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Proteomické přístupy ke studiu nádorových onemocnění / Proteomic approaches in cancer biologyLorková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Proteomics as a modern comprehensive approach to the analysis of proteomes was applied in three projects aimed at diagnosis and therapy of cancer. The aim of the first the project was to find a new diagnostic biomarker for ovarian cancer. Two different comparative proteomic approaches were used for comparative analysis of sera from patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer and from healthy age-matched women. We identified -1-antitrypsin with increased concentration in patien sera, and apolipoprotein A4 and retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) with significantly decreased concentration in patients. The significantly decerased concentration of RBP4 in patients is a new observation. We propose that RBP4 is either decreased in ovarian cancer patients as a result of its reduced production by ovary or it may reflect less specific systemic changes, for instance early onset of cancer cachexia. The second project was focused on gaining insight into the molecular mechanism of cytarabine resistance in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). Proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of cytarabine-resistant cells revealed marked downregulation of deoxycytidine kinase (DCK) - a protein essential to intracellular activation of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides and their analogues including cytarabine. The cytarabine-resistant MCL...
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Topoisomerase ll-a e Her-2 em tumores malignos de mama e de ovárioMano, Max Senna January 2006 (has links)
Introdução. O receptor epidérmico humano 2 (Her-2) e a topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) são dois marcadores biológicos importantes, ambos tendo um valor prognóstico e preditivo potencial em pacientes com tumores sólidos. A amplificação dos genes Her- 2 e T2A são eventos independentes, embora o último seja mais frequente em tumores com amplificação do Her-2 (34-90%), do que em tumores sem amplificação do Her-2 (5-10%). Existe uma melhor correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 no câncer de mama (CM) do que em outros tumores. No entanto, no CM, a correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A tem sido inconsistente, e existe uma carência de tais dados em outros tipos de tumores. A expressão da proteína T2A tem mostrado uma boa correlação com o índice de proliferação tumoral, particularmente no CM. Objetivos. Artigo 1: Sintetizar o conhecimento atual sobre a importância dos marcadores Her-2 e T2A nos tumores sólidos. Artigo 2: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, a correlação entre estas variáveis e a correlação entre as variáveis e estágio clínico, em amostras de câncer de ovário (CO) fixadas em parafina. Artigo 3: Investigar a prevalência de amplificação da T2A, assim como a correlação entre esta variável e a expressão da proteína T2A e do marcador de proliferação celular Ki-67, em amostras de CM fixadas em parafina, mostrando uma amplificação do Her-2. Métodos. Artigo 1: Os dados foram identificados através de busca em bases de dados eletrônicas (medline), livros de resumos de congressos e referências de artigos de revisão e originais. Artigo 2: 73 amostras de CO foram testadas para amplificação e superexpressão do Her-2 e T2A, por hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) e imuno-histoquímica (IHC), respectivamente. Artigo 3: 103 amostras de CM, com amplificação do Her-2, foram testadas para amplificação do gene T2A (por FISH) e superexpressão das proteínas T2A e Ki-67 (por IHC). Resultados. Artigo 2: Com base nos pontos de corte >1.5 e >2 (relação cópias/CEP17), as taxas de amplificação do Her-2 foram 15/64(23.4%) e 8/64(12.5%), versus 16/64(25%) e 5/64(7.8 %) para a T2A. Encontramos somente 3/72(4.2%) casos de superexpressão do Her-2(3+), contra 15/70(21.4%) para a T2A (marcagem em >10% das células). Foi observada uma modesta correlação entre amplificação e superexpressão da T2A (p= 0.01) e uma forte correlação entre amplificação da T2A e do Her-2, quando analisados como variáveis contínuas (p<0.001). A amplificação da T2A correlacionou-se com estágio FIGO avançado (p= 0.02). Artigo 3: Uma amplificação do gene T2A foi observada em 36.9%(38/103) dos casos. Os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 (número de cópias) não se correlacionaram com a amplificação da T2A. A porcentagem média de células positivas para a T2A (por IHC) foi de 5% e 10%, para casos T2A não-amplificados e amplificados, respectivamente. Uma correlação fraca, mas ainda significativa, foi observada entre amplificação do gene T2A e porcentagem de células T2A-positivas por IHC (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02); a correlação entre estas duas variáveis foi mais forte