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Online banking - det framtida bankkonceptet : En kvantitativ studie om kundlojalitet och dess bakomliggande faktorer / Online banking - the future banking concept : A quantitative research regarding customer loyalty within online bankingIbrahim, Rikard, Kackarovski, Christian January 2017 (has links)
Online banking är den mest framträdande faktorn till följd av digitaliseringen inom den finansiella världen. Det nya bankkonceptet har gett upphov till nya hot och utvecklingsmöjligheter bankerna har tvingats att anpassa sig till. Den största förändringen är att online banking erbjuder banktjänster som kan utföras oberoende av tid och plats vilket lett till att bankkontor avvecklats och den minskade fysiska kontakten mellan bank och kund blir uppenbar. En stor utmaning blir att skapa kundlojalitet, eftersom den personliga interaktionen via fysisk närvaro tidigare setts som en grundpelare för att knyta åt sig kunder. Tidigare forskning menar nu att servicekvalitet via onlinemöten, företagsimage samt teknikmognaden påverkan faktorn förtroende, som beskrivs som avgörande för kundlojalitet inom online banking. Studien har vidareutvecklat kunskapen inom forskningsområdet som har varit baserade på hypotetiska antaganden om vad som skapar kundlojalitet inom online banking. Urvalet för denna studie är unik då respondenterna har suttit på faktisk data baserad på upplevd erfarenhet gällande användningen av avancerade tjänster inom online banking. Studiens syfte är att skapa förståelse för hur kundlojalitet skapas inom online banking. Studiens har tillämpat en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi och deduktiv forskningsansats, där en kvantitativ datainsamlingsmetod i form av en internetenkät användes. Resultaten i studien baseras på 71 respondenter. Studiens resultat påvisar att faktorn förtroende inte är fullkomligt avgörande för skapandet av en lojal kund. Den påvisas uppfylla kravet för en medierad, men inte en perfekt sådan då faktorerna teknikmognad samt företagsimage påvisades ha ett signifikant samband med kundlojaliteten. / Online banking is an emerging factor due to the digitalization within the financial world. The banking concept causes threats and development opportunities which banks are facing. An attribute that online banking offers is banking services regardless of time and location. It makes the number of bank branches decrease as the physical customer meetings diminish. A challenge is to create customer loyalty as the diminishing personal interaction was a great resource to create boundaries with customers. Previous research states service quality, corporate image and technical maturity influence the trust, which is described as lethal in creating customer loyalty within the online banking concept. This study has developed knowledge within the field of sience that has been based on hypothetical assumptions regarding the creation of customer loyalty. The study is based on a unique sample since the respondents have an actual perceived experience regarding the use of advanced online banking services. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how customer loyalty is created in an online banking business. The study has implemented a positivistic research philosophy and a deductive research approach in which a quantitative data gathering method through questionnaires online was used. The results in the study are based on 71 respondents. The results of the study show that the trust was not perfectly lethal in creating customer loyalty. It fulfilled its role as a mediating variable, but not perfectly as corporate image and technical maturity also had a significant influence on customer loyalty.
