepts. The teachers describe the concept of nationalism in a similar way but describe in the interviews how the phenomenon is given varying amounts of time and conveyed in different ways depending on factors such as the high school program, group composition and the number of social studies classes that the students attend to. The teachers who primarily teach in university preparatory programs describe a more indirect conveyance of nationalism as a perspective and rely on the content knowledge of history teaching as well as the knowledge progression the students undergo during their three years of high school. The teachers on the vocational programs rather describe that they directly give time to the content knowledge about nationalism in their teaching. The results also show that nationalism is experienced as a controversial topic in classroom situations, where some students express either common-sense notions or naturalized axioms which pose didactic challenges in teaching. Finally, the results show that there are several challenges linked to the profession in teaching about nationalism. These challenges relate to foundation of values, scientific rigor, and students' pre-understanding, which require didactic considerations in social studies teaching.
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An anthropological study of healing practices in African Initiated Churches with specific reference to a Zionist Christian Church in MarabastadWouters, Jacqueline Martha Francisca 29 July 2015 (has links)
This study encompasses an anthropological investigation of healing practices in the Zion Christian Church with reference to the Marabastad congregation in Pretoria (Tshwane), South Africa. The Zion Christian Church functions as an extremely successful healing ministry, and can thus be characterised as a spirit-type African Initiated Church, a type known to attract members through healing activities. The concepts of ill-health, health, healing and curing are crucial to understanding the church’s role, as all activities at the Zion Christian Church revolve around the attainment of absolute health. The embedded nature of healing in the church is explored through an analysis of the spatial and material aspects of the church’s healing practices, including codes of conduct, roles of participants, religious services, and intangible and tangible instruments of healing. The study is further contextualised against the broader history of the emergence and growth of African Initiated Churches from the late 19th century onwards / Anthropology & Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)
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Från norr till söder och tillbaka? : En studie av politikers retorik om Norrland i tre rikstäckande tidningar / From the north to the south and back? : A study of politicians' rhetoric about Norrland in three national newspapersUusitalo, Nina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse how politicians produce, reproduce and challenge notions of Norrland through newspaper media. The study is based on 60 different articles collected from three national newspaper agencies, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. Adopting the discourseanalytical method called the logics approach, this paper explores which discourses dominate the politicians rhetoric about Norrland as well as how the discourses challenge and constitute conceptions about the northern region. The study shows that politicians often discuss Norrland in terms of economics, environmental issues or demographical conditions. Even though the politicians tend to reproduce notions of Norrland as a remote and rural region, thus enhancing conceptions of the place as a dying and problematic area, the study reveals attempts to redefine Norrlands' problems as a national matter and concern. By appealing to different subjects the politicians try to create feelings of recognition within the public to prevent the place from becoming the rural area they already represent it as. / Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur politiker producerar, reproducerar och utmanar föreställningar om Norrland via de rikstäckande tidningarna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter samt Svenska Dagbladet. Med ett material bestående av 60 nyhets- samt debattartiklar så har materialet analyserats efter den diskursteoretiska analysmetoden The logics approach, även kallat logikperspektivet. Studien har visat att politiker tenderar att diskutera Norrland med grund i frågor beträffande ekonomi, miljö och klimat samt demografiska förutsättningar. Även om politikerna ofta representerar Norrland som ett avlägset och ruralt område, vilket förstärker föreställningar om Norrland som en döende och problematisk plats, så visar studien försök till att omdefiniera problematiken från att vara "Norrlands" bekymmer till att ses som en nationell angelägenhet. Genom att koppla samman olika subjektspositioner så försöker politikerna konstruera känslor av tillhörighet och igenkännande hos läsarna för att på så sätt förhindra platsen från att bli det rurala område som politikerna redan representerar det som.
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An anthropological study of healing practices in African Initiated Churches with specific reference to a Zionist Christian Church in MarabastadWouters, Jacqueline Martha Francisca 29 July 2015 (has links)
This study encompasses an anthropological investigation of healing practices in the Zion Christian Church with reference to the Marabastad congregation in Pretoria (Tshwane), South Africa. The Zion Christian Church functions as an extremely successful healing ministry, and can thus be characterised as a spirit-type African Initiated Church, a type known to attract members through healing activities. The concepts of ill-health, health, healing and curing are crucial to understanding the church’s role, as all activities at the Zion Christian Church revolve around the attainment of absolute health. The embedded nature of healing in the church is explored through an analysis of the spatial and material aspects of the church’s healing practices, including codes of conduct, roles of participants, religious services, and intangible and tangible instruments of healing. The study is further contextualised against the broader history of the emergence and growth of African Initiated Churches from the late 19th century onwards / Anthropology and Archaeology / M. A. (Anthropology)
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Authenticity, performance and the construction of self : a journey through the terrestrial and digital landscapes of men's tailored dressBluteau, Joshua Max January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores high-end and bespoke menswear, tailoring and fashion, asking the question - why do some men choose to spend large sums of money to have clothes made for them? Using tailors and high-end menswear as a lens, this thesis unpacks how men construct their notion of self in the digital and terrestrial worlds through the clothes that they wear and the identities they perform. Based on twelve months' terrestrial fieldwork in London and twenty-four months' concurrent digital fieldwork with Instagram, this thesis examines notions of dress, performance and the individual across a multi-dimensional fieldsite set within a blended digital and terrestrial landscape. The fieldwork comprised visiting and interviewing tailors, and observing inside their workshops and at their fashion shows. In addition, the analyst-as-client built relationships with tailors, and constructed a digital self within Instagram through the publication of self-portraits and images of clothing. This thesis is presented in four chapters, flanked by an Introduction and Conclusion. These chapters move from an exploration of terrestrial research in the first two, to an analysis of digital research in the latter two. Five major motifs emerge in this thesis: the importance of the anthropology of clothing and adornment within western society; the nature of the individual in a digitised world; the difficulty in conducting western-centric fieldwork without an element of digital analysis; a methodological restructuring of digital anthropology; and the idea that a digital self can acquire agency. This thesis employs a pioneering blended methodology which brings together the fields of digital anthropology, visual anthropology and material culture to question how selves are constructed in a rapidly changing and increasingly digitised modernity. In conclusion, the thesis argues that individuals construct multiple digital selves and a sense of identity (around the notion of 'authentic individualism') that is illusory.
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Tvorba metodiky plánování procesního řízení výroby / Creation of Methodology of Planning of Process Control of ProductionKvítek, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Planning, optimalization, production management, process management, production, ERP
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Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt v lokalitě Pardubice a Prosetín. / Comparison of selected valuation methods for apartment-type property in Pardubice and ProsetínJanoušková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
Real property, accommodation unit, flat, valuation, price, standard price, yield method, direkt comparison, Pardubice, Prosetín
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