em tumores Ki-67 positivos. Conclusões. Artigo 2 : A avaliação da amplificação e da superexpressão do Her-2 e da T2A, por FISH e IHC, respectivamente, é realizável em amostras de CO. Foi observada uma boa correlação entre a amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A, mas a correlação entre amplificação do gene e superexpressão da proteína foi fraca para ambos marcadores. As taxas de amplificação dos genes Her-2 e T2A são mais elevadas quando não é realizada correção para o número de cópias do CEP17. Parece existir uma boa correlação entre amplificação da T2A e estágio clínico avançado. Estudos adicionais serão necessários para determinar o melhor ponto de corte para estes marcadores. Artigo 3: Contrariamente ao Her-2, a amplificação do gene T2A não parece necessariamente levar à superexpressão da proteína no CM. Outros fatores, como o índice de proliferação celular, podem interferir na síntese da proteína T2A. Embora a maioria dos casos de aberrações do gene T2A ocorram em tumores Her-2 positivos, os níveis de amplificação do Her-2 não se correlacionaram com a amplificação do gene T2A. / Background. The human epidermal receptor 2 (Her-2) and topoisomerase-IIα (T2A) are two important biomarkers, with potential prognostic and predictive value in patients with solid tumours. Her-2 and T2A gene amplification are separate events, although the latter is more frequently seen in Her-2 amplified (34-90%) than in Her-2 non-amplified (5-10%) tumours. There is a better correlation between Her-2 amplification and protein overexpression in breast cancer (BC) than in other tumour types. Nevertheless, there is a doubtful correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression in BC, with virtually no data available in other tumour types. In BC, the expression of the T2A protein has shown a good correlation with tumour proliferation rate. Objectives. Article 1: To summarise the available literature on Her-2 and T2A in solid tumours. Article 2: To investigate the prevalence of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, the correlation between these variables and with clinical stage, in paraffin-embedded samples of ovarian cancer (OC). Article 3: To investigate the prevalence of T2A amplification, as well as the correlation between this variable and the expression of T2A protein and the proliferation marker Ki-67, in paraffinembedded samples of Her-2 amplified BC. Methods. Article 1: The data were identified through search in electronic databases (medline), abstract books and references from review and original articles. Article 2: 73 samples of OC were tested for Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression, by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC), respectively. Article 3: 103 samples of Her-2 amplified BC were tested for T2A amplification (by FISH) and overexpression (by IHC), and Ki-67 expression (by IHC). Results. Article 2: Based on cut-offs of ≥1.5 and ≥2 (ratio copies/CEP17), amplification rates for Her-2 were 15/64(23.4%) and 8/64(12.5%) versus 16/64(25%) and 5/64(7.8%) for T2A. We found only 3/72(4.2%) cases of Her-2 overexpression(3+) versus 15/70(21.4%) for T2A (staining in >10% of the cells). There was a modest correlation between T2A amplification and overexpression (p=0.01) and a strong correlation between T2A and Her-2 amplification when these markers were analysed as continuous variables (p<0.001). T2A amplification significantly correlated with advanced FIGO stage (p=0.02). Article 3: T2A gene amplification was observed in 36.9%(38/103) of the Her-2 amplified samples. Her-2 amplification level (i.e. copy number) was not predictive of T2A amplification. The median percentage of T2A positive cells for T2A non-amplified and amplified cases were 5% and 10%, respectively. A weak but still significant correlation was observed between T2A gene amplification level and percentage of positively stained cells (Spearman=0.23, p=0.02), the observed correlation being higher in patients with positive staining for Ki-67. Conclusions. Article 2: The assessment of Her-2 and T2A amplification and overexpression by FISH and IHC, respectively, is feasible in OC samples. There was a good correlation between Her-2 and T2A gene amplification, but the correlation between gene amplification and protein overexpression was poor for both markers. Amplification rates were higher in the absence of correction for the number of copies of the CEP17. Finally, we found a good correlation between T2A amplification and advanced disease stage. Further studies should aim to determine the optimal cut-offs for these markers. Article 3: Contrary to Her-2, T2A gene amplification does not always lead to protein overexpression in BC. Other factors, especially tumour proliferation rate, may interfere with the T2A protein status. Although the majority of the cases of T2A gene aberrations are seen in Her-2 positive tumours, the level of Her-2 amplification does not predict for T2A amplification.