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Användarupplevelsens påverkan på tillit till online-banker : En studie om hur bankers applicering av designprinciper påverkar organisationens framgång på internet / The effect user experience has on trust in online banking : A study on how banks applications of design affects the organization's success on the internetToräng, Hannes, Mowbray, Sam January 2022 (has links)
Banksektorn är i Sverige idag en digitaliserad marknad och en stor majoritet av svenska bankanvändare använder bankernas digitala tjänster som utgör online banking. Forskning visar på att bankers konkurrenskraft till stor del idag är beroende av deras position i den digitala miljön. Banker som tillhandahåller enkel användning på nätet med stor upplevd kundnytta har en fördel som både ger dem fler kunder och lägre handläggningskostnader eftersom kunder då är mer benägna att välja den banken och utföra sina ärenden på nätet. För att bankerna skall kunna utnyttja detta verktyg och skörda dess fördelar krävs dock att användarna har en positiv inställning till användande, denna inställning kommer till stor del ur vilka intryck plattformarna ger användaren. I denna studie undersöks användares intryck av koncepten tillit och misstro vilka vi finner vara viktiga för människors vilja att använda online banking-plattformar. Vi ser både genom egna resultat och tidigare forskning en stark koppling mellan upplevd misstro hos människor och en direkt ovilja att använda dessa system samt att tillit är viktigt för att användarna skall regelbundet föredra användning av ett system över andra alternativ. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur applicering av Nielsen’s 10 designprinciper inom online banking-plattformar påverkar människors upplevelse av tillit och misstro gentemot dessa system. Undersökningen har genomförts med en ansats som grundar sig i mixed methods research och vid genomförande har båda kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder använts. För datainsamling har studien grundat sig i ett experiment som innebar att vi forskare skapade olika testsystem som respondenter fick använda, dessa testsystem var medvetet bristande för olika designprinciper med syfte att väcka en reaktion från respondenten. Efter att respondenterna under videoobservation genomfört ett antal uppgifter i sitt testsystem fick de sedan svara på en enkät för att bedöma användarupplevelsen och hur de har upplevt de olika designprinciperna. Slutligen genomfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med varje respondent, intervjun var fokuserad på att undersöka huruvida användaren känt misstro eller tillit för olika aspekter i systemet. Efter datainsamlingen analyserades datan, vi använde då ett tolkande synsätt för att generera empiri om hur respondentens upplevelse av misstro och tillit påverkats av avsaknaden av vissa designprinciper. Resultatet visar på att Nielsens designprincip 4, 6, 8 och 9 kan användas för att påverka användares tillit till en online banking-plattform. Dessa designprinciper hade förmågan att ge användare ett seriöst intryck och påverkade deras upplevelser av tillit, välvilja och kompetens. Designprincip 1, 3, 5 och 6 kan användas för att påverka användares misstro. Dessa designprinciper visade sig påverka användares känslor av upplevd risk och tillförlitlighet till systemet. Dessa fynd tyder på att man kan manipulera dessa principer för att gynna användares uppfattning av misstro samt tillit och därmed stärka sitt system. / The Swedish bank sector is today a digitalized industry, with a large majority of swedes using their online banking services. Previous studies show that banks' competitiveness today is very reliant on their position in the digital environment. Banks that offer their customers methods to carry out simple tasks on their own by using online banking are both shown to attract new customers, and also reduce administrative costs, since people today are more inclined to choose banks that offer online services. For banks to get these opportunities and reap the rewards of online banking it is necessary for users to have a positive outlook, and this positive outlook is usually created by how good the online platform works. This study examines users' impressions of the concepts trust and distrust, which are concepts we find to be important for people's will to use online banking platforms. Through both our own and previous research we find a strong correlation between apparent distrust among users and repulsion towards use of a system. We also found out that the feeling of trust towards a system is important if users should frequently choose one system over another. The purpose of this study is to find out which of Nielsen’s 10 design principles affect users feelings of trust or mistrust towards an online banking application. The study was performed using a mixed-method approach, and has included both qualitative and quantitative research methods. For the collection of data we conducted experiments, where we created test systems that the different respondents got to try out. These test systems were flawed in the sense that we consciously tampered with some of Nielsen’s 10 design principles, where the goal was to get some kind of reaction from the respondents. After doing the experiment under video surveillance, we had the respondents answer a survey which asked them to rate the usability of the system but also the different design principles. After the survey we conducted an interview with all the respondents, where the goal was to research their feelings of trust or mistrust towards the test system. After this we analyzed the collected data, where we used an interpretive approach to generate concrete data on the respondents feelings of trust or mistrust depending on the use, or misuse, of Nielsen’s 10 design principles. Our result indicates that design principles 4, 6, 8 and 9 are the most important when it comes to users feelings of trust towards an online-banking platform. These design principles had the effect of giving the system a serious impression which in hand affected the users feelings of trust, competence and goodwill. Design principle 1, 3, 5 and 6 were strongly correlated to users feelings of mistrust towards an online-banking platform and these design principles were strongly correlated with users feelings of risk. Our findings show that it is possible to manipulate these design principles to change the perception of trust and mistrust that a user has, to subsequently favor the system.
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Commitment Issues : En kvantitativ studie om commitment i relationen mellan kund och bankAndersson, Amanda, Brambeck, Maria, Edberg, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Commitment Issues? – En kvantitativ studie om commitment i relationen mellan kund och bank Frågeställning Hur upplever kunden commitment i relationen till banken och Internetbanken? Hur kan banken agera för att påverka kundens commitment? Syfte Studien syftar till att undersöka commitment i relationen mellan kund och bank för att dra slutsatser kring vikten av kundens commitment. Vidare är syftet att undersöka påverkansfaktorerna förtroende och misstro samt bankens och Internetbankens påverkan på commitment. Metod För att undersöka kundernas upplevda commitment genomfördes en kvantitativ studie med hjälp av en Internetbaserad enkät som besvarades av 1 265 svensktalande respondenter. Slutsats Kundens commitment är influerat av relationen till banken och hur bankens commitment upplevs. Banken har således möjlighet att stärka kundens commitment genom att visa engagemang och kommunicera på ett personligt sätt, för att tydliggöra att kundens behov och intresse är främsta prioritet. Förtroende är en viktig grundsten i relationen mellan bank och kund, vilket ligger till grund för commitment. Om en kund däremot känner misstro för banken är benägenheten att byta bank större. Commitment till Internetbanken är nära kopplat till kundens commitment till banken. Stärkt commitment till banken stärker commitment till Internetbanken och vice versa. / Commitment Issues? – A quantitative study about commitment in the relationship between the customer and the bank Research questions What is the customer perception of commitment in the relationship with the bank and online bank? How should the bank act to influence customer commitment? Purpose The study aims to explore the concept of commitment in the relationship between the customer and the bank. The paper also examines the influence of trust, distrust and online banking on customer commitment and gives direction for how Swedish banks should conduct their business in order to build commitment. Method In order to explore customers perceived commitment, a quantitative study was carried out using an online survey which was conducted by 1 265 Swedish speaking respondents. Conclusion The perceived commitment is influenced by the relationship with the bank. It is influenced by the manner of communication, personalization has proven effective to show customers that their needs and interests are prioritized. Customers generally have a higher level of commitment when they feel valued by the bank. Trust is the main pillar in the relationship between the bank and the customer, which is the foundation of commitment. Distrust on the other hand increases the likelihood that the customer will switch to an other bank branch. The commitment to financial services online is closely related to the commitment to the bank branch. A strong commitment to the bank creates a strong commitment to the online bank, and vice versa.
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Marketing strategies and national culture : an empirical investigation of customers' acceptance of the online banking channel in the context of Saudi national cultureAltwaijri, Ahmad Saleh January 2015 (has links)
Technology and the development of the Internet has led to greater awareness among organisations of the role the Internet can play in improving services through online channels. Banks, financial institutions and the relevant government authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) have made great progress towards improving their e-services; however, these efforts came with a lack of theoretical background concerning the main challenge, which is to encourage customers to accept Online Banking (OB). This research has explored these concerns, with the aim of providing better understanding of the salient factors affecting people's acceptance and adoption of OB technology within the specific national cultural context of Saudi Arabia. The literature suggests numerous factors as determinants of people's technology adoption in general and OB in particular. This study employs a qualitative approach to narrow down and identify factors that did not emerge in the literature, to arrive at the most appropriate ones. The qualitative stage of the research involved a combination of two focus groups (14 participants) and eight semi-structured interviews. After accomplishing the first stage, a model was proposed to explain the factors affecting user acceptance of technology in the context of OB in Saudi Arabia comprising eight constructs (Perceived Usefulness, Resistance to Change, Perceived Trust, Perceived Usefulness, Social Influence, Perceived Quantity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Perceived Image). A cross-sectional survey was developed and distributed, resulting in 945 responses for use in the data analysis (using SPSS 20.0), for descriptive and exploratory factor analysis to extract constructs of the model. To finish, the proposed model and its hypotheses were examined by applying two-stage structural equation modelling. The conceptual model was found to be of value in explaining the role of the chosen factors that affect user acceptance of technology. The research found the seven direct predictors of BI to use OB explained 84.5 percent of BI variance. From the findings, it was found that the most significant predictor of BI was UA, followed by RC then PU. This research contributed to knowledge by providing a new e-service adoption model involving the impact of national culture. The newly proposed factors (PQ and UA as determinants) helped understand users‟ e-behaviours in KSA where research is seriously under-developed. The research limitations and recommended further efforts are finally presented.