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Efetividade da salpingo-ooforectomia redutora de risco na prevenção de neoplasias ginecológicas em uma população franco-canadense com risco elevadoBacha, Omar Moreira January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Mulheres portadoras de mutações germinativas BRCA1 ou BRCA2 apresentam um risco aumentado de câncer de mama e de ovário em comparação com a população geral, enquanto a salpingo-ooforectomia redutora de risco (SORR) reduz significativamente a incidência desses cânceres. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as características clínicas e patológicas de uma população franco-canadense que realizou a SORR. A morbidade cirúrgica também foi avaliada. Materiais e Métodos: Entre dezembro de 1999 e dezembro de 2009, todas as pacientes submetidas à SORR foram identificadas. Os prontuários médicos foram revisados. Estatística descritiva, teste exato de Fischer, e teste t de Student foram utilizados para análise. Resultados: Durante o período de estudo, a SORR foi realizada em 119 mulheres. A média de idade no momento da cirurgia foi de 49 anos (35-72 anos); e 63 pacientes (53%) estavam na pré-menopausa. Sessenta e duas mulheres (52%) tinham uma história de câncer de mama in situ ou invasor. Mutações nos genes BRCA1 e BRCA2 estavam presentes em 34 pacientes (29%) e 42 pacientes (35%), respectivamente. Desse modo, 43 pacientes (36%) foram consideradas como tendo um risco aumentado de câncer de mama e de ovário, apesar de um teste negativo para ambos os genes (n = 23) ou desconhecido, porque o paciente recusou teste genético (n = 20). A maioria das pacientes com útero foi submetida a uma histerectomia complementar (65%). Seis complicações ocorreram (3 hematomas, 2 arritmias cardíacas e uma cistostomia). Em uma paciente (0,8%), um carcinoma ovariano de alto grau estadio II foi descoberto no momento da cirurgia. Atipias de tubas de falópio foram identificadas na patologia final em 8 casos (6,7%). Após um acompanhamento médio de 22 meses, 4 mulheres (3,4%) desenvolveram câncer de mama e uma paciente (0,8%) desenvolveu câncer peritoneal. Conclusões: a SORR é altamente eficaz na prevenção de câncer de ovário, tuba de falópio, e de carcinomas de mama em uma população franco-canadense de alto risco, sendo que a morbidade cirúrgica é baixa. / Background: Women with germ line BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations have a marked increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer compared with the general population, whereas risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) significantly lowers the incidence of these cancers. The objective of this study was to review the clinical and pathological characteristics of a French Canadian population undergoing RRSO. Surgical morbidity was also evaluated. Materials and Methods: From December 1999 to December 2009, all women who underwent RRSO at our institution were identified. Medical records were retrospectively reviewed. Descriptive statistics, the Fischer exact test, and the Student t test were used for analysis. Results: During the study period, RRSO was performed on 119 women. Mean age at surgery was 49 years (35-72 years), and 63 patients (53%) were premenopausal. Sixty two women (52%) had a history of in situ or invasive breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were present in 34 patients (29%) and 42 patients (35%), respectively, whereas 43 patients (36%) were considered to have an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer, despite a personal genetic test, which was either negative (n = 23) or unknown because the patient declined genetic testing (n = 20). Most patients with an uterus in place had a complementary hysterectomy (65%). Six complications occurred (3 hematomas, 2 cardiac arrhythmias, and 1 cystotomy). In one patient (0.8%), a high-grade stage II ovarian cancer was discovered at the time of surgery. Fallopian tube atypias were identified on final pathology in 8 cases (6.7%). After a median follow-up of 22 months, 4 women (3.4%) developed breast cancer and one woman (0.8%) developed peritoneal cancer. Conclusions: Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy is highly effective in preventing ovarian, fallopian tube, and breast cancers in a high-risk French Canadian population; and the surgical morbidity is low.