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Reversing Malware : A detection intelligence with in-depth security analysisTheerthagiri, Dinesh January 2009 (has links)
<p>More money nowadays moves online and it is very understandable that criminals want to make more money online aswell, because these days’ banks don’t have large sums of money in their cash box. Since there are many other internalrisks involved in robbing a bank, criminals have found many other ways to commit crimes and much lower risMore money nowadays moves online and it is very understandable that criminals want to make more money online as well, because these days’ banks don’t have large sums of money in their cash box. Since there are many other internal risks involved in robbing a bank, criminals have found many other ways to commit crimes and much lower risk in online crime. The first level of change involved was email-based phishing, but later circumstances changed again.</p><p>Authentication methods and security of online bank has been improved over the period. This will drastically reduce effects of phishing based on emails and fraudulent website. The next level of online bank fraud is called banking Trojans. These Trojans infect the online customers of banks. These Trojans monitors customer’s activities and uses their authenticated session to steal customers’ money.</p><p>A lot of money is made by these kinds of attacks. Comparatively few perpetrators have been caught, and the problem is getting worse day by day. To have a better understanding of this problem, I have selected a recent malware sample named as SilentBanker. It had the capability of attacking more than 400 banks. This thesis presents the problem in general and includes my results in studying the behaviour of the SilentBanker Trojan.</p>
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Quality Online Banking ServicesKenova, Vasya, Jonasson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
Using an already developed model for measuring the quality of online services, the authors of this thesis have developed and later on modified a theoretical model (instrument) for measuring the quality of online banking services in particular. Using quantitative research method including the design and distribution of a questionnaire, empirical data was collected on which statistical analysis has been performed. As a result of the conducted analysis, the initial theoretical model has been modified, so that the final version of the model (instrument) for measuring quality of online banking services includes four quality dimensions (Service Performance, Website Characteristics, Communication and Efficiency) with total of 17 items (questions). Furthermore, based on the modified theoretical model, customer satisfaction with different aspects of the online banking services has been evaluated. Based on the results of the Analysis of the Empirical Data, managerial recommendations are given. Suggestions for further research on quality of online banking services are also offered.
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Quality Online Banking ServicesKenova, Vasya, Jonasson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Using an already developed model for measuring the quality of online services, the authors of this thesis have developed and later on modified a theoretical model (instrument) for measuring the quality of online banking services in particular. Using quantitative research method including the design and distribution of a questionnaire, empirical data was collected on which statistical analysis has been performed. As a result of the conducted analysis, the initial theoretical model has been modified, so that the final version of the model (instrument) for measuring quality of online banking services includes four quality dimensions (Service Performance, Website Characteristics, Communication and Efficiency) with total of 17 items (questions). Furthermore, based on the modified theoretical model, customer satisfaction with different aspects of the online banking services has been evaluated. Based on the results of the Analysis of the Empirical Data, managerial recommendations are given. Suggestions for further research on quality of online banking services are also offered.</p>
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Aspects of Modeling Fraud Prevention of Online Financial ServicesDan, Gorton January 2015 (has links)