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Avaliação da influência da expressão de STAT1 na resposta ao tratamento quimioterápico no cancêr de ovário seroso de alto grau / Influence of STAT1 expression in response to chemotherapy in highgrade serous ovarian cancerJuliana Alves Josahkian 07 June 2016 (has links)
O câncer de ovário é uma importante causa de mortalidade. O subtipo seroso de alto grau é o mais frequente e caracteriza-se por comportamento agressivo, com crescimento rápido e metástase precoce. A falta de ferramentas para diagnóstico em estádios iniciais e a insuficiência de resposta à quimioterapia convencional são dois principais obstáculos para o manejo do câncer seroso de ovário. A detecção precoce neste tumor é complicada por sintomas inespecíficos e ausência de biomarcadores confiáveis. Além disso, o desenvolvimento de resistência à quimioterapia é um desafio para o tratamento, que é geralmente baseado na combinação de platina e paclitaxel. A influência do microambiente tumoral na resposta terapêutica ainda é pouco conhecida. No entanto, há evidências crescentes de que a resposta imunológica pré-existente pode estar relacionada com a variação da sensibilidade à quimioterapia. O microambiente imunorreativo foi associado à melhor prognóstico no câncer do ovário seroso de alto grau em recente estudo canadense. Proteínas da família de Transdutores de Sinal e Ativadores da Transcrição (STATs) participam da regulação de citocinas e são determinantes nas respostas imunes no microambiente tumoral, podendo promover ou inibir o crescimento tumoral. Dados recentes mostram que a expressão elevada de um dos reguladores de STAT, STAT1 atua na tumorigênese do câncer de ovário, facilitando a resposta imune e, potencialmente, alterando a resposta à quimioterapia. Para avaliar o papel da expressão de STAT1 como biomarcador preditivo em 65 pacientes brasileiras com câncer seroso de ovário, examinamos os níveis de STAT1 por imunoistoquímica, e analisamos se houve correlação entre expressão dessa proteína e resposta clínica. Alta expressão de STAT1 foi significativamente associada maior intervalo livre de doença (P=0,0256) e maior sobrevida global (P=0,0193). Estes achados da coorte brasileira, com tempo de seguimento maior que cinco anos, confirmam a associação entre alta expressão de STAT1 e melhor resposta à quimioterapia, e fornecem validação adicional desta proteína como um biomarcador preditivo. Além disso, estes resultados chamam atenção para a possibilidade de utilizar a via de STAT1 para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos imunomoduladores, que poderiam melhorar a resposta ao tratamento / Ovarian cancer is a major cause of mortality worldwide. The most frequent subtype is high grade serous, which is characterized by aggressive behavior with rapid growth and early metastasis. Lack of early diagnostic tools and failure of response to conventional chemotherapies are two major impediments to serous ovarian cancer management. Early detection in initial stages is complicated by non-specific symptoms and lack of reliable biomarkers. In addition, development of chemotherapy resistance is a challenge for treatment, which is generally based on combination of platinum and paclitaxel. The influence of the microenvironment of the tumor on therapeutic response is still unknown. However, there is increasing evidence that a pre-existing immunological response may be related to variation in chemotherapy sensitivity. The immunoreactive microenvironment has been shown to be associated with better prognosis in high grade serous ovarian cancer in a recent Canadian study. The Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) proteins regulate cytokines and are central in determining whether immune responses in the tumor microenvironment promote or inhibit cancer. Recent data show that high expression of one of the STAT regulators, STAT1, operates in ovarian cancer tumorigenesis, facilitating immune response and potentially altering response to chemotherapy. To evaluate the role of STAT1 expression as a predictive biomarker in 65 Brazilian serous ovarian cancer patients, we examined STAT1 levels by immunohistochemistry to determine if there was correlation between expression of this protein and clinical response. High expression of STAT1 was significantly associated with both improved disease-free survival (P=0,0256) and overall survival (P=0,0193). These findings from a Brazilian cohort after more than five years of follow up confirm the association of high STAT1 expression with better response to chemotherapy, and provide additional validation of this protein as a predictive biomarker. Moreover these results draw attention to the possibility of utilizing the STAT1 pathway for the development new immunomodulator drugs, that could enhance response to treatment
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Role of Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 in Ovarian Cancer Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Drug SensitivityPowell, Chase David 17 November 2017 (has links)
The heat shock response (HSR) is a robust cellular reaction to mitigate protein damage from heat and other challenges to the proteome. This protective molecular program in humans is controlled by heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1). Activation of HSF1 leads to the induction of an array of cytoprotective genes, many of which code for chaperones. These chaperones, known as heat shock proteins (HSPs), are responsible for maintaining the functional integrity of the proteome. HSPs achieve this by promoting proper folding and assembly of nascent proteins, refolding denatured proteins, and processing for degradation proteins and aggregates which cannot be returned to a functional conformation. The powerful ability of the heat shock response to promote cell survival makes its master regulator, HSF1, an important point of research. To garner a better understanding of HSF1, we reviewed the role of the highly dynamic HSF1 protein structure and investigated how HSF1 affects cancer cell behavior and drug response.
Cancers can be characterized in part by abhorrent replication, self-sufficient growth signaling, invasion, and evasion of apoptosis. HSF1 has been found to promote proliferation, invasion, and drug resistance in several types of cancer; including lung and ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer has elevated levels of HSF1, but the role of HSF1 in ovarian cancer behavior had not been previously examined. Researching the role of HSF1 in ovarian cancer is merited, because treatment outcomes are poor due to the high frequency of late stage detection and drug resistance. We hypothesized that HSF1 is important in the malignant growth and drug resistance of ovarian cancer.
We have created ovarian cancer cell lines with inducible knockdown of HSF1 to investigate how HSF1 contributes to the behavior of ovarian cancer. This allowed us to examine the behavior of cells in the absence HSF1. Both 2D and 3D spheroid tissue culture models were used to study how HSF1 contributes to the growth and invasion of ovarian cancer cells after treatment with the transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) cytokine. Additionally, we studied how HSF1 reduction modulates the response to multiple therapeutic drugs. Our research shows that HSF1 induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in a 3D growth model. Our work also demonstrates that reduction of HSF1 sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to multiple drugs.
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Oxidative stress in the pathogenesis and prognosis of ovarian cancerPylväs-Eerola, M. (Marjo) 10 November 2015 (has links)
Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer-associated death in women in Finland. Although ovarian cancer is relatively common, the precise mechanism of its development is still unknown. Additionally, it appears that the modes of pathogenesis differ depending on histotype. Although the initial response to platinum-based chemotherapy is usually good, the majority of ovarian cancer patients relapse and develop platinum resistance. This is a major problem in the treatment of ovarian cancer.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are metabolites of oxygen. They are continuously formed in normal cells as a by-product of aerobic respiration and they play an important role in normal cell functions. Oxidative stress occurs when ROS formation overrides the antioxidative defence system. Oxidative stress is associated with carcinogenesis. A small proportion of cancer cells are stem cells that survive initial chemotherapy. These cells are suspected of being associated with the development of platinum resistance.
To evaluate the significance of oxidative stress in ovarian cancer we examined ROS-derived damage and antioxidant regulators in benign and borderline ovarian tumours and ovarian cancer samples by immunohistochemistry and analysis of serum samples. The existence of cancer stem cell markers was also assessed in ovarian cancer samples. The expression levels of various markers were compared with clinicopathological parameters.
Our results confirm that oxidative stress (8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine) exists in benign tumours and antioxidant enzymes, such as peroxiredoxins and thioredoxin are widely expressed in benign and borderline tumours. Oxidative stress was associated with poor survival, higher stage and platinum resistance in ovarian cancer. Oxidative stress markers were more strongly expressed in certain histotypes of ovarian cancer, such as serous and endometrioid type. Cancer stem cell markers were found in ovarian cancer and they were associated with the development of platinum resistance. These observations are beneficial in understanding the pathobiology of ovarian cancer and help in the design of new treatment options. / Tiivistelmä
Munasarjasyöpä on yksi merkittävistä syöpäkuolleisuuden aiheuttajista naisilla Suomessa. Se on kohtalaisen yleinen, mutta sen perimmäinen syntymismekanismi on vielä epäselvä. Lisäksi näyttää siltä, että eri histologioilla syntymekanismit poikkeavat toisistaan. Vaikka yleensä platinapohjaisella solunsalpaajahoidolla saadaan hyvä vaste, suurimmalla osalla hoidetuista potilaista tauti uusii ja kehittyy vastustuskyky platinapohjaisille solunsalpaajille. Tämä on suuri ongelma munasarjasyövän hoidossa.
Vapaat radikaalit ovat hapen johdannaisia. Niitä muodostuu jatkuvasti soluissa soluhengityksen sivutuotteena, ja niillä on tärkeä merkitys normaaleissa solun toiminnoissa. Jos vapaiden radikaalien tuotanto ylittää antioksidatiivisen puolustusjärjestelmän, syntyy oksidatiivinen stressitilanne. Oksidatiivisen stressin on todettu olevan yhteydessä useiden syöpien syntymiseen. Osaa syövän soluista kutsutaan kantasoluiksi. Nämä solut voivat selvitä solunsalpaajahoidoista ja niiden epäillään olevan yhteydessä vastustuskyvyn kehittymisessä platinapohjaisia sytostaatteja kohtaan.
Tutkimuksessamme arvioimme oksidatiivisen stressin merkitystä munasarjakasvaimissa. Tutkimme vapaiden radikaalien aiheuttamia vaurioita ja antioksidatiivisia säätelijöitä hyvänlaatuisissa, rajalaatuisissa sekä munasarjasyöpä kasvaimissa immunohistokemiallisesti ja seeruminäytteistä. Lisäksi selvitimme syövän kantasolumerkkiaineiden esiintymistä munasarjasyövässä. Tutkittujen merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia verrattiin kliinisiin potilastietoihin.