Banking and online financial services are part of our critical infrastructure. As such, they comprise an Achilles heel in society and need to be protected accordingly. The last ten years have seen a steady shift from traditional show-off hacking towards cybercrime with great economic consequences for society. The different threats against online services are getting worse, and risk management with respect to denial-of-service attacks, phishing, and banking Trojans is now part of the agenda of most financial institutions. This trend is overseen by responsible authorities who step up their minimum requirements for risk management of financial services and, among other things, require regular risk assessment of current and emerging threats.For the financial institution, this situation creates a need to understand all parts of the incident response process of the online services, including the technology, sub-processes, and the resources working with online fraud prevention. The effectiveness of each countermeasure has traditionally been measured for one technology at a time, for example, leaving the fraud prevention manager with separate values for the effectiveness of authentication, intrusion detection, and fraud prevention. In this thesis, we address two problems with this situation. Firstly, there is a need for a tool which is able to model current countermeasures in light of emerging threats. Secondly, the development process of fraud detection is hampered by the lack of accessible data.In the main part of this thesis, we highlight the importance of looking at the “big risk picture” of the incident response process, and not just focusing on one technology at a time. In the first article, we present a tool which makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of the incident response process. We call this an incident response tree (IRT). In the second article, we present additional scenarios relevant for risk management of online financial services using IRTs. Furthermore, we introduce a complementary model which is inspired by existing models used for measuring credit risks. This enables us to compare different online services, using two measures, which we call Expected Fraud and Conditional Fraud Value at Risk. Finally, in the third article, we create a simulation tool which enables us to use scenario-specific results together with models like return of security investment, to support decisions about future security investments.In the second part of the thesis, we develop a method for producing realistic-looking data for testing fraud detection. In the fourth article, we introduce multi-agent based simulations together with social network analysis to create data which can be used to fine-tune fraud prevention, and in the fifth article, we continue this effort by adding a platform for testing fraud detection. / Finansiella nättjänster är en del av vår kritiska infrastruktur. På så vis utgör de en akilleshäl i samhället och måste skyddas på erforderligt sätt. Under de senaste tio åren har det skett en förskjutning från traditionella dataintrång för att visa upp att man kan till en it-brottslighet med stora ekonomiska konsekvenser för samhället. De olika hoten mot nättjänster har blivit värre och riskhantering med avseende på överbelastningsattacker, nätfiske och banktrojaner är nu en del av dagordningen för finansiella institutioner. Denna trend övervakas av ansvariga myndigheter som efterhand ökar sina minimikrav för riskhantering och bland annat kräver regelbunden riskbedömning av befintliga och nya hot.För den finansiella institutionen skapar denna situation ett behov av att förstå alla delar av incidenthanteringsprocessen, inklusive dess teknik, delprocesser och de resurser som kan arbeta med bedrägeribekämpning. Traditionellt har varje motåtgärds effektivitet mätts, om möjligt, för en teknik i taget, vilket leder till att ansvariga för bedrägeribekämpning får separata värden för autentisering, intrångsdetektering och bedrägeridetektering.I denna avhandling har vi fokuserat på två problem med denna situation. För det första finns det ett behov av ett verktyg som kan modellera effektiviteten för institutionens samlade motåtgärder mot bakgrund av befintliga och nya hot. För det andra saknas det tillgång till data för forskning rörande bedrägeridetektering, vilket hämmar utvecklingen inom området.I huvuddelen av avhandlingen ligger tonvikten på att studera ”hela” incidenthanteringsprocessen istället för att fokusera på en teknik i taget. I den första artikeln presenterar vi ett verktyg som gör det möjligt att mäta effektiviteten i incidenthanteringsprocessen. Vi kallar detta verktyg för ”incident response tree” (IRT) eller ”incidenthanteringsträd”. I den andra artikeln presenterar vi ett flertal scenarier som är relevanta för riskhantering av finansiella nättjänster med hjälp av IRT. Vi utvecklar också en kompletterande modell som är inspirerad av befintliga modeller för att mäta kreditrisk. Med hjälp av scenarioberoende mått för ”förväntat bedrägeri” och ”value at risk”, har vi möjlighet att jämföra risker mellan olika nättjänster. Slutligen, i den tredje artikeln, skapar vi ett agentbaserat simuleringsverktyg som gör det möjligt att använda scenariospecifika resultat tillsammans med modeller som ”avkastning på säkerhetsinvesteringar” för att stödja beslut om framtida investeringar i motåtgärder.I den andra delen av avhandlingen utvecklar vi en metod för att generera syntetiskt data för test av bedrägeridetektering. I den fjärde artikeln presenterar vi ett agentbaserat simuleringsverktyg som med hjälp av bland annat ”sociala nätverksanalyser” kan användas för att generera syntetiskt data med realistiskt utseende. I den femte artikeln fortsätter vi detta arbete genom att lägga till en plattform för testning av bedrägeridetektering. / <p>QC 20151103</p>
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Elektroninė bankininkystė Lietuvoje ir jos plėtojimosi tendencijos / Electronic banking in Lithuania and it’s development trendsMichailova, Viktorija 11 January 2007 (has links)
Magistro baigiamasis darbas yra skirtas: pristatyti naują bankų veiklos kryptį - tiekiamas elektroninės bankininkystės paslaugas, nustatyti šių paslaugų paplitimo priežastis užsienyje ir palyginti su Lietuvos bankų elektroninės bankininkystės paslaugų išsivystymo lygiu bei, remiantis Lietuvos bankų oficialiomis prognozėmis, numatyti galimas šių paslaugų vystymosi tendencijas mūsų šalyje. Darbe akcentuojama, kad nauja vykdoma veikla bankams teikia ne tik naudą, bet ir lemia naujų rizikų atsiradimo galimybes, kurias banko specialistai privalo nuolat vertinti ir efektyviai valdyti tam, kad užtikrintų sėkmingą teikiamų paslaugų plėtrą. Atliktų apklausų (banko vartotojų ir darbuotojų, kurių darbas tiesiogiai susijęs su šių paslaugų tiekimu) rezultatai leido nustatyti vyraujančias priklausomybes, susijusias su elektroninės bankininkystės paslaugų naudojimu Lietuvoje ir parodė, kad banko paslaugų vartotojai pirmenybę teikia patogumui (funkcionalumui) ir saugumui (technologiniam faktoriui), o patys bankai, kuriant naujus arba tobulinant sukurtus produktus, orientuojasi būtent į šiuos du minėtus veiksnius. / The master work is designed: to represent a new bank activities direction – the supplying of electronic banking services, to estimate the spread reasons of these services abroad and to compare it with Lithuanian electronic banking development level and as a keystone, to foresee the potential pace of it future in our country, were used Lithuanian official bank forecasts. In work is emphasized, that the new movement of bank actions brings not only benefits, but also destines new uprising risks, which bank experts must always qualify and effectively manage, in order to vouch a successful services expansion. The results of two performed inquiries (of bank consumers and workers, who are directly linked with such services providing) allow to set mainstreams, which reflect electronic banking usage among Lithuanian citizens and show, that bank customers give preferences to service convenience (functional dimension) and security (technological factor), and when banks create new or improve existed products, they precisely follow up these two mentioned forces.
Theoretical and practical analyse conclusions allow to maintain that, the interest of electronic banking customers, it positive evaluation and growing trust together will initiate it growth in future. Is identified that, service convenience, function and security can’t be guaranteed only by investments in reference technologies. The convenience and precise of electronic banking services give opportunity to banks to expand market... [to full text]
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The impact of Privacy concerns in the context of Big Data : A cross-cultural quantitative study of France and Bangladesh.Lizot, Edouard, Islam, S M Abidul January 2018 (has links)
Background Big Data Analytics take place in almost every sector of new business world. Nowadays, banks are also adopting Big Data to handle the huge number of data that generate every day. Big Data helps banks to provide a fast, personalised service in a cost efficient way. On the other hand, Big Data has some privacy issues as it deals with a lot of data that can be decoded by third party. It is also the case in online banking as it is involved with personal and financial information. Privacy concerns also vary among different cultures. PurposeThe purpose of this cross-cultural study is to investigate online privacy concerns in the context of Big Data MethodologyA quantitative approach has been followed and data were collected through an online survey to understand the relations between variables. ConclusionThe findings indicate that the relationship between the privacy concern and its antecedents differ between France and Bangladesh. Though for both countries, the desire upon transparency showed a significant positive relationship with online privacy concerns. Additionally, for both countries a high privacy concern will not conduct to lower consumer trust and consumer engagement in online baking. The findings involving moderator variables were not significant at al
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