Tutkimustuloksemme mukaan oksidatiivista stressiä (8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine) esiintyi jo hyvänlaatuisissa kasvaimissa. Myös antioksidatiiviset entsyymit, kuten peroksiredoksiinit ja tioredoksiini, esiintyivät jo hyvänlaatuisissa ja rajalaatuisissa kasvaimissa. Oksidatiivinen stressi oli yhteydessä huonompaan tautiennusteeseen ja platinakohtaisen vastustuskyvyn kehittymiseen. Oksidatiivista stressiä oli enemmän seroosissa ja endometrioidissa munasarjasyöpätyypissä. Syövän kantasolumerkkiaineita esiintyi munasarjasyövässä, ja ne olivat yhteydessä huonontuneeseen hoitovasteeseen platinapohjaisille solunsalpaajille. Tulokset auttavat ymmärtämään munasarjasyövän syntymekanismeja ja suunnittelemaan uusia hoitovaihtoehtoja erityyppisissä munasarjasyövissä.
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The Effect of Hyperthermia on Doxorubicin Therapy and Nanoparticle Penetration in Multicellular Ovarian Cancer SpheroidsNagesetti, Abhignyan 12 February 2017 (has links)
The efficient treatment of cancer with chemotherapy is challenged by the limited penetration of drugs into the tumor. Nanoparticles (10 – 100 nanometers) have emerged as a logical choice to specifically deliver chemotherapeutics to tumors, however, their transport into the tumor is also impeded owing to their bigger size compared to free drug moieties. Currently, monolayer cell cultures, as models for drug testing, cannot recapitulate the structural and functional complexity of in-vivo tumors. Furthermore, strategies to improve drug distribution in tumor tissues are also required. In this study, we hypothesized that hyperthermia (43°C) will improve the distribution of silica nanoparticles in three-dimensional multicellular tumor spheroids. Tumor spheroids mimic the functional and histomorphological complexity of in-vivo avascular tumors and are therefore valuable tools to study drug distribution. Ovarian cancer (Skov3) and uterine sarcoma (MES-SA/Dx5) spheroids were generated using the liquid overlay method. The growth ratio and cytotoxicity assays showed that the application of adjuvant hyperthermia with Doxorubicin (DOX) did not yield higher cell killing compared to DOX therapy alone. These results illustrated the role of spheroids in resistance to heat and DOX. In order to study the cellular uptake kinetics of nanoparticles under hyperthermia conditions, the experimental measurements of silica nanoparticle uptake by cells were fitted using a novel inverse estimation method based on Bayesian estimation. This was coupled with advection reaction transport to model nanoparticle transport in spheroids. The model predicted an increase in Area Under the Curve (AUC) and penetration distance (W1/2) that were validated with in-vitro experiments in spheroids. Based on these observations, a novel multifunctional theranostic nanoparticle probe was created for generating highly localized hyperthermia by encapsulating a Near Infrared (NIR) dye, IR820 (for imaging and hyperthermia) and DOX in Organically modified silica nanoparticles (Ormosil). Pegylated Ormosil nanoparticles had an average diameter of 58.2±3.1 nm, zeta potential of -6.9 ± 0.1 mV and high colloidal stability in physiological buffers. Exposure of the IR820 within the nanoparticles to NIR laser led to the generation of hyperthermia as well as release of DOX which translated to higher cell killing in Skov3 cells, deeper penetration of DOX into spheroids and complete destruction of the spheroids. In-vivo bio-distribution studies showed higher fluorescence from organs and increased plasma elimination life of IR820 compared to free IR820. However, possible aggregation of particles on laser exposure and accumulation in lungs still remain a concern.
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Prédispositions génétiques au cancer du sein et de l'ovaire dans la population suisse entre 1996 et 2009 : bilan de l'activité oncogénétique et du dépistage de mutations constitutionnelles dans les gènes BRCA1/BRCA2 / Genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer in the Swiss population between 1996 and 2009 : Assessment of oncogenetic activity and results of BRCA1/BRCA2 germ-line mutation screeningAyme, Aurélie 13 December 2013 (has links)
Environ 5 à 10 % des cancers du sein et de l’ovaire sont liés à des prédispositions génétiques héréditaires. Les principaux gènes responsables de telles prédispositions sont BRCA1 et BRCA2. Depuis plusieurs années, l’analyse de ces gènes est proposée dans un cadre clinique. Aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) en Suisse, une consultation d’oncogénétique a été mise sur pied dès 1994 pour les personnes concernées par leurs antécédents personnels et familiaux de cancer. Jusqu’en 2009, le seul laboratoire suisse assurant l’analyse des gènes BRCA1/BRCA2 était établi aux HUG. Ce travail de thèse intègre, d’une part, des études en lien avec la démarche clinique de conseil génétique pour les formes familiales et héréditaires de cancer du sein et de l’ovaire et, d’autre part, une évaluation détaillée des données moléculaires résultant des analyses (n= 1'163) des gènes BRCA1/BRCA2 réalisées aux HUG entre 1996 et 2009. Des perspectives quant au développement de l’oncologie prédictive aux HUG et en Suisse, et à l’activité de conseillère en génétique particulièrement dans ce domaine, sont finalement présentées. / Genetic predispositions are responsible for 5 to 10 % of all breast and ovarian cancers. The main breast/ovarian cancer predisposing genes are BRCA1 and BRCA2. For some years, the screening of pathogenic mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2 genes is provided in a clinical setting. At the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG, Geneva, Switzerland), a consultation in predictive oncology has been set up since 1994 for individuals concerned by the evaluation of their familial cancer risk and the probability to carry a genetic predisposition to cancer. Until 2009, the single national laboratory for BRCA1/BRCA2 testing was established in the HUG. The objectives of this work were to evaluate different aspects of the consultation process for breast/ovarian cancer predisposition syndromes provided in our Unit and to review all BRCA1/BRCA2 complete screenings (n=1’163) performed between 1996 and 2009. Results of the present study will certainly influence future activity in predictive oncology, particularly regarding the role of the genetic counselor.
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La consommation d'alcool à vie et le risque de cancer épithélial de l'ovaireL'Espérance, Kevin 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer de l'ovaire est le cancer gynécologique le plus meurtrier chez les Canadiennes. Compte
tenu de son mauvais pronostic et de ses méthodes de dépistage précoce limitées, il est nécessaire
de mener des recherches pour identifier les facteurs susceptibles d'empêcher le cancer de l'ovaire
de se développer. L’alcool est un facteur de risque pour de nombreux cancers, mais sa relation avec
le cancer de l’ovaire demeure floue. Nous avons décidé d’étudier la relation entre la consommation
d'alcool au cours de la vie et le risque de cancer de l'ovaire.
Dans une étude cas-témoins basée sur la population à Montréal (2011-2016), 497 cas et 904
témoins ont rapporté leur consommation au cours de leur vie de vin rouge, de vin blanc, de bière
et de spiritueux, ainsi que d'autres variables. Pour la consommation totale d'alcool et pour chaque
type d'alcool spécifique, les rapports de cotes ajustés (OR) et les intervalles de confiance (IC) à
95% pour l'association avec le risque de cancer de l'ovaire ont été estimés à l'aide de la régression
logistique inconditionnelle.
Le lien entre la consommation totale d'alcool au cours de la vie et le risque de cancer de l'ovaire
explicitait une relation en forme de U: comparées à celles qui n'ont jamais bu, l’OR (IC à 95%)
était de 0,72 (0,52-0,99) pour les participantes qui buvaient >0 à <1 consommation par semaine,
de 0,83 (0,61-1,15) pour 1 à <3 consommations/semaine et de 0,98 (0,72-1,33) pour ³3
consommations/semaine. Une relation en forme de U a été suggérée pour la consommation de bière
et de spiritueux au cours de la vie, mais les OR étaient plus proches de la valeur nulle. Les analyses
par comportement tumoral ont suggéré que la consommation totale d'alcool au cours de la vie était
associée à un risque réduit de cancer de l'ovaire invasif, mais à un risque accru de cancer de l'ovaire
limite. Une tendance similaire a été observée pour la consommation de bière, mais pas pour les
spiritueux, le vin rouge ou le vin blanc.
La consommation d'alcool pourrait être associée de manière non linéaire au cancer de l'ovaire et
cette association pourrait varier en fonction du comportement tumoral. / Background:
Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer among Canadian women. Given its poor
prognosis and limited methods of early detection, research is necessary to identify factors that may
prevent ovarian cancer from occurring in the first place. Alcohol is a risk factor for many cancer
sites, but its relationship with ovarian cancer remains unclear. We investigated the relation between
lifetime alcohol consumption and ovarian cancer risk.
In a population-based case-control study in Montreal (2011-2016), 497 cases and 904 controls
reported their lifetime consumption of red wine, white wine, beer and spirits and other variables.
For total alcohol intake and each specific alcohol type, adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95%
confidence intervals (CI) for the association with ovarian cancer risk were estimated using
unconditional logistic regression.
The association between lifetime total alcohol intake and ovarian cancer risk was U-shaped:
compared to lifetime never drinkers, the OR (95% CI) was 0.72 (0.52-0.99) for drinking >0 to <1
drink/week, 0.83 (0.61-1.15) for 1-<3 drinks/week and 0.98 (0.72-1.33) for 3+ drinks/week. A Ushaped
relationship was suggested with lifetime consumption of beer and spirits but ORs were
nearer the null value. Analyses by tumour behaviour suggested that lifetime total alcohol intake
was associated with a reduced risk of invasive ovarian cancer but an increased risk of borderline
ovarian cancer. A similar pattern was observed for intake of beer, but not spirits, red or white wine.
Alcohol consumption may be non-linearly associated with ovarian cancer and the association may
vary by tumour behaviour.
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Hétérogénéité et mécanismes d’initiation de la réponse humorale dans les tumeurs du sein et de l’ovaire / Heterogeneity and initiation mechanisms of the humoral immune response in breast and ovarian tumorsCouillault, Coline 04 April 2019 (has links)
Les lymphocytes B (LB) et les plasmocytes (PC) émergent comme des cellules importantes dans la surveillance immunitaire des tumeurs, même si leur rôle pro- ou anti-tumoral reste activement débattu. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que cette dualité fonctionnelle de la réponse B pourrait être dictée par l'identité des sous-populations de LB infiltrant la tumeur et/ou par la nature des anticorps (Ac) qu’ils produisent. Dans ce contexte, nous avons montré que les tumeurs du sein et de l’ovaire sont souvent infiltrées par des LB mémoires et des PC exprimant/produisant principalement des IgG ou des IgA. Les IgA sont fortement enrichis dans les tumeurs mammaires in situ, plus précoces, et dans 15-20% des tumeurs invasives, suggérant un rôle différentiel des IgG et des IgA dans la progression tumorale. Les IgA, pouvant être monomériques ou dimériques dans les tumeurs, ciblent en général des antigènes (Ags) différents de ceux des IgG. Nous montrons de plus que les Ags ciblés par les IgA et les IgG sont souvent impliqués dans des fonctions de développement des tissus et d’interaction avec l’ADN, et sont parfois partagés entre patients et entre les types de tumeurs, suggérant leur importance dans la réponse anti-tumorale. En parallèle, grâce à l’étude des tumeurs de patientes souffrant d’un syndrome neurologique paranéoplasique, nous avons pu montrer que l’induction concomitante de PC à IgG et de LT CD8+ cytotoxiques dans la tumeur était liée à des amplifications et/ou des mutations dans les gènes des Ags tumoraux. Ces résultats mettent en évidence l’important des LB et des Ig dans la réponse anti-tumoral, et ouvre des pistes pour rechercher des cibles thérapeutiques en immunothérapie / B and plasma cells are rising as crucial cells in the immune surveillance of tumors, even though their pro- or anti-tumor role is still debated. We argue that this dual functionality of B cells could depend on the identity of tumor-infiltrating B cell subsets and/or by the nature of the antibodies they produce. With that knowledge, we showed that breast and ovarian tumors are usually infiltrated by memory B cells and plasma cells that express and/or produce mainly IgG or IgA. This last class of Ig in highly enriched in in situ carcinomas of the breast, corresponding to earlier tumors, and in 15-20% of invasive tumors, suggesting a differential role of IgG and IgA in tumor progression. IgA, that can be monomeric or dimeric in tumors, often target antigens that differ from those targeted by IgG. We also show that antigens targeted by IgA and IgG in the tumor are often involved in functions related to the development of tissues and DNA interactions, and can be share amongst patients and between breast and ovarian tumors, suggesting their importance in the anti-tumor immune response. In parallel, using tumors from patients suffering from a paraneoplastic neurological syndrome, we established that the concomitant induction of IgG PC and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in the tumor is associated wth amplifications and/or mutations in the genes of tumor antigens. These results highlight the importance of B cells and Ig in the anti-tumor immune response and give leads to look for new targets in immunotherapy